How to spray a greenhouse from phytophthora in spring. Cleaning the greenhouse from the remains of plants and additional materials. Greenhouse frame processing

Phytophthora is dangerous because it is very difficult to get rid of it. The fungus is able to calmly overwinter even in an unheated greenhouse. Consider how and with what to treat the greenhouse from phytophthora in the fall in order to destroy the spores of the fungus.

Preparing the greenhouse for processing

A feature of many fungal diseases is the ability to persist for a long time in the soil, on the structural parts of the greenhouse, in plucked grass and tops. Therefore, the processing of a greenhouse includes several stages, excluding one of which will not completely get rid of phytophthora.

All tools and fixtures must be removed from the greenhouse and must be processed

The preparatory stage involves cleaning the greenhouse:

  1. Remove all tools and aids from the greenhouse: pegs, ropes, twine for tying, trellises, supports, etc.
  2. Uproot the tops, the remains of plants. If they have been infected with late blight, they will need to be burned to kill the spores. It is worth burning them in any case so that no pests or viruses remain in them.
  3. Pull out all weeds. Burn.

Advice! All tools and equipment must be treated with copper sulfate in order to destroy the spores of the fungus, which are probably present on it.

After cleaning the greenhouse, it is necessary to disinfect the soil.

Soil disinfection

In autumn, the ground in the greenhouse needs to be dug up. This measure is necessary not only to prepare for the spring landing. Due to digging, pest larvae are found that have dug in for the winter. Once on the surface, they will die themselves from low winter temperatures.

If you cannot replace the greenhouse soil, then it must be disinfected

Advice! To get rid of pests and diseases, it is worth removing the top layer of earth (5 cm) from the greenhouse, where insects, larvae, microorganisms, viruses or fungal spores are usually stored.

You can disinfect the soil in the greenhouse in the fall by any of the options:

  • boiling water. Pour hot water over the earth and cover with a film. Hot steam kills most microorganisms and bacteria;
  • copper sulfate. Pour the earth with copper sulfate dissolved in a bucket of water (1 tbsp). It is often not recommended to repeat the procedure, since copper is able to linger in the ground and enter plants and fruits, and subsequently accumulate in the human body;

Do not forget that it is better to disinfect the soil in the fall, and not in the spring before planting crops.

  • lime. Dry powder must be sprinkled on the soil. Such a procedure is allowed only in the fall, in no case before planting seedlings in the spring;
  • formalin. You will need to dig grooves, pour substance into them, cover with a layer of earth and leave for 2 weeks. After that, you need to ventilate the greenhouse well by opening all the windows for 2-3 weeks. Dig the earth again to get rid of the smell;
  • ready mixes. Garden stores sell mixes for autumn greenhouse processing, you can use one of them.

Greenhouse processing

First of all, you need to wash the greenhouse. You can do this with plain soapy water. You can also add drugs that kill the fungus to the solution. It is necessary to wash all the details of the structure, windows and partitions. The same is done on the outside. Often use infusions of garlic, tobacco ash or mustard powder. Sometimes such procedures are enough to kill spores.

You also need to thoroughly wash the walls of the greenhouse.

If the late blight infection was large-scale, you should use one of these methods:

Attention! It is worth fumigating if the greenhouse is far from the house and living quarters, as sulfur emits a dangerous gas with a strong unpleasant odor.

Sulfur has a negative effect on the metal parts of the structure, so it should not be used in greenhouses, the frame of which is made of metal.

Soil preparation

The land in the greenhouse needs to be replaced every 3-5 years, even if there were no diseases in the greenhouse. And when infected with late blight, you can replace it completely: remove a layer of 10 cm and lay it in a prepared ridge. Sprinkle the soil with lime. In summer, you need to mix or dig up this land. After a year or two, it can be reused in a greenhouse or garden.

If you do not have the opportunity to replace the soil, then be sure to fertilize for the winter

For laying in a greenhouse, you can not use ordinary soil from the garden. It is also most likely infested or contains pests. It is better to prepare the soil yourself, add:

  • humus, manure;
  • sand, sawdust;
  • wood ash.

After the soil has been brought into the greenhouse, it should be treated with copper sulfate or potassium permanganate. You can spread mulch on the surface. Sometimes straw, corn tops or spruce branches are laid on top of the beds, after which the greenhouse is carefully closed for the winter.

Some amateur agronomists leave windows open in the greenhouse for the winter so that frost can affect the remaining microorganisms. At temperatures below -15-20°C, any bacteria, microorganisms, viruses and spores will die. Also, the earth will freeze a few centimeters and will be similarly disinfected. Thus, nature will complete the disinfection of the greenhouse.

Support for greenhouse

When preparing a greenhouse for winter, it is also worth remembering a few tips from experts:

  1. Put up supports. Winter can be snowy and snow accumulated on the roof can disrupt the structure. It is better to protect yourself from this than to repair or buy a greenhouse again in the spring.
  2. If the greenhouse is film: remove the film. Structural elements can be wrapped with a tarpaulin or other material so that the frame does not collapse from moisture and low temperatures.
  3. If the greenhouse is glass: you need to take care of the integrity of the structure. Provide for the possibility of snow accumulation on the roof. Perhaps it is better to remove some of the glasses so that they are not damaged.
  4. If the greenhouse is made of polycarbonate: leave the windows open. This will prevent the formation of frost on the material.

In winter, you can bring snow into the greenhouse and lay it out on the beds. So the earth is well saturated with moisture.

Autumn tillage in the greenhouse: video

Autumn work in the greenhouse: photo

Plants that live in a greenhouse are susceptible to attack by various pests and often suffer from all kinds of diseases. One of them is late blight. This disease is very dangerous, it can ruin all your hard work on growing plants and getting a rich harvest.

However, this can be avoided - it is necessary to carry out the autumn preparation of the greenhouse. How to treat the greenhouse from phytophthora in the fall? Consider the main methods.

Late blight is a serious fungal disease of plants caused by phytophthora, a fungus-like protist of the oomycete division. Translating its Latin name Phytophthora, we get the phrase "destroying plants." And it fully corresponds to the nature of the impact of this pathogen.

On a note! More than other crops, plants of the Solanaceae family suffer from phytophthora. These are potatoes, tomatoes, capsicum. Strawberries, buckwheat and other representatives of the flora are also susceptible to late blight.

Phytophthora reproduces by zoospores, which easily overwinter on old tubers, tops, other plant debris, and even in the soil. And as soon as favorable conditions are created, late blight wakes up, activates and begins to spread throughout the plants.

It is greenhouse, that is, moist and warm conditions that are most favorable for the rapid development and subsequent reproduction of this fungus. Phytophthora spores begin to develop on the foliage of plants at an air temperature above +10 degrees and a humidity of about 75%.

By the way, phytophthora will live not only on plants - it will happily nest for wintering on the greenhouse itself - its cover, frame.

On a note! Spores enter the soil when rain washes them off the leaves of plants, and infection can also occur with the help of wind - light spores are easily carried by air currents for many kilometers.

The main signs of damage to crops by late blight.

Late blight is a disease with which jokes are bad. If you do not fight it, do not take preventive measures to protect your favorite garden, then it can cause significant damage to your entire green economy, including the greenhouse.

Methods of struggle and popular means

One of the main methods of combating late blight is this. Proper processing will not only help to cope with this scourge and protect your crop in the future, but also prepare the house for plants for spring, and you will not have to improve it before the start of the summer season.

The greenhouse is disinfected in various ways:

  • chemical;
  • biological;
  • temperature.

On a note! The greatest effect is the complex use of all types of greenhouse processing in the fall, and not just one.

For soil treatment in a greenhouse, chemical or temperature methods are most often used. The building itself must be treated with chemicals.

Table. Preparations against late blight, suitable for processing greenhouse structures.


As they say, cheap and cheerful. Bleach is the best option for treating timber-framed greenhouses, as it protects the wood from decay and woodworms. It is enough to dilute only 400 g of the substance in a 10-liter bucket of water and let it brew for about 4 hours, and the terrible poison for phytophthora is ready. Lubricate the entire surface of the greenhouse with liquid, and then the wooden frame. After processing, the design is closed for 2-3 days.

But not only the design of the greenhouse itself needs to be processed if you want to get rid of phytophthora with a 100% guarantee. Remember that spores can also overwinter in the ground, so treat it in the fall.

The main methods of tillage against phytophthora.

The process of processing greenhouses from phytophthora

How to prepare a greenhouse for winter and process it from phytophthora? Everything is very simple. And we will use several methods in combination for reliability.

Step 1. After harvesting, remove plant remains from the greenhouse: tops, fruit pieces, if possible, all roots. It is especially important to remove all tomatoes, peppers, that is, Solanaceae. And it is extremely important to do this if you find the first signs of late blight on plants. Also throw away any old garters and pegs.

Step 2 Burn everything that was collected and taken out of the greenhouse.

Step 3 Prepare a soapy solution: dissolve grated laundry soap in warm water and wash the entire greenhouse with the resulting preparation. This will remove external dirt and - in part - late blight spores.

Step 4 If possible, remove the top layer of soil by about 5-10 cm.

Step 5 If it is not possible to remove the soil, proceed to the processing of the greenhouse structure and soil. To begin with, treat the greenhouse itself with chlorine-lime mortar, preparing it as indicated in the table above.

Step 6 2-3 days after the work with bleach, prepare a solution of copper sulfate for tillage. Pour them well all over the soil.

Step 7 Also use a smoke bomb. Light the sulfur, close the greenhouse, smoke it well and leave it closed for 3-4 days.

Step 8 If you have removed soil, place fresh soil in the greenhouse at this point.

Step 9 When the cold weather sets in, open the greenhouse and let the soil freeze well for a few days.

Step 10 Cover the soil in the greenhouse with a layer of snow.

Video - Greenhouse treatment against phytophthora


In order to protect your greenhouse as much as possible from the appearance of late blight, you should also carry out the prevention of this disease. There is nothing complicated in these activities, but they will provide maximum protection against a terrible fungus.

The main thing is not to plant potatoes and tomatoes nearby. The crops belong to the same family, both of these plants are Solanaceae, which means that infection of one will easily lead to infection of the other if they grow close to each other. And even if the spatial isolation has been observed, be sure to burn without residue all the tops of both tomatoes and potatoes.

One of the best preventive measures is the possibility of creating two greenhouses. They should alternate crops grown annually. For example, this year tomatoes grow in greenhouse No. 1, and next year it is better to plant them in greenhouse No. 2, and let there be cucumbers in the first one. However, this method can only be implemented if there is a sufficiently spacious suburban area.

The best preventive measure is the arrangement of two greenhouses

Do not forget to disinfect the greenhouse annually using chemical, biological methods. By the way, if your plants were not affected by phytophthora, then the usual washing of the structure with copper sulphate, fumigation with sulfur or treatment with bleach will be enough. It is not necessary to remove the soil or shed it, it is better to add useful microflora to it. The main thing is to do it in the summer, while it is still warm outside, since biological preparations do not work at sub-zero temperatures. In general, the treatment with "Fitosporin" is recommended to be carried out every 15 days.

Pay attention to what you plant. As for tomatoes, choose those seeds that were obtained at least two years ago. Phytophthora has definitely died on them, even if it was, and will not infect other crops.

On a note! "Epidemics" of late blight begin by the end of summer, which means that it is advisable to grow those varieties that will finish fruiting as early as possible.

Also look at how you plant - do not place tomato bushes in the greenhouse close to each other, so that late blight would be harder to move from one plant to another and spread throughout the greenhouse. And be sure to remove and burn old and dying leaves.

To avoid late blight, feed your tomatoes regularly. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are excellent for these purposes.

Late blight is a dangerous fungal disease of plants, it spreads quickly and destroys the entire crop. If in the summer you found this attack in your greenhouses, then in the shade you need to make an effort to get rid of the spores of the fungus. Otherwise, new seedlings in the spring will be hit again. How to process the greenhouse after phytophthora in the fall, "Popular about health" will tell.

Why in the fall after phytophthora to process the space of the greenhouse?

It would seem that the cold of winter itself will do all the work. But, in fact, the spores of the fungus that causes this plant disease persist throughout the winter in the greenhouse. They do not die, as many people think. Inside the greenhouses for fungus spores, optimal conditions are formed - even in winter it is more or less warm and humid there. Phytophthora actively reproduces at temperatures above +12 degrees and at air humidity within 70 percent.

Even if you remove all the remains of plants from the greenhouse, the spores will remain in the soil. As soon as you plant new seedlings, the disease will immediately hit the plants and deprive you of the right to enjoy a wonderful harvest. That is why it is imperative to disinfect the greenhouse if phytophthora has been seen in it. How to do it?

Methods for disinfecting a greenhouse from late blight

Autumn processing of greenhouses from phytophthora includes several aspects. First, it is cleaning the greenhouse. Before proceeding with the processing of the internal space, it is necessary to collect all the tops, the remains of fruits, plants, leaves - take it outside the site and immediately burn it. After the elimination of sources of infection, you can proceed to the autumn processing of the greenhouse from late blight.

All disinfection work can be divided into three types of impact on the fungus:

1. Chemical.

2. Thermal.

3. Biological.

Each of them is effective, but it still makes sense to combine several methods of treating greenhouses from phytophthora.

Chemical disinfection

For chemical disinfection of the soil, the following preparations and solutions are used:

1. A solution of potassium permanganate. It is prepared by dissolving 1 gram of granules in a ten-liter bucket of water. The soil is irrigated with the finished product and the walls of the greenhouse are wiped from the inside.

2. Copper sulfate. A solution for watering the soil is prepared by dissolving 5 grams of the substance in 10 liters of water.

3. Laundry soap also helps to cope with the enemy to some extent, but you should not count on this method alone. Although, it is still possible to wash the inside of glass or a film with a frame with soapy water. Dissolve crushed laundry soap (100 grams) in 10 liters of water and process the greenhouse, paying attention to profile joints and crevices.

4. Another insidious enemy of phytophthora is bleach available to everyone. Its solution is used to treat the walls and frame of the greenhouse. Dilute it according to the instructions in a bucket of water and let it brew.

5. Sulfur checkers have proven themselves in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms, fungi and even pests. To disinfect the greenhouse and certainly destroy the enemy, you need to take 150 grams of sulfur bombs for every cubic meter of space. The substance is set on fire and fumigated inside the greenhouse, tightly closing it. A person should not go inside for at least 48 hours. After that, it is recommended to ventilate the greenhouse.

6. The drug Fitosporin will help to completely get rid of the fungal infection. It is necessary to carry out several tillage.

Disinfection with high or low temperature

If you are not a fan of chemicals, you may prefer safer methods of dealing with phytophthora in the greenhouse in the fall. The soil that is infected with the fungus must be replaced in whole or in part, removing the top layer 10-12 centimeters thick. If this is not possible for any reason, then try pouring boiling water over the soil. Immediately after the procedure, cover the soil with a dense film. Perform this disinfection three times every 3 days.

Exposure to frosty air also helps fight late blight. In winter, when hard frosts begin, open the greenhouse and leave it there for several days so that the soil freezes well. However, not everyone trusts such methods of processing greenhouses. Many gardeners prefer to deal with a fungal infection in a more effective way.

Biological treatment of the greenhouse in autumn

Biological disinfection refers to the settlement of microorganisms in the soil that adversely affect late blight and other infections. On sale there are preparations containing such microorganisms in their composition, for example, “Shine” or “Baikal EM-1”.

Processing after phytophthora - step by step instructions

1. Remove all plant debris, burn it.

2. Wash the inside walls of the greenhouse with soapy water.

3. Treat the structure with bleach solution.

4. If the soil remains in the greenhouse, spill it with blue vitriol, according to the instructions.

5. Use a sulfur bomb for fumigation.

6. Ventilate the greenhouse.

7. In winter, open it during severe frosts for several days.

Late blight, although a dangerous plant disease, can still be fought with it. You, too, will be able to defeat him if you act according to the instructions. The main thing is not to leave chances for infection, it is better to apply several methods of struggle at once in order to eliminate late blight for sure.

If the crops on your site or in the greenhouse have already suffered from phytophthora, treatment in the fall in buildings with closed ground is required. Measures can also be taken to prevent the development of this fungal disease.

Processing methods

Disinfection of a polycarbonate greenhouse, which helps to get rid of, and in the future to protect the crop from phytophthora, can be done in different ways. Experienced summer residents who have already encountered this disease believe that autumn processing is the most effective. It remains only to choose the means and method of disinfection.

  • With the use of chemicals;
  • biological preparations;
  • Temperature method;

The frame and other elements of the greenhouse are well processed using chemical components. It is better to expose the soil in the greenhouse to high temperatures, biopreparations, or apply chemical elements.

Greenhouse processing from phytophthora in autumn begins with structures. To do this, you can use a sprayer or brushes with long pile. Since phytophthora microspores are found almost everywhere, corners, joints of parts and cracks should be treated with special attention. In autumn, aggressive greenhouse preparations are permissible, because they will evaporate before planting a tomato or other crops.

Laundry soap solution

Using this method is simple and safe. Of course, it is impossible to 100% defeat phytophthora with a soapy solution, but some of the microbes will die, and the structures will be dust-free and ready for further action. To obtain a soapy solution, you need to put a piece of laundry soap in a bucket of water and wait until it becomes sour, then mix everything thoroughly and proceed to processing. If there is no time to wait, you can grate the soap on a grater. When processing the greenhouse with this agent, transparency is maintained.

sulfur checkers

Before fumigating greenhouses with sulfur, it is necessary to treat all metal elements with grease, since sulfur vapor causes severe corrosion. Autumn processing of the greenhouse from phytophthora gray is one of the most effective. Sulfur is placed on metal sheets and installed in different parts of the greenhouse away from wooden objects and structures. To make the substance catch fire quickly, a little kerosene is dripped onto it. But the most convenient are sulfur checkers. During the ignition of sulfur, a gas is formed that is able to penetrate into the narrowest and most hidden places. As soon as the checker begins to burn, you must immediately leave the greenhouse, as the vapors emitted are dangerous to humans. Close the door and all openings tightly. You can open the building in 3-4 days.

blue vitriol

Copper sulphate is able to destroy any microorganisms. To obtain a working solution, the following proportions are used: 100 g per 10 liters of water.

Bleaching powder

The processing of a polycarbonate greenhouse in the fall from phytophthora is carried out using bleach. The solution is prepared from 400 grams of lime and 10 liters of water, all components are mixed and allowed to brew for four hours. Before treating the greenhouse with bleach, wear a mask and gloves. The remaining sediment can be used for wooden surfaces, including seedling boxes. After disinfection, you can not enter the greenhouse for two days.


Often summer residents ask how to treat the greenhouse after phytophthora in the fall, to which experts respond with various fungicide preparations. These include "Acrobat-MC", "Profit", "Fitosparin", "Kartocide" and others. It should be noted that these drugs are used to protect plants, and in the case of greenhouse disinfection, their concentration should be much higher.

The best option is to replace the soil layer. It is removed by about 10-15 cm. The removed land is not used for three years. The removed layer is replaced with humus or peat. Next, the beds are dug up. The disadvantage of this time is a waste of a lot of time and effort.

Biological method

Beneficial bacteria will help to defeat phytophthora microbes. A large number of them in the soil contributes to its improvement. The most common means are "Baikal EM" and "Shine". You can also use compost, nettle infusion, manure. Planting radish or mustard as green manure also helps. All these means with the help of beneficial microorganisms make the soil alive and healthy.

Watering the soil with preparations

One of the widely used elements for soil disinfection is potassium permanganate. Before watering, remove the weight of the remains of vegetable crops and weeds. For watering the soil, a solution of saturated pink color is prepared. Treatment with potassium permanganate is recommended to be repeated after 10 days. Working equipment can also be placed in a solution of potassium permanganate for 15-20 minutes. If the soil is sufficient, moistened, then Fitosporin can be used as an option.

Thermal processing

Phytophthora spores do not tolerate severe frosts and bright sun, so if it works out, it is better to leave the greenhouse open for better freezing of the soil. Moreover, it is not necessary to remove polycarbonate sheets, it will be enough to have open windows and doors.

Spilling the soil with boiling water also takes place; after such a procedure, to enhance the effect, the soil is covered with a cellophane film. The procedure is repeated after 7-10 days.

When choosing a method of dealing with phytophthora, it is better not to rely on one thing, but to deal with this disease in a complex way. Also, when processing, do not forget about racks, shelves, garden tools. Today you learned how to treat a polycarbonate greenhouse in the fall from phytophthora. Surely our recommendations will help you get good harvests next year.

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