Figs for cough preparation. Simple but effective recipes for figs with cough milk. What cough helps

Milk with figs for cough is an unconventional method of therapy for coughs of an inflammatory nature. The effectiveness of the drug is due to the pronounced diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous actions. It has a beneficial effect on the mucous epithelium, restoring its structure.

There are several basic recipes that effectively alleviate the symptoms of acute obstructive bronchitis, tracheitis, sore throat and sore throat against a cold. Milk-fig remedy often is prescribed in pediatric practice as a complex treatment for attacks of dry and wet cough.


Milk with figs can be taken orally to improve the general condition against a debilitating cough, as well as at night to eliminate night attacks. There are only three main recipes for treating cough in children with the help of a milk-fig composition.

traditional recipe

For cooking, you need 500 ml of fresh goat or cow's milk. Milk with high fat content is recommended to create a kind of protective film on the mucous membranes of the larynx. Milk is placed in a glass bowl and put on a slow fire. It is important that the milk does not boil, but is hot enough. After washing 5-6 figs, cut in half and placed in milk. The composition is left on low heat for about 30 minutes.

After the saucepan with milk and figs is removed from the fire and put in a blanket. For efficiency, you can close the pillows. The product should stand for 4 hours. The ingredients are applied separately. Figs can be eaten before meals, divided into equal portions. Milk, 250 ml each, is drunk warmed up at night. The remaining portion can be stored in the refrigerator and drunk the next day.

Figs for the traditional recipe, you can choose both fresh and dried or dried. Especially useful are the dark purple figs.

Soup-cream of milk and figs

For cooking, you need to choose 4-5 purple figs and 400 ml of full-fat milk (you can use rustic natural or pasteurized). Figs are washed well, soaked in boiling water for 2-3 minutes and rinsed under cold water. The berries are placed in a saucepan, poured with milk and put on low heat. It is important not to bring the milk to the maximum boil.

Fig berries are simmered in milk for about an hour, stirring frequently. This time is quite enough for the milk to be enriched with the constituent components of the fig. Milk should be sweetish and have a brown tint. The saucepan should be removed from the heat and let it brew at room temperature. After that, you can combine milk and fruits well with an immersion blender until a creamy liquid mass is obtained. Children will love this drink. It can be eaten with a spoon like soup or drunk like jelly. It is important that the composition is slightly hot.

Figs with milk and ginger

To prepare the recipe, you will need ginger root, 5 figs and 300 ml of milk. The berries are washed, cut in half and poured with boiled milk. Rub a little ginger on a fine grater (1 teaspoon). The composition is insisted for about an hour, after which it is again heated and drunk. The sweetness of the figs overcomes the bitterness of the ginger, so you can take the remedy without worrying about the deterioration of its taste.

Milk with figs can also be used topically in the form of rubbing the chest and back. Before use, the mixture should be warm, but not very hot. After rubbing put on cotton underwear. You can apply compresses. To do this, a mushy mass of milk, grated figs and ginger is spread on a gauze bandage and applied to the sternum or back. Then they fix it with a warm scarf and go to bed.

You can gargle with a milk-fig mixture several times a day after each meal.

Milk with figs is an excellent remedy for alleviating coughing fits for children over 3 years old. At an earlier age, foods can provoke allergic reactions. In the absence of positive dynamics for 3-5 days, it is necessary to consult a doctor for diagnosis and drug therapy.

Feeling the frightening signs of a cold, you should not immediately run to the pharmacy for expensive medicines. Folk remedies are often much more effective than the most modern drugs. And with a cold, first of all, it is worth remembering the cough figs. A recipe with milk will not only quickly relieve you of unpleasant symptoms, but will also please your tongue.

Useful berry

In former times, figs were known in our area under the name of figs or figs. And the people were well aware of its miraculous qualities. Cough figs were especially popular: the recipe with milk was tested on many generations of our ancestors. However, the fig was used not only for these purposes. It is able to normalize the work of all parts of the intestine, together with the stomach. Fig is highly recommended for the kidneys as it is a mild and effective diuretic.

Although figs are most often used for coughs, a recipe with milk will also be useful for cores. The fig contains a considerable amount of potassium, which gives the vessels high elasticity; for the same reason, hypertensive patients should not forget about it. At the same time, the fruits contain an enzyme called ficin, which reduces the ability of blood to clot. This promotes the resorption of already formed blood clots and prevents the appearance of new ones. So figs can be an excellent preventive and therapeutic agent for thrombosis. A person who regularly eats figs is practically insured against heart attacks and strokes.

Steamed figs with cough milk: recipe

Reviews of traditional healers allow us to conclude that there are several ways to make a tasty and effective medicine. We are the first to propose a technology in which, as it is believed, the loss of useful properties and components is minimal. To prepare the drug, 4-5 figs are steamed in a glass of boiled milk. To speed up the process, it is recommended to chop the fruits. When the berries are completely softened, they are ground with a liquid base to the maximum possible uniformity. You need to drink the medicine warm, half a glass, two to four times a day.

boiled fruits

There is a faster way to cook figs with cough milk. The recipe suggests taking two or three fresh figs per glass of liquid. Milk is poured at normal temperature, neither chilled nor heated. The vessel with the components is placed on the stove; as soon as the milk boils, you need to remove the foam from it. Of course, this stage is unprincipled, but most children turn their noses at the sight of foam and refuse to be treated even with goodies. In addition, the foam settles on the berries and gives them an unpleasant stickiness. You need to cook the medicine until it acquires a brownish color. For treatment, milk is drunk between meals, and a berry is eaten. Approaches to the drug should be at least two. If you do not stop taking it after recovery, then in two weeks the drink will significantly strengthen the immune system.

We are treated with dried fruit

Most often, fresh figs are quite difficult to buy. Usually they are on sale either in dried or dried form. Using the above methods, it is not possible to extract all the beneficial substances from the fruits, and the medicine is too “weak”. Therefore, it will have to be prepared in three stages.

  1. A glass of cold milk is taken, 2-3 figs are laid in it. Settling should last at least half an hour.
  2. The bowl is placed on a very slow fire; its contents are slowly brought to a boil, which lasts no longer than a minute.
  3. The medicine is removed from the stove, the container is covered (you can wrap it up so that it cools more slowly), and the drug is infused for about a third of an hour.

If you cooked milk and figs in this way, you can do it in two ways. According to the first, the figs are kneaded into gruel along with milk. So the remedy is more effective, but the taste is cloying, which not everyone will like. The second technique is to drain and take only milk. Efficiency, judging by the reviews, is somewhat lower, but for non-lovers of sweet taste is more acceptable.

For lactose intolerance

Allergy to dairy products is not uncommon. However, it is often accompanied by reactions to drugs. Therefore, such allergy sufferers strive to use folk remedies to the maximum from all sores. For example, use figs for coughing. The recipe with milk, of course, cannot be applied. However, you should not despair: this wonderful fruit will help without the dairy component. Figs (pieces of eight medium berries) are cut into smaller pieces and poured with a glass of clean water. The vessel with the workpiece is placed on a quiet fire. After boiling, the future medicine is boiled for about twenty minutes, until the fruits begin to spread. At this point, another glass of water is added, and the same amount of sugar is poured. The drug is boiled until the sugar is completely dissolved, and the contents of the saucepan resemble thick syrup. At the end, the broth is flavored with fresh grated ginger (about a spoon) and the juice of half a lemon. Treatment consists in taking syrup in the amount of a dessert spoon three times a day.

741 04/04/2019 6 min.

Are you tired of coughing? Banks, mustard plasters, compresses and ointments do not help get rid of it? So, it's time to look for another remedy that can overcome this unpleasant phenomenon.

Among the many modern remedies used for coughing, there are many safe ones that were used in the old days. One of them is cough milk with figs, the recipe for which is very simple and accessible to everyone. How can figs be used in the fight against cough and other ailments?

Description of the symptom

Cough is a symptom of many diseases. It can appear with a cold, bronchitis, tracheitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, tuberculosis and other pulmonary diseases. It is necessary to treat, first of all, the underlying disease, but at the same time it can be facilitated by applying various ones. Folk remedies are especially useful in this case. Among them, an important place is occupied by such a product as figs.

Beneficial features

Figs are the oldest deciduous plant of the Mulberry family of the genus Ficus. In the people it is called the common fig tree, wine berry or fig bush. Fresh fig fruits contain proteins, fats, tannins, organic acids, sugars, minerals. In dried form, figs are used much more often, since there is much more protein and sugar in them than in fresh fruits. Thanks to these properties, the taste is more saturated, sweet and tart.

The calorie content of the fruit is very high, approximately 320 kilocalories per 100 grams of fresh fruit.

Figs are rich in potassium, so they are very good for the heart and for strengthening bones. In terms of potassium content, even nuts are inferior to it.

In terms of iron, figs are superior to apples, so this fruit is useful for raising hemoglobin and improving blood composition.

Other health benefits of figs:

  • Reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  • Strengthens immunity.
  • It is very useful for children: for teeth, for bones and in general for a growing organism.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • It contains a lot of coarse fibers that are not absorbed, not digested, but swell in the intestines, capture toxic substances and remove them from the body.
  • Figs are also useful for the gastrointestinal tract. Prevents constipation.
  • Reduces the reproduction of cancer cells, which has been proven in scientific experiments.
  • It contains antioxidants, so it slows down the aging process.
  • Treats tracheitis and bronchitis.
  • It has a hemostatic effect due to the content of the enzyme ficin in it.
  • Helps to recover faster after serious illnesses.

Fresh figs are an excellent diaphoretic and antipyretic, so it is useful to use it for ARVI, acute respiratory infections and other respiratory diseases.

Indications and contraindications for use

Figs are very useful for both children and adults in any form. However, for medicinal purposes, it should be taken with great care and should be completely excluded in diseases such as:

  • Gastritis, ulcer, enterocolitis and other diseases of the stomach;
  • pancreatitis;
  • Diabetes;
  • Enteritis;
  • Gout.

Before starting treatment with figs, it is necessary to consult a therapist, pulmonologist, allergist and, if it is a child, a pediatrician. Allergies and contraindications for people with kidney stones, gallbladder, pancreatitis and cholecystitis are possible for some ingredients.

Small children under 6 years of age should not drink fig drink. Pregnant women need to consult an obstetrician ─ gynecologist on the use of fig milk.

Do not forget that fruits can cause loose stools. Fig-based products are used with caution when a person suffers from salt metabolism disorders, he has urolithiasis.

Recipes that are good for the body

Figs are not only tasty, but also a very useful fruit, which is used in folk medicine to get rid of dry and wet coughs, sore throats. If you insist it in hot milk, you get a healing, tasty and sweet drink that both an adult and a child will drink with pleasure.

Figs with milk

in combination with figs, it softens the throat, envelops the mucous membranes, and soothes the cough. Figs with milk are especially effective when it occurs against the background of bronchitis and tracheitis. However, even with the beginning of a cold cough, the remedy will cope easily and quickly.

It is recommended to prepare a fig-milk drink for the treatment of colds, tracheitis, and other respiratory diseases. This remedy stimulates the liquefaction and evacuation of sputum, relieves inflammation of the throat, increases immune defense, brings down the temperature, soothes, and normalizes sleep.

How to cook figs with cough milk?


  1. Rinse the fruits well;
  2. Put them in a deep dish;
  3. Pour in milk (one fig should be poured into 1.5 cups of warm milk);
  4. Bring the mixture to a boil, then simmer for 30 minutes.

During the boil, the milk should evaporate by about a third. Next, the mixture must be removed from the heat and let it brew in something warm (you can wrap the saucepan in a towel) so that all the components are steamed and give their healing properties to milk.

Figs with milk are used to treat many other diseases associated with the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. This tool can gargle in case of manifestation of inflammatory processes in the mouth or throat.

Figs with milk can also be consumed by pregnant women. A milk drink will not bring any harm to the body of a future mother and her child, but it will relieve a cough. At the same time it will strengthen the heart, joints, nervous system.

The benefits of decoction of figs

Thanks to the vitamins contained in figs, a decoction of this fruit has anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, antipyretic properties.
The healing components of the fig drink have a beneficial effect on the upper respiratory tract, relieve inflammation of the upper lobes of the bronchi, facilitate breathing with a stuffy nose and pain in the trachea.

A decoction of figs can be used to rub the chest. You should take 5 fruits and brew them in a glass of milk. The procedure is carried out 4 times a day.

A decoction of figs is also used to gargle a sore throat.

Dried fig cough syrup

Fig syrup is suitable for people with lactose intolerance who do not tolerate milk well.

The ingredients for this recipe are figs and water (8 figs per 250 g of water). Grind figs, put in a bowl and pour boiling water. The duration of cooking this syrup is 20-25 minutes. Next, you need to take out the boiled figs, increase the volume of the broth to its original size by adding water. Then you should add sugar to taste and cook, stirring constantly, until the sugar is completely dissolved. In the finished broth, add 1 teaspoon of ground ginger and squeeze. Pour the syrup into clean, dry glass jars. Take for coughs throughout the day in the amount of 3-4 dessert spoons for adults and 1-2 dessert spoons for children.

Then fig syrup will also help restore it. To do this, boil 6 figs for 2 hours in 2 glasses of milk. During this time, the liquid should evaporate by half. Treat with this decoction 4 times a day for half a glass.

Leaf decoction

Fig leaves contain a milky juice of an unpleasant taste. But they are also treated, wetting bandages in it and applying them to compacted lymph nodes, neoplasms.

From diarrhea drink a decoction of the leaves and bark of the tree.

The leaves of the fig tree are the raw material for the manufacture of the drug Psoberan, intended for patients with vitiligo, nested baldness.

Preparing figs with honey

Take figs and honey in equal amounts. Scroll in a meat grinder, then mix with honey using a blender. Pour into a glass container and store in the refrigerator. The remedy is extremely sweet, so the scheme for preparing and taking the medicine is as follows:

  1. Boil 1 glass of milk.
  2. Cool to a temperature of 35 - 40º C.
  3. Thoroughly stir 1 teaspoon of the mixture into the liquid.
  4. Take half a glass 3 times a day.

The following tool will be especially useful for heavy smokers. It will cleanse the bronchi and lungs. To do this, grind 10 fresh figs in a meat grinder and mix with a small amount of honey. The result should be a viscous paste with a homogeneous structure. It is better to take the remedy on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp. spoon, chewing thoroughly and drinking a glass of milk. After a month of regular use, there is a significant improvement in mitigation, and the healing process will go much faster. Take 8 figs, chop them, pour a glass of water and simmer for 20 minutes. Then add 2 parts water and some sugar. Put the mixture back on the fire and bring to a complete dissolution of the sugar. Next, add the juice of half a lemon and 1 teaspoon. Use a dessert spoon 3 times a day.

Figs with radish

Radish is often mentioned in. The most popular is the combination of radish with honey. But the combination with figs is no less effective. To prepare a healing agent, you need to clean and rub the black radish. Then take 6 figs, chop, add 10 tbsp. spoons of honey and mix all the ingredients. Cover the mixture with a thin towel and place in a cool, dark place overnight. Use for the treatment of cough 1 tbsp. spoon in the morning.



By itself, coughing is not dangerous. However, if no measures are taken, then it can turn into more serious diseases - pneumonia or bronchitis. Figs will help prevent this complication. The recipes mentioned above in the article are very effective only if used regularly until the disease subsides.

Figs in milk will help, laryngitis, tracheitis. However, you can not rely only on its miraculous power. For some people, recipes with figs help well from the very first days, and for someone, in addition, they will need another course of antibiotics. It is necessary to combine folk remedies with medication. Only complex treatment will defeat the cough.

Colds and their symptoms are often treated with folk remedies, which often turn out to be more effective than other methods. One such remedy is milk with figs. Depending on the method of preparation, various effects can be achieved, but the treatment of severe and prolonged cough remains the main focus.

Milk with figs for cough

Recipes based on dried or fresh figs primarily have a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect. At the same time, active ingredients help to improve the respiratory system, improve the condition of the nasopharynx, trachea and bronchi.

This approach, in turn, allows you to overcome a lingering cough, as well as its manifestations after the treatment of relapse of chronic bronchitis. A warm drink based on the presented ingredients removes phlegm, softens the larynx, and also enhances the potential of the immune system.


What are the beneficial properties of this drink in the treatment of the human respiratory system:

  1. Enrichment of the body with vitamins;
  2. Antipyretic effect due to diaphoretic effects;
  3. Mucolytic effect;
  4. Acceleration of regenerative processes in the tissues of the respiratory system due to tissue softening;
  5. Creating conditions for the rapid removal of inflammation;
  6. Strengthening immunity, both local and general.


Such a drink is indicated for drinking with the following diseases and symptoms:

  • Strong, ;
  • At ;
  • At ;
  • The presence of inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract.

If you follow a similar list of symptoms, then this remedy is effective for bronchitis, SARS, influenza, and other pathologies of the respiratory tract.

Benefits and harms, compatibility of milk with figs in our video:

Multiple Recipes

There are several recipes for this remedy, taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease and concomitant contraindications:

  1. Washed figs in the amount of 3-4 pieces, pour a glass of milk and put on the stove to warm up. As soon as the mixture boils, the gas is reduced to a minimum and simmered for 2 hours, until the mixture becomes brownish. It is better to heat in a water bath. Then pour into a container and use 50-100 ml. if you leave the figs in milk, then mash it to a puree state before putting it in the refrigerator. Store no more than 3 days.
  2. For those who cannot tolerate milk, this ingredient is removed from the recipe. Instead, a glass of water is added to 8 dried figs and the mixture is boiled for about half an hour. Next, a glass of sugar and water are added to the resulting mass to make a syrup. After mixing the ingredients, add a pinch of dry ginger and about 20 ml of lemon juice.

The same recipes can be used for rinsing.

You should know that this method has its own application features:

  1. You can not use it if the patient has, and also if problems with the respiratory system as a whole are caused by an allergic reaction.
  2. Before use, the solution is always heated to a warm state. You can't drink it hot.
  3. Reception to carry out up to 3 times a day.
  4. Any of the recipes is used for 10-30 days, depending on the course of the disease.
  5. The tool can be used during pregnancy, as well as in childhood. In the case of children, it can be given only if it does not cause side effects, and also if the child is generally able to drink such a remedy.

In the case of children's use, it should be borne in mind that the children's body is more sensitive to allergens, and therefore can give an allergic reaction faster and stronger. Therefore, you should carefully monitor its condition. In general, it is not recommended to use the remedy for a child under 1 year old.

Hello dear readers. Figs are a cultivated plant that produces sweet, pear-shaped fruits. Medicinal properties of seedlings have been discovered since time immemorial and are successfully used to this day. The plant has several synonymous names familiar to many: fig, fig tree, wine berry. Traditional medicine recipes use fruits, both fresh and dried, as well as fig leaves. Medicinal properties of seed fruits are provided by their chemical composition. They contain a lot of both fructose and glucose, which gives the fruits a pleasant sweetness. The pulp contains fats, proteins, some organic acids, as well as tannins. Figs are rich in β-carotene and vitamin compounds (C, PP, B1, B3). The fruits contain a solid supply of potassium, as well as other valuable minerals (calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc.).

There are two types of figs - purple and light, depending on the variety of the plant. They differ not only in color, but also in medicinal properties.

In light figs, they are expressed to a much lesser extent. Therefore, for the treatment and prevention of various diseases, the use of dark berries is more appropriate.

The use of figs for medicinal and recreational purposes is quite wide. Juicy pulp has a pronounced diaphoretic effect, which makes it a valuable antipyretic and cleansing agent.

It also helps to quench thirst, which is also useful at elevated body temperature. Figs are also high in iron.

There is more of it here than, for example, in apples. Therefore, these berries are indicated for use in diseases associated with glandular deficiency.

Figs have also been used to normalize the heart rhythm, as well as to solve other problems of the cardiovascular system.

Seedlings, especially dried ones, are quite nutritious. In addition, they have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal processes, stimulate digestion, increase appetite, and also have a general tonic effect.

Because of these properties, figs are used as a natural tonic. It is used to improve the functioning of the digestive system, is given to children who do not eat well, is recommended at the recovery stage after suffering a long illness.

It should be borne in mind that the wine berry gives a laxative effect, which will be more pronounced if the fruits are dried.

Yes, dried figs are also used in alternative medicine. Syrups and tinctures are also made from the fruits, which help with problems with the skin, liver, genitourinary system, and are also used to reduce pain associated with inflammation and rheumatic muscle damage.

How to use figs for cough. Cold Recipes

Due to the combination of properties, figs are especially valuable for the treatment of respiratory organs, including those with colds.

It helps in the presence of cough, pain in the throat and chest, bronchial asthma, pulmonary problems.

A big plus is that figs, unlike most other natural potions, are a very tasty medicine that both adults and children take with pleasure.

There are some simple but effective recipes for making fig-based cough remedies.

Figs with milk

Warm milk, despite what some modern doctors say, is an excellent emollient for colds.

In addition, it compensates for the lack of calcium, helps to support a weakened body in conditions of lack of appetite, and has a urinary and diaphoretic effect.

If you combine all these effects with the beneficial properties of figs, you get a truly miraculous remedy.

That is why this medicine has gained wide popularity today.

What you need

So, cough figs - a recipe for children: 1 medium fig is poured into a glass of raw milk, boiled and allowed to brew.

You will need fresh purple figs - a few pieces (at the rate of 1-2 fruits per 200-300 ml of milk).

As a rule, the smaller the seedlings, the tastier they are. Milk can be either cow's or goat's.

It is believed that the fatter it is, the more pronounced the softening effect of the mixture will be. However, it should be borne in mind that fatty milk is a rather heavy product, the intake of which will adversely affect the patient's condition.

So it is better to opt for a product of medium fat content. And certainly it would be more preferable to purchase “homemade” rather than store-bought milk.

Cooking process

Washed figs are placed in a small saucepan, then poured with raw milk. The fruits can first be ground into a pulp.

The liquid brought to the boiling point can be left on low heat for several minutes.

After that, the pan is removed from the heat, covered with a lid and left in a warm place to cool. The fruits should not be taken out. They are generally recommended to knead after boiling in milk - you get a delicious healing cocktail.

The drink has a sweet aftertaste. But if desired, you can add sweetness to it by adding a little honey, sugar or jam syrup.

What is the daily rate

It is more convenient to immediately prepare the daily norm of the remedy. For adults, it is about half a liter, and for kids - 1 glass.

This volume is divided into 3-4 servings and taken warm, preferably before meals. The remaining mixture can be stored in the cold for no more than three days without the risk of losing useful properties.

To do this, it is poured into a glass container and tightly sealed. The cooled mixture should be warmed up before use. The duration of the course of admission is 10-20 days, sometimes more.

The resulting drink is quite nutritious. It has a softening, expectorant, analgesic, immunostimulating effect.

With it, you can eliminate discomfort in the throat, relieve a coughing fit and speed up recovery.

Dried Fig Potion

Like it or not, the wine berry is still an exotic fruit. Therefore, it is not always possible to buy it fresh.

But dried figs are also suitable for preparing a cough remedy. But the method of preparation, the effect and dosage will be different.

What you need

Dried figs for cough - a recipe for children and adults: 4 fruits pre-soaked in water are poured into 300 ml of milk.

Cooking process

Bring to a boil, then simmer over very low heat for 0.5-2 hours under a lid until about a third of the liquid has boiled away.

After this, the medicine should be infused, slowly cooling down. For this, he is wrapped, for example, in a blanket. The fruit does not need to be harvested. The finished mixture is divided in two.

One of the parts, along with figs, is put in the refrigerator. The remaining mixture (about 100 g) is taken throughout the day.

The chilled medicine may resemble boiled condensed milk in appearance and consistency due to the high concentration of sugars in dried figs.

Before ingestion, the product must be warmed up. After the cold has passed the acute phase, it will be possible to take a larger amount of the mixture at a time.

In adults, a single dose will increase to 100 ml, and in children - up to 50. The course of admission is about two weeks.

Warnings and contraindications

Although the fig-milk cough remedy contains exclusively natural products, it has certain contraindications.

Due to the high concentration of sugars, the medicine should not be taken by people who have problems with insulin production.

At the very least, you need to seek medical advice from the endocrinologist who observes the patient.

The high calorie content of figs, especially dried ones, imposes clear restrictions on its use in obesity.

But this applies to his eating, often uncontrolled. The use of a milk-fig mixture for the treatment of cough in this case is quite acceptable, because it is dosed, and figs are involved in a small amount here.

In this case, the fruit itself does not need to be eaten. Accordingly, the stage of its preliminary or final grinding is omitted. And after the medicine is infused, the fruits are taken out and thrown away.

The presence of oxalic acid, the salts of which provoke the formation of stones, was found in the seedlings of figs.

Therefore, people with impaired water-salt metabolism and prone to cholelithiasis and urolithiasis are not recommended to take the remedy, at least in the form of a course of treatment.

As already noted, figs, especially dried ones, have a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the digestive organs, as a result of which, after taking it, a certain laxative effect can be observed.

Its expression manifests itself individually. In some situations, such an impact is highly desirable. We are talking about cases when, due to high temperature and non-compliance with the drinking regime, constipation occurs.

But if the body reacted to the heat with diarrhea (or it developed due to other reasons), then, of course, one should refuse to take the milk mixture.

The medicine should not be taken for any acute diseases of the stomach or intestines, including inflammatory ones. Also, figs are contraindicated in gout, bloating of the liver and the presence of problems with the pancreas.

Allergic reactions, as well as individual rejection of figs due to personal taste preferences, exclude the possibility of using the drink.

The presence of milk in the product imposes its own restrictions on its intake. So, when there are problems with the breakdown of lactose (milk sugar), the milk-fig mixture will cause diarrhea, bloating and sharp pains in the abdomen.

The deposition of calcium compounds in the vascular system (calcification) is also a contraindication to the use of this remedy.

Also, one cannot discount the fact that during the industrial production of dairy products, various additives, including hormonal ones, are mixed into cow feed.

Well, someone simply does not like milk and will not drink this therapeutic vitamin cocktail under any circumstances. Therefore, another recipe is proposed, non-dairy.

Cough Figs - Fig Syrup Recipe for Children and Adults

This remedy will be effective in the treatment of colds, whooping cough, tonsillitis. To prepare the syrup, you need dried fruits.

Figs, of course. 8-10 large fruits need to be washed, put in a saucepan, pour a glass of raw water or boiling water here and put on fire.

Figs are boiled for about half an hour so that it swells and softens. After that, add another glass of water and the same amount of sugar.

The mixture is boiled over low heat until a syrupy mass is obtained.

To enhance the effectiveness of the product in the cooled syrup, you can add:

- lemon juice - from half a lemon;

- ginger powder - 1 tsp;

- crushed ascorbic acid - 1-2 tablets per daily dose;

- Echinacea tincture - 5-10 drops per tablespoon of the product.


Children are given a large (tablespoon) of funds, and adults - two three times a day. The duration of treatment is until the symptoms disappear.

Fig syrup can be used prophylactically to prevent the development of colds and as an immunostimulant. The tool does not require special storage conditions.

Other Dairy-Free Fig Recipes for Colds

Figs are very useful for the body and for health, for colds it can be used with milk and without milk. There are some recipes for using figs for cough without milk.

Fig honey mixture

For the treatment of cough, including in smokers, you can prepare a fig-honey mixture. In this case, the figs are crushed with a blender and mixed with liquid honey in a ratio of 1:1.

Take the remedy 2-3 times a day for a small spoon. With a cold, radish gruel can be mixed into the mixture (at the rate of 10 pieces of fresh figs and 10 tablespoons of honey per medium-sized radish).

Take this medicine in the morning for a tablespoon every day (sometimes two tablespoons a day). The product may darken, so you need to store it in a closed container.

Alcohol tincture

From figs, you can prepare an alcohol tincture. To do this, you need 5 ripened fruits or 3 dried fruits and half a liter of vodka or diluted alcohol (cognac is also suitable).

Figs are cut into cubes, poured with alcohol and infused at room temperature for about 1 decade, shaking occasionally.

If desired, put a little ginger root, spicy cloves or vanilla stick there. In the finished tincture, you can add 30-200 g of sweetener (honey, sugar).

Before taking the product, you need to dilute it with water (a third of a glass of 1 tsp of medicine). Drink it twice a day. It is undesirable to give such medicine to children.

Rinsing and rubbing

Ginger infusions can be used not only inside. They give a good effect if used in the form of rinses and rubbing.

For these purposes, both water and alcohol versions of the product are suitable. The throat is rinsed with a warm decoction or diluted alcohol tincture (1 small spoon for half a glass of water).

The procedure is repeated 4-5 times a day until the symptoms disappear. To enhance the therapeutic effect, you can add a little soda and iodine to the solution. For external use, alcohol tincture does not need to be diluted.

It should be remembered that alcohol-containing liquids give a warming effect, therefore, in the presence of a fever, the patient should not be wrapped up after rubbing.

When using a water infusion for this purpose, be sure to take cover or wear socks and a woolen sweater.

Is it possible to eat figs during pregnancy

Due to the mass of useful properties and a whole range of beneficial effects on health, eating figs during pregnancy is very welcome.

During pregnancy, you can eat both white and purple figs in any form - dried, fresh, dried.

They can also be used to make salads, compotes and cocktails. The same applies to all medicinal products made on the basis of wine berries. There are no special contraindications to the use of this product by women at the stage of gestation.

Restrictions on the use and prohibition of the use of figs and medicines, where it is present, are reduced to the general rules described above (diabetes, enteritis, lactase deficiency, urolithiasis).

Speaking about the benefits of figs during pregnancy, it should be remembered that the fruits can have a laxative effect. And still need to be careful when taking alcohol-containing tinctures.

It should also be borne in mind that during pregnancy, women often increase the risk of non-specific reactions and develop intolerance to certain products, among which there may be figs.

In other cases, during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, this fetus can be used both for treatment and for prophylactic purposes.

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Take care of yourself, take care of your health. Be healthy!

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