Food poisoning. Advice for parents "Food poisoning


Advice for parents

If food is stored, transported and processed improperly, pathogenic microbes or harmful substances. Such products, even sometimes without visible signs damage can cause serious illnesses, which are combined in the group of food poisoning.

food poisoning can be of bacterial and non-bacterial (chemical) origin. The first signs of poisoning appear quite quickly, after several hours, less often - several days. food poisoning bacterial origin caused by both the pathogens themselves and the harmful products of their vital activity - toxins. In most cases, food bacterial poisoning is associated with the consumption of poor-quality animal products: meat, fish, milk, canned food, etc.

The most common are the following types of food poisoning of bacterial origin :

1) poisoning caused by microbes from the Salmonella group. Microbes of this group most often live in meat and meat products obtained from sick animals, and also infect goose and duck eggs, so the use of these eggs for feeding children is prohibited;

2) poisoning caused conditionally pathogenic bacteria, mainly coli and proteus. Contamination of food products with these bacteria occurs only where sanitary and hygienic rules for keeping a food unit, personal hygiene rules, food processing and storage are poorly observed;

3) botulism caused by a special microorganism - a mobile bacillus (bacillus) living in anaerobic conditions. The botulism stick is found in the soil, from where it enters the water, on fresh vegetables and fruits, into food products, and with them into the intestines of humans, animals and fish, where it multiplies. In case of violation sanitary regulations Botulism germs can get into food and cause poisoning. The microbe of botulism releases a very strong poison, acting mainly on the central nervous system. This botulism differs from other poisonings. The main signs of botulism : respiratory distress due to paralysis of the respiratory muscles, a decrease in body temperature to 35 ° C, dry mouth, loss of voice, difficulty swallowing, dilated pupils, double vision, etc. Patients feel general weakness, sometimes nausea and vomiting appear , stomach ache. The first signs of poisoning occur within the first day after ingestion of contaminated food. Help for botulism must be provided immediately and carried out vigorously, otherwise patients may die;

4) staphylococcal poisoning. The source of food contamination with staphylococci are people suffering from tonsillitis, pustular diseases skin. Staphylococci develop well in milk and dairy products, meat, and fish. The first signs of poisoning - general weakness, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting. Symptoms of the disease appear a few hours after eating. These symptoms are also characteristic of Salmonella and E. coli poisoning.

Non-bacterial food poisoning :

1) salt poisoning heavy metals. Lead poisoning wears chronic and in children up to school age almost never occurs. Zinc poisoning occurs somewhat more often than others and occurs when acidic foods and drinks, such as kvass, milk, compote, etc., are stored in galvanized dishes. Signs of poisoning appear quickly, 20-30 minutes after taking the poisoned product. The main symptoms are short-term vomiting, slight dizziness, weakness;

2) poisoning with pesticides can occur when processing premises of a catering unit or agricultural products (usually vegetables and fruits) with DDT, hexachloran, etc. The main preventive measures are strict observance rules on the use of pesticides, checking and processing food before consumption;

3) mushroom poisoning is relatively common. Some edible mushrooms, being valuable nutritious foods, as a result of their improper harvesting or improper storage, can cause food poisoning. Severe poisoning is observed when eating inedible mushrooms. Therefore, when collecting and harvesting mushrooms, especially with the participation of children themselves, strict control by adults is necessary, well those who know mushrooms. Mushrooms in baby food should take a secondary place;

4) Poisoning by poisonous plants and berries is most often observed in children in summer or autumn. Poisoning occurs when there is an inability to distinguish poisonous plants and berries from non-poisonous (edible). More often than others, there are poisonings with henbane seeds, buckthorn fruits, milestone rhizome (wild carrot), hemlock leaves, etc.


The main preventive measures are to familiarize all children with poisonous plants, the strictest prohibition of eating all berries, fruits, seeds, rhizomes, etc. unknown to children. Food products whose quality is questionable should be sent to special laboratories for analysis. Sick children are isolated and given first aid. First aid for food poisoning is to take urgent action on release digestive tract(stomach and intestines) from ingested harmful products. You need to induce vomiting immediately. For this, the patient is given to drink several glasses (3-5) warm water or 2% solution of carbonic soda. The patient should be put to bed, covered warmly, given hot water. strong tea. Further treatment prescribed by a doctor. If necessary, patients are hospitalized. Prevention of poisoning consists in strict and constant observance of the sanitary and hygienic regime in the catering department, in strict observance by staff and children of the rules of personal and public hygiene and well-established preschool health education work.

Consultation for parents "Poisoning of children"

The problem of poisoning in children is one of the most urgent, especially in summer period. Poisoning in children is more severe than in adults.

And this happens due to several physiological reasons:

all organ systems in children are immature;

very low resistance of the body to poison;

in children, the poison penetrates the body faster;

dehydration occurs quickly.

Most often, poisoning occurs with stale food. But parents should know what a child can get poisoned with, how to protect their baby and how to help him. Toxic Substances can enter the body through the skin Airways and digestive system. The first signs of poisoning are: abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting. But these are not necessarily signs of poisoning. O possible poisoning say symptoms such as:

rapid breathing, possible breath holding, jumps blood pressure, weak pulse, heart rhythm disturbance, pallor of the skin, impaired coordination of movements, loss of consciousness, convulsions, drowsiness.

If you suspect that your child has been poisoned,

call " ambulance". The child at this time needs to be provided with a comfortable position, without leaving him unattended until the doctors arrive. You need to find out what is the cause of the poisoning. If the child can explain, then ask him about it. Carefully inspect the face, clothes, body of the baby. look around dangerous places your home, pantry with household chemicals, first aid kit, cosmetics. This is necessary in order to establish the cause of the poisoning.

If the ambulance team cannot arrive promptly, call and seek advice from your pediatrician and follow their advice.

If the child has food poisoning. It is necessary to do a gastric lavage. It is necessary to give the child 1 glass of warm water with 2-3 tsp. salt, in order to cause a spasm of the muscle that ensures the flow of food from the stomach into small intestine. Thus, we will delay the entry of poison into the intestines. Repeat giving salted water and induce vomiting 3-4 times, add activated charcoal to the last portion.

If the child was poisoned by chemicals through the esophagus. It is forbidden to induce vomiting. The fluid will pass again with vomit, which will make it difficult to breathe and cause tissue burns.

In case of poisoning with alkalis or acids, you need to give the child a drink vegetable oil. Children under 3 years old need to drink 1 teaspoon, up to 7 years old you need to drink a dessert spoon, and if the child is older than 7 years old, then give 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil to drink.

If poisoning occurs through the skin. Then it is necessary to remove clothes and wash the whole body warm water with soapy water.

The child can inhale fumes from nail polish remover, acetone, carbon monoxide and similar liquids. Remove or move to fresh air. With a change in consciousness and the appearance of a cough, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

If your baby was poisoned by poisonous berries, mushrooms, plants. You need to call an ambulance. Find out from the child what he ate, save food leftovers, if any, for toxicologists, try to wash the stomach.

A common type of poisoning is drug poisoning. Medicines are often left at home in the public domain. It is not always possible to find out in what quantity, and with what medicines the child was poisoned. Therefore, if you suspect that the child has been poisoned medicines call the doctors urgently. Watch the child, his breathing, consciousness, try to wash the stomach.

We must clearly remember what adults should not do in case of poisoning:

Do not give your child medication without a doctor's prescription.

You cannot self-medicate.

If the child complains of abdominal pain, painkillers should not be given. Removal of anesthesia will complicate the diagnosis.

Cannot cool or heat sore spot without a doctor's prescription.

It is impossible to give antidotes to a child without consulting a doctor.

We must not forget about ourselves. If your child was poisoned by volatile or chemical substances, then you need to protect yourself. First of all, you need to open the windows, put on gloves, and only then help the child. If you get hurt, who will help the child?

Poisoning can be avoided if you follow these precautions:

Thoroughly process fruits and vegetables with boiling water;

Keep food in the refrigerator;

Observe the expiration dates of the products;

Consume, prepare and store food in accordance with sanitary standards;

Do not give mushrooms to children under 5;

Do not buy fruits, berries, mushrooms in dubious places;

You need to eat food only in proven places;

When hungry, buy hermetically sealed foods;

Buy games and toys from well-known manufacturers, then there will be more guarantee that they will not be toxic;

Do not leave children unattended;

Learn with children the types of poisonous and dangerous plants, berries, mushrooms;

Teach your kids not to eat anything.

Advice for parents.


Problem acute poisoning in children is one of the most relevant. Mortality from poisoning in a number of countries for last years increased by 2 times. Among all the accidents acute poisoning in children ranked 4th after street injuries, burns and drownings. Especially common poisoning aged 1 to 3 years.

Unlike adults poisoning in children are more difficult because:

1) all organ systems are still immature;

2) low resistance of the body to poison;

3) faster penetration poison into the body;

4) propensity child's body to toxicosis and exicosis (rapid dehydration of the body).

Among the reasons poisoning in children remain poisoning medicines, frequent poisoning with pesticides, drugs household chemicals, carbon monoxide, mushrooms, poisonous plants, bee stings.

All emergency response activities help with poisoning should be directed to:

◙ delete poison from the body;

◙ neutralization poison in the body;

◙ boost defensive forces organism.

If a child is suspected of being poisoned First of all, you should call an ambulance.

At poisoning associated with the use of poor-quality food, toxic substances inside, in children older than 7 years, you need to induce vomiting. Give it before to kid 1 glass of warm water with 2-3 tsp. salt. In this case, a spasm of the pyloric sphincter will occur (this muscle ensures the flow of food from the stomach to the small intestine) and this will delay the flow poison into the intestines. Repeat 3-4 times giving salted water and inducing vomiting, inject activated charcoal into the last portion.

Spontaneous (spontaneous) or induced vomiting does not preclude gastric lavage. Gastric lavage done in a medical institution in the presence of a doctor.

At poisoning acids or alkalis to kid you need to give to drink vegetable oil:

up to 3 years - 1 tsp;

up to 7 years - 1 dec. l.;

more than 7 years - 1 tbsp. l.;

Newborns - medium-strength tea or water.

At poisoning through the skin- Remove contaminated clothing, wash skin with soapy water.

During vomiting, the head should be lowered to avoid choking on vomit. In case of impossibility to give to kid sitting position when vomiting, you should turn the lying child on your side and put a towel under your cheek.

Poisoning in children.

Poisoning is most common in children aged 2-5 years and can occur not only as a result of ingestion of toxic substances, but also when they penetrate through the skin and respiratory tract. Poisoning can be observed in children of the first months of life with breastfeeding if the mother was on medication.

The poisoning process is divided into 4 periods: latent or latent (the time from the entry of a poisonous substance into the body until the first signs of poisoning appear), the period of resorptive action (the time from the appearance of the first signs of poisoning to the development of a pronounced picture of it), the period of maximum resorptive action (at the first plan are symptoms of deep respiratory, cardiovascular insufficiency, cerebral edema, convulsions), recovery period.

General measures in the provision of emergency care.

Emergency care for poisoning in children should be provided as early as possible. Therapeutic measures depends on how the poison got into the body. The most common way is through the mouth, therefore, along with creating a general favorable environment (peace, sufficient access fresh air, the presence of relatives, etc.), the child needs to wash the stomach or artificially induce vomiting (when swallowing strong acids or alkalis, it is prohibited to use emetics and induce vomiting because of the danger of aspiration). Most often, a warm solution can be used as a mild emetic. table salt(2 full tablespoons to 1 glass of water), light soap solution(1/4 cup), mustard solution (1 teaspoon dry mustard to 1 cup warm water). In addition, vomiting can be induced by pressing a finger or other object on the soft sky. Medicinal emetics in pediatric practice are of limited use.

When washing the stomach in children, it is necessary to take measures to prevent the ingress of fluid into the respiratory tract. As a means used for gastric lavage in children, the following are used: boiled slightly salted water (no more than 1%) or 1% sodium bicarbonate solution heated to 35-36 ° C, potassium permanganate solution (1: 1000). Washing should be carried out no later than 12 and after the poisonous substance enters the stomach. Number of fluid flushes used in children different ages, the following: up to 3 months, up to 1 year - 1 liter, up to 5 years - 3-5 liters, up to 10 years - 6-8 liters and older - 8-10 liters. Before and after gastric lavage, it is necessary to introduce a suspension into it activated carbon(1-2 tablespoons to 1 glass of water) and leave it there for 5-10 minutes and then withdraw. Gastric lavage is contraindicated in case of strychnine poisoning (convulsions are possible!). It is advisable to repeat gastric lavage after 2-3 and followed by the introduction of a saline laxative (magnesium sulfate, sodium sulfate at the rate of 15-20 g per 100 ml of water) or vaseline oil (but not vegetable!) at the rate of 2-3 ml / kg in cases of ingestion fat-soluble poisons (gasoline, kerosene, trichloethylene). In the future, they switch to cleansing enemas.

The water load (alkaline water, weakly brewed tea) is increased to 1-2 liters or switched to intravenous administration large quantities isotonic solution sodium chloride.

Hospitalization in all cases in the wards intensive care or the intensive care unit.


If foodstuffs are stored, transported and processed improperly, pathogenic microbes or harmful substances can get into them. Such products, even sometimes without visible signs of spoilage, can cause serious illnesses, which are combined in the group of food poisoning.

Food poisoning can be bacterial or non-bacterial (chemical) in origin.

The first signs of poisoning appear quite quickly, after several hours, less often - several days.

Food poisoning of bacterial origin is caused both by pathogens themselves and by harmful products of their vital activity - toxins.

In most cases, food bacterial poisoning is associated with the consumption of poor-quality animal products: meat, fish, milk, canned food, etc.

The most common types of food poisoning of bacterial origin are:

1) poisoning caused by microbes from the Salmonella group. Microbes of this group most often live in meat and meat products obtained from sick animals, and also infect goose and duck eggs, so the use of these eggs for feeding children is prohibited;

2) poisoning caused by conditionally pathogenic bacteria, mainly Escherichia coli and Proteus. Contamination of food products with these bacteria occurs only where sanitary and hygienic rules for keeping a food unit, personal hygiene rules, food processing and storage are poorly observed;

3) botulism caused by a special microorganism - a mobile bacillus (bacillus) living in anaerobic conditions. The botulism stick is found in the soil, from where it enters the water, fresh vegetables and fruits, food products, and with them into the intestines of humans, animals and fish, where it multiplies.

If sanitary rules are violated, botulism microbes can get into food and cause poisoning. The microbe of botulism releases a very strong poison, acting mainly on the central nervous system. This botulism differs from other poisonings. The main signs of botulism are respiratory distress due to paralysis of the respiratory muscles, a decrease in body temperature to 35 ° C, dry mouth, loss of voice, difficulty swallowing, dilated pupils, double vision, etc. Patients feel general weakness, sometimes appear nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain.

The first signs of poisoning occur within the first day after ingestion of contaminated food. Help for botulism must be provided immediately and carried out vigorously, otherwise patients may die;

4) staphylococcal poisoning. The source of food contamination with staphylococci are people suffering from tonsillitis, pustular skin diseases. Staphylococci develop well in milk and dairy products, meat, and fish. The first signs of poisoning are general weakness, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. Symptoms of the disease appear a few hours after eating. These symptoms are also characteristic of salmonella and E. coli poisoning.

Food poisoning of non-bacterial origin:

1) poisoning with salts of heavy metals. Lead poisoning is chronic in children preschool age almost never occurs. Zinc poisoning occurs somewhat more often than others and occurs when acidic foods and drinks, such as kvass, milk, compote, etc., are stored in galvanized dishes. Signs of poisoning appear quickly, 20-30 minutes after taking the poisoned product. The main signs are short-term vomiting, slight dizziness, weakness;

2) poisoning with pesticides can occur when processing premises of a catering unit or agricultural products (usually vegetables and fruits) with DDT, hexachloran, etc. The main preventive measures are strict adherence to the rules for the use of pesticides, checking and processing food before consumption;

3) mushroom poisoning is relatively common. Some edible mushrooms, being valuable nutritious foods, can cause food poisoning as a result of improper harvesting or improper storage. Severe poisoning is observed when eating inedible mushrooms. Therefore, when picking and harvesting mushrooms, especially with the participation of the children themselves, strict control is necessary on the part of adults who know mushrooms well. Mushrooms in baby food should take a secondary place;

4) Poisoning by poisonous plants and berries is most often observed in children in summer or autumn. Poisoning occurs when the inability to distinguish poisonous plants and berries from non-poisonous (edible). More often than others, there are poisonings with henbane seeds, buckthorn fruits, milestone rhizome (wild carrot), hemlock leaves, etc.


The main preventive measures come down to familiarizing all children with poisonous plants, the strictest prohibition of eating all berries, fruits, seeds, rhizomes, etc. unknown to children.

Food products, the quality of which is questionable, should be sent to special laboratories for analysis. Sick children are isolated and given first aid.

First aid for food poisoning is to take urgent measures to free the digestive tract (stomach and intestines) from harmful products that have fallen into it. You need to induce vomiting immediately. To do this, the patient is given to drink several glasses (3-5) of warm water or a 2% solution of carbon dioxide. The patient should be put to bed, covered warmly, given hot strong tea to drink. Further treatment is prescribed by a doctor. If necessary, patients are hospitalized. Prevention of poisoning consists in strict and constant observance of the sanitary and hygienic regime in the catering department, in strict observance by staff and children of the rules of personal and public hygiene, and in well-established sanitary and educational work in a preschool institution.

Tatiana Korepanova
Advice for parents "Food poisoning"

On the eve of the beginning of the gardening season, a consultation for parents was arranged in the reception room on the topic: “ food poisoning».

Dear parents!

Very soon, a series of May holidays will begin, which many prefer to spend in nature, some of you will open the garden season at your favorite dacha. Be careful and careful to avoid this unpleasant moment, how food poisoning.

If food is stored, transported and processed improperly, pathogenic microbes or harmful substances can get into them. Such products, even sometimes without visible signs of spoilage, can cause serious illnesses, which are combined in the group of food poisoning.

Food poisoning can be bacterial or non-bacterial ( chemical) origin. The first signs of poisoning appear quite quickly, after several hours, less often - several days. Food poisoning of bacterial origin is caused both by pathogens themselves and by harmful products of their vital activity - toxins. In most cases, food bacterial poisoning is associated with the consumption of poor-quality animal products: meat, fish, milk, canned food, etc.

Most common the following types of food poisoning of bacterial origin:

1) poisoning caused by microbes from the Salmonella group. Microbes of this group most often live in meat and meat products obtained from sick animals, and also infect goose and duck eggs, so the use of these eggs for feeding children is prohibited;

2) poisoning caused by conditionally pathogenic bacteria, mainly Escherichia coli and Proteus. Contamination of food products with these bacteria occurs only where sanitary and hygienic rules for keeping a food unit, personal hygiene rules, food processing and storage are poorly observed;

3) botulism caused by a special microorganism - a movable bacillus (a bacillus that lives in anaerobic conditions. A botulism stick is found in the soil, from where it enters water, fresh vegetables and fruits, food products, and with them into the intestines of humans, animals and fish, where it multiplies.If sanitary rules are violated, botulism microbes can get into food and cause poisoning.The botulism microbe releases a very strong poison, acting mainly on the central nervous system.In this, botulism differs from other poisonings.The main symptoms of botulism: respiratory distress due to paralysis of the respiratory muscles, a decrease in body temperature to 35 ° C, the appearance of dry mouth, loss of voice, difficulty swallowing, dilated pupils, double vision, etc. Patients feel general weakness, sometimes nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain appear. signs of poisoning occur within the first days after ingestion of contaminated food.Aid for botulism should be provided immediately and carried out vigorously, otherwise the patients may die;

4) staphylococcal poisoning. The source of food contamination with staphylococci are people suffering from tonsillitis, pustular skin diseases. Staphylococci develop well in milk and dairy products, meat, and fish. The first signs of poisoning are general weakness, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. Symptoms of the disease appear a few hours after eating. These symptoms are also characteristic of Salmonella and E. coli poisoning.

Non-bacterial food poisoning:

1) poisoning with salts of heavy metals. Lead poisoning is chronic and almost never occurs in preschool children. Zinc poisoning occurs somewhat more often than others and occurs when acidic foods and drinks, such as kvass, milk, compote, etc., are stored in galvanized dishes. Signs of poisoning appear quickly, 20-30 minutes after taking the poisoned product. The main signs are short-term vomiting, slight dizziness, weakness;

2) poisoning with pesticides can occur when processing premises of a catering unit or agricultural products (usually vegetables and fruits) with DDT, hexachloran, etc. The main preventive measures are strict adherence to the rules for the use of pesticides, checking and processing food before consumption;

3) mushroom poisoning is relatively common. Some edible mushrooms, being valuable nutritious foods, can cause food poisoning as a result of improper harvesting or improper storage. Severe poisoning is observed when eating inedible mushrooms. Therefore, when picking and harvesting mushrooms, especially with the participation of the children themselves, strict control is necessary on the part of adults who know mushrooms well. Mushrooms in baby food should take a secondary place;

4) Poisoning by poisonous plants and berries is most often observed in children in summer or autumn. Poisoning occurs when there is an inability to distinguish poisonous plants and berries from non-poisonous (edible). More often than others, there are poisonings with henbane seeds, buckthorn fruits, milestone rhizome (wild carrots, hemlock leaves, etc.).

Prevention and treatment of food poisoning.

The main preventive measures are to familiarize all children with poisonous plants, the strictest prohibition of eating all berries, fruits, seeds, rhizomes, etc. unknown to children. Food products whose quality is questionable should be sent to special laboratories for analysis. Sick children are isolated and given first aid. First aid for food poisoning is to take urgent measures to free the digestive tract ( stomach and intestines) from harmful products that have fallen into it. You need to induce vomiting immediately. To do this, the patient is given to drink several glasses (3-5) of warm water or a 2% solution of carbon dioxide. The patient should be put to bed, covered warmly, given hot strong tea to drink. Further treatment is prescribed by a doctor. If necessary, patients are hospitalized. Prevention of poisoning consists in strict and constant observance of the sanitary and hygienic regime in the catering department, in strict observance by staff and children of the rules of personal and public hygiene, and in well-established sanitary and educational work in a preschool institution.

Take precautions temperature regime food storage, pay attention to the expiration date, the integrity of the packaging, and everything will be fine!

Have a nice weekend!

Thank you all for your attention, thank you for the votes!

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food poisoning - acute diseases, characterized general intoxication, predominant defeat gastrointestinal tract, violation of water-salt metabolism and resulting from the ingestion of toxic substances with food. All food poisoning can be divided into two groups: microbial and non-microbial origin.

Microbial poisoning includes food intoxication and toxic infections. The cause of food poisoning is eating containing a toxin accumulated as a result of the development of microorganisms (botulism). Toxic infection is caused not so much by the microorganisms themselves as by their toxins, which are formed as a result of the vital activity of these microorganisms and during their destruction in the human body (Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Proteus, Enterococcus).

Poisonings of non-microbial origin are poisonings with poisonous products of plant and animal origin ( poisonous mushrooms, plants, mollusks), as well as impurities of a chemical nature (salts of heavy metals, pesticides, etc.).

Food poisoning, as a rule, begins suddenly, in the conditions of a preschool institution, it covers a large contingent of children. The most characteristic symptoms of poisoning include an acute onset with the appearance of cramping pains in the abdomen. There are general weakness, dizziness, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, severe cases- swallowing disorder, dilated pupils, drooping upper eyelid(ptosis), acutely occurring sharp weakening of blood circulation (collapse). Some symptoms of food poisoning (nausea, vomiting, fever) may be psychological, emotional nature(overwork, feeding the child against his will, feeling of fear), but differential diagnosis in each case, only a doctor can carry out. Very often, food poisoning leaves serious consequences in the form of chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract (see Appendix 30).

To food intoxication applies botulism a disease caused by a toxin of a particular bacterium Clostridiumbotulinum. The bacterium and its spores are in the soil, from where they enter the water, fresh vegetables and fruits, food products, and with them into the intestines of humans, animals and fish, where they multiply. If sanitary rules are violated, the pathogen can get into food, where, if favorable conditions(lack of oxygen access, long-term storage, room temperature) begins to release a poison that is very dangerous for humans - a toxin. The toxin is produced only under anaerobic conditions, so it is contained mainly in canned and canned foods. herbal products(mushrooms, peas, compotes). The poison can also be found in the deep areas of such solid foods as sausage, ham, salted and smoked fish, especially if they are cooked at home, without observing necessary precautions. The toxin acts mainly during the first days after ingestion of contaminated food, and symptoms from the central nervous system occur. This botulism differs from other poisonings. The main signs of botulism: respiratory distress due to paralysis of the respiratory muscles, a decrease in body temperature to 35 ° C, the appearance of dry mouth, loss of voice, difficulty swallowing, dilated pupils, double vision, impaired color perception items, etc. Patients feel general weakness, sometimes there is nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain. The disease proceeds 4 6 days, sometimes longer. Recovery is long.

Help with botulism must be provided immediately. It consists in the timely administration of anti-botulinum serum, otherwise the victim may die.

concept food toxic infections is collective and combines a number of etiologically different, but similar in course of diseases.

Toxic infection is caused by pathogenic microorganisms that enter food during improper transportation, storage and culinary processing of products.

The causative agents of food poisoning are numerous types of microorganisms: salmonella, E. coli, Proteus, staphylococci. Most often in the structure of acute intestinal infections there are salmonellosis, shigellosis, escherichiosis.

Food poisoning associated with the consumption of food containing pathogens occurs as a result of exposure to the body of the pathogens themselves, as well as their metabolic products - toxins.

Foods that do not show visible signs of spoilage can contain disease-causing microbes and cause food poisoning. The causative agents of food poisoning are most often found in food of animal origin: meat, fish, milk, canned food, duck and goose eggs, etc. The disease occurs suddenly and, as a rule, affects simultaneously large groups of people receiving food from one source, poisoning is accompanied by either gastritis (inflammation of the walls of the stomach with painful phenomena in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting), or gastroenteritis (inflammation of the walls of the stomach and intestines with the same phenomena as with gastritis, to which diarrhea is also added).

One of the first places among food toxic infections is occupied by salmonellosis . The group of salmonellosis (more than 2000 species) includes a variety of clinical manifestations diseases caused by bacteria from the genus Salmonella. The disease can occur both in the form of sporadic cases and in the form of outbreaks. Salmonella are small mobile bacteria that can survive for a long time in the external environment. So, in the water of open reservoirs they can live up to 120 days, in sea ​​water- up to 217 days, in soil - up to 9 months, in room DUST - up to 517 days, in sausages up to 130 days, in eggs and frozen meat up to 13 months. These bacteria thrive in food room temperature especially in meat and dairy products, appearance and the taste of the products does not change. Most frequent paths infections - food and water.

fatal to salmonella is heat: Boiling kills them instantly. It has been established that to kill salmonella in meat, it is necessary to boil it for 1 hour. When frying meat in an oven, where the temperature reaches 160 ° C, it does not exceed 68.5 ° C inside a piece of meat. In poultry meat, salmonella die if the meat is cooked for 1.5-2 hours (depending on the fat content of the meat). Products must be immediately sold after the manufacture of the semi-finished product (in 1 g of minced meat immediately after its preparation, up to 1,846,780 microorganisms are found, and a day later - 100,195,100).

The source of infection with salmonellosis can be animals, most often domestic (large cattle, pigs, cats, dogs), birds, people with salmonellosis or healthy bacteria carriers.

Outbreaks of salmonellosis caused by contamination of meat and dairy products, vegetables, eggs, including goose and duck eggs are described, so the use of these eggs for children is prohibited. The mechanism of transmission of the pathogen is fecal-oral, implemented by food (leading), water and contact household routes. In recent years, a dust factor has been isolated, which is important for children with weakened resistance.

Salmonella infection is possible when using contaminated water sewage. In recent years, an intensive increase in the incidence of salmonellosis has been noted. The disease is especially susceptible to children of early and preschool age, in whom it occurs more often than in school-age children and adults, due to the functional immaturity of the digestive organs.

The disease occurs only in those cases when the human body enters great amount salmonella. Salmonella invades the lymphatic apparatus small intestine, penetrate into the blood, The lymph nodes. With the death of Salmonella, toxins are released that determine the entire further clinical picture of the disease.

Incubation period most often lasts from 2 to 3 days. In a typical course, the disease develops acutely. Outwardly, children have pallor skin, dry furred tongue. Simultaneously with these symptoms, abdominal pain occurs, which is caused by the development of gastroenteritis, gastroenterocolitis. In the future, the chair acquires a dark green color (such as marsh greens). The severity of the course depends on the number of microorganisms and the degree of resistance of the child's body. Mild cases of the disease are manifested by vomiting once or twice, not more than 2-3 times a day, without blood in the first two or three days, moderate abdominal pain. In more severe cases, there are bright severe symptoms: varying degrees dehydration (exicosis), intoxication, sharp deterioration cardiac activity, convulsions, which requires long-term treatment in a hospital setting.

poisoning caused by opportunistic pathogenic bacteria, mainly Escherichia coli and Proteus, are less common and occur in children only with their huge intake into the gastrointestinal tract. Contamination of food with these bacteria occurs in cases where the sanitary and hygienic rules for maintaining the catering unit, the rules for personal hygiene of personnel, processing and storing food are poorly observed.

The first signs of the disease appear a few hours after eating and are expressed by general weakness, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. Recovery occurs in 1-2 days.

Quite often, children have staphylococcal food poisoning. The source of food contamination with staphylococci are people suffering from tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pustular diseases, sometimes animals, such as cows with mastitis. Food poisoning is also possible with the use of completely benign foods, if they were butchered on the same table or cutting board where the infected meat lay before 1.

Staphylococci multiply well in milk, dairy and confectionery products, as well as in meat and fish. The pathogens themselves die at a temperature of 80 ° C, but the toxin produced by some of their species can withstand boiling for up to 30 minutes. It does not die and under the action of biologically active substances contained in the gastrointestinal tract (saliva, lysozyme, hydrochloric acid, bile, pancreatic enzymes). The toxin is able to penetrate through the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. The presence of this toxin causes poisoning. The incubation period is short (up to 2 hours), so it is assumed that the absorption of the toxin occurs already in the stomach. The toxin causes activation of motility of the gastrointestinal tract, acts on cardiovascular system (significant reduction blood pressure). Signs of the disease appear a few hours after eating: general weakness, pallor of the skin, cold extremities, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and in some cases diarrhea. Body temperature is usually normal. Recovery occurs in 1-2 days.

Poisoning due to the toxicity of the products themselves.

Some poisonous products include mushrooms: white grebe, fly agaric, etc .; plants: belladonna, black henbane, poisonous milestones, cherry grains, plums; some other products of animal origin: marinka fish caviar and milk, black lamprey.

Mushroom poisoning is relatively common and is caused by eating inedible mushrooms. Therefore, when picking and harvesting mushrooms, especially with the participation of the children themselves, strict control is necessary on the part of adults who know mushrooms well. In baby food, mushrooms should take a secondary place.

Poisoning by poisonous plants and berries is most often observed in children in summer or autumn. They arise when there is an inability to distinguish poisonous plants and berries from non-poisonous (edible). More often than others, there are poisonings with henbane seeds, buckthorn fruits, milestone rhizome (wild carrot), hemlock leaves, etc.

The main preventive measures are to familiarize all employees of preschool institutions, parents and children with poisonous plants. Children should be strictly prohibited from picking and taking into their mouths unknown plants and berries, fruits, seeds, etc.

There are poisonings food products, to which environment hit chemicalsubstances. Sometimes poisonous chemical substances are formed in the product itself during its long and improper storage. For example, potatoes contain the poisonous substance solanine. In fresh tubers, its concentration is harmless to humans. Germination of potatoes during long-term storage leads to an increase in the content of solanine in it. If the green and sprouted sections of the tuber are not removed, then poisoning is possible (for example, when boiling potatoes in their “uniforms”). Poisonous substances may also appear in some edible mushrooms as a result of their improper preparation or storage.

Mycotoxicoses - food poisoning, which is very rare in children. They are caused by a large group of special fungi that produce extremely strong poisons - toxins. These fungi can infect grains of cereals (wheat, barley, rice, etc.) during their ripening and harvesting under adverse meteorological conditions, as well as during improper storage of grain.

A person becomes ill with mycotoxicosis when eating food, in particular bread made from infected grain, as well as the meat of animals and birds fed on this grain.

Symptoms of poisoning are very diverse. Observed general malaise, fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc., the liver, nervous system and other organs often suffer.

Prevention consists in careful monitoring of the growth and harvesting of crops, their proper storage and special checks before they are sent for sale.

Food poisoning can also be associated with the presence in the products of a number of inorganicsubstances; lead, zinc, copper, arsenic, nitrites. The first three most often penetrate food from dishes. Thus, lead is contained in the glaze, which is used to coat earthenware from the inside, zinc can get into food during its preparation or storage in galvanized iron dishes, copper from poorly tinned copper dishes. Lead poisoning is usually chronic and almost never occurs in preschool children. Cases of zinc poisoning occur when acidic foods and drinks, such as kvass, milk, compote, etc., are stored in galvanized dishes. Signs of poisoning (short-term vomiting, slight dizziness, weakness) appear quickly, 20-30 minutes after consuming the product. AT recent times established strict control over the manufacture of food utensils.

Very severe poisoning can be caused by arsenic, which is present in a number of pesticides designed to combat various insects and rodents, as well as organophosphorus, organochlorine compounds and other pesticides. The main preventive measures are strict adherence to the rules for the use of pesticides, checking and processing food before eating them.

In cases where nausea, vomiting, diarrhea appear simultaneously in several children in a preschool institution, one must assume that they have food poisoning. It is urgent to call a doctor, notify the nearest medical institution and sanitary and epidemiological station, before the arrival of workers medical service it is necessary to give children the first medical care, withdraw from use and save suspicious products for analysis, identify all sick and ensure their isolation.

For all acute poisoning urgent care should pursue the following goals: 1) as much as possible rapid elimination poison from the body; 2) neutralization of the poison remaining in the body with the help of antidotes (antidotes); C) the fight against respiratory and circulatory disorders.

First aid for food poisoning is to take urgent measures to free the digestive tract (stomach and intestines) from harmful products that have entered it. You must immediately induce vomiting. To do this, the patient is given to drink several glasses (3-5) of warm water or a 2% solution of carbon dioxide. The child should be put to bed on its side to avoid getting vomit into the respiratory tract, cover it warmly, drink hot strong tea, and save the vomit for analysis. Before the arrival of the doctor, the child should not be left alone. Further treatment is prescribed by a doctor. Patients are hospitalized if necessary

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