Photographs of fungus mushrooms. Meet edible mushrooms: a short selection of known species. Description and differences between species

The lower plants of the lactic genus have a wide variety, among which the mushroom fungus, photos and descriptions of the forest representative emphasize certain similarities with camelina, red mushroom or real mushroom. Among the waves, you can also find many different types, for example, a white, pink or faded wave.

Not every newcomer who decides to become a quiet hunter for the gifts of the forest knows what a mushroom mushroom looks like.

Not every newcomer who decides to become a quiet hunter for the gifts of the forest knows what a volushka mushroom looks like. Photographs and characteristics of the plant can be a good help before starting to collect lower plants.

The main difference between the white wave (fluffy wave, whitefish, etc.) from other species is the color of the cap and the density of the body. The upper part of the plant is white, with a slight darkening in the center; there is no concentric pattern on the cap of the porcini mushroom. At the beginning of growth, it has a densely lowered, convex shape. Over time, the appearance of the cap changes, becomes flat-like, with a small depression in the center, up to 6 cm in diameter. The body of the upper part has thin adherent plates, they are endowed with white.

The shape of the leg is ordinary, cylindrical, grows up to 2 cm in diameter and up to 4 cm in height. A small fungus has a leg without cavities, during the period of growth, the structure of this part of the body changes, a void appears inside. When broken, the product releases a bitter milky juice, it is quite fragrant, the color does not change when oxidized in air. White waves grow in well-lit places, more often they can be found at the entrance to the forest.

Another representative of the milky genus is the pink wave. This attractive mushroom is rarely found in forests. Unlike the white counterpart, the pink wave settles in shady and humid places. In cooking, the wave is used after heat treatment. It belongs to the conditionally edible representatives of the second category. Most often it is pickled and salted.

The cap diameter reaches 12-14 cm, its color is pleasantly pink. Young mushrooms are distinguished by a convex hat, as it grows, its shape changes to a flat one, with a slight depression. The cap of a large wave is similar to a funnel, its upper part is decorated with small villi. They are arranged in circles. From the bottom of the cap there are thin cream-colored plates. This part of the body is very fragile. When cut, the forest product exudes a mild resinous aroma, the taste of the raw body is bitter. Milky pink can be found near edible mushroom families, the plant loves the birch neighborhood.

The shape of the leg is ordinary, cylindrical, grows up to 2 cm in diameter and up to 4 cm in height.

The first wave of milkers appears in the second half of July, the second batch begins to break through in August. At the beginning of the Indian summer, pink waves bear fruit most actively.

An interesting representative of the milkers is a faded wave, otherwise this mushroom is called a gray rusks, some call it a succulent. This mushroom grows on moss, under birches. The white milky juice of the plant, when exposed to air, oxidizes and turns gray. When you click on the body of a faded wave, dark spots form. The upper part of the body has a wavy appearance, the cap grows from 3 to 8 cm in diameter. The cylindrical leg has a void inside.

According to nutritional value, this mushroom belongs to the second category, it is salted, pickled and even fried. Before any culinary procedure, the plant undergoes active heat treatment.

Volnushki, greenfinches, pigs (video)

Culinary processing of mushrooms

It was previously noted that the waves must be boiled before use. Gourmets assure that the pink wave is unusually good in pickled form. Hats of young representatives of the forest are used in salting. Any mushrooms, white, pink, etc. after they enter the house, they must be washed well and cleaned of forest debris. Then the mushrooms are soaked for 40-50 minutes in cold water. During this period, the plants will lose their unpleasant bitterness. After all, the semi-finished product is boiled together with salt and bay leaf.

Ready boiled mushrooms are laid out in jars prepared in advance, garlic, allspice and other favorite spices are added to them. The containers are filled with brine and a small amount of vegetable oil. Jars are clogged and cleaned in a dark, cool place for 40-50 days. The brine is prepared as follows, for 1 liter of water you need to take 3 tbsp. l. sugar and 2 tbsp. l. salt.

Mushroom wave (video)

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If there was a prize for the most charming mushroom, volushki would take first place. Intense pinkish-orange color with a touching fringe on the edges - what could be cuter? And the pattern on the hat - spiral circles that attract the attentive look of the mushroom picker? No matter what you say, collecting waves is an incomparable pleasure. It is endless - you break the fragile spine of a pink stout, and your eyes are already riveted to the next one, you stretch out your hand behind it and mark with peripheral vision more and more grown pink furry buttons. And the basket fills up and fills up. Although there are never too many waves - you can clean at least a few baskets in an evening. And all this with pleasure - the dirt does not stick to the most delicate rough hat, and the blades of grass do not stick, it remains only to use a knife to cut off the fringe and once again admire the abundant milky juice. And the milky juice of the waves should not only be admired, they need to be treated. All waves are healing. Yes, there are only two types of them: Lactarius torminosus - a pink wavelet and Lactarius pubescens - a white wavelet.

The pleasure of collecting waves is not only in their beauty, but also in their abundance, but not in such a way that interest disappears. Volnushki grow in groups, flocks, and where there are old ones, there are sure to come across young, sort of pink, neat patches.

When describing the fungus, it is worth noting that with age, the edges of the cap completely unbend and even rise upward, as if opening, and then the wave becomes more fragile. Then it fades, its stripes (waves) become barely noticeable, the thick edge thins out, becomes ragged, and this whole mushroom looks like a pinkish mushroom. Pale pink plates turn yellow in places. Some dryness is felt in the mushroom compared to the poured, vigorous fortress from youth. On the cut, the volnushka secretes abundant white juice, which is very caustic. If you touch your tongue, it will seem that you have dipped the tip of your tongue into a strong pepper. Therefore, the waves must first be kept in cold water so that all the bitterness is gone from them. Then they are usually salted, although you can pickle.

On this page you can find photos and descriptions of white and pink waves.

Volnushka pink in the photo

Volnushka pink (Lactarius torminosus) is a fungus. It is quite popular among mushroom pickers and is known to most of them as Volzhanka or Volnyanka. It grows in large groups from July to the end of September, but the largest number of mushrooms is observed in late July and from late August to mid-September.

The favorite habitats of volushki are the northern borders of deciduous and mixed forests with a predominance of birches.

Mushroom volnushka pink is edible. Hat 6-12 cm, meat-red-beige with darker concentric stripes. In young mushrooms, the cap is flat, slightly concave in the middle. Over time, the central depression becomes more noticeable, and the cap becomes funnel-shaped, its edges begin to fluff up and bend down. The diameter of the cap of a mature volushka is about 10–12 cm. Its surface is covered with a thin, weakly mucous skin, which becomes sticky in wet weather.

As can be seen in the photo, in the fungus fungus of this type, the hat is painted in a beautiful pink color, a pronounced pattern made up of concentric stripes of a brick-red hue gives it a special decorative effect:

On the underside of the cap there are adherent or slightly descending plates.

Plates of a light meat-red hue. The leg is reddish, hollow, 5-15 cm, 1-2 cm thick. Its color, as a rule, matches the color of the cap, but has a lighter shade. The milk is white with a color changing in the air, with a very pungent taste. Spore powder is colorless or white.

The pulp of the volnushka is fragile, friable, white or slightly pinkish, with a pleasant mushroom aroma. It secretes a milky juice with a bitter, even acrid taste, which retains its color when exposed to air. The pulp of the volnushka is rarely wormy, apparently, the forest dwellers do not like it.

Edible wave or not - there is no doubt. But they are used, as a rule, only for salting, but require pre-treatment in order to avoid mild food poisoning. The collected mushrooms are soaked in cold water for at least 2-3 days or boiled. Experienced mushroom pickers select only young mushrooms with small caps with a diameter of no more than 3–4 cm for pickling. In addition to good taste, they delight the eye with neat curls formed by the edges of the caps bent inward.

It can be confused with camelina, which, unlike the wave, can be cooked in any way. Camelina is characterized by orange, not white, not burning milk.

These photos show what a pink wave looks like:

White wave

Mushrooms are one of the most useful and popular foods and can replace meat in terms of protein content. They are widely used in culinary recipes of many peoples of the world. Their habitat is quite extensive, it depends on the variety and natural conditions. One of the most delicious and nutritious mushrooms is considered to be a wave, which belongs to the genus Mlechniki of the russula family. Fans often ask questions: is the wave edible or not, why does it have such a name, what kinds it is.

Description of waves

Common types

Volnushka can be found both in open areas and in dense thickets near swamps. This is due to the difference in their types. They differ from each other only in appearance, but are identical in taste..

Both types are united by a bitter, burning taste of a milky liquid that is released during an incision, therefore, it is not recommended to use the raw volushki. Most often they are salted or pickled, but they are also suitable for frying and making soups.

Smaller and nondescript varieties of waves are called twins or milkers. In many Western countries, they are classified as poisonous and banned from consumption. In Russia, due to their beneficial properties and taste, such mushrooms are actively harvested and harvested. False specimens of volushki are much smaller than real counterparts and therefore less juicy and not so tasty. In nature, the following subspecies are found:

While picking mushrooms, life-threatening twins of edible specimens are often found. The following mushrooms are best avoided by avoiding physical contact with them:

Composition and useful properties

Volnushki mushrooms are rich in biologically active substances, which helps to improve the condition of hair and skin, strengthen immunity. They normalize blood pressure, the work of the cardiovascular system. With regular use, vision improves, blood vessels are cleansed. Volnushki contain such useful elements:

  • Antioxidants.
  • Amino acids.
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
  • Carotene (vitamin A).
  • B group vitamins.
  • Lecithin.

The low calorie content of the product allows you to get rid of excess weight without experiencing discomfort in the form of hunger. In diabetes, glucose levels stabilize. Due to its high nutritional value, the protein, saturated with all the amino acids necessary for the body, is easily digestible.

Volnushki should not be eaten by women during pregnancy and lactation. Despite the healing properties, mushrooms are contraindicated in people with the following pathologies:

  • Cholecystitis.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Gastritis with low acidity.

With insufficient heat treatment and violation of the cooking technology, the use of such mushrooms can lead to food poisoning and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Cooking methods

The genus Mlechniki is characterized by the release of juice with a pungent, bitter taste, so the product is most often salted or pickled. These mushrooms are also suitable for frying, but before that they need to be soaked for a long time to remove bitterness.

Salting Recipes

Salted volnushki in a cold and hot way. To begin with, the milkers must be immersed in water and thoroughly cleaned of dirt and a fringed layer under the hat. In boiling water, salted with one tablespoon of coarse salt, pour the mushrooms and cook for half an hour, regularly removing the foam from the surface of the broth. This time is enough to remove bitterness.

For the hot method you need:

  • One kilogram of mushrooms.
  • Allspice black pepper - ten peas.
  • Garlic is one thing.
  • Cherry and currant leaves.
  • Horseradish leaves, bay leaf, dill sprigs.

Volnushki mushrooms are distinguished by a large number of useful properties and a high protein content.

Volnushki can lower cholesterol levels, which has a great effect on the cardiovascular system. It has several delicious recipes, both quick and long to prepare.

There is a recipe for cooking mushrooms in a hot way, thanks to which you will taste them in a couple of days.

Mushrooms also have a number of contraindications that you should listen to: do not use for lactating women and pregnant women, people with pancreatitis and children under 12 years old.

Almost everyone loves mushrooms, because the dishes from them are incredibly tasty, what can we say about having a good time while picking mushrooms. Pleasant trips with the family for mushrooms, all these aromas of the forest, cones, clean air.


Russula family, genus Milky.

These mushrooms are classified as conditionally edible. This type of mushroom is soaked in water before use and cleaned of excess.

Did you know? With sufficient sunlight, voles provide a large amount of vitamin D when consumed.


They have several types that are indistinguishable in taste. The most common types are pink and white waves.

white wave

Otherwise, they are called fluffy waves or whites. It has a white color with brownish spots in the middle. The stem of young mushrooms is strong and hollow. Inside, the juice oxidized in the process is released. If the mushroom is old, then it quickly becomes brittle, yellow and looks like a breast.

pink wave

The pink wave is distinguished by its large size and unusual appearance. Hat of pink color with a deepening in the middle, tucked edges. During heavy rains, slime and slipperiness appear at the edges. According to its structure, the mushroom is so strong that it does not break under any circumstances, even during transportation.

The mushroom is fast-growing, reaching 15 cm in size in a few days.

Useful properties of the wave

They have many useful properties such as:

  • Proteins - 4%
  • Fats - 0.5%
  • Carbohydrates - almost 2%
  • Pishch. fibers
  • Water - 80% or more.

A large amount of protein gives the body benefits, since amino acids always carry benefits.

Interesting fact: Volnushki lower blood cholesterol levels, which has a good effect on the cardiovascular system.

The richness of the vitamins of the wave is dishonorable - these are A, B1, B2, C, PP, etc.

Calorie content per 100g - 22kcal. Despite the small number of calories, they quickly fill the stomach and quench their thirst, so they can be eaten on a diet and proper nutrition.

How to collect and prepare waves

Volnushki have so many useful properties that they even contribute to the strengthening and growth of hair and nails.

Where to find?

They are easy to find for the reason that they do not grow alone, but in a group. The main place of growth is pine groves, birch groves or mixed forests.

The difference between an edible and an inedible wave

It is necessary to responsibly approach the collection of mushrooms, as there is a risk of picking an inedible mushroom and naturally poisoning them. Let's look at options similar to our wave - inedible mushrooms.

sticky milky

Dark gray fungus with a greenish tinge and patches. The name itself was given because of its feeling of stickiness and stickiness. The aftertaste is super-spicy after eating the mushroom, it has no smell.

hepatic milky

A tall mushroom is precisely its long stem, while the hat resembles the shape of a funnel and has a smooth surface to the touch. The color of the mushroom is dirty brown. Yellow milky juice when cut.

Spiny Milkweed

To the touch and in appearance, the mushroom looks like scales like a fish, the color is pinkish-brown. It has no odor and tastes very spicy.

Recipes with mushrooms

How to cook mushrooms, how to salt for the winter, you can read in this recipe section.

Preparing mushrooms for cooking is considered an important process.

The first step is to remove everything unnecessary from our mushrooms - any garbage, leaves.

So, you need to soak the mushrooms for about 2 days (almost 50 hours) and periodically change the water.

If you do not want to soak them in water for a long time, you can boil the mushrooms in water for about an hour.

They have a specific spicy taste, so you can not use pepper in cooking. Also, these mushrooms are great for dishes with their frying and stewing.

The cold way of pickling a wave

Soak periodically changing water.

Prepare a jar and put the mushrooms there to the bottom with a hat, sprinkled with salt. Then close the jar and set the oppression.

After a couple of days, put the jar in a cool place and wait a little more than a month until ready.

Pickled volnushki

You will need:

  • Sugar;
  • Vinegar;
  • Booth. clove;
  • Pea pepper - a couple of pieces;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Table. L. Salts;
  • Carrot.

In this recipe, it is necessary to soak the mushrooms not in ordinary water, but with the addition of a small amount of citric acid and 10 grams of salt.

Boil - 10 minutes.

Marinade: use everything you need - cut carrots, onions, prepare spices. Put everything in water and cook for about 10 minutes, then add vinegar and put boiled mushrooms.

Boil - 20 minutes. Everything is ready in the banks and that's it!

Hot way. Salty waves

This method is suitable for people who do not like to wait. The recipe is quick and easy. You will be able to taste the mushrooms in a couple of days.

There is one drawback of cooking in this way - since already boiled ready-made flakes are used, naturally they do not become crispy, as almost everyone likes, but so soft and breaking. It is worth using bigger, larger and fresher mushrooms.

Use only mushroom caps without stems. (By the way, do not throw out the legs and cook mushroom caviar from them).

Boil in water as expected for about 10-15 minutes.

Rinse in a colander. Collect in one bowl and mushrooms, and onions, and lavrushka, and peppercorns, pour the brine in which the waves were cooked, add salt to the water immediately.

Wait until cool and transfer to containers (jars). A couple of days and it's ready to use!

Unusual recipe in batter

You will need:

  • Wave mushrooms themselves;
  • Salt;
  • Flour;
  • Water;
  • Greens to taste;
  • Garlic;
  • Cherry leaves.

Cleanse all unnecessary, rinse.

It is necessary to soak the mushrooms in ordinary water, which is periodically changed.

Boil in water with salt - 10 minutes, add spices - 20 minutes.

Then everything is simple - breading in flour and frying in oil. The dish is ready!


These mushrooms have a sufficient number of contraindications due to the fact that they are conditionally edible.

  • Children under 12;
  • Pregnant;
  • lactating;
  • with pancreatitis.

IMPORTANT: Carefully and consciously approach the collection of mushrooms, as there is a high probability of confusing a mushroom with an inedible one and getting poisoned. Better protect yourself.

Volnushki mushrooms photo and description which are presented in this article, have distinctive features. Waves look like young milk mushrooms, but in color they are more similar to mushrooms. Many mushroom pickers underestimate this type of mushroom due to the fact that there is a little bitterness in the fruits, although their smell is quite pleasant, the main thing is to know how to cook them. This is because the volnushki are representatives of the milkers, in the pulp of which there is a thick juice that appears when cut. It is this juice that has a burning and bitter aftertaste.

Volnushki are conditionally edible, therefore, before use, they must be well soaked and boiled in salted water.

Where the waves grow

You can meet this type of mushroom almost everywhere where there are birch trees, especially in pure birch forest, although they also grow in mixed forests. This is due to the fact that mushrooms with a tree form mycorrhiza, the so-called mushroom root. Moreover, they are mutually related, like a mushroom with a tree on which it grows, and vice versa.

The first fruits appear in the middle of summer, but if the weather is warm and humid, they may also appear in early summer. The collection takes place until October, because these mushrooms are not afraid of frost. They prefer volnushki to grow in large groups, so clearings dotted with pink hats often come across in the forest. Most often they appear in open areas, but there are also thickets.

White representatives of this species prefer bright light and a lot of free space, so they are most often found on the edge of the forest.

It is often difficult for inexperienced mushroom pickers to figure out that they have found a wave or a mushroom.

Watch the video! How to distinguish waves from mushrooms

Useful properties and limitations of eating

These mushrooms are rich in nutrients. Composed of:

  • 47% protein;
  • 5% fat;
  • 48% carbohydrates;
  • cellulose;
  • 22 kcal (in 100 g);
  • minerals: magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium;
  • vitamins: ascorbic acid, carotene, groups B, PP;
  • lecithin;
  • amino acids;
  • antioxidants.

Thanks to this composition, eating waves helps:

  • normalize pressure;
  • improve the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • improve the condition of hair and skin;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • improve eyesight;
  • clear the vessels.

However, there are limitations and contraindications:

  • Cholecystitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • Gastritis with a low level of acidity.

Pregnant, lactating and children under 12 years of age should be limited in their intake of food.

Types of waves

There are several subspecies of this mushroom that can be distinguished by their appearance, but they are almost the same in taste.

  • pink wave or volzhanka;
  • white wave or whitefish;
  • yellow wave or wave;
  • swamp wave or faded lactic;
  • gray wave, milky gray or gray.

Most often there are two types of waves - pink and white.


Among its fellows, this variety stands out for its rather attractive appearance and large size.

  • In young mushrooms, the cap is convex, which becomes denser with time and a depression appears in the center.
  • The edges are slightly pubescent, tucked underneath. When it rains, slime appears on the cap and the mushroom becomes slippery.
  • The flesh is white, sometimes with a slight pinkish tint. The very structure of the fungus is dense, so it can be transported and transported, it does not crumble.
  • The size of the cap can reach 15 cm in diameter, a pattern is visible on it, in the form of wavy rings.
  • The fungus reaches a large size very quickly, in 3-4 days.


Another name for this mushroom is fluffy white. She is less pink, and this is their difference.

  • A funnel-shaped white hat with a creamy tint without any patterns grows up to 4-10 cm in diameter.
  • The color of the recess in the center is slightly darker than the main one.
  • The juice is white when broken and does not change color when exposed to air.
  • The leg is strong at the beginning of growth, as it grows older it becomes hollow.
  • The color of the legs and hat is similar.
  • Old specimens resemble milk mushrooms, become brittle, the edges are torn, and the color of the plates turns yellow.

Since representatives of this genus tend to secrete bitter and caustic juice, they must be soaked or boiled for a long time before cooking. And then the product can be salted or pickled for the winter.


Are there false waves and how to distinguish them from edible ones

Do the waves have false inedible representatives and how to distinguish them? This question is often of interest to novice hunters.

White and pink waves do not have poisonous or inedible counterparts. Sometimes they are confused with faded milkers, but this species is also conditionally edible. Often it is the milkers that are called false waves. They have pink hats, but they are smaller and do not have a fringe on the edges.

Milky plants also grow on birch roots in damp places. The main difference between these species is the absence of an edge on the milky cap.

Important! These mushrooms, like volushki, after soaking or boiling, are safe to eat salted or pickled.

False waves


milky common. May be brown, gray or slightly yellowish. The hat is wheel-shaped, becomes funnel-shaped with age, reaches 14 cm in diameter. The shape of the leg is a cylinder, it can be 15 cm high.

Milky faded. This species is conditionally edible, often found in mixed forests. The cap is up to 8 cm in diameter, convex in young specimens, flat or funnel-shaped in adult specimens, with a small tubercle in the center. The dense and brittle leg can be 9 cm in height. Its shape is cylindrical. Pale and fragile pulp of gray color on a cut. The plates are frequent, slightly descending, white or fawn.

Milky brown. This species has a brown or brown-brown cap, which can be up to 8 cm in diameter. By old age, the cap takes on a funnel-shaped or convex shape. The pulp of the brown milky brittle, white. One-piece, cylindrical leg can reach 8 cm in length. Its surface is velvety, the flesh is hard, the color is like a hat.

Gyrgophorous lactic. A fragile mushroom with white flesh, a dry cap of brown, brown or reddish hue. Its shape is slightly convex, becoming depressed over time.

Milky milky. This fungus has a moist and slimy cap, which has a rounded tubercle at the beginning, and becomes concave with age. The pulp is dense, light gray in color, has a pleasant aroma, but it tastes stinging, hence the name.

Milky prickly. It has a pink color and reddish scales.

But this mushroom has a very burning taste, although there is no pronounced smell.

milky sticky. The mushroom is inconspicuous, gray with a slight green tint and small green patches, the surface of the cap is sticky.

The leg is slightly lighter and very sticky. This mushroom tastes like red hot pepper.

Milky liver. The cap of this species is completely smooth, the flesh is brittle.

They have a very pungent taste.


How to cook waves for the winter

Due to the fact that the juice contained in the pulp is bitter, the mushrooms are soaked for 24 hours before cooking, while the water is drained 3-4 times. After that, they are boiled for 15-20 minutes, the water is drained and boiled again.

Most often, the waves are pickled or salted. And although the color of the mushrooms changes in the process, they become gray-gray, their taste is very pleasant.


Ingredients for 1 kg of mushrooms:

  • sugar - 2 teaspoons;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • peppercorns - ½ teaspoon;
  • cloves - 4-5 pieces;
  • 1 onion and carrot.


  1. For 24 hours, the mushrooms are soaked in water with salt and citric acid (the proportion for 1 liter of water is 10 g of salt and 2 g of lemon). Water needs to be changed 3 times.
  2. Boil for 10 minutes over low heat.
  3. To prepare the marinade, put sugar, salt, spices and chopped vegetables in a pot of water, cook for 15 minutes, then add mushrooms and vinegar.
  4. Boil for another 15-20 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally.
  5. Arrange in jars, pour brine and roll up.

Watch the video! Pickled volnushki

Salted cold

For 1 kg of mushrooms you will need:

  • salt - 50 g;
  • citric acid - 2 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • spices and seasonings to taste.


  1. Mushrooms are soaked during the day, changing the water every 8 hours (10 g of salt and 2 g of citric acid should be added to 1 liter of water). After that, rinse with cold water.
  2. Put the mushrooms in a container for pickling, it is better with hats down, sprinkling them with salt and spices between layers.
  3. Put under pressure.
  4. After the mushrooms settle (after 2-3 days), put the container in a cold place, you can put it in the cellar.
  5. After 5-6 weeks the pickles will be ready.

Salted hot

The advantage of this method can be safely called the fact that the mushrooms are ready in 2-3 days.

Volnushki use boiled ones, so the main thing is to lay them tightly, the order is not important. This method has a drawback - the mushrooms become brittle and soft, losing density and crunchiness. Therefore, for such salting, young fruits are needed, preferably small in size, without spoilage and worms.


  1. Mushrooms are sorted, legs are cut off.
  2. Boil in salted water for 15 minutes.
  3. Rinse with cool water, discarding in a colander.
  4. Put mushrooms, peppercorns, bay leaf, garlic in a container, pour in the brine in which the fruits were cooked. It is necessary to add salt at the rate of 1.5 tbsp. spoons per 1 liter of brine.
  5. Cover and put under oppression until the mushrooms cool. Mushrooms should be completely covered with brine.
  6. Distribute to banks. After 24 hours, mushrooms can be served at the table.

Watch the video! How to pickle waves for the winter at home

How not to get poisoned by waves?

What is necessary so that the stomach does not suffer from eating waves? There are several mandatory requirements.

  1. Boil mushrooms in several waters, be sure to drain the first one.
  2. Use clean utensils and knives.
  3. Do not use containers and cutlery made of cast iron, tin or copper.
  4. Do not leave ready-made salted or pickled mushrooms in an open container, but eat them immediately.
  5. From fried or boiled fruits, dishes should not be stored longer than 24 hours.
  6. Look at the appearance of the fruit that is being bought. Do not take soiled, damaged or rotten fruits. The hat should be solid, the stem is dense, and the color is uniform.
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