Dousing with cold water is a correct detailed description. How useful is dousing with cold water and is it worth starting at all? Pouring over the upper body

Even chemistry can be powerless in the treatment of a disease if the harmony (connection) of a person with nature is violated. Pouring cold water– this is the restoration of such a connection, and philosophy. Therefore, the method is far from a panacea for those who are not ready for it, who will not first feel the depth and strength of this phenomenon.

What gives us dousing with cold water?

Hardening of the whole organism, in which all organs and hidden processes are awakened (the immune system is strengthened and metabolic processes). And the peak of such a beneficial phenomenon occurs precisely at the moment of pouring cold water from the head.

As with another non-traditional method of restoring health, dousing with cold water begins with the manifestation and exacerbation of chronic "sores". And that's okay. The body seems to put them on display and invites a person to “wash, wash” with water. And then they will gradually begin to "drain" along with the jets, leaving and never returning.

Our health is the true criterion of whether we live right or wrong. To wake up your body, to excite it, to make it work for health - these are the main goals of dousing with cold water.

There are many clear examples of how dousing has restored thousands of normal life, restored health, changed the attitude to life values, outlook. Even a month of such procedures gives tangible positive results. Note that this is not a month spent in a hospital bed.

There are numerous cases when patients with ulcers on the body, from which they were treated for a long time and unsuccessfully, got rid of the disease by starting to douse themselves with cold water.

“Staying in places not so remote, rotting ulcers began to appear on the body. Since there were no medicines at hand, he began to douse himself with cold water on the advice of a cellmate. It was difficult at first, but then I got used to it. The skin began to clear and soon not only recovered, but also felt much better. Continued to pour, seeing the result. Say goodbye to many health problems. But many have rotted…” Mikhail, 57 years old

Cold water is also afraid of stomach diseases, and digestive system generally.

“I left professional sports with a lot of diseases of the digestive system. Life has become hell. He was treated even by professors, but to no avail. When he began to douse himself with cold water, he “scored” on medicine. Six months later, he was already back to life. Maxim, 41 years old.

Why does it work?

A simple relationship: dousing with cold water - hardening - training the body's defenses. He begins an active opposition to ailments and negative effects on him. environment:

  • infections;
  • temperature fluctuations;
  • high humidity or dryness;
  • aggressive chemical attack.

Children, the elderly, exhausted and often ill, using the dousing method, strengthen the immune system, which is easier to fight these factors.

The basis of the hardening procedure is the temperature difference.

At the first moment of interaction between the body and cold water:

  • our vessels constrict at once;
  • the skin turns pale.

This is a visible external reaction. But within us:

  • already sharply rushed blood to all organs;
  • organism is going through good sense words) numerous complex reactions activation of organs and systems;
  • having thoroughly invigorated our “insides”, the blood, having repelled from them, is directed to subcutaneous layers, dilating blood vessels;
  • the body turns red, and we feel warm.

Easy process and understandable. But this powerful push is a unique natural method. As a result, the body becomes invulnerable, which means that it can independently cope not only with colds associated with drafts and cold. Hardened people very rarely experience complications after illness, they have an easier recovery process.

Dousing with cold water is a powerful healing factor!

  1. Gradually strengthens both the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  2. It will have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Each time will "cheer up" the metabolic process.
  4. Will promote the removal of toxins and toxins;
  5. It will help to endure stress more easily, having the principle of stress in its very method.

Note that random procedures will not allow the body to fully adapt and this will only worsen your condition. Come to this method consciously.

How to shower properly?

Like any unconventional method strengthening and healing the body, it must move into the stage of everyday life, i.e. become a way of life. Then only the desired result will be. Therefore, we enter into it gradually and in detail.

To make it easier to get involved in the process of pouring cold water

  1. Do not rush into battle right away, but do it slowly.
  2. You need to pour water over it, prepared in the evening.
  3. Start dousing in the bathroom if it is not possible to do this procedure on the street in the first days.
  4. Start pouring from the hands, then up to the shoulders, on the neck and then on to the legs.
  5. Pour cold water over your face.
  6. You need to finish the procedure by wiping the body dry.
  7. The next day, start pouring over your back.
  8. The next day - the head.

This is for the first week. The body will have enough time to get acquainted with new sensations.

In the second week, you can gradually pour a bucket of water on your head. Try to reduce the water temperature by a degree every day.

And for those who are seriously thinking about taking care of their health and dousing with cold water, here are our tips.

  1. Be sure to take an interest in P. Ivanov's system.
  2. As soon as the jets of water “burn” your body, the self-healing mechanism (psychological attitude) will turn on in the body.
  3. When you go out into the yard and step on the ground with bare feet, do not think that you will get sick, but think that you will be healthy.
  4. When dousing, old diseases will seek a way out, and manifest themselves both in various exacerbations and skin rashes. But, this is not necessary for everyone.
  5. By pouring cold water on yourself, you are giving your body a chance.
  6. When you start pouring cold water on yourself, listen to your body. He will tell you how many times he needs it.
  7. Do not douse completely at once, but pour over parts of the body first. Use a bucket.
  8. It is good if you have support from family, friend or girlfriend. In a team, it is easier to do the first procedures for dousing with cold water.


Do not be thoughtless about dousing with cold water. If you have diseases such as tachycardia, ischemia, heart failure, first consult your doctor. If your body is in the stage of exacerbation of any disease, wait. If there are problems with eye pressure, consult with a specialist. Colds are also not cured by dousing, wrapping is more suitable here, but that's another topic.

Most importantly, you must clearly realize that dousing with cold water will make your body young and healthy, and therefore happy. Expose your body to the life-giving avalanche of cold water. Flowing around, it will burn, and will be able to lift to the pinnacle of bliss.

Strength of spirit and life in health!

Water is a great boon for man! And cold water also treats physical and mental ailments. And although many understand this, not everyone can decide to harden by pouring. For some, from the mere thought that they will have to overturn a bucket of cold water on themselves, and every day, their willpower disappears somewhere. And the solemn oath “I will be tempered from next Monday” does not allow you to sleep peacefully, because Monday is already tomorrow.

About the benefits of pouring

What is it - a psychological barrier, laziness or unwillingness to go beyond a comfortable state? Dousing with cold water, and not lukewarm, pleasant and familiar to the body, oh, how you don’t want to. And even the stories of a friend about the pleasure with which he climbs into the hole in the winter, and then feels great, do not push him from his place. “Let the “walruses” dip into ice water for themselves, but I feel good already!” - this is how we dissuade ourselves from dousing. Ah, in vain!

Even the ancients noticed that cold hardening trains the immune and nervous systems. AT Kievan Rus after the banya, people ran naked into the street and rubbed themselves in the snow. So for a long time they kept good spirits, high efficiency, good mood. However, this ritual existed among many northern peoples, as well as swimming in a river or lake in winter. But why does cold have such a powerful healing effect on the human body? And why on the streets modern metropolis increasingly you can meet people dressed clearly out of season? Are they not afraid to catch a cold, wearing a T-shirt and shorts in late autumn?

No. Do not be scared! If a person is hardened, he is not afraid of temperature changes. And, as you know, nothing hardens as effectively as cold. What people do for hardening: walrus, rubbed with snow, doused with cold water, take a contrast shower, go to cryosaunas.

Cold is stress for our body, but stress is "useful". In science, there are even such concepts as eustress and distress. The consequences of the latter are very deplorable and lead to irritability, bad sleep, neurosis and psychosis. The counterweight to distress is eustress. This is when your body adapts to stressors like cold. With any kind of stress, cortisol is produced - a hormone responsible for maintaining the body's energy resource. With “favorable” stress, it is produced just enough to increase metabolic processes, and work immune system improved. Therefore, hardening is not only possible, but also necessary for the body to remain strong and young for a long time.

How to set yourself up for dousing

However, the issue of dousing with cold water must be approached carefully, with skill. You should not, clenching your jaw, but with your head held high, empty a bucket of ice water on yourself one morning. Most likely, this will lead to hypothermia of the body. Hardening should begin with the gradual adaptation of the body to the cold. There are two options for how to harden with cold water: with a decrease in water temperature and local dousing. But that's not all! Hardening can be carried out by pouring water over the entire body, starting from the head. And you can partially, dipping only the legs and arms, and then move on to general hardening.

You also need to prepare psychologically for dousing. If it’s “scary” for the first time, then you need to imagine how the water will roll off the body with a pleasant cold and what an invigorating and shocking effect it will leave. The main thing is to tune in to daily douches, and keep yourself in a positive way. If mentally you are not ready yet, then choose for yourself more “gentle” ways of hardening: wiping with a wet towel, pouring cold water on your feet.

It is not necessary to start with cold tap water: you can collect it in a bucket in advance and leave it to stand at room temperature overnight. So she won't call discomfort. The procedure must be carried out in calm state, in a calm environment, not in a hurry. After dousing, do not rush to immediately immerse yourself in a warm terry bathrobe. If you let yourself dry for a while naturally You will only do what is best for your body.

Of course the most effective way hardening with cold water - dousing on fresh air. The city street is not suitable for such manipulations, but the summer cottage is what you need! With bare feet standing on the ground, you will receive maximum effect from natural energy exchange. In addition, biologically active points are located on the feet, which, with additional activation, stimulate the work of internal organs and the whole organism. The city dweller is left to be content with a bath or shower, and here it is important not to stand with your feet for a long time. cold water, and, therefore, to provide her with a quick drain.

Pouring: how to start, what are the indications and contraindications

Jump, squat, run, or otherwise warm up before pouring. Here the formula "cold for heat" applies. On the first day, it is enough for a beginner to pour over his hands, legs and neck, and wipe his face cool water. The next - "involve" the back. It is also not recommended to pour water on the head at first. By the way, not everyone is drenched in the head. Therefore, everyone decides for himself whether to do it completely or partially.

The amount of water can be increased every day, but one full bucket will be enough to achieve the effect of hardening. After 10-30 days, the body will get used to the douche. Emptying the bucket should not be done in one fell swoop, but gradually, so that the water will wash the whole body. After dousing, you do not need to immediately wrap yourself in warm clothes - let the moisture dry by itself, and the body can be warmed up by exercising or rubbing with a towel (the “warm to cold” formula). After that, put on a terry bathrobe and drink hot tea in small sips.

It is best to douse yourself in the morning - it invigorates and improves your well-being and mood! Such hardening contributes to:

  • Activation of blood circulation, due to which the blood washes away toxins and toxins from the body;
  • Sharp saturation of all internal organs with oxygen and beneficial substances;
  • Recession of swelling of the veins;
  • Acceleration of metabolic processes and weight loss;
  • Rejuvenation of the body.

If you still find it difficult to decide to douse yourself with cold water, prepare yourself:

  • buy a beautiful but light bucket so that it is not difficult to lift it full on outstretched arms;
  • tell your family or friends that you are starting to harden: specify the day and method of pouring;
  • ask someone close to you to help you in the early days - out of habit it can be bad;
  • temper "with the company" of like-minded people.

There are also contraindications for dousing with cold water: pregnancy, acute chronic diseases, diseases nervous system, FLU. It should also not be hardened in this way for people suffering from cardiovascular pathologies, with open form tuberculosis, who have had a heart attack or stroke, cancer patients and those who have impaired blood supply to the brain.

Remember that water, like a living organism, absorbs good and bad. Before dousing, mentally positively charge it, and then this procedure will go well. If you are going to temper yourself with water through “I don’t want to”, then it’s better to abandon this idea altogether, otherwise the benefit of dousing will be zero. After the procedure, thank the Universe for the happiness of living, and wish yourself and everyone else health and well-being! Be healthy!

There are many folk methods prevention of diseases, improvement of the body and achievement of longevity. Pouring as a means of hardening appeared a long time ago and is popular in modern world. But for the effectiveness of the result, you need to understand how to douse yourself with cold water in the morning. Field Marshal Suvorov, who, being sickly and weak in childhood, was able to improve his health and harden, thanks to this, which he himself wrote about.

Pros and cons of dousing

In official and folk medicine, in nutrition, there is a simple rule, which is that any remedy can be beneficial and harmful, depending on the amount, method of its application. Pure water is undoubtedly useful and necessary, but its excessive use can be detrimental to health. To understand whether it is useful to pour cold water in the morning, you need individual approach taking into account the characteristics of the age, lifestyle, health status of a particular person.

Practice shows that hardening, in particular dousing, has a healing effect, relieves stress, strengthens the cardiovascular system and has a positive effect on human immunity. This procedure carries a positive emotional charge, improves well-being and mood for a long period of time.

When in contact with cold water, the vessels of the surface of the body narrow, automatically there is an influx of blood to internal organs, oxygen saturation and stress experienced activate their work. Immediately after dousing, the blood rushes to the vessels of the body, this is evidenced by a noticeable reddening of the skin, feelings of warmth and lightness come in the body. Specifically, the benefits of pouring cold water in the morning are as follows:

  • strengthening the cardiovascular, immune and endocrine systems organism;
  • prevention colds;
  • rejuvenating effect;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes in the body and the removal of toxins;
  • positive emotions and improved well-being and mood.

This procedure releases adrenal hormones that suppress the immune system. Be that as it may, a lot depends on the correctness of the dousing, taking into account all the necessary parameters (age, state of health and the presence of diseases, gradual hardening, and others).

In general, there are such harmful consequences of the procedure as:

  • the occurrence of colds;
  • complications in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • functional disorders in the work of the adrenal glands and internal organs;
  • weakening of the immune system.

It must be remembered that a lot depends on the gradual preparation of the body for this procedure.

We carry out hardening correctly

There are several well-established rules that will make it possible to get the maximum effect from pouring cold water in the morning. First of all, they are gradual. Starting to fill up with dousing with cold water, you can cause significant harm to your health and body.

It is advisable to use water at the initial stage room temperature and gradually reduce it, accustoming the body and yourself to hardening. According to one of the methods, the water temperature is reduced by about 5 degrees in 10 days.

It is highly undesirable to take a sharply cold shower, the negative effect is more treatment and prophylactic possible hypothermia.

You should water yourself with cold water from a bucket, and so that the water covers the whole body, at the first dousing, you can use half a bucket of water, gradually increasing the volume.

It is not recommended to wipe yourself with a towel for a long time after the procedure and immediately take hot shower. Useful after holding the complex exercise. It is important to take into account age, in old age water below 15 degrees is not recommended, children should be taught to low temperatures very carefully and step by step.

Naturally, at the first procedure there will be timidity, and even fear, which must be overcome, this will facilitate the procedure in the future.

Effective A complex approach when dousing is combined with a healthy lifestyle, physical education and sports, proper nutrition.

cosmetic effect

Washing with ice in the morning is very useful. It tones the skin, cleanses the pores and enhances metabolic processes, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, makes the face smooth and causes a blush.

In the manufacture of ice cubes, it is strictly not recommended to use tap water, better mineral, even better pure water with decoctions medicinal herbs. It is recommended to wipe the entire surface of the face with ice in the morning and in the evening, for 3-5 minutes, the movements of the ice should be soft and smooth, the amplitude of movements from top to bottom. You should not linger on the frontal part of the face.

To enhance the effectiveness of such procedures, pre-prepared ice cubes from medicinal infusions or decoctions. For example, chamomile, mint, calendula and other plants help not only tone, but also heal the skin of the face, cleanse it, narrow the porosity of the skin, and give it a beautiful healthy shade. The recipe is simple:

  1. A decoction of 2 tbsp. l. herbs or mixtures of herbs pour 1 cup boiling water or bring to a boil.
  2. Strain, pour chilled into ice molds.
  3. The composition is ready.

You can add berries or juicy fruits instead of herbs. Every morning we wipe the face with a cube and already in the second week of use an amazing result will be noticeable.

Joint hardening of the skin of the face and body is the main component of success on the path to recovery and longevity.

Cold water can be a source of health if used wisely. For example, the correct pouring of cold water is very useful and healing. But if the procedure is carried out incorrectly, you can only hurt yourself. How to douse with cold water? Is it worth refrigeration at all?

Proper pouring cold water

Dousing with cold water: how to do it right

To benefit, dousing must be carried out in accordance with certain recommendations:

  • First you need to do exercises, walk barefoot.
  • Procedure on outdoors in winter time should take no more than 10 seconds, indoors it can be stretched up to 1 minute.
  • The water temperature for beginners should be around +30°. Every day you need to reduce it by 1 ° until you reach +15 °. Below this mark, the temperature must not be lowered so as not to damage health.
  • In order not to overcool your feet, you need to stand in the bath or shower. And if dousing is carried out on the street, you need to stand on the grass or a special stand.
  • Dousing should be done instantly, without stretching the "pleasure". It is necessary to pour a bucket of water on the top of the head so that the water does not splash on the sides, but glass on the body.
  • After dousing with cold water, it is recommended to wipe your face with a frozen cube herbal infusion, green tea, and grind the body terry towel.

At first, the cold is breathtaking. Then breathing becomes deeper and freer, blood flow increases, blood vessels dilate, the skin acquires a pink tint, and a wave of heat spreads through the body.

Benefits of cold water douche

Cold is useful because the body under its influence begins to better resist disease. But besides this, there are other advantages of this procedure:

  • Dousing with cold water helps to improve skin tone.
  • The manifestations of cellulite, which arose as a result of a failure of metabolic processes, are eliminated.
  • Cells rejuvenate and begin to work more actively.
  • The activity of the nervous system is normalized (apathy and overwork pass, mood rises).
  • The metabolism is activated, which contributes to weight loss.
  • The dousing procedure prevents the development of varicose veins and the appearance of spider veins.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.

Proper dousing enhances the process of blood circulation, provides oxygen to organs and tissues. As a result, well-being improves, vitality, are activated energy reserves organism.

Academician N. M. Amosov, having made his honest confession, became my voluntary associate. And I will try to help him regain his lost health. But there is another type of recovery, the popularity of which does not correspond to the real usefulness. It's about hardening. Former hockey player of the Chelyabinsk "Tractor", master of sports told how he tried to maintain his health. In his arsenal were running, skiing, fasting and hardening. In a conversation with me, he did not hide the fact that, using the indicated means, he still could not ensure good health. I especially remember what was associated with hardening. "I'll plunge into the hole in the morning and walk until 3 pm in a state of euphoria and comfort" - this is the beginning of the experiment. But a year has passed, and the effect of the ice font is enough for five minutes. I had to explain to my counterpart what happened to him. The master of sports, who is able to work on the hockey rink like a "machine", has a powerful energy system. The main hormones of energy are glucocorticoids - hormones of the adrenal glands. You already know how powerfully these hormones are released by the masters of sports. Why did their production decrease so sharply? Decreased adrenal function. Figuratively speaking, during this time the adrenal glands were "lowered into the hole."

The popularity of hardening with cold water is generated by a feeling of comfort, euphoria that arise after the procedure. Glucocorticoids are energy and stress hormones. They are both rolled into one. Pouring ice water- the strongest stress. The adrenal glands instantly release glucocorticoids, which, spreading through the blood, quickly start the energy production mechanisms in the cells. But these mechanisms are realized by strengthening the free radical oxidation of lipids. cell membranes, and, therefore, first of all, the vessels suffer.

Under stress, the precursor of glucocorticoids is the hormone adrenaline, which under these conditions, i.e. when high concentration glucocorticoids, exhibits a strong thrombotic effect. Cold stress poses a particular danger to blood vessels. I recall the reaction to this information of one of my elderly listeners (A.P. Levchakov, Serpukhov): "I saw Porfiry Ivanov, he has black legs." The expert of the Bulletin of a healthy lifestyle, A. A. Loshchilin, said on this occasion that he had seen P. Ivanov when he already had gangrene. But there are plenty of examples of victims of this procedure today. It's not just the legs that suffer. The whole body suffers. After all, the stress reaction is fraught with another unpleasant phenomenon for the body. Glucocorticoids are antagonists of the immune system, and their systematic release gradually destroys it. The danger of hardening with cold water in its repetitive systematicity. All organs and tissues are affected. But no less dangerous is the effect of glucocorticoids on their own adrenal glands, leading to their own dystrophy. Remember how the production of the adrenal glands in our hockey player fell? As a result, the body has lost a powerful source of energy, which can be restored traditional means already impossible. My counterpart has not been tempered for a long time, he stopped mocking himself. He likes the new breath and he continues to master it. And we hope that with the help of the TDI-01 simulator he will be able to rehabilitate his body.

We can talk about the benefits and harms of hardening with cold water. The benefits are associated with improved cellular energy and metabolism. This allows you to get rid of inflammatory and colds. Harm affects primarily in the negative impact on microvessels and capillaries, since adrenaline and glucocorticoids cause the main damage in these areas. In this they outperform the effect of medium physical activity. Glucocorticoids have negative impact for immunity. This must be remembered above all in the treatment of cancer, asthma, allergies, bronchopulmonary diseases, periodontal disease, sinusitis, rhinitis, rheumatism, arthritis and other diseases. Cold procedures are dangerous when cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, migraine.

How is a person treated when doused with ice water? Hormones: glucocorticoids and adrenaline. Glucocorticoids are cortisone, prednisone, and other hormones that doctors use today to "treat" asthma, arthritis, rheumatism, and dermatitis. But here is what Herbert Shelton, an eminent American hygienist, writes about this: “A recent example: cortisone is used to treat arthritis, the cause of which is considered unknown. It was not at all supposed that cortisone eliminates an unknown cause. It was simply ignored by prescribing this drug. Simple elimination of symptoms was enthusiastically announced successful treatment. After a while it was realized that this treatment was just as illusory as the other treatments."

The patient said that after hardening the pain in the joints disappeared. He believes he has succeeded. But this is a Pyrrhic victory. Joint pain is signaled by nerves that are not sufficiently supplied with blood. During hardening, own hormones ensured thrombosis of microvessels and capillaries. Nerve dead, pain gone. tissue function is impaired. Movement in the joint will never be as free as it was before the disease, because the capillaries do not open and tissue rehabilitation is impossible.

In the first edition of the book, I only briefly touched on the topic of hardening. But after talking to hundreds of people, I realized how big the industry is. Its formation is associated with a person of the greatest energy and soul. Porfiry Ivanov remained a legend, but he could have been with us. He was given health for two lives. And it remains only to regret that we did not save this unique and amazing good man. His premature death— a call to reason and moderation.

A pregnant woman, having sank into icy water, does not imagine what a cruel blow is inflicted on her unborn child. And now the mother, lowering the baby into the hole, also expects a miracle. But miracles are sought by journalists who care about the sensation. They are not afraid that miracles can be imaginary. And their action will harm millions of people. If everyone writes about the benefits of cold water, it should be so.

In front of me is a thin, middle-aged woman from Taganrog. The state of a person beginning to dry up. Tells. She began to douse herself with cold water, began to lose weight, then a stomach ulcer appeared. I'm wondering if the pouring continues. Yes. Continues. But her worries are now with peptic ulcer and reduced weight. Holy simplicity! She herself connected cause and effect, but she does not dare to think about it. Can pouring cold water be harmful, the usefulness of which has been hammered into consciousness for many years and from all sides.

A 42-year-old woman from the city of Fryazino near Moscow. Metastases one year after surgery for breast cancer, bad vessels legs. - Do you bathe? - Yes, I douse myself for several years, even before the cancer, and continue to do so now.

Here is such a story. She does not even realize that both cancer and damage to the vessels of the legs are the consequences of the main cause - the action of her own hormones stimulated by cold water. They destroy blood vessels and suppress the immune system. This is necessary and sufficient to cause many diseases, including such a formidable one as cancer.

I have heard many such stories, but these are enough to not make mistakes. remember, that healthy man never gets used to cold water. The action of cold always leads to a stress reaction with immune suppression and vascular destruction. Carrying out procedures daily, you deprive yourself of a reliable immune protection and burn the vessels. Don't be deceived by the state of joy and comfort after a bucket of ice water. The effects are noticeable after months and years. May it always remain in our hearts bright memory about the kind and great man Porfiry Ivanov, who prompted Right way. Let's be reasonable so as not to make the mistakes of those ahead.

Pour water on health! What is useful pouring and what you need to consider

Hello! You will probably agree that water is a very important substance for all living things. Since ancient times, people have known and appreciated the healing properties of water. It has also long been seen great benefit for health from the most common method of hardening - dousing. Today, this method has not lost popularity and has helped to discover a new, beneficial effect of water on the human body.

Water pour options

Pouring with cold water or ice. For some reason, only cold water is considered to be a hardening procedure by dousing. Of course, it has a pronounced healing effect. Due to its strong irritating effect on the skin, it sends certain impulses to the brain, forcing it to activate defensive forces organism. However, not everyone is able to withstand and quickly get used to such irritation. This does not mean that dousing is not right choice hardening, and it absolutely does not fit. You just need to start with the softest ways. Yes, and do not assume that hot water is not able to have a hardening effect.

Exposure to hot water

This method is simply not a substitute for beginners hardening with cold water and people experiencing severe discomfort by cold. The technique is simple and convenient. The whole body can simply be wiped with a soft towel, previously moistened with hot water. Water, evaporating from the surface of the skin, begins to cool it. This results in the action of a contrast shower. The higher the water temperature, the more intense the evaporation and cooling. The temperature should be increased gradually, observing one of the basic rules of hardening and avoiding complications.

Dousing with ice water

The most extreme type of dousing is the use of ice water. Of course, it is not clear what water is considered ice water? It is customary to take as an indicator the temperature as close as possible to zero. That is, when water is on the verge of freezing or is covered thin layer ice. Ice must be removed before use to avoid injury.

The so-called ice water has an unusually powerful irritation of the nerve receptors of the skin. All impulses are sent to the brain, helping to stimulate the hypothalamus. This tiny gland in our body is responsible for the functioning of many systems and internal organs. So she renders special influence on sleep and wakefulness, helps control appetite and thirst, work of cardio-vascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

Ice water, as it were, brings the body out of slumber, shakes it up and helps to launch hidden opportunities. It affects the body in the following way. When such a strong irritant comes into contact with the skin, a vasospasm occurs. The blood begins to move very powerfully in the body, washing out all unnecessary substances in the form of toxins and toxins. At this time, the whole body works according to this principle.

It has been proven that ice water is a powerful activator of biologically active points. Its effect is no worse than acupuncture or laser stimulation. In addition, it fills the body with energy in a huge amount. The human aura is released from pathogenic energy, receiving a pure energy flow of the forces of nature and its hidden capabilities. The effect of rejuvenation is based on this principle. Even traditional healers remove the evil eye only with cold water.

Pouring after the bath

Particular attention should be paid to the combined effect of dousing with cold water and a bath. During bath procedures, amazing things happen to the skin and the whole body. First of all, it is an active removal of all toxins and toxins through sweating. Bath procedures help get rid of excess subcutaneous fat, and cold water reinforces this effect. In addition, it allows you to quickly get rid of cellulite, making the skin smooth and elastic. For women, this is the simplest, and also affordable and pleasant way to correct weight.

Such douche is desirable to carry out from the crown to the heels. Like any kind of hardening associated with temperature stimuli, it is better to start with pleasant-to-feeling water. Then gradually lower the temperature.

There are two ways to end the procedure. The first is to simply rub the whole body with a terry towel. The second method is associated with the impact on the body subconsciously, setting it up for correct work. The secret is very simple, you need to run your palms all over the body, removing water with all diseases and ailments. First from the hair and neck, then the arms, torso and legs. Passing each part of the body, it is worth, as it were, shaking the palms of the water, thereby dumping negative energy.

If it is not possible to get used to dousing with ice water after a bath, then this ritual can be performed partially, without resorting to a sharp cooling of the head. For example, first pour over the arms, then the torso and legs, and the face, you just need to wash it with cold water.

Briefly about dousing with cold water according to Ivanov

Many authors have described their methods of hardening by dousing with cold water. Some of them are quite complex, others are uncommonly simple and accessible. For example, the system of Porfiry Ivanov is based on the observance of systematicity and certain elements breathing exercises. He recommended to his students to bathe or douse with cold water at least 2 times a day. Even any hot bath, according to him, should end with a cold douche.

For the procedure, you will need 2 buckets of water, the temperature of which should be a maximum of 5 ° C. It is better to pour cold water on yourself while standing barefoot on the ground or snow. Before this, you need to take a deep breath and try to suppress all fears in yourself by relaxing. Both buckets of water are poured at once, so it turns out, as it were, a double effect of cold. That is, the body receives a second wave of cold immediately. This will additionally have a beneficial effect on the immune system. After the water has doused the whole body, it is worth lingering for a few seconds to most of she went into the earth with all the ailments. Hardening should not be postponed, under any circumstances. Whether it's winter or summer outside, systematicity is, essential condition hardening systems by Porfiry Ivanov.

The method of dousing according to Ivanov causes controversy between admirers and opponents. In any case, an unprepared person cannot proceed with this pouring.

Contrasting douche

Hardening can be carried out using contrast pouring. It is the use of water for dousing with a temperature difference of about 10-15 degrees. The ambient temperature should be around 15-17 degrees. The whole process should not be long, an indicator good effect is redness of the skin. It is often used for neurosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, and even for initial stage hypertension. In addition, a good effect on the skin is noticed. Under the influence of temperature differences, she receives a certain training, which helps to resist aggressive environmental factors. Even after several procedures, the skin of the face looks younger and cleaner.

Contrast douche is very similar to a contrast shower. However, its advantage lies in the instant effect on the entire body. This contributes to a sharp shake-up of the immune system and leads to a more tangible effect. Cold and hot shower, in turn, acts gently and its action is delayed.

Indications and contraindications for dousing with cold water

The method of hardening through dousing with cold water has a pronounced effect, therefore there are certain indications and contraindications for its implementation.

Of course, the benefits of this type of strengthening immunity are enormous. When skin receptors are stimulated, blood abruptly moves away from skin and rushes to the internal organs. Thus, they are saturated with oxygen and other useful substances. This alone is worth a lot. After the procedure, a great amount energy, which is converted into thermal energy, contributing to good tissue heating.

Dousing with cold water for hypertension, hypotension and heart disease

There are no absolute contraindications to dousing with cold water. But, for example, serious illnesses heart and cardiovascular system, these are the conditions in which it is better to limit yourself to partial dousing or refuse altogether. However, with hypotension, cold water will help to reduce the lumen of the vessels and lead to arterial pressure back to normal. Not expressed forms of hypertension are also not a contraindication. In any case, with such pathologies, you should consult a doctor.

cold water for colds

With an elementary cold in case of elevated temperature bodies, one should refrain from such hardening.

Pouring cold water during pregnancy

During pregnancy, you need to take care of the health of the unborn baby. Therefore, the wrong approach to dousing can lead to the occurrence of the same cold, and this is not very good in this position. Here you can limit yourself to pouring your feet. This will help counter the occurrence of varicose veins, which is common during pregnancy. By the way, the procedure will be very useful for people suffering from this disease. Pouring cold water on your feet is from the knees or hips down to the feet. Thereby helping to improve the natural circulation in the limbs, relieve fatigue and swelling. Cold water will improve the tone of blood vessels and veins, reducing their protrusion. In any case, it is better to consult with your doctor about dousing with cold water during pregnancy.

Dousing with cold water for osteochondrosis

When applying the procedure for osteochondrosis or other diseases of the back, it should be remembered that it is possible to aggravate your situation with hypothermia. With the right approach, cold water acts as a natural analgesic, relieving pain and spasms.

How to harden by pouring or the basic rules of hardening

If hardening is carried out for the first time, it is better to carry out the first procedure under the supervision of a relative or friend, in case necessary assistance. In the beginning, do not pour water abruptly. The first step may be partial dousing. The water temperature for beginners is quite suitable and 30 degrees. It is worth lowering it gradually, bringing it up to 10. But the temperature can be individual, the main thing is that the procedure gives pleasure, not torment.

At the end of the procedure, it would be nice to rub yourself with a towel and do gymnastics. It is desirable to carry out pouring on the street in calm weather, and monitor the drafts indoors. The air temperature in the room should be 18-20°C. As for the time of year, here it is so, if hardening is carried out for a long time, then even the most severe frost is not a hindrance. Only especially hardened people can not adhere to these rules.

Pouring cold water for weight loss

This method is approved even by traditional medicine. As practice shows, it is pouring cold water that contributes not only to health promotion, but also to weight loss. Due to the pronounced stress from exposure to cold, metabolic processes are accelerated, helping to burn subcutaneous fat.

For weight loss, dousing begins with 2-3 sessions per week, gradually increasing the frequency to 2 times a day. First, the body is partially poured: arms, legs, torso. Each part should be poured over from 10 to 30 seconds, the main thing is not to freeze. The procedure can be carried out with the help of a shower. Moreover, more water should be poured on the legs and arms.

After complete addiction to cold water, you can pour over your head. The water temperature for weight loss is the same as for general hardening. At the beginning of 30°C, then a slow decrease. A huge plus for weight loss is the use of hot herbal tea. It will help to warm up quickly and speed up the metabolic processes in the body.

The water hardening method is pleasant and generally available. Each person is able to choose the best mode for himself. The main thing is a prudent approach and compliance with all recommendations. In this case, you can quickly get a beautiful slender body with unusually good health.

Healing ice water

The healing and hardening properties of cold water have been known since time immemorial. Even Hippocrates attributed it to the potent therapeutic agents. However, now a discussion has begun about the effect of winter swimming on the human body.

- Vladimir Alekseevich, judging by your numerous titles, you know firsthand about healing properties cold water. Does it really help people in the fight for health?

– Of course, cold water by itself does not heal, but it enhances the internal potential of the body. When entering cold water, a person overcomes the shock barrier (it lasts up to one and a half minutes), after which the body begins to turn on additional energy resources that support the thermoregulation mechanism. At the same time, the skin temperature decreases, but the blood flow to the internal organs increases, which leads to an increase in heat generation by 10 times or more!

During cold loads, intra-metabolic processes are activated in the body, due to which combustion occurs. excess fat and weight loss. In addition, cholesterol and blood sugar levels decrease, the production of sex hormones increases, cell aging slows down, up to their regeneration in individual bodies. There is a release of endorphins into the blood - hormones of joy.

Hardening the body with cold allows a person to better endure weather changes, resist colds and flu, maintain vigor and good mood. Everyone who has ever tried to take a dip will say: after swimming in the hole, there is a feeling of pleasant warmth even in severe frost, there is an extraordinary lightness in the whole body, a feeling of the joy of life.

- Is it possible to plunge into the hole for people with various diseases?

- Surprisingly, with regular (3-4 times a week from 20 seconds to 1 minute) bathing in ice water there is an increase in immunity, which really helps people overcome various diseases. My experience shows that cold water can be effective even for those diseases that conventional medicine does not cope well with.

Let's say we have a lot of those in the federation who suffered hypertension before getting acquainted with winter swimming, and after systematic training, they forgot about pressure and even gave up pills. I will clarify that in the first classes, blood pressure under the influence of cold water may increase, but after several dippings, the process of a steady and long-term decrease begins.

Relief was also received by people with certain diseases of an infectious-allergic nature, rheumatism, bronchial asthma, chronic radiculitis, tuberculosis. In rheumatic patients, pain and aches in the bones decrease, joint mobility improves, and in asthmatics, the symptoms of an attack are relieved. I will give an example with a patient with a pulmonary form open tuberculosis. Oleg Borisovich Filatov had hemoptysis, the treatment did not help well. Then he intuitively climbed into the hole. And what? Hemoptysis stopped, the disease passed into a closed form.

Or I will say about Valentina Ivanovna Noskova: she suffered for a long time with her sciatica and bronchitis, in the first two years of her studies she tried to leave winter swimming. But she showed patience, and the illnesses receded, and she herself is now the chairman of one of the hardening clubs in our federation, she has eighteen years of experience in winter swimming. And how many people the ice-hole has relieved of stress, fears, neuroses! The fact is that an increase in the basic level of norepinephrine gives stable state cheerfulness.

Therefore, cold water helps to get out of a state of depression, helps in the fight against depression. Winter swimming also has a beneficial effect on those people who seek to overcome alcohol addiction. I won't talk about cosmetic effect, often exceeding the result from the use of expensive cosmetics- walrus skin is elastic, fresh.

– But, perhaps, all that has been said is more about young people, with a strong potential of the body ...

- Among those who are engaged in winter swimming just more people middle-aged and older, who, faced with diseases, have already realized the need to improve their health. For example, a member of our federation, Shamil Mirgaladovich Minnekhanov, at the age of forty, was very ill, he was treated for a long time and to no avail. The ice hole helped improve his health, in 2001 he even became the champion of Russia in winter swimming.

Today, Minnekhanov, at the age of 70, swims in the ice hole three times a week in winter, regularly goes skiing, goes in for recreational jogging, and walks a lot. Recently I walked 60 kilometers from Perm to my dacha in 9 hours and 45 minutes. His blood pressure is 120/80, his pulse at rest is 68-76 beats per minute. people like that there are many in our country and in other federations - I met them at our swims. Take, for example, the multiple winner of international competitions, 64-year-old Nina Iosifovna Ermilova. She took up winter swimming after two heart attacks. By the way, for this, at the age of 45, she had to learn how to stay on the water. In Nakhodka, Nina Alekseevna Kalinina, who is over 80 years old, plunges into the hole.

I will refer to the results of joint Russian and foreign scientific research, which showed that people involved in winter swimming are not in danger of old age: their biological age is 8-16 years less than their passport age. By the way, in a number of foreign companies that pay attention to this indicator, they provide financial incentives for employees involved in winter swimming.

- I think after such words, many will want to immediately try miraculous properties cold water on yourself. What would you advise them?

- First of all, be careful and strictly control yourself. Everyone who dips knows the feeling of euphoria after exposure to cold water. Such a state, in addition to a charge of vivacity, gives a person self-confidence, often almost limitless. Here lies the danger. In this state, many people cease to adequately evaluate their physical forces and the level of health, they leave a sense of proportion. This is especially true for those who want to make a long swim in cold water without proper preparation. Without systematic training that forms the adaptation of the body, instead of healing, you can get negative cold stress.

I noted this during medical supervision for some swimmers. As a result of prolonged hypothermia, their skin turned blue, their blood pressure increased, and even an altered state of consciousness was noted. Fortunately, a person recovers after this within a few hours. But is it worth bringing yourself to such a state, instead of doing good to yourself harm?

- How to ice swim so as not to harm yourself?

- Winter swimming should be considered, first of all, as a health-improving means and, secondly, as a sport. Therefore, it is necessary to approach it gradually, reasonably combining physical and cold loads. Of course, it is best to start systematic swimming in the summer, which will painlessly lead you to the highest form of hardening - winter swimming. But those who want to start now can practice using different techniques hardening, increasing in the degree of their extremeness - wiping, showering, dousing.

I will say, for example, about dousing. At the beginning of our conversation, I already talked about training the mechanisms of thermoregulation. So, even a short-term exposure of the body to cold water, for only 1-5 seconds, along with a decrease in skin temperature, activates acupuncture points. And due to this reaction, the body temperature, on the contrary, rises. And when the temperature rises, as in fire, pathogenic microorganisms burn, and the person is quickly cured.

This effect is used to treat colds. Anyone who wants to get rid of a cold should quickly pour two or three buckets of cold water every two or three hours, even if standing in the bathroom. And the disease will recede in a day or two. Well, for healthy hardening, it is enough to pour a bucket of cold water on yourself in the morning. Ideally, if you do this outdoors, standing in the snow.

Cold showers are great for beginners, especially those who are afraid of cold water. At classic way hardening first use body temperature water, lowering it by 1 degree every 3-4 days. When discomfort occurs, the temperature of the water is raised to eliminate them. Such cycles are repeated 3-4 times a month.

Walking without clothes in calm weather. It is good to walk in a forest or a dense park where there is natural air circulation. The cold will hardly be felt there. But the constant walking in lightweight clothing perfectly adapts the body to the cold.

A contrast shower allows you to accustom the body to sharp drops temperatures. The temperature difference between hot and cold water gradually increases, the contrast cycles are repeated several times. End contrast procedures needed: in winter - cooling, in summer - warming.

Hardening with hot water. It is recommended for those who cannot get used to cold water. Either take a good hot shower, or wipe the body with a towel soaked in hot water, and then let it dry. Water, evaporating from the skin, cools it. The hotter the water, the more intense it evaporates, and the more the body cools. It is recommended to increase the water temperature gradually. In action, such hardening is similar to a contrast shower.

Dousing with cold water. The procedure can be started with a water temperature of about +30, gradually reducing it to +10 and below. The highest degree of such hardening is dousing with ice water. For this in plain water from the tap, you can put ice prepared in the refrigerator, or bring snow from the street.

Autumn swimming at air temperature from +10 to -5 degrees and water temperature +5+9 degrees. For many, it is psychologically easier to start swimming in the fall. Although in winter it is not more difficult to plunge into the hole, since in winter there is no long entry into the water with waves in the wind. At temperatures around freezing and below, time your bath time so that you can get dressed. Autumn swimming - very suitable look hardening for beginners.

wind hardening- a very complicated procedure, because not everyone can tolerate the wind. Therefore, some wellness systems generally deny it, nevertheless tempering air flow it is very useful for preparing for winter swimming - walruses with experience are not afraid of the wind even in frosty weather.

Hardening by wind can also be carried out at home using a fan. For beginners, the optimal distance to the fan is 5-6 meters, the motor speed is minimal, the air temperature is + 20-22 C. The duration of the first procedure is within 20 seconds. The body should be blown in front and behind for 10 seconds each. The air temperature drops by one degree every other day.

Walking in the snow. Great remedy for general hardening of the body, adaptation to cold and at the same time for massage of biologically active points located on the foot.

Wiping with snow. The skin at the same time undergoes more intense cooling than with a cold shower, and trains for the impact of sharp ice.

Dipping into the hole. Safe at temperatures higher than minus 20 with light wind, but ideal - at -10-12 degrees. Before bathing, it is recommended to put on enough clothes so that the body is not too warm and the person does not sweat. You can enter the ice hole slowly, starting with your feet, you can plunge into the whole place at once - as you like. Staying in it for 30-50 seconds, even for beginners, does not lead to negative cold stress and is therefore quite safe. Head diving into the hole is recommended only for experienced walruses.

Swimming in the hole. Swim until habituation, as far as possible, in cold water. The addictive effect is associated with the adaptation of the skin. It is optimal to bathe 2-3 times a week. At first, you need to have someone nearby who can help you get dressed. Fingers and toes are not in vain considered places of risk, if you overdose swimming in cold water, they may not obey. In this case, they must be dipped again in water so that they "thaw".

Marathon swimming. Prolonged swimming in cold water (from five minutes to several hours) leads to a change in the physiology of the body. Recommended only for experienced walruses, as part of a group.

– How much winter swimming should be done to achieve a lasting effect?

– Of course, one must understand that a sustainable result cannot be achieved after 1-2 dives. Practice shows that minimum exchange rate should be 10-12 regular sessions. But they should also be limited in time, and after a month of winter swimming, take a break for two months.

Cold water is too powerful a means of influencing the human body, and breaks are necessary. Moreover, I would not advise linking the season with the temperature of the water - hardening can be done both in winter and in summer. The acquired therapeutic effect persists for several months. So consult your doctor and start exercising.

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