Strawberry medicinal properties. The role of strawberries in human life and its benefits for the body. The benefits and harms of garden strawberries

Garden strawberries, or large-fruited strawberries, or pineapple strawberries (Fragiria ananassa) are all one and the same our favorite. Large-fruited - because the fruits are large, and pineapple - from Latin name ananassa. In the people it is also called strawberries and victoria.

There are a lot of garden strawberries ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, vitamins A, PP, E, organic acids, sugars, pectin, fiber, anthocyanins, tannins, a lot of potassium, as well as trace elements, including iodine, zinc, manganese, iron.

Due to the rich content of biologically active substances in berries garden strawberries, it can be used for preventive and medical purposes.

Sadovaya strawberries are considered a good dietary product recommended by doctors for diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart, beriberi as additional remedy during treatment.

The fiber contained in the berries of garden strawberries regulates the activity of the intestines, has a mild laxative, helps to cleanse the intestines, and relieves constipation.

Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, contained in garden strawberries, serves as a regulator of the redox process, regulates metabolism in general, takes part in cleansing the body of toxins and "bad" cholesterol in the blood vessels, has antiseptic, emollient, diuretic, stone-dissolving , hemostatic, wound healing, and anthelmintic action. Anthocyanins contained in garden strawberries, as well as in cherries, give them protective properties against radiation. Due to the high amount of antioxidants, eating garden strawberries can slow down the aging process.

Fruits, flowers, leaves, rhizomes of garden strawberries are used as medicinal raw materials. Strawberries are harvested at full maturity in dry weather, usually in the morning when the dew has gone or in the evening. The leaves are harvested during the period of flowering and fruiting, cutting them off without petioles, and the rhizomes - in the fall, clearing of small roots and drying in the usual way.

Garden strawberry leaves contain essential oils and tannins, so a decoction of garden strawberry leaves is useful for external use - gargling with sore throat, stomatitis and other inflammations of the oral cavity.

Eating fresh garden strawberries, as well as drinking a decoction of leaves and berries is very useful for diseases. thyroid gland caused by iodine deficiency, with metabolic disorders, obesity, intestinal infections and colds.

WITH hellish strawberries very useful for everyone - both children and adults, but especially the elderly. By using it, health, sleep, work of the stomach and intestines, kidneys and heart improves, shortness of breath disappears, deterioration of vision is restrained.

However, garden strawberries can cause allergies, and you can not use garden strawberries during an exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, ulcerative colitis.

Dried flowers, berries, leaves and rhizomes of garden strawberries are used to prepare medicinal fees, infusions, decoctions.

Infusion of fresh strawberries: One tablespoon of berries pour a glass of boiling water, insist a little, cool, strain. Apply as a rinse several times a day for inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, stomatitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis. If the berries are dry, then you need to take only a teaspoon of dry berries of garden strawberries, pour boiling water and boil a little. After the broth has cooled, strain it and use it to your health.

Infusion of garden strawberry leaves: The infusion is prepared at the rate of two tablespoons of dry crushed leaves per glass of boiling water. Infuse for 6-8 hours, then strain. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times daily general weakness, bronchitis (as an emollient), gastric diseases- gastritis, enterocolitis, diarrhea. An infusion of strawberry leaves can be alternated with an infusion of fenugreek seeds.

Infusion of leaves and rhizomes of garden strawberries: Take one tablespoon of an equal mixture in a glass of water, boil in a water bath for 10-15 minutes, let it brew for an hour, strain. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day an hour before meals with gastritis, enterocolitis, diarrhea.

Infusion of berries and leaves of garden strawberries: Take one tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of boiling water, insist for half an hour, strain. Take 1/2-2 cup three times a day with a tendency to stone formation in the kidneys, bladder or gallbladder.

A decoction of flowers and leaves of garden strawberries: One tablespoon of crushed fresh or dry strawberry leaves pour 400 ml of water, boil a little over low heat, cool, strain. Take a decoction of half a cup 3-4 times a day as a sedative, as well as for enterocolitis, jaundice, tuberculosis, nephrolithiasis and edema.

If you add nigella seeds to a mixture of dried flowers and leaves of garden strawberries.

Berries of garden strawberries, as well as wild strawberries, mashed into gruel, can be used externally for eczema, acne and skin wounds, as well as in cosmetic purposes, making nourishing masks on the skin of the face, neck, hands.


What is a strawberry?

What is a strawberry beneficial features and what are the contraindications medicinal properties strawberries, all this is of great interest to those who lead healthy lifestyle life, looks after his health, and is interested in folk methods treatment, including with the help of berries and fruits. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

This fragrant "inhabitant" of forest glades, clearings, roadsides and plains is surprisingly tasty and healthy at the same time. Strawberries have long been for people not just a sweet berry, but also an effective medicine: it has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years, not only berries, but also flowers, leaves and seeds.

strawberry - small herbaceous plant up to 15 cm high, Rosaceae family. It grows in the European part of Russia, in Siberia and in the north of the Caucasus. Cultivated in many countries of the world.

Strawberries as a culture have been known for over five hundred years. It was first bred in France, then in England, and in the 17th century in Russia - in the estate of the Romanov boyars (in the village of Izmailovo).

Large-fruited varieties were obtained for the first time in Holland in 1729 as a result of a long selection and crossing of two wild species: Chilean and Virginian, exported from America. These species differ from our wild strawberries in the large size of the berries and good taste.

Strawberries are the most precocious of all fruit and berry crops. It begins to bear fruit in the second year of planting, and in the third or fourth year gives the maximum yield.

The benefits of strawberries:

Strawberries are considered the most delicious and fragrant of wild berries. It is rich in iron, manganese, copper, zinc, which is very useful for anemia. Strawberries contain a lot of potassium, as well as pectin and organic acids. The main vitamins are C and folic acid (vitamin B9). The range of other vitamins is also very wide, these are B1, B2, PP, E, pantothenic acid (vitamin B5). Strawberries are distinguished by the content of a significant amount of bioflavonoids (vitamin P).

Strawberries are easily and quickly absorbed by the body, improve bowel function and promote overall metabolism, being an excellent dietary product.

Strawberries are consumed fresh in their natural form and a number of dietary dishes are prepared from them with other berries and fruits, with milk, with cream and sour cream.

Pectin - its most accessible reserve - strawberries. It is pectin that protects us from increased radiation. The same pectin normalizes the amount of cholesterol in the body and, which is very valuable, in case of excess it contributes to its removal, and in case of shortage it delays. Pectin also has a beneficial effect on intracellular reactions of respiration and metabolism. The same pectin increases resistance to allergic factors, it has a good effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory and digestive tract, helping it to resume sooner after irritation and inflammation.

Juice, decoctions and infusions, and especially fresh strawberries, give therapeutic effect in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, peptic ulcer), with gallstone and urolithiasis, for some diseases of cardio-vascular system, in particular, with atherosclerosis of the heart vessels, with hypertension, as well as with some diseases of the joints, gout, with anemia. Particularly useful products and diet meals prepared from strawberries in the spring as a source of vitamins.

Phytoncidal and antimicrobial properties of strawberry juice are used to rinse the oropharynx with bad breath and inflammation in this area. berry juice used externally to treat a number of skin diseases with cuts, minor wounds, eczema-like conditions, to eliminate spots on the skin, freckles, acne.

Due to the fact that fresh strawberries are stored for a short time, they are subjected to various methods processing with preservation of nutritional and medicinal qualities. Jams, syrups, juices, compotes, jams, liqueurs and wines are prepared from berries. Often for long-term storage and use in medical practice the berries are dried either outdoors in sunny summer weather, or in ovens and ovens.


Despite the sweet taste and beneficial properties, strawberries should not be eaten, and decoctions from it should not be consumed. large quantities because she is strong allergen, and with individual characteristics of the organism, it can cause itching, rash, vomiting, dizziness, redness of the skin. Similar symptoms rarely require serious medical intervention, usually go away on their own after stopping the use of berries.

With special care, pregnant women and children should take funds on strawberries, they have an increased risk of developing adverse reactions.

Strawberries are not only very tasty and fragrant, but also extremely useful berry. Strawberries contain a lot minerals and trace elements, especially calcium, iron, vitamin E, folic acid.

Strawberries are widely used in baby food as a means to improve appetite and strengthen immunity. Wild strawberries are famous for the fact that they promote hematopoiesis and well restore strength after an illness.

Strawberries are especially useful for children suffering from anemia.

In medical and preventive purposes children are advised to give wild strawberries, in it less sugar and more nutrients.

Strawberries and strawberries are allergens, and not all children, especially early age she is well tolerated. If, after eating berries, the child's skin becomes covered with a rash, itches, nausea or dizziness appears, then you will have to refrain from strawberries until an older age.

Often such acute reactions on strawberries are associated precisely with the too early introduction of berries, earlier than 1.5 - 2 years or with excess age norm. You need to start introducing strawberries from half or even a quarter of a berry, and then carefully monitor the child's condition in order to notice in time allergic reaction. It is believed that adding to berries fermented milk products reduces the likelihood of allergic reactions.

What are the benefits of strawberry leaves?

Strawberry leaves contain:

  • ascorbic acid (120-200 mg%),
  • flavonoids,
  • carotenoids,
  • coumarins,
  • essential oil,
  • tannins (9%).

Strawberry leaves are a multivitamin remedy that helps with beriberi, diabetes, and impaired metabolism. Infusion of strawberry leaves has a calming effect, vasoconstrictor, tonic, tonic, anti-sclerotic action. Strawberry leaves, among other things, can help in the process of hematopoiesis.

Strawberry leaves are harvested during the flowering period and dried for use as a medicinal raw material.

In addition, strawberry leaves have other useful properties: they have diuretic, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, wound healing, astringent properties. Strawberries are able to increase the tone of the uterus, increase its ability to contract, slow down the heart rate, and increase the amplitude of heart contractions.

What does strawberry treat?

Strawberries are very popular in folk medicine. It is used as a tonic, normalizing water-salt exchange and a multivitamin. Juice from fresh berries, taken on an empty stomach, normalizes digestion; it is used as good remedy for healing trophic ulcers and elimination age spots on the face. A decoction of the leaves and roots is effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids (it must be used both internally and externally). In addition, you can apply fresh leaves strawberries directly to hemorrhoids.

Treatment of bronchial asthma:

For treatment bronchial asthma use a decoction of strawberry leaves. To prepare it, 1-2 tablespoons of leaves are poured into 2 glasses of water, boiled for 5-10 minutes. Take a tablespoon after 2 hours.

Infusion with a breakdown:

2 tbsp. l. dry berries of wild strawberries pour 1 cup boiling water, insist. Take 0.5 cup 3-4 times a day with a general breakdown.

General strengthening decoction:

As a vitamin and restorative agent in folk medicine, a decoction of strawberries is used: pour 100 g of dry strawberries into 1 liter boiled water, boil on low heat for 10 minutes, insist 2 hours, strain.

Drink 0.5-1 glass 3-5 times a day.

Weeping wounds, ulcers, eczema, diathesis, rash:

A slurry of ripe mashed strawberries is applied to the affected areas for 20 minutes, putting it in a thick layer on a dense natural fabric.

How to treat chronic bronchitis with strawberries?

Chronic bronchitis is treated with strawberry juice mixed with hot milk. Every day they drink a glass of juice, adding ¼ tbsp. milk.

Strawberry oil:

As cosmetic product you can use strawberry oil: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of berries with 100 mg of refined sunflower oil. Boil for half an hour in a water bath, insist 4 hours in heat in a sealed container, filter. Strawberry oil is used for dry skin for rubbing.

How to treat gastritis with strawberries?

20 g of a mixture of leaves and roots of wild strawberries pour 2 cups cold water, insist 6-8 hours, strain. Drink 0.5 cup daily.

Anemia treatment:

20 g of leaves, 20 g of fruits pour 500 ml of boiling water, cook over low heat for 10 minutes, strain. Drink 150 ml 3 times a day.

An interesting video about strawberries from the program “Live healthy!”:

Are strawberries good for weight loss diets?

During the period of mass ripening of strawberries, it is very useful to spend 2-3 days on this delicious berry. On a strawberry diet, you will not only lose a few extra pounds, but also cleanse the body and improve the properties of the skin and hair.

Due to the rich composition (antioxidants, trace elements, vitamins), the strawberry diet not only helps to lose overweight but also cleanses the body, improves the condition of the skin and hair. Along the way, cholesterol levels will decrease, the state of the cardiovascular system will improve, gastrointestinal tract will start to work without "failures".

Strawberry juice also contributes to weight loss: it should be taken daily for 4-6 tbsp. l. It is better to drink it before meals, but you should not drink tea and coffee: iron in the composition of the juice does not go well with these drinks.

What associations do you have when it comes to strawberries? Of course, the most positive: warm summer, fragrant ripe berries, pleasure. Strawberries are a fresh delicacy, as well as in jams, jams, compotes. Frozen fruits are perfectly stored, and after defrosting they contain a large number of vitamins.

Benefits of ripe strawberries

The berry is attractive not only for its taste, but also for the microelements contained in it, organic compounds, such as:
  • Vitamins of groups B, C, PP, E, A, folic acid;
  • Sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Acids of organic origin;
  • A significant amount of fructose and glucose;
  • Tannins.
100 g of berries contain 37 kcal., At the same time, there are no fats and proteins in it, and carbohydrates have a qualitative state - solely due to glucose.

Low calorie content and balanced sugars make it possible to use the berry for everyone who is actively struggling with overweight, diabetics and allergy sufferers.

The smell of strawberries is a great antidepressant, and along with citrus fruits, can bring more benefit than artificial chemicals. A plate of strawberries on the table spreads the aroma throughout the house for three hours, and the bright fruits attract the eye.

Strawberries and wild strawberries are excellent detoxifiers, and they fight not only with clogging the intestines, toxins, but also perfectly remove salts from the joints. The berry is often advised to be taken as a preventive remedy against arthritis, sciatica and gout.

Flavonoids inhibit growth to some extent cancer cells– scientists are actively investigating its effect on disease-causing formations.

For whom can strawberries be harmful?

Despite a lot of advantages, this miracle - berry has some disadvantages. It doesn’t matter which berry you are going to try: garden, forest, or from the nearest supermarket, you need to be careful in using it, or completely abandon it if:
  • You are allergic, and most fruits cause an unpleasant reaction;
  • You hyperacidity, or you suspect it;
  • You are pregnant, and in this regard, you are worried about the development of allergies, as well as changes in the digestive tract;
  • Do you have gastritis, ulcers, or other illnesses? digestive tract, as well as hints at them.

For women's health

Women, when choosing fruits and desserts, give preference to strawberries and strawberry sweets for a reason. This is due to the internal, natural understanding of the benefits. female body largely subordinated to hormones, and this choice is not accidental.

Only 200 g berries are removed stressful condition, act as an antidepressant emotional stress, and in the premenstrual hormonal surge they block the depressed state and reduce the aggressive mood. This speaks volumes. And so, why should a woman not deny herself this berry?

diet treat

First of all, women want it to be tasty, and only then, consider the dessert at the level of usefulness. In the case of strawberries, it contains the whole range of advantages:

  • Great taste, both as a separate berry, and as part of drinks, desserts;
  • Low calorie;
  • Available fresh in summer and frozen in winter.
Vitamins and folic acid

A woman who cares about her health, about the health of her future children, about her youth, knows about the benefits of folic acid, and the right set of vitamins necessary for high-quality metabolism.

If you are planning to become a mother, you need to know that folic acid is the first trace element that guarantees the full development of the fetus. Pathologies of newborns are the reason for the lack of necessary substances in the body of a woman.
Vitamins of almost all groups contained in strawberries will help maintain youthful skin, the quality of hair and nails, the strength of bone material and joints.

Vascular cleansing and diuretic

Wrong, sedentary lifestyle, stress, sweets, fatty food and alcohol on the dinner menu - the reasons why the vessels become weak, their walls become thinner, the tone decreases. This leads to heart attacks, strokes, blood clots.

Strawberries, due to the presence of acids, tannins, flavonoids in it, strengthen the cardiovascular system, cleanse blood vessels, and accelerate blood formation.

The diuretic effect of berries will help reduce pressure, get rid of edema - this is important if you have sedentary work or you have foot problems such as varicose veins.


This fragrant berry shares its content so easily that it works for you not only from the inside, but also from the outside. Best cosmetic masks, if you do not have a specific allergy to the berry, they are obtained from it.
Free-form vitamin C will instantly fight acidic bacteria on the face and neck, while vitamin A will nourish the skin and make it softer.

If you cut the fruit in half and wipe your face with it, you have:

  • There will be less oily skin;
  • The pores are narrowed;
  • Black dots will disappear;
  • Acne and pimples will dry out faster and disappear;
  • Reduces swelling under the eyes;
  • Improve mood from aromatherapy with natural essential oils;

Garden strawberry

If you have the opportunity to grow berries in the garden, it is worth betting on strawberries, because with low labor costs and minimum investment, you'll get a summer treat, rich in vitamins, and a lot of blanks for the winter.

If this is not possible, it is better to stop at garden strawberries when buying. You will recognize it by signs such as:

  • Fruits of different size and shape;
  • uneven red;
  • Delicate smell, and when the sepals are torn off - a bright and thick aroma;
Gardeners fertilize berries with improvised natural fertilizers, such as: rotten grass, nettles, manure, urea. These are inexpensive and affordable products, and most importantly - they do not contain chemicals. Thanks to these simple conditions, after consuming it, you will not get the new kind allergies, eating disorder and poisoning.

The forest progenitor of cultivated garden strawberries, as a rule, is much smaller, but the smell is such that everything else will seem like a bad imitation to you. It grows on sunny edges, in young pine and juniper groves, ripens in late July or early August, depending on the weather.

Wild berry:

field strawberry

From mid-July, forest glades, abandoned meadows, the southern sides of the hills begin to be covered with red balls of field strawberries. It is often confused with strawberries, but this is a completely different berry. Rich taste and smell, valuable composition, and great benefit when fresh seasonally.

Field strawberry:

  • 1.improves digestion and appetite,
  • 2.excellent hematopoietic agent,
  • 3. diuretic and choleretic agent,
  • 4. normalizes cholesterol levels,

If you freeze the fruits yourself, and store them properly, you will get a safe and delicious product. Freezing will deprive the berry of a bright aroma, make it more watery, it will lose some of the vitamins, but this storage option is still better than cooking in the form of jam.

Frozen strawberries from supermarkets will be very different from homemade ones, and you may wonder such questions as where the berries were grown, what fertilized. With some types of allergies, you should not buy such a treat - you can only aggravate your condition.

When choosing a method for storing berries, it is better to stop at freezing, since boiling and storing with sugar will deprive the strawberries of taste, vitamins, and add unnecessary calories.

It seems to me that there is no such person who would not like strawberries. Although, probably, there is, but I have not met. You know for sure that it is incredibly tasty and fragrant. It is also called the berry of health and beauty. I decided to study whether this is so, so today our conversation about strawberries is about the benefits, and maybe the dangers of this popular berry.

This is one of the first berries that pleases us at the beginning of summer. In some countries, such as Italy, California, the Philippines, strawberry festivals are held to celebrate the beginning of the beloved season. Why is this berry so popular?

Strawberries - health benefits

Knowing about the benefits of strawberries, specialists in healthy eating It is recommended to eat about 10 kg of berries per year. It is among the top five among berries in terms of the content of vitamins and minerals, and without exaggeration it can be called a natural first aid kit.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

  • Vitamins of group B, vitamin A, E, K, PP, vitamin C are almost the same as in blackcurrant.
  • Rich mineral composition: iron, iodine, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, manganese, copper, phosphorus, zinc.
  • Contains organic acids such as malic, citric, lactic, folic, oxalic, salicylic.
  • The calorie content of the product is only 37 kcal per 100 gr. product. It also contains proteins - 0.7 gr., fats 0.4 gr. and carbohydrates - 7.4 gr.

Useful properties of berries for the human body

Rich chemical composition impressive, so it is not in vain called the berry of health. Strawberries will not only fill our body with useful substances, it will help in the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

  1. Thanks to salicylic acid, the fruits contain a substance very close to the composition of aspirin, but in a more digestible form, which makes the berry an excellent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent. Thanks to this, it will help relieve migraine attacks, reduce fever.
  2. An infusion of berries can be used to gargle with sore throat and mouth with stomatitis. The infusion also heals the gums, eliminates bad smell from mouth.
  3. A gruel from a fresh product will help reduce pain and aches in the joints. It can be applied to wounds, abrasions, it will speed up healing.
  4. Eating strawberries will boost your immune system.
  5. Recommended for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, it normalizes blood pressure, helps with insomnia, improves blood formation.
  6. It normalizes metabolism and, although it is considered a sweet berry, it is actively used in weight loss diets.
  7. During the season, sufficient use berries, you can not carry out the prevention of iodine deficiency, since the iodine contained in the product is enough.
  8. Due to the red color, the berries contain high content antioxidants. Antioxidants heal, rejuvenate the human body, prevent the development oncological diseases. You can read more about the effect of the red color of products on the body.
  9. What else can be said about this product - it helps to lower cholesterol, removes harmful substances, normalizes the digestive tract, has a calming effect on the liver, and is considered a good diuretic.
  10. Magnesium, which is part of the fruit, enhances brain function, improves memory, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  11. Gruel from fresh berries helps with sunburn.

Is there any benefit for diabetes?

You can also use strawberries for people with diabetes:

  • contained in the berry simple carbohydrates are well absorbed, thereby do not create a load on the pancreas;
  • have a sugar-lowering effect;
  • fiber, which is part of the composition, reduces the concentration of glucose.

Strawberries for Women's Health

For lovers slim figure you will definitely like strawberries - this one delicious berry although sweet, but low in calories, so nutritionists use it in nutrition when losing weight. If you sit on a strawberry diet for 4 days, then you can, they say, lose up to 2.5 kg.

Folic acid - this vitamin is often called female. Best Product content this vitamin- strawberry. For reference - 100 grams of this berry contains 13-14% of the daily requirement female body. Folic acid is needed for those women who decide to conceive a child. This vitamin primarily affects the fetus itself, which gives it an excellent start for development and further life after birth. In addition, it prevents the development of such disorders in the fetus as " cleft lip” or “wolf mouth”.

Benefits for pregnant women

I have already said about folic acid, but the berry is valuable for pregnant women not only because of it.

  1. The composition includes beta-carotene, which affects the formation of fiber in the eyes of the fetus.
  2. It has a slight diuretic effect, which is useful for edema.
  3. Often in the third trimester, pregnant women are worried high blood pressure, and strawberries are able to normalize it.
  4. Improves digestion by reducing constipation.

But it is important to remember that this berry is powerful allergen and if it is eaten excessively, spots on the skin may appear and an allergy may form in the unborn child for life. It is better to consult a doctor about the norms for consuming strawberries during pregnancy, so that it would only benefit both the woman herself and her child.

The use of beauty berries in cosmetology

strawberry renders beneficial effect on the skin, so it is called the berry of beauty and is often used in cosmetology:

  • rejuvenates, nourishes, cleanses, heals the skin, making it soft and velvety;
  • has a good whitening effect - strawberry juice is used to discolor age spots;
  • salicylic acid plus a large number of small grains endowed the berries with an excellent exfoliating effect. You can safely use the fresh pulp of the fruit as a peeling;
  • The copper contained in the fruit stimulates the production of collagen, which keeps our skin supple. The product is actively included in the composition various masks to keep the skin youthful.

Is it possible for children to have strawberries

A pleasant and fragrant berry is very popular with children. Useful properties make it perfect product for baby food.

But if you are firmly convinced that the child does not have allergies, then you can introduce it as complementary foods from the age of one.

What is interesting berry for men

British scientists, having studied all the popular fruits and berries, announced that strawberries are not in vain considered the most erotic berry. This is what makes it zinc and vitamin E contained in the pulp of the fruit. The use of the product has beneficial action on sexual activity of both men and women, increasing libido.

This useful trace element is able to normalize hormonal system Therefore, zinc preparations are prescribed during the treatment and prevention of diseases such as impotence, prostatitis, adenoma, etc.

Of course, fresh berries are the most delicious and healthy. But she has a drawback - she goes off very quickly, but I want to prolong the pleasure. Hostesses use the most different ways preservation of a useful product.

frozen berry

Yes, after defrosting, strawberries will not look the same as fresh ones, but this is its only drawback. Her vitamins and others useful material are preserved, and this, you see, is more important than appearance, especially in winter. And just enjoying summer berries in the cold season is a pleasure.

It is necessary to freeze clean, dry fruits, laying them in one row on a flat surface. When the strawberries are frozen, they can be transferred to a more convenient container.
Another way to freeze, see the video.


Now you can often find information that jam is a useless product, since it contains a lot of sugar and no vitamin at all. But it is not so.

  1. Yes, vitamin C and beta-carotene are the most unstable to heat treatment and they are definitely not in jam, but group B vitamins, vitamin E, PP are considered heat-resistant, which means they are present in jam, as well as organic acids and minerals.
  2. Each jam is useful in its own way, but if we talk about strawberry jam, then it prevents the formation of neoplastic diseases and helps to fight existing neoplasms. Strawberry jam is useful for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, as it contains iodine, it is useful for people with atherosclerosis.
  3. What else can be said in favor of jam? good medicine from blues. Tea drinking lubricated with fragrant strawberry jam guarantees 100% production of seratonin - the hormone of happiness, helps with insomnia.

It is only important to remember that in any business, especially in sweets, there must be a measure.

Strawberry leaf tea

Not only the berries themselves have useful properties, but also the leaves, so do not forget to stock up on the leaves for the winter too.

  • Strawberry leaf juice is used as a choleretic agent
  • Medicinal tea from strawberry leaves will help with beriberi, to increase immunity, you can also add raspberry leaves and blackcurrant, you get a tasty and healthy drink.
  • The same tea made from strawberry leaves helps with spasms in abdominal cavity, kidney disorders, nausea, bloating, and, thanks to tannins, will help with diarrhea
  • The infusion of the leaves is used as a throat gargle.

Leaves can be prepared by drying in the shade. Then store either glass jars or in a linen bag.

Harm of strawberries for health

We talked about the benefits of strawberries, do not forget to include them in your diet. Can strawberries harm our health? Any product has pros and cons, strawberries are no exception.

  1. Strawberries grow on rather low bushes and the berries are often in contact with the ground. To avoid intestinal disorders, it is necessary to wash the fruits thoroughly.
  2. If you don’t have your own strawberries, then when buying, pay attention to the appearance and smell. The fruits should be with a pedicel and a fragrant smell. If the product is odorless, then it is better to refuse the purchase, as there is Great chance that these fruits were heartily fertilized with chemicals.
  3. The ideal way to store strawberries is to pick (buy) them and eat them right away, as they are perishable. If there are more strawberries, then you can store it in the refrigerator for 3-4 days, but then you don’t need to wash it. For a longer period, it is better to freeze, how to do this, I said earlier.
  4. Strawberries are quite a strong allergen, and not only because of the red color. Due to its porous structure, strawberries accumulate pollen, which most often causes allergies. Allergic people should be very careful when using strawberries, and may even avoid them altogether. There are a lot of useful fruits and berries, so choose for yourself something that will not create health problems.
  5. People suffering from stomach and duodenal ulcers can eat strawberries, most importantly, know the measure and eat it better in combination with dairy products, they compensate for the effect of organic acids that strawberries are rich in.
  6. By the way, excessive consumption of strawberries and for healthy body won't work, so maximum rate- 400 grams per day. And if there are any serious chronic diseases, it is better to discuss the rate of consumption of strawberries with your doctor.

This is such a berry - strawberries - attractive in appearance, unusually tasty, very useful and even harmful, but just a little bit.

Do you know how garden strawberries appeared, or to be more precise, strawberries. According to one of the legends, she was brought and transferred to the Paris Botanical Gardens by a French officer who was engaged in espionage in Chile. Thanks to the small and fragrant red berries he found in the Chilean forests, he survived. He liked the berry so much that he decided to bring it home.

In the same place, in the botanical garden, on the next bed, virginian strawberries, brought from the shores of the Atlantic, grew. As a result of crossing these two varieties, a completely new berry was obtained, which made a splash among both gardeners and culinary specialists. They called it garden strawberries and served it to the royal table every day.

Do you know , that the largest strawberry was grown in the USA and its weight was 231 grams. But that alone was surprising, it tasted watery and sour.

Did you know that one popular belief is connected with strawberries. If suddenly you come across a double berry and you lack love and romantic relationship, then divide this berry in half, eat one half yourself, and treat the other half to a representative of the opposite sex. And soon you will meet your love, but it may not be the same person with whom you shared the berry.

On such a wonderful note of love, I finish the story about the strawberry, about its benefits and harm to health. I hope the information was useful and interesting to you.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

Strawberries are the very first natural berry that opens the vitamin summer season. We love her for her taste, aroma and for the fact that she has “a lot of vitamins” that our body needs after the winter-spring period. folk wisdom says to be healthy whole year while strawberries bear fruit, eat at least a handful of them a day.

A bit of history

Strawberries are a direct "descendant" of the well-known wild strawberries, taste and medicinal qualities which have been known since antiquity. In the writings of Pliny the Elder, this plant is mentioned as wild, but suitable for human consumption. The ancient Romans were the first to learn how to harvest strawberries by pickling, and the Spaniards domesticated and began to grow them in their gardens. Starting from the 15th century, the plant began to be considered a berry crop, but it was not very popular due to small size berries.

At the beginning of the 18th century, several bushes of unusual large strawberries were brought from Chile to France, from that moment the history of the already well-known strawberries begins. Now this delicious berry is distributed all over the world and is widely used in cooking and Food Industry, cosmetology and chemical industry, in traditional and folk medicine.

What is useful summer berry

Strawberries are extremely rich in substances required for the normal functioning of our body. This is a generous source. useful elements, which strengthen the immune system, raise vitality as well as mental and physical activity. This berry contains:

  • macronutrients - calcium, magnesium, sulfur, potassium, chlorine and sodium;
  • trace elements - boron, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, iodine, chromium and others;
  • a whole set of useful organic acids, including malic, oxalic, citric and others;
  • fructose and glucose;
  • dyes and tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • vitamins C, A, E, groups B, H, K and PP.

Strawberries are a dietary product, its energy value is only 37 kcal per 100 g of weight. But with such a low calorie content, the berry contains a lot of fiber, which improves digestion, frees the gastrointestinal tract and lymph from toxins and toxins. Anthocyanins, which give strawberries their rich red color, stimulate memory, and serve as an excellent fat burner. Flavonoids and antioxidants are good for the cardiovascular system, prolong youth and rid the body of free radicals. Magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and vitamin K strengthen musculoskeletal system, and the rest of the minerals are indispensable for the full functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems, brain activity, are responsible for good mood and performance.

Strawberries increase immunity, have a tonic effect, have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which is widely used in the treatment of colds.

Despite high percent carbohydrates, blood sugar levels practically do not rise, which makes this product indispensable in the diet of people with diabetes.

Possessing good diuretic qualities, the berry is recommended for diseases genitourinary system, as well as to relieve swelling.

Due to the presence of acids and biologically active substances, strawberries have the ability to dissolve and remove excess salt from the body, so it is useful to use it for arthritis and gout.

The regular presence of this fruit in the diet has a strengthening effect on blood vessels and heart muscles, which significantly reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke and other cardiac problems.

A number of elements in the composition of strawberries have a beneficial effect on the visual organs, reducing eye pressure, and have a good effect on the retina and lens.

This berry is considered a good aphrodisiac, that is, it stimulates and enhances sex drive, helps both men and women to liberate themselves and get real pleasure from intimacy.

Strawberries have an excellent antitumor effect, and this has been proven by practitioners and scientists. The use of this product significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer cells.

Despite a number of positive qualities, strawberries have some contraindications for use. It is better to refrain from buying early berries in the markets. Like all herbal products, the maturation of which occurs in an unnatural way, it is treated with chemicals and instead of benefit, you can get serious poisoning.

Strawberries are a strong allergen, so people suffering from hypersensitivity substances contained in this product should be avoided. For the same reason, nursing mothers should be wary of strawberries; pediatricians do not advise using juices and purees from it as part of artificial complementary foods.

Pregnant women should not abuse the berries, because the tonic properties can lead to uterine hypertonicity, which will lead to premature birth.

You will have to give up tasty treats with gastritis, an ulcer (including the duodenum), as well as other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Great content organic acids irritate the gastric mucosa and can provoke an exacerbation.

In combination with medicines from hypertension, strawberries can cause increased load on the kidneys, which will negatively affect their functioning.

In other cases, it is necessary to eat a strawberry berry and it is very useful, of course, while observing the measure. It is recommended to eat 400-500 g per day during the season, and for the whole year your body will be stocked with vitamins and other useful elements.

Application in cosmetology

The aroma and rich chemical composition make strawberries a popular ingredient in the production of perfumes, the manufacture of various shampoos, gels, scrubs, its fruit acids are widely used as natural raw materials for professional peels.

With great success, this berry is also used in home cosmetology. Even in ancient times, women knew about its healing and rejuvenating features in skin care. Availability salicylic acid makes strawberries an excellent bleaching agent, "extinguishes" inflammatory processes, fights excess sweating, tightens pores, copes well with problems acne. From skin pigmentation and freckles, freshly squeezed juice perfectly helps (it is necessary to wipe problem areas with it daily).

Useful substances present in strawberries slow down aging, eliminate early wrinkles, make the skin smooth, supple and attractive.

The easiest option with which you can quickly refresh and moisturize your face is to rub half of the cut strawberries into the skin with gentle movements, leave for 20-25 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Homemade masks with the addition of sour cream, cottage cheese, honey and white clay can boast a very good effect. But for desired result always stick to the recipe.

Dessert Queen

Thanks to excellent palatability strawberries are a coveted product in the culinary arts. All sorts of mousses, delicious desserts, various pastries sometimes cannot do without this ingredient, and beautiful red berries serve as a wonderful decoration for cakes and pastries. It is better to use it fresh, as the delicate structure loses its attractiveness with prolonged heat treatment. The only exceptions are preparations for the winter - jams, jams and syrups. And you can also freeze strawberries, so more vitamins are stored, and on cold frosty evenings, please yourself with a fragrant yummy.

No wonder strawberries are called the berry queen. Possessing unique properties, wonderful smell, sweet and juicy pulp, it is a universal favorite, and everyone is looking forward to the beginning of summer, when again it will be possible to enjoy an appetizing and healthy berry.

Video: useful properties and vitamins of strawberries

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