Russian women in a pose of cancer. How to build a romantic relationship with cancer

stand cancer

Prost. Rough 1. Stand, leaning forward and sticking up the butt (especially - when copulating). 2. in front of whom. To be subservient to, to please someone. Mokienko, Nikitina 2003, 285.

Big Dictionary Russian proverbs. - M: Olma Media Group. V. M. Mokienko, T. G. Nikitina. 2007 .

See what "Stand cancer" in other dictionaries:

    Give / give cancer. Prost. Rough Agree to copulate from behind. Mokienko, Nikitina 2003, 285. Fuck / fuck (fuck) with cancer someone. Not a license. Rough Have sexual intercourse with your partner on all fours. Mokienko, Nikitina 2003 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    doggy style- Stand with your back to someone, on all fours ... Dictionary of the criminal and semi-criminal world

    Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) الأعلى للقوات المسلحة ... Wikipedia

    PLEURISY- PLEURITIS. Contents: Etiology ..................... 357 Pathogenesis and Pat. physiology ....... ZBE Pat. anatomy .................. 361 Dry P........... . ............ 362 Exudative P................... 365 Purulent P ...

    METHODS OF MEDICAL RESEARCH - І. General principles medical research. The growth and deepening of our knowledge, more and more technical equipment of the clinic, based on the use the latest achievements physics, chemistry and technology, the associated complication of methods ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

    1) a, m. A shelled freshwater invertebrate animal with claws at the head and an abdomen, usually called the neck. In addition to their high gastronomic value, crayfish, as I said, play a very important role in marriage, for they serve ... ... Small Academic Dictionary

    This term has other meanings, see Saw (meanings). Saw 2 Saw II ... Wikipedia

    KARATCH, korat that, whom, five, upset backwards; push back or push back. Xia, move backwards, climb backwards. Look, the cancer is creeping! | * Retreat, do not stand in the word (see also grumble) where you scrambled, stuck out backwards. Got him to…… Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    This term has other meanings, see October 8 Revolutionary Movement. ← October → Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 1 2 3 ... Wikipedia

I. and I filed an application with the registry office. Our wedding was to take place in two months. We still lived with our parents, each with his own, and therefore used every opportunity to meet.
I., in order to save some money for the wedding, got a job as a watchman at a construction site. He worked at night and studied at the institute during the day.

It was winter, cold, with bitter frosts and winds.
One evening, I. called me at work: “I'm on duty today, can you come visit? I'll give you tea." In his words there was an expectation and a promise of a pleasant meeting.
We so rarely managed to spend time together that I certainly agreed.

In the evening, having previously asked I. for directions, I went to him. I found the construction site itself surprisingly quickly, although it was located in a place that was not very familiar to me. But the search for the gatehouse itself was hampered by the fact that it was already completely dark on the street, and the entire construction site was illuminated by a single lantern. Everywhere lay some kind of construction debris, some kind of sticks and pieces of iron. I was frankly terrified, but I tried not to despair and still find the abode of I..

I don’t know how long I walked in circles, but suddenly I saw a beam of a flashlight and rushed towards it. It was I.. The time appointed by him has long passed. Without waiting for me, he went in search. I already had a tooth on a tooth from the cold and fear. I was extremely happy that I could finally be warm, next to my fiancé.
The construction trailer, in which there was a gatehouse, was securely hidden from prying eyes in the darkness of the night. I passed by it many times, but never saw it. The only window of the trailer looked out towards the fence. Quite stupid, considering that the watchman was supposed to watch what was happening at the construction site.
It was warm inside. There was a powerful heating element in the trailer, which perfectly heated the small room. The room had two wooden benches, a chair and a small table, a nightstand with an electric stove on it. Yes, indeed, I. has already prepared tea for me. By the way, in order to keep warm.
He hugged me as soon as we entered, kissed my frozen cheeks and rubbed my cold palms, unbuttoned the buttons on my coat, but did not take it off and handed me a mug of hot tea. Took off myself outerwear.
With every sip of tea and with every kiss I. I felt warmer. I took off my coat myself when I warmed up and pulled the wool sweater over my head. Immediately she felt the movement of air from the uncovered cracks, chilly moved her shoulders and dived into the arms of I., who, it seemed, was just waiting for this. We kissed for a long time standing up, his hands stroking my shoulders and back, fingers sometimes getting into my hair, bringing them into disarray. I pressed against him tightly with my whole body, feeling that kisses excite him, make him impatient. I myself was already excited. In a couple of months of our meetings, we learned to give pleasure to each other, we learned what a mutual orgasm is. We didn't have much luck with positions, because we didn't have places to meet. Therefore, we have learned well to have sex while standing, facing each other, since growth allowed. Never before have we used the pose of a man from behind, I was frankly embarrassed, as well as the words "pose of cancer." Perhaps we were both shy, trying to talk less and act more.
So this time, having appreciated the “conveniences” of this room, having tried to have sex while sitting and almost ruining the only chair, we somehow spontaneously approached a small table, on which I immediately fell with my chest. I. entered me carefully, listening to my reaction. And I, listening to own feelings I suddenly realized that I like this pose. I forcefully leaned towards the movements of I., enjoying the depth of his penetration and the fury of the jolts.

I got hot. I was on fire and breathing this passion. I felt an orgasm approaching. And.. But my usual orgasm was not there. Despite all the charm of the act itself, the excitement was trembling at its peak, and it was ready to pour out in a refreshing wave, but some little thing was missing, the smallest thing for this to happen.
I. finished. I was satisfied and at the same time a little upset ...

The door swung open and in came the chief I..

We have not had time to put ourselves in order, although we have not undressed completely.
The confusion was terrible. I hurriedly buttoned up, pulled on a sweater, feeling a little more comfortable behind I.'s back. Then I grabbed my coat and hat and flew out of the lodge like a bullet, trying not to look the chief in the eyes.
I. had to take the whole blow on himself and had a long explanation with his superiors. He was saved by the closeness of the wedding and the temporary nature of the work. But the fine "for negligent attitude to their duties" still had to be paid

Let's dot the i's: we're all going to die of cancer - except for those who don't have time to live to see it. Now, enriched by this soothing knowledge, let us turn our gaze to that gloomy valley where souls tormented by terrible pincers dwell. Well, that is, let's try to understand why cancer has become such a black underside of our happy life in the 21st century.

Where does cancer come from

Sometimes there is a feeling that the cancer has broken the chain. Everyone suffers from it: movie stars, governors, athletes, top bloggers and your own classmate. It didn’t happen before: in childhood and early adolescence, you didn’t know a single person with this diagnosis, in books and movies, heroes died from anything - from tuberculosis, a broken leg, explosions in space and being bitten by poisonous chipmunks, but none of them got sick cancer. In any case, he did not confess. What is happening now is some kind of tent of the plague-stricken, in which everyone gets sick.

In social networks, half the feed is filled with reposts asking for help; every obituary seen in the news tells how a celebrity battled this damn disease; a rare series does without a character with a shaved head on a skinny neck and IVs sticking out of all other parts of the body. Involuntarily, you begin to think about the spoiled ecology, harmful mobile phones and all this chemistry in cutlets.

In fact, oncological diseases have always been one of the main causes of natural deaths - both in humans and in most higher animals. Cancer will soon come out on top in the top causes of death in the world, but only because now they are much better than before, able to cope with its main competitor - cardiovascular diseases. And those who did not die of a stroke or heart attack will be able to live up to cancer.

Such a pathetic, absolutely disproportionate presence of this disease in the cultural and intellectual life of mankind up to early XXI century is explained by a single reason, which, however, can be called differently. Fear. Disgust. Doom. So far, cancer is large numbers cases of a death sentence with a slightly suspended execution.

People just didn't want to read and watch too much about him. The USSR went the furthest in this matter.

With all the love of the Soviet ideology for death in its military and heroic guises, oncological problems were recognized as denigrating, untimely and, using the official term of Soviet censorship, having "uncontrollable overtones." That is, the public, reading about a sick girl, can uncontrollably create a subtext in their head that life in a socialist state has become not for everyone better and not always more fun. So the word "cancer" was absolutely forbidden. Solzhenitsyn's Cancer Ward, in which the writer talks about his experience of fighting the disease, was considered anti-Soviet no worse than The Gulag Archipelago. But the Soviet children's writer Anatoly Aleksin in the book about doctors “Call and Come” boldly described the forbidden disease - however, he called it exclusively “that one” and “this one”, for the whole story he never called her by name. By the way, the character who was ill with “the one” just turned out to be “not this”. It turned out to be a legitimate happy ending *.

People just didn't want to read and watch too much about him. The USSR went furthest in this matter. At the same time, oncology in the USSR developed quite actively, research was carried out, the effectiveness grew, interesting articles were published. But only these articles were usually stored in closed departments medical libraries, where the admission was mainly by passes, especially if there were a lot of statistics in the work.

The cancer corps hid behind high fences, the sick were fenced off from the healthy, and the healthy could gallop like serene sheep on the lawn, not guessing what the sound of a cleaver being sharpened from behind the fence meant.

Even glasnost didn't do much for the reason described above: the vast majority of people didn't want to think about cancer. And then everyone had to think about cancer.

There were two reasons:

a) the Internet;

b) the exorbitant cost of many types of new drugs and equipment.

And cancer patients, instead of quietly but habitually being off the field public view, went to beg around the world. Ask for help. Demand money. Keep a diary with stories: “In the morning I was preparing for the eleventh chemo, and my son asked:“ Dad, you will not die before my birthday? Sobering reading. They burst here with an army of pale horses of the apocalypse - emaciated children and bald singers, one-breasted Amazons and criminal Walter Whites. And the world shuddered, realizing the scale of the problem.

And you shuddered along with him. And so there is no more cancer. But less, unfortunately, too.

cancer statistics

■ Every fiftieth inhabitant of our planet on this moment suffers from cancer. 80% of these people will die within five years. 20% will be cured, but will wait a lifetime for a relapse. Although, of course, statistics vary enormously from one diagnosis to another: there are types of cancer with an almost 100% chance of being cured, and there are types with a probability slightly different from zero.

■ Most common variety cancer - lung cancer. In second place is stomach cancer. The third place is shared by the prostate in men and the mammary gland in women (it hits the most important thing, an infection!).

■ Although cancer affects adults, children, and even unborn embryos, the likelihood of the disease increases with age, and after sixty years we enter the zone maximum risk. True, in older people, cancer often develops more slowly than in young people, and in a situation where a young man would be devoured in a few months, old man can slowly crawl towards its sad goal for years, or even decades.

■ Spontaneous cases of self-healing from cancer happen. Extremely rare. Doctors do not consider this a miracle. Doctors consider this to be a genetically determined ability of this particular immunity to destroy tumor tissues at a certain stage of the disease.

■ Cancer is getting younger. Mainly because they learned to diagnose it better on early stages, the population now goes to be checked more actively than twenty years ago.

■ Recently, there was a version, supported by some statistics, that people with the first blood type are more resistant to cancer than representatives of other groups. So far, a proven study on this topic exists only in relation to pancreatic cancer, which was conducted for several years at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (Boston, USA). The results were published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Indeed, among the sick, people with the first blood group were disproportionately represented. Researchers attribute this to the fact that the genes responsible for the first blood group, apparently, simultaneously regulate the work of antitumor mechanisms.

What is cancer

Let's start with the fact that there is no cancer at all. This is a made-up, incorrect, harmful term (the equivalent of which, however, is found in many other languages). We use it because we are an irresponsible entertainment magazine that for some reason undertook to write about cancer. That is, about these ... oncological diseases. Although this is also false. In fact, malignant neoplasms are hundreds of different diseases. And we, perhaps, completely in vain consider them as something unified and strongly slow down in their study because of this.

To put it quite simply, cancer is the independent behavior of a group of cells that begin to play against the rules. Share uncontrollably. Growing outside of boundaries. They reproduce throughout the body. They become immortal and invulnerable. They make friends with viruses that should have been kept out of the door. And so on - depending on the type and type of disease.

As a result of this self-activity, the body receives such damage to all organs and tissues that it ceases to function.

Why this happens is generally clear. Cells generally like to multiply, many of them still recall with nostalgia their independent existence outside the colonies. And only cruel genetic laws and immune police can somehow keep them in check. But not all and not always.

There are many reasons why such riots occur, and only in recent decades have scientists stopped looking for general theory origin for all oncological diseases at once.

Here they can play a role in various combinations:

genetic disorders;

■ heredity (well, many rats are destined to die of cancer at the age of 3, dogs at 15, and people at 70);

■ viruses or bacteria;

■ various chemical substances entering the body in excessive or insufficient doses;

■ mechanical and chemical damage fabrics;

■ metabolic disorders...

■ and devils in a mortar.

Studying all this is exciting, but in a practical sense - not uncontrollably effective, because a simple and intelligible answer (cancer is caused by green pea and the cries of seagulls) are not and will not be.

Precisely because the causes of any case are always more complex, vast and varied than, for example, the causes of the Syrian conflict. The good news is that people are a little better at treating cancer than they are at solving intricate geopolitical problems.

All methods of treatment somehow come down to the following scheme.

■ Kill all crazy cells. They are usually much more vulnerable to poisons and radiation than obedient loyal cells - such is the price of independence.

■ Remove half-dead tumor, if necessary.

■ Finish off the refugees, possibly rushing through the body in search of a new home. And all the while making sure that given organism from such treatment did not order to live long.

Cancer and speculation

Just as there is no way to avoid getting cancer, there are no guaranteed ways to get hold of it. Even radiation sickness after powerful dose radiation may not cause malignant neoplasms. What can we say about smoking, stress, sunburn and malnutrition. The largest predicted risk (if you do not take the same radiation sickness) is the presence in the nearest family history oncological problems on both sides, but even here you can stay with your nose and die in a hundred years from boring peritonitis without a single chemotherapy in history. However, the most irreproachable healthy lifestyle life, frankly, does not provide serious statistical bonuses.

So, if they scare you with cancer, don’t really believe, but don’t believe in a healthy lifestyle panacea either. On the other hand, if, fleeing from cancer, do gymnastics, monitor nutrition and exercise, and minimize bad habits, then you can definitely win on a much more predictable cardiovascular exchange, as well as hit the jackpot in the form of a dozen-fold reduction in the risk of diabetes.

Why are medicines so expensive?

Not because they are made from the tears of castrated hummingbirds collected at dawn in the Andes. The most expensive thing in medicines is the cost of their development, which can reach up to a billion dollars per drug (and it still runs the risk of being unsuccessful and not reaching the consumer at all). Development basically looks like this: hundreds of people who receive a salary, go through tens of thousands of variants of molecules for several years, checking their behavior in different environments, conditions and organisms. And yes, when the molecule is already defined and synthesized, it can be stolen and started to be stamped in India or Bangladesh, giving a damn about all the patent systems and quality control. Or you can buy an inexpensive patent with the most reduced number of options and start brewing a potion in vats that is more or less similar to the one described in the patent.

The drugs obtained by the last two routes are much cheaper, and they can be almost as effective as the original. And they may not be. They are called "generics". WHO in 2014 announced that it would support the production of generics with all its might, since in poor (or not very rich) countries, only they can save people. But in developed and civilized countries, it is not customary to spit on patents, and if generics are used there, then only after the expiration of the legal term of patent protection, and even then only high-quality, proven generics are allowed to be used.

It is this complexity in drug development that puts people with rare forms cancer. Neither private companies nor even state research institutes are ready to invest millions and billions to create a medicine that will be needed by only a few hundred people a year on the entire planet. Therefore, funds for such research are collected charitable foundations. But even if funds are collected, rare disease will be studied longer and the effectiveness of the drug will be lower than in the case of a popular diagnosis - simply because with a small number of patients, the base for statistics and research is also small.

So it turns out that a patient with some exotic purple-spotted turnip tumor of the heel will first sell everything, from an apartment to relatives, and then he will be subtly tortured for his own money in a research center, where he will be for a short but painful time. serve as a laboratory rat. There is no justice here, but today it works just like that. But in ten years, you see, and the purple-spotted heel will cease to be a death sentence.

Because every year humanity knows how to treat cancer better and better. And now we will write a terrible banality: if the money that humanity spends on bombs would be used to fight cancer, then, most likely, your children would already snort at the word "cancer" as contemptuously as we snort now at the word "runny nose".

A little positive: 5 questions to the oncologist

We caught a specialist and tortured him a little. And this is what Evgeny Daniilovich Pashanov, doctor medical sciences, Chief Researcher of the Federal Research and Clinical Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology.

Does it make sense to be tested for tumor markers every six months?

No, it doesn't make sense. Testing for tumor markers is usually prescribed for those patients who, according to the results of other research methods or for some other signs, have a suspicion of the presence of a tumor, or for those patients who already have an oncological diagnosis (then tumor markers can help determine, for example, with treatment tactics different stages disease). Only a few tumor markers have "predictive value" such as PSA for cancer prostate. It makes sense to monitor it regularly from the age of 50.

Now - and twenty years ago... Have we made any progress in the treatment of these diseases?

Undoubtedly! And how! The most striking example is the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children. it malignant disease blood, and long-term survival with it in Russia in the early 90s was no more than 5–7%, and now it is 70–90%! In addition, the level modern medicine is such that many tumors in adults can be, if not cured, then transferred to a “chronic” form, that is, treated for a long time, sometimes for many years, without worsening the quality of life of patients. it important aspect, because most often the treatment of oncological diseases is accompanied by various troubles like side effects. And the doctor's task is not just to prescribe effective drugs, but also be able to manage their toxicity, prescribe competent accompanying therapy (painkillers, antiemetics, etc.). This is much better today than it was twenty years ago. And this is also a huge success.

Is it true that treatment in Russia is not much worse than anywhere in the world?

In Russia there are separate clinics, separate centers where they are treated according to modern international standards. But such places, unfortunately, are very few. The problem is that we have people who live in different geographical areas or belong to different social groups find themselves in essentially unequal conditions, have unequal access to the health care system. Therefore, in general, our country lags far behind developed countries in terms of the level of oncological care, as well as in ensuring access of the population to medical care generally. The reasons are obvious, but there are too many to list here.

How do you feel about the situation when millions are collected for the treatment of a obviously incurable patient and then in some Singapore they milk him to the last?

There were cases (including those known to me personally) when "obviously incurable" patients recovered. And every year - with the development of antitumor therapy - there are more and more such patients. In addition, in the understanding of the doctor, every human life has value, and if the theoretical probability of survival is, for example, 5 out of 100, then we must spend money on treating everyone, because we don’t know in advance who exactly will fall into these 5%. I don't see any other way. In any case, it is better to spend billions on the sick than on war.

It is said that oncologists often refuse treatment. If you received a diagnosis with a very small chance, would you go into treatment or give up?

I read that many doctors "bequeath" not to resuscitate themselves (for example, when terminal stage diseases), but this is quite different and applies not only to oncological diseases. Concerning mass failure oncologists from treatment - I don't think there are any statistics on this. Personally, I probably would have tried to use my chance. I will not dissemble: I want to live longer, but in such a way that it does not hurt very much ...

Usually girls love it when a man comes up from behind, because this way they can fully focus on their feelings. And some do - experience an orgasm, only standing on all fours. However, in addition to pleasure, sex in a doggy-style position is also ...

1. Feel your chest dangling in the air

Feel and think: what if this leaves stretch marks on the skin?

2. Not knowing where to look

There are really few options: look at the bed, look at the walls - that's, in fact, that's all ... Boring!

3. Injure your knees

Even if you have sex, standing on all fours on the softest mattress in the world, your knees will not rub off into the blood - but they will still ache.

4. Injure your wrists

Same thing with knees.

5. Annoy the neighbors

Because sex in the back position is what makes any bed squeak non-stop. You can, of course, slow down and imitate snails, but then why do this at all?

6. Being unable to take the initiative

If you start moving back towards a man in order to show him your enthusiasm and willingness to work hard for a common cause, then this will only slow down his pace and break off the buzz.

7. Nervous about how you look from behind

What if at the back of my head strange shape like square? Or: what if a pimple popped up on your back? These and similar thoughts prevent you from truly relaxing.

8. Feel pain when a man goes too deep.

Sometimes it can be like hitting the cervix with a hammer.

9. Guessing: what is his face now?

It's really strange: to please someone and not see his reaction. What if the man is making faces now? Or picking his nose? Or bored looking out the window? Or sticking out his tongue and drooling? Brrr…

10. Making vaginal farts

In a position where the girl is on all fours, the male genital organ works like a pump that pumps air inside. It's normal that sooner or later the air loud sound comes back - there's nothing to be ashamed of. But still, how embarrassing!

11. Feel your neck stiff

If you have sex in the knee-elbow position too often, the neck stops bending normally.

12. Not seeing what is happening behind your back

But what if he called his friend to look, and he quietly entered the room with a camera? It is unlikely, of course, - but what if ...

13. Stay without clitoral stimulation

Theoretically, a man, even being in a position from behind, can throw his palm where it should be, but let's face it: a rare partner bothers himself with such altruistic actions ...

14. Constantly getting slapped on the ass

If it's light pats for warming up, they can even be pleasant. But when, in a fit of passion, a man starts whipping you like a serf, it can be very, very painful.

15. Be aware that your partner is looking straight at you in one place.

This fact is perhaps the most serious concern ...

In Ukraine there are manytalented and bright women who change the country and all of us with their actions and achievements. Vote for the most worthy in different nominations of the All-Ukrainian from The One!

If you liked the representative of the sign Cancer - get ready: yours is waiting for an exciting adventure. As one of the most caring and loyal signs of the zodiac, Cancer is also full of challenges. This zodiac sign includes people born from June 22 to July 23, and in this article we will tell you what to expect if your chosen one or chosen one is Cancer.


Part 1

Find a common language

    If you want to impress someone, then this sign is for you. Cancer women often wait for a prince on a white horse. They love romance, love to spend a lot of time with their significant other and appreciate it when someone openly shows concern for them. Cancer men are also romantic and suave - they like to shower women with gifts and gentle words, and although it is often difficult for them to do important steps in a relationship, they are incorrigible romantics.

    • It is important to demonstrate to Cancers your serious intentions. Therefore, if you are interested in Cancer - do not hesitate: this relationship will be worth it.
  1. Get to know Cancer better. Cancers are very cautious, so you should get to know each other better before building a close relationship. Become a Raku first good friend and gradually he or she will see something more in you.

    • Cancers need tactile contact. Touch your chosen one or chosen one, hug more often and demonstrate your affection in any other way - Cancers need this. Warm them in your arms, and they will reciprocate.
  2. Take the first step. If you are a girl, don't be afraid to take the initiative first instead of waiting for it from a man. If you are a guy, keep in mind that it may take her longer than you to be ready to kiss. This doesn't mean she doesn't like you - she just needs to get out of her shell first.

    • Never ask a Cancer out on a date in front of other people as this will make them nervous. Always make an appointment in private. Make the date easy and exciting, that is, do not think of anything that will require forced actions from Cancer or greatly confuse.
      • Cancerians know how to have fun. Since they are representatives of the water element, call them to the beach or to the water park.
  3. Don't play games with Cancers. People of this sign are very good at being manipulated, so don't pretend to be inaccessible, don't make them run after you, or use any other tricks. They will immediately understand that you are cunning.

    • If Cancer trusts you, he will always speak directly to you. Answer him the same. If you are trying to create some special image of yourself, trying to be mysterious or mysterious, do not waste time - Cancer sees through you. And even if you try to hide your emotions, you won't succeed either.
  4. Create an atmosphere for Cancer so that he can feel at home. Cancers love to be at home, and family and home environment mean a lot to them. Usually they prefer to spend time at home, but if you manage to create a comfortable environment for them anywhere, consider that you have conquered them. Allow them to visit your home and freely dispose of this space.

    • Tell Cancer about your family. Emphasize importance family relations and connections, make it clear that you are a family man. It will be important for Cancer to know that you are similar in this, because for your romantic partner, family is the most important value, and there is little that can change this.

    Part 2

    Know what to expect
    1. Cancers are conservative, old-fashioned and loyal - accept it. And it's not at all poor performance, but just the opposite. If you manage to subdue Cancer, he will always be devoted to you. The representative of this sign expects the same from you: love, care, conservatism in some things and fidelity. And there is nothing wrong with that!

      • In bed, Cancers can act cute rather than passionate. Romance and sensuality are more important to Cancers than passion and experimentation. But if you can get their full trust, they will be ready for something new (provided that you convince them that you will not harm them).
    2. It can be difficult for Cancers to trust other people. And although distrust is a trait inherent in all people, this issue is especially acute for Cancers. They want to trust others, but it's hard for them. The problem is that Cancers often hold grudges and remember for a long time all the troubles that happen to them through the fault of others, and therefore it is difficult to trust them. But they like to give love to other people, so it is important for them to feel mutual trust.

      • This is perhaps the most serious drawback of Cancers. Sometimes it is very difficult to take off the shell from the representative of this sign, but if you are ready to work on relationships, the result will be worth it. If Cancer opens up to you, you will see a soft, sensitive nature, ready to always be there.
    3. Cancers have a need to be needed by someone. The most important thing for them is to give themselves, and they do not know how to live otherwise. Learn to rely on them - they will love it. Moreover, from this they simply blossom. Do not hide your needs and needs from Cancer, because he will take great pleasure in helping you.

      • Let Cancer take care of you if you get sick. Tell us about your new problem. Ask for his advice when you don't know what to do in a work or personal situation. Even let him cook dinner for you. And you will only benefit from this!
    4. Get ready to be completely surrounded by care. Cancers are the most caring of all zodiac signs. If you need to keep your distance in a relationship, this sign is not for you. Cancerians love to show love and affection, so try to reciprocate them.

      • Cancers are not always intrusive. Although they can be overly pushy, their behavior follows from boundless love, so it is difficult to get angry with them. They just want to be close to you and show you how much they love you. Such feelings are admirable. If only everyone could love like Cancers!

    Part 3

    Strengthen relationships
    1. Always assure Cancer of the seriousness of your relationship. Do not force a person to run after you - most likely, he will simply decide that you do not like it. If a Cancer feels insecure or has any concerns about your relationship, hurry to reassure him. He would do the same for you!

      • Cancer will not tolerate scandals and manifestations of a bad character. If you lose your temper over little things, Cancer will decide that you are irrational and unable to assess the situation as a whole. If you allow yourself harsh remarks about Cancer, he will think that you do not value him. Representatives of this sign can be extremely sensitive when they feel vulnerable.
    2. Say only what you think. Cancers attach a lot of meaning to what is said. If you confess your love to them, they will take it as a declaration of love, so think before you say. If you're only saying this to get them to bed, you won't succeed.

      • Think over your words. If you are not serious, Cancer is likely to feel it and consider you a liar. Even if it doesn’t seem like a hoax to you, Cancerians will be more categorical in their conclusions, so be careful what you say. Crayfish necessarily remember everything said.
    3. Be frank. At first, Cancer will find it difficult to open up to you, but as soon as you manage to get close, he will be able to open his soul to you and will expect the same honesty in return. Therefore, be frank, tell him about your feelings, because you yourself would like such a reciprocal attitude.

    4. Learn all the subtleties of the character of Cancer. In wildlife, cancer is an animal with a strong shell that is extremely difficult to break through, therefore Cancers are people who protect themselves from the outside world with the help of a hard shell, under which, nevertheless, a sensitive and emotional personality. Sometimes Cancers seem weak, sometimes they behave like independent and self-confident people. This is a very changeable, unpredictable sign. You must be prepared for this.

      • Cancer people are complex and can be very vulnerable. An upset Cancer will be sad for a week, and if he feels vulnerable, he will withdraw into himself and will not let anyone near him. But if Cancer feels that he is loved, this gives him strength and self-confidence, and he turns into a successful, happy person. It is in your power to bring joy into the life of Cancer.
    • Don't give in bad mood Cancer.
    • Be ready to always be there when Cancer needs you.
    • If your zodiac sign belongs to the elements of the Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), remember that you make decisions with your head, and Cancer with your heart.
    • Avoid relationships with Cancer if both of you are still very young, as it can be too painful for Cancer to face love suffering at such a young age.
    • Prove to your beloved or lover that you are reliable, that you can be relied upon, and Cancer will be your ideal partner.
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