What is periarthrosis of the shoulder joint and how is it treated? Are sick people allowed to visit the bath? Cervical-thoracic osteochondrosis: symptoms

The owners of the patent RU 2366405:

The invention relates to medicine, namely to neurology, reflexology. The method includes a clinical, paraclinical examination of the patient, determination of the localization of pain, traditional oriental diagnostics and exposure to acupuncture points with acupuncture. With localization of pain in the upper outer region of the anterior chest wall, front outer surface shoulder joint and in the upper third of the anterolateral surface of the shoulder, acupuncture points are performed: P7, C9, P2, P3, P4 on days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and points IG3, V62, V59, P2, P3, P4 on 2, 8 days. When pain is localized in the upper third of the posterior surface of the shoulder, the outer surface of the shoulder joint, acupuncture of acupuncture points is performed: GI6, VB44, GI14, GI15, GI16 on days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and points V62, V59, GI14, GI15 , GI16 at 2, 8 days. When pain is localized on the posterior medial surface of the joint, shoulder girdle and posterior cervical region, acupuncture points are performed: TR5, IG1, IG9, IG10, IG14 on days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and points IG3, V59, IG9, IG10, IG14 in 2, 8 days. EFFECT: method increases the efficiency of treatment and increases the period of remission due to the choice of acupuncture points, taking into account the localization of pain and the levels of damage in the canal-meridian system.

The invention relates to medicine, namely to neurology and reflexology, and can be used in the complex treatment of humeroscapular periarthrosis (PLP), in particular in the muscular form of PLP.

With all the variety existing methods treatment of PLP, this problem has not been finally resolved, the prevalence of PLP is not decreasing, and the disability of patients with PLP at working age is still significant.

A known method for the treatment of PLP, which consists in the use of electropuncture on the area of ​​the affected joint and its projection point of the corresponding auricle(I.Z. Samosyuk, V.P. Lysenyuk. Acupuncture, Kyiv, Moscow: "Ukrainian encyclopedia", "Ast-press", 1994, p. 430-431).

A known method of treating PLP (E.S. Zaslavsky. Painful muscle syndromes in the shoulder girdle, arm and chest, Novokuznetsk, 1982, p. 58-60), which consists in acupuncture of the following acupuncture points: E36, TR5, MC6, RP9, P2, V15, P3, P4, GI4, GI5, GI6, C1, C2, IG9, IG10 , IG13, IG14.

The disadvantage of these methods is the lack of efficiency, high relapse rate after treatment.

A known method for the treatment of PLP (Gawaa Luvsan, 76), which consists in pricking acupuncture points: TR5, TR9, IG3, IG5, GI4, GI10, GI11, P5, P7, VB38, TR14, TR15 and subsequent cauterization (Traditional and contemporary aspects reflexology, M .: Nauka, 1990, p. 374) local points.

The disadvantage of this method is that the points are not selected differentially, i.e. there is no choice of acupuncture points depending on the form of the PLP course and the levels of damage in the canal-meridian system of the body. Thus, a sufficiently effective treatment is not provided.

The closest is the method according to patent No. 2273467, IPC A61H 39/06, A61H 39/08, publ. 04/10/2006 "Method of treatment of humeroscapular periarthrosis". The method relates to the treatment of PLP in the localization of pain on the posterior medial surface of the joint, shoulder girdle and posterior cervical region. Thermal acupuncture of local points is carried out and needles are used in a harmonizing way on general strengthening points, symptomatic points, points systemic action. On days 1, 2, 4 and 8 of treatment, acupuncture of points V64, IG4, IG6 is performed.

The disadvantage of this method is that the points are not selected differentially, i.e. there is no choice of acupuncture points depending on the form of the PLP course and the exact localization of pain. Thus, a sufficiently effective treatment is not provided.

The objective of the invention is to create effective way treatment of the muscular variant of PLP with long-term remission due to differentiated selection of points and rapid relief pain syndrome.

The task is achieved by the method of treatment muscular shape humeroscapular periarthrosis, including a clinical, paraclinical examination of the patient with the determination of the localization of pain and traditional oriental diagnostics with the determination of the state of the meridians, as well as the impact on acupuncture points with acupuncture.

Acupuncture is carried out on points located on conjugated meridians, points that align the bioelectrical parameters of the meridians, points of wonderful meridians and segmental-local points in a neutral harmonizing way.

When pain is localized in the upper outer region of the anterior chest wall, the anterior outer surface of the shoulder joint and in the upper third of the anterior outer surface of the shoulder, acupuncture points are performed: P7, C9, P2, P3, P4 on days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and points IG3, V62, V59, P2, P3, P4 on days 2, 8.

When pain is localized in the upper third of the posterior surface of the shoulder, the outer surface of the shoulder joint, acupuncture of acupuncture points is performed: GI6, VB44, GI14, GI15, GI16 on days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and points V62, V59, GI14, GI15 , GI16 at 2, 8 days.

If pain is localized on the posterior-medial surface of the joint, shoulder girdle and posterior cervical region, acupuncture points are performed: TR5, IG1, IG9, IG10, IG14 on days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and points IG3, V59, IG9, IG10, IG14 in 2, 8 days.

The novelty of the method lies in the fact that:

Impact on the point P7 - Lo - the point of the channel of the lungs P, at the level of the conjugated channels of the lungs P and the large intestine GI - distributes energy between the channels of the lungs P and the large intestine GI.

Impact on the point GI6 - Lo - point of the channel of the large intestine GI, at the level of conjugated channels of the large intestine GI and lungs P - distributes energy between the channels of the large intestine GI and lungs P.

Impact on point TR5 - Lo - point of the channel of three TR heaters, at the level of conjugated channels of three TR heaters and the pericardial channel MS - distributes energy between the channels of the three TR heaters and the pericardium MS.

Impact on point C9 - the polarization point of the union of the top - bottom of the channel of the heart C and the channel of the kidneys R - activates the tendon-muscular meridian of the channel of the heart C.

Impact on point VB44 - the point of polarization of the combination of the top - bottom of the gallbladder channel VB and the channel of three heaters TR - activates the tendon-muscular meridian of the gallbladder channel VB.

Impact on the IG1 point - the point of polarization of the combination of the top-bottom of the channel small intestine IG and channel Bladder V - activates the tendon-muscle meridian of the small intestine canal IG.

Impact on the IG3 point - the key point of the wonderful DU-MAI meridian, which is responsible for the state of nutritional energy, improves metabolic processes in the body.

Impact on point V62 - the key point of the wonderful meridian YANG-JIAO-MAI allows you to regulate the transport of nourishing energy.

Impact on point V59 - Ce-point of the wonderful meridians DU-MAI and YANG-JIAO-MAI - dissipates excess energy, which leads to a decrease in pain.

Impact on points: P2, P3, P4, GI14, GI15, GI16, IG9, IG10, IG14 - segmental-local points, improves innervation and tissue microcirculation in this segment.

The impact is carried out in a neutral-harmonizing way.

The set of essential features of the proposed method allows to increase the effectiveness of treatment due to the fact that:

The localization of pain in the muscular form of PLP was differentiated, taking into account the levels of damage in the canal-meridian system, which makes it possible to make a selection of acupuncture points that clearly corresponds to the selective lesion of certain muscle groups of the shoulder girdle;

Perform additional impact on segmental-local points, which improves innervation and tissue microcirculation in this segment and leads to an improvement in the condition of muscle fibers and normalizes muscle tone, which reduces the treatment time and increases the period of remission;

The order of impact on the points is optimal and provides an impact on most links of the pathological process, affecting local changes in tissues and organs, non-specific generalized positive reactions ("adaptation reactions"), normalizing nervous regulatory processes and eliminating pain.

The proposed method of treatment is as follows. After conducting a clinical and paraclinical examination, the patient is subjected to traditional oriental diagnostics, on the basis of the data obtained, acupuncture points are selected depending on the localization of pain and taking into account the levels of damage in the canal-meridian system of the body.

Simultaneously with the main acupuncture points: P7, C9, GI6, VB44, TR5, IG1, IG3, V62, V59, segmental-local points are affected: P2, P3, P4, GI14, GI15, GI16, IG9, IG10, IG14. Acupuncture is carried out in a neutral harmonizing way. The course of treatment is 8 sessions, carried out daily. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.

Acupuncture was performed by influencing the points in a neutral harmonizing way in the following sequence:

When pain is localized in the upper outer region of the anterior chest wall, the anterior outer surface of the shoulder joint and in the upper third of the anterior outer surface of the shoulder, acupuncture of acupuncture points is performed:

On days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - P7 - Lo - point of the lung channel P, C9 - point of polarization of the union of the top-bottom of the heart channel C and the kidney channel R, P2, P3, P4 - segmental-local points.

On days 2 and 8 - IG3 - key point of the wonderful meridian DU-MAI, V62 - key point of the wonderful meridian YANG-JIAO-MAI, V59 - Se-point of the wonderful meridians DU-MAI and YANG-JIAO-MAI, P2, P3, P4 - segmental-local points.

With the localization of pain in the upper third of the posterior surface of the shoulder, the outer surface of the shoulder joint, acupuncture of acupuncture points is performed:

On days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - GI6-Lo - point of the large intestine channel GI, VB44 - point of polarization of the union of the top-bottom of the gallbladder channel VB and the channel of three heaters TR, GI14, GI15, GI16 segmental-local points.

On days 2 and 8 - V62 - key point of the wonderful meridian YANG-JIAO-MAI, V59 - Xie - point of the wonderful meridians DU-MAI and YANG-JIAO-MAI, GI14, GI15, GI16 - segmental-local points.

With the localization of pain on the posteromedial surface of the joint, shoulder girdle and posterior cervical region, acupuncture of acupuncture points is performed:

On days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - TR5-Lo - point of the channel of three heaters TR, IG1 - point of polarization of the union of the top-bottom of the channel of the small intestine IG and the bladder channel V, IG9, IG10, IG14 - segmental local points.

On the 2nd, 8th day - IG3 - the key point of the wonderful meridian DU-MAI, V59-Xie - the point of the wonderful meridians DU-MAI and YANG-JIAO-MAI, IG9, IG10, IG14 - segmental-local points.

Patient L., 50 years old. He was admitted with complaints of acute pain in the upper outer region of the anterior chest wall, the anterior outer surface of the shoulder joint and the upper third of the anterior outer surface of the shoulder on the left. The mobility of the left shoulder joint is limited.

Vertebroneurological anamnesis - 10 years. This exacerbation for three months; due to this exacerbation, he was treated in the clinic for 12 days, where magnetotherapy, electrophoresis with novocaine and drug therapy: anti-inflammatory drugs, drug blockades with vitamin B12. As a result of the treatment, a weakly positive effect was noted.

Objectively: the condition is satisfactory. Elevation of the left shoulder girdle, limitation of active and passive movements in the left shoulder joint when abducted back and up, severe pain along the anterolateral surface of the shoulder joint and the upper third of the anterolateral surface of the shoulder are noted. Tendon reflexes from the upper extremities are "live", D=S. Sensitivity is not broken, D=S. Eastern diagnostic data: palpation is determined by severe pain along the outer course of the meridian of the lungs P and moderate soreness along the outer course of the meridians of the heart C, small intestine IG, Bladder V; pulse diagnostics - increased strength and filling of the pulse at the points of the meridians of the lungs P, heart C, small intestine IG and bladder V. Electropuncture diagnostics using the Voll method revealed an increase in the threshold UEF (conventional Voll unit) above 60 UEF in channels P, C, IG, V. (norm 45-55 UEFA).

A course of acupuncture was carried out daily, 8 sessions on acupuncture points: P7, C9, P2, P3, P4 on days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and IG3, V62, V59, P2, P3, P4 on days 2, 8 , according to the proposed method. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.

After the 3rd session of acupuncture, the pain syndrome decreased significantly. After the course of treatment, the pain syndrome was completely stopped. Pulse diagnostics: equalization of the strength and filling of the pulse wave at the diagnostic points of the P, C, IG, V meridians. Electropuncture diagnostics according to the Voll method: the UEF threshold is within 45-55 UEF in the meridians P, C, IG, V. During follow-up observation for 1, For 5 years, PLP manifestations were noted once and briefly within one day after heavy physical exertion.

Patient P., 46 years old. Admitted with complaints of paroxysmal pain in the upper third of the posterior surface of the shoulder, the outer surface of the shoulder joint and shoulder girdle on the left, aggravated by movement. The mobility of the left shoulder joint is severely limited.

Vertebroneurological history - 8 years. This exacerbation for two months; due to this exacerbation, she was treated in the clinic for 14 days, where magnetotherapy, electrophoresis with novocaine and drug therapy were performed: anti-inflammatory drugs, drug blockades with vitamin B12. As a result of the treatment, a weakly positive short-term effect was noted.

Objectively: the condition is satisfactory. There is a limitation of active and passive movements in the left shoulder joint when abducted back and up, when spreading the arm to the side, severe pain along the outer surface. Tendon reflexes from the upper extremities are "live", D=S. Sensitivity is not broken, D=S.

Eastern diagnostic data: palpation is determined by severe pain along the outer course of the meridian of the large intestine GI and moderate pain along the outer course of the meridians of the gallbladder VB, bladder V; pulse diagnosis - increased strength and filling of the pulse at the points of the meridians of the large intestine GI, gallbladder VB and bladder V;

Electropuncture diagnostics according to the Voll method revealed an increase in the UEF threshold (Voll's conventional unit) above 58 UEF in channels GI, VB, V (norm 45-55 UEF).

X-ray revealed arthrosis of the shoulder joint.

DS: Shoulder-shoulder periarthrosis. Muscular form. Chronic relapsing non-progredient course. Irritative-deficient stage, 3rd degree of clinical manifestations.

A course of acupuncture was carried out daily, 8 sessions on acupuncture points: GI6, VB44, GI14, GI15, GI16 on days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and V62, V59, GI14, GI15, GI16 on days 2, 8, on in accordance with the proposed method. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.

After the 3rd session of acupuncture, the pain syndrome decreased significantly. After the course of treatment, the pain syndrome was completely stopped. Pulse diagnostics: equalization of the strength and filling of the pulse wave at the diagnostic points of the GI, VB, V meridians. Electropuncture diagnostics according to the Voll method: the UEF threshold is within 45-55 UEF in the GI, VB, V meridians. During follow-up observation for 1.5 years PLP manifestations were observed once and briefly within one day after heavy physical exertion.

Thus, the proposed method allows exact definition localization of pain in the muscular variant of PLP, taking into account the levels of lesions in the canal-meridian system, to make a reasonable and selective choice of acupuncture points that provide an impact on most parts of the pathological process, which increases the effectiveness of treatment, increases the period of remission, and eliminates pain.

Patient G., 48 years old. He was admitted with complaints of paroxysmal pain in the right shoulder joint with localization of pain on the posteromedial surface of the joint, shoulder girdle and posterior cervical region. Joint mobility is limited.

From the anamnesis: ill for 2 years; due to this exacerbation, he was treated for 10 days in a polyclinic, where electrophoresis with novocaine, magnetotherapy and drug therapy were performed: anti-inflammatory drugs, drug blockades with vitamin B12. As a result of the treatment, no effect was observed.

Objectively: the condition is satisfactory. Elevation of the right shoulder girdle, limitation of active and passive movements in the right shoulder joint during abduction and induction of the arm behind the head, severe pain along the posterior medial surface of the joint, shoulder girdle and posterior cervical region on the right are noted. Tendon reflexes from the upper extremities are "live", D=S.

Sensitivity is not broken, D=S.

Eastern diagnostic data: palpation is determined by severe pain along the outer course of the meridian of the small intestine IG and moderate pain along the outer course of the meridians of the three heaters TR, bladder V; pulse diagnostics - increased strength and filling of the pulse at the points of the meridians of the small intestine IG, three heaters TR, bladder V. Electropuncture diagnostics using the Voll method revealed an increase in the threshold UEF (conventional Voll unit) above 65 UEF in channels IG-70 UEF, TR-65 UEFA, V-68 UEFA (norm 45-55 UEFA).

X-ray revealed arthrosis of the shoulder joint.

DS: Shoulder-shoulder periarthrosis. Muscular form. Chronic relapsing progressive course. Exacerbation period. Irritative-deficient stage, 3rd degree of clinical manifestations.

A course of acupuncture was carried out daily, 8 sessions on acupuncture points: TR5, IG1, IG9, IG10, IG14, on days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and points IG3, V59, IG9, IG10, IG14 on days 2, 8 , according to the proposed method. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.

After the 3rd session of acupuncture, the pain syndrome decreased significantly. After the course of treatment, the pain syndrome was completely stopped. Pulse diagnostics: alignment of the strength and filling of the pulse wave at the diagnostic points of the IG, TR, V meridians. Electropuncture diagnostics according to the Voll method: the threshold of the UEF is within 45-55 UEF in the meridians IG-54 UEF, TR-50 UEF, V-45 UEF. During the follow-up observation for 1.5 years, the manifestations of PLP were noted once and briefly within two days after hypothermia.

Thus, the proposed method allows, by accurately determining the localization of pain in the muscular variant of the PLP, taking into account the levels of damage in the canal-meridian system, to make a reasonable and selective choice of acupuncture points that provide an impact on most parts of the pathological process, which increases the effectiveness of treatment, increases the period remission, eliminates pain.

A method for the treatment of the muscular form of humeroscapular periarthrosis (PLP), including a clinical, paraclinical examination of the patient with the determination of the localization of pain and traditional oriental diagnostics with the determination of the state of the meridians and the impact on acupuncture points with acupuncture, characterized in that acupuncture of points located on conjugated meridians, points, leveling bioelectrical parameters of the meridians, points of wonderful meridians and segmental-local points in a neutral harmonizing way, and when pain is localized in the upper outer region of the anterior chest wall, the anterior outer surface of the shoulder joint and in the upper third of the anterior outer surface of the shoulder, acupuncture points are performed: P7, C9, P2, P3, P4 on days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and points IG3, V62, V59, P2, P3, P4 on days 2, 8; in the localization of pain in the upper third of the posterior surface of the shoulder, the outer surface of the shoulder joint, acupuncture of acupuncture points is performed: GI6, VB44, GI14, GI15, GI16 on days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and points V62, V59, GI14, GI15 , GI16 on days 2, 8; in the localization of pain on the posterior-medial surface of the joint, shoulder girdle and posterior cervical region, acupuncture is performed at acupuncture points: TR5, IG1, IG9, IG10, IG14 on days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and points IG3, V59, IG9, IG10, IG14 in 2, 8 days.

The term "periarthritis" refers to an inflammatory or degenerative disease of the soft tissues surrounding the joint (tendons at the places of their attachment to the bones, periosteum, serous bags). Most often pathological process develops in the area of ​​the shoulder joint and is described as humeroscapular periarthritis or periarthrosis. The difference in terminology is due to the fact that the disease proceeds in stages, sometimes with a predominance of aseptic inflammation, while in other cases degenerative-dystrophic changes in tissues dominate.

Causes of humeroscapular periarthritis

Regarding the etiology and pathogenesis of humeroscapular periarthritis, as well as other degenerative-dystrophic diseases of soft tissues upper limb(epicondylitis, styloiditis) there are two main points of view. Adherents of one of them consider the main cause of the disease to be changes in intervertebral disc with an abnormal irritation reaction from the autonomic nervous system and neurodystrophic changes in the places of attachment of fibrous tissues to bone protrusions. Proponents of another theory attach primary importance to local processes and believe that as a result of muscle tension in the places of their attachment to bone protrusions, tissue microtraumatization (tears, hemorrhages) occurs, and aseptic inflammation, swelling of tissues, which entails irritation of peripheral receptors.

According to the studies of many authors, humeroscapular periarthritis is a polyetiological clinical syndrome, developing against the background of degenerative-dystrophic processes in the cervical spine (osteochondrosis), in the paraarticular tissues of the shoulder joint, and is accompanied by a violation of local and peripheral circulation in the limb. In poorly vascularized tissues, foci of necrosis are formed, followed by their scarring and calcification; against this background, reactive aseptic inflammation develops, which is confirmed by pathoanatomical examination.

should be aimed at relieving pain and eliminating muscle contracture.

Clinically, humeroscapular periarthritis is manifested mainly by pain and impaired motor functions joint, for more late stages muscle atrophy is observed, radicular disorders are possible. On palpation, pain in the area of ​​​​the large tubercle is determined. humerus and supratubercular region, sometimes along the edge trapezius muscle. This disease in about 20% of cases is accompanied by the deposition of calcium salts, which is most often found under the tendons of the supraspinatus, infraspinatus and small round muscle(calculous bursitis). The shape and structure of calcifications can be very different: from single large to multiple small ones, from homogeneous dense to patchy-cellular. With a long course of the disease, osteoporosis of the proximal end of the humerus is observed to one degree or another, in more than half of the patients, osteochondrosis and spondylosis are detected. cervical spine, often at the level of Cv-Cvi.

A special form of humeroscapular periarthritis is the so - called shoulder - hand algodystrophic syndrome . It is characterized by sharp causal pains in the entire arm and pronounced vasotrophic changes in the hand ( cold swelling, cyanosis, hand muscle atrophy, osteoporosis). With an unfavorable course, persistent flexion contractures of the fingers develop.

Treatment of humeroscapular periarthritis should be aimed at relieving pain and eliminating muscle contracture. Taking into account the etiopathogenesis of the disease, treatment should be complex, including the impact on local tissues, as well as on the general degenerative-dystrophic process, in particular, of the spine.

It is recommended to reduce the load on the diseased limb, in acute stage sometimes immobilization is carried out in a plaster splint or soft bandage, analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs (indomethacin, orthofen, reopyrin, etc.) are prescribed, a course of injections vitreous body, vitamins of group B. To relieve pain, it is recommended novocaine blockades, both para-articular and intra-articular (30-40 ml of 1% solution) with the introduction into pain points 1.5-2 ml of hydrocortisone. The blockade is repeated after 4-5 days 3-4 times. In the days between blockades - warm baths, physiotherapy. Some authors recommend making conduction blocks at the level of the brachial or cervical plexus.

In the subacute and chronic course of the process, oxygen therapy gives a good effect: 40-60 ml of oxygen is injected intra-articularly and up to 100 ml into the subdeltoid space, at the same time 1 ml of hydrocortisone is sometimes injected into the joint.

Per recent times widespread with good effect received laser therapy.

In cases of chronic course with a tendency to exacerbations, it is recommended Spa treatment(sulfide or radon baths). Surgical treatment is generally only recommended for acute joint blockage.

The prognosis is favorable, but in a number advanced cases disease is difficult to cure chronic course makes the patient unable to work.

Prevention is about creating normal conditions work and rest regime. Importance has timely and correct treatment.

In the treatment of humeroscapular periarthritis, it is necessary to observe following conditions:

Treatment of humeroscapular periarthritis by methods of oriental medicine

Acupuncture for humeroscapular periarthritis

Massage and manual therapy for humeroscapular periarthritis

Hirudotherapy for humeroscapular periarthritis

Traditional Tibetan herbal medicine for humeroscapular periarthritis

Seng.ldeng.nyer.gsum (Tsenden 23).

Stone therapy for humeroscapular periarthritis

The use of hot and cold stones has the effect of "gymnastics" for the vessels. Massage with the use of stones is easier for the massage therapist and therefore longer in time. The use of hot stones in the projection of acupuncture zones contributes to the toning of the Yang energy. And the stone therapy procedure, carried out with stones through the tissue, has a wonderful relaxing effect.

Vacuum therapy for humeroscapular periarthritis

Methods of active vacuum therapy ( cupping massage) allow you to further enhance the drainage of soft tissues, causes local vasodilation, positively affects the condition of the skin pores and the release of sebum.

Carrying out vacuum procedures in the projection of any part of the spine helps to reduce local fat deposits, which has a positive effect on the range of motion of the corresponding segment, which, in turn, improves metabolic processes and reduces local congestion.

The methods of passive vacuum therapy, in addition to all of the above, allow the painless formation of scattered subcutaneous hematomas, which effectively replaces the immunomodulating effect of the good old autohemotransfusion.

Su-Jok with humeroscapular periarthritis

Su-Jok therapy, using the principle of "similarity", allows you to influence a diseased organ, part of the body, a meridian, a point and even a chakra! It's kind of subspecies of reflexology, often allowing therapeutic effect without interrupting the patient from solving their own daily tasks.

We strongly recommend that you try to use some of the principles of Su-Jok therapy on your own (of course, it is better after consulting a specialist). Currently released great amount literature on the Su-Jok system for "non-medical people", where in a simple and accessible form recommendations are given for the treatment of a number of pathological conditions. Recommended

Shoulder-shoulder periarthritis (PLP) or impingement syndrome- this is a chronic degenerative-dystrophic lesion of the soft tissues surrounding the shoulder joint (tendons, joint capsule, etc.) prone to periodic recurrence. by the most typical manifestations This disease is a pain syndrome and the inability to move the arm behind the back or raise it due to pain, as well as increased pain when lying on the sore shoulder. Pain can be given to the arm and to the cervical-occipital region. Hypotrophy of the muscles of the shoulder region gradually develops.

Causes of the appearance of humeroscapular periarthritis.

There are how many main reasons and many additional factors contributing to the emergence of this disease, of which the most significant are:

  • the presence of vertebrogenic disorders, mainly cervical and, to a lesser extent, cervicothoracic osteochondrosis;
  • shoulder joint injury or chronic microtraumatization of periarticular tissues associated with long work with hands up. At the same time, during rest hours, there is no full recovery of tissues after exercise for a number of reasons (more often due to neurotrophic disorders), and this gradually leads to disorders in them, first functional (reversible), and then organic - degenerative-dystrophic, which are initially compensated, but later a breakdown of compensation with severe clinical manifestations is possible.
  • change hormonal background, which leads to a change in the metabolic and recovery processes in the body (often this is associated with menopause).

Under the influence of these factors, the connective tissue capsule gradually becomes thinner, loosens, it loses not only elasticity, but also strength, being replaced in microcracks, microdefects by a coarser fibrous (scar) tissue, in which calcified inclusions (capsulitis) can be deposited. And neither the capsule nor the surrounding synovial bags are no longer able to provide full and painless movements in the joint. Over time, these changes become irreversible, persistent contractures develop - the so-called "frozen shoulder".

Shoulder arthrosis: symptoms and treatment

Most often it is a unilateral disease, constant symptom which, as mentioned above, are pain in the shoulder joint, worse at night, especially if the patient is lying on the sore shoulder. Aching pains of varying intensity, sometimes radiating to the neck, back (scapula), to the humerus, elbow joint, brush. Often, an exacerbation is provoked by an injury (for example, a fall with support on the arm), an awkward movement, an intense short-term load, etc.

The transition of the process from acute to chronic (and this most often occurs in the absence of timely and adequate treatment) is accompanied by increasing, debilitating pain leading to chronic insomnia, asthenization of the nervous system. At the same time, the limitation of the range of motion in the joint increases (sideways and upwards, behind the back and rotation), while the patient cannot dress himself, his ability to self-service decreases.

When examining the joint area, pain is noted in the projection of the deltoid muscle and the place of its fixation to the upper third of the humerus. After a few months of the disease, hypotrophy of the muscles of the shoulder girdle of the affected side can be observed, followed by their atrophy.

Therefore, it is necessary to identify and promptly treat diseases that lead to the development of periarthritis as early as possible, and in this you can be provided qualified assistance specialists of the Med&Care Clinic

If necessary, you will be additional examination: x-ray, ultrasound, computed tomography, MRI, electromyography, etc.

After that, a complex of treatment and rehabilitation procedures is individually developed for each patient.

Treatment for humeroscapular periarthrosis usually includes:

  • symptomatic treatment - analgesics, vasodilators, antispasmodics, as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and others medical preparations. With severe pain syndrome, periarticular blockades, intra-articular injections are performed.
  • manual therapy (osteopathic techniques), which allows for several sessions to relieve pain and eliminate muscle hypertonicity. This treatment is essential for this pathology!
  • reflexology (acupuncture, electropuncture, electroacupuncture, microneedle therapy), which has a muscle relaxant effect, improves tissue microcirculation, stimulates trophic and regenerative processes.
  • physiotherapy methods (laser therapy, ultrasound, magnetotherapy)
  • after removing inflammation and, as a result, pain syndrome, a course of massage is prescribed to improve microcirculation and innervation, relieve inflammatory changes, activation of regeneration and warning muscle hypotrophy, development of contractures and other dystrophic changes, and later - a set of exercises to increase the range of motion in the shoulder joint.

Important! It should be borne in mind that if you have pain in your shoulder, neck, arm joints, your arm goes numb, pain in your shoulder, and neck bothers you, then treatment should be carried out only with qualified specialists, competent in these matters, tk. humeroscapular periarthritis is serious illness, which can lead to both disability! Carrying out the treatment folk remedies, you only contribute to the progression of the disease and increase the risk of disability!

We invite you for consultations with our specialists, who will help to identify the diseases you have on early stage development, prevent their further progression and develop an optimal plan for treatment and prevention procedures.

You can find out more about the treatment of humeroscapular periarthritis, prices and make an appointment with our specialists by phone in the Contacts section.

Call! We will be happy to assist you!

Massage for humeroscapular periarthritis is a very important component treatment course and the recovery process itself. To understand the significance of massage, it is necessary to consider the main characteristics of the disease and methods of its treatment.

The main thing about periarthritis of the shoulder joint

Such a neurodystrophic disease as periarthritis of the shoulder joint is very common today, especially among men. It is caused by inflammation of the joint capsule, tendons, ligaments, and tissues around the shoulder joint.

The main cause of the development of the disease is trauma - swipe, a large load on the shoulder or an unsuccessful fall on an outstretched arm. In addition, humeroscapular periarthritis can be caused by a degenerative process in the cervical spine, endocrine changes in the body, with connective tissue dysplasia, or after breast surgery.

Shoulder-shoulder periarthritis can have the following forms and manifestations:

  • on the initial stage the disease may be mild aching pains in the shoulder area when moving the arm (there may be a restriction of freedom of movement);
  • during an exacerbation, a person will feel severe sharp pain with any movement of the hand, the body temperature may still rise;
  • about chronic form diseases will indicate constant mild pain in the shoulder and sharp strong pain when rotated by hand.

The effectiveness of therapy will be determined by the neglect of the disease. But therein lies the difficulty, since initial phase no intense pain severe symptoms ailment.

In order not to start the condition, it is necessary to pay attention to such symptoms, even if they are not constant, but are observed periodically:

  • slight pain in the joint during normal movement of the hand;
  • an attempt to rotate the hand may cause additional discomfort;
  • constant or intermittent pain in the shoulder area.

Paying attention to these signs, the main thing is to remember that untimely treatment can lead to aggravation and exacerbation of the disease, which in the future can cause irreversible changes in the periarticular tissues of the shoulder.

Only a doctor can diagnose the disease, since humeroscapular periarthritis has similar symptoms to arthritis and arthrosis. The treatment regimen will be determined by the stage and characteristics of the course of the disease, history and individual anthropometric data of a particular patient.

An important condition effective therapy is a massage that should restore the functionality of the shoulder and reduce pain. For this, massage of the collar region and deltoid muscle is used.

The specifics of massage for humeroscapular periarthritis

Massage is usually combined with drug treatment which will ensure a faster recovery.

The main task of this method of treatment will have several directions:

  • prevent a decrease in joint activity;
  • prevent the development of coarse scar tissue;
  • as a prevention of muscle atrophy;
  • restoration of the functionality of the upper limbs.

It is forbidden to use massage during the acute phase of the disease, as there is a pronounced inflammatory process and severe pain, which can further aggravate the situation.

Manual therapy is recommended only after removal acute inflammation in joint capsule and reduction of pain. The procedures are carried out 14-20 days after the immobilization of the joint. This will allow you to get a pronounced therapeutic effect.

Depending on the area of ​​influence, massage for periarthritis of the shoulder joint can be:

  • collar zone;
  • shoulder joint and shoulder;
  • deltoid and pectoralis major.

Usually prescribed daily procedures lasting about a quarter of an hour. The pronounced therapeutic effect of such manual therapy will be observed after passing 2-3 courses, with breaks of 14-20 days between procedures. It is also recommended to wear a bandage for humeroscapular periarthritis, which will help to further relieve the load from the joint.

Massage technique

Manual exposure begins with the treatment of the collar zone and includes the following movements:

  • warming stroking of the collar zone towards the shoulder joint (movements with an open palm are directed from top to bottom);
  • deep rubbing of the area by stroking with an open palm;
  • rubbing the area with 4 fingers (spiral movement);
  • impact on the area with the edge of the palm (2 hands can be used at once).

Manipulations are carried out with maximum attention to the latissimus dorsi muscle, the lower and middle parts of the trapezius muscle of the shoulder, as well as to the subosseous muscles, where the focus of pain localization is located. After processing the collar zone, the massage therapist switches to the neck and forearm area, treating the main points of these zones:

  • embracing stroking;
  • deep stroking with an open palm (direction of movement - back and forth);
  • rubbing the area in a spiral, performed with 4 fingers;
  • pinching.

Hand massage begins with the deltoid zone, gradually moving to the shoulder. In this case, the same movements are used: stroking, rubbing, sawing and patting. Even during the massage, a funnel-shaped rubber vibratod can be used, the mechanical vibrations of which effectively eliminate pain. The treatment of the shoulder joint is started only after the reduction or complete elimination of pain. Each subsequent session, it is necessary to increase the force of impact and load, which will additionally help to get rid of muscle atrophy.

Today, there are several methods of manual impact on the body, one of which was proposed and is being implemented in his practice by Andrey Ilyushkin.

Other non-drug treatment options

Effectively get rid of humeroscapular periarthritis will help complex therapy acting in several directions at once. Among non-drug treatment In addition to massage, the following methods can also be used:

  1. Acupuncture. Such procedures will help relieve pain. The impact is on active points body by inserting thin metal needles under the skin. The procedure is carried out either manually or with the help of a special electric apparatus. Much has to do with acupuncture. contentious issues therefore, before using it in each specific situation, it will not be superfluous to consult the attending physician.
  2. Taping. Such a procedure should be carried out only by a specialist so as not to aggravate the situation. The essence of the procedure is to apply teips (adhesive tape made of a special material) to the skin area, which fix and support the joints. Tapes are applied in a certain way in order to relax the necessary area as much as possible and remove the load from it, while improving the blood circulation of the area.

A disease such as humeroscapular periarthritis requires mandatory treatment. And it is better that the doctor prescribes the treatment regimen.

Why does not the arm rise after a shoulder injury

The shoulder joint is one of the largest and most complex joints in human body. Its structure, location, as well as the constant loads to which it is subjected, lead to the fact that in this place there are often various pathologies. The shoulder joint suffers from damage to the surrounding muscles and ligaments, destruction of cartilage, inflammation or pinching of the nerves. Moreover, in addition to pain, the symptoms of such pathologies can be limited movement.

Many people begin to notice that their arm does not rise at the shoulder joint. It can happen by different reasons: due to inflammatory or degenerative diseases, infections, salt deposits or damage to joint components. Quite often, this condition causes a shoulder bruise during a fall or awkward movement. In order to prevent a serious violation of the functions of the joint, it is necessary to properly provide the victim with first aid and consult a doctor. An urgent examination is required if some time has passed after the injury, and the arm has ceased to rise. This means that post-traumatic complications have developed.

General characteristics of the problem

The most unique joint in the human body is the shoulder joint. It is formed by the connection of three bones and can perform many different movements. This joint is involved in all movements of the hand and withstands heavy loads. Therefore, it is vulnerable to various pathologies.

Shoulder dysfunction can be caused by sudden movement, monotonous unusual loads or trauma. In this case, both the joint itself and the tissues surrounding it can be damaged. An inflammatory or degenerative process occurs, which leads to discomfort and limitation in movement. In this case, a person may notice that his arm does not rise in the shoulder joint.

This condition can be caused by severe pain or damage to the components of the joint. Depending on the pathology, there are various violations. For example, with humeroscapular periarthritis, the arm does not rise up through the side, but it can be freely raised forward. With arthrosis or with the deposition of salts, all movements in the joint are difficult, with them a crunch is heard. Sometimes the so-called "reflected" pains still occur, when it is impossible to raise the arm due to pain in the heart, lungs or liver.

Athletes are most susceptible to this pathology, as well as people performing heavy physical work hands or frequently lifting weights. But those who lead sedentary image life, may also suffer from shoulder dysfunction. After all, their weak muscle corset unable to properly stabilize the joint. As a result, more often various injuries: bruises, sprain, shoulder dislocation, bone fracture. It is these injuries that in most cases cause pain and impaired joint mobility. Moreover, the hand may not stop rising immediately, but some time after the injury.

The reasons

In order to quickly restore the mobility of the shoulder and prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to start treatment in a timely manner. But for this you must first find out why the hand stopped rising. This most often happens due to severe pain that prevents a person from moving his shoulder. But impaired mobility of the joint can occur due to damage to the muscles, ligaments or articular cartilage.

The most common cause of shoulder dysfunction is trauma. It can tear ligaments or damage joint components. Sometimes also the hand does not rise due to severe pain that appears when the infringement occurs. nerve endings or in inflammation. The second most common cause of limitation of movement in the shoulder joint is humeroscapular periarthritis. it inflammatory disease that affects the capsule of the joint and holds its ligaments.

Acute pain, aggravated by moving the arm up, can also occur with other diseases:

  • advanced osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • herniated discs;
  • arthritis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • neuritis of the brachial nerve;
  • tendobursitis;
  • deformity of the rotator cuff of the shoulder joint.

In addition, there are pathologies in which the arm stops rising not because of pain. This usually happens when severe bruise shoulder, fracture, ligament rupture, myositis. Degenerative processes in the joint can also cause it to block. Except last stages arthritis and arthrosis, this can happen with capsulitis, frozen shoulder syndrome. With some pathologies, as well as in old age, the deposition of salts in the joint may begin. As a result, movements in it are difficult, ligaments calcify and cannot work normally. Therefore, the arm does not rise above 45 degrees.

Features of treatment

The shoulder joint is very complex, so it is unacceptable to self-medicate. Even minor injuries can cause serious complications. If a person only relieves pain without eliminating its cause, the pathology can progress, leading to a complete loss of joint function. Therefore, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor after examination and determination of the source of the problem.

With an injury, the prognosis for recovery is highly dependent on whether first aid was provided correctly. But in all other cases, it is also very important that therapy be started on time. In doing so, it is imperative to apply complex treatment, aimed not only at relieving pain and inflammation, but also at restoring joint mobility.

The first step, which is mandatory in all cases of violation of the mobility of the shoulder joint, should be its immobilization. After all, if the arm does not rise, it means that an inflammatory process develops in the shoulder or nearby, swelling occurs, muscles or ligaments are damaged. Immobilization contributes to the fact that the affected tissues recover faster. Can be used to fix the shoulder elastic bandage, a bandage-scarf or a special orthopedic bandage. You need to wear them from several days to 2-3 weeks, depending on the severity of the pathology.

The second common method used in all cases where pain prevents raising the arm is medical therapy. Most often, these are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in tablets or injections. In acute pain, blockade of the joint with anesthetics is sometimes required. Glucocorticoids are effective for pain and inflammation, but if joint mobility is impaired, it is best not to use them, as they can exacerbate this problem.

Other methods are selected depending on the characteristics of the problem and the severity of the joint damage. If the hand does not rise up, it is better to treat this condition in a complex way.

  • In chronic articular pathologies, as well as at the stage of rehabilitation after injuries, physiotherapy procedures are often used. laser therapy, UHF or magnetotherapy well help to restore the function of the joint.
  • With arthrosis and salt deposition, compresses with Dimexide or Bishofit are effective.
  • Hirudotherapy helps well with the accumulation of fluid in the joint or in violation of blood circulation.
  • Effectively restores blood circulation and nutrition of all tissues of the shoulder massage. In addition to the classical method, it is used acupressure and acupuncture. These methods are able to stimulate self-healing mechanisms.
  • Postisometric relaxation is a manual method that consists in alternating muscle tension and relaxation, combined with massage. Helps to take off muscle spasms and restore elasticity to the ligaments.
  • For any articular pathologies, it is always prescribed physiotherapy. Only with the help special exercises you can restore mobility to the shoulder.
  • As adjuvant therapy folk methods are often used.

The choice of treatment methods should be carried out by a doctor after examination. You need to know the cause of the pathology, otherwise you can only aggravate your situation. For example, immediately after an injury or in the presence of severe swelling Do not apply warm compresses and thermal treatments. And with damage to the nerve roots, a pressure bandage is contraindicated.

First aid

If a person has fallen on his arm or injured his shoulder in some other way, it is necessary to provide him with first aid as soon as possible. The first thing to do is immobilize the joint. This will help prevent increased pain and soft tissue injury from damaged bones. Then it is important to relieve the pain and deliver the victim to a medical facility. It is also recommended to apply cold to the damaged area - this will help prevent swelling.

For immobilization, you can use an elastic bandage or any available means. But you can not independently set the joint when it is dislocated, move it if it causes pain. It is best to fix the hand pressed to the body, but in some cases the victim himself takes a position in which it is easier for him. For minor injuries, a bandage-kerchief is sufficient, if any. open wound, you need to apply a sterile bandage, and in case of bleeding - pressure bandage or tourniquet above the injury site.

Sometimes people around don't know what to do when someone gets hurt. Then it is better to provide the victim with immobility and quickly deliver to the doctor. At severe pain it is important to alleviate suffering - to give an anesthetic pill.

Medical treatment

Treatment of any pathologies of the joints begins with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These can be Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Nimesulide, Meloxicam, Ketoprofen. In mild cases, a course of such tablets is sufficient. With severe pain, glucocorticoids - Prednisolone or Hydrocortisone can be prescribed.

But they can not be taken longer than 5-7 days, so the treatment is supplemented with ointments based on these funds. Well relieve pain and inflammation Butadion, Voltaren, Dolgit, Nise. Some time after the injury, as well as after subsiding inflammatory process warming ointments are useful: Viprosal, Kapsikam, Apizartron and other preparations based on snake or bee venom, pepper, methyl salicylate.

Additionally, in violation of the mobility of the shoulder, it is useful to use chondroprotectors. They help restore cartilage tissue joint, returning to it its functions. Preparations based on chondroitin and glucosamine are available in tablets and ointments. Other drugs may also be prescribed as an adjuvant treatment. Angioprotectors will help normalize blood circulation, antispasmodics or muscle relaxants will relieve muscle spasms.


After removal acute pain and inflammation, gymnastics is necessarily prescribed. Exercises are selected by the doctor individually. It is advisable to practice regularly, even several times a day.

This is the only way to restore the function of the joint. You can use the following exercises for this:

  • put the sore hand with the palm on the opposite shoulder, with the other hand grab the elbow and gently lift it up, without tearing it off the chest;
  • clasp your hands in front of you, slowly raise them;
  • do the same, moving your hands back;
  • put your hands on your waist, move your shoulders forward and then back;
  • from the same starting position, perform rotational movements in the shoulder joints;
  • put a sore hand behind your back, grab it with a healthy hand and slowly pull it to the side until pain occurs;
  • lie on your back, take your straight arm to the side and lift it up a few centimeters, lingering in this position for 10-15 seconds;
  • take a big ball with both hands, throw it forward and up.

Folk remedies

The condition when it hurts to raise a hand in the shoulder joint is quite common. This can happen to anyone. Many people try to cope with the problem with home remedies. Moreover, in traditional medicine considerable experience in the fight against articular pathologies has been accumulated.

But before you start using such drugs, you still need to consult a doctor. After all, not all methods are equally effective. But if you choose the right prescription and use it in conjunction with the treatment prescribed by your doctor, it will be easier to restore joint function. In case of violation of the mobility of the shoulder, compresses are popular, therapeutic baths, ingestion of agents that improve metabolic processes and promote the removal of salts.

  • To rub a sore shoulder, you can use a tincture of fresh lilac flowers. It is necessary to add 5 teaspoons of flowers, a tablespoon of crushed burdock root and red to 500 ml of alcohol. capsicum. After insisting for 4-7 days, the tincture is ready.
  • From chronic pain and impaired joint mobility will help homemade ointment based lard. For 200 g, you need to take 6 teaspoons of chopped grass cinquefoil and St. John's wort and 2 tablespoons of dry chili pepper.
  • Effective warming compress of honey and mustard. Need to mix in equal parts liquid honey and olive oil, add half as much dry mustard. Warm up a little in a water bath, apply to the joint for 30 minutes.
  • For any joint pathology, it is recommended to take coniferous baths. For them, you can use a ready-made extract or prepare a decoction of pine cones and needles.
  • In the presence of degenerative processes in the joint or salt deposits, such a compress is effective: beat the yolk, add 2 teaspoons of melted butter and apple cider vinegar, a teaspoon of honey and a little salt.
  • In case of impaired mobility of the shoulder, it is recommended to lubricate the joint as often as possible. vegetable oil, infused with burdock root. For 200 ml you need 75 g of fresh crushed raw materials.

When the hand ceases to be understood, this greatly reduces the quality of human life. Therefore, it is very important to treat everything in time articular pathologies and properly administer first aid in case of injury. This will help prevent serious complications and preserve the function of the shoulder.

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