The best pills for weight gain. How do hormonal pills for weight gain work?

Consider the main representatives of drugs for weight gain, which affect metabolic processes and help to quickly increase body weight. The leader in the effects on the body, of course, are hormonal agents.

Commonly used drugs:

  • Methandrostenolone
  • Cypionate
  • Turinabol
  • Retabolil
  • Equipoise
  • Trenbolone
  • Retabolil
  • Sustanon 250

Positive sides:

The main plus of anabolic steroids is a quick set of muscle mass, from 5 to 10 kilograms per month. If you read that it is not hormonal drugs, especially dietary supplements and or Chinese pills that can perform this miracle, you should know the pure inventions of science fiction writers.

In addition to weight gain, there is an increase in appetite, a powerful increase in strength and endurance, but there is also a negative side.

Side effects:

  • Increase in blood pressure
  • Hair loss
  • Irritability
  • Gynecomastia
  • increased cholesterol

Weight gain drugs for men

Today you can get almost the same effect of steroids, but without their side effects, by taking modern drugs.

  • The champion in terms of reviews and results was "Biorost forte", which is available in tablets of 30 pieces, a course of 30 days.
  • A stronger complex is a combination of "Biorost forte" and "Hercules 1000"
  • Someone is more suited to the tandem of "Sub-Active" and "Hercules 1000"
  • Well, for the most neglected cases, the combination: "Biorost forte" + "Sub-Active" + "Hercules 1000" solves weight problems once and for all.

The main condition in the selection of drugs for weight gain in men is the consultation and development of an individual complex from a specialist.
Do not self-medicate!

Preparations for women for weight gain

The above medicines for men are just as suitable for women, just pay attention to Biorost Forte, there is an analogue specifically for women. Preparations for rapid weight gain
Another group of medicines that cannot be missed, and which is widely used by athletes in gaining muscle mass, are peptides:

  • GHRP-6
  • Hexarelin
  • GHRP-2
  • Ipamorelin
  • Sermorelin
  • CJC-1295


  • Rapid weight gain
  • Appetite increase
  • Immunity Boost
  • Beneficial effect on the liver, unlike anabolics

These drugs are administered as injections and require an individual approach. Many write that no side effects were found, which is encouraging before taking.

If you are determined to gain weight and are considering drugs for weight gain in women, then first of all consult with a specialist, only then act, so you will not make mistakes and quickly achieve results.

What are the means for weight gain?

To begin with, let's get acquainted with the varieties of drugs that position themselves as weight gainers according to the method and mechanism of their action. All funds can be divided into two groups:

  • for men;
  • for women.

The first ones, which are designed for men, are called steroids. They are effective for weight gain, that is, the rapid growth of muscle mass. But not every athlete decides to take steroids in pursuit of a sculpted body. This is because they are far from harmless, and their effectiveness, albeit a proven fact, is sometimes paired with unpleasant side effects.

eroids are banned in competitions because they belong to the doping class, but on the other hand they are able to give the best results just in the case of professional athletes. In addition, the use of steroids is legally prohibited in many countries. The fact is that this hormone has a very strong effect on the body of a man: it forms a classic male figure, promotes hair growth and increases muscles, which is dictated by the fact that more than usual (and what is needed) testosterone enters the body. Doctors strongly advise against taking hormones without a doctor's supervision.

As for the girls, they resort to the help of means for gaining weight, mainly not for gaining muscle mass, but because of excessive, aesthetically unattractive, thinness. It is worth noting that the lack of weight not only makes the girl unattractive and unhealthy in appearance, it affects the functioning of the heart, kidneys and other functional systems of the body. If the body mass index shows low values, you should consult a doctor, and not go to the pharmacy for drugs. Your thinness can be caused by a number of reasons, ranging from hormonal disorders that need to be treated to physiological features.

If you still, upon visiting a doctor or on your own, want to increase your weight, you must very carefully approach the choice of the drug. And we will help you with this, with our advice.

Weight gain drugs

At one time, these pills were created for women who are planning a pregnancy. They contribute to the increased production of certain female hormones, which gives such a side effect - weight gain. Tablets are quite aggressive in relation to the body. In order not to harm yourself, doctors recommend that you undergo an examination by an endocrinologist before taking it, if he gives you the go-ahead to take duphaston, then you can start the course.

One of the few more or less safe hormonal drugs. It is prescribed only by a doctor and is not sold without a prescription. For your doctor to prescribe this drug, the cause of your weight loss must be a serious injury, illness, or recovery from an illness. In combination with the drug, an individual diet is developed.

Relatively safe and effective protein drug. It is prescribed both for patients with anorexia, and for those who want to gain a little weight. Struggles with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, including those that occur after a long hunger strike or diet. There are no contraindications other than individual intolerance.

4. Benzodiazepine

A psychotropic drug that affects appetite. Sold only by prescription, has a full bouquet of side effects, one of them is increased appetite. We do not recommend considering it as an option.

5. Peritol

A tool that promotes better absorption of nutrients and thereby helps to gain weight in a safe way. In the first days of admission, it has a pronounced sedative effect, so it is recommended to take it at night. Available in the form of tablets and even syrup. Of course, the effect of peritol will not be quick and stunning, but it is safe for the body! If you are taking Peritol, be sure to eat plenty of high-calorie foods. The main part of the side effects is associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

6. Riboxin

It is more popular with male athletes than with women who want to gain weight. This drug has a positive effect on the body, improves blood circulation and regulates the energy balance of the body. But, unfortunately, its effect as a means for weight gain is extremely small. In combination with the right diet and exercise, it gives an increase in muscle mass, which is also reflected in weight.

7. Glutamic acid

This drug cannot be attributed to the category we are talking about, but not a single course of gaining muscle mass in guys and weight gain therapy in girls can do without it. At least it shouldn't! This drug stabilizes all metabolic processes, improves immunity and gives the body additional strength. Many athletes unknowingly purchase advertised sports drugs, which in fact turn out to be glutamic acid! It can be purchased at any pharmacy, it is inexpensive.

Summing up, we can say that the market for drugs for mass gain is more restrained and does not offer buyers outright hack. It’s just that some drugs are safer for the body, but have a less pronounced effect, while others are effective, but dangerous. Weight gain (like weight loss) is a process that affects all body systems. If you do it thoughtlessly, you can end up in a hospital bed. If you are healthy and lack of weight is not associated with functional disorders, we advise you to abandon hormonal drugs. It is better to give preference to stimulants of metabolism or, in extreme cases, appetite.

And at the end of the article, we note that it is undesirable to take weight gain pills if you are under 21 years old. Until that time, our body is still growing and such interventions in its activity and in its metabolism can lead to the fact that soon after stopping the pills, the weight will begin to increase or decrease independently of them. And then, in order to correct the figure, you will definitely have to go to the doctor. To avoid this, treat your body responsibly already at the stage of choosing pills for weight gain and do not forget to visit a doctor who will tell you the right high-calorie diet and daily routine!

Many obese people are interested in how to quickly lose their weight. And to their great joy, there is a lot of information on this issue in glossy magazines and on the Internet, but almost no one knows how to recover quickly. If this question of how to gain weight is relevant, then you should follow a few simple but effective tips that guarantee the desired result. And it doesn't matter if these tips are for lean girls who want to look attractive and have gorgeous breasts, or whether they are of interest to guys who aspire to an athletic figure. Each of them has their own goal, but all these people have one thing in common - weight gain pills, nutritional supplements, high-calorie meals, various cocktails.

Considering the case of bodybuilders, we can safely assure you that they did not earn their forms on simple products alone. To increase muscle mass, many of them use protein, which includes not only hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, but also nitrogen, which fills the cells of the body. It does not make sense to independently prescribe the required dose for yourself, you must follow strictly the instructions in the instructions, since the body will not absorb more than it needs.

For women looking to gain weight in a more natural way, brewer's yeast pills are the way to go. The quality and tangible benefits of such tablets are time-tested, so when taking them, you should not worry about any failure in the body. With regular use of this drug, there is a clear improvement throughout the body:

  • body weight normalizes
  • regulation of metabolic processes in the body
  • the deficiency of essential vitamins of various groups, fats and proteins is replenished
  • the amount of harmful fats in the blood decreases
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels
  • toxic substances are removed
  • improves immunity, performance
  • improves general well-being throughout the body

The fact that yeast in liquid form or in the form of tablets increase weight has long been known to everyone. Indeed, in underweight patients with regular use of yeast, the appetite increases and the absorption of food in the body improves, which leads to normal bowel function. In addition to all the above advantages, yeast in the form of tablets is recommended not only for missing weight, but also for many other diseases. The intake of these drugs is also prescribed if it is necessary to cleanse the body of various intoxications caused by the abuse of alcoholic beverages, smoking, harmful production substances and other things, as well as in stressful situations and intense physical exertion.

But, despite a number of such advantages, these drugs have their own contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to yeast
  • gout
  • chronic renal failure

As a rule, the intake of such tablets is prescribed by a doctor, taking into account two or even three tablets after meals up to four times a day. You need to complete the full course within a month, after one month, to consolidate the result, the treatment should be repeated.

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Hello. My height is 160cm and my weight is 39kg. I urgently need to get better. I already tried my best, ate food with a lot of carbohydrates, but nothing happened. I eat without a schedule, sometimes I can eat 2 times a day, and sometimes even 1 time. Please tell me what pills to take to get fat? Thank you.

Can you eat 2 meals a day and not even starve? Your appetite is not right, increase your appetite, and then eat so that the feeling of hunger does not even visit you, and train, not just in a rocking chair, but in some kind of sport.

I have a height of 180 cm and weigh 57 kg, I have been doing sports all my life, I eat excessively, especially after training. No matter what I try, I can’t increase the weight, I don’t even know what to do.

Hello, I am 19 years old and I am 175 cm tall and weigh 50 kg. I want my weight to be 70 kg. I eat 2 a day, sometimes 1. I need to gain weight urgently. What tablets should I take to gain 20 kg?

Eat more, that's the whole secret, go home, eat chocolate, have nothing to do, drink tea with something, the main thing is to stop in time when you reach normal weight !!

Hi all! I am 21, my height is 180 and my weight is 60 kg. With my height, I should weigh 75 kilograms, but still I can’t get better, whatever I do. No matter how much I eat, there is no result. I can eat a couple of times a day, or I can eat four times, but there is no result = ((Maybe this complexion and I am not inclined to be overweight, or as the doctors tell me that I will start gaining weight only after 25 years? Maybe these yeast tablets are all the same help, but not one doctor told me about this.

a gainer is best for a set. Yeast is complete garbage, I myself drank 15 of them a day and didn’t gain a kilo ((and get rid of smoking, and eat at least 3 times a day.

Hello everyone, my name is Sabiyat, I'm 23 years old, height 173, weight 52, I really want to get better! I can't eat all day! What vitamins would you recommend to get opetitis?

I am 18 with a height of 175 cm, weight is only 62 kg. I’ve been in a rocking chair for a year now, I still don’t have any result, I eat 5 times a day, and I can’t get better, maybe there are some supplements to gain weight?

Hello, I'm 16 years old, my height is 1.60, I weigh 37 kg, I eat 1 time per day, I can no longer feel sick
I really want to gain weight, what pills can help?

guys, advise some drugs from which you can quickly gain weight, after giving birth you lost a lot of weight, you don’t even advise me to eat better, better write the name of the pills, thanks in advance ...

Hello, I am 17 years old. My height is 157 cm, weight 40 kg for 3 years. I eat 3-4 times a day. Tell me which pills will help to gain weight.

I recovered from vitamin jelly .. I drank oil .. and so on. Ask for advice

You are so interesting, everything means we want to gain weight, but you don’t need to eat high-calorie food, then? If you do not eat anything and take miracle pills, there will be no result, well, where should the body take building materials from if not from the food you take?

Well, here I can advise you to eat foods that contain a lot of calories, for example, I ate 4-5 glazed curds a day, there are a lot of calories, but also a lot of sugar, so be careful. And best of all, pick up some kind of gainer for yourself, at least everything is in moderation there, both sugar and fats and proteins.

Comrades. I weighed in November 2013 55 kg (I'm 17) ... now, after 5 months I weigh 70
Do you know why??? I just discovered that I had worms in my blood test.
So advice - until you find out the reasons for low weight, do not use any supplements ...

I had the same problem with weight. I started eating gainer. Gained 5kg in a couple of months! Saw a gainer. Would recommend to anyone with a slim body! But most importantly, it is a natural supplement that does not harm the body.

But I eat normally, 3 times, or even 4 times, and it’s still thin! I even forcibly tried to eat more, but to no avail. Only the stomach swells and you go to the toilet more often. Maybe someone will advise which pills are normal and so that I don’t have to go in for sports, since sports are contraindicated for me.

I am 24, height 185 and weight 67. I eat three times a day and cannot gain weight. Tell me what is the reason and what will help to gain weight? With all this, I work out in the gym 3 times a week, for almost three months, but there are no results.

Dmitry, in order to start gaining weight and achieve results in visiting the gym, you need to follow a certain diet. Just going to the gym and eating everyday food like fried potatoes and sandwiches 3 times a day is not enough. Start eating at least 4-5 times a day cereals, meat, vegetables, dairy products and you will see the result in a couple of months. Also, sports nutrition will not interfere with weight gain. If you are a lean physique and there is no predisposition to fullness, then, as advised above, try a gainer.

When the metabolism is high, it seems to me that you really cannot do without pills. But, judging by the comments, the problem of lack of weight in most people is a lack of nutrition. There are 1-2 times a day! And while waiting for a miracle from the pills. I don't know about yeast... During the transition period, yeast tablets were recommended for skin problems. Helped with acne. but no weight gain... Not those pills? Yeast is still the same.

I need to get really fat!! Urgently! Tired of being like this. Hope anything helps!

I used to eat 2 times a day and now 5-6 times and in a week I recovered by 1.5 kg ginseng I drink and go in for sports

After my baby was born, I ate only dairy products. She ate cookies with condensed milk and butter and tea with cream. From 50 kg I gained another 10 kg in 2 months. Try it too. Good luck!

Hello, I am 18 years old, my height is 163, and my weight is 44 kg, I can’t add weight, I eat 3 times a day sometimes more, I don’t limit myself in anything, tell me how to add at least 6-7 kg ???

Mariska! tell me the recipe for vitamin jelly. oil please

I am 156 cm tall and weigh 34 kg. It's very scary to look at yourself. You have to wear those things that hide it all. No matter how hard I tried to get better, I couldn't. A lot of things didn't help.

I am 163 cm tall and weigh 41 kg. I look at myself with horror .... I want to get better, but I don't know how.

Guys, what nafig pills are you talking about?)). Guys, go to the gym, do the basics, eat normal food 6 times a day, where there are a lot of carbohydrates and protein, and not cookies with tea, and so on ... Everything is possible, you just have to want it. Take such pills as: grecanabol, risotropin, chickenbol))) that's what you need to gain weight) ..

Guys, if you want to gain weight with pills, you first need to consult a good doctor (endocrinologist, nutritionist, etc.) and taking pills yourself, without any doctor's advice, is unacceptable.

I am 23 . Height:161 Weight:42
Appetite is good
But the metabolism seems to be too fast.
What drugs would help?

Hello, I have such a problem. I am 15 and my height is 150 and my weight is 38 kg. I don’t worry much about height, since my dad and mom are also not tall, genes. But with a height of 150, I should weigh 42-46kg. Maybe someone ate shivering, did it help you, and after what time? And is it possible to exercise a little and gain weight?

What is this GEINER supplement? I haven't heard of this one.. I haven't seen it in pharmacies either.. where can I buy it?

Height 157.14 years.44 kg. After training, I eat well, I eat about 3-4 times a day, nothing helps, I want to get better. Please advise some powders…….

Hello, I am 23 years old, my height is 151, weight 39, three meals a day.
I used Yeast tablets for 3 months and nothing has changed.
What should I do? I no longer know how to gain a couple of kilograms.

I am 31 years old, height 158 ​​height 49 kg, gastritis can not get better, so that I don’t eat and no matter how much I eat, but now I have a bad appetite, I can’t eat as I should! Gastritis with high acidity, please tell me what to do?! Thank you in advance!

I am 29 height 181 cm weight now 84 kg six months ago I weighed 69 kg. 1) quit smoking 2) I eat 4-5 times a day instead of 1-2 times 3) at home I do 8 kg dumbbells every 3 days, do push-ups, etc. I tried to leave the weight of 24 kg calmly from the shoulder 15 times. half a year ago with an interference fit 2-3 times. maybe someone will help. good luck

Hello, I'm looking for your help!!! I am 30 years old, height 172 and weight 50. There is simply no appetite since December, I have lost 25 kg. The most offensive, I really want to gain weight, but I don’t know HOW? Exhaustion sucks all the strength out of me. I walk and I am ashamed: only bones!! Advise, please, drugs without prescriptions. Thanks in advance.

I advise anyone who wants to gain weight to contact a nutritionist. Or, if there are no obvious health problems, start doing strength training, the appetite will come by itself. Join the gym and start exercising! If you just drink a gainer, there will be no effect.

P.S. Gainer is a sports supplement, you can buy it at any sports nutrition store.

Women who at least once had to take oral contraceptives (and they are just hormonal pills, but initially not for weight gain, but to prevent unwanted pregnancy), it is known from personal experience that such drugs contribute to weight gain.

This side effect of contraceptives is recognized by medicine. However, most pharmaceutical companies that produce such contraceptives claim that when taking their pills, weight is practically not gained. In fact, oral contraceptives work like weight gain pills. And to control the increase in body weight when taking such drugs is almost impossible. Neither sports training nor proper nutrition will help.

Most of them, wanting to gain more muscle mass in the shortest possible time, take steroids. In addition to muscle growth, such drugs contribute to the formation of a male figure and stimulate hair growth. This is ensured by the fact that the bodies of such men receive a large amount of the sex hormone known as testosterone.

Officially, steroids are banned in most countries, but enterprising pharmacists have created an analogue - the hormone somatostatin. Unlike steroids, such hormonal pills do not cause such significant changes in the male body. Somatostatin is a pancreatic hormone. It contributes to the active burning of body fat and the growth of muscle mass. So this hormone is great for harmless weight gain due to muscle growth.

It is important to remember that any medication, including hormonal pills, should not be started without first consulting a doctor. Uncontrolled intake of such drugs will not contribute to weight gain, but to the development of very serious complications, up to cancer.

Methionine is an amino acid that improves metabolism and muscle growth. Without it, the synthesis of most important hormones and amino acids is impossible. With the help of methionine, the breakdown of fats and the cleansing of the liver from harmful elements occur. Methionine helps fight depression and cope with anxiety disorders. Found in dairy products, eggs, meat

Potassium orotate - One of the popular drugs in bodybuilding, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and has an important role in protein synthesis. It is also worth noting the anabolic effect, which helps to recover faster after a workout.

Riboxin - A drug that has a positive effect on blood circulation, on the course of metabolic processes and improves energy balance. It also has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart. This drug to increase muscle mass is recommended to be used in combination with potassium orotate.

Oxandrolone is a hormonal drug that perfectly copes with its functions. And this applies even to seriously ill patients, as well as those who have undergone surgery. Like most hormonal drugs, this one should be taken only after consulting a doctor.

Nutrizon. This drug is characterized by the absence of contraindications, and is also absolutely safe. It replenishes the lack of protein in the body. Using this remedy, you will be able to gain weight in the shortest possible time. Peritol. This medicine is sold in the form of syrup and tablets. It has anti-allergic and antihistamine effects.

In order not to suffer with the search for this medicine, I will inform you that it is not available in pharmacies, at present the drug has disappeared from pharmacies, there are practically no analogues in terms of the mechanism of action either

Dexamethasone. It plays the role of a hormonal agent for local use. Its introduction occurs parenterally, intraarticularly, conjunctivally, into the auditory canal. It makes it possible to stabilize the metabolism. According to some reports, dexamethasone exhibits the same catabolic activity as cortisol, which leads to muscle breakdown, bone fragility and fat deposition, so I do not recommend it as an option for weight gain.

Inexpensive and one of the most popular drugs among athletes is glutamic acid. Glutamine plays the role of an amino acid that activates the central system. At the same time, it takes part in the metabolism of fats and proteins in the body. This drug increases blood circulation and also carries oxygen to the organs.

Duphaston. It is considered a hormonal therapeutic drug, the active substance of which is dydrogesterone - it is he who is responsible for weight gain. But please consult before use.

Elkar. This medicine is used to combat anorexia, as well as emotional stress and exercise.

Also, do not forget about digestive enzymes and vitamin complexes, which play an important role in mass gain.

Do not forget that pharmaceutical drugs will not give the same result as sports nutrition or pharmaceuticals, you should not expect a "miracle" of action from them.

If you know of any other drugs for weight gain that are sold in a pharmacy or the result of taking the above drugs, write in the comments.

The media does not often talk about the problem of weight gain, and girls who suffer from its lack are not always visually different from those who protect harmony by any means. But the problem of weight gain remains relevant for many.

On the pharmaceutical market, you can find a huge number of products that claim to be a panacea, but is it really? Unlike weight loss products, most of which have already revealed their true “face”, weight gain products have somehow remained in the shadows. They continue to be bought, in the hope that they will be effective.

What are the means for weight gain?

The first ones, which are designed for men, are called steroids. They are effective for weight gain, that is, the rapid growth of muscle mass. But not every athlete decides to take steroids in pursuit of a sculpted body.

This is because they are far from harmless, and their effectiveness, albeit a proven fact, is sometimes paired with unpleasant side effects.

The fact is that this hormone has a very strong effect on the body of a man: it forms a classic male figure, promotes hair growth and increases muscles, which is dictated by the fact that more than usual (and what is needed) testosterone enters the body. Doctors strongly advise against taking hormones without a doctor's supervision.

As for the girls, they resort to the help of means for gaining weight, mainly not for gaining muscle mass, but because of excessive, aesthetically unattractive, thinness.

It is worth noting that the lack of weight not only makes the girl unattractive and unhealthy in appearance, it affects the functioning of the heart, kidneys and other functional systems of the body. If the body mass index shows low values, you should consult a doctor, and not go to the pharmacy for drugs.

If you still, upon visiting a doctor or on your own, want to increase your weight, you must very carefully approach the choice of the drug.

Duphaston - At one time, these pills were created for women who are planning a pregnancy.

They contribute to the increased production of certain female hormones, which gives such a side effect - weight gain. Tablets are quite aggressive in relation to the body.

Oxandrolone - One of the few more or less safe hormonal drugs. It is prescribed only by a doctor and is not sold without a prescription. For your doctor to prescribe this drug, the cause of your weight loss must be a serious injury, illness, or recovery from an illness. In combination with the drug, an individual diet is developed.

Nutrizon - A safer and more effective protein drug. It is prescribed both for patients with anorexia, and for those who want to gain a little weight. Struggles with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, including those that occur after a long hunger strike or diet. There are no contraindications other than individual intolerance.

Benzodiazepine - A psychotropic drug that affects appetite. Sold only by prescription, has a full bouquet of side effects, one of them is increased appetite. We do not recommend considering it as an option.

Peritol - A tool that promotes better absorption of nutrients and thereby helps to gain weight in a safe way. In the first days of admission, it has a pronounced sedative effect, so it is recommended to take it at night.

Available in the form of tablets and even syrup. Of course, the effect of peritol will not be quick and stunning, but it is safe for the body! If you are taking Peritol, be sure to eat plenty of high-calorie foods.

The main part of the side effects is associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

Riboxin - More popular with male athletes than with women who want to gain weight.

weight gain pills

Among the many products for weight change: Oxandrolone, Duphaston, Andriol, Nutrisone, Riboxin, Glutamic acid, yeast and many other drugs.

Initially, Duphaston was intended for the female body, it was taken only by pregnant women or those who planned pregnancy, but over time, its effect was revealed as a drug that increases weight. This is because Dufaston increases the production of female hormones. Before using these pills, you need to visit an endocrinologist, since taking medications can cause quite severe disruptions in the hormonal background of the male body.

Pharmaceutical preparations for weight gain cannot be completely safe and have no side effects. They allow you to recover, but at the same time they can harm other functions of the body.

Oxandrolone is also a hormonal agent that helps very well in lifting weight even after very serious illnesses or operations. Like other hormonal drugs, you can take it only after visiting a specialist who will write a prescription for purchasing pills at a pharmacy. Nutrisone is considered one of the most popular drugs at the moment.

Testosterone is the main substance that is part of Andriol. These pills are prescribed for men who have any sexual dysfunction caused by a lack of testosterone. In order to increase weight with their help, you need to consult a doctor. With the help of Peritol, weight increases, the drug calms the nervous system, and this allows nutrients to be absorbed in the body much better than under stress.

Riboxin has a positive effect on the state of the human body, but it can help in weight gain only if a person consumes high-calorie foods and has the necessary physical activity, selected individually for each. Many men use Dexamethasone, it allows you to quickly increase weight because it improves resistance to glucose, but it also has side effects in the form of the development of diabetes and many other diseases. This drug must be taken with caution.

Glutamic acid is mainly used by athletes, it is a fairly safe remedy that does not harm the body, but, on the contrary, improves metabolism, improves energy balance, and also helps improve blood circulation in the body.

The safest and most harmless way to gain the missing kilograms is to take brewer's yeast. Yeast tablets have positive properties that help not only increase weight, but also improve metabolism, improve digestion, and also improve the condition of hair and skin if taken for at least thirty days. Brewer's yeast can even be called a natural preparation for weight gain. It is prescribed even to people suffering from anorexia.

Mass gain vitamins are used only to strengthen your body. Vitamins do not help to gain weight, but they have a good effect on the body as a whole, immunity is strengthened, metabolism and digestion improve, and internal functions of the body are adjusted. And these are important factors in order to gain mass.

Another way is to take steroids. This is a very dangerous way to add weight. Many men, and in particular athletes, prefer to take steroid-based products. Steroids have a fairly quick and obvious effect, imitation of testosterone is reproduced. Taking such drugs really allows you to gain not fat mass, but muscles.

But it is necessary to take into account the negative consequences of taking it. Steroids cause hair loss on the head, impotence, prostate enlargement, testicular atrophy, increased appetite, severe acne is possible both on the face and on the whole body, and many other negative reactions of the body to anabolic drugs.

This is due to the fact that muscles grow too fast and not with the help of safe means, but due to synthetic substances in anabolic steroids. Such an impact on the human body is very dangerous, so you need to choose ways to gain weight that are less detrimental to your body. This will save your health and avoid dangerous consequences in the future.

In most countries, the use of steroid drugs is prohibited by law, but Somatostatin was created. It is a safe analogue of many steroid drugs. Somatostatin is a pancreatic hormone. Such pills do not harm as much as steroids do. It helps to burn fat deposits, and at the same time helps muscle growth.

Chinese weight gainers are also popular among those men who want to gain weight quickly and safely. It is believed that these drugs are created using natural ingredients that are absolutely safe for health. They can also be used to increase muscles. With the help of drugs, it became possible to gain kilograms much faster, if at the same time you also exercise regularly and eat a properly balanced diet.

If you start taking hormonal drugs, severe complications may appear, which in some cases turn into cancer. The rest of the negative consequences can be hormonal failures in the body, hair loss, endocrine system disorders, increased oily skin, and the appearance of severe acne.

For most men, appearance plays a very important role, due to the large amount of muscle mass, many feel much more confident. But in addition to external data, you must definitely remember about your health, which can significantly worsen when using such drugs.

Of the many hormonal pills with which you can lift weight and, in particular, muscle mass. The main thing is to choose them correctly. It is not worth choosing such serious funds on your own. Before prescribing a drug, doctors recommend undergoing a complete examination, as a result of which the necessary pills or injections will be prescribed, which is much less common.

There are drugs that can not only not work, but also harm the human body. When choosing the right medication, it is necessary to take into account the state of the endocrine system, hormonal levels, the lifestyle of a person who wants to gain weight, as well as his individual needs. It is imperative to choose a diet and some physical exercises so that the mass that appears is fixed and has a permanent basis. And at the same time, the remedy should have as few side effects as possible, strongly depressing the protective function of the body.

In any case, before taking any drug, whether it is hormonal or of natural origin, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Oil preparations are the most common injections, the choice of which, even in pharmacies and specialized stores, is very wide, and it is not difficult to purchase them.

In fact, the oil base itself of all these drugs is used to dilute esters such as testosterone, nandrolone, etc. Mixing with them, it becomes an excellent substitute for the drug known to us - synthol.

When mixing, do not forget that the oil is also not “empty”. It contains a huge amount of anabolic bonds, which also affect the growth of our muscles. One of the fans of this mixing is the bodybuilder Valentino. Looking closely at his hands, you can be horrified, but he is an excellent example of how these drugs work when they are mixed.

  • All the same as synthol. The only difference from synthol is that the effect appears a little later than usual.
  • All the same as synthol. Infection. Treatment is surgical only.

Such a side effect as weight gain, have pills for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases. For example, polcortolone and prednisolone, which are commonly used to treat various chronic diseases, contribute to weight gain with prolonged use. However, this does not look very aesthetically pleasing: only the stomach, face, chest and shoulders are added in volume, and the legs and arms are losing weight. Fertility drugs such as clostilbegit and the like also change metabolism and can cause weight gain.

Some people who want to gain weight take the drug dexamethasone. It increases glucose tolerance and disrupts lipid metabolism. Uncontrolled intake of the drug can lead to diabetes. Of course, it will help to gain weight, but the effect will be observed only as long as the regular administration of the drug is carried out. The body's response to drug withdrawal can be unpredictable.

To improve performance, faster recovery and improve athletic performance, many athletes prefer to use sports nutrition.

Some resort to forbidden pharmacology, which, in unreasonable doses, can undermine health, and it is not cheap.

However, an athlete who wants to achieve high results and at the same time adheres to natural training can resort to a reasonable compromise - pharmacy drugs for bodybuilding. They can be purchased without a prescription at a very reasonable price.

Despite the fact that drugs from a pharmacy for bodybuilding are safe, they should be used strictly according to the instructions and not exceed the allowable rate. You should responsibly approach the choice of drugs and buy exactly those that will meet the goals of your training program.

What to buy in a pharmacy for bodybuilding? First of all, it is worth deciding what task you now have in priority - gaining muscle mass or drying, since these processes are opposite to each other, and depending on the chosen goal, you should choose "assistants".

Glutamic acid

It increases the activity of the central nervous system, participates in the processes of nitrogen metabolism and stimulates brain processes, that is, it makes you think better and faster. This acid can significantly increase the quick wit and intelligence level.

It is actively involved in the synthesis of other amino acids, many of which are produced in muscle tissue from glutamic acid.

The use of this pharmacy drug in bodybuilding helps to recover after a hard workout, as well as protect immunity in the winter.

Take 2 tablets. 2 times a day after meals. The course is 20 days.


You can find it in any drugstore. It is a drug that stimulates biochemical processes in the body, has an anabolic effect and protects against heart failure.

Helps to improve blood supply to tissues, increases energy metabolism and accelerates the recovery of muscle tissue.

However, as a pharmacy drug for gaining muscle mass, Riboxin does not give good results; it is recommended to use it in combination with potassium orotate.

Application: first 1 tab. before meals 3-4 days, then 2 tablets. 3 times a day 40 minutes before meals, be sure to consume an hour before training. Course: 1-3 months. The maximum dose is 12 tablets.

Potassium Orotate

Actively used for heart problems. It contains orotic acid, which is extremely important for efficient protein synthesis and has an anabolic effect. If you work with heavy weights, suffer from hypertension, arrhythmia, heart failure, then potassium orotate will be an excellent training aid.

Apply 1 tab. 3-4 times a day 1 hour before meals, course 20-30 days.


An essential amino acid that is extracted from cottage cheese. Takes an active part in metabolism and promotes muscle growth. Enhances the action of hormones, vitamins and folic acid. Methionine helps with liver diseases, cleanses the body from the harmful effects of alcohol and other harmful substances.

Use 2 tab. 2 times a day. The course is 20 days.


A solution of essential amino acids, is directly involved in protein metabolism. One of the most effective supplements, as the solution enters the bloodstream instantly. Can be used on pre-workout cuts to improve performance and prevent catabolism.

Apply 400 ml by intravenous drip 2-3 times a week, a course of 15-20 days, it is recommended to use during periods of volumetric physical exertion.


An effective anabolic substance of plant origin. Extracted from the roots of Leuzea safflower, it has a tonic and stimulating effect, promotes the growth of strength and mass, while it has no side effects. It is especially effective to use together with the additional intake of protein supplements, vitamins of groups B and C.

Use 2-3 tablets. 2-3 times a day after meals, it is recommended to use during periods of increasing working weights and intensive training.

A powerful pharmaceutical preparation for bodybuilding of plant origin. It has a pronounced anabolic effect, helps to reduce body weight. Able to reduce the side effects of other drugs.

Use 2-3 tablets. 2 times a day, course 25-30 days.

Included in the pharmacy kit for gaining muscle mass, it has an energy effect, increases the body's endurance. With an increase in load, its effect increases - sometimes performance can increase up to 200%.

Use 2-4 tablets. per day for no more than 6 days in a row, then take a break for 3 days.

Pharmaceutical preparations for drying


An effective fat burning supplement that stimulates energy processes in cells. However, by itself it does not contribute to weight loss, but only facilitates the drying process, so carnitine is effective only with a calorie deficit in the diet. The supplement promotes better digestion of food, increases the digestibility of protein and improves recovery of the body after exercise.


The drug is sold in a pharmacy both in liquid and tablet form - the norm is 0.2-0.5 g, with increased loads the norm rises to 2 g.

It is used on drying as a thermogenetic. Stimulates the nervous system by increasing body temperature. It is recommended to combine with ephedrine, apply according to the instructions.


It is a synthetic analog of the thyroid hormone. Accelerates metabolism and promotes the burning of body fat. Use strictly according to the instructions, it is important to control your level of thyroid hormones, as it may decrease when taking the drug.


Used by professional athletes during the fat burning period. Able to interfere with carbohydrate metabolism, slows down the synthesis of glucose in the liver and enhances lipolysis, that is, the process of burning fat. Apply at 1300-1500 mg, with an increase in dosage to 2000 mg, the effect is enhanced, but the risk of side effects also increases.


Compensates for the lack of magnesium and potassium in the body, is used for prolonged physical exertion, increases strength and endurance. Asparkam is effective both during the drying period and during the period of weight gain, since due to the abundant consumption of protein, useful sodium and potassium ions are washed out in the urine.

  1. 1. Duphaston - hormonal tablets, similar in properties to the natural hormone progesterone. They are mainly used by women to plan and maintain pregnancy or normalize the menstrual cycle. Dufaston increases the production of female hormones in the body, which causes weight gain and the appearance of roundness on the body (chest, hips, legs, abdomen). Before taking the pills, men should consult an endocrinologist to avoid serious hormonal disruptions caused by improper use of the medication.
  2. 2. Oxandrolone (Anavar) - hormonal pills used in medicine in the postoperative period for recovery after surgery or serious illness. An anabolic steroid with a moderate anabolic and weak androgenic effect. Available in tablets and injections. Can be purchased at a pharmacy with a doctor's prescription or from private dealers, also bought on sites that sell sports nutrition (search in the anabolic steroids section).
  3. 3. Andriol is a hormonal drug containing testosterone as an active substance. The drug stimulates the development of male genital organs and secondary sexual characteristics. There are contraindications, you need to consult a specialist.
  4. 4. Peritol is a medicine produced in the form of tablets and syrup, pharmacological action is antihistamine and antiallergic. Peritol has a calming effect on the body, thereby promoting better absorption of nutrients that contribute to weight gain. Used for anorexia. Released by prescription.
  5. 5. Dexamethasone is a topical hormonal agent. Input parenterally inside, locally: conjunctival, intra-articular, into the external auditory canal. It has many contraindications. Regulates metabolism, but leads to the development of diabetes.
  6. 6. Glutamic acid is an inexpensive and popular drug among athletes. Glutamine is an amino acid that stimulates the central nervous system. It takes part in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body. Regulates many metabolic processes in the body, improves blood circulation and oxygen transfer to vital organs.
  7. 7. Brewer's yeast is a safe and harmless drug rich in vitamins. It is used as a biologically active substance. In general, it has a beneficial effect on the body, increases the body's resistance to stress, improves overall well-being and increases efficiency, increases body tone, and normalizes metabolic processes. In addition to increasing body weight, brewer's yeast has a pronounced cosmetic effect - the condition of the skin and hair improves.
  1. 1. Duphaston is a hormonal drug containing the active substance dydrogesterone, which promotes weight gain. Before using Duphaston for weight gain for women, girls should consult an endocrinologist and gynecologist.
  2. 2. Benzodiazepine - a drug aimed at combating epilepsy, relieving anxiety, convulsions, panic attacks, anxiety, insomnia, agitation. Side effect - increased appetite, can be used as a pill to gain weight. Addictive.
  3. 3. Elcar is a drug in the form of a solution used for growth retardation, anorexia, as well as in sports medicine for prolonged physical and emotional stress and intense training.
  4. 4. Anadrol (oxymetholone) is one of the most powerful anabolic and androgenic steroids. Stimulates the rapid growth of muscle mass and strength indicators, but has a toxic effect on the liver. Applies to the course.

Insulin and Stanazol - scope, effectiveness

Stanazol is a drug that is designed to burn fat, while muscle mass remains in the same state. Sometimes the tool is used to build muscle fibers. In order for the effect to be as positive as possible, testosterone is taken in conjunction with it, which several times enhances the effect of stanazol, normalizes fluid in the body and reduces the risk of damage to muscle tissue.

Insulin is designed for diabetics who have obvious problems with the pancreas. People with diabetes constantly consult a doctor who sets the acceptable dosage. If used incorrectly, insulin can lead to death, as it helps to absorb food twice as fast, and also enhances the effects of other anabolic substances.

During the use of this drug, many athletes claim that it is excreted from the body for a long time, although many others note that Synthol does not leave any traces in the body after several months of use, so it is not detected by different methods. For example, several months after using this remedy, doctors took x-rays of the bones of people who took the drug, as a result of which its oils were not noticed.

  • when the drug is stopped, the muscle tissue does not begin to decrease, it retains its size, while small voids in the muscles after the removal of the substance begin to be filled with new muscle fibers
  • each athlete will be able to make this tool with his own hands at home, for this you need to buy in the store all the components that are part of Synthol, and then mix them in a certain proportion
  • the effectiveness of the mixture is very high, the result is visible not only to the athlete, but will be obvious to everyone
  • the effect of the mixture lasts for several years
  • muscle tissue does not begin to shrink on its own

The disadvantages of Synthol include:

  • there is a possibility of nerve damage, as a result of which the hand can be immobilized. However, if a person has sufficient anatomical and medical knowledge, then he will understand where to inject, so the likelihood of damage will be minimal.
  • can get any infection, which can lead to infection
  • does not increase muscles in every person, it suits some people, but not others

The following drugs can be attributed to injections for weight gain:

  1. 1. Chlorpromazine (Aminazine) is a synthesized neuroleptic, a sedative drug with a sedative relaxing effect. The white powder is dissolved in water and then taken as an injection. There are contraindications, you need to consult a doctor.
  2. 2. Cyproheptadine is an antihistamine, antiallergic drug. White crystalline powder dissolves in water and is injected into the body. A side effect of the substance cyproheptadine is an increase in body weight. Precautions must be observed when using. The duration of taking the drug in order to increase body weight should not exceed 6 months.
  3. 3. Riboxin - available in ampoules with a solution for intravenous injection or in coated tablets. It has a metabolic effect, increases the energy level. May contribute to weight gain when combined with a high-calorie protein diet and moderate exercise.
  4. 4. Boldenone (Equipoise) is a synthetic steroid drug containing a testosterone derivative. Strongly stimulates the appetite, like other anabolic steroids. It is used in veterinary medicine for injections in animals. It is better for women to refrain from taking this drug.
  5. 5. Synthol is a preparation based on fatty acids for local muscle enlargement. It has a local effect of increasing muscle mass due to penetration and retention in the fibers of muscle tissue. Synthol is positioned as a posing oil, but bodybuilders use it as injections to increase mass. In order to correctly administer synthol, it is necessary to know the anatomical features of all muscle groups well, since a nerve can be accidentally damaged. Apply very carefully!
  6. 6. Elkar in the form of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration.
  7. 7. Oxandrolone (Anavar) injections.

In addition to the male hormone testosterone, peptides and growth hormone can be added to injections for weight gain.

Side effects and contraindications

Unfortunately, many steroids and muscle building pills come with a range of side effects:

At the age of 14 to 18 years, such drugs should not be used. In adolescence, boys undergo a strong change in the hormonal system. Taking steroid pills can lead to a hormonal imbalance, and such violations will accompany a person all his life.

Sports nutrition

Sports nutrition is focused on the tasks set for a person - to lose or gain weight. For weight gain, various high-protein proteins, vitamin and mineral complexes, gainers, protein bars for a snack are used.

Gainers are carbohydrate-protein food supplements that are used to gain body weight. Gainers contain simple and complex carbohydrates, protein can also be different - whey protein concentrate, soy protein, intended for people with lactose intolerance, egg white, vegetable, meat and others.

Carbohydrates are the “fuel” for physical and cardio loads in the gym, protein is the “brick” for recruiting and shaping muscle mass (relief).

Gainers must be taken according to the instructions after a workout in order to close the so-called protein-carbohydrate window. Closing the protein-carbohydrate window after an intense workout allows the athlete to restore strength and replenish the balance of nutrients in the body, quickly regenerate muscle tissue and promote the formation of a new one, suppress catabolic processes (decay processes) in the body and replenish energy reserves. You can take hormonal pills for weight gain and in addition to sports nutrition.

We will not write much on this topic, but simply bring a modicum of clarity to this concept. Sports nutrition for weight gain is not anabolic steroids or chemicals, it is conventional nutritional supplements that are specifically designed for athletes who lead an active lifestyle. All of them are made from natural products, which include eggs, whey, soy, milk.

Sports nutrition includes proteins, gainers, amino acids, creatine, vitamin and mineral complexes, fat burners and pre-workout complexes. Most beginners focus too much on gainers and proteins. However, this is a pretty big mistake. For example, vitamins for increasing body weight are quite important, the body of an athlete needs them much more than an ordinary person.

What vitamins for weight gain men exist? Overview of the best complexes with prices

In order to achieve this goal, physical activity and proper nutrition alone are not enough, and a man must take special vitamins to help gain weight. It is about them that will be discussed in this article.

Vitamins that promote weight gain

There are several substances that the male body needs to get better.

  • One of these elements is retinol or vitamin A. It is able to prevent the acceleration of metabolic processes in the body and is responsible for cell growth. That is why this vitamin helps to increase muscle mass. Vitamins of group A can be found in caviar, butter, chicken eggs, liver and meat. From vegetable products, carrots are rich in such elements.
  • B vitamins are useful for weight gain. They are responsible for the correct metabolism, which is necessary for those who want to gain weight. Vitamin B1 (thiamine), which can be obtained from whole grains or yeast, is needed in order for the body to properly absorb food, without which weight gain is not possible . Since a modern person eats few foods with thiamine, it must be consumed in the form of vitamin supplements. Another vitamin of this group, which is necessary to combat weight loss, is vitamin B2 (riboflavin), which can regulate amino acid metabolism. This element is found in brewer's yeast, beef liver, dairy products and bananas.
  • In order for a person to gain weight, he needs to ensure the full functioning of the whole organism. This will help him natural antioxidants, which are vitamins C and E. To obtain such substances, you need to add greens, nuts, sunflower seeds, vegetable oil, citrus fruits, onions and leafy vegetables to the diet.

Can't dominate because you have a small dick? Enlarge it with...

Minerals for Weight Gain

  1. In addition to vitamins The male body needs various minerals, such as zinc, to gain weight.

    Such a trace element is a necessary substance for the formation of muscle proteins. In addition, men need to take supplements containing copper, which is responsible for tissue growth.

  2. Another An important mineral that will be beneficial for weight gain is magnesium. It helps in the formation of amino acids.
  3. Since weight gain always leads to an increase in the load on the skeleton, it will be useful for a man to take minerals that are necessary for bones. For such substances include phosphorus and calcium.

Vitamin complexes for men

If a man set out to increase his body weight and decided to take vitamins and minerals, then it is best to choose a personalized vitamin complex. Of course, you can buy vitamins separately, but special complexes are still preferable.

This can be explained by the fact that in such preparations vitamins or minerals are selected in the correct ratio. In addition, some substances are not absorbed together with others, and in the vitamin complex all this is taken into account. Such complex additives are divided into sports nutrition and pharmacy products.

IMPORTANT! Before choosing a vitamin complex, you need to visit a doctor, as well as take a blood test and check the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

The range of sports nutrition is constantly growing, which indicates the quality and effectiveness of such products. There are among such products and complexes that are aimed specifically at gaining mass. Here we will consider the most popular brands of vitamins of this kind.

  • "Maxler" The complex of vitamins for weight gain "Maxler" is represented by vitamins "Maxler Vita Men". They not only contain elements that contribute to the formation of muscles, but also improve mental activity. In addition, this drug also helps to solve problems of a sexual nature. Such vitamins are often recommended to athletes to strengthen bones and ligaments. It is worth taking 3 tablets daily with meals. Approximate cost: 1700 rubles for 180 tablets.
  • Optimum Nutrition This sports nutrition company offers Opti-Men tablets. As part of this complex, there are more than 75 different elements, which include minerals, vitamins, amino acids, as well as fruit and vegetable mixtures. Such pills will help a man not only gain weight, but also improve the condition of the whole organism. Dosage: 3 tablets per day. Approximate cost: 1500 rubles for 150 tablets.
  • "Universal Nutrition" From this popular manufacturer of sports nutrition, it is worth purchasing the Daily Formula vitamin complex. It has all the necessary substances that can contribute to weight gain. Dosage: 1 tablet per day. This remedy is contraindicated for persons under 18 years of age. Before use, a specialist consultation is necessary. Approximate cost: 500 rubles per 100 tablets.
  • "BioTech" This company also contains an excellent vitamin complex that promotes weight gain - "Multivitamin for men". It contains amino acids, vitamins, minerals, as well as antioxidants and carotenoids. This remedy should not be taken by people under the age of 18. The dosage of the drug is 2 tablets per day. Approximate cost: 640 rubles for 60 tablets.

IMPORTANT! The intake of such funds should always be combined with proper nutrition and sports training.


Large sizes for you friends!

Vitamins that will help a man increase body weight can be bought not only in stores, but also in pharmacies. Moreover, most often such funds are cheaper than sports supplements.

  1. "Alphabet"

    This pharmacy vitamin preparation contains more than 10 vitamins and as many as 8 minerals. It normalizes the general condition of a man and the work of the digestive tract, which contributes to weight gain. You need to take the drug 3 tablets a day. The recommended course of admission is 2 months.

    Approximate cost: 300 rubles for 60 tablets.

  2. "Duovit"

    This complex of vitamins can be recommended to men who lead an active lifestyle. Such a tool contains not only elements that contribute to weight gain, but also substances that a man needs to overcome stress and feelings of fatigue. You need to take 1 tablet per day.

    Approximate cost: 500 rubles for 60 tablets.

It turns out that some drugs can be a potential threat, a kind of "enemies" of our harmony. Medications can cause weight gain in two ways, namely:
1. Through appetite stimulation, where the patient tends to overeat while taking certain medications.
2. Due to changes in blood glucose levels due to certain medications.

To begin with, consider what stimulating effect the intake of certain medications has on appetite, and how this leads to fullness.

Appetite Stimulants

Unfortunately, most of the drugs we need stimulate the appetite; sometimes there is such a brutal feeling of hunger that even slender people gain weight in record time.

Medications that promote appetite or weight gain include:

  • psychotropic drugs (eg, benzodiazepines and other sedatives);
  • Typical and atypical antipsychotics (eg, haloperidol or risperidone);
  • Tricyclic (eg, amitriptyline), MAOI antidepressants (isocarboxazid) and other antidepressants (such as paroxetine);
  • anticonvulsants (eg, valproic acid);
  • Hormones (including human growth hormones), corticosteroids, and sex hormones (progesterone and testosterone).
Also, when taking these drugs, there are a number of other factors that contribute to weight gain:

Eating disorders associated with anxiety and restlessness

As already mentioned, sedative drugs from the category of psychotropic substances lead to excessive appetite and fullness. However, it should be noted that often many people begin to overeat uncontrollably, being in a state of stress or anxiety. Food, the process of eating, helps reduce feelings of anxiety, numb pain or fear, but these typical "soothing" foods (chocolate, sweets, chips, etc.) have a high energy value, as well as a high content of fat and sugar, which is not the best way. affects the shape. As a rule, patients do not seek relief from anxiety by eating fat-free cottage cheese or celery! Therefore, the majority resort to the help of such products here - "comforters", overloaded with food additives, sugar, fats.

Eating disorders associated with depression

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but depression itself can lead to both a sharp, uncontrollable
weight gain and physical exhaustion; all this depends, first of all, on the individual characteristics of the patient's organism, reacting to depression. When a depressed patient starts taking antidepressants, these drugs lead to increased appetite and weight gain.

That is why it is very important to regularly monitor the weight of patients suffering from depression. People who are already overweight or obese may gain even more weight with this treatment; but for lean or anorexic, emaciated patients, this effect is only beneficial, as it will return them to normal weight.

When a person, exhausted by depression, also gains weight due to taking drugs, this leads to a deterioration in the condition, and subsequently to serious problems. Some patients become reclusive, fearing that they will be seen in the "new weight". Other patients simply stop treatment to avoid sudden weight gain; however, failure to treat causes the depression to worsen to the point where the person may commit suicide.

It is important that patients suffering from depression should never stop taking their medications without appropriate guidance from a specialist. It is best to discuss this decision with your healthcare provider, report your weight gain problem, and ask for help finding a solution. Your doctor should determine any changes that need to be made, and treatment should only be given under his strict supervision.

Eating disorders associated with the use of anticonvulsants

Patients suffering from induced diseases accompanied by convulsions (epilepsy, brain damage, tumors) are forced to take anticonvulsant drugs, which in some cases stimulate appetite. But in this case, the situation is the same as with antidepressants: someone can gain weight, someone can lose weight.

The warning about the severity of treatment interruption also applies to anticonvulsant medications. Do not stop taking these drugs just because you have gained a little weight. Stopping anticonvulsant drugs is very, very life-threatening, so you need to consult with your doctor, who must definitely find a competent solution to the problem of weight gain.

Hormone related eating disorders

Many people complain that they gained weight after taking corticosteroids for asthma, skin conditions, or other conditions for which cortisone is prescribed. Also, a sharp increase or loss of weight can be caused by drugs containing female and male hormones. It is also interesting that human growth hormone, often referred to as a “beauty injection” and a weight loss fad, is actually included in the list of hormones that provoke weight gain.

Most women know that, depending on the individual characteristics of the body, hormonal drugs taken for nutrition, excessive exercise and diet pills as a way to reduce weight, should first consult with their doctor and nutritionist; they will select a special balanced diet with a low glycemic index. Such a diet will help restore glucose tolerance and eliminate hyperlipidemia (impaired lipid metabolism in the body) associated with lipodystrophy.

The dilemma is that fullness is caused by drugs, which in many cases simply save the patient's life, so the choice is not always easy. Therefore, to control your own appetite and weight, consultation with your doctor and nutritionist is simply necessary.

The problem of lack of weight worries many men no less than its excess. Insufficiently developed muscles, a weak layer of fat make the male figure look unaesthetic and unmanly. Dreaming of a lean body and masculine forms, men begin to look for ways and means to turn dreams into reality and most often achieve this through regular strength training and high-calorie nutrition.

However, such a program is often not enough for some of them, or, on the contrary, it seems to them too energy-consuming and lengthy. Then men resort to pharmaceutical assistance, acquiring various pills for weight gain. The pharmaceutical industry has created many drugs that can help you gain weight - most often hormonal pills, but they are not always designed for this. What pills allow a man to quickly gain weight, how effective and safe they are, what they are intended for and how to take them - everything in order in this article.

Pills for weight gain should not be taken as a panacea for thinness, because its causes are very different: some kind of chronic disease, malnutrition, hereditary predisposition to lack of weight. Therefore, if you are going to gain weight with the help of pills, you should undergo a complete examination of the body in order to exclude serious diseases.

Remember: weight gain pills are not always harmless and not as neutral as we would like. Weight gain pills can only be prescribed by a competent doctor who has information about your state of health.

Weight gain pills are often taken by men to build muscle mass during strenuous sports. This allows them to achieve the desired results faster and more efficiently. Naturally, quickly gaining weight with the help of pills alone, without paying due attention to sports and diet, is unrealistic. A man will be able to quickly gain weight only by using a comprehensive program that includes good nutrition, adequate sports training and, if desired, pharmacological assistance.

Mass gain pills are also used for anorexic men, although this problem is more common among women, especially younger ones. Drugs that allow you to gain weight can be prescribed in the postoperative period or during the recovery period after a serious illness. In addition, such drugs are recommended for poor absorption of nutrients in the body.

What to choose?

Let's take a brief look at pharmacological agents that can increase body weight gain:

  • Duphaston

Hormonal pills, originally intended for women planning a pregnancy. They increase the production and level of female hormones in the body, due to which weight gain occurs. A man who decides to use such a remedy should consult an endocrinologist so as not to cause serious hormonal disruptions in the body, since the pills are quite aggressive in their action.

  • Oxandrolone

Oxandrolone is a hormonal pill, and although they are good for weight gain, they should only be used after consulting a doctor.

Quite well-known hormonal pills, which are successfully used in medicine after operations or serious illnesses. You can buy them only with a doctor's prescription.

  • Andriol

The main active ingredient of the tablets is testosterone. Designed to treat sexual disorders caused by a lack of this hormone. Can be used to gain weight, but only after a doctor's prescription.

  • Chlorpromazine, cyproheptadine, peritol

These pills are quite famous among those who want to gain weight. They have a pronounced calming effect on the nervous system, which contributes to a better absorption of nutrients in the body and an increase in body weight.

  • Nutrizon

The popular protein drug "Nutrison", designed to compensate for the deficiency of proteins in the body. Often used to gain weight after illness or surgery. It is an excellent option for use due to its safety, as it has no contraindications.

  • Riboxin

It has a positive effect on all body functions, balances its energy balance, but it can only contribute to weight gain in combination with high-calorie nutrition and special physical activity.

  • Dexamethasone

Dexamethasone, although it helps to increase weight, eventually leads to the development of diabetes.

Some men who want to get better resort to the help of this drug. The effect of increasing body weight is due to the fact that the tablets increase glucose tolerance and disrupt lipid metabolism. This can lead to weight gain, but is fraught with the development of serious complications and diseases - in particular, diabetes.

  • Glutamic acid

A popular drug for weight gain among athletes. Favorably affects the vital activity of the body, improves metabolic processes in it, regulates the activity of internal organs, improves blood circulation and energy balance.

  • Brewer's yeast

These are one of the most harmless and safe pills that can help a man get better. In addition, they are extremely rich in B vitamins, as well as micro and macro elements. Brewer's yeast tablets have a beneficial effect on the body, balance the metabolism and restore the balance of energy. In addition to the effect of weight gain, brewer's yeast tablets have a pronounced cosmetic effect - when used for a month, the condition of the skin and hair improves.

  • Digestive enzymes

Contribute to weight gain with their regular use due to the stimulating effect on the digestive process and improve the absorption of nutrients. The most popular and affordable enzyme preparations include festal, mezim forte and pancreatin tablets.

  • vitamins

They occupy a worthy place in a number of drugs that help increase weight. Their effect in this case is based on improving the digestive processes, regulating the activity of internal organs and systems, increasing immune forces, as well as general strengthening of the body.

Vitamins by themselves do not lead to an increase in body weight, but they improve metabolic processes, normalize the work of the whole organism, which indirectly helps to get better.

When planning to use hormonal pills for weight gain, it is worth remembering the possible complications that their uncontrolled intake without a doctor's prescription can lead to. The most common side effects from taking hormonal drugs include baldness, increased oily skin, acne, as well as endocrine disorders and hormonal disruptions in the body. In addition, uncontrolled intake of these drugs can lead to inhibition of the spermatogenic function of the gonads, the development of prostate diseases and the appearance of tumors.


Remember, steroids have a destructive effect on the body!

Among athletes and just men seeking to gain muscle mass, steroids are very popular. They have high biological activity, which explains their effect and popularity. Since steroids in their action imitate the main male sex hormone - testosterone, their use leads to the fact that muscle mass increases, and the fat layer decreases, the body takes on masculine forms, strength and endurance increase.

However, along with this, not so positive changes can occur - prostate enlargement, testicular atrophy, excessive body and facial hair, combined with hair loss on the head. Taking anabolic steroids also causes an increase in appetite and libido in men, but opposite side effects are also possible in the form of a decrease in sexual desire and even the onset of impotence.

Gaining weight with the help of pills and drugs is quite possible, especially when combined with regular physical training and a balanced calorie diet. But you should always remember about your safety - do not start taking such drugs without a preliminary medical examination and receiving appropriate recommendations from your doctor.

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