Pasta with mushrooms and chicken. Pasta with chicken and mushrooms in a creamy sauce. Pasta with chicken and mushroom sauce in a pan

Greetings to our dear readers! Today's article will tell you a recipe for pasta with chicken and mushrooms in a creamy sauce. This dish has the main feature - it is prepared very quickly, but it turns out quite a hearty and tasty lunch. If you do not want to stand at the stove for a long time, or there is little time, but your relatives already want to eat, this pasta will come in handy.

We will warn you that we will use a wok pan. For those who are not familiar with such a miracle, this is a concave dish invented in China. As you may have noticed, in many Asian countries, it is still used today, because. very handy for quick meals. In addition, you can cook everything on the wok, from ordinary vegetables to desserts. All these advantages of a simple, seemingly at first glance, frying pan are achieved thanks to thin walls and shape - the fire is on all sides. Therefore, if such a kitchen attribute is not available, try a regular, but deep frying pan. Let's start cooking.


1. Pasta - 300 g

2. Chicken breast - 550 g

3. Mushrooms - 150 g

4. Onion - 1 piece

5. Garlic - 1 piece

6. Cream - 230 g

7. Cheese - 125 g

8. Spices - to taste

Cooking method:

We note right away that we used two types of cheese at once - mozzarella and parmesan. You can experiment and try other varieties with a neutral flavor. Also, we will use olive oil. If it is difficult to get it, use any other vegetable - the taste will definitely not deteriorate from this. And, as for pasta - fettuccine or spaghetti are suitable for today's dish.

1. Heat up the wok and pour some oil into it and chop the garlic. We need two or three cloves. Finely chop it, after crushing it with a knife.

This ingredient is optional, it is needed to create a pleasant aroma of the dish - and you can add it to taste.

2. Send the chopped garlic to the pan and cut the onion. We cut it into small cubes and also add to the garlic. Don't forget to stir.

3. While these two products are fried, cut the mushrooms into small cubes. Also, add one mushroom, but it is better to cut it into strips. We send both types to the pan.

4. Cut the chicken breast as you like - whether it be strips or cubes. It is clear that the cubes will fry faster, and the cooking speed is one of the main features of our dish.

5. Add chicken meat to the already fried ingredients, mix and continue frying until the fillet changes color.

By the way, use a large fire and do not forget to stir so that the food does not burn.

6. Salt and pepper to taste. You can add your own spices, but we used dried basil and oregano - a teaspoon of each ingredient. Stir again. You can also grate a "pinch" of nutmeg, which will add an incredible flavor to the dish.

7. When the chicken is fried, add 33% cream and pour in about 350 milliliters of water. By the way, instead of it, you can use the broth. Stir everything again until the sauce boils. Taste, and if necessary, salt.

Cooking pasta:

8. Now you can throw pasta. See in advance how much this or that variety should be prepared. Fettuccine takes about six minutes to cook, but given the creamy sauce, you need to add a couple more minutes. It is best to watch when ready.

9. Mix all the ingredients again and reduce the heat. Cover the pan with a lid. But you don’t need to go far, because. You will have to stir the contents several times.

10. While the pasta is cooking, you can chop the parsley. All in all, our lunch is almost ready.

11. Try not to overcook the pasta, otherwise the taste of the whole dish will be spoiled. When they are ready, add grated mozzarella, parmesan to the pan and stir again.

By the way, we used approximately the same proportions - 100 grams of mozzarella and 25 parmesan. You can get by with others or even one variety, as we have previously stipulated.

12. Turn off the heat and add the prepared greens. Yes, you guessed it, you need to mix again. Our quick lunch is ready in 15-20 minutes and can be sent to the table. We wish you and your family bon appetit!

Do not forget that this dish is best served right from the heat of the heat. Optionally, you can sprinkle some more Parmesan directly onto the plate. Here, using a well-known saying and altering it a little, we add that you can’t spoil pasta with cheese.

So, using this recipe, and preparing a dish, you solve several problems at once. First, you get a very quick meal that you can feed your family without having to stand near the stove for a long time. Second, you diversify classic pasta with delicious creamy sauce and cheese. Therefore, try and experiment.

Pasta with chicken and mushrooms has already become a classic dish, because it does not require special ingredients and a long time. This food came to us from Italian cuisine and won its adherents with an unusual taste. Creamy sauce gives the pasta softness and tenderness. Consider how to cook such an Italian dish, what proven recipes are available even for beginners, and what is the calorie content of this food?

  • To prepare real Italian pasta, you need to take the appropriate pasta. It should be flour strips of any shape, but from durum wheat. Multi-colored types of pastes with different additions are also suitable.
  • To keep the meat in the dish soft and juicy, it is recommended to take fresh, unfrozen chicken. It can be a fillet, crumb from the shins or backs.
  • Pay special attention to the choice of mushrooms. Different varieties are suitable for cooking: champignons, chanterelles, white and even mushrooms.
  • When cooking pasta, it should be slightly undercooked until completely softened. After getting rid of excess water, the pasta will have time to reach readiness under the influence of steam.
  • In order for the pasta itself to have a delicate taste, you can add a little milk to the water during cooking. Such an ingredient will not only improve the taste, but also give an unusual light aroma.
  • Some recipes use minced meat. This step of the cook is performed to break the fibers and make the product supple, soft. Hammering meat is recommended only if it has been in the freezer. Perform this processing quickly and without much effort.
  • The final and sometimes essential step in making pasta is decorating and serving it. This point needs to be given great attention. To make the serving look original, use greens, salads, vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers), sauces and seasonings.

Recipes for pasta with chicken and mushrooms in a creamy sauce

Italians use different ingredients in their cooking. They can add various sauces, broths, spices, herbs to food. It is better for novice cooks to cook the classic recipe for spaghetti with chicken and mushrooms first, and only then experiment with other types of pasta. Consider proven delicious options for such a dish.

Spaghetti with chicken and mushrooms in a creamy cheese sauce

Cheese is often added to Italian dishes, since this product is in abundance in this country. But such an element adds unusual taste and appearance. Spaghetti is a long, thin pasta that both adults and children love to eat, and all family members will be happy to support their combination with chicken and mushrooms. How to cook such a hearty and fragrant dish at home?


  • peeled fresh champignons - 300 g;
  • fresh, not frozen chicken meat - 400 g;
  • onion, peeled - 1 head;
  • cream with a fat content of 20% or more - 200-250 g;
  • sunflower or olive oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • hard cheese, without mold - 100-150 g;
  • durum wheat spaghetti - 400-500 g;
  • salt, black and allspice pepper, basil, other seasonings - according to taste preferences.

Step-by-step recipe for spaghetti with chicken and mushrooms in a creamy cheese tender sauce:

  1. Wash and dry the chicken meat.
  2. Cut it into small pieces, 2 * 1.5 cm in size.
  3. We clean and wash the onions, cut them into thin half rings or slices. To keep the juice from getting into your eyes, soak the knife under cold water more often.
  4. Wash and cut mushrooms. You should get thin and transparent plates, 1-2 mm wide.
  5. In a preheated frying pan, lower: vegetable oil, mushrooms. Fry them for 5 minutes, then add the thinly sliced ​​onion, stirring, cook for another 5 minutes.
  6. Then put the meat in the pan, fry until a little golden brown, pour in the cream, add spices, salt and cook for 20 minutes. on a small fire.
  7. Boil about 3 liters of spring water, add salt and spaghetti to it. In the process of boiling, lower 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil into the pan. Cook the pasta for about 8-10 minutes as directed in the instructions. In order for the paste to sink evenly into the water, take a large container.
  8. Three cheese without mold on a coarse grater or cut it into small pieces and add to the meat. After stirring, cook the dish for a few more minutes.
  9. In the meantime, we recline the spaghetti in a colander or drain the water from them using a special lid for the pan.
  10. Add pasta to skillet, stir and serve.
  11. You can decorate the dish with any herbs, tomatoes, ketchup or sauces. Enjoy your meal!

Tagliatelle with spinach, chicken and mushrooms in a creamy sauce

Originally from Bologna, tagliatelle is often served with bolognese sauce, but there are also simpler recipes. These small thin strips of egg dough, twisted into a small ball, look very original. These pasta are sold in portions, so you do not need to think about how to divide them among themselves. Consider a simple and unusual recipe for tagliatelle with spinach and cream sauce.


  • original tagliatelle - 300 g;
  • spinach fresh, young - 300-350 g;
  • chicken meat, fillet - 300 g;
  • frozen or fresh porcini mushrooms - 250-300 g;
  • onion, garlic - according to taste preferences (but at least 1 pc.);
  • natural cream 20-40% - 200 ml;
  • grated parmesan cheese - about 70-100 g for serving;
  • salt, ground pepper - according to taste preferences.
  • sunflower oil - about 50 g for frying.

Tagliatelle recipe in cream sauce with chicken, spinach - step by step:

  1. Wash mushrooms, clean if necessary. If there are large ones, cut them a little into pieces 3-4 cm in size.
  2. We wash the meat, also chop coarsely on a wooden board.
  3. We clean the onion, garlic. My, cut them into small cubes.
  4. We wash the spinach thoroughly under running water, chop it into large pieces.
  5. We put all the ingredients in turn in a heated pan, fry for several minutes.
  6. Add cream, simmer covered for about 20 minutes.
  7. Meanwhile, cook the tagliatelle in salted water according to package instructions (they may take 5 to 15 minutes to cook, depending on the manufacturer).
  8. Pour the finished pasta into a pan with meat, mushrooms and spinach, mix.
  9. When serving, sprinkle each serving of tagliatelle with grated or finely chopped parmesan, put a small leaf of green spinach. Enjoy your meal!

Pasta recipe with chicken, champignons and tomatoes with sour cream

Tomatoes are not often added to true Italian dishes, but in Russian cuisine this addition is much more common. Housewives replace purchased ketchup or tomato juice with such a vegetable, improving the naturalness of pasta sauce. Try a homemade version of chicken pasta that has tomatoes, sour cream and everyone's favorite champignon mushrooms.


  • chicken meat, wings or drumsticks - 300-400 g;
  • champignons, peeled, fresh - 200 g;
  • red tomatoes, ripe - 350-400 g;
  • sour cream of any fat content - 200 g;
  • pasta of any format from durum wheat - 300-400 g;
  • salt, oil, seasonings - according to taste preferences.

How to cook pasta with chicken, tomatoes and mushrooms:

  1. Meat, champignons, tomatoes wash under running water.
  2. We separate the fillet from the bones (if wings are taken for the recipe, then we omit this item). Cut the meat into small pieces, 2-4 cm in size.
  3. Cut mushrooms into thin strips.
  4. Cut the tomatoes into cubes 1-1.5 cm wide.
  5. We put the meat on a preheated pan with oil, fry it for 1-2 minutes, add the mushrooms.
  6. When these ingredients have been in the pan for 5-7 minutes, put the tomatoes to them, salt, pepper and mix everything well.
  7. After 10 minutes of stewing over low heat, add sour cream there.
  8. In the meantime, dip the pasta into boiling water, cook it according to the instructions on the pack. Drain the water with a colander, put on several plates.
  9. Put prepared meat with mushrooms and tomatoes on each serving of pasta. Pour everything with the sauce that formed in the pan.
  10. Garnish with a few leaves of parsley, dill and basil, serve.

A simple recipe for pasta with porcini mushrooms and chicken with cream

Cooking beginners should definitely try their hand at cooking pasta, as this dish takes very little time. But, despite the speed of execution, the taste of such pasta can be on top. Let's take a step-by-step look at how to make pasta with porcini mushrooms, chicken and cream is simple, but tastes no worse than that of famous Italian chefs.


  • classic pasta - 400 g;
  • fresh porcini mushrooms - 300 g;
  • chicken meat, fillet - 250-300 g;
  • natural cream 20% or sour cream - 200 g;
  • peeled onion - 1 pc.;
  • a few cloves of garlic.

Step-by-step process of cooking pasta with porcini mushrooms, cream and chicken meat:

  1. Porcini mushrooms should be well cleaned, washed under running water. Put them to boil for 15 minutes in plenty of water. If the mushrooms were previously frozen, you can omit this moment.
  2. Pour boiled boiled mushrooms into a heated frying pan with sunflower oil and fry them for 5 minutes over medium heat.
  3. Peel the onion, garlic. Cut them into small cubes. Add to mushrooms.
  4. Rinse the meat well, cut it into pieces of 2 * 1.5 cm, add to the pan.
  5. Dip the pasta into boiling salted water, boil it for 7-9 minutes.
  6. Add boiled pasta, cream to the pan. Put salt, spices, according to taste, mix.
  7. After 2-3 minutes of stewing, the dish will be ready to serve. Enjoy your meal!

Fettuccine with mushrooms and chicken breast in a creamy garlic sauce

Fettuccine pasta is considered one of the most vitamin types of pasta from Italy. It includes calcium, magnesium, choline, beta-carotene, zinc, selenium, copper and many elements of group B. This paste looks like a classic: thin strips cut with a sharp knife, 7 mm wide. Fettuccine is very often prepared with a creamy sauce, as it adds tenderness to the taste. Consider an unusual recipe with mushrooms and garlic.


  • fettuccine paste - 400 g;
  • champignon mushrooms, peeled - 250 g;
  • chicken fillet - 1.5-2 breasts;
  • cream or natural sour cream - 200 ml;
  • garlic - 1 peeled head.

How to prepare fettuccine with garlic and cream:

  1. Rinse mushrooms, meat, garlic under running water. Place the ingredients in a colander to drain excess water.
  2. Cut all the washed ingredients into small narrow strips, 7 mm wide (like a fettuccine format).
  3. Put it all in a large frying pan, add sunflower oil and fry over low heat for 15-17 minutes.
  4. Separately, boil the fettuccine pasta in salted water. For a spicy taste, add a few bay leaves there.
  5. Mix the prepared fettuccine with the sauce right in the pan, add the cream whipped with one clove of garlic.
  6. Serve this dish on the table with a few green leaves.

Creamy pasta with champignons and minced chicken in a slow cooker

The slow cooker has long been an integral part of kitchen equipment, since it is easy to make any dish with its help. To prepare pasta with sauce in one device, you must have an additional container that is installed above the main bowl. Such dishes often come with the basic tools of a multicooker. Let's prepare the creamy paste in it.


  • cream from 21% - 200 g or full-fat milk - 350 g;
  • Italian pasta - 300 g;
  • peeled champignons - 250 g;
  • minced chicken without onions - 250 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • salt, spices - according to taste preferences.

How to cook Italian pasta with minced meat, champignons, chicken in a slow cooker:

  1. In a large multicooker bowl, add finely chopped champignons, minced chicken, cream (or full-fat milk).
  2. All this salt, pepper, mix thoroughly.
  3. On top of the bowl, place an additional deep container with holes, which is designed for steaming.
  4. Put the Italian pasta in it and put a few pieces of butter on top.
  5. Set the “Steam cooking” mode on the electronic screen of the multicooker, the cooking time is 20-30 minutes.
  6. When the timer has passed 15 minutes, open the slow cooker, transfer the pasta down to the sauce and mix everything. In the 5-10 minutes left on the board, the pasta will soak up the moisture from the sauce and will have an unsurpassed taste.
  7. Serve with a few fresh green lettuce leaves.

Carbonara with chicken, mushrooms and ham with cream sauce

Pasta Carbonara is an unusual spaghetti that has added very small pieces of guanciale (pork cheek), eggs, parmesan and spices. Such a dish is considered truly Italian, because it has an unusual strong taste. Guanciale in its composition is allowed to be replaced with other types of meat products that are similar in taste. Let's use the proven Carbonara recipe with chicken, ham, cream.


  • Italian spaghetti - 300 g;
  • fresh chicken meat, not frozen - 200 g;
  • mushrooms (preferably champignons) - 200-300g;
  • fresh homemade ham - 200-250 g;
  • parmesan (original, Italian) - 100 g;
  • egg yolks - 4 pcs. medium size;
  • cream - 220-250 ml;
  • salt, ground pepper - according to taste preferences.

How to cook "Carbonara" with chicken, mushrooms, ham step by step:

  1. Cut the ham into small strips.
  2. Rinse chicken meat, dry, cut into small long pieces.
  3. Peel the mushrooms, rinse under running water, cut into small strips.
  4. Put ham with meat in a deep frying pan or stewpan, pour over sunflower oil, fry over high heat for up to 5 minutes.
  5. After that, add mushrooms to the container and cook on low heat for 5-7 minutes.
  6. In a separate bowl, mix the cream with the yolks, salt, pepper and grated Parmesan (add half the original cheese).
  7. In a separate large saucepan, boil the Italian pasta until half cooked (let them be undercooked 1 minute before the end).
  8. Drain excess water from the pasta, add them to the meat with mushrooms, pour in the creamy mass.
  9. On low heat, stir the whole dish for 1 minute, remove from the stove and serve, topping each serving with grated parmesan.

Calorie content of pasta with chicken and mushrooms in a creamy sauce

What is the calorie content of one serving of pasta (200 g), which includes chicken, mushrooms, cream 10%? We will take into account that sunflower oil (10 g), spring water and white rock salt were used to prepare the dish. In this case, the energy value of the dish will be 209 kcal. The composition and calorie content of other pasta with cream variations will vary depending on the ingredients used to make it.

Video recipes: delicious pasta with mushrooms and chicken with cream

There are many recipes for classic or modified Italian pasta on the Internet, so it is very difficult to choose the really best ones. To protect yourself from wrong examples, it is better to use video master classes with a visual demonstration of the cooking process. See below for examples of such videos with the implementation of pasta recipes with mushrooms, chicken and cream.

Spaghetti with chicken in a creamy mushroom sauce

Pasta recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya

Step 1: Prepare the chicken.

This dish is always delicious, very tender and nutritious, so if you decide to cook it for lunch or dinner, believe me, you won't go wrong! Let's start with fresh skinless chicken fillet, wash it thoroughly, dip it with paper kitchen towels, put it on a cutting board and use a sharp kitchen knife to get rid of the film, excess fat, and cartilage. Then we cut the meat into portioned sticks measuring 1 by 4 centimeters or cubes 3 by 3 centimeters.

Step 2: Prepare the rest of the ingredients.

Then, using a clean knife, remove the peel from the onion, and remove the roots from each mushroom. We rinse these products under streams of cold running water, dry them, put them in turn on a cutting board and chop. We chop the mushrooms in layers, cubes, slices of arbitrary shape, or divide each into 4-6 parts.

We chop the onion into strips, half rings, quarters or cubes up to 1 centimeter thick. After that, put a deep saucepan with the right amount of purified water on medium heat, let it boil slowly, and put the rest of the ingredients that will be needed to prepare the dish on the countertop.

Step 3: Prepare Creamy Chicken and Mushroom Sauce.

Then we turn on the adjacent burner on medium heat, put a deep frying pan on it and send a little vegetable, better refined oil, into this dish. After a few minutes, dip the chopped onion into the heated fat and sauté it until transparent for 3–4 minutes, periodically loosening with a wooden or silicone kitchen spatula.

As soon as the vegetable softens, add the chopped fillet to it and cook them together for about 5-7 minutes, or until chicken changes color from pink to light beige-grayish.

Then we put the chopped champignons in the pan and begin to stew the food in the released mushroom juice.

Approximately 10 minutes later The moisture will evaporate and everything will start to fry. When the meat with mushrooms, as well as onions, is slightly browned, sprinkle them with sifted wheat flour, mix gently so that lumps do not form, and pour in the right amount of cream.

Season the semi-prepared sauce to taste with salt, ground black pepper, loosen it again until smooth, reduce the heat under the pan to a minimum and simmer under the covered lid 15–20 minutes. After that, we move the fragrant creamy mixture to the side and let it brew for 10–15 minutes.

Step 4: cook spaghetti.

Meanwhile, the water in the pan boiled, pour salt into it at the rate of 1 liter 1 teaspoon and dip the spaghetti into the hot liquid, after spreading them like a fan or breaking them in half across. After a minute, we lightly crush the pasta with a tablespoon so that they are completely immersed in water, and after boiling again, cook the pasta, without covering it, for about 8-9 minutes until the “al dente” state, that is, until almost ready, so that stuck to the teeth, but was not too soft. Then we throw the spaghetti that has reached the desired consistency into a colander without rinsing, leave them for a while in the sink so that the excess liquid is drained, and proceed to the next, final step.

Step 5: Serve Spaghetti with Chicken and Mushrooms.

Spaghetti with chicken and mushrooms is a surprisingly tender second course served hot for a hearty lunch or dinner. After cooking, warm pasta is distributed on plates and a hot sauce of meat, as well as champignons, is laid out for each serving. Then, if desired, the resulting yummy is crushed with chopped hard cheese, your favorite fresh finely chopped greens, and put on the table along with any refreshing additions, such as vegetable salads, marinades or pickles. Cook with love and enjoy homemade food!
Enjoy your meal!

The recipe contains the simplest spices, if desired, their set can be varied based on personal taste preferences, but it is better that spices, as well as dried herbs, are suitable for meat, poultry and mushroom dishes;

An excellent alternative to cream is sour cream from 10 to 21% fat, onions - leeks or sweet Bulgarian, vegetable oil - butter, and champignons - any other variety of edible mushrooms;

Some hostesses stew some carrots and sweet peppers with onions, and only then add the rest of the ingredients in stages;

Before serving, it is better to heat the serving plate for serving a little in the microwave or in an ajar oven, so you keep the heat of the finished dish for a longer time, because, as you know, any boiled pasta cools down very quickly.

Sometimes you need to feed the family tasty, satisfying and very quickly. This is a 20 minute dinner recipe. Pasta is cooked for 7-10 minutes, and at this time a very tasty mushroom sauce with chicken fillet is being prepared.

To prepare pasta with mushrooms and chicken, take the products from the list. Peel the onion and garlic, clean the mushrooms with the hard side of a clean dishwashing sponge.

Boil pasta according to instructions, rinse under running water.

Onion and garlic should be chopped, lightly fried in vegetable oil.

Add mushrooms, also fry for a few minutes until golden brown.

Cut the chicken fillet into small cubes, add to the vegetables in the pan.

Fry quickly on both sides, add fresh thyme or a pinch of dried thyme. The fillet cooks very quickly, the main thing is not to overdry it.

Pour in half a glass of water, broth or low-fat cream (if you are not afraid of extra calories). Salt, pepper, cook for 5-7 minutes. If you want the sauce to be thicker, add a little flour (you do not need to add it to the version with cream).

Put pre-boiled pasta into the prepared sauce.

Mix well so that all the pasta is completely covered with sauce. Sprinkle with your favorite herbs before serving.

Pasta with chicken and mushrooms is ready. Serve immediately. Enjoy.

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