The rabbit has cold ears. Why do rabbits have hot and cold ears. Treatment of cells after disease

Sulfur accumulation is not a disease. The release of sulfur is a normal, not a pathological process. A lot of sulfur accumulates in the auditory canal, and it becomes clogged. A clogged ear canal can lead to other ear problems. The solution to the problem is cleansing. This should be done as carefully and gently as possible so that the animal does not panic. If the rabbit becomes frightened and starts to break free, he may hurt himself.

How to clean a rabbit's ears:

  • Gently bend the edge of the ear.
  • With a cotton swab, clean the inner surface of the ear, removing accumulations of sulfur and other dirt.
  • It is forbidden to push the tampon deep into the ear - you can damage the eardrum.

A healthy ear has smooth, pale pink skin. When cleaning the ears of a rabbit, they inspect them along the way - if there is redness, peeling, abscesses, you need to show the animal to the veterinarian.

Preventing the accumulation of earwax is simple - you need to periodically clean the ears of animals, without waiting for the formation of wax plugs.

A piece of cotton wool moistened with a special lotion for cleaning the ears of animals is wound around a medical clip.

Purulent otitis media

This disease at the initial stage is difficult to differentiate from psoroptosis. Moreover, the disease is generally difficult to detect - the focus of infection is behind the eardrum, so it is not possible to visually see the problem.


  • lack of appetite;
  • inadequate response to touching the ears;
  • when the disease worsens, purulent discharge appears in the auricle;
  • with progressive otitis, the work of the vestibular apparatus is disrupted - the animal makes strange movements, moving, as if he does not see the surrounding objects;
  • the eyes are constantly moving - rotating or moving horizontally.

If otitis is suspected or detected, contact the veterinarian to clarify what to do and what drugs to use.

Self-medication is not allowed - if you choose the wrong drugs, the condition of the rabbit may worsen. For treatment, medicines are usually used in the form of drops - they are instilled into the ears to relieve pain and eliminate inflammation.


A dangerous disease in which, along with inflammatory processes, purulent conjunctivitis develops. The body of the animal is covered with bumps and blisters.

Symptoms that can be used to diagnose myxomatosis appear 20 days after infection. But if you carefully examine animals every day, you can recognize the disease at the initial stage - by red spots on the skin and by seals that appear on the ears and eyelids.

Symptoms of progressive myxomatosis:

  • Temperature jump - up to 41 degrees. But after a while it drops back to normal.
  • Weepy eyes. The condition resembles conjunctivitis - the lower eyelids are filled with purulent clots.
  • The body is covered with tumors comparable in size to a pigeon's egg.
  • The head and genitals swell.
  • The ears are lowered, the scalp is covered with folds.
  • Inflammation in the mouth. There are wheezing and purulent discharge.

Myxomatosis in a rabbit

Bunny ear tumors

Severe myxomatosis in a rabbit

Timely and correct treatment gives a positive result. The veterinarian prescribes strong antibiotics and immunomodulators. Subcutaneous injections of Gamavit, Baytril or Ringer are given. Drops prescribed for myxomatosis are instilled into the nasal passages, and the wounds are treated with iodine.

If the symptoms are not recognized in time and no action is taken, one sick rabbit can provoke the death of the entire livestock.

Recovered and sick rabbits are kept in a warm room, always isolated from the herd. Rehabilitation after treatment - three months.

Many rabbit breeders treat myxomatosis, and quite successfully - with folk remedies. True, the effect occurs only at an early stage of the disease. Methods for the treatment of myxomatosis folk methods:

  • treatment of affected areas with overcooked sunflower oil;
  • treatment of wounds on the ears with urine previously aged in the sun for 3 hours;
  • feeding with fresh horseradish leaves;
  • adding pumpkin pulp and freshly squeezed pineapple juice to the feed;
  • aromatherapy with eucalyptus oil;
  • an injection into the shin of a solution of camel thorn.

The breeder tells how he cured myxomatosis in his rabbits:

Inexperienced rabbit breeders often do not pay attention to an alarming symptom - falling ears. Often this phenomenon has nothing to do with pathologies. But the task of the rabbit breeder is to carefully examine the auricles.

Psoroptosis (ear scabies)

The source of this infectious disease is the ear mite. This insect hides in the ear canals and is difficult to spot. The incubation period is 3-5 days. If rabbits are kept in cages, the disease becomes widespread. Usually the epidemic rages in winter and spring.

Causes of ear scabies:

  • Infection occurs when sulfur falls out of the ears of a sick animal, or in contact with its dandruff.
  • Inventory and other items that were used in the care of a sick animal and were not disinfected.
  • Carrying scabies - from sick rabbits to healthy ones, can be carried out by people caring for them.


  • Anxiety, animals rub their ears with their paws, shake their heads.
  • In mild forms, inflammation develops, resembling weeping eczema.
  • On the inner surfaces of the ears there are red swellings, which eventually become bubbles. The latter burst, a yellow liquid flows out, it dries up, turning into crusts. The ear canal is clogged with lumps of sulfur.
  • In severe forms, the lesions merge, there are abundant secretions of sulfur and pus. The resulting crusts completely cover the ear canal.

If ear scabies is not treated, the inflammation penetrates deeper - to the brain. The meninges are affected, the animal has a CNS disorder.

The diagnosis of psoroptosis becomes after the study of scrapings. To identify a tick on your own, take a scraping from your ears and place it in vaseline oil. Under a magnifying glass, you can see ticks - if any.

Treatment of psoroptosis:

  • Isolation of sick animals from the herd,
  • Treatment of auricles with acaricidal sprays, foams and ointments - Psoroptol, Cyodrin, Acrodex, Dicrezil. Processing is done once a week until the ticks are completely eliminated.
  • Subcutaneous injections are administered for general therapy - Baimek, Ivomek.

Preventive measures:

How to treat ear mites in rabbits is described in the video below:


The ears of rabbits are quite delicate; when they are in cold rooms, they are the first to suffer. Frostbite is caused by low temperatures.

Frostbite symptoms are easily identified:

  • The ears become cold and swollen. Touching the ears causes pain to the animal - this is the first degree of frostbite.
  • In the second degree of frostbite, blisters appear on the ears, which, bursting, form purulent ulcers. The skin, drying up and exfoliating, becomes covered with open wounds;
  • The third degree of frostbite is accompanied by severe pain and death of the affected tissues.

The injured animal is transferred to heat. With the 1st degree of frostbite, the affected areas are lubricated with fat - pork or goose. At the 2nd degree, camphor or iodine ointment is used for treatment. With the 3rd degree, you can not do without the help of a veterinarian. Dead areas will have to be removed, and the wounds that form in this case are treated in the usual ways.

The breeder shows a rabbit with frostbite on the ears:

To prevent frostbite of the ears, the cages are insulated with straw mats - on especially frosty days they cover the enclosures from the side of the barred walls. Straw is thrown into the cages - so that the rabbits hide in it in the cold.

cold ears

Ears for a rabbit are a kind of indicator of well-being. Body temperature is strongly affected by fluctuations in atmospheric temperature. To maintain their own body temperature, the rabbit often does not have enough heat received from the skin and subcutaneous fat. Through the ears, the animal loses a lot of heat. They cool if there is a weak venous blood flow in the capillaries of the vessels.

Cold ears can be caused by:

  • Reflex contraction (spasm) of capillaries due to exposure to frost.
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Stress, fear.

If the animal feels well, cold ears can be ignored. But if the air temperature drops below minus 15 ° C, it is necessary to take measures - to insulate the cells, eliminate drafts. Cold ears are not an important diagnostic feature. They usually indicate frostbite.

Long ears. It so happened that these furry creatures are often attacked, so good hearing is an important condition for them. However, it is their ears that are exposed to various diseases. Why does a rabbit have hot ears and how to fix it?

There can be several reasons: high blood pressure, high basal temperature, in the presence of blisters, we can say about the ear mite. If the pet behaves as usual and he approaches food, then he is simply tired because of his activity.

After he rests, he will return to the previous temperature again - 38-40 degrees. The ears are responsible for the thermoregulation of the body, thanks to them the body temperature normalizes, eliminating excess heat. However, a high temperature may indicate a disease.

So, you need to figure out why the ears can become hot. If the animal lives at home, then do not forget that the room temperature should not be higher than 29 degrees. There are times when the ears can become warm. If, with an increase in their temperature, the rabbit is active and there is an appetite, then everything is fine.

If the behavior of the animal has changed, then the help of a veterinarian is indispensable. As a rule, overwork contributes to this, in which case you need to sound the alarm. If the ears become warm, then the pet should rest a bit. If possible, you need to cool or ventilate the room so that the baby feels comfortable. It is necessary not to frighten the animal with extraneous movements, as these creatures are shy.

Thanks to them, rabbits lower their body temperature. Therefore, with active movement and heat, it will increase in any case. Excessive heat is given off through the ears. When pressure increases, the ears may turn red. Most pet owners are concerned about the health of their furries.

However, if his behavior is as if nothing had happened and eats the same way, then he should cool down and relax a little. And if it becomes more than 40 degrees, then you need to contact a specialist for help, especially if you have ceased to be playful, your nose is not wet, and breathing is much more difficult. Before visiting a doctor, you need to wipe the animal with a slightly damp cloth, heading towards the hind legs, and you need to start from the neck.

In the central Russian Federation, the heat never exceeds 40 degrees and this is great for the animal, so at elevated temperatures they have heat stroke, and in the worst case they die. They should not be left in the sun for a long time, usually during the day. If these animals tolerate coolness well, then they need to be protected from the sun. As a rule, the temperature can be 20 degrees, and already with this temperature they breathe more often.

In hot weather, animals need to cool down, but in no case should you artificially create a draft or put them under an air conditioner or fan. Great helpers will be containers of cool water wrapped in material. In hot weather, the water in the drinking bowl must change, you can throw pieces of ice, as pets like cold water. For cooling purposes, cold stone or tile tiles are also used.

The room where the animal lives should be humidified and cooled. To do this, hang a cloth soaked in water or, using a spray bottle, spray water.

Ailments and their characteristics

There is also an ailment that is transmitted - this is psoroptosis, individuals older than 4 months are exposed to it. The rabbit can infect her children with this disease, and the rabbit breeder himself can bring a tick on clothes into the room. If you start the pathology, then the tick will provoke a pet's brain tumor, which leads to death. Scabies in the ears can spread among animals and people.

The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • The presence of crusts and ulcers.
  • A lot of sulfur accumulates inside the ears.
  • Ears are hot, breathing quickens.
  • Rabbit has a high temperature.
  • The animal tries to scratch the affected area.

You can treat the disease with medicines and folk methods, but you should start by removing these crusts inside the ears.

Purulent otitis is a viral pathology leading to the death of the animal. Outwardly, the symptoms resemble scabies. If left untreated, the brain is affected, leading to death. Otitis is accompanied by purulent discharge.

Symptoms of this nature:

  • Your pet's coordination is impaired.
  • The animal has hot ears, rapid breathing.
  • Upset stomach, as well as the formation of pus.

Mechanical damage to the pet's ear, as well as an abundant accumulation of sulfur, is the result of the appearance of the disease.

Rabbit diseases: symptoms and treatment - on video:

  • Is it possible to train a decorative rabbit and how ...

Predisposing factors:


  1. Purulent discharge from the ear canal.
  2. Decreased appetite.
  3. Sores in the ears.
  4. Restless behavior of the animal. It shakes its head, combing the affected surface.
  5. Violation of the general condition: lethargy, apathy.


At home, otitis can be suspected. An accurate diagnosis can be made by a veterinarian after a series of diagnostic measures. If the disease is confirmed, treatment is prescribed in the form of local irrigation of the auditory canals and injections with antibacterial drugs.

abalone drop

When detecting a fall of the ear, do not immediately sound the alarm. If it hung for the first time, it does not last for a long time, the animal can perform this action during the game. It is worth taking this rabbit into account and monitoring its behavior.

Lethargy of the ear can be observed in some diseases and individual structural features that need correction:

  • Foreign body entering the ear canal.
  • Excessive shaking of the animal provokes disorders of the nervous system, resulting in lethargy of the organ of hearing.
  • In extreme heat in young rabbits, the ear cartilage may not fully develop (fall is corrected by the application of a support splint for 4 weeks)
  • Features of the pedigree.


Myxomatosis is a disease of rabbits that causes the formation of pus in the ear canals and eyes. Extremely contagious. It enters the body of a rabbit through the bite of an insect carrier of the virus (mosquitoes, mosquitoes).

At the first stage, bumps with purulent contents form in the ears of animals. Pets are worried, shake their heads, comb their skin to sores. They have no appetite, general weakness is growing.

At the second stage, crusts form in the place of sores.

Diagnosis is carried out by a veterinarian (takes a scraping from the affected epithelium). If the diagnosis is confirmed, injections of antibacterial and immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed, local treatment with antiseptics (until the symptoms disappear). At the time of treatment, the animal is isolated from relatives.

Prevention is timely vaccination. The first vaccine is administered at 2.5 months, the second at 5.5 months.


If the rabbit's ears swell, frostbite may be suspected. The animal in this case is restless, refuses to eat (touching the diseased surface causes discomfort).

Cope with this symptom by rubbing and warming up. After the procedure, the skin is lubricated with petroleum jelly.

Frostbite stages:

  • Stage 1 - the appearance of edema (standard rubbing will help),
  • Stage 2 - formation of vesicles covered with scabs (treatment includes opening the vesicles and treating wounds with iodine).
  • Stage 3 - the tissue dies and dries out. Treatment is excision of tissue prone to necrosis.

In the first stage, the rabbit breeder will be able to cope on his own, stages 2 and 3 require the intervention of a veterinarian.


If the rules for keeping rabbits are violated and the temperature in the room is elevated, the animals are exposed to overheating.


  1. Anxiety develops into apathy, the rabbit lies down and cannot get up.
  2. Rapid, irregular breathing.
  3. Tremor of the limbs.
  4. Body temperature over 40 degrees.

The animal is placed in a cool place, provide free access to water. In severe cases, overheating leads to his death.

Important! If there is no effect of treatment, you should contact your veterinarian.


Causes of occurrence:

  • Decreased local immunity as a result of past diseases, helminthic invasions, pregnancy.
  • Poor conditions: dirty cages, unbalanced feed.


  1. The animal combs the affected surface to the blood.
  2. Shakes his head.
  3. Shows concern.
  4. Loses appetite.

When examining the affected organ, wounds and sores are revealed. First, bumps appear. Later they develop into vesicles covered with sulfur and pus.

Only a veterinarian can confirm or refute the diagnosis by obtaining the result of scraping from a suspicious area.

Treatment includes isolation of the rabbit, regular washing and processing of the infected surface.

sulfur accumulation

Sulfur accumulation is a common occurrence faced by any rabbit breeder. You can get rid of it by cleaning:

  1. Protrude polluted ear.
  2. Remove sulfur with a cotton swab.
  3. Examine the skin.

Important! If you notice redness, peeling, rash, or an unpleasant odor, you should contact your veterinarian. So the beginning scabies can manifest itself.


With any disease of rabbit ears, spotting may occur. This is due to the presence of a large number of blood vessels in this area. Also, the cause of bleeding can be injury to the skin. In this case, the blood is stopped with hydrogen peroxide.

cold ears

A rabbit's ears can be used to roughly determine its body temperature. If they are cold, it is worth assuming a low temperature or hypothermia of the animal.

If such a symptom is detected, the ears should be rubbed. If there is no expected effect, you need to contact your veterinarian.

hot ear symptom

Hot rabbit ears always indicate an increase in body temperature. The cause can be both overheating and any viral or bacterial infection.

If a symptom is detected, the animal should be cooled by placing in a cool place. If there is no result, a consultation with a veterinarian is required.

Question asked by Alina: Hello! Please tell me why the rabbit has hot ears?

Answer: Alina, good afternoon! Rabbits are very good pets that are very trainable. Rabbits can be an excellent substitute for cats or dogs, because they bring no less joy. You need to take care of such pets no less than cats or dogs, because rabbits are also prone to various diseases.

So, let's figure out why the decorative rabbit has hot ears. If you keep a decorative rabbit at home, you must remember that the temperature of the room to which the rabbit is located should not exceed 28 degrees. Otherwise, the rabbit gets a huge load on the body, and the rabbit can become seriously ill.

The rabbit's body temperature should not exceed 39.4 degrees. If this still happened, then it is necessary to wipe the rabbit with a cool wet towel to reduce its body temperature, and be sure to call a veterinarian who will tell you what to do next.

Now, directly, about hot ears. There are periods when the rabbit's ears become hot. If at the same time the rabbit feels good and eats with pleasure, then there is nothing to worry about in raising the temperature of the ears. If, nevertheless, you notice changes in the behavior of your rabbit, then you already need to sound the alarm and call the veterinarian. Usually, the ears of a rabbit become hot if the rabbit is overtired. And do not be surprised, overwork occurs not only in humans, but in rabbits. If the ears become hot, give your pet a little rest. And if possible, lower the temperature in the room so that the baby is more comfortable.

And try not to scare your pet, because the rumor about the fearfulness of rabbits is very real.

If you comply with all the necessary conditions for keeping a rabbit, your pet will be healthy and cheerful.

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