The glycemic index does not affect weight. Why the glycemic index of food is not important. What is "glycemic index"

The principle of calculating the glycemic index in foodstuffs (GI) is based on the glycemic index of glucose - it is 100. In other GIs, depending on their composition, it can range from 0 to 100. Carbohydrates from foods with a high index are quickly absorbed and cause a rapid increase in glucose levels, and from PP with low - slowly and do not provoke a sharp rise in glucose.

What is a "glycemic index"?

The glycemic index (or GI) is a measure of the effect that each food product has on blood glucose levels after eating it. It depends on the rate at which carbohydrates found in PP are absorbed in the body and increase sugar levels.

The GI index in products depends on a number of additional factors:

  • type of carbohydrates - in simple GI high, in complex GI low;
  • the degree of maturity - in more ripe vegetables and fruits, the GI is higher;
  • the level of fat and protein - the higher this indicator, the higher the GI;
  • the amount of fiber in the product - the more it is, the lower the GI;
  • cooking method - as a rule, after heat treatment, the GI becomes higher.

With frequent consumption of foods with a high GI, metabolic disorders in the body occur:

  • the level of sugar rises;
  • the feeling of hunger appears faster;
  • the process of deposition of fats in tissues is accelerated.

Including more low GI foods in the diet reduces the risk of developing, and.

It is not only people with the above diseases who have to monitor the GI in their daily diet. This indicator is extremely important for athletes. For long workouts or competitions, they are recommended to include more low GI foods in the menu, and for short and intense workouts or recovery after significant loads, they should include high GI foods.

High GI Foods

The energy obtained from carbohydrates is used by the body for the following needs:

  • to replenish muscle glycogen stores;
  • to accumulate reserves for the future.

Foods with a high GI contain more fast carbohydrates, which rapidly give up their glucose, which is transformed into energy. Excess energy cannot enter the muscle tissue and is stored in the form of fat reserves, and blood sugar levels become high.

Low GI Foods

Low GI foods contain more slow carbohydrates. These include most fresh vegetables, fruits, legumes, durum wheat pasta, oatmeal, and brown rice. Their use does not cause a sharp increase in sugar levels and does not contribute to the deposition of fat. That is why most diets include a large amount of low GI foods.

Disputes of specialists around GI

Experts from the World Health Organization and many doctors recommend that patients with GI values ​​should be monitored. But a number of other experts argue that it is very difficult to monitor such indicators in practice.

The value of GI in the same product in different studies may vary. This indicator can be affected by the intensity of digestion during the day, the state of the product (for example, the maturity of the fetus), and the combination with other ingredients in the dish.

However, even taking into account these disagreements, we can conclude that there are many useful products with a low GI. They contain little fat, a lot of vitamins, fiber and minerals. That is why tables with GI indicators can be useful for compiling a varied daily menu. In addition, moderate consumption of high GI foods will also not be harmful to health. Perhaps in the future, new studies of this indicator will facilitate its more complete application in practice. In the meantime, GI charts can be used with the principle of moderation and dietary strategy in mind.

Nutritionist Marina Makisha talks about the glycemic index:

Each product contains a different nutritional value. It would be foolish to believe that the food intake is always the same content of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, which form the overall picture of the energy value of food.

Due to different indicators of nutrients, the calorie content of the dish also changes. Currently, many who want to lose weight or, conversely, gain weight, look at this particular unit, but with proper nutrition, it is important to take into account one more indicator - the glycemic index of foods. For the body, it also plays an important role and helps with many diseases, such as diabetes. So, what is the glycemic index and what function does it perform for a person?

What is the glycemic index of foods?

The glycemic index of foods (GI) is unit of the rate at which glucose rises in the body after eating a particular food. To fully understand this definition, we can characterize this process. Carbohydrates are the most important energy value. They can be complex and determined by the number of intermolecular bonds (polysaccharides) and simple (disaccharides, monosaccharides). When complex carbohydrates and other nutrients enter the body, under the influence of enzymes, splitting into simple ones occurs, and simple ones under the influence of chemical reactions to glucose.

The higher the breakdown rate, the more glucose is formed and the blood sugar level rises. This is a high glycemic index food. At a low speed, cleavage products are retained for a long time and absorbed more slowly. This gives a feeling of fullness for quite a long time. and for weight loss, as well as people suffering from diabetes, this low index will be the most optimal.

The concept of the glycemic index was introduced in 1981 at the Canadian University of Toronto by Dr. David Jenkins. For this, special experiments were carried out, during which volunteers were given food products containing carbohydrates in the amount of 50 g. Then, for an hour, every 15 minutes, a blood test was taken and the level of sugar in the blood was determined. Based on the data obtained, special graphs were built, and the experiments continued. When it was possible to obtain all the necessary data, the very concept and definition were introduced. However, this value is a relatively relative unit, the essence of which is to compare products with pure glucose, which has a 100% glycemic index.

When the question arises, what is the difference between the concept of "caloric content" and "glycemic index", the answer is as follows. GI is a display of the rate of breakdown of carbohydrates into glucose and the degree of increase in blood sugar, and caloric content is just the amount of energy received from food intake.

Glycemic index table

In order to have an idea about the rate of carbohydrate breakdown in a particular dish, a special table has been created, where each product has its own glycemic index value. It was created to provide information specifically for each food product, at what rate the body breaks down its carbohydrates into glucose.

These data are important for people who adhere to a proper balanced diet, as well as those suffering from diabetes. According to established data, tables with GI have an approximate value, and the indicators themselves refer to one specific product without any heat or mechanical processing in one piece. There are 3 groups of food glycemic index:

  • low (from 0 to 40);
  • medium (from 40-70);
  • high (from 70 and more).

The table does not include fat-free cheeses and dairy products, broths, and water. This is due, first of all, to the fact that their glycemic index is almost zero.

Low GI

Product name GIOysters, shrimps, mussels, soy sauce 0Spices, seasonings 5Crayfish 5Avocado 10Peanut 15Brussels sprouts 15Broccoli 15Mushrooms 15Walnuts 15Green beans 15Ginger 15Zucchini 15Sauerkraut 15Cauliflower 15Pine nuts 15Red bell pepper 15Bow 15Hazelnuts 15Olives 15Almond 15Cucumbers 15Radish 15Rhubarb 15Lettuce 15Celery 15Blackcurrant 15Dill 15Pistachios 15Hazelnut 15Spinach 15Dark chocolate with cocoa content less than 85% 20Yogurt unflavored 20Lemon juice 20Cocoa powder 20Barbados cherry 20Eggplant 20Artichoke 20Peas 25Blackberry 25Strawberry 25Gooseberry 25Strawberry 25Raspberry 25Beans 25Red currant 25Blueberry 25Sweet cherry 25Barley groats 25Lentil 30Garlic 30Beetroot 30Turnip 30Tomatoes 30Pomelo 30Carrot 30Milk 30Marmalade 30Passion fruit 30Tangerines 30Dried apricots 30Pears 30Grapefruit 30Apricots 35Oranges 35Quince 35Pomegranate 35Mustard 35Yeast 35Green peas 35Sunflower seeds 35Yoghurt 35Celery root 35Sesame 35Corn 35Mac 35Nectarine 35Peaches 35Rice wild 35Sunflower seeds 35Plums 35Fructose ice cream 35Tomato juice 35Canned peas 35Red and black beans 35Whole grain and sprouted grain bread 35Apple 35

Average GI

Product name GIDry beans 40Carrot juice 40Oatmeal 40Wheat flour spaghetti 40Chicory 40Bananas 45Grapes 45Vermicelli 45Grapefruit juice 45Jam 45Coconut 45Cranberry 45Bread 45Pineapple 50Jam 50Fig 50Kiwi 50Crab sticks 50Orange juice 50Mango 50Durum pasta 50Muesli 50Canned peaches 50Jam 50Rice brown 50Ground pear 50Blueberry juice 50Apple juice 50Persimmon 50Canned peaches 55Rolls and sushi 55Mustard 55Ketchup 55Grape juice 55Canned corn 55Melon 60Papaya 60Cocoa with added sugar 60Oatmeal 60Ice cream 60Long grain rice 60Mayonnaise industrial 60Melon 60Lasagne 60Wheat flour fritters 60Pizza with cheese and tomatoes 60Macaroni and cheese 65Boiled potatoes in their skins 65Sorbet 65Rye bread 65Canned vegetables 65Maple syrup 65Raisins 65Muesli with sugar 65Marmalade 65Boiled beets 65Yeast black bread 65Jam 65

high GI

Name of products GIWheat flour 70Sugar 70Manka 70Potato chips 70Croissant 70Pearl barley 70Chocolate bars (Mars, Twix, Snickers, etc.) 70Sweet sparkling water 70Milk chocolate 70Millet 70Waffles unsweetened 75Rice porridge with milk and sugar 75Watermelon 75Bread french baguette 75Zucchini 75Pumpkin 75Corn flakes 75Sweet donut 75Cracker 80Mashed potatoes 80Muesli with raisins and nuts 80Unsweetened popcorn 85Hamburger buns 85Corn flakes 85Rice pudding with milk 85Boiled carrots 85Instant mashed potatoes 85Canned apricots 90Rice noodles 90White bread 90Fried potatoes 95Sweet buns 95Baked potatoes 95Potato casserole 95Toasts made from white bread 100Glucose 100Starch modified 100Dates 105Beer drinks 110

What determines the glycemic index of foods?

Not always the use of products occurs one by one and fresh. When cooking and with other mechanical effects on products, the level of absorption of carbohydrates changes. So, for what reasons does the glycemic index of foods change in the finished dish:

  1. Adding flavored additives and sugar to food increases the GI.
  2. total fiber content. Fibers have the ability to slow down digestion and the entry of glucose into the circulatory system.
  3. Product processing method. Structured foods that require a lot of chewing have a lower GI, for example, raw vegetables in this case are better than boiled. Products subjected to mechanical or heat treatment increase the index.
  4. Fruits and vegetables of greater ripeness increase the GI.
  5. An important indicator is the method of cooking. Grain bread will have a lower GI value than cooked puffed wheat bread.
  6. The more food is crushed during cooking, the more the glycemic index increases. For example, the GI of a peach will be lower when consumed whole than when consumed as peach juice.

However, in addition to these factors, the individual characteristics of the human body are also taken into account. The response to the intake of foods with a low or high GI may depend on:

  • age;
  • ecology where a person lives;
  • metabolic states;
  • the state of the immune system;
  • the presence of infectious or inflammatory diseases in the body;
  • from medications taken that can affect the rate of protein breakdown;
  • on the amount of physical activity.

With the gradual introduction of foods with low or medium GI into your habitual diet, you can edit and arrange your usual foods for better digestibility, based on your personal characteristics of the body.

What is glucose for?

In the body, glucose plays an important role and provides almost half of the energy consumption of the entire body. The functional feature of glucose is its maintenance of normal brain function and the functioning of the nervous system. In addition, it is a source of nutrition for tissues and the muscle layer, and is involved in the formation of glycogen.

Glycemic index and diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which the control of blood sugar levels is impaired. If in a healthy person, when taking foods with a high GI, excess glucose is distributed into body fat, and the sugar level returns to normal, then in a sick person with diabetes, there are certain problems. At the time of eating with a high GI, the normal allowable blood sugar level is exceeded due to a violation of insulin secretion or sensitivity of cell receptors. In another way, you can say this:

  • 1 type of diabetes. Insulin is not produced, and if this does not happen, then there is no blockage of the increase in blood sugar, and as a result, hyperglycemia is observed, which is dangerous for the development of hyperglycemic coma.
  • Type 2 diabetes. Insulin is produced, but there is no sensitivity of cell receptors. Therefore, at the time of the breakdown of food to glucose, insulin carries it to cells that do not respond to its effects, and since this does not happen, then sugar remains in the circulatory system, hyperglycemia develops.

Patients with diabetes simply need to adhere to a proper balanced diet. The glycemic index of foods is especially important for this population group. After all, it is a kind of guideline, on which it depends on how quickly this or that product will be split and whether there will be a jump in sugar levels. Indeed, for comparison, when a healthy person consumes low GI foods in his body, the sugar level remains within the normal range, and if a diabetic does the same, the sugar in his blood rises slightly. Therefore, when compiling a menu for every day, it is worth calculating the calorie content of each dish, looking at the GI table and not endangering your health.

GI during weight loss

With a quick weight loss, kilograms return at lightning speed back. For more than a decade, it has been said that in order to lose weight, you must adhere to proper nutrition. And if it was obvious to everyone just to calculate the calorie content of a dish, then you can also add the glycemic index of products to this widespread activity. So what is it good for weight loss?

Firstly, this is a kind of systematic folders. What you can eat and what is healthy, and what you should refrain from and, in principle, it is not so necessary. For those who want to lose weight, it is best to pay attention to the table with a low glycemic index of products; you can look at products with average indicators as much as possible. But to use products where the index has a high value is not worth it. Everything must be balanced, and with the help of an index, tracking portions and product characteristics is much more convenient than counting the calorie content of each dish.

Secondly, when eating foods with a high GI, the feeling of fullness can come after eating more than you need. Unused glucose, in this case, will be deposited in the fatty layer. This will not happen from eating low GI foods: glucose levels will rise smoothly, satisfying the energy needs of a person.

The glycemic index (GI) is a dietary indicator that reflects the effect of food consumed on the concentration of glucose in the blood. For the first time this concept was used in 1981 by University of Toronto professor David Jenkins, who set himself the task of developing an effective and safe diet for people with diabetes. A Canadian scientist considered it unconvincing that all products containing sugars have the same effect on changes in blood glucose levels. In order to refute this theory, Jenkins conducted a whole range of experiments that made it possible to track the processes occurring in the body.

During the study, the subjects were asked to try various foods containing a fixed amount (50 g) of carbohydrates and take tests to determine the concentration of sugar in the blood. The results of these analyzes were compared with the indicators obtained in the study of the blood of a person who ate 50 g of pure glucose. The result of scientific work, which lasted more than 15 years, was the development of a conceptually new classification of products.

In accordance with this classification, carbohydrate-containing products are divided into three large groups:

  • with high GI (from 70);
  • with an average GI (more than 40, but less than 70);
  • with low GI (not higher than 40).

This article will focus on foods with a low glycemic index and their impact on the processes occurring in the human body.

Benefits of Including Low GI Foods in Your Diet

Eating foods with a high glycemic index is accompanied by a sharp increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood and the active synthesis of a pancreatic hormone called insulin. Insulin contributes to the uniform distribution of sugars throughout all organs and tissues of the human body and their partial conversion into fats. In addition, the hormone produced by the pancreas protects the body's already existing body fat from being broken down and converted into energy. Thus, the regular inclusion of foods with a high glycemic index in the diet contributes to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat and systematic weight gain.

When eating low GI foods, the situation changes radically. Products belonging to this group are digested for a long time in the gastrointestinal tract and do not provoke a sharp increase in the concentration of sugar in the blood. The pancreas synthesizes insulin in small quantities, which means that the prerequisites for excessive accumulation of subcutaneous fat disappear. In other words, including low glycemic index foods in your diet and excluding high GI foods from it is one of the keys to losing weight. Along with this, following a diet based on eating foods with a low glycemic index has a beneficial effect on blood lipid profile and helps prevent the development of a number of cardiac diseases.

Low glycemic index food table

The list of foods with a low glycemic index includes:

  • vegetables;
  • pasta, for the preparation of which durum flour was used;
  • most of the fruits and berries;
  • raw oatmeal;
  • greens;
  • whole grains, whole grain bread;
  • nuts;
  • legumes;
  • mushrooms, etc.

For more information on low GI foods, see the table below.

List of low GI foods Glycemic index
Vegetables, herbs, legumes
oregano 4
Parsley 6
Sorrel 9
Leafy green lettuce 9
Raw onion 9
Fresh white cabbage 9
Broccoli 9
fresh tomatoes 11
Green pepper 11
Zucchini 13
Radish 13
Squash 13
Spinach 14
Black Eyed Peas 14
dill greens 14
Squash caviar 14
Rhubarb 14
Chilli 14
Brussels sprouts 14
Leek 14
Boiled cauliflower 14
Fresh turnip 14
Chard 14
Green onion (feather) 14
Fennel 16
Sauerkraut 16
Celery (petioles, greens) 16
Red bell pepper 16
black olives 16
Endive 16
Cauliflower stew 17
green olives 17
Braised white cabbage 17
artichokes 18
fresh cucumbers 19
bamboo shoots 19
Yellow crushed peas 21
eggplant 21
Salted or pickled cucumbers 21
boiled lentils 23
Garlic 29
black beans 29
Fresh beets 31
raw chickpeas 33
Raw red carrot 34
Dry green peas 34
celery roots 36
Fried cauliflower 36
boiled chickpeas 38
Eggplant caviar 39
boiled beans 39
fresh green peas 39
garden beans green 39
Falafel 40
Fruits, berries, dried fruits
Avocado 11
Black currant 14
Physalis 14
apricots 19
Lemons 21
Cherry 21
plums 21
grapefruit 23
Cowberry 24
Sweet cherry 24
Prunes 24
cherry plum 26
Blackberry 26
strawberries 27
Apples 29
Red currants 29
Peaches 29
unripe bananas 29
Sea ​​buckthorn 29
Dried apricots 29
passion fruit 29
white currant 31
pomelo 31
Strawberry 31
Raspberry 31
Annona (sugar apples) 33
Pears 33
fresh quince 34
oranges 34
dried apples 36
grenades 36
figs 37
Applesauce 37
Nectarines 37
tangerines 39
Gooseberry 40
Canned quince without sugar 40
Grape 40
Cereals, cereals and flour products
Defatted Soybean Flour 14
soy bread 16
rice bran 18
Barley porridge boiled in water 21
Quinoa 34
Wild rice (black) 34
Chinese vermicelli 34
Sprouted rye grains 36
pumpkin bread 38
Oat flakes (dry) 39
Wholemeal macaroni 39
Buckwheat porridge crumbly 39
Grain bread 40
Viscous oatmeal cooked with water 40
Hominy (porridge made from ground corn) 40
Viscous buckwheat porridge 40
Buckwheat flour 40
Milk and dairy products
tofu cheese 14
Low fat sugar free yogurt 14
Skimmed milk 26
Fat-free kefir 26
Fat-free cottage cheese 29
Soy milk 29
Cottage cheese (fat content 9%) 29
Cream (fat content 10%) 29
Sweetened condensed milk 29
Whole milk 33
Natural yoghurts (fat content 1.5%) 34
low fat yogurt 36
Seafood, fish
crayfish boiled 4
sea ​​cabbage 21
Fish burgers 39
Crab sticks 39
Meat products
sausages 27
Boiled sausage 33
Oils, fats, sauces
Tomato sauce 14
Pesto sauce (basil, cheese, olive oil) 16
Soy sauce 19
Peanut butter 33
Mustard 36
Tomato juice 13
Kvass 29
Orange juice unsweetened 39
carrot juice 39
apple juice unsweetened 39
Cocoa with milk without sugar 39
Other products
Vanillin 4
Cinnamon 6
sunflower seeds 7
Walnuts 14
salted mushrooms 14
Pine nuts 14
Hazelnut 16
ginger root 16
pistachios 16
Cashew nuts 16
cocoa powder 18
Fructose 19
Peanut 21
Dark chocolate (over 70% cocoa) 23
Almond 24
Pumpkin seeds 26
Berry marmalade without sugar 29
Vegetarian cabbage soup 29
dietary fiber 31
Vegetarian borscht 31
Yeast 32
Fruit jams without sugar 32
Almond milk 32
Sesame 34
Soy Milk Ice Cream 36
Lactose 38
Sorbet without added sugar 39

It is easy to see that the above list does not include meat, fish, poultry and other protein products. This is explained by the fact that protein foods contain practically no carbohydrates, which means that its glycemic index tends to zero.

Factors affecting the glycemic index of foods

  • One of the most important factors that can increase or decrease the glycemic index is the level of food processing. Refined foods (such as refined sugar or polished rice) and overcooked foods almost always have a higher GI. So, for example, the glycemic index of raw carrots is 34, and boiled - 86.
  • Fibrous, tough foods that require a long digestion time, as well as foods high in fiber, almost always have a low glycemic index. For example, the GI of ripe fresh apples is 29, while the glycemic index of apple juice without pulp and sugar is 39.
  • Foods rich in simple (fast) carbohydrates have a higher glycemic index compared to foods rich in complex (slow) carbohydrates.
  • The more fat and protein components in a food, the lower its glycemic index. Fats and proteins slow down the digestion of starch found in consumed foods and increase the time it takes for them to be completely digested.
  • Foods that contain resistant starch have a lower GI than foods rich in easily digestible starches.
  • The riper vegetables or fruits, the higher their GI. So, for example, the glycemic index of slightly green, unripe bananas ranges from 29–45, while overripe bananas reach 80–90.
  • In most cases, acidic food has a low GI: the acids present in its composition slow down the process of assimilation of starches. Conversely, salt added to meals accelerates the absorption of glucose and significantly increases the glycemic index of foods.
  • Grinding foods during cooking contributes to their glycemic index. The digestion of crushed food takes less time, which means that the absorption of the sugars contained in it occurs much faster.
  • The glycemic index of foods directly depends on what sugars are present in their composition. For example, meals containing glucose (glucose syrups, some juices, sports nutrition, etc.) dramatically increase blood sugar and have a high GI. At the same time, foods containing fructose (many fruits and berries) practically do not increase the sugar content in the blood, which means they have a low glycemic index.

When choosing foods, it is important to pay attention to their food GI. It shows how much a particular product changes blood sugar levels.

As you know, carbohydrates are divided into "fast" and "slow". Monosaccharides or fast carbohydrates are easily digested, provoking a sharp increase in blood sugar levels. If glucose is not immediately involved in physical exertion, then the body leaves this energy "in reserve", which is expressed in the form of body fat.

Polysaccharides or slow carbohydrates are absorbed by the body longer, gradually supplying the body with glucose. Thus, the glucose level is maintained without sharp fluctuations and for a long period of time, and for all this there is a table of glycemic indices.

What is the glycemic index?

Fast carbohydrates are useful when high energy expenditure is required, such as during a series of tiring physical activities. For this, special energy drinks were invented, which very quickly give the body the necessary elements for a sharp increase in blood glucose levels. When this level rises, the body responds by producing insulin.

This substance acts as a "transport" for glucose, delivering it to fat cells. That is why you should not exceed the rate of carbohydrate intake or consume the entire volume, because otherwise they will be deposited in subcutaneous fat. It was good in the days of primitive people, then food was not guaranteed for a person, and the fat reserve served as a safety net for unforeseen circumstances.

But in our time of constant struggle for the ideal shape, subcutaneous fat is something unimaginably negative. First of all, fat is the enemy, of course, for the weak half of humanity.

Slow carbohydrates are good for the body when it is in the process of recovery. In ordinary life, a high level of glucose in the blood is not needed, a person needs a gradual supply of energy throughout the day. The Diet Index is a measure of how quickly carbohydrates will be in the blood. From this, carbohydrates in specific products are called “fast” or “slow”.

Glucose was used in the calculation of the glycemic index for comparison. Its index is 100. All other foods are rated from 0 to 100. But many foods overcome the bar of 100, as you can see, they are ahead of even glucose in the speed of getting into the blood.

If we take glucose as a starting point, then all other foods are evaluated by what level of sugar in the blood is in the body after taking 100 grams of this product compared to eating the same 100 grams of glucose.

If the level is 50% of blood sugar after glucose, then the GI of this product is 50, and if 110% of sugar, then the index will be 110.

What determines the glycemic index of foods

It depends on many circumstances. Important individual reaction and the presence of deviations from the given data. The index is also affected by the specific type of carbohydrates (fast or slow), and the amount of fiber in a particular product. Fiber can significantly extend the time of digestion, making the intake of glucose uniform and gradual. The GI is affected by the type of proteins and fats in the product, and their amount.

All factors are taken into account by nutritionists and collected in summary tables. GI also depends on the way specific dishes are cooked, this fact is very difficult to take into account. But the influence of this fact is not essential to pay attention to it.

What foods to choose, given their GI indicators

Foods with a high glycemic index have the following advantages:

  • A surge of strength, due to a sharp increase in energy;
  • Rapid increase in blood sugar.
  • Foods with a low glycemic index also have their benefits:
  • The gradual provision of glucose to the body throughout the day;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • A slow increase in sugar levels, which reduces the likelihood of deposition of subcutaneous fat.

Disadvantages of high glycemic index foods:

  1. A fairly high probability of the appearance of body fat due to unstable blood sugar levels;
  2. The body is provided with carbohydrates for a short time;
  3. The products are not suitable for diabetic patients.

Disadvantages of foods that have a low glycemic status:

  • Low efficiency of reception during physical exertion;
  • Difficulty of preparation. There are quite a few low GI foods that you could snack on.

The best approach is to combine both types of foods in your diet. Which does not negate the need for careful selection and distribution throughout the day, for example, it can be coffee and dates, mango and melon.

Dairy indicators

dairy product They form the basis of the diet of many people, including athletes. The nutritional value of such foodstuffs is beyond doubt, moreover, they are not expensive and available. Many countries recognize the manufacturing industry as one of the most important.

Modern technologies allow a person to choose dairy products based on their tastes and preferences. There are various drinking yoghurts, fat-free cottage cheese, cheese curds and many other varieties of these products on the market, some of which can be consumed with coffee.

All this maximally provides people's need for protein and other vital elements. Dairy products are also the basis for the production of most proteins. Whey and casein are widely used in the manufacture of such products. With the help of filtration and hydrolysis, preparations are no longer with a low, but with a high level of biological value.

Indicators of bread, flour products

No matter how much a person cares about the figure, appearance and health, few people can completely refuse bread. Yes, this is not necessary. Nowadays, many types of bread are available, some people have bread machines at home, and anyone can choose a type of bread based on its calorie content and other characteristics.

You need to carefully choose the finished products. Many types of bread contain flavor additives that seriously increase the index. All kinds of sweeteners, flavor enhancers, a variety of dough leavening agents change the index of the final product.

If a person independently monitors his diet, it makes sense to choose simple varieties of bread. Or bake it on your own at home.

Glycemic index of cereals

Cereals occupy an important place in the diet of people who have constant physical activity. With large reserves of carbohydrates that supply the athlete's body with energy for muscle growth and training, grains have a low GI, which makes such products simply indispensable.

Not all grains are popular (barley porridge, for example), but they can be easily addicted to, realizing the invaluable health benefits they bring. Porridge for breakfast is a must for athletes without coffee, but with fruit, you can add dates and mangoes, melons, even grapes here.

Even as part of a strict diet, you can afford to eat nutritious porridge in the morning. Cereals contain a small amount of fat. Carbohydrates are represented by polysaccharides, which provide a slow and gradual increase in blood sugar levels, which gives strength for a long time.

However, you can not get carried away with all sorts of additives to cereals. If you add milk - then only skim, if sugar - then a small amount. When adding other products, the final GI of porridge can change greatly, deviating significantly from the base values ​​stated in the table.

For many people, giving up sugary foods and confectionery makes life very difficult. People cannot overcome the love of sweets by any means. In our time, the production of confectionery products has been elevated to the rank of art: confectioners become media people, and their products are exhibited at expositions. Of course, giving up the current variety of types of confectionery is not easy, just like giving up coffee.

Comparing products with the glycemic value table, sometimes you can afford some sweets and coffee .. Provided the right combination of products and choosing them with a minimum glycemic index. A sufficient part of the products have low GI values ​​and a good digestibility factor. If you combine your favorite foods with others that reduce the index, then you can safely eat sweets.

In any case, doctors advise taking foods with a high GI in the morning or immediately before training.

Eating such food after physical exertion will lead to the opposite effect: due to rapid absorption, insulin will be released and glucose will quickly pass into subcutaneous fat. Of course, such a result from studying the glycemic indices of foods is not desirable.

Indicators of vegetables and fruits

With vegetables and fruits, everything is quite simple. Vegetables are considered ideal products for an athlete, as they contain a lot of minerals, vitamins and other trace elements. Vegetables contain a lot of fiber, which promotes active digestion. In addition, vegetables have almost no fats and carbohydrates. At the same time, eating vegetables can effectively suppress appetite without providing energy to the body, which will force it to use subcutaneous fat.

Vegetables lower the overall GI of foods: if vegetables are consumed along with high GI foods, the rate of glucose entry into the blood becomes slower and lasts a long time.

Fruits are an indispensable supplier of L-carnitine, which enhances fat burning processes. Contrary to popular belief, fruits, mangoes, do not have as high a glycemic index of foods as they seem, one can even say that it is low, and this can be found when talking about melons, or eating grapes, mangoes, etc.

A large number of different fruits contain a lot of fiber, which is known to lower the GI. If you eat a banana or a mango after a workout, for example, a bunch of grapes will give the body a long and smooth source of carbohydrates to replenish lost energy.


Most drinks tend to have a fairly high glycemic index, just like coffee. This is due to the fact that sugar is here in dissolved form, in coffee, and the body absorbs it faster, like coffee. Moreover, many drinks are carbonated, which increases the digestibility of sugar.

But there are also useful points in this. For example, when using creatine, the intake of simple carbohydrates is indicated, which ensures the conversion of creatine into creatine phosphate in muscle cells. In this regard, grape juice is ideal, which has optimal indicators for the absorption of creatine.

It is worth noting that, for example, red wines have a low GI but improve digestion. Based on these characteristics, nutritionists advise drinking a small amount of dry red wine with the main meals, but not beer, so as not to know what it is.

Oils, sauces

The fact that sauces and oils have a low GI level is good only at first glance. A large amount of fat compensates for this indicator.

Of course, it is difficult to do without oil at all, as well as without coffee, you just need to choose a natural vegetable oil, such as olive oil.


Nuts have a low glycemic index, and this usually makes you think that the product is an excellent source of protein. It is not that simple. Nuts contain a large amount of fat, and are difficult to digest by the digestive organs. As a regular source of nutrients, nuts cannot serve most athletes.

After heat treatment, the nuts practically do not change their index, leaving it low, but the taste deteriorates. Therefore, nuts are best viewed as a small dessert and an infrequent addition to the diet, like coffee.

Diets based on the glycemic index of foods are difficult to follow. Not all people have the time and patience for this. However, to get a general idea about the features of the products is not difficult. Under equal conditions, for the daily diet, you need to choose products that have a small index. During or before a period of physical activity, foods with a high glycemic index should be consumed.

  1. Vegetables have a low glycemic index. In addition, they can, when taken together, lower the GI of other foods. Vegetables are an excellent source of fiber and vitamins, they improve the functions of the digestive tract. If it is necessary to lower the GI of the consumed dishes or the general diet, then along with dishes containing an increased GI, it is required to take foods with fiber, primarily vegetables.
  2. The most elevated GI has beer, carbonated drinks and some types of flour and confectionery products, full statistics always highlight them.
  3. The index also depends on the method of preparation. During the heat treatment, carbohydrates and proteins are partially denatured. For example, the glycemic index of mashed potatoes is significantly lower than that of boiled potatoes. Potatoes have the lowest GI when cooked in their skins. This is due to the fact that the product contains starch. Any foods with starch (cereals, cereals or pasta) lose their glycemic index during cooking.
  4. Throughout the day, the level of the glycemic index of foods should be reduced. By evening, the index should be minimal. During sleep, the human body almost does not consume energy, so excess blood sugar inevitably leads to the deposition of subcutaneous fat.

Food Glycemic Index Table

Product Glycemic index
beer 110
dates 103
corn tortillas 100
white bread toast 100
swede 99
parsnip 97
french buns 95
baked potatoes 95
rice flour 95
rice noodles 92
canned apricots 91
cactus jam 91
mashed potatoes 90
honey 90
instant rice porridge 90
cornflakes 85
boiled carrots 85
popcorn 85
white bread 85
rice bread 85
instant mashed potatoes 83
fodder beans 80
potato chips 80
crackers 80
muesli with nuts and raisins 80
tapioca 80
unsweetened waffles 76
donuts 76
watermelon 75
zucchini 75
pumpkin 75
long french bread 75
ground breadcrumbs for breading 74
wheat bagel 72
millet 71
boiled potatoes 70
coca-cola, fanta, sprite 70
potato starch, corn starch 70
boiled corn 70
marmalade, jam with sugar 70
mars, snickers (bars) 70
dumplings, ravioli 70
turnip 70
steamed white rice 70
sugar (sucrose) 70
fruit chips in sugar 70
milk chocolate 70
unleavened flatbread 69
wheat flour 69
croissant 67
a pineapple 66
cream with wheat flour 66
Swiss muesli 66
oatmeal, instant 66
dried green pea soup 66
bananas 65
melon 65
potatoes, boiled "in uniform" 65
canned vegetables 65
couscous 65
semolina 65
sand baskets with fruits 65
orange juice, ready 65
black bread 65
raisin 64
Pasta with cheese 64
shortbread cookies 64
beet 64
black bean soup 64
biscuit 63
wheat grains, sprouted 63
wheat flour fritters 62
twix 62
hamburger buns 61
pizza with tomatoes and cheese 60
white rice 60
yellow pea soup 60
canned sweet corn 59
pies 59
papaya 58
pita arabian 57
wild rice 57
mango 55
oatmeal cookies 55
butter cookies 55
fruit salad with whipped cream 55
tarot 54
germinal flakes 53
sweet yogurt 52
ice cream 52
tomato soup 52
bran 51
buckwheat 50
sweet potatoes (yam) 50
kiwi 50
brown rice 50
spaghetti, pasta 50
tortellini with cheese 50
bread, buckwheat pancakes 50
sherbet 50
oatmeal 49
amylose 48
bulgur 48
green peas, canned 48
grape juice, no sugar 48
grapefruit juice, no sugar 48
fruit bread 47
lactose 46
M&Ms 46
pineapple juice, no sugar 46
bread with bran 45
canned pears 44
lentil puree soup 44
colored beans 42
canned turkish peas 41
grape 40
green peas, fresh 40
hominy (porridge made from cornmeal) 40
orange juice, freshly squeezed, no sugar 40
apple juice, no sugar 40
white beans 40
wheat grain bread, rye bread 40
pumpkin bread 40
fish sticks 38
wholemeal spaghetti 38
lima bean soup 36
oranges 35
Chinese vermicelli 35
green peas, dry 35
figs 35
natural yogurt 35
low fat yogurt 35
quinoa 35
dried apricots 35
maize 35
raw carrots 35
soy milk ice cream 35
pears 34
rye grains, sprouted 34
chocolate milk 34
peanut butter 32
Strawberry 32
whole milk 32
lima beans 32
green bananas 30
black beans 30
turkish peas 30
berry marmalade without sugar, jam without sugar 30
milk 2 percent 30
soy milk 30
peaches 30
apples 30
sausages 28
skimmed milk 27
red lentils 25
cherry 22
crushed yellow peas 22
grapefruit 22
pearl barley 22
plums 22
soybeans, canned 22
green lentils 22
dark chocolate (70% cocoa) 22
fresh apricots 20
peanut 20
soybeans, dry 20
fructose 20
rice bran 19
walnuts 15
eggplant 10
broccoli 10
mushrooms 10
Green pepper 10
mexican cactus 10
cabbage 10
onion 10
tomatoes 10
leaf lettuce 10
lettuce 10
garlic 10
sunflower seeds 8

Why do we need to know him, how he helps to lose weight, and what to do if you want to make a balanced diet - Vika Bazoeva understands.

What is the glycemic index of a product and why you need to know it

In essence, the glycemic index is what defines fast and slow carbohydrates. Fast carbohydrates are instantly absorbed by the body, but do not really give it “nutrition”, and therefore, after a bun with tea or a sweet fruit, we want to eat again in half an hour. Slow carbohydrates behave much better: they give the body energy much longer, which means that we have a feeling of fullness for a long time. There are three levels of the glycemic index: from 0 to 55 - low, from 56 to 69 - medium and from 70 to 100 - high. The glycemic index is also responsible for the level of sugar in the blood.

Ivan Zhukov

Pro Trainer studio trainer

The glycemic index is a value that characterizes the rate at which carbohydrates break down into glucose. The longer the product breaks down, the better. For example, when there is a strong and sudden release of sugar (that is, when you eat something with a high glycemic index), the body releases insulin to utilize this sugar. Insulin simultaneously contributes to the deposition (that is, storage) of fats in the body. The result is weight gain. The task of those who want to lose weight and lead a healthy lifestyle is to maintain blood sugar at the same level so that it does not “jump” and the body does not have to store fat “just in case”. And for this you need to memorize the list of products with a low glycemic index.

8 facts about the glycemic index

  1. Foods that do not contain (or contain very little) carbohydrates - meat, fish, eggs, avocados, wine and beer - cannot have a glycemic index.
  2. One food can have a different glycemic index - for example, a green banana will have a lower glycemic index than a banana approaching its yellow super maturity. Unripe and unripe fruits have a higher glycemic index than ripe ones.
  3. The general rule is that the closer a food is to its natural form, the lower its glycemic index - brown rice will always be better than polished, and coarse oatmeal will outperform instant oatmeal.
  4. The way food is prepared also affects the glycemic index: fat, fiber, and acid (such as lemon juice or vinegar) lower the glycemic index of foods.
  5. The longer you cook starchy foods like pasta, the higher their glycemic index becomes. That is, pasta "al dente" is better than boiled.
  6. Blood sugar, however, is also affected by the state of your body: if you have diabetes or gastroparesis, then these diseases slow down the absorption of food.
  7. Just because a food has a low glycemic index doesn't mean it has to be eaten in huge amounts or super healthy - so it's always worth remembering a balanced diet, calories, vitamins and minerals. For example, potato chips have a lower glycemic index than oatmeal and the same as green peas. However, oatmeal and green peas are richer in nutrients.
  8. Portion size matters: don't flatter yourself even if you eat only low glycemic foods, don't eat twice as much if you plan to lose weight, but feel hungry all the time - it won't do you any good.

Foods with a low glycemic index:

  1. Bread with bran or multi-cereal.
  2. Oats: oatmeal, muesli (the coarser the oatmeal, the better).
  3. Vegetables: asparagus, avocado, sweet peppers, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, green beans, cucumbers, fennel, mushrooms, lettuce, olives, olive oil, spinach, tomatoes, carrots, eggplant, garlic, peas , onions, corn, beans, beans.
  4. Seeds: sesame seeds, flax seeds.
  5. Soy products: tofu.

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