How to stop a cold if you feel it coming. How to overcome a cold in record time? Proven Recommendations

Infectious diseases Articles

September 20, 2011, 13:59 X 141905 K 40

How to quickly beat a cold?


Fast does not always mean quality, but in getting rid of an unexpectedly cleared cold, most people prefer to hurry. Some are in a hurry to get back to work, others do not want to ruin their vacation, others are afraid of infecting their loved ones, and almost everyone wants to end their stuffy nose, fever and sore throat as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the possibilities of the body are not unlimited, and on cold treatment in any case, it will take some time, but there are many ways, resorting to which, you can speed up the process of recovery.

At the first symptoms of a cold(sore throat, irritation or discomfort in the nasopharynx, runny nose, headache) should be treated immediately. At the same time, keep in mind that several cups of any antipyretic or effervescent aspirin is more of an attempt to numb the symptoms than a successful therapy. Perhaps after such a “massive attack” your condition will improve (more precisely, it will seem that this happened). Meanwhile, from long-term manifestations diseases (cough, runny nose) can not be eliminated in this way. In fact, in the first hours of a cold, the body tries to cope with viruses, and the immune system(that is, leukocytes - defender cells) secretes various substances with antiviral activity. At this point, you need to pay attention to drugs that stimulate the immune system. The following medicines are best known: immunal, arbidol, antigrippin, anaferon. strictly according to the instructions, in recommended doses and regularly (most often, with interruptions in taking the next dose from half an hour to 2 hours, depending on the specific medication). Only in this case the effect of their application will be tangible and positive.

What else can be done? First, stop smoking (at least for a day). It is already difficult for the body to fight viruses, do not aggravate the situation tobacco smoke. Secondly, drink a cup of hot tea with ginger and honey (pour a quarter cup of peeled and grated ginger with honey and boil, and add half a teaspoon of the mixture to a cup of tea). You can also drink raspberry tea or lime blossom. Third, gargle. Plain warm water with a spoonful of salt is also suitable, but soda can be added to the solution, beetroot juice, a few drops of iodine or vinegar.

runny nose starts with pain in the head and forehead, as well as a feeling of unpleasant "drilling" in the sinuses. The mucous membranes of the nose become inflamed, swelling develops, the production of mucus increases sharply, as a result of which the nasal passages overlap, the person begins to breathe through the mouth. It should be noted that the increased volume of mucus performs important function- helps cleanse the body of toxins. Despite this, the first thing many people try to do is stop unpleasant symptoms with the help of vasoconstrictor drops and aerosols from the common cold. This is not true: aerosols dry out the mucous membrane, disrupt the olfactory function and are addictive, and the effect of their use is short-lived. These tools can only be used in extreme cases. Slightly less harmful are drops from a runny nose based on natural oils, for example, preparations containing fir or Eucalyptus oil. They have a bactericidal effect, reducing mucus secretion and making breathing easier.

What else can be done? Perhaps everyone knows that steam inhalation of boiled potatoes is excellent for a runny nose. The effectiveness of such a tool is recognized even medical specialists. In some cases (in the absence of sinusitis), you can warm up the nose with a bag of salt calcined in a pan or boiled egg. It is equally important to be warm during a runny nose and not get cold, and if the temperature is not high, then you can soar your feet in hot water with mustard (and, in any case, wear warm socks).

A sore throat usually treated with antiseptic and antimicrobial agents local action. It is best to start with a regular rinse, for which a decoction of chamomile, sage or coltsfoot is perfect. It is permissible to prepare a solution, which has already been discussed above: 1 teaspoon of salt per glass of water with the addition of 1 teaspoon of soda or a drop of iodine. Therapeutic lozenges, lozenges and other sucking tablets They are also capable of providing first aid. The following drugs have proven themselves well: Pharyngosept, Falimint, Efizol, Sebedin, Septefril, Antiangin, Chlorophilipt. Any of them is better to use between meals, be sure to keep on the tongue until completely dissolved and do not drink. With antibacterial aerosols for the throat, it is recommended to be more careful: it is dangerous to prescribe a remedy for yourself, you need to consult a doctor. In addition, you need to carefully read the instructions and apply sprays with caution.

A few more helpful tips:

  • Scientifically proven to fight colds and flu chicken broth. It is he (among 13 chicken soups cooked according to other recipes) that has the most pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, soothes sore throats and makes breathing easier with nasal congestion.
  • Inflating balloons with a cold, it helps to actively ventilate the lungs, and therefore reduce the likelihood of complications in the form of bronchitis or pneumonia. And you can also have fun and play "air football", driving paper balls across the table - this will also cheer you up.
  • Drink more water. Warm tea with rose hips and honey will contribute to the recovery. Non-carbonated mineral water will help in the fight against viruses that do not like an alkaline environment. Freshly squeezed juices will boost your immune system. In general, water will help to "remove" from the body not only the ailment itself, but also the metabolites of the drugs with which we were treated for it.
  • Don't get carried away bed rest, since with prolonged lying, the ventilation of the lungs and bronchi decreases, and congestion may begin in them. There is no need to spend the whole day in bed, a leisurely walk will bring noticeably more benefit(of course, if your temperature is not 40 0).
  • Remember Vitamin C- This is one of the main assistants in the treatment of colds. Lemons, tangerines, kiwi, grapefruits, vegetable salads(for example, from fresh cabbage with sunflower oil or from green peppers with tomatoes) will replenish the body's reserves of vitamins C, E and potassium.

*Photo courtesy

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thanks for interesting tips. True, I was confused by the point about bed rest: isn't it better to spend the day in bed, but in a well-ventilated room (with open window For example)? In winter, you don’t really take a walk on the street, and even when the temperature doesn’t want to go anywhere at all

. Ksenia Volkonskaya September 20 at 17:20

It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room, but if the room window is constantly open during the cold season, then there is a risk of "catching" a complication (everything is good in moderation).
At a high temperature, bed rest is indicated, at a moderate temperature, it is no longer necessary to lie constantly. Of course, you should not force yourself to go for a walk by force, the main thing is not to completely lose activity.

I agree, if there is no high temperature, there is no point in lying in bed all day. Jogging really helps me. 20-30 minutes at a speed of 9-10 km per hour. Really relieves. Usually the next day is almost all gone. From a runny nose at night, you need to drip essential oil into an aroma lamp and put it next to the bed. Or else the spray helps to breathe well, you can simply spray it around the house or on bed sheets splash. The nose begins to breathe almost immediately.

. Romalla November 14 at 15:21

Plus, the spray is still good to drink herbal preparations. For example Breast collection No. 4 I drink, the most the best remedy from ARVI and ARI for me became. I at all Lately on natural preparations passed, tired of all this chemistry (((

I quickly recover just by drinking Theraflu, usually I don’t get very sick and two sachets are enough for me. Even if it's not a cold, but a slight malaise with symptoms that resemble a cold, I take one sachet. More than two years have passed, after three days I no longer had any colds.

Previously, by the way, it was believed that it was not necessary to bring down the symptoms, but now they say that it is even necessary.
At all, ethnoscience- it's strong. Even better in places than most modern drugs. But lately I have such a busy life that allowing myself to get sick is a luxury!
Therefore, often instead of drinking tea with raspberries, wrapped in a warm checkered blanket, I drink teraflu, and then in the morning I already run to work to submit reports. Personally, I don’t complain, it’s even more convenient for me, the main thing is that the symptoms of the disease have disappeared, I feel better than anyone.

I was very surprised when I found out about the proven effectiveness of chicken broth))) But as practice has shown, it really helps, it’s easier to breathe, especially with your nose) And teraflu is far from a panacea, I would say, but it’s really easier to recover with it, and you don’t feel like a head of cabbage boiled cabbage during illness))

And why is there no advice for those who caught a cold on outdoor recreation, or on a business trip, just on the road? I personally always take Theraflu with me on a long trip, it quickly kills all the symptoms and you can lie down even in bed without a headache and aches. adverse conditions. But in any case, getting sick is not a pleasant thing, to increase immunity I drink teraflu-immuno.

Most surprising are the articles in which it is written that bringing down the temperature is very harmful and does not contribute to recovery at all. And in general, in particular, the same is said about the removal of symptoms. And this is all despite the fact that doctors have been saying for a long time that the removal of symptoms only facilitates recovery, it is removed from the body extra load and he calmly fights his illness. Therefore, I also constantly relieve symptoms with some kind of powder like teraflu and recover not under a blanket with a temperature for a week, but in two or three days and in a vigorous, adequate state.

. Tatyana233 April 30 at 2:51 pm

The cold is serious. The main thing is not to throw all sorts of pills, otherwise the immune system is weakened. You can't just take medicine all the time. For example, as soon as the symptoms of the disease appear, I remove them by drinking Theraflu and, in addition, I take Theraflu Immuno. Immunity in recovery is important. And then I go to bed and warm water I drink all the time. This makes coughing easier. Honey with tea helps to sweat. and then there already and all the viruses will come out.
A antiviral tablets I never even eat. Because first of all, if there is any sense from them, then only in the first 48 hours. And secondly, these flu strains are already mutating and adapting to antiviral drugs.

. Alisa Ivanova May 29 at 07:28

interesting about balls, will have to try)
I also use Reamed's phytocandles for colds. they are very good in this matter, I put it on at night, they warm the nose, the runny nose disappears and falls asleep very well!

. Tanechka Isaeva November 28 at 16:51

In my opinion, a cold is easier to prevent than to cure. I'm always doing prevention. I prefer folk remedies and hardening. And for those who do not have time to prepare their own medicines at home, there are different natural remedies, which can be bought at any pharmacy ... For example, for prevention, Dyshi oil is good for prevention, his friend advised me to try it. She started dripping it on her scarf for her child when he went to kindergarten. In general, and I now use it. Take care of your health!

I also like to breathe, but, unfortunately, it disappears very quickly and ends) I also drip Derinat at the same time to restore and strengthen the nasopharyngeal mucosa and immunity (a sort of invisible barrier for viruses)) I want to say that I have become much less sick, such an experience )

. Zhiltsova December 02 at 02:57

Interestingly, I’m not sure that all this is effective ((At the very first symptoms of a cold, I begin to intensively ventilate the room, unlike the option proposed here with clogged windows, I also disinfect the air with essential oils. Now I switched to Breathe, which is especially good for prevention, and the cold passes if not in one day (this is generally unlikely, I think), but really very quickly.

. Svetlana Sem June 27 at 00:26

Bringing down the temperature below 38.5 is not advised, including in children. About chicken broth - it has long been known that there is no "life-giving" effect from it, it is much more useful to eat vegetable soup. And vitamins and, again, liquid. If you bring down the temperature, then without any "folk" amateur performance, it's effective with teraflu powders, for example, which have already been commented on here. And bed rest is also needed, only complications can be earned on the legs.

I prefer to be treated for a cold, and if it is treated or treated incorrectly, then you can harm your health. I am being treated for a cold with antigrippin, and they can be cured quickly, the pressure does not increase and does not put a strain on the heart.

And the truth is, when I get sick, I really want chicken broth, maybe because it reminds me of my childhood, when my mother took care of me. And the main effect, of course, is exerted by medicines, amixin saves me, when I get sick, I immediately take it and it helps me very quickly. And most importantly, the effect lasts for a long time and there are no relapses.

. Carrie February 26 at 1:24 pm

I believe that you can defeat a cold only with prevention) and when you are already sick, it means that a cold has defeated you)) so I try to prevent myself and my child from a cold (we do this with the help of Derinat). for the prevention of colds, it is necessary, first of all, to protect the nasopharyngeal mucosa, and so Derinat copes with this perfectly. if we catch a cold now sometimes (very rarely now), then we recover instantly thanks to the same Derinat

. Leona 17 March at 15:15

Thank you for the article. they even smiled a little by “inflating balloons”) it’s easier for me to buy something special in a pharmacy than to inflate balloons) recently, on the recommendation of a cold, Derinat bought drops, so the disease went away in just four days (or rather, even flew by). with a bang, the nasopharyngeal mucosa is strengthened and restored, through which viruses enter the body, by the way. so now I decided that prevention is our everything, for which I use the same Derinat (quite successfully)

. SofaSofia April 04 at 07:23

Actually, it's better not to get sick at all. The tips are just amazing. I absolutely agree about the broth, it always helps me during illness, and also vitamins. Though I haven't been sleeping at all lately. I think that the secret is in herbal medicine. I used to not like herbs, but I had to fall in love. Firstly, she began to get sick often, and these are problems with work. Secondly, age no longer allows you to get sick, because the older you are, the more severe the disease is tolerated. And yes, being sick is bad. I discovered the world of herbal medicine, I prefer the herbs of the Krasnogorsk plant, I liked them more than others. Now I drink delicious herbal teas and forgot about the cold, which I wish everyone.

I always try to be treated only with herbs, I drink them for prevention and maintenance of health, it helps a lot, I believe that Mother Nature took care of us in everything and herbs for us are natural medicine. My great-grandmother was a herbalist, the whole village went to her for treatment, it’s a pity that she didn’t pass on her knowledge to anyone. I buy herbs in a pharmacy, I use them for colds chest fees, I brew them and drink them, and also do inhalations, it helps a lot. Only now, not all manufacturers have recently inspire confidence in me, here you need to be careful, apparently they, like medicines, have also begun to be faked. Now I buy herbs only from the Krasnogorsk plant, I know that they have strict quality control.

Theraflu can be used as emergency measure with a cold or flu, but this medicine is useless for treating flu, it just relieves symptoms and nothing more (these are the words of many doctors). I drink with a cold antiviral drug(the last few times it was reaferon lipint), quickly puts on its feet, especially in combination with bed rest, plentiful drink and taking vitamins.

. Fork 11 September at 15:26

OOO on the hospital I look just like this dog)))) Although I now drink amixin and get better very quickly, so such a suffering state does not last long

It's no secret to anyone that better disease to kill in the bud or not to infect yourself at all, than to be treated later. But while the state of health is excellent, no one thinks about strengthening the immune system. But as soon as you catch a cold, trips to the pharmacy immediately begin, buying a ton of chemicals with the hope that it will help. First of all, antibiotics are bought up, which are not only useless against a cold, but also harmful to the body. They kill all bacteria in a row (also useful ones), but the causative agent of a cold is viruses. Before pumping up all sorts of drugs, visit a doctor, and, without wasting such an important time, start using the old folk remedies to defeat the disease.

A sore throat

Tickling throat? Cough is an integral part of the common cold. The simplest way get rid of it - do deep breaths. With such exercises, ventilation of the lungs occurs, despite the fact that it is not easy, it is quite effective. Driving a sheet of paper across the table or inflating balloons, you can limit yourself to a cold and not get bronchitis.

To get rid of pain, you should carefully gargle. An effective way is a light salt solution. To prepare it, just throw a couple of pinches table salt into a vessel with warm water. This solution can also be instilled into the nose. A couple of drops every day will help you forget what a runny nose is.

Just in case the options above don't help. You can apply another costly, but very effective way. Compresses from white cabbage- a great way to get rid of annoying pain. The main thing is not to forget to change the compress hourly. For the lazy, an easier way is to wrap your neck with a warm cloth scarf and not talk as much as you can.

Fluid is the key to success

Forget about fatty and protein foods. Let your body fight the virus, not the amount of food you ate. During the illness, make chicken broth your favorite dish. Lightweight and tasty soup will be an excellent protector from deterioration. By eating garlic, cranberries, oranges, sea buckthorn, everyone will be able not only to provide the body with the vitamins necessary to fight the disease (C, E, potassium), but also to strengthen the immune system.

The mortal enemy of the cold is alkaline environment person. That's why you should drink plenty of fluids. Rosehip decoction, raspberry jam, cranberry juice, a wide variety of tinctures with lemon, chamomile and sea buckthorn - the best helpers against colds, as well as excellent immunity enhancers. Brew green tea or ginger tea natural honey. But remember that the norm of green tea is no more than four cups, and the norm of tea with ginger or lemon is two cups.


Perhaps one of the most pleasant ways to deal with the disease can be called massage. If you have a runny nose, then great way it will be pleasant to overcome it acupressure faces. The procedure lasts only two minutes, but it should be repeated every hour. The whole point is to press on special points distributed near the wings of the nose and between the eyebrows. The time of pressure on the point should not exceed fifteen seconds. Also perform rotational movements 7 times in one direction and the same in the other.

Folk methods of treatment are an excellent support. But this is not the way to fight a cold or even the flu. If for 3 days the temperature stays at around 39 degrees, it is hard to breathe, and when you inhale, you feel pain, and there is shortness of breath - call the doctor. Any disease, even a cold, can turn into more severe form and strike at a weak body with various complications.

What to do if you have an appointment in the coming days important meeting or event, and you feel symptoms that signal the onset of a cold? In this article, we will look at several effective ways that will allow you to cure a cold in 1 day and restore your health.

1 way to cure a cold in 1 day

You can cure a cold in 1 day using proven time fast acting remedy. One of the most effective methods- This is a special cocktail, which includes the following ingredients:

    Mix vodka and freshly squeezed juice onion in the ratio 1:1;

    Add juice from 1/3 lemon;

    Add a tablespoon of honey;

If the patient's weight is from 40 to 75 kilograms, then it is recommended to drink half a glass of a cocktail, and with a body weight of 75 kilograms - 1 glass. The mixture should be drunk in small sips, and then, take cover warm blanket and sleep at least 8-10 hours. It should be taken into account that this method treatment is suitable for those who do not have gastrointestinal diseases or allergies to any of the above ingredients.

Additional Steps to Cure a Cold

    In addition, to cure a cold, you can add a pinch of soda, honey and butter. The mixture should be taken before going to bed, covered with several blankets to sweat well. After this procedure, you will notice that the next day your health will improve significantly.

    Another effective method, helping to increase the body's resistance to the disease - eat two lemons with honey or dragees, which contain required amount vitamin C. If desired, a few citrus fruits can be boiled in a container filled with three liters of water, adding honey or sugar to it. However, it should be borne in mind that this option is recommended only for those who do not have gastric diseases.

    Mustard is another remedy that will help cure a cold. You can put it in warm woolen socks and put it on before bed or take a hot foot bath with it.

    During a cold, it is very important to remove all harmful toxins from the body. For this purpose, you can prepare compote from any dried fruits. A dried apricot drink contains amino acids and iron, allowing the patient to recuperate, and prunes and raisin compote is rich in fructose and glucose, and in addition, this composition has a positive effect on the state of the stomach. It is recommended to drink the drink warm and preferably lying under a blanket in order to sweat properly. In order to positive effect was noticeable the next day, it is recommended to drink compote in large enough quantities.

2 way to cure a cold in 1 day

In order to effectively get rid of a cold or SARS in 1 day, you can apply complex treatment, thanks to which you can quickly restore your health without using any medications or antibiotics.

1. Visiting a bath or sauna

Is it possible to cure a cold in 1 day? Yes, you can. But the main thing is to catch the moment, to feel chills, body aches, sore throat and other symptoms.

The first and most effective thing to do is to go to the sauna or bath, and with essential oils, which will immediately provide you with inhalation. It will be enough for 2 hours to steam well. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids during and after the procedure! You can prepare yourself water with lemon, citrus juice (diluted with water 1 to 1),. Of course it might fit ordinary water, the main thing is that you drink a lot!. After that, return home and go to bed. The next day you will be healthy.

Of course, you can warm up the body just by taking a warm bath. However, do not expect the same effect as from a bath or sauna. At the time of acceptance water procedures it is advisable to observe the measure and not go to bed too much hot water, because if you find yourself steamed after a bath in bed, the disease can become even more active. The optimum water temperature should be 38C - 40C heat, and it should be in it for no longer than 30 minutes.

If you play sports, then you can resort to the "sports" method, how to cure a cold in 1 day. To do this, you need to dress in sportswear, but in such that you are very warm, and run along the street (provided that the weather is warm outside). The goal of running is to sweat as well as possible from the inside. After running, drink plenty of fluids, take a shower, and go to bed. By morning, the virus should be defeated.

2. Cleansing the sinuses

For this purpose, you need to fill the kettle with water at a temperature of approximately 37C, add a teaspoon of salt to it and stir. The nose is flushed in the following way: the body should be tilted forward, leaving the back and knees straight, turn it to the right by 50 degrees, raise the head up and pour water into the right nostril, and it should flow out of the left. Perhaps at first, due to nasal congestion, you will not be able to do everything right, so you need to apply perseverance when clearing it, and everything will definitely work out. Then you should repeat the procedure for the left side, and so twice.

Salt dosage:

    For adults: 1 teaspoon per 0.5 liters of warm boiled water.

    For children: 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of warm boiled water.

    For advanced: 1 teaspoon per 0.5 liters of warm boiled water. Here we add 1/4 teaspoon of soda and 1-2 drops of iodine.

Inhalations with onion and garlic. To perform the procedure, they are crushed and added to a pre-prepared solution for inhalation.

Inhalation with a solution sea ​​salt. To prepare it, you need a liter of water and 3 tablespoons of salt. If desired, a teaspoon of soda is added to this solution.

You can also add essential oils, but only if you are not allergic to them. Pine oil, eucalyptus oil, Altai cedar oil, juniper oil, thuja oil, lavender oil, oil tea tree. For creating concentrated solution, which will produce healing effect, you will need no more than 5 drops of any oil per glass of water.

In addition, there are special appliances for inhalation, which are called. This modern instrument for home inhalation. Moreover, the pharmacy has a lot of ready-made solutions for nebulizers, which will speed up your recovery several times.

A mandatory item in the treatment is a warm drink, for example, green tea with currant jam and lemon. The amount of liquid you drink in the first days of a cold should be several times higher. physiological need, up to 5 liters and more!

Most effective tea, which will help you cure a cold in 1 day is described below:

    grated root fresh ginger- 1 tablespoon;

    Ground cinnamon - 1 teaspoon;

    Pureed fresh or frozen cranberries - 2 teaspoons;

    Boiling water - 0.5 liters.

Tea is brewed for 20 minutes. Drink 1 glass as often as possible.

Important advice - do not bring down the temperature, this can only harm the body. Try to watch TV less often and listen to music, in order for the immune system to recover, you need complete rest. Light form colds at this treatment will disappear after six hours, in more complex cases it can last about 12 hours, and from serious viral diseases You can get rid of this way in two days.

During this period, it is not recommended to eat food of animal origin. If you want to get well as soon as possible and avoid the recurrence of a cold, eat fresh fruits, which contains many beneficial vitamins and minerals.

How to cure a cold in 1 day with medicines?

Here we have listed the most effective means which can be bought at the pharmacy. Using them, you can quickly recover from a cold.

First of all, you need to take - amixin, which stimulates the production of interferon. Moreover, it is compatible with all medicines used in the treatment of acute respiratory diseases and flu.

At the same time, drink the natural immunomodulator Doppelherz immunotonic (Germany) to strengthen the immune system.

When severe cough with sputum, buy Bromhexine in the form of tablets. Facilitates breathing, dilutes sputum, promotes secretion. If you have a cough without sputum, then it will be more effective to take homeopathic remedy Stodal Syrup, which has no contraindications and side effects.

During the off-season, we have every chance to easily catch a cold: the body is weakened, there are not enough vitamins, and the sun is not particularly visible yet, and if it comes warm, then it’s still temporary ...

Do you feel that your nose is stuffy, your throat is tickling, your head is literally splitting, and tomorrow you need to urgently go to work (or shine at a holiday)? Our express methods help you quickly cope with the onset of the disease.

123RF/ Anastasia Nelen

1. Ventilate the lungs

To prevent complications after a cold, such as bronchitis or pneumonia, you need to actively ventilate the lungs. Inflating balloons - excellent tool for this, it will be mastered by every adult. Well, with the kids you can do "air football": crumple the paper and drive it around the table with the help of a stream of air blown out of your mouth. This fun not only cheers up, but also helps fight a cold.

2. Breathe over the steam

A hot bath or water vapor is another effective way to get rid of a cold at home. The virus is known to be very sensitive to high temperatures, so it can be overcome through the nasal cavities. They do it in different ways: some inhale the steam of hot water poured into some kind of container, others turn on hot water in the bathroom and breathe warm steam there.

3. Humidify the air

Modern air humidifiers do an excellent job with this task. They help to avoid nasal congestion and create a moist environment in the sinuses. To avoid getting into the air harmful bacteria, clean this device regularly.

123RF/Mikhail Akhanov

4. Rinse your nose and mouth with saline

One treatment for a sore throat is to rinse it with salt water. In a glass of warm boiled water, you need to dissolve half a teaspoon of table salt or 1/3 teaspoon of sea salt, and then periodically rinse your mouth 5-6 times.

For washing the nose, you can use self-prepared saline solution, but it is better to choose ready solution bought at a pharmacy. Firstly, it is stored in a sterile vial, and secondly, sometimes manufacturers add immortelle, essential oils, etc.

5. Have Vitamin C

Fruits and vegetables that contain ascorbic acid, increase protective functions organism. This is due to the fact that the work of white blood cells, which are able to attack viruses, improves. Here is a list of products from high content vitamin C:

  • garlic;
  • peppermint;
  • products containing zinc;
  • lemon, orange, grapefruit;
  • celery, parsley, cauliflower.

6. Drink chicken broth

The effectiveness of chicken broth in the fight against colds is scientifically proven! Everyone who wants to quickly cure the flu should know about this grandmother's remedy. Scientists at the University of Munich conducted an experiment with 13 types of chicken soups: it turned out that they all have strong anti-inflammatory properties, reduce nasal congestion and relieve sore throats.

123RF/Oleksandr Prokopenko

7. Pleasant folk remedies

Honey is another folk remedy against SARS and influenza. It increases the protective properties of the body against any external influences. If you feel pain in your throat or nasopharynx, suck 1 teaspoon of honeycomb until it turns into a ball of wax.

Another means of preventing viral diseases is propolis with oil. Need to mix alcohol tincture propolis with melted butter in a ratio of 1: 2 and keep the mixture in a water bath until the alcohol evaporates. After cooling, dissolve a teaspoon oil extract propolis every 2-3 hours.

And if you are frozen, then an old proven remedy will help - mulled wine. Add spices to dry red wine (cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg) and lemon, heat to 45 degrees, then drink and go to bed.

123RF/ Yurii Tytarenko

8. Fragrant Helpers

According to statistics, people who regularly eat horseradish, onions and garlic rarely get colds and flu. Because these products contain natural antibiotics and reliably protect our body from viruses and bacteria.

And if you do not like onions and garlic, then aromatherapy will help. It is necessary to make gruel out of these products, place them in a container with a lid and inhale useful vapors. When the remedy wears out, make a new one.

As you can see, it is quite possible not to get sick. You just have to be vigilant and take immediate action at the slightest ailment!

To combat precisely such symptoms, there are a lot of drugs that are sold without a prescription. What is the difference?

Are all drops the same?

“Such drugs constrict blood vessels in the nasal mucosa, removing swelling and restoring breathing,” explains Professor Vladimir Kozlov, head of the department of otorhinolaryngology at the Central State Medical Academy. - There is no fundamental difference between them: they all have a similar mechanism of action and belong to the group of so-called adrenomimetics. I do not recommend only drugs with naphazoline, they were created a long time ago and act harder than others. Everyone's problem vasoconstrictors one is addiction: without them, the nose stops breathing. Many people still sit on these drugs without any colds, burying them daily. Particular attention should be paid to those who have a deformed intranasal septum, enlarged turbinates, have adenoids and others. chronic problems with a nose. In such cases, addiction develops faster and is more difficult to treat.

Nasal sprays and drops can help with dry nose. sea ​​water. But it is even better to do a simple irrigation of the nose - washing copious amounts salt water. It is ideal to use the usual saline which is sold in pharmacies. But you can make such a liquid yourself by dissolving 1 tsp. salt in 0.5 liters of boiled water.

Earlier is better

“It is important to start treating the throat as early as possible,” continues Vladimir Kozlov. - Better immediately when pain, itching or other discomfort. So you can stop the development of the disease. Rinsing with tinctures of sage, chamomile, as well as a solution of soda or salt is perfect. critical role at the same time, a simple mechanical cleansing of the inflamed mucous membranes plays. If you like, you can use tablets, lozenges and other drugs that need to be absorbed. They are convenient to use at work, on the road and other cases when there is no way to gargle. These remedies will also help with a moderate cough caused by inflammation in the throat. We have tested menthol lozenges with essential oils and they really did relieve the cough. Optional to use expensive drugs, cheap mukaltin, sage, chamomile and other lozenges for sucking on plant-based. In severe coughing fits, a doctor's consultation is already needed.

How to treat cold symptoms

If the nose is not breathing

The most common drugs from the group of so-called. adrenomimetics:

Nazivin, Galazolin, Tizin, Rinostop, Dlyanos, Otrivin, Sanorin, Naphthyzin and many other drugs.

Do not use during periods when the nose is breathing. In no case should not be used for longer than 3-5 days (so as not to earn addiction).

If the nose breathes, but you are worried about dryness in the nose, burning, discharge

Accept the following drugs: Evamenol ointment, Pinosol drops, preparations with sea water (Aqua Maris, Salin, Marimer), Kameton, Camphomen, Ingacamf inhalers and other ointments and gels for the nose.

Relieve cough

Preparations based on medicinal plants- Mukaltin, Likorin, Terpinhydrate, tablets with sage, chamomile, "Cough pills", so-called. "Breast fees";

Therapeutic lozenges, lozenges, tablets with menthol, essential oils and some other components - Neo-Angin, Strepsils, Falimint, Pharyngosept.

If the cough is dry and stronger, then they take drugs that depress it: Sinekod, Paxeladin, Tusuprex, Libeksin. You can use codeine, but only by prescription.

A sore throat

Rinses or inhalations based on medicinal plants containing essential oils of eucalyptus, thyme, coniferous trees, mint, menthol, camphor - "asterisk", eucabal, bronchicum, mentoclar, medicinal fees for the throat;

Sprays - camphomen, inhalipt, tantum verde, hexoral, etc. Contain essential oils or antiseptics.

* These remedies also help with sore throats.

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