Excessive aggression causes. Causes of aggression in men. Long term anger control

Our society tends to justify sporadic attacks of aggression in men, without inquiring into them. true reason. “They are boys, boys are supposed to fight!” "A man is a fighter by nature, it's in the blood!" "Which of us hasn't snapped?" There is no doubt, there are circumstances in which only an iceberg will not flare up. Everyone at least once in their life has felt the desire to throw a mug at the wall with annoyance, yell at a slow-witted colleague, give a kick to an impudent cutter on the road ... But what if irritability begins to go beyond all reasonable limits and seriously complicates life both for the person himself and for those around him? Increased aggression leads to many problems

Types and causes of increased irascibility

Scientists still cannot say with certainty where the legs of sudden outbursts of irritability and aggression in men come from. According to one version, this quality went to people like any other biological species. Remember the male gorillas furiously beating their chests and roaring through the forest! Often, these actions are enough to make a potential enemy change his mind about joining the battle and ask the streak into the nearest bushes - that is, aggression serves as a kind of defense mechanism.

According to another version, the strong sex got hold of excessive militancy in the process historical development humanity. The more assertive and dangerous for competitors a man was, the more fat a piece - and with it an extra chance of survival - his family received, so there was no reason to remain soft.

But no matter where the outbreaks of male anger come from, now they have been studied in detail, described and even classified.

In some circumstances, the timely display of fangs is useful.

How to classify anger?

Psychologists distinguish several types of aggression.

1. Verbal, when yelling, swearing, and threatening gestures are used to express emotions or physical, with the use of force.

2. Healthy, caused by external circumstances– for example, someone seriously threatens a person and his loved ones – or destructive, arising from scratch. By the way, the latter is not entirely true: in fact, unmotivated aggression in men (in women, however, too) has its own reasons, which lie in nervous strain, health problems and even mental disorders.

3. External, concerning people around, or inner, directed at oneself (moral self-flagellation, self-infliction of bodily harm).

4. Direct or passive. With the first, everything is more or less clear: it is always clearly expressed in behavior or words. With a passive form of aggression, a person does not decide on a direct challenge, but expresses his negative attitude towards someone by ignoring his requests, sabotaging planned cases, failing to fulfill given promises, and similar actions.

AT last years Oddly enough, psychologists note an increase in hidden aggression in men and direct aggression in women.

Even outwardly directed aggression has a destructive effect on its owner.

Why is the "inner beast" waking up?

What makes a person, who was calm and cheerful just a minute ago, fall into a frenzy, scream and get into a fight? Psychologists have counted half a dozen reasons that cause a man to become aggressive and want to immediately solve the case with the help of his fists.

Physical and nervous exhaustion. If someone works hard for a long time, is in a state of constant stress or under psychological pressure, it is not surprising that the ability to control oneself begins to betray him.

Hormonal imbalance. We are sure that hormone games affect only the behavior of adolescents and women during the period critical days? Nothing like this! An excess of vasopressin and testosterone, which is also called the hormone of aggression in men, can provoke the stronger sex to destructive actions. And the lack of oxytocin reduces a person's ability to empathize and deprives us of peacefulness.

Hormonal failure can turn a man into a real Hulk

Alcohol and drugs. Nerve cells that died in unequal battle With ethyl alcohol and severe poisoning by the decay products of ethanol deprive the drunkard of the opportunity to correctly perceive the picture of the world around him. In addition, at the moment of intoxication, he is guided by instincts that are not bound by either social norms of behavior or morality, so that alcohol aggression men can rightfully be called one of the most dangerous species aggression. As for drugs, the situation is even worse.

Features of temperament and shortcomings of education. Some people are just not able to control themselves during the influx of emotions, they need to make some noise to blow off steam. And if, at the same time, in childhood, the parents did not teach the boy to express his feelings calmly, adult life with him turns into continuous dancing in a minefield - even a clairvoyant will not undertake to predict when and where the next explosion will thunder.

Those with a choleric temperament tend to be violent by nature.

Disease. We can talk about both a mental disorder that causes uncontrolled aggression in a man, and a protracted physical illness. Constant pain and bad health do not benefit any character!

Dissatisfaction with life. Man dissatisfied with his social status, marital status, salary or other aspect of life, but at the same time not feeling able to change the situation for the better, often begins to take out his anger on others.

Most often, an increase in irritability coincides with a midlife crisis or retirement, when a person begins to rethink his life.

Ways to tame aggression

It is no secret that getting rid of a problem begins with its awareness. Until then, family members and friends can rush about, persuade, use techniques learned from psychological works on the treatment of aggression in men and women for an arbitrarily long time - their efforts will be in vain. Alas, most people who are prone to outbursts of irritability quite sincerely blame circumstances and others for them: they drove them, they made them angry ... But if awareness has occurred, consider that the first step towards taming the “inner beast” has taken place. Now it's just a matter of training method.

Aggression can and should be treated

The choice of means of treatment depends on the reason why the representative of the stronger sex acquired the habit of falling into a rage. If a man’s aggression is relatively controllable, you can try to deal with it on your own. Will come to the rescue:

  • long vacation and switched off phone;
  • breathing techniques and yoga;
  • the magic phrase "let's talk about it later" whenever you feel the next burst of anger coming.

All this will help develop the habit of self-control for those who suffer from violent temperament or struggle with stress since childhood. If a person feels that he is unable to cope with himself, it is wiser to enlist the support of a specialist:

  • the psychologist will set the right direction to get out of the crisis;
  • a narcologist will help you say “no” to alcohol and psychotropic substances;
  • The endocrinologist will prescribe drugs to restore hormonal balance.

You can not do without the help of doctors and in cases where the cause of anger becomes mental disorder. modern medicine has accumulated enough knowledge on how to treat aggression in men: psychostimulant drugs extinguish violent attacks even in patients suffering from psychopathy!

The main thing is not to be afraid to seek help in time so that a neurosis that has just begun does not develop into something really serious. Video: How to deal with outbursts of rage

Irritability and aggression are those affects that always bring harm to people around, and mostly relatives and loved ones. It can be both physical and moral impact. Those around him suffer, and the person himself, who cannot restrain himself, suffers.

It is believed that aggressive behavior is more typical for men. This is not entirely true, aggression is different. Men are more characterized by direct aggression, expressed in physical actions. This is not necessarily a beating of someone, it can be threats, shouting, jerky movements, destruction of objects. But there is also an indirect, hidden, verbal aggression, which is more inherent in women (gossip, slander, slander, veiled humiliation).

The theme of aggression, violence, incontinence in men is very relevant in recent times. Recently, a term appeared and is widely discussed on the Internet, such as Male Irritability Syndrome (SMR).

There is no exact definition of this syndrome, just as it is not in the ICD classification of diseases. Probably, it was originally invented by the type of analogy with menopause in women: in men, it also begins at a certain age (after 40 years). Indeed, during this period there are changes in mood and behavior.

But if you now type in the search for "syndrome male irritability”, then we can see that absolutely any episodes of “bad” male behavior at any age are dumped there, and all this is explained by testosterone.

On the one hand, it's easier. On the other hand, it's a shame for men. They are presented as absolutely primitive beings. Although our behavior originates from animal instincts, but after all, so many things are layered on them: upbringing, culture, education, awareness of one's role in society, the ability to control oneself. In addition, our nervous system is a very complex thing, and is regulated not only by testosterone.

In the end, there are various diseases, both somatic and mental, that need to be treated, and not hide behind a non-existent syndrome.

The most likely causes of male irritability

Absolutely all the causes of irritability and aggression in men cannot be disassembled in one article. We indicate the most probable causes and the most general recommendations.

Natural type of temperament

Everyone knows four types of temperament: phlegmatic, sanguine, melancholic and choleric. The most excitable type is, of course, the choleric. He is quick-tempered and impulsive, reacting to the situation very quickly, without thinking, sometimes quite violently.

At the same time, the melancholic can be annoyed by the hustle and bustle and the need to make quick decisions.

What to do?

Natural temperament cannot be changed, the only way out is self-education. Auto-training, yoga classes, various relaxation methods will help in this. Highly actionable advice: if you want to "explode" do deep breath and count to 10.

Physiological hormonal disorders

The level of the male sex hormone really affects mental stability. Testosterone is a hormone that makes a man a man: it provides the formation of genital organs, secondary sexual characteristics, stimulates growth muscle mass, sexual arousal, sperm production.

Testosterone levels also affect mental processes in the brain. With a decrease in testosterone levels, a man becomes irritable, gets tired quickly, and outbursts of anger are possible. The level of testosterone production is influenced by various factors, its wide fluctuations during the day are known.

Its natural decrease is noted in (age after 40-45 years). In addition to changes in behavior, other signs will be noticeable: weight gain, decreased sex drive, decreased muscle strength.

What to do?

Testosterone treatment is prescribed only in severe cases. And so you can adjust its production non-drug methods. The main thing is to switch to an absolutely healthy lifestyle with sufficient physical activity, excluding bad habits. Review the medications used, perhaps some of them affect the production of testosterone.

Biochemical changes in the brain

This is primarily a decrease in serotonin levels. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter. It is responsible for many processes in the body, including mood. It is known that at bad mood the level of serotonin is reduced, and with good - increased.

The mechanism of regulation of this hormone in the body is not fully understood. But two natural factors that increase the level of serotonin in the brain are reliably known: this sunlight and carbohydrate food. A man is angry when he is hungry - this is a lack of serotonin. Addictions (nicotine, alcohol, drugs) are also mainly serotonin.

In addition, it is necessary to strive for positive emotions. In the serotonin-mood relationship, it is not clear enough what is the cause and what is the effect.

A long and persistent decrease in the level of serotonin in the brain can lead to depression. And this is a reason to turn to a psychiatrist.

What to do?

No one measures the level of serotonin routinely. Intuitively, you need to strive for those activities that will improve your mood: sports, a good movie (comedy), your favorite music, sex, communication with people you like. More walks in the sun, more light in general. Eat on time so that there is no severe hunger. The food should be rich in carbohydrates, but you need to remember that fast carbohydrates in large quantities can cause sugar addiction. Alcohol is allowed in very moderate amounts.

Increased stress levels

We all know what stress is. For many, this is synonymous with change and anxiety. All that makes us worry is stress. At the same time, the level in the body increases stress hormones- cortisol, catecholamines and others. These are the hormones that have historically made our bodies run and flee from danger.

In our time, stress is not hunger, cold or wild animals, there is no need to run anywhere. Stress is fatigue public transport, traffic jams, inadequate bosses. Stress can also be attributed to the discrepancy between our capabilities and our desires. For men, this is often a loss of their role as a “leader”, a breadwinner, failures in their personal and intimate lives.

What to do?

There is absolutely no way to avoid stress. You need to learn how to remove the constant internal irritation. This is rest good sleep, walks, sports, favorite music, light film, sex, hobbies. During the holidays it is better to leave, change the situation.

Aggression is a destructive behavior that is contrary to the norms of human morality, expressing psychological discomfort and physical harm by causing damage to the object of aggression. Often, unprovoked hostility is explained by the desire of the aggressor to dominate others and includes an encroachment on freedom and personal space, having a destructive effect. Being an instinctive model of behavior, aggression is inherent in every person in varying degrees, as it is a certain form of self-defense and survival in real world. Often this is a style of behavior formed since childhood as a reaction to emerging conflict situations.

Causes of aggression

The reasons for the manifestation of aggression in men are:

  • alcoholism;
  • the use of energy drinks;
  • drug addiction and substance abuse;
  • smoking;
  • lack of self-control;
  • physical abnormalities in normal operation vital organs;
  • work and home situations;
  • stress.

AT family life aggression is a common problem that contributes to the destruction of relationships within the family and its split.

It is known that children and women suffer the most from aggression, becoming objects of violence by men. Every fifth representative of the weaker sex, according to statistics, is constantly beaten and experiences panic feeling fear and hatred towards the family aggressor. A third of crimes occur within the family, which underlines the magnitude of the problem of violence and its global nature.

How to protect yourself from the manifestation of aggression?

To ensure that women can protect themselves from violence, initial stage building relationships with a man, you need to pay attention to his behavior. Fascinating descriptions of a loved one about fights in which he himself was a direct participant, or about his childhood, where he had to be beaten by his father's belt more than once, should alert. Statistics say that a third of total such children in the future become prone to the use of aggression, turning into inveterate fighters.

Moreover, the feeling of guilt is alien to these individuals and is easily transferred to the more fragile female shoulders. In most cases, the attraction to violence is incurable, so you should be extremely careful in building relationships with this person or abandon them altogether so that in the future the treatment of aggression does not fall on the fragile female shoulders. In any case, attempts to set such a person on the right path with a sincere belief in his correction will be in vain.

Breaking, throwing, breaking surrounding objects by a man in a state of anger also indicate his imbalance and lack of self-control. This is fraught with the fact that at one fine moment, the replacement of an improvised item with a surge of negative emotions can become close person- no matter who. In this case, this someone becomes a victim of the aggressor, to whom the latter, having deprived her of self-respect, begins to dictate her terms and carefully, with maximum suspicion, control every step.

Threats against the victim should not be taken as something frivolous. They carry the most immediate danger, necessarily entailing physical violence, and require immediate action to be taken to treat the hostile subject.

Types of male aggressors

Women, becoming the object of the aggressor, cannot understand how to behave further, what to do, whom to turn to and where to run. To understand the cause of abusive behavior on the part of a man, you need to know what type the latter belongs to:

  • flayer;

In the external environment, he is an ideal family man, the "soul" of any company, a caring spouse who adores his wife. Sufficient quantity people envy this woman who has such a wonderful and sweet spouse, with whom she is fantastically lucky. Everything changes radically upon the arrival of a loved one at home, instantly taking off the mask and enthusiastically taking out anger on his half, doing her “treatment”.

  • despot;

The most dangerous type of man who believes that everything and everyone is allowed in his family. The wife, who is constantly beaten by him, is afraid to tell anyone about them in connection with the possible aggravation of the situation. Often, fights take place while drunk, in front of friends, for no particular reason, and the man does not consider it necessary to apologize for the violence caused to the intimidated wife.

  • Jonah;

A man with low self-esteem, unable to realize himself in the outside world. He takes out the accumulated aggression and anger for a failed life for more weak woman. He believes that everyone except him is to blame for his failures: society, the political situation, neighbors, wife and children, in the end. Often friends with alcohol and is most dangerous when drunk.

  • Rebel.

In life, he loves his family, takes care of her, participates in home life. But this happens up to a certain point. In a state of alcoholic intoxication, he becomes completely uncontrollable, loses control over himself, uses rough physical strength. The next morning, he is able to realize what happened, repent, sincerely apologize to his wife with oath promises that this will not happen again.

Children face aggression

Male aggression can be directed towards children and animals that are not able to give a direct rebuff. If this happens from this person you just need to run away, in order to avoid the onset worst consequences. A man who once raised his hand to a woman will be able to do the same in relation to her child. A provoking factor in the manifestation of aggression is the use of alcohol or other psychotropic drugs - faithful companions of individuals prone to violence.

A woman who has experienced once and, perhaps, more than once violence from such a man should not believe any of his persuasions. The mechanism of aggression has been launched, and its manifestation will become permanent, as it will be the need to vent the anger and accumulated negativity from the aggressor.

It is important to take into account that the problem of domestic violence can be clearly seen by the victim of the aggressor, but not by him. That is why the rapist will categorically refuse psychological help and treatment.

In no case should the weak half endure violence towards themselves, vainly flattering themselves with the hope that the aggressor will realize his guilt and take up his mind. Seeing submissive and calm attitude to ongoing outbursts of anger, a man will show it again and again, referring to this as a normal everyday occurrence.

Patience and inaction are the enemies of aggression

Inaction and patience is the worst solution that can be.

Witnesses, and possibly victims of the aggressor, can be children, about whom the male aggressor thinks least of all during bouts of unjustified anger. Living in an environment of cruelty and constant fights, receiving psychological trauma for life, they copy this model for themselves as something familiar. In the future, when growing up, such aggression can become a personality trait and manifest itself in relation to their loved ones.

Living with an aggressor is dangerous, since in the first place he has the satisfaction of his own ambitions and the venting of anger with the manifestation of strength in relation to his loved ones.

Prevention and treatment of aggression

Prevention and treatment of attacks of aggression consist of medical care specialists and social measures, consisting in the timely determination by others of the onset of an attack and competent behavior during its duration.

It is difficult to pacify aggression in a man, since only negative emotions lead him. Therefore, it is better to switch the attention of the aggressor to positive moments. People who decide to enter into conflict with the aggressor need to behave as balanced and calm as possible, being at a safe distance from him.

If no methods: conversations, persuasion, the help of a psychologist, treatment - could not bring the desired results, the only way out for a woman will be only a divorce. It is clear that the existing fear of the unknown, anxiety about the material security of themselves and their children, forces women to endure regular beatings, hoping for an improvement in the family situation in the future.

Reasons for living with an aggressor

The reasons forcing a woman to live in already habitual fear:

  1. Financial dependence on a spouse, who can be the only breadwinner in the family, confident that the family will not go anywhere from him. A non-working wife is afraid to be left alone, because she does not know how she can support herself and the kids. In this case, she needs to get a job and turn to relatives with a request to help with housing or financially at a new life stage.
  2. Fear of a new wave of aggression. The woman is afraid that the abandoned husband will find her and take revenge, up to and including death. This fear makes her live with the aggressor and endure violence from him. Although it is imperative to run away from such a person, hide for a while, disappear from his field of vision, which will protect against the expected aggression.
  3. Habitual tense situation in the family. In some cases, this is even beneficial for female victims, as those around her pity, sympathize, take her side, condemning the male aggressor. It happens that a woman herself is afraid to admit to herself that the current situation suits her perfectly. In this case, there is only one way out - stop playing the role of the victim, not tolerate aggression and think first of all about the children.
  4. Beat means love. The rule by which many women, deceiving themselves, justify the violent behavior of their spouse. The delusion is that the victim considers his aggressive actions as evidence of strong love and jealousy. As a concern, the weaker sex, lacking love and attention, considers the beatings inflicted.
  5. Fear of being alone. The fear of being alone and the unreality of meeting love in her life encourages a woman not to change the situation and endure humiliation: it would be better to have such a husband than not to have any. In reality, many women who took the risk of changing their lives, with their newfound independence, successfully built their happiness with another person.
  6. Belief in the myth that a man's behavior will change for the better. Remembering him at the beginning of the relationship as caring and loving, the woman hopes that everything can be returned, you just need a little patience and time. It's a delusion. If a man does not decide to change himself, the woman will continue to endure beatings on his part.

Just a step towards a new life

Life is given one, and its quality depends directly on the person. To take the risk of taking a step and getting away from the male aggressor, a woman needs:

  1. Think about your own health. Forgetting about herself, she dissolves in her husband, surrounding him with care and comfort. Violence and ever-present fear undermine the mental and physical state women.
  2. Have your own opinion and not be afraid to leave a man in fear that others and relatives will condemn this act. Who, if not the victim of violence, needs to make a decision on which the future life of her and her children depends.
  3. Raise self-esteem. Living on the same territory with a male aggressor, do not allow yourself to be offended, trying to rebuff all his antics. Do not raise your hand to your side.
  4. Do not hide the fact of violence. Often the aggressor is afraid of external condemnation, the application of measures against him by law enforcement and administrative bodies, therefore, a woman should by no means hush up acts of violence.

Most people with schizophrenia live normal lives in society and usually do not fall into the category of dangerous, in terms of violent acts. However, periods of aggression may manifest in acute psychotic phases. this disease. Aggressive behavior in such patients usually manifests itself in severe violent behavior. This may be associated with acute decompensation of a mental illness, or be secondary to hidden or obvious non-compliance with the regimen. drug therapy. Decompensation may also be related to the insufficiency of the current treatment regimen. Studies report that the majority of violent acts committed by individuals with schizophrenia occur during the acute phase of the illness.

The manifestation of aggressive behavior is often manifested among patients with dependence, in whom concomitant neuropsychiatric diseases are associated with the abuse of psychoactive substances (drugs, alcohol, spice, other toxic substances). Aggressiveness and aggressive behavior in such patients can be directly provoked both by the intake of alcohol, cocaine, amphetamine and other psychoactive substances, and by withdrawal syndrome in the absence or removal of psychoactive and toxic substances from the body. Not infrequently, in connection with the targeted therapy of drug addiction or alcoholism, people develop behavior in the form of manifestations of paranoia, extreme anxiety and aggression.

Such as brain trauma, brain tumors, or metabolic disorders can provoke aggressive behavior in patients, more often in the form of violence. Recent evidence suggests that violence is more associated with psychopathology and mental retardation than with epileptiform activity (interictal - related to mental and behavioral disorders that occur in a patient between epileptic seizures) or other variable causes.

Patients with dementia may be emotionally labile or prone to lack of control or poor control of behavior, prone to impulsive aggressive behavior, not deliberate actions. They often appear in the form serious injury to yourself and others, what happens out of anger or in the form of acute reaction to a perceived (from their point of view) threat. As a rule, with the right complete diagnosis, which clarifies the diagnosis, such reactions can be prevented by the doctor, but this possibility may not always be available in the department emergency care or the people around you.

antisocial disorder personality can cause various disorders nervous system. Antisocial personality traits may be present even if a full diagnosis cannot be made for whatever reason. Antisocial personality disorder or traits can be assessed by examining the context of violent incidents. Bullying can be a fact of aggressive behavior. For example, fighting for money, cigarettes, access to sexual partners, assaulting others who deny the patient's requests or demands, or attempt to set limits on the patient's behavior (eg, enforcement of a smoking ban).

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is often associated with aggressive behavior, hostility, and violence. Particularly pronounced in the presence concomitant diseases, such as mood disorders and personality disorders, substance abuse, there may be confounding factors. These confounding factors have been studied in outpatients, war veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. There were also cases of aggressive behavior in patients with panic disorder. Patients complained of significant mood disturbances and impulsive, unregulated behavior.

Treatment of aggression in the clinic

For the treatment of acute conditions with the manifestation of aggressive behavior in our clinic are often used medications. These include drugs of neurometabolic therapy of the latest generation.

The International Psychiatric Association endorsed new scheme the use of the latest generation of drugs that can be used in the treatment of aggressive behavior. The intramuscular injections and intravenous infusions used at the Brain Clinic and intended for use in the agitation of brain related diseases are approved for use by the International Medical Ethics Committee. Intravenous infusions have a faster, safer and more effective action than when taken orally.

However, the patient can easily calm down after oral administration of the drugs if he or she understands that measures have been taken and help is being provided. Sublingual administration may have a faster onset of action than oral intake, as it has the added benefit of being critical of their condition by having a distracting effect on the agitated patient while the tablet is dissolving. This indicates the presence of a positive effect of psychotherapeutic influence on patients who are not in an acute psychotic state.

Acute aggressive behavior

It is very important that patients with aggressive behavior should first be evaluated for the possibility of comorbidities. At the same time, acute psychotic states, including the presence of acute withdrawal syndromes withdrawal from alcohol, drugs or sedatives, should be excluded. Apart from the acute management of an aggressive behavioral episode, long-term management depends on the nature of the abuse, temporary or permanent.

After aggressive behavior treatment

After removal of acute psychomotor agitation long-term mental health management strategies are required. During this period, it is not recommended to use funds used to remove acute condition. Required preventive measures prevention of aggressive behavior in the form of outpatient and outpatient treatment, which can be used as an alternative inpatient treatment– hospital replacement techniques used in Brain clinics. When using innovative alternative outpatient programs, in combination with psychotherapeutic behavior modification, patients respond well to ongoing therapy, which does not require hospitalization.

Pharmacotherapy for the long-term management of aggressive behavior depends on the underlying clinical problem of the individual patient.
Treatment of the underlying disorder is key. Often, when the underlying psychiatric problem is successfully treated, the severity of aggressive behavior decreases. Unfortunately, perhaps one third of patients with schizophrenia do not respond to antipsychotic treatment or only partially respond positively to it. In some patients with schizophrenia, high doses of antipsychotics may actually further increase the risk of aggressive behavior.

Aggressive behavior

You met with aggressive behavior from someone.

Key non-pharmacologic controls include the following:

    Grade potential danger(for example, objects that can be used as an attack). Assess the patient's physical behavior (for example, many patients make a fist or kick). Always keep the patient in sight, controlling his behavior (for example, do not turn your back). Take verbal threats are serious. Keep a safe distance. Feel free to ask for extra help, this is not the time to be heroic. Remain calm, be confident and competent, try to reduce aggressive behavior by engaging in calm conversation. Avoid arguments with the patient.

AT Everyday life people often face aggressive behavior of others. This can happen in the family, at work, on the street, in in public places. The very word aggression is translated from Latin as "attack".

Aggressive behavior may be due to various factors and be part of the structure various types deviant behaviour.

Aggressive behavioral actions can be in the nature of both criminal behavior and be a manifestation (symptoms) of a mental disorder.

The main difference between these two forms of aggressive behavior are the reasons for the motivation of actions and the possibility or impossibility of their control.

Base of aggressive behavior

As a rule, the main basis for aggressive behavior is negative emotions (anger, hatred, anger, etc.) caused by any, external stimuli. This irritant can be either one factor or the whole set.

Scientists view the motivation for aggressive behavior in different ways. For example, the famous ethologist K. Lorenz considered aggressive behavior as one of the main pillars for human survival.

Z. Freud spoke of aggressive behavior as an instinctive attraction and took it away important role in the psychosexual development of the child.

Many modern psychologists view aggressive behavior as a result of public influence and the consequences of some psychological trauma received in early childhood or adolescence.

It is important to know that aggressive behavior can be controlled by a person and directed in a peaceful direction, for example, in sports, creativity, science.

Read more about hostility and aggressive behavior in the articles.

Conflict situations sooner or later arise in any family. The reason may be problems at work, financial difficulties or household disorder. Constant seizures uncontrolled aggression in men, they can appear as a result of prolonged sexual abstinence or latent jealousy. Psychopathic seizures that are associated with the risk of causing physical harm to others are defined as disorders requiring inpatient treatment.

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    In a situation where a loved one suddenly began to show temper and irritability, many do not know how to behave correctly. Unmotivated aggression is not always a reaction to life's troubles or dissatisfaction with the behavior of relatives. Its causes may lie in complex psychological illness somatic or neurological.

    If we turn to the question of the nature of uncontrolled attacks of aggression, it is important to pay attention to the results of a study involving volunteers. Using functional MRI, the brains of men and women prone to manifestations of rage and aggression were examined. All participants showed similar changes in the background activity of certain areas of the brain. However, despite this, the reasons for which outbursts of anger appear are far from the same.

    The reasons, seizure-inducing aggression, sometimes lie on the surface. There are situations when it is possible to identify provoking factors only with a thorough diagnosis. Psychologists have identified a group of the most common of the reasons:

    1. 1. Psychological relaxation. A lot of tension has accumulated inside a person, which sooner or later he needs to throw out.
    2. 2. Parenting and children psychological trauma. In this case, anger, aggression in childhood were manifested by relatives and were the norm in the family. Any negative emotions become habitual.
    3. 3. Self-defense that a person shows when invading his personal space. Anger and negative attitudes are directed not only at people, but also at things.
    4. 4. Low levels of serotonin and dopamine in the body.
    5. 5. High levels of adrenaline and norepinephrine.

    unwarranted reaction and uncontrolled seizures anger may be combined with physical aggression. In most cases, attacks of anger and rage go away without devastating consequences for the psyche of the patient and his relatives. Often all attempts to cope with the situation are unsuccessful. Attacks of rage begin to be accompanied by hysteria. In people with weakened physical and mental health, there is a loss of consciousness, a state of shock, paralysis of the hands, and a heart attack develop.

    Social phobia is

    Types of aggressive manifestations

    In psychology, aggressive behavior is usually divided into several types:

    1. 1. Active aggression is characteristic of people with destructive behavior. A person in communication with other people is dominated by physical methods to cause harm and destruction. Constantly swears, shouts, is dissatisfied with everything. Negative emotions are expressed in gestures, facial expressions, intonation.
    2. 2. Autoaggression - negative state directed inward. The patient during an attack causes physical harm, even injury to himself.
    3. 3. Passive aggression characterizes complex relationships in the family. Without entering into open conflicts, people ignore the requests and orders of their loved ones. This type of disorder is common to both men and women. The accumulated negativity and anger burst out in one moment. It is in such situations that the most terrible crimes against loved ones are committed.
    4. 4. Family aggression is expressed in the moral or physical violence of one spouse in relation to another. Here, the provoking factors are jealousy, misunderstanding, financial problems, intimate dissatisfaction.
    5. 5. Alcoholic and drug aggression under the influence of alcoholic beverages. Death is marked nerve cells, the patient loses the ability to adequately respond and perceive the situation. Primitive instincts begin to prevail over adequate behavior, and the patient most often manifests himself as an aggressor and a savage.

    The most common types are family aggression and alcohol. AT similar situations people rarely turn to specialists for help. Among those around, such a family environment is often taken as the norm. If the attacks of the disorder do not affect strangers, the relatives themselves very rarely talk about the presence of a problem.

    Psychopathy signs in men

    In men

    According to medical statistics, attacks of aggression in men are manifested due to improper upbringing, heredity, and the presence of mental illness. One of the most dangerous provoking disorders is psychopathy. The main therapeutic direction in such a situation is timely detection dangerous pathology and the exclusion of possible conflicts with others.

    Psychopaths are characterized by a bright expression emotional states. Patients have absolutely no restraint and discipline. In most cases, there is a predisposition to alcoholism. Prone to conflict and aggressive moods. In relation to a woman, psychopaths can show incredible goodwill and helpfulness. Smile, flirt, beautifully look after. All such signs of attention are insincere. At this disorder a man can deceive a woman he likes with a smile on his face, then quit, insulting and humiliating.

    Aggression towards women and children is often the result of prolonged abstinence. In male alcoholics, a negative attitude towards others is a consequence of pathological disorders in psycho-emotional state. irreversible degradation of personality chronic alcoholism causes constant irritability. Male aggressiveness is the most socially dangerous character, according to statistics.

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    Among women

    Female aggression is not always self-defense. Experts believe that one of the main reasons is misunderstanding and impotence in life circumstances. A series of accumulated problems, lack of support in their solution, provoke emotional outbursts. The energy of aggressiveness, directed in the right direction, helps not only to overcome obstacles, but even avoid threats. Psychologists say that short-term manifestations of seizures help to activate strength and vitality.

    The tense rhythm of life, minor troubles in school or in relationships with a young man become the cause of irritation and aggressive behavior in girls. Some women try to justify the manifestation of discontent and anger for any reason with an unfair attitude, lack of money or lack of attention. They break down on children, husband. Less likely than men, they show physical aggression, but they can still beat dishes or intentionally spoil things.

    In children

    If the aggressive behavior of one of the parents is constantly manifested in the family, then in children this also becomes the norm. In a 5-year-old or 3-year-old child, negative behavior is the result of improper upbringing. If the child is allowed everything and his desires are fulfilled, then, meeting resistance from educators, other adults or peers, he begins to act aggressively.

    Treatment for the disorder

    A professional psychologist should deal with the treatment of attacks of aggression. Most patients cannot point to exact reasons seizures, and, accordingly, try to independently change their behavior. The main recommendations of experts are to change the pace of life, relax, perhaps take a vacation at work.

    An important method of stopping aggression is its sublimation (transfer) to another type of activity, such as sports or hobbies. splash out negative energy possible through moderate workloads. Sublimation of uncontrolled aggression is possible in other emotions, and most importantly, they should be safe for loved ones and people around them.

    In a complex course, disorders are prescribed sedatives with a sedative effect. Taking antidepressants or tranquilizers is indicated in exceptional cases. Drug therapy carried out under the strict supervision of a therapist. Effective methods is physiotherapy and gymnastics water procedures, massage. Some people prefer to relax through yoga.

    Experts warn against holding onto the negativity accumulated day after day. high risk of developing dangerous consequences as for mental state as well as for physical health. Scientists have found that negative emotions sooner or later spill out. However, this is not always safe for others. If the oppressive feelings of anger and aggression cannot be eliminated on your own, it is better not to delay and turn to specialists.

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