Mole clean pipe powder. Mole cleaning agent for sewer pipes: how to choose and price. Types of Mole depending on the proportion of the active substance

What is a sewer cleaning mole: how does a pipe cleaner work, its advantages and what composition does it have! Details in this article.

Arriving at the store in order to purchase a special liquid to eliminate blockages, the buyer is faced with a huge selection of various and modern products. However, there is one drug that has been used for many decades and never fails. And it is called "Mole" for cleaning the sewer. Many people entrust this work to him.


"Mole" for sewage is produced in several forms. You can find it in the form of a powder, flowing gel or liquid. However, all these forms combine active components. So, "Mole" for cleaning the sewer has the following composition:

  • Sodium hydroxide. The main component and its percentage exceeds 50%.
  • Distilled water. It is used in liquid and makes up 25% of the total composition.
  • potassium hydroxide.
  • non-ionized surfactants.

In addition, the role of the filler is given to ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid.

How does the remedy work?

"Mole" is a sewer pipe cleaner and is used to dissolve dirt in the system. This is especially true for hard-to-reach places, which include:

  • knees.
  • Joints of parts in which a rubber seal is mounted.
  • pipeline bends.
  • Siphons installed on bathtubs and sinks.

You can add to this list any places where the blockage is easiest to stay on the surface of the pipe. It is important to understand that a fatty film can form even on a smooth surface, and it is precisely on the film that waste clings.

This will lead to a significant reduction in throughput and the appearance of blockages that prevent the normal removal of wastewater. The active components of the composition soften and dissolve growths. The remaining particles of blockage are washed off with running water.

The benefits of the drug

The main advantages of the Mole liquid are considered to be:

  • performance. With this tool, you can clean the sewer pipe in the shortest possible time. As a rule, it will take no more than an hour and a half to clear the blockage.
  • Simplicity in work. To remove the blockage, you just need to pour or pour the drug into the pipe. Next, you should wait for the time specified by the manufacturer, and flush the sewer with water. It turns out that cleaning the blockage does not require any physical intervention from a person.
  • Purity. Unlike cleaning with wires, on which a lot of dirt and waste sticks, "Mole" will avoid additional pollution.
  • Price. The price of the drug is an order of magnitude lower than the cost of similar products from foreign manufacturers. At the same time, the efficiency is at the level of other products.

Forms of release of the drug

On the shelves of supermarkets you can find "Mole" in three forms:

  • Granules.
  • Gel.
  • Cloudy liquid.

The packaging of the drug is also made in several variations. There are bags for two uses. Often, this type of packaging is necessary to remove blockage in the apartment. If it is necessary to clean the sewer in an industrial premises, then it is better to purchase a container with a volume of 5 or 10 liters.

How to apply the remedy

As noted earlier, one of the significant advantages of the drug is its ease of use. However, it is important to carefully study the manufacturer's instructions before starting the sewer cleaning process.

Depending on what type the "Mole" will be for cleaning the sewer, the instructions for use are as follows:

  • If the "Mole" was purchased in the form of a liquid, then before cleaning it is necessary to shake the container well. Further, no more than 250 ml of liquid is poured into the pipe. It is important to be careful here, and avoid contact with the skin.
  • If "Mole" is used in granules, then they are poured into the pipe and two glasses of water are poured on top. It is necessary to wait 90 minutes, during which the remedy will work. It remains only to flush the sewer with running water.

Compliance with security measures

Since the main components of the drug are caustic substances, the following rules should be followed when working:

  1. When "Mole" is used, sewer cleaning is carried out exclusively with protective gloves.
  2. If the drug comes into contact with the skin, immediately rinse it with water.
  3. If redness appears, then the affected area must be treated with any agent with a disinfecting effect.
  4. In case of contact with eyes, immediately rinse them and go to the hospital.

If the Krot sewer pipe cleaner gets into the stomach, you should not hesitate and call the emergency medical service. Before the arrival of doctors, the victim needs to drink plenty of fluids.

Throughout the production of the drug, consumers have accumulated a lot of experience and numerous recommendations to improve efficiency.

  1. Before using the product, warm up the sewer. To do this, you can put hot water into the system for a few minutes.
  2. When the 90 minutes that are allotted for the action of the product are over, at least six glasses of water must be poured into the sewer and a plunger must be used. It will help the granules or liquid get into the deepest places of the system and rid it of blockage.
  3. When "Mole" is used, sewer cleaning should not exceed the time indicated by the manufacturer. This will not enhance the effect of the drug, but, on the contrary, can cause destruction of the surface of sewer parts.
  4. You can achieve good flushing of the sewer when a lot of water is poured into the system. Ideally, if it is hot.

The use of the proven Krot preparation for cleaning the sewer, which allows you to get rid of blockages, will help you achieve the desired result within a short period of time. The components of the composition will easily cope with various types of pollution. "Mole" for sewer pipes will allow you to restore the functionality of the system as soon as possible.

Owners of their own homes very often face problems that are directly related to the functioning of the main systems in the house. The article will discuss how the Pipe Cleaner Mole will help in eliminating blockages formed in the pipelines of the plumbing system of the whole house.

Mole cleaner for plumbing pipes

Cleaning agent Mole has a rich history of use. Most of all, it is known among the adult generation, since it has been used since the last century. It is worth saying that today the substances that make up this mixture have not changed much.

As for the mixture of substances contained in the water flowing through the pipes, and the materials themselves from which these pipes are made, they have changed over the past decades, but the Mole still effectively copes with blockages.

The reason for the popularity of the Mole pipe cleaner is as follows:

  1. To use it, you do not need to dismantle the entire intricacies of plumbing pipes. It is enough just to pour the product into the drain of a sink, bathtub or other drain hole, so that it spreads through the system.
  2. Using the Mole for cleaning pipes, the owner saves himself from the formation of various wastes that are inevitable during mechanical cleaning by means of a plumbing cable with a metal ruff nozzle.
  3. The entire cleaning process takes very little time.
  4. Mole packaged or liquid for cleaning pipes are always in a ready-to-use state.
  5. The cost of the product is low compared to more expensive foreign counterparts. Moreover, the effectiveness of the latter is often not justified by anything other than commercials and high prices.

If the seller does not advise, then you should know about one secret to increase the efficiency of the Mole. It is necessary to use a plunger after falling asleep / pouring the product into the drain in order to increase the pressure in the pipeline, while increasing the impact of the Mole on the litter in the plumbing system.

To date, the Mole pipe cleaner on store shelves is represented by the following varieties:

  • liquid composition (usually dark brown, but transparent);
  • granular powder composition;
  • gel composition.

Chemical components in the Mole cleaner

The modern composition of the Mole pipe cleaner consists of a number of substances:

  • sodium hydroxide (40-60%);
  • distilled water (5-25%);
  • potassium hydroxide (5-10%);
  • surfactants (10%);
  • ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (5-10%).

Features of the interaction of Mole with blockages

The essence of the Mole pipe cleaner is to distribute inorganic alkalis and active additives through the pipeline, which will lead to the rapid removal of blockages in it. In this combination, a mixture is formed that has a deadly effect on any solid particles in pipelines. For the pipes themselves, it is safe, since they are made from materials that are inert to chemical attack.

Main blockages:

  • pipeline bends;
  • connecting knees;
  • siphons;
  • rubber sealing inserts;
  • tow embedded in cast-iron pipelines.

Each of these places is the "Achilles' heel" of the plumbing system, because in places where the pressure of water slows down its movement, solid particles can cling to the surface of the pipe, and then larger blockages grow on them. The main reason for this accumulation of various wastes is the content of various vegetable and animal fats in wastewater.

Determining that the pipeline is clogged is quite simple: the water does not pass well, and an unpleasant smell comes from the drain hole. Mole's active ingredients perform the task of softening and decomposing solid particles, which subsequently allows them to simply be washed down the drain by running water through the system.

The most difficult to remove the following components of blockages:

  • fats;
  • proteins;
  • salts derived from fatty acids;
  • collagen fibers (hair, wool, scales, etc.).

All the active ingredients that make up the Mole cleaner are aimed precisely at removing these blockages.

Packaging methods and existing dosages of Mole

The variety of forms in which the Mole cleaning agent is presented is due to high consumer demand. Available in small packs for single use in case of clogging and larger containers for regular cleaning of large plumbing systems.

Wholesale buyers of Mole in large volumes are the following organizations:

  • dry cleaning;
  • laundries;
  • catering establishments;
  • hotel type establishments
  • beauty salons, hairdressers, etc.

For example, by purchasing a container of 5.5 liters, the buyer will be provided with a cleaning agent for the plumbing system of the establishment he owns for a long time. At enterprises and in these types of institutions, much more Mole is needed, since the volumes of effluents exceed those values ​​that are typical for living conditions.

In its original form, this cleaner does not have the most pleasant smell, therefore, for its mass use, manufacturers add various flavors. Such additives increase the cost of the cleaning product, but all this is for the benefit of the employees of the enterprise. You can reduce the cost of cleaning the plumbing system if you refuse compositions containing coloring and flavoring components.

Instructions for use

As mentioned above, the popularity of using the Mole cleaner is due to its ease of use. The simplest user manual for the Krot pipe cleaner contains all the information necessary for its use, and is also conveniently placed on the label or packaging of the purchased composition.

Consider the algorithm for using a liquid composition:

  1. To begin with, the mixture is shaken in a closed container.
  2. Then from 200-250 milliliters is poured from the bottle into the drain in compliance with safety regulations. An appropriately sized plastic container may be used, but it may then be used solely for handling this chemical.
  3. The mixture poured into the pipeline should be kept there from 1.5 to 2 hours.
  4. Then, an intense pressure of water must be put into the sewer. Sometimes manufacturers indicate on the packaging that you need to use hot / warm water. See also: "".

What to fear

Contact with the skin or mucous membrane requires immediate action from the victim and the people helping him:

  • washing the affected area under running water;
  • contacting a medical institution if the mucous membrane or eyes have been damaged.

The most dangerous situation is when the drug enters the body orally (into the gastrointestinal tract):

  • the victim should drink a large amount of clean water (from 2 liters);
  • consult a doctor immediately (it is best to call an ambulance).

All other components of Mole do not pose a serious danger to the body, but you should not experiment with them.

Many homeowners who have repeatedly used this cleaner have their own secrets to its use and are willing to share them with others.

It is believed that the effectiveness of Mole can be increased as follows:

  1. Before placing the composition in the pipeline, it must be heated by starting hot water for several minutes.
  2. When the Mole has been in the system for 1.5-2 hours, then you need to pour in water and apply a plunger in order to mechanically enhance the cleaning effect.


Thus, we can conclude that using the time-tested Mole cleaning agent, you can easily remove any blockages. It is enough to simply follow the operating instructions and follow the safety precautions when working with the chemical. Eventually, ordinary tap water will remove the contamination and the plumbing system will return to normal operation.

The composition of drugs called "Mole"
Types of funds
Features Bio - Mole
Recommendations regarding the use of the "Mole"
Using "Bio Mole"

With the troubles associated with blockage of the sewer network, property owners are faced quite often. Today, a drug such as Mole is considered a popular tool that cleans pipes with high quality.

Previously, there were few effective ways to solve such problems - basically, the sewers were cleaned using a plumbing cable or the simplest device - a plunger (read also: “Types of cables for cleaning pipes and how to use them”). Today, there are other cleaning methods. To choose a modern chemical preparation for pollution - gel or powder - you need to familiarize yourself with the principle of its action.

Best remedy for blockages in pipes Mole removes:

  • fatty deposits that accumulate after washing kitchen utensils;
  • protein or other organic compounds;
  • large fractions of food residues and paper;
  • various collagen compounds.

In addition, this tool is able to completely eliminate unwanted odors coming from the sewer system in the shortest possible time.

"Mole", due to the chemical composition, which includes such an active ingredient as sodium hydroxide, begins to break down deposits in pipes. In the entire volume, this compound is about 40 - 60%. It is also called caustic soda or sodium hydroxide.

In addition to it, the Mole pipe cleaner contains:

  • distilled water - its share is 5 - 25%;
  • an excipient called potassium hydroxide (no more than 10%);
  • active additives - surfactants and EDTA.

Such a chemical composition is harmful to human health, therefore, it must be used in compliance with the required precautions, which are described in the instructions indicated on the product packaging.

Types of funds

A modern chemical preparation called "Mole" differs:

  1. Concerning the release form.
  2. By the amount of the active substance contained in it.

Depending on the produced form, this cleaning agent is produced in the form of:

  1. A liquid that most often has a transparent consistency or a dark brown tint.
  2. Gel.
  3. Granul.

The greatest demand among consumers is in the liquid or gel form of the drug, which is intended for cleaning pipes in the bathroom or in the kitchen. To eliminate sewer blockage in the toilet, it is better to use granular products that have a longer period of action.

In accordance with the presence of the active substance that is part of the "Mole", manufacturers produce:

  • professional- is considered the most powerful drug;
  • assets- this tool contains a little less active substance, but it works very effectively;
  • turbo- it is used to eliminate pollution in toilets and other hard-to-reach places;
  • to clear blockages- is the weakest means in relation to activity. It is mainly used to remove small contaminants in the bathroom or kitchen, as well as when carrying out preventive measures, which are recommended to be performed at least once every 2-4 months.

To make a choice of a specific type of "Mole" - funds for pipes are needed depending on the location of the blockage and its degree. See also: "Which tool for cleaning pipes from blockages is better to choose - sewer cleaning options."

Features Bio - Mole

Manufacturers distinguish the drug "Bio-Krot" in a separate category of goods. This tool is used to clean sewer structures and grease traps, which are connected to local systems designed to treat waste water.

The preparation contains particularly active bacteria and enzymes that can quickly and completely decompose waste collected in the sewer.

Recommendations regarding the use of the "Mole"

It is necessary to clean the pipes with the help of the Krot preparation in accordance with the recommendations of the company - the manufacturer of the product, available on the package.

The sewage disposal system is cleaned according to the following scheme:

  1. In accordance with the degree of blockage and the place where it has formed, they buy a tool that can best solve the problem that has arisen. For severe cases, substances with greater activity should be used.
  2. Then they carefully get acquainted with the information available on the package with the purchased drug, which indicates its recommended amount and the time during which the action occurs.
  3. In order to perform cleaning, it is necessary to use rubber gloves that protect the skin of the hands.
  4. In the required amount, the drug is poured or poured into the sewer pipes or directly into the drain hole of the sink and bath, or into the toilet.
  5. Then wait for the allotted time. To get the best result, you can add about half an hour - an hour. See also: "Possible means for cleaning sewer pipes - advantages and disadvantages."

Using "Bio Mole"

Pipe cleaning with Mole

And only in the case when the result is minimal, you can use a more effective composition of the product.

It should be borne in mind that not all chemicals are suitable for plastic pipes. Therefore, before using them, you must carefully study the instructions. It becomes clear from it whether Mole can be used for plastic pipes. See also: "How to use a pipe cleaning mole for more effect."

To clean the sewer with Bio Mole, proceed as follows:

  1. Dissolve the drug in warm water. To clean 15 meters, you should take 50 milliliters of the product and 10 liters of water.
  2. The finished solution is poured into the drain holes of the sewerage - a sink, a sink, a toilet, a bath.
  3. At the end of a certain time specified in the instructions, the entire system is washed with a large volume of water.
  4. In the event that the blockage could not be eliminated the first time, the procedure is repeated over and over again until the problem is finally eliminated.

When working with active chemical compounds, do not forget to use protective gloves. If there is a hood, it is desirable to turn it on at full power.

If it is necessary to carry out constant cleaning of the grease trap, which has a capacity of not more than 1000 liters, the daily rate of "Bio Mole" should be 100 milliliters.

To eliminate the blockage in the plumbing fixture resulting from the untimely use of cleaning preparations, you need to pour a fourfold dose into the device at a time - 400 milliliters of the product.

Since the "Mole" has an affordable cost and great efficiency, it is popular.

Mole for cleaning the sewer - options and rules for use

Such a fairly popular tool for cleaning sewer pipes, like Mole, known back in Soviet times, is widely used today. Despite the fact that the chemical composition of domestic wastewater has changed over the past few decades, the main ingredients of the product are still able to cope with pollution.

Benefits of a sewer cleaner

Mole for cleaning the sewer has the following advantages:

  • minimum waiting time for cleaning results;
  • you don’t have to disassemble the siphon under the sanitary ware - you just need to pour the product into the drain hole;
  • low price (compared to other modern means for cleaning sewer pipes);
  • no dirt is formed, in contrast to the method of cleaning with a flexible cable.

When using the Mole, it does not hurt to use the classic plunger. The pressure it creates is sufficient to remove the contaminants softened by the agent in the pipes.

In stores, Mole for sewer cleaning is presented in the form:

  • gel;
  • translucent liquid (usually dark brown);
  • granulated powder.

The composition of the product, regardless of its form of release, includes the following substances:

  • sodium hydroxide (40-60%);
  • potassium hydroxide (5-10%);
  • EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, 5-10%).

The principle of operation of the Mole

Means Mole is a solution of inorganic alkali with active additives. It allows you to effectively destroy deposits inside sewer pipes.

Usually blockages in the pipeline appear in such places:

  • knee;
  • bends;
  • siphons;
  • tow in cast iron elements;
  • rubber seals (plastic pipes).

Thus, hard deposits usually cling to uneven surfaces, ledges and drops, and it is in these places that they accumulate. Animal and vegetable fat is a kind of adhesive base for collagen fibers, and those, in turn, are overgrown with growths that make it difficult to drain and water and exude an unpleasant odor. You have to get rid of these contaminants.
The substances that Mole contains for sewage contribute to the softening and decomposition of household and food waste inside pipes that are not washed away by running water.

The most difficult to remove from the sewer system are vegetable and animal fats, fatty acid salts, proteins, collagen fibers (fish scales, human hair and animal hair). Mole's active components are able to destroy these deposits, this is precisely the principle of pipe cleaning.

Variety of packaging

A pipe cleaner called Mole is available in different packages - the options can be seen in the photo. In some cases, a small amount of a substance is required for a single use, while in others a large amount is required due to the need to clean several plumbing fixtures at once. Large packages of funds are usually purchased for dry cleaners, laundries, hotels, catering establishments, beauty salons, hairdressers and other large facilities.

For such consumers, funds are produced in packages of 5.5 liters, since the amount of drains at these facilities is many times higher than the needs of residents of ordinary apartments.

Of great importance is the unpleasant odor that comes from the composition for cleaning pipes, so solutions with flavors are produced for public enterprises that drown out the smell of chemicals.

Mole cleaner for sewer pipes

Of course, such products are more expensive, but these additives do not affect the effectiveness. Therefore, if you need to clean the sewer without overpaying for it, it is better to choose a regular drug, without flavorings.

Mode of application

When sewer cleaning is performed - Mole should be used in accordance with the instructions. It is easy to use and has been popular for decades. The label indicates how the Mole is used correctly - this is how it should be used. See also: "Means for cleaning sewer pipes - which one to choose and how to clean."

The most common variant of the remedy is liquid.

Instructions for use:

  • shake the contents of the package;
  • pour 200-250 milliliters of liquid from the bottle into the drain hole, observing safety measures;
  • leave for 1.5-2 hours, at this time do not use the plumbing product;
  • flush the pipeline with plenty of tap water.

Safety rules while working with Mole

The most active component of Mole is sodium hydroxide, which is dangerous for humans - if it gets on the skin, it can cause a serious chemical burn.

The situation is much worse when the composition gets on the mucous membranes and eyes.

In the event that the product nevertheless dripped onto the skin, it is necessary to clean the affected area with plenty of water and consult a doctor. If the Mole gets into the eyes (or any other chemical means for cleaning the sewer), rinse them thoroughly and get medical help as soon as possible.

The remedy is especially dangerous if it gets inside, into the gastrointestinal tract - it can cause serious poisoning, up to death. Therefore, in this case, you need to drink a large amount of water (at least 2 liters), and immediately call an ambulance.

It should be noted that sodium hydroxide is of particular danger. Other substances that make up Mole, such as surfactants and EDTA, do not pose a particular threat to human life and health, but it is better to avoid contact with them. It should be borne in mind that the more sodium hydroxide in the product, the more dangerous it is if it comes into contact with the skin and eyes.

Such a tool as Mole has been used for several decades, and during this time its quality has been confirmed.

  • before pouring the product into the drain hole, open a tap with hot water for a couple of minutes so that the sewer pipes warm up;
  • after 1.5 hours, pour 1.5-2 liters of water and use a plunger so that the product penetrates into the deeper layers of fat and lime deposits.

If sewer cleaning is required, Mole will help to quickly and effectively eliminate deposits inside the pipes. Despite the fact that more modern means of removing contaminants in sewer pipes have appeared on the market, Mole is still one of the most effective ways to clear blockages. The components of this drug quickly dissolve the formed deposits, which are then easy to get rid of - just wash them off with running water.

What did our grandmothers do when their sewer pipe clogged? Of course, they took Mole out of the closet - a tool for cleaning pipes from blockages, created back in the middle of the 20th century!

And in this article, we will tell today's clogged pipe sufferers how to use the oldest and most effective emergency drain cleaner. That is, we will introduce you to the good old "Mole".

Means for cleaning pipes Mole - reasons for popularity

The secret of the popularity of "Mole" lies in the following qualities of this drug:

  • The cheapness of the drug. This tool is really very cheap, so everyone had time to make sure of its effectiveness, which only increased the popularity of the Mole.
  • Ease of use. Like many other cleaning products, "Mole" is used very simply: the drug is simply poured into the drain hole and waiting for the result. Moreover, this method of use was first demonstrated by this drug. As a result, after the Mole appeared, the cleaning of pipes began to take place exactly according to this scenario. That is, the glory of the "pioneer" makes users compare any remedy with the "Mole", which, of course, prolongs the popularity of this drug.
  • The speed of action. Mole - a tool for cleaning pipes with a minimum period of active action.

    Mole - a proven tool for cleaning pipes

    That is, the user can cope with the congestion in just a matter of hours. It usually takes 60-90 minutes to dissolve any congestion. And such effectiveness is confirmed by years of successful use of the drug, which supports the justified popularity of the remedy.

In a word, the popularity of "Mole" is fully justified.

Several generations of homeowners pass on to their descendants a proven axiom: use Mole to eliminate blockages and your sewer system will become clean and efficient in just an hour from the moment you use the drug.

The formula for success is the chemical composition of "Mole"

The current "Mole" is produced both in the form of a classic milky-white liquid, and in the form of a gel, and in the form of granules.

However, whatever the appearance of the drug, in its composition you will always find the following components:

In addition to the above chemically active reagents, Krot also includes water (25 percent in solutions and 5 percent in gels), and surface-active components that weaken surface tension in the blockage structure.

How does Krot work?

The principle of operation of the mole is based on the dissolution or liquefaction of the tissues of the congestion.

After all, as you know, any sewer plug (with the exception of cases of freezing) consists of the following set of components:

  • A set of water-insoluble fats of vegetable and animal origin.
  • The remains of protein tissues washed down the sink during dishwashing.
  • The remains of collagens - hair, scales and so on.
  • Traces of salts and amino acids.

And this whole set of components is subjected to a massive attack by an alkaline-acid preparation, invigorated by surfactants. Of course, in the end, there is no trace of the congestion, and the most “stubborn” components are simply washed out of the pipe in a jelly-like state.

True, cleaning pipes with the help of the Mole is associated with some unpleasant moments. The active substances of the drug, reacting with calcified deposits and organic matter, emit not the most pleasant smell. Therefore, in modern versions of "Mole", in addition to the traditional set of alkalis and acids, aromatic fragrances are also contained.

Instructions for use

If you decide to use a mole pipe cleaner in your kitchen or bathroom, the instructions for using this drug will look like this:

  • First, if possible, open windows. After all, the products of the Mole reaction do not smell very pleasant.
  • Secondly, carefully read the instructions in the "Dosage" section: after all, each manufacturer forms a drug with a different concentration of active substances. Therefore, if you do not plan to use the remedy very often, then just buy a "single" dose.
  • Thirdly, be sure to wear goggles and rubber gloves. Yes, you are a very careful person. But dealing with caustic potash without means of protection, nevertheless, is unnecessary.
  • Fourth, with gloved hands (!), open the package and pour (pour or squeeze) its contents into the drain hole.
  • Fifth, be patient and step away from the sink for an hour and a half. And only after 60 or 90 minutes of waiting, wash off the remnants of the drug (and the congestion) with plenty of water.

That's all. As you can see, it is very easy to verify the effectiveness of the Mole. Moreover, the predicted victory over the congestion will take place with a 100 percent probability in any case.

Well, if you want additional guarantees, then use an ordinary plunger to end your fight with clogged pipes. So you can be sure to eliminate really any congestion.

Mole cleaner for plumbing pipes
Chemical components in the Mole cleaner
Features of the interaction of Mole with blockages
Packaging methods and existing dosages of Mole
Instructions for use
What to fear
Useful tips for using Mole

Owners of their own homes very often face problems that are directly related to the functioning of the main systems in the house. The article will discuss how the Pipe Cleaner Mole will help in eliminating blockages formed in the pipelines of the plumbing system of the whole house.

Mole cleaner for plumbing pipes

Cleaning agent Mole has a rich history of use. Most of all, it is known among the adult generation, since it has been used since the last century. It is worth saying that today the substances that make up this mixture have not changed much.

As for the mixture of substances contained in the water flowing through the pipes, and the materials themselves from which these pipes are made, they have changed over the past decades, but the Mole still effectively copes with blockages.

The reason for the popularity of the Mole pipe cleaner is as follows:

  1. To use it, you do not need to dismantle the entire intricacies of plumbing pipes. It is enough just to pour the product into the drain of a sink, bathtub or other drain hole, so that it spreads through the system.
  2. Using the Mole for cleaning pipes, the owner saves himself from the formation of various wastes that are inevitable during mechanical cleaning by means of a plumbing cable with a metal ruff nozzle.
  3. The entire cleaning process takes very little time.
  4. Mole packaged or liquid for cleaning pipes are always in a ready-to-use state.
  5. The cost of the product is low compared to more expensive foreign counterparts. Moreover, the effectiveness of the latter is often not justified by anything other than commercials and high prices.

If the seller does not advise, then you should know about one secret to increase the efficiency of the Mole. It is necessary to use a plunger after falling asleep / pouring the product into the drain in order to increase the pressure in the pipeline, while increasing the impact of the Mole on the litter in the plumbing system.

To date, the Mole pipe cleaner on store shelves is represented by the following varieties:

  • liquid composition (usually dark brown, but transparent);
  • granular powder composition;
  • gel composition.

Chemical components in the Mole cleaner

The modern composition of the Mole pipe cleaner consists of a number of substances:

  • sodium hydroxide (40-60%);
  • distilled water (5-25%);
  • potassium hydroxide (5-10%);
  • surfactants (10%);
  • ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (5-10%).

Features of the interaction of Mole with blockages

The essence of the Mole pipe cleaner is to distribute inorganic alkalis and active additives through the pipeline, which will lead to the rapid removal of blockages in it. In this combination, a mixture is formed that has a deadly effect on any solid particles in pipelines. For the pipes themselves, it is safe, since they are made from materials that are inert to chemical attack.

Main blockages:

  • pipeline bends;
  • connecting knees;
  • siphons;
  • rubber sealing inserts;
  • tow embedded in cast-iron pipelines.

Each of these places is the "Achilles' heel" of the plumbing system, because in places where the pressure of water slows down its movement, solid particles can cling to the surface of the pipe, and then larger blockages grow on them. The main reason for this accumulation of various wastes is the content of various vegetable and animal fats in wastewater.

Determining that the pipeline is clogged is quite simple: the water does not pass well, and an unpleasant smell comes from the drain hole. Mole's active ingredients perform the task of softening and decomposing solid particles, which subsequently allows them to simply be washed down the drain by running water through the system.

The most difficult to remove the following components of blockages:

  • fats;
  • proteins;
  • salts derived from fatty acids;
  • collagen fibers (hair, wool, scales, etc.).

All the active ingredients that make up the Mole cleaner are aimed precisely at removing these blockages.

Packaging methods and existing dosages of Mole

The variety of forms in which the Mole cleaning agent is presented is due to high consumer demand. Available in small packs for single use in case of clogging and larger containers for regular cleaning of large plumbing systems.

Wholesale buyers of Mole in large volumes are the following organizations:

  • dry cleaning;
  • laundries;
  • catering establishments;
  • hotel type establishments
  • beauty salons, hairdressers, etc.

For example, by purchasing a container of 5.5 liters, the buyer will be provided with a cleaning agent for the plumbing system of the establishment he owns for a long time. At enterprises and in these types of institutions, much more Mole is needed, since the volumes of effluents exceed those values ​​that are typical for living conditions.

Mole - means for cleaning the pipeline

In its original form, this cleaner does not have the most pleasant smell, therefore, for its mass use, manufacturers add various flavors. Such additives increase the cost of the cleaning product, but all this is for the benefit of the employees of the enterprise. You can reduce the cost of cleaning the plumbing system if you refuse compositions containing coloring and flavoring components.

Instructions for use

As mentioned above, the popularity of using the Mole cleaner is due to its ease of use. The simplest user manual for the Krot pipe cleaner contains all the information necessary for its use, and is also conveniently placed on the label or packaging of the purchased composition.

Consider the algorithm for using a liquid composition:

  1. To begin with, the mixture is shaken in a closed container.
  2. Then from 200-250 milliliters is poured from the bottle into the drain in compliance with safety regulations. An appropriately sized plastic container may be used, but it may then be used solely for handling this chemical.
  3. The mixture poured into the pipeline should be kept there from 1.5 to 2 hours.
  4. Then, an intense pressure of water must be put into the sewer. Sometimes manufacturers indicate on the packaging that you need to use hot / warm water. See also: "Possible means for cleaning sewer pipes - advantages and disadvantages."

What to fear

We must never forget that Mole is a composition that includes the chemically active component sodium hydroxide, which is very dangerous for the skin. Since no one wants to get a chemical burn, you need to use the product very carefully, and it is best to use gloves to work with chemical compounds. See also: "What are the means for Mole pipes - features of sewer cleaning."

Contact with the skin or mucous membrane requires immediate action from the victim and the people helping him:

  • washing the affected area under running water;
  • contacting a medical institution if the mucous membrane or eyes have been damaged.

The most dangerous situation is when the drug enters the body orally (into the gastrointestinal tract):

  • the victim should drink a large amount of clean water (from 2 liters);
  • consult a doctor immediately (it is best to call an ambulance).

All other components of Mole do not pose a serious danger to the body, but you should not experiment with them.

Many homeowners who have repeatedly used this cleaner have their own secrets to its use and are willing to share them with others.

It is believed that the effectiveness of Mole can be increased as follows:

  1. Before placing the composition in the pipeline, it must be heated by starting hot water for several minutes.
  2. When the Mole has been in the system for 1.5-2 hours, then you need to pour in water and apply a plunger in order to mechanically enhance the cleaning effect.


Thus, we can conclude that using the time-tested Mole cleaning agent, you can easily remove any blockages. It is enough to simply follow the operating instructions and follow the safety precautions when working with the chemical. Eventually, ordinary tap water will remove the contamination and the plumbing system will return to normal operation.

New products of household chemicals are constantly appearing on store shelves. However, many housewives continue to use the means that have been tested and saved from various troubles for more than a year. Such products should include the drug "Mole" - a liquid for cleaning pipes. For many years this tool has been in great demand. After all, this product is of excellent quality and good effect.

Remedy for blockages "Mole"

Today, various chemicals are widely used to eliminate various blockages formed in pipes. Such products perfectly dissolve all kinds of pollution and effectively fight fatty deposits. "Mole" for pipes was made in the middle of the last century. However, the product is still in great demand.

Customer reviews of this substance are mostly positive. After all, the tool perfectly copes with the tasks. It quickly and easily removes any blockages. And all this thanks to its composition.

Release forms

Today you can buy the tool "Mole" in various packages and forms. The drug is sold in the following form:

  1. Granulated powder.
  2. Gel.
  3. translucent liquid.

The most economical option is gel. On surfaces, it spreads quite slowly, due to its thick consistency. As a result, the tool is spent much more economically. However, with severe blockages, when water practically does not go away, it is worth using a preparation that is available in liquid form.

Today you can buy the drug "Mole" in any package. Funds for are packaged not only in large containers. If necessary, you can buy a small bag, which is designed for only a few uses. It is also possible to purchase a concentrate, which is diluted in about 10 liters of water.

Means "Mole": composition

Today, the tool for pipes "Mole" is available in various forms. On the shelves of stores you can find the product in liquid or powder form. The composition of the drug remains unchanged, even despite the various forms of release. What does "Krot" contain? Means for cleaning pipes of a similar plan include:

  1. Sodium hydroxide. This is the active ingredient. Its share in the preparation is about 40-60 percent.
  2. This component is contained in the drug, produced in liquid form. The share of water is no more than 25 percent.
  3. 5 to 10 percent.
  4. Non-ionized surfactants: no more than 10 percent.

Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid can act as a filler in the Mole product. In the composition, the share of this component is only 5-10 percent.

Operating principle

Probably, many are interested in how the "Mole" works. Pipe cleaners with this composition are able to clean even hard-to-reach places. Most often, blockage occurs in:

  1. knee.
  2. bends.
  3. Siphon.
  4. Places where individual parts are joined, on which there are rubber sealing rings.

In other words, blockage occurs where it is possible to cling to the surface of the pipe. A greasy film may accumulate over the entire surface of individual parts. It is on it that particles of garbage stick. As a result, this leads first to a narrowing of the lumen of the pipes. Gradually, a plug is formed, which does not allow drains to pass freely and drain into the sewer.

Cope with this problem can "Mole". Pipe cleaners help dissolve and then soften the deposits that have formed. After that, debris and grease lagging behind the walls of the pipes are simply washed off with running water.

When using household chemicals to remove congestion in pipes, it is worth remembering that the use of such drugs leads to an unpleasant odor. This can be explained by the fact that hydrogen sulfide is released during the decomposition of calcined deposits. To avoid this phenomenon, it is worth choosing products that contain fragrance.

Before using the composition, experts recommend warming up the system a little by turning on hot water for a few minutes. This will enhance the effect.

After the required time has passed after pouring the product, you need to pour about two liters of hot water into the system, and then work with a plunger. Such manipulations will allow the drug to penetrate deeper.

Consumer reviews

Judging by the reviews, the drug "Mole" for cleaning pipes has a number of advantages. What are the main advantages of using this product? Here are just a few of them:

  1. It is very easy to use the drug "Mole". Pipe cleaners are poured into the drain hole. The powder, if necessary, should be diluted to make a liquid solution. After that, you need to wait a while, and then rinse the system with running water by opening the tap. As you can see, the whole process takes a minimum of time and does not require large expenses.
  2. Rapidity. This is another advantage of the tool that consumers indicate in their reviews. very quickly cleaned with this tool. Even very large clogs usually take less than 90 minutes to dissolve.
  3. No dirt. Those who have used a cable to clean pipes at least once in their lives know how unpleasant it is. After all, a lot of dirt is wound on the tool in the process of removing blockage, which will have to be washed off. When using the "Mole" tool, there is no such need. As, however, there is no dirt.
  4. The low cost of the drug "Mole". Means for cleaning pipes from imported manufacturers have a high price. The drug "Mole" does not differ from them in safety and effectiveness.

Mode of application

To get a positive result, you must use the tool correctly. If the drug is in liquid form, then shake the container with the solution before use. After that, from 200 to 250 milliliters of the product must be poured into the drain hole of the bath or sink.

When cleaning pipes, you must act carefully so that the composition does not get on exposed skin.

If the "Mole" for pipes, reviews of which are mostly positive, is in powder form, then you need to pour granules into the drain, and then pour several glasses of water into it.

After the procedure, you need to wait about 90 minutes. During this time, the remedy should work. The system must be flushed to completely break through the plug. To do this, turn on the tap, preferably with hot water.

Precautionary measures

As part of the drug "Mole" there are caustic components. It is for this reason that certain precautions should be observed when working with the drug. First of all, you should use protective gloves.

If the composition gets on the skin, then it is necessary to immediately wash it off using a large amount of liquid. Otherwise, irritation may occur. If the skin is reddened, then it is worth applying Beponten.

We constantly use sewerage in everyday life, so sooner or later we are faced with the problem of clogging of sewer pipes. What to do if the water drains slowly? A simple way to solve the problem is a chemical cleaner for sewer pipes - getting into the pipeline, they remove dirt and grease deposits.

Perhaps the most famous pipe cleaner is Mole: the combination of high performance and affordable price allows it to remain among the leaders among brands in its category. The tool is time-tested - even our grandmothers used the Mole. This name has become a household name, some call it any pipe cleaner. Over time, the Mole has not lost its relevance, today its merits are as obvious as in Soviet times.

Mole can be found in the form of a liquid, gel and granular powder. The chemical composition of the product differs only in the percentage of water. There are both small packages that are enough for 1-2 uses - for apartments, and large ones - for businesses, for example, for restaurants, dry cleaners or hotels. There is also an enhanced version of the composition of the Krot sewage product, which is characterized by a high content of active substance

Blockages most often occur in places where food debris can catch on something: siphons, bends in the pipeline, seams, protrusions, bumps and roughness. Vegetable fats act as a sort of glue, holding together collagen fibers such as hair and fish scales. Over time, blockages cling to more and more food debris, accumulate and layer them, growing and increasing in volume. Blockages prevent the free passage of drains, lead to a narrowing of the pipe and cause an unpleasant odor. If you notice these symptoms, this is a sure sign that a cleaning is needed.

What is included in the Mole?

The action of Mole is aimed precisely at dissolving fats of vegetable and animal origin, the remnants of protein tissues and collagens, which are the basis of blockage. The composition of the Mole pipe cleaner from different manufacturers may vary slightly, but its main components are unchanged:

  • Caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) is the main active ingredient in the product. It is a catalyst that dissolves organic matter. Mole contains 40-60% of the substance.
  • Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid acts on calcified deposits in the pipe and softens the water, making up to ten percent of Mole's composition
  • Potassium hydroxide is another alkaline compound that destroys organic waste, its content in the composition is approximately 5-10 percent. Potassium hydroxide is dangerous for human mucous tissues, so the product should be used with caution.
  • Distilled water. It is 25 percent in the solution and about 5 percent in the gel.
  • Surfactants. They allow you to weaken the surface tension in the blockage structure.

Usage algorithm

Before using Mole, you must read the instructions on the package - the cleaning agent may have a composition that cannot be used in plastic sewer systems. Also, the required amount of substance and the exposure time may vary slightly. Before buying, check the expiration date, over time, the Mole loses its effectiveness.

Keep personal safety in mind when cleaning drains. You need to interact with the Mole only in rubber gloves, and, if possible, in goggles. If the product gets on the skin, it can lead to a chemical burn, so the damaged area should be washed as soon as possible under running water, if the Mole gets into the eyes, it is also necessary to rinse them and drip eye drops of sulfacyl sodium, after which, if necessary, consult a doctor .

It is better not to leave Mole sewer pipe cleaner in the system for a long time, for example, overnight. Excessive use of it adversely affects the condition of the pipeline. After cleaning, the packaging should be tightly closed and stored out of the reach of children.

Mole for the sewer system is one of the best solutions when clearing blockages. Due to its low price and high efficiency, it is popular to this day, despite its venerable age. Not surprisingly, many continue to use the Mole to clean the sewers.

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