Why smoking is harmful especially in childhood. Influence on the lungs. Hookahs and electronic cigarettes

Our Expert Lead Researcher Federal State Budgetary Institution "State Research Center for Preventive Medicine" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Medical Sciences Marine Gambaryan.

Judging by global surveys conducted in 2004 and 2015 among children aged 13-15 in 5 regions of Russia, the prevalence of teenage smoking in last years went into decline. But it's too early to rejoice.

Controversial statistics

If 10 years ago among the surveyed boys and girls 25.4% tried to smoke, then in 2015 this number decreased to 15.1%. But the decline was mainly due to that part of the youth that only indulged in cigarettes. And the number of teenagers who smoke seriously, prohibitive measures by and large did not affect. During this time, the number of boys and girls who smoke every day has decreased from only 11.8 to 10.6%.

The survey revealed important feature teen smoking. Unlike adult tobacco lovers, among whom the majority are representatives of the stronger sex (in our country today 49.8% of men and 14.5% of women smoke), the number of smoking boys and girls is approximately the same: 17 and 13.3%, respectively, and 10 ,6 and 8% of boys and girls smoke daily. Unfortunately, this suggests that, if serious measures are not taken, over time, the level female smoking we will grow. And it is the most dangerous. And because nicotine is on female body acts more strongly than on men, and because it is on girls that the health of future generations depends to a greater extent.

The problem that "floats"

And yet, the fashion for cigarettes among teenagers is steadily declining. But at the same time, another, no less dangerous danger appeared. While adult smokers are still addicted to regular cigarettes, the boys and girls who live online are increasingly choosing electronic systems delivery of nicotine - the so-called e-Sigs or evaporators that are actively conquering the market. According to surveys in Moscow, 14.5% of teenagers "hover" such devices. In the country, this figure is slightly lower - 8.5%. There are more than two times less adult users of vapes and electronic cigarettes. It is understandable, manufacturers are focusing on young people, since their consumer potential is higher than that of the "old people". Therefore, such devices are created taking into account the tastes of young people - they have a bright, fashionable design, attractive taste and aroma (chocolate, popcorn, fruit).

Manufacturers market electronic vaporizers as a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes, but in fact, their product is often even more harmful. Not only do vapes sometimes explode, but the composition of the liquid that these devices are filled with also raises doubts. In addition to synthetic sulfate nicotine (more dangerous than natural nicotine in regular tobacco), it contains propylene glycol, glycerin, flavors, formaldehyde, and others. toxic substances. Moreover, the composition of liquids for evaporators is not regulated in any way and, accordingly, is not controlled by anyone, and the checks carried out have repeatedly confirmed that the indicated ingredients and the real composition often do not correspond. And the nicotine content there is sometimes no less, and even more than in regular cigarettes. It is no coincidence that in some countries vapes are banned altogether; in America, they cannot be sold to teenagers under 18 years old. We still have vaporizers available to everyone, but there is hope that this will change soon.

Dangerous and second hand smoke. For example, smoking of an expectant mother increases the risk of having a child with low birth weight and neurological problems. These children are more predisposed to bronchopulmonary and cardiovascular diseases. Even the risk erectile dysfunction the son of a smoking mother is 10 times higher than those whose mothers did not smoke.

Despite widespread information that cigarettes destroy health, the number of smokers is not decreasing. Particularly alarming is the smoking of adolescents, whose fragile body and fragile nervous system are particularly sensitive to nicotine exposure.

Relevance of the problem

According to statistics, the number of teenagers who start smoking is increasing. Frightening is the fact that the age of the smoker is decreasing every year. If girls and boys used to start smoking at the age of 15, today there are more and more smokers among schoolchildren aged 7-10.

Teenage smoking affects both disadvantaged children and wealthy teenagers. In spite of age restrictions regarding the sale of cigarette products, young people find it easy to purchase cigarettes. Young people are not stopped by the fact that smoking is dangerous for the body.

The reasons

There are many situations in which girls and boys start smoking as soon as they reach adolescence:

  1. Dependence on the opinions of others (especially peers).
  2. Getting into the company of smokers.
  3. Family problems.
  4. Depressive states and psychological problems.
  5. Family with smokers.
  6. Desire to imitate idols.

Opinion of others

The psyche of a teenager is not yet strong, so he experiences mood swings. For girls and boys at a young age, peer approval is very important, which they strive for with all their might.

Smoking often becomes a kind of desire to emphasize one's "coolness", "maturity" and gain authority among peers, especially at school, where students are forbidden a lot.


Often smoking in adolescence begins with the fact that the child gets into a company where everyone smokes. “Everyone was with cigarettes, and I also decided to try it,” is how a teenager would explain his acquaintance with nicotine. A teenager could be laughed at because he is “not like everyone else, too correct,” etc. This pushes him to smoke. Then the child is drawn in and can no longer wean.

Family problems

Quite often teenagers start smoking because of tension in the family. Disagreements with parents, death or illness of someone close, misunderstandings and quarrels can lead to the fact that a teenager will have a desire to smoke to relax.

depression and stress

This reason complements the previous one. A teenager can smoke because he does not receive attention from the opposite sex, because of self-doubt, depression, etc. These can be both conditions in which a boy or girl has an unhealthy psyche, and situations when they lose the meaning of life. deep depression along with other symptoms can cause a desire to smoke.

smoking family

If there are people in the family who smoke, the child will certainly be interested in this and want to try it. Such adolescents first observe a father or mother who has bad habit, and then they themselves try to imitate adults by trying nicotine.

Imitation of idols

Often, teenagers are addicted to a popular singer or actor, the hero of their favorite movie or TV series. Wanting to be like a celebrity, the child tries not only to imitate the idol outwardly, but also adopts some features of his behavior. Tobacco smoking among adolescents and young people in this case is explained simple desire to approach an idol, even if it is unhealthy.

Possible consequences

Smoking is very harmful to young people. Girls and boys who start smoking at an early age acquire many diseases that they do not even know about. It has been proven that smoking affects children especially detrimentally, so for those who start smoking too early, life expectancy is reduced several times. Adolescents begin to have heart problems, memory deteriorates, and visual pathologies. Smoking at an early age can lead to problems with hearing, nervous system. Adolescents who started smoking young age, it is noted:

  1. increased fatigue;
  2. decrease in working capacity;
  3. deterioration in the perception of information;
  4. disruption of the respiratory system;
  5. diseases of the endocrine and digestive systems.

Smoking can cause problems with a teenager's sexual development. In girls, there may be underdevelopment of the mammary glands and irregular menstrual cycle, boys may be stunted and physical development may slow down.

The consequences of smoking in adolescence can be expressed in symptoms such as increased sweating, thirst, drowsiness and loss of vascular elasticity. Headaches, migraine, deterioration of motor skills and coordination of movements are possible. Many teenagers cannot continue sports activities, they experience shortness of breath.

Smoking schoolchildren leads to a decrease in their creativity, weakening creativity, deterioration in perception and the inability to express oneself.

Upon learning that a child smokes, most parents fall into despair or rage. Both of these reactions are completely wrong, and they can only make the situation worse. It is very important to accept this situation calmly in order to deal with it competently.

  1. It is impossible to get a teenager to part with a cigarette with aggression, screams and reproaches. Any attempt to suppress the child will turn into a protest - the teenager will not quit addiction, but will smoke in such a way that you won't even know about it.
  2. It is important to be patient so that the teenager understands that you are next to him and want to help him, and are not going to annoy and force him to do something against his will.
  3. Find out why your child smokes. If a we are talking about psychological problems, you need to talk to him about what worries him. Smoking child he will not immediately be able to trust you, but if he feels your understanding and desire to help, he will begin to believe in you and want to open up. In this case, getting rid of smoking will go much faster. You can try to solve the issues that torment your son or daughter, and explain how smoking affects the body of a teenager.
  4. If there are smokers in the family, they should try to quit this addiction. If your child is targeting you or someone in the family who has influence over him, it is important to file correct example and make smoking a thing of the past.
  5. Given the fact that nicotine causes not only physical, but also psychological dependence, the child needs to be shown to a specialist. Working with professionals, which involves not abrupt, but gradual weaning from cigarettes, although it will take at least 3-4 months, is guaranteed to help the child get rid of harmful addiction.


Teenagers and smoking serious problem. It can be corrected by attention, patience, affection and understanding in relation to young man or girls caught in captivity cigarette smoke. If you notice that your child has started smoking, you should not hesitate. Try to take immediate action to protect the child from negative consequences.

It is worrisome for several reasons.
First, those who began to smoke daily in their teens, usually smoke all their lives.
Secondly, smoking increases the risk of developing chronic diseases (heart disease, cancer, emphysema).
Third, although chronic diseases associated with smoking usually appear only in adulthood, Adolescent smokers are more likely to suffer from coughing, dysfunction respiratory tract, sputum production, shortness of breath and other respiratory symptoms.

Reasons for teen smoking

What are reasons for teen smoking? For teen smoking There are many reasons, here are some of them:

  • Imitation of other schoolchildren, students;
  • Feeling of novelty, interest;
  • The desire to appear adults, independent;
  • In girls, initiation to smoking is often associated with coquetry, the desire for originality, the desire to please young men.

However, through short-term and irregular smoking at the beginning, a real habit to tobacco, to nicotine, imperceptibly arises.
Nicotine, which is a neurotropic poison, becomes habitual and, due to established reflexes, it becomes difficult to do without it. Many painful changes do not occur immediately, but with a certain "experience" of smoking (cancer of the lungs and other organs, myocardial infarction, gangrene of the legs, etc.)
Schoolchildren, due to the fact that they care little about their health, cannot, due to immaturity, appreciate the severity of the consequences of smoking. For a student, a period of 10-15 years (when symptoms of diseases appear) seems to be something very far away, and he lives for today, being sure that he will quit smoking at any moment. However, quitting smoking is not easy, you can ask any smoker about it.

Questionnaire smoking teenage girls. When asked why do you smoke? The answers were distributed as follows:

60% of smoking girls answered that it is fashionable and beautiful.
20% of female smokers answered that this is how boys want to be liked
15% of female smokers answered that they wanted to attract attention in this way
5% of female smokers said they look better this way.

At smoking in teenagers memory suffers greatly. Experiments have shown that smoking reduces learning speed and memory capacity.
It also slows down the reaction in motion, decreases muscle strength, under the influence of nicotine worsens visual acuity.

It has been found that human mortality who started smoking in adolescence(up to 20 years), significantly higher than among those who first smoked after 25 years.
Frequent and systematic smoking in teenagers is debilitating nerve cells , causing premature fatigue and a decrease in the activating ability of the brain when solving problems of the logical-informational type.
When smoking, a teenager develops a pathology of the visual cortex. At smoking teenager colors may shed, fade due to a change in visual color perception, and the overall diversity of perception may decrease. Initially observed fast fatiguability while reading. Then flickering and doubling in the eyes begin, and, finally, a decrease in visual acuity, since those arising from tobacco smoke tearing, redness and swelling of the eyelids lead to chronic inflammation optic nerve. Nicotine causes changes in the retina of the eye, resulting in a decrease in sensitivity to light. Just as in children born to smoking mothers, in young smoking teenagers susceptibility disappears first to green, then to red, and finally to blue.
AT recent times ophthalmologists have a new name for blindness - tobacco amblyopathy, which occurs as a manifestation of subacute intoxication with smoking abuse. The mucous membranes of the eyes are especially sensitive to pollution by tobacco smoke products. children and teenagers.
Nicotine boosts intraocular pressure. Smoking cessation in adolescence age is one of the factors preventing such a formidable disease as glaucoma.
The state of the cells of the auditory cortex after smoking in adolescence absolutely clearly and indisputably testifies to the powerful suppression and oppression of their functions. This is reflected in the auditory perception and the reconstruction of the auditory image in response to sound stimulation of the external environment.
activates many activities thyroid gland, as a result of which smoking teenagers the pulse quickens, the temperature rises, there is thirst, irritability, sleep is disturbed. Due to early initiation to smoking, skin lesions occur - acne, seborrhea, which is explained by disturbances in the activity of not only the thyroid, but also other glands of the endocrine system.
Everyone knows that smoking leads to premature wear of the heart muscle. Exciting the vasomotor center and affecting the peripheral vasomotor apparatus, nicotine increases tone and causes vasospasm. This increases the load on the heart, since it is much more difficult to push blood through the narrowed vessels. Adapting to increased load, the heart grows by increasing the volume of muscle fibers. In the future, the activity of the heart is also burdened by the fact that the vessels in smoking teenagers lose their elasticity much more intensely than in non-smokers.
It is known that with the increase in the number of smoking adolescents, lung cancer has also become younger. One of early signs This disease is dry cough. The disease can be manifested by minor pains in the lungs, while the main symptoms are fatigue, increasing weakness, and decreased performance.
Smoking disrupts the normal regime of work and rest, especially among smoking teenagers, not only because of the action of nicotine on the central nervous system, but also because of the desire to smoke that appears during exercise. In this case, the student's attention is completely switched to the thought of tobacco. Smoking reduces the effectiveness of perception and memorization educational material, reduces the accuracy of computational operations, reduces the amount of memory. Smoking teenagers do not rest during recess, like everyone else, because immediately after the lesson they rush to the toilet and in clouds of tobacco smoke and different kind harmful fumes satisfy their need for nicotine. The cumulative effect of the toxic components of ingested tobacco smoke causes headache, irritability, decreased performance. As a result, the student comes to next lesson in non-working condition.
found to be too early smoking retards growth. When checking, it turned out that not only height, but also breast volume in smoking teenagers is much less than in non-smoking peers.
Nicotine reduces physical strength, endurance, worsens coordination and speed of movements. Therefore, sports and smoking are incompatible.
Takova the cost of smoking for young people. Unfortunately, by virtue of age features adolescents do not fully understand the degree harmful effects tobacco smoking .

Teen smoking prevention

Teen smoking prevention- the topic is quite relevant, not only in schools among teenagers but all over the world. The foundations for promoting a healthy lifestyle should be laid from adolescence, namely within the walls of the school.
Nicotine in the form of cigarettes is the most common (along with alcohol) psychoactive substance. Over the past two decades, adult smoking has declined substantially in developed countries and increased in developing countries. The situation in our country is unfavorable, the same as in developing countries, number smokers not only growing, but actively and younger. In Europe and the USA, prevention of smoking is being actively carried out: anti-advertising of smoking is being carried out, advertising of a healthy lifestyle is being done in a word to improve the nation. And tobacco companies forced to look for a market! Russia is just the country where smoking prevention not only forgotten, but on the contrary, there are active advertising campaigns of smoking. The worst thing is that even young girls are actively involved in such advertising of smoking. What is it smoking prevention? When all over the country crowds of people are more and more busy not smoking prevention, but on the contrary, the imposition of smoking! That is why the number of smokers among young people is steadily growing.
According to a survey among schoolchildren, smoking is a serious problem for adolescents: the vast majority of schoolchildren have smoked at least once in their lives, and 50-70% of boys and 30-40% of girls smoke by the senior grades.
All this leads to certain requirements for the prevention of smoking. Today, school teachers notice such a trend, if they used to give lectures on how not to start smoking, today there is a need to give lectures to schoolchildren on how easy it is to quit smoking!!!

Smoking and teenagers are a very serious problem, the problem is not only medical, but also social, and it is becoming more acute every year. According to WHO statistics, nearly 90% of adult smokers started smoking as teenagers, because they most of all wanted to appear adults. In most countries about a third of 15-year-olds smoke, a significant part of which began to smoke from the age of 7 - 10 years. It is sad, but true, that the number of smokers in recent years has been replenished by girls, moreover, ahead of the number of smoking boys. Teenagers are not aware of the dangers of smoking because they are constantly watching their elders doing it at ease.

83% of privately interviewed 12-15 year old teenagers who had smoking experience described their feelings from the first cigarette with the phrases: “Dizzy”, “Fog in the mind”, “Burns in the stomach, sick” and others. The respondents, in the presence of their comrades, checked their answers with the reaction of their peers, exaggeratedly describing "bliss", but what it is, they could not clearly explain. In the group form of the survey, only 15% of teenagers disapproved of smoking, but added that "everyone smokes, so you have to get used to it." After a single cigarette, they did not feel cravings for smoking, however, when their mood worsened (after a quarrel with friends or relatives), there was a desire to smoke in order to distract from unpleasant thoughts (for example, about suicide). The same applies to adolescents with passive life position, persistent depression or a pessimistic temperament.

The majority of smokers opened the account of smoked cigarettes at the time of their youth or even childhood. Everyone imagines why a 9-10 year old kid begins, secretly from his parents, to inhale cigarettes, blowing smoke. It's simple - he wants to appear more mature, as they say, cooler. He does this not for himself, he does it for his peers and those around him in general. He walks so “cool” down the street, making still uncertain gestures to deliver a cigarette to his mouth and back, and with his whole appearance says: “Look how grown up I am, I already smoke!” And does not realize what a pitiful sight it is in this moment. Why did the cigarette acquire such an attractive image among teenagers?

Firstly, a stereotype of an adult male smoker has developed in society. If all the men around the child smoke - relatives and friends, then in his understanding this is the norm. When she grows up, she will also smoke. And I want to grow up earlier. It is a fact that if a family smokes, then the likelihood that children will smoke increases by 50-60 percent.
Secondly- peers. When friends smoke, high school students smoke - how can you not smoke here? For girls, this is one of the main reasons why they start smoking. They smoke because their friends smoke. This is the mechanism of social dependence. Works not only on teenagers, but also on adults. “He smokes, I will smoke too, so as not to be different from him, otherwise he will think badly of me.”
Thirdly, it is not known why, but in the cinema and on television, the image of a tough hero - a smoker, is being created to this day. Since the public of developed countries has paid attention to this, now they are starting to fight it, and more and more movie heroes appear, leading healthy lifestyle life.

So, the factors pushing children to take a cigarette are:
Widespread advertising of cigarettes (teenagers get the impression that smoking is fashionable);
Peer pressure (if you don't smoke then you're a weakling);
Unfavorable social environment;
Simple curiosity and imitation.

A child is not exactly a copy of an adult in all respects. All systems and organs are still in the development stage, it has its own characteristics and the state of metabolism in the body. Therefore, a child, a teenager is much more sensitive, more vulnerable to the action of any harmful substances, including tobacco poisons than an adult.

In smoking children, the functions of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems primarily change. Such children, first of all, become easily excitable, quick-tempered, irritable, inattentive.
Dependence on tobacco gradually develops, and if there is no cigarette, a state of discomfort appears in well-being, which is expressed in the form of anxiety. All thoughts are occupied with smoking as soon as possible.
American scientists have found that young men who smoke deteriorate memory makes it difficult to memorize texts. It has been established that 50% of schoolchildren who smoke study poorly.
Smoking adolescents are violated metabolic processes in the body, especially the absorption of vitamins A, B1, B6, B12, and vitamin C is destroyed. This is the reason why slows down general development growth slows down. As a result of smoking, anemia often develops, as well as myopia. Appear inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx. Smoking at an early age impairs hearing, that's why smoking children tend to hear low sounds worse.
The lethal dose of nicotine for an adult is a pack smoked immediately. For a teenager - FLOOR PACK!

How to restrict a child from smoking?
Here are some tips:
The confused mother said she caught her son and daughter smoking in the room. The smell of cigarette smoke in the room helped solve the mystery. Empty cigarette packs and cigarette butts were found in the trash can. In alarm, the mother reported the incident to her husband, also non-smoker. In order to wean children from smoking, parents enrolled them in a program of rehabilitation and support.

If you fail to catch children smoking at home, try to find out who they hang out with and where they spend their time after school. Someone will definitely tell you if your teen's friends smoke.

The request of a son or daughter not to walk with their smoking friends will not give you encouraging results. Instead, invite their friends over to your house and show them videos, videos or the Internet, that reveal the details of the irreversible effects of smoking on the human body. Give them books about the effects of smoking or invite a doctor to a lesson at the children's school or Parent meeting to discuss the dangers of smoking. Mobilize parents and ask school leaders and faculty to start a war on smoking. There should be no smoking areas or non-smoking areas in the school. Instead, smoking should be banned entirely. In response to protests, you can always explain that sometimes parents and teachers have to be harsh to be kind. Smoking is deadly and this case there should be no place for euphemism.

Be relentless in your efforts to wage war on teen smoking. Teenagers who smoke will become adult smokers and suffer the consequences of smoking in the future. Instead of waiting for trouble to hit you, start your campaign today. If you love your children, make a firm decision. Someday, your children will thank you for your perseverance and effort to help them get rid of this deadly and terrible habit.

Teenage smoking is a common problem in modern world. Someone comes to him because of problems within the family, others try to imitate adults, many smoke just for the company, so as not to stand out among their own. One way or another, smoking on a fragile body has a devastating effect, affecting not only health in general, but also physical and mental development.

Why teenagers start smoking

The most popular reason is the desire not to stand out from the general company of peers. It seems to the student that in this way he increases his authority in the eyes of the whole company. It's easier to make new acquaintances and not fight off the already existing crowd.

Another trait common to all teenagers is excessive curiosity. If adults smoke and they like it so much, then you need to find out what it is. And bans on cigarettes only fuel interest in them. The first puff seems like a game and something frivolous, but then the teenager himself does not notice how he has already become involved and smokes a whole pack.

Imitation of adults is the third main reason. Adolescents often take on the trappings of what they perceive to be "mature." Of course, this position is fundamentally wrong. An adult is defined by actions and responsibility for his actions.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the girls. Often they start smoking not only for the above reasons, but also in order to please a guy or seem fashionable. Teenage girls think that with a cigarette in their hands they look older and more attractive. But it's not.

The dangers of smoking for teenagers

The harm of nicotine for a growing body is much more serious than for adults. Toxins affect adolescents more strongly and become addictive faster, since the body is not yet fully formed. Smoking affects all systems of the body. exposed negative impact growth processes, mental and sexual development.

Effects on the brain and nervous system

Nicotine adversely affects the state of blood vessels, resulting in impaired blood circulation in the brain. A teenager who smokes noticeably worsens concentration and memory, which is a big minus for a student.

In addition, the quality of vision decreases, the risk of glaucoma increases. Nicotine also has a devastating effect on the state of some areas of the cortex, resulting in hearing impairment.

Under the influence of cigarettes, the nervous system suffers greatly. The consequences of this are unpredictable: some teenagers become too emotional and quick-tempered, while others, on the contrary, withdraw into themselves, suffering from depression and suspiciousness.

Effect on the skin

Nicotine is bad for the skin. It makes things worse sebaceous glands, which are already not ideal under the influence of hormones. As a result, a tarry teenager not only becomes covered with acne, but also suffers from excessive dryness of the skin.

Other defects may also appear from smoking, for example, ugly dark spots or a yellowish, sickly tinge.

Effect on the heart and blood vessels

No smoker can avoid problems with the heart and blood vessels. A teenager who smokes may experience the following pathologies:

  • hypertension;
  • tachycardia;
  • vascular spasms;
  • fragility of blood vessels;
  • atherosclerotic plaques.

Cardiovascular disease is clearly not something that can please at such an early age. Poor heart function leads to rapid physical fatigue.

Effect on the lungs

This organ suffers first of all, since it is in the bronchi that the bulk of nicotine enters. Problems with the lungs make themselves felt first with shortness of breath when physical activity, then the teenager starts to complain about persistent cough. If he doesn't quit bad habit is at risk of getting lung cancer. This disease is especially common among heavy smokers.

Influence on the hormonal background

First of all, nicotine has a devastating effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland. Consequences of this breach:

Malfunctions in the thyroid gland along the chain pull the pathologies of the entire endocrine system.

Impact on the reproductive system

Early smoking delays physical development, including sexual development. This is especially dangerous for girls. They observe:

  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • infertility;
  • diseases of the internal genital organs.

These side effects from smoking manifest themselves in more than half of the girls who started smoking before the age of 16. In addition to obvious problems with the sexual sphere, girls have delays in the development of secondary sexual characteristics.

Boys who smoke are also not immune from problems in this area. Smoking leads to lower levels male hormones, which are still not very many in adolescence. If a boy continues to smoke after puberty, nicotine can lead to impaired potency and infertility.

Effects on muscles and bones

Vessel wear at such an early age under the influence of nicotine leads to a disruption in the supply of tissues useful substances and oxygen. As a result, growth slows down and physical endurance decreases.

It is impossible to say how many centimeters of height or kilograms of weight such a student will not get, but he will have problems with physical endurance, hearing and vision for sure.

Impact on immunity

Nicotine directly affects the state of immunity, being a strong neurotoxin. With every cigarette you smoke the immune system the body weakens, making it vulnerable to viral diseases. Weakened immunity not only increases the risk of getting sick, but also exacerbates existing chronic diseases.

Consequences of smoking in adolescence

Smoking in childhood and adolescence is much more dangerous than in adults, because it does not allow the body to form correctly. Nicotine addiction in a teenager in the future leads to problems such as:

  • bad memory;
  • inability to concentrate on business;
  • blurred vision;
  • poor hearing;
  • poor sense of smell;
  • slowing down the reaction to the stimulus;
  • low endurance;
  • nervous exhaustion;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • insomnia;
  • heart diseases;
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • bad skin;
  • deterioration of hair, teeth and nails;
  • rapid wear of the heart and blood vessels;
  • the risk of oncological formations;
  • pathology of the reproductive system;
  • delays in physical and mental development.

These reasons are quite enough to convince a teenager not to start smoking not only at the age of 14-16, but also in adulthood.

How to tell if a teenager is smoking

Determining whether a child is consuming cigarettes is actually quite simple. It is enough to pay more attention to him. There are several signs of a bad habit:

There is another sign, but it is indirect. If a teenager dares to tar at home in the absence of parents, he will often ventilate his room in any weather.

What should parents do if their child starts smoking?

Of course, it is better not to allow such a situation at all. You need to talk about the dangers of cigarettes with a child before he gets caught with them. Such conversations are not “too early”, because they directly relate to the health of the child. From childhood, you need to create a negative image of cigarettes so that the teenager does not even want to think about them.

If the child is already smoking, do not yell at him and put pressure on him, it is better to talk to him calmly. Things to talk about with a teenager:

If talking with a teenager does not help, it makes sense to turn to specialists.

Smoking prevention among teenagers

The problem of children's and teenage smoking is relevant, so it is important to think about prevention. What parents and schools can do:

  • Inform children about nicotine addiction, its harm and impact on life. All this can be confirmed by statistical studies.
  • Talk more about people who have achieved a lot in life without cigarettes.
  • Present boring information for teenagers in the form of books, films, real stories from life.
  • FROM early age introduce children to sports and a variety of hobbies.

When talking to teenagers, focus on the benefits of living a nicotine-free life rather than strict prohibitions. Everything that adults have forbidden, according to children, must be tried.


Smoking in adolescence is easier to prevent than to fight. Therefore, confidential conversations with a child about the dangers of nicotine addiction are so important. In a family where a friendly and safe atmosphere reigns, it is much easier to track all the changes that occur with a teenager. The support of parents is what is important in this difficult period of life.

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