If the cat burps foam what to do. Cat vomiting white foam. There are a number of reasons why a cat vomits white foam.

Vomiting is considered a sign of a digestive disorder, but in cats, this process can be a variant of the norm. In some cases, animals specifically eat grass. It causes vomiting reflex which helps clear the stomach.

If the cat vomits white foam rarely enough, you should not worry. However, if this happens all the time, you need to take your pet to the vet, because vomiting can be a symptom of a serious illness.

Vomiting white foam in cats and kittens may be a defensive reaction to getting into digestive system pathogenic bacteria, irritating substances.

Such a symptom may appear if the animal ate something wrong. Pay attention to the vomit. Don't worry if white foam is a uniform consistency. This may mean a temporary malfunction in the digestive system.

A possible cause of vomiting may be the ingestion of wool in large quantities if the animal is often licked. This process is typical for long-haired animals.

Wool gets inside and forms into lumps that irritate the stomach lining. In this case, the kitten also vomits white foam. Hairballs may be present in the vomit.

Adult cats vomit and vomit for the same reasons as small kittens.

Vomiting may also occur in the following cases:

  1. Estrus. Occurs on average 3-4 times a year. Nausea, vomiting of white foam may occur during estrus in the stage of estrus (sexual susceptibility).
  2. Pregnancy in the early stages. Causes are changes hormonal background, toxicosis. Vomiting may appear in the last stages of pregnancy, when the uterus increases in size and begins to put pressure on the digestive organs.
  3. Stress. Fear, excitement can cause nausea and vomiting in a cat.

Single vomiting with a small amount foam - no reason to panic, no need to worry. However, if this happens regularly and the cat's condition worsens, try to help the animal.

What to do if a cat vomits?

So, what to do if the cat vomits white foam? Watch your pet throughout the day. If the cat has vomited but still behaves normally, signs of illness may disappear the next day.

If you suspect poisoning or an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, you can try to help the cat by arranging a fasting day for her. This will restore the work of the damaged organ.

The next day, the animal's condition should return to normal, vomiting stops. On the first day after unloading day give the cat rice cooked in chicken broth.

Feed your pet more often (up to 6 times a day), in small portions. In the following days, reduce the number of feedings and increase the amount of food. Then gradually transfer the cat to a normal diet.

If the vomiting was due to a common indigestion, give your pet a mint infusion. Pour 1 teaspoon of herb with 1 cup of boiling water and leave to cool. The drink must be warm. Give your cat 1 tablespoon of the remedy immediately after vomiting.

If you suspect an accumulation of hairballs in the stomach, drink oil to your pet in the amount of 1 teaspoon. l. You can add it to food. Oil is given 3 times a week. The drug has a laxative effect, vomiting stops.

If vomiting is a symptom of poisoning, give the cat Activated carbon. An animal weighing 5 kg will need ½ tablet. With frequent and prolonged vomiting, antiemetic drugs (Paspertine, Torekan, Phenothiazine) can be used.

To prevent dehydration, it is necessary to drink Regidron, which replenishes the loss of salts and fluids in the body.

When should you contact a veterinarian?

The situation is complicated when the pet is sick and vomits for more than a day, it becomes weak and lethargic and looks painful. If the cat does not go to the toilet, does not allow touching the stomach, you need to urgently contact the veterinarian.

Other reasons to see a specialist:

  1. After a starvation diet, the pet's condition does not improve, it often vomits (several times per hour).
  2. If the cat does not eat anything all day. In this case, frothy vomiting is most likely a sign of a serious illness.
  3. Vomiting is accompanied intense thirst, while the cat does not go to the tray. This indicates a pathology of the kidneys.
  4. Diarrhea, fever (above 38-39 ºС).
  5. Seizures. The symptom indicates a lesion of the central nervous system.
  6. Bloody discharges are visible in the vomit.
  7. If a cat regularly spits up hair, his digestive system is not working properly. Perhaps the pet has diseases of the gallbladder, pancreas or rectum.

Vomiting that does not stop for more than a day leads to dehydration. This condition poses a serious threat to life.

The following symptom indicates severe dehydration with prolonged vomiting: lift the area of ​​​​skin with your fingers and release it, it will slowly return to its original shape.

To prevent the death of the animal, you should not self-medicate. Be sure to take your cat to the veterinarian, who will determine the cause of the vomiting and provide adequate therapy.


When contacting a veterinary clinic, you must provide the specialist with the following information:

  1. What was the cat fed, were there any changes in the diet.
  2. How often did you vomit.
  3. Are there any chronic diseases, infections in the animal that the owner knows about.

This will help set accurate diagnosis and take the necessary action.

Diagnostics pathological condition cats is as follows:

  • analysis of the type, consistency of vomit;
  • examination of the cat, analysis of the general condition;
  • laboratory tests of blood, urine;
  • ultrasound abdominal cavity, kidney.

The treatment regimen is selected depending on the established diagnosis. It includes drug therapy, implementation of measures to prevent dehydration.

During the treatment of vomiting in a cat, it is necessary special diet. Food should be semi-liquid. Feed your pet more often, in small portions. Meat should be given only boiled and chopped. After stabilization of the condition, the transition to the usual diet should be gradual.

What to do if a cat vomits yellow foam?

If the cat vomits yellow foam, which means that bile has entered her stomach. The cause is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis), biliary tract.

Yellowish vomiting in a cat may appear with calcivirosis, abrupt change diet, ingestion of a foreign body in the stomach. If the pet ate stale or poor quality food, the load on the liver increases. In this case, vomiting may also occur with yellow liquid.

If you suspect that an inedible object has entered the stomach or poor quality food urge to vomit must be provoked.

Give the animal saline solution. To prepare it, stir 1 tablespoon of salt into 1 cup warm water. Drink the solution until the cat vomits.

If vomiting yellow foam was caused by poisoning, give your pet activated charcoal. With exacerbations gastrointestinal diseases Eliminate rough, fatty foods from the animal's diet.

AT severe cases when vomiting with yellow foam was caused by infections, the cat should be taken to the veterinarian. In this case, you need to make droppers with saline solutions, medicines.

People are accustomed to considering vomiting and nausea as a sign of a malfunction of the digestive system. In cats, everything happens a little differently, and in some cases it is even considered a normal physiological process. Due to their natural cleanliness, cute fluffies constantly lick their fur coat, while swallowing some of their wool.

This is one of the causes of the gag reflex, which should not cause undue concern. But there are other situations in which vomiting can become a symptom of a dangerous disease. We will consider these and other reasons in our article.

Vomiting in an animal is a peculiar defensive reaction to the ingress of chemical irritants, foreign objects and pathogenic bacteria into the body. Vomiting white foam in a cat can mean a malfunction of the biliary apparatus. During the digestion of food in the stomach and its entry into the intestines, the secretion of mucus does not stop, excess amount which, on contact with air, turns into white bubbles. If in this case the foam has a uniform consistency and nothing is present in it, there is no danger to the cat's body.

Causes of vomiting in kittens

The kitten vomits white foam in the following cases:

  1. A sharp transition from one diet to another (for example, a baby has just been weaned from his mother and began to be fed with full-fledged "adult" food, and his stomach has not yet learned to digest natural products food or fodder).
  2. Poor quality junk food(fatty, fried, salty, smoked, stale food and cheap low-quality food in a kitten cause backlash and rejection).
  3. Overeating and too large pieces of food.
  4. Ingestion of a large amount of wool into the stomach (with frequent and active licking).
  5. Accidental swallowing foreign objects(candy wrapper, toy detail, Christmas tree tinsel and other inedible things).
  6. Poisoning by a substance of chemical origin (medication, dishwashing liquid, cosmetics, toilet filler, alcohol).
  7. Possible consequence of vaccination.
  8. Liver problems, pancreatitis or triaditis, any infectious diseases.

If the baby vomited, you need to try to find out exact reason and show the animal to the doctor.

Vomiting in cats

An adult cat vomits for the same reasons as little kitty. If this happens rarely, you should not worry, but if the animal vomits for a sufficiently long time and this condition is periodic, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. The doctor will examine and determine correct diagnosis. The inspection consists of the following steps:

  • Determining the frequency and duration of vomiting;
  • clarification of information about nutrition and the possible ingestion of dangerous objects and substances into the stomach;
  • analysis of the type and consistency of vomit, clarification of when the cat vomited for the first time
  • analysis of the general condition of the cat, appetite;
  • questions to the owner about other chronic or infectious diseases already known to the owner.

If the animal vomited only once, the vomit is not plentiful, has a white or slightly yellowish color, and hairballs are observed in it, watch your animal during the day. Usually, this discomfort should go away on its own. The situation becomes serious if the cat is sick and vomits for more than a day. In this case, the body is rapidly dehydrated, which can lead to more serious consequences. If at the same time the cat looks sickly, lethargic, does not go to the toilet and does not allow touching the stomach, a visit to the veterinarian should not be postponed.

A cat that doesn't eat for more than two days and vomits intermittently can be seriously ill. In such cases, you should submit general analysis blood, urine, x-ray and ultrasound of the kidneys and abdominal cavity. Such prolonged vomiting is not physiological in nature and may be a sign of severe food poisoning, distemper infection, exacerbation of one of chronic diseases or panleukopenia.

Important! If regurgitation of hair occurs regularly, this indicates a malfunction of the digestive system. This pathology is a consequence of problems with the bile ducts, inflammatory processes rectum and pancreatitis.

Types of vomiting

In most cases, the cause of vomiting can be determined by the consistency and type of vomit.

If the gag reflex occurred once, the release of vomit ended quickly, and there are no symptoms such as temperature fluctuations, diarrhea, weakness and lethargy, try to alleviate the cat's suffering on your own. In case of poisoning, the animal should stop feeding, it is better to provide him with regular drinking regimen. You can water the cat with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, which has a bactericidal effect. The maximum "duration" of fasting should not exceed 12 hours. Approximately every two hours you need to give the fluffy water or a weak solution of Smekta to drink.

After improving the general condition, you can gradually return to the previous diet. You can give small portions of boiled chicken meat, rice water, liquid chicken bouillon or specialized medicinal food. After two or three days, you can transfer your pet from a sparing diet to a regular one.

In what cases do we run to the doctor?

This should be done in most situations. If a:

  • The animal vomits foam or liquid for 3-4 hours;
  • vomit is white or yellow in color, blood inclusions are visible in them;
  • potential furry patient long time vomits, refuses to eat and drink.
  • in addition to the main trouble in the cat or, the nose became dry and hot, weakness appeared, the temperature rose and convulsions began.

In such cases, you should not act at your own discretion, you need to contact the veterinary clinic as soon as possible, where the poor fluffy:

  • Make a diagnosis;
  • prescribe antiemetics;
  • they will give an anesthetic that will help eliminate the spasm;
  • they will prescribe gastroprotectors necessary for the gastric mucosa;
  • prevent dehydration and fill the lack of fluid with special solutions;
  • if necessary, prescribe an antibiotic and.

The combination of the above actions will help to minimize Negative consequences vomiting and prevent its occurrence in the future.

To prevent more serious illness, a symptom of which is vomiting, you need to monitor the diet of your pet, do everything necessary vaccinations and carry out regular prophylaxis against fleas, ticks and helminths. All these measures will help keep your cat or cat healthy.

Vomiting for a cat is a kind of mechanism for protecting the body from contamination by unwanted substances and microorganisms. Gag reflexes can be observed in the cat's body for several reasons, often having nothing to do with infections or diseases. Also of some importance is the frequency of vomiting in the animal and its general state, which is the key to determining why a cat is vomiting.

First of all, vomiting with the release of white foam may indicate a malfunction in the secretion of bile in the body of the animal. The food eaten from the stomach is sent to the intestines, while the secretion of mucus does not stop, which turns into white foam when it comes into contact with air. In the case when, in addition to white foam, nothing else is present in the vomit, nothing dangerous for the animal's body occurs.

Vomiting white foam can occur as a result of eating stale food, or it can be too rough for the cat. Very often, a cat vomits foam after his stomach is clogged with wool. In the case when foam vomiting occurs systematically, there is a reason to seek help from a veterinarian.

The problem is that vomiting white foam can be one of the symptoms of distemper infection, or feline panleukopenia. Sometimes white foam is combined with liquid yellowish color. However, in the event that the cat actually vomits in case of one of the above diseases, vomiting will occur several times in a row. However, other urges are false.

cat vomits food

In the event that the cat vomits after eating, it can be assumed that he has an organ disease gastrointestinal tract and pathological properties. In most cases, the reason given state is overeating or a diet that is not suitable for a particular animal. There are often cases where general malaise cat is associated with a large amount of wool that enters the cat's esophagus or stomach as a result of the fact that the animal licks itself.

If the cat repeatedly vomits food, and mucus or blood is present in the vomit, the animal should be shown to the veterinarian. He will take everything necessary tests after examining the cat and will take all measures to ensure that the penetration of the infection into the cat's body is excluded. If necessary, the doctor will conduct therapy even before all the test data are ready.

cat vomits liquid

A cat may vomit with a liquid that is yellow in color, or is generally colorless and transparent. This type of vomiting may be evidence of a rather dangerous disease with a cat called distemper". A cat with this disease vomits liquid or foam that does not contain hairballs or undigested food. The vomiting process itself costs the cat a lot of stress of all forces, the movements caused by reflexes are quite strong. After the process of vomiting ends, the cat hides in a dark corner and, with the repetition of vomiting, it becomes worse. Gradually, the animal can stop reacting to the space around it and take care of itself. In the event that vomiting continues throughout the day or is repeated two or three times in twelve hours, it becomes very dangerous. There is dehydration of the cat's body, because the animal does not drink, but consumes the liquid. It is this factor that often leads to the death of a cat, therefore, when vomiting liquid, droppers should be given to the cat in order to make up for the loss of fluid.

The cat vomits bile

Vomiting bile may indicate that the animal has an infectious disease such as calicivirus or cat distemper. The onset of this disease often takes place against the background of bile secretion during vomiting, since in this way the liver cleanses the blood from various toxins and bacteria. Until the animal is treated, bilious vomiting will recur more frequently.

Also, the reason that the cat vomits bile can be a change in the animal's food, as a result of which the liver is unable to cope with the increased nutritional value of the new type of food. If at the same time vomiting occurs, the cat first vomits masses of food, and then bile is mixed with these masses.

Vomiting of bile can be caused by the presence of a foreign body in the cat's body. A cat can swallow a small item just by playing with it. If she passes through intestinal tract, it will come out naturally, if it stops in the stomach, the cat will vomit bile.

The cat is vomiting blood

If the cat vomits with blood, it can be assumed that he has an injury to the gastrointestinal tract. These lesions may be due to a tumor, the presence of an ulcer in the animal, or the presence of a foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract of the cat, such as a needle, glass, and so on. Injuries that cause bloody vomiting in a cat can be located anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract, from the oral cavity to the intestines. Vomiting blood is dangerous for the animal in that its sufficient duration lowers vitality the entire body of the cat, leads to dehydration, which, as described above, is a threat to the life of the animal.

Cat vomits worms

The presence of worms in the body of a cat is far from being as harmless as it might seem at first glance, since their presence indicates poisoning of the body. If the cat began to vomit with worms, you should limit its contact with small children and stop kissing the animal, since it is quite possible that the worms will change the object of their location.

In order to determine what type of worms have settled in the cat's body, you should take the cat's feces for analysis. Preparations for the expulsion of worms should be given to the cat strictly under the supervision of a doctor, since the use of such drugs can lead to severe intoxication of the body. It is entirely probable that the installation of a dropper will be required.

cat vomits saliva

In the event that a cat vomits with saliva, first of all, the possibility of infection of the animal with a disease such as cat distemper or panleukopenia should be excluded, since this pathology manifests itself in the fact that the animal vomits with a white or yellow liquid with foam. Remarkable is the fact that vomiting with saliva is not accompanied by the release of wool or food debris. When vomiting saliva, urges occur with great frequency and do not bring relief to the cat.

Cats become lethargic, stop eating, even if it concerns their favorite food. Frequent vomiting saliva is pretty an alarming symptom indicating the need to contact the veterinarian regarding the course of treatment. You should also restrict the animal in food for some time, paying more attention to the amount of fluid consumed by the cat in order to avoid dehydration of the cat's body.

Cat vomits after eating

A cat may vomit after eating as a result of infection with such dangerous diseases like pancreatitis, gastritis, hepatitis also these symptoms can cause intestinal obstruction syndrome. You should not try to treat the animal on your own - it is best to contact your veterinarian immediately.

Even if the cat vomits after eating with a sufficient degree of regularity, one should not panic, as this can occur in cases where the animal has overeaten or a certain amount of wool has accumulated in its stomach. If outwardly the cat looks playful, cheerful, his eyes shine and cold nose then everything is fine with him.

The cat is vomiting, what should I do?

The gag reflex that sometimes occurs in a cat can be caused by the most different factors. Most often, vomiting is purely physiological process when the animal needs to burp its fur. This is due to the fact that cats, due to their own cleanliness, often lick their fur, as a result of which whole balls of hair accumulate in their stomachs. These balls are not absorbed by the body and are not digested. Most often, this trend is characteristic of long-haired breeds of cats.

If the cat vomits too often, you should contact the veterinarian. A specialist should intervene if the cat has been vomiting for more than a day. In such a situation, an appropriate blood test of the cat should be done, after which the animal is sent for ultrasound and x-rays. Often, cats vomit as a result of their infestation with worms. In this case, it is necessary to do prevention - give the cat antihelminthic drugs twice a year.

The cat vomits and does not eat anything

The cat may vomit total absence He has an appetite as a result of food poisoning. The animal's activity decreases, the cat becomes drowsy, lethargic, lethargic, sleeps a lot. On the second or third day, he begins to vomit with yellow or yellow mucus. white color or foam. It should be noted that vomiting tends to increase throughout the day. The cat begins to show aggression, becomes nervous. It is not bad in such a situation to give him a sedative to drink, and then limit his food intake.

What to do?

First of all, at food poisoning in a cat, it cannot be fed with anything until the condition returns to normal. Since there is food poisoning, it is recommended to give the cat a weak solution of potassium permanganate to drink. AT without fail should refer to veterinarian in order to accurately determine the cause of what is happening to the animal.

It is always necessary to remember that when vomiting a large amount of water comes out, as a result of which the body begins to suffer from dehydration. In order to neutralize this situation, if possible, you should give the animal more water. In addition, for high-quality gastric lavage, the same coal is recommended as for humans. If all remedies have been tried and none help, you should contact your veterinarian so that they can be prescribed quality drugs and prescribed appropriate treatment.

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A healthy and cheerful pet is the dream of every owner of a fluffy creature. However, often in animals there are problems with digestion in the form of nausea and vomiting. There are many reasons why a cat vomits: from elementary overeating to health threatening and life of an infectious disease. It is important for the owner to be able to recognize when a phenomenon such as vomiting has a dangerous tendency, as well as to know how to provide first aid to the animal at home.

Read in this article

Causes of vomiting

There are many reasons why a cat vomits food, but the main ones are the following:

  • Binge eating. Too fast ingestion of food a large number feed often leads to regurgitation of food masses.
  • Formation of hairballs in the stomach leads to irritation of the mucous membrane and vomiting in the pet. Long-haired breeds are especially susceptible to the disease.
  • Lead to nausea and vomiting food associated with eating poor-quality stale feed.
  • Animals eating hard parts indoor plants - a common cause of regurgitation of food masses.
  • Entry into the digestive tract of foreign objects, bones leads to irritation of the stomach and the release of its contents to the outside.
  • . Inflammation of the gastric mucosa is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting in a pet.
  • Inflammation and other pathologies of the pancreas lead to disruption of enzymatic processes during the digestion of feed and are often accompanied by vomiting.
  • Vomiting can be a symptom of such a dangerous condition for the animal as volvulus, intestinal obstruction, . Such situations require urgent intervention by a veterinarian, as they pose a threat to the life of the pet.
  • Often the cause of nausea and regular vomiting is pathology of the liver and gallbladder. In this case, the digestion of primarily fatty foods is disrupted, which leads to regurgitation.
  • Poisoning by drugs, pesticides- common reasons that a cat rejects food masses. This defensive reflex helps to reduce the concentration of toxic substances in the body of the animal.
  • Often the reason why a cat burps is that it affects the digestive system. In the vomit, worms can even be observed, indicating an intense helminth infection.
  • Infectious diseases often accompanied by uncontrollable vomiting, which indicates the development pathological process. , calcivirosis, coronovirus infection - this is an incomplete list viral causes why does a cat burp every day. In addition to nausea and vomiting, the animal will experience increased fatigue, lethargy, refusal to feed, and other symptoms indicating the seriousness of the situation.

To systemic diseases accompanied by nausea and vomiting, also include oncological pathologies, diseases of the nervous system (including stress), pathologies of the heart and kidneys.

What are the main causes of vomiting in pet what to do with it, look at the video:

What will tell the composition of vomit

The variety of causes leading to nausea and vomiting in cats, at first glance, makes it difficult to identify them. However, the nature and composition of the vomit will help in the diagnosis of the disease. Therefore, the owner, upon detection of vomiting in a pet, before proceeding with cleaning, should carefully examine the vomited mass.

The color of the vomit and other characteristic features What do color and texture indicate?
Presence of white foam This condition indicates that the stomach is empty. The cause of vomiting in this case may be gastritis, a long starvation diet, psycho-emotional state(stress). Regular vomiting with white foam elderly cat may indicate the development oncological disease. If a cat vomits white foam, what to do exactly - do not self-medicate, but show the pet to a veterinarian
Yellow Indicates the ingestion of bile into the stomach. This phenomenon is observed in diseases of the gallbladder, liver, small intestine.
Green vomit May be in the case when the pet ate a lot of green grass. However, such a color of undigested food may also indicate a large reflux of bile into the stomach, which is adverse symptom and often seen in acute infectious diseases
blood impurities Observed with injuries, foreign bodies, with a stomach ulcer. At home, the owner can inspect the animal's mouth for foreign objects. If the cat vomits, you need to do the following: open the mouth of the animal, find the stuck object and remove it. In other cases, you must seek qualified veterinary care.
Vomit coffee color It is an unfavorable symptom of diseases such as stomach bleeding, destruction malignant tumor. Chocolate color - the result of exposure gastric juice for blood. If apart from dark brown there is a smell of feces, then intestinal obstruction can be suspected, a phenomenon that is dangerous to the life of the animal

In diagnosing the causes of nausea and vomiting, it is necessary to pay attention not only to color, but also to the presence of mucus, undigested food particles, impurities (worms, foreign objects), and the consistency of vomit. So, vomiting with mucus most often accompanies gastritis, helminthic infestations. On New Year's days, pets often gorge themselves on tinsel, rain, and these foreign objects are often found in vomit.

Is it so dangerous

Many owners are puzzled what to do if the cat is sick, how to help him at home. Of course, you can try to alleviate the cat's condition on your own, but only if the cause is known and it does not pose a threat to the health and life of the pet. For example, often the cause of vomiting is toxicosis in pregnant cat in the first half of the term.

As a rule, if vomiting is periodic from time to time, and there are no undigested particles in the vomit, there is no mucus, the color does not cause concern, then there is no reason for concern. Most veterinarians believe that vomiting in cats is natural process self-purification of the body. Feeding special feeds for forcing wool, regularly giving your pet maltpaste or tablets will help solve the problem.

In the event that the cause of vomiting is worms, the owner must conduct an unscheduled treatment of the animal from helminths.

However, if vomiting is frequent (several times a day or every day), accompanied by a change in color, there are concomitant symptoms(fever, diarrhoea, refusal to feed, lethargy, etc.), you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Help an animal

Owners are often lost and do not know what to do. When a cat vomits, here's what to do at home:

1. First of all, you need to remove all food from the pet.

2. Water should be left in the event that its use does not cause new attacks.

3. The owner should measure the body temperature of the cat, inspect the food for freshness.

4. In the event that vomiting is frequent, care should be taken to prevent dehydration in the pet. To do this, it is necessary to provide the animal with unhindered access to clean water and do not delay the visit to a specialist.

You can not use drugs from a human first-aid kit if an animal has nausea and regurgitation of food. What to give a cat from vomiting can only be recommended by a veterinarian. So, for example, in case of poisoning with acids, alkalis, solvents, it is forbidden to induce vomiting. When swallowed by animals sharp objects, tinsel, rain should be poured with a syringe 5 - 6 ml vaseline oil and go to the clinic.

For information on what to do and how to help a cat if vomiting is caused by poisoning, see this video:

In a specialized institution, when identifying the causes of vomiting, antiemetic drugs, for example, cerucal, antispasmodics, detoxification drugs, can be prescribed. In the event that vomiting is caused by diseases of the stomach, gastroprotectors will be prescribed to the pet, which reduce irritation of the gastric mucosa. In diseases of the liver and gallbladder, hepatoprotectors and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

What to do if the cat vomits with infectious diseases? In addition to vomiting viral diseases often accompanied by diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration. AT veterinary clinic with signs of lack of water in the body, the animal is prescribed intravenous injections saline, Ringer's solution, glucose.


To prevent nausea, regurgitation and vomiting in pet owneryou need to follow the recommendations of experts:

  • feed your pet only with proven ones;
  • avoid overfeeding, give food in small portions several times a day;
  • regularly carry out treatment for helminths;
  • prevent the formation of hairballs in the stomach, periodically using special feeds and pastes for forcing wool, regularly comb out the pet's coat;
  • protect the animal from swallowing foreign objects;
  • regularly vaccinate a cat against infectious diseases;
  • hold regularly scheduled inspection a specialist who will help identify the pathology of internal organs.

The owner of the animal needs to understand what causes vomiting in cats. This will help determine the severity of the problem. And if vomiting is found in a cat, what to do in such a situation, the owner must also have an idea in order to provide the necessary assistance to the pet in time.

Vomiting is a protective physiological process of the body that helps to free the gastrointestinal tract from incoming foreign and toxic substances.

Why does a cat vomit

By contracting the muscles of the abdomen and diaphragm with the help of abdominal pressure, all contents are brought out.

Often this unpleasant phenomenon happens with pets - cats and cats. Since vomiting is not a disease, but one of the symptoms, the causes are different:

  • ingress of foreign objects: wool, grass;
  • binge eating;
  • too fast swallowing of food;
  • oncological diseases;
  • inflammation of the throat or esophagus;
  • worms;
  • uremia;
  • ketosis;
  • reaction to medications;
  • exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases;

Cat vomiting.

If a spasm in a cat arose spontaneously and had a single case, the reason is most likely in the ingestion of hairballs when the animal was "washing".

Continued vomiting indicates a more serious problem and should be seen by a veterinarian immediately.

Types of vomiting

By the nature of the vomit, duration, severity, smell, several types of this process are distinguished. In kittens, the cause may be excessive activity after eating, taking heavy for small organism products. In adults, except mechanical stimulus There are many reasons for the appearance of vomiting:

Persistent type (cat chokes and seems to vomit)

This type is characterized by incessant spasms of short duration.

The cat involuntarily involuntarily burps, chokes and coughs.

The cat involuntarily spits up for some time, chokes,. It is observed that the animal is worried, bends its head to the floor. After a couple of minutes, vomiting begins directly, which lasts quite a long time. At the end of the withdrawal of the contents to the outside, the spasms continue for some time, accompanied by the release of a clear mucous liquid in small portions.

It is necessary to carefully consider the withdrawn substance in order to understand the alleged cause.

irregular type

It happens that the cat is periodically sick for several days, or even weeks, in a row. Process not related to food because the appetite is absent or very poor. The pet is oppressed, inactive, reluctantly responds, is not given into hands.

In the vomit, no wool, grass, or other foreign objects are observed. If no worms are found, which would lead to a conclusion about helminth infection, the signs may indicate other diseases, such as or. Annoying intestinal syndrome, diabetes.

Blood type (blood in cat vomit)

The presence of blood in the vomit content makes it clear to the owner about serious problems with animal health.

Vomiting blood.

If the blood present in gastric stools light red , this almost always means damage to the esophagus, mechanical irritation of the pharynx or wounds on the oral mucosa. A thorough examination of the mouth and throat of the pet is required in order to identify foreign objects: bone fragments, splinters, weed residues.

Bright red color , dark or brownish shows the fact of bleeding directly in the stomach. Changes color or darkens blood due to of hydrochloric acid located in the gastrointestinal tract.

Caused by a number of diseases:

  • exacerbation of gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • severe intoxication with damage to internal organs;
  • the presence in the gastric cavity of sharp objects - fragments of glass, needles, small nails.

Presence of excrement

It happens that the vomit is very fetid odor and looks like feces. This manifestation of symptoms is a reason for suspicion in an animal serious illnesses . Possible reasons there are:, blockage of the intestine, severe injury in the abdomen, penetrating or blunt. Rescuing a cat depends on timely professional help.

Gallbladder (yellow cat vomit)

The physiological location of bile is the gallbladder, so the presence of even a small fraction of it in the stomach is a pathology.

Vomiting with bile.

When a cat vomits bile, problems with gallbladder and bile ducts toxic injury liver. The appearance of bile in the secretions may be the result of prolonged vomiting, when spasms are still ongoing, and the stomach has already emptied of all contents. In this case, contraction of the stomach under abdominal pressure pulls out what is closest.

Vomiting with green impurities.

The same type includes allocation greenish color . This state of affairs indicates that stool that enter the intestines are returned to the stomach. The second provoking factor is the excessive formation of bile, which, in turn, is a sign of liver disease.

Spontaneous copious

The reflex, which arose suddenly, is accompanied by a strong copious emission, often uncontrolled. In addition to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and ingestion of foreign objects and toxic substances, neoplasms are often diagnosed with this type.

brain disease characterized by increased intracranial pressure tumor, encephalitis, thrombosis.

Vomiting in pregnant cats

Pregnant cats, like women, experiencing nausea in the morning. This happens due to the increased toxic atmosphere during the gestation of kittens.

Often a pregnant cat vomits in the morning due to toxicosis.

If nothing suspicious is observed in the vomit of a pregnant female - blood, bile, fetid odor - you should not worry. it normal condition during pregnancy.

If there are such impurities, consult a doctor immediately. Symptom, leads to, therefore plentiful drink and a visit to the veterinarian is a must.

vomiting in kittens

Kittens vomit for several reasons. A possible reason is congenital anomaly sphincter in the stomach , which does not allow food to be excreted in the intestines in full, returning it back through vomiting. Eliminated by reducing the portion during feeding. Quite often the kitten spits up or vomits after active games.

Cat vomiting white foam

Vomiting white foam.

The eruption of white foam, most likely, does not pose a danger. After some time, the food digested in the stomach enters the intestines, and gastric cavity remains empty. The rest of the gastric juice collects protein mucus from the walls, forming a foamy mass.

The isolated case has no dangerous consequences. Regular repetition is a reason to contact the veterinarian.

Treatment of vomiting

The treatment for vomiting is general principle, but aimed at eliminating primary causes. Methods of treatment used for vomiting:

  • diet;
  • antispasmodics;
  • antiemetics;
  • gastroprotectors;
  • acupuncture;
  • homeopathy;
  • folk remedies;
  • surgical care.

The mechanical cause of the manifestation of vomiting syndrome is eliminated surgically.

Foreign bodies removed from the stomach of the animal during surgery, after which it is carried out rehabilitation therapy. Sometimes you can extract artificial stimuli endoscopically- insertion through the esophagus of the probe. Some types of tumors - lymphoma - are amenable to chemotherapy. Adenocarcinoma - only surgical removal.

Use of antibiotics

Inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract are treated antibiotics , anti-inflammatory drugs, restorative means. Additionally, vitamins, immunostimulants are prescribed.

Antibiotics are given by injection from a syringe.

Throat conditions such as tonsillitis are treated with antibiotics a wide range actions. Apply local therapy - anti-inflammatory spray, antibacterial ointment. Recommended in severe cases surgical removal tonsils.


There is no effective remedy for the fight against distemper. Recovery depends on the immunity of the sick animal. Supportive care is used to prevent infection with other infections. Use intravenous infusions and subcutaneous injections etiotropic drugs, antiviral.


Infection with worms is eliminated by the use of angelmintics, depending on the type of helminths that have affected the cat's body: anti-trematode, anti-nemtodic, anti-cestodic.


Therapy for uremia is due to the provision of free urine output in order to avoid further intoxication. Correct the electrolyte balance by intravenous infusion. Restorative and symptomatic help.

Diet food for vomiting

The cat eats special diet food based on rice.

Together with drug treatment important role plays diet food. First 10-12 hours pet is kept starvation diet. Water also should not be given during this period, you can give an ice cube to lick. At the end acute syndrome excluded from the diet: fatty food, spicy, salty. replaced by medicine. Meals should be frequent, in small portions.


AT preventive purposes pets should be vaccinated in time, prevent ingestion of hazardous substances. To avoid getting hairballs, it is necessary to carefully comb out every day. Attention to the pet will provide healthy sleep owner and excellent health of the animal.

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