Read a conspiracy for a good memory while drinking. Prayers for children

Prayers for the well-being of our children

In this thread you will find strong prayers, which, perhaps, will also help you to create a harmonious safe space of Love, Peace and Tranquility around your children.

As you say these prayers, try to think positively about them.

Always remind yourself: “My children and I are made in the image and likeness of God.
Therefore, my children are already healed, healthy and in perfect order.
I don't need to correct or change my children.
Instead, I ask the angels to show their amazing talents and enhance what is given to them by nature. Help me discover the true strengths and talents of my children."

If you think that something is “wrong” with your children, then your prayers will be aimed at eliminating some shortcomings.
This negative attitude can slow down the impact of your prayers.
While reading the prayer, you should see and feel your children happy, healthy and balanced.
If you are unable to see your children in a positive light, ask the angels to help you.

Repeat the prayers as often as you wish (the children in these prayers are mentioned in plural, so if you only have one child, use the singular).

Prayer for Deliverance from Evil Inclinations

Archangel Uriel, I ask you to enter the mind and feelings of my children and help them not to be afraid of love. May all the consequences of the mistakes made in our previous relationships be corrected. Please help my children to release any anger or unforgiveness that is lurking in their hearts. Now I can clearly see the huge ball of bright light that fills my children. I know that my children are filled with Light and Divine Love, and now there is not a single place left inside them that is not filled with light. My children have reached perfection and found satisfaction in the inner riches of love.

Prayer for good nutrition

Archangel Raphael, I ask for your intervention in order to cure my children's addiction to bad food. Please help them fall in love with healthy food and drink. I ask you to remove all fears or old habits that have formed in them unhealthy addictions. Please give me clear guidance on how I can help my children eat healthier foods.

Prayer for deliverance from hyperactivity

Archangel Uriel, you are able to pacify the seas and calm the earth. I know that you also have the power to appease and soothe moss children. I beg you; help them to feel peace within and act calmly without. I ask you to bring the peace of God into the hearts of my children. Please help me find patience and harmony with my children and with myself.

Prayer for the habit of being organized

Now I call upon the Angels of Organization. Please help my children become more focused. I ask for your guidance on reducing chaos and fuss in our lives. Please teach my children the importance of being collected and organized, and please help them organize themselves according to their personality. Please give me clear instructions on how to the best way help your kids get and stay focused and organized. Help my children to carry out their plans, and set them on the right path, as soon as possible, I ask you.
Thanks to.

Prayer for deliverance from conflicts with teachers

Guardian angels of those teachers who work with my children, I need your help. I ask that you help my children's teachers to have patience and understanding. Please help them get rid of all judgment and unforgiveness towards my children. If I need to transfer my children to another class, please help me to do this quickly and in accordance with God's providence.

Prayer before parent meeting

Dear God, I have a meeting with the teachers of my children, and I ask for your help. Please help me to be focused, peaceful and calm. Please help me to truly hear the words of the educators and what lies behind them, without prejudice or fear. Help me to be kind and cooperative. And again, strengthen me in my knowledge that my children are in order, that they are not bad and not spoiled. Strengthen me in my resistance to medicinal drugs. Please, God, help me find the right solutions that will really help my children to be bright, study well, grow up, get along with others and be happy.
Thank you. Amen.

Prayer for instilling interest in physical education

Archangel Raphael, I know that you care about physical health my children just like me. We both know that physical exercises bring to my children great benefit. I ask that you enter my children's dreams tonight and help them develop an interest in regular exercise. Please give my children clear instruction so that they may easily discover what exercises will bring them joy and benefit. Please arouse in my children an interest in taking better care of themselves, and also provide us necessary time and money so that we can immediately take this physical education course.
Thank you.

Prayer for peace and happiness in the family

Archangel Uriel, I am anxious because my family is unhappy. Could you come to our aid now? Because the this situation touches the hearts of each of us, I ask that you enter the hearts of each of our family members and cleanse them of the remnants of fear. Please correct our erroneous judgments and the consequences of these errors. Help us to see each other through the eyes of Divine love. Help us learn to forgive and let go of blame and anger. I ask for the intervention of the guardian angels of each of us living in this family in order to restore peace and love to our home.

Prayer for the forgiveness of your Indigo Children

Lord, I'm asking for your help. I feel like I harbor evil thoughts and feelings about my children. Help me cleanse my mind and heart of this poison. Please help me let go of these painful feelings. Help me stop blaming myself and stop blaming someone who is also the parent of my children. I'm not looking for accusations and anger, but for true healing. I want the peace of the Lord. I know that You are with me now, and I ask for Your help so that I can feel Your love and care. From now on, everything that happens, I completely entrust to Your will, for I am sure that the Divine mind has already made a decision. Thank you many times!

Prayer for the healing of irritable Indigo Children

Archangel Michael, my children are very irritable. I know that anger is rooted in fear, and I ask that you dispel the fear that is causing this irritability. Please help my children see the humor in this situation. Please help my children to laugh, let go of their fear and be free.
Please help my children let go of blame and anger, and replace them with compassion and patience. I ask that You also free me from any irritability that I may pass on to my children. And please guide me and my children if we need to do or change anything to become more peaceful and loving. Amen.

Prayer for the development of memory

Dear God, I now call upon the Angels of Reason. I also ask for guidance from Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein and other geniuses filled with Divine Light and Love to help my children now. Please help them have good memory which I know they are capable of having. Please help my children get into the habit of healthy food, sound sleep and to those exercises which will develop in them a good memory.

Prayer for Improved Academic Performance

Guardian angels of my children, I appeal to you for help and intervention. It seems to me that the grades of my children do not reflect their true potential and the level of their true knowledge. I now entrust this situation entirely to God and to you, confident that you know what to do. Please give me clear guidance on how I can help my children experience the joy and value of learning, doing homework correctly and on time, developing good academic skills, and receiving positive grades for final work. I know and believe that my children are created in the image and likeness of God, which means that they are part of the infinite Divine mind. Please help my children enjoy learning. Amen.

Prayer for Children's Friendship

Dear God, I ask that You help my children develop and cultivate the habits of good friendship. Please help them attract wonderful, loyal, and kind friends. Please help my children overcome any shyness or fear so they can be good friends For others. Please guide my children on how to be loyal, how to give, and how to be trustworthy towards their friends. I now reach out to the guardian angels of these wonderful new friends of my children and ask that You unite my children and their new friends.
Thank you, amen.

Prayer for divorced parents

Holy Virgin Mary, I turn to You. I know that You help all the children on Earth, and I ask Your help for my children. Please intervene in my children's meetings with their father (mother). Please protect the children's feelings and their bodies during these visits. Please help me turn over to God any past hurts and judgments I may have against the other parent of my children. I ask you to send your good and powerful force to keep my children's love for both parents. Amen.

source Doreen Virtue "Caring for Indigo Children"

The life of any person involves the need to remember huge amount various information affecting the most different areas life. There are situations when a person often forgets about some important events or with enviable regularity loses valuable things. A problem like this needs to be sorted out somehow.

One of viable options is an appeal to medical institution where a person will be helped to cope with certain problems associated with memory impairment. At the same time, as an auxiliary measure, you can apply a conspiracy for a good memory or use the help of prayer.

Before using magical techniques, it is extremely important to make sure that memory problems are definitely not related to medical factors.

To begin with, it is necessary to consider the most common reasons why a person’s memory may deteriorate:

  • Head injury. Head injuries do not always include only bruises and concussions of the brain. Injuries can also include hemorrhages, which can have Negative influence on the functioning of the brain;
  • depressive states. With prolonged flow depression it can affect the duration of sleep, as well as the concentration of a person, which negatively affects memory;
  • Lack of food. In our time, when a large number people are considered to be beautiful only a thin body, they began to gain special popularity various diets. Many of these diets come down to serious cuts. daily ration. a lack of useful substances and a sharp decline blood sugar levels due to a lack of carbohydrates in the diet very quickly leads to a deterioration in memory and general mental activity;
  • Problems in the family, at work and so on. When a person in some life spheres arise serious problems then all his thoughts are concentrated on their reflection and the search for methods to solve them. In such situations, a person forgets about everything, which is a completely understandable phenomenon.

At serious manifestations memory impairment is necessary in urgently seek help from a neurologist or psychiatrist. Qualified doctors will conduct all the necessary tests, as well as take tests for exact definition causes of this problem. If necessary, treatment should be started immediately. Also, to increase the overall effectiveness of therapy, it will be useful to use conspiracies and special prayers.

If the doctors have not been able to detect any pathologies, but the memory is still worsened, then the only way her improvement is the use of magical techniques combined with memory improvement exercises.

Asks Denis
Answered by Inna Belonozhko, 04/16/2012

Denis asks: recent times began to remember the text, poems, etc. badly. Are there any prayers, if I may say so, to improve memory, or can I pray in my own words?

Peace to you, Denis!

It is not just possible, but even better and wonderful - to pray in your own words. Who else besides you knows better how to turn to the Lord, what your heart desires and with what experiences you come? Having communication with a friend, telling something to him, sharing your thoughts, ideas, emotions, expressing requests - will you turn to books or other people for help in order to maintain a lively conversation with a friend, answering his questions, look for answers in book, etc. Do you understand what I want to say? We communicate naturally, calmly, close, with desire, the heart speaks for us.

To have close fellowship with the Lord is the pinnacle of human happiness. The fullness of joy. When you tremblingly and humbly kneel before the Almighty Loving Creator, you can open to Him your pain, your worries and sorrows, fears and problems, pains and joys, failures and successes. And to feel that you are loved, you are needed - weak, sinful, dirty, spat upon, tired, betrayed and abandoned - and the Creator of the Universe, the Holy God absolutely loves you, accepts, does not condemn, cherishes you and hurries to help.

To all those whom Jesus advises first to seek the Kingdom of God and its righteousness, He gives the promise: "Ask, and it will be given to you." "Seek" not only the blessings of God, but Himself. Know God and find rest in Him.

Blessings and joy!



Read more on the topic "Prayer":

All people are superstitious to some extent, everyone chooses for himself, but students are very superstitious people. There are a lot of signs, rituals and much more mystical in the student's head.

Many put a coin under their heel, do not wash their hair before exams, so as not to wash away knowledge. Of course, there are students who do not believe in miracles and still begin to study the abstract, but there are very few such superstitious ones. Because of this, very often in preparation for passing exams, educational conspiracies are used. But if you remember your student years, you can understand that students at this time are not up to studying and parents have to pronounce a conspiracy to study well. The conspiracies that parents utter can be directed to anything.

Conspiracies conducted by parents can be of the most diverse content. Among them you can find conspiracies for a good memory, conspiracies for a good study, a conspiracy for the desire to learn, a conspiracy for good relationship teachers. All conspiracies are carried out on the growing moon.

The students themselves want the conspiracy to act quickly and efficiently, the conspiracy for a good memory immediately makes the memory receptive, for example, before an exam or in its process. Such conspiracies are funny rhymes that have action and increase hope in last moment, since all the power of desire is invested in them, to get a good grade.

Often conspiracies are made for a good study, with the help of a button. For this plot, you need to cut off a button with a frequently worn item, it can be like outerwear and trousers, skirt, blouse. Then take a candle, light it and place the button over the candle. Hold a minute over the fire and quickly throw in cold water. Wait a bit, get it and whisper the words: Button, bring me (name) real luck, so that I’m lucky in my studies, in my thoughts. I will sew you tightly, I strongly conjure you to help you get through all the troubles in your studies. The joy to come to me every day, so that the servant of God (name) is praised, revered, loved and set as an example. How long you will sit, so much will the servant of God (name) succeed in your studies. My word is strong and there will be no other.

After these words, you need to sprinkle the button with sugar and sew it firmly into place. It is important that the needle is sharp and the threads are the strongest. If the conspiracy is not spoken by a student, then he must be told about him so that he saves this button. It is necessary to eat more sweets every day, as there is a belief that the more sugar a student eats, the more sweet his studies will be and during this period do not wear this thing for a week. After a week, you need to wash the thing, iron it and start wearing it every day. Only in this way will the conspiracy work.

Highly good conspiracy it is considered that which is done on fire. With this conspiracy, it is necessary to say the following words on the fire: As the fire burns and flares up, sways from my breath, so let the servant of God (name) burn in his studies. Amen.

A conspiracy is made on water, a container of water is taken, words are whispered to it and drunk. The words to be spoken are: In the name of the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen. The constellations of the sky will not leave their place and the mind of the servant of God (name) will not leave his head, and the strength in his mind will increase. It is better to talk about water often, once a week or once a month.

There are prayers for good study, which the student himself should read. You need to read on the water, looking at your reflection these words: I look at myself, in the water and above the water. Everywhere I am the first and at school too. Then you need to wash yourself with this water and go to school. You can also read a prayer before studying - “Good Lord, send us the blessing of Your Holy Spirit, give and strengthen our spiritual strength, so that, attentively teaching for us, we grow up to You, our Creator, to the glory, to our parents, to the joy and consolation, for the benefit of the Church and the fatherland. ”

In conclusion, it is worth noting that conspiracies for good study will only work if the reader has magical powers Otherwise, they can even do harm.

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