Cultural spiritual center in paris. Mir in Paris opens Russian spiritual and cultural center

In the very heart of Paris, a great historical event is the solemn opening ceremony of the Russian Spiritual and Cultural Orthodox Center. A grandiose project, in which both the Russian soul and French chic are combined - the Center as a symbol of the spiritual ties between the two peoples. The President of Russia sent a welcoming message to the participants of the ceremony in Paris.

Vladimir Putin is sure that the Center will take its rightful place among the cultural sights of Paris, and its activities will serve to preserve the traditions of friendship and mutual respect that bind Russians and Frenchmen.

There were more people who wanted to see the historic event with their own eyes than the organizers could have imagined. Public figures, writers, deputies, emigrants, politicians - both Russians and French. Next to the Minister of Culture Medinsky is the mayor of Paris, Anne Edalgo. Applause, rave reviews and heated discussions. An incredible project has become a reality. Orthodox Cathedral in the center of Paris. In granite and marble - for centuries.

Stone from Burgundy - Notre Dame de Paris was built from the same stone, 600 meters to the Eiffel Tower. A few years ago, the project of the center seemed ambitious, a pipe dream. But everything went well, the center opened, and today journalists and guests were allowed in here for the first time. It is incredibly light, spacious, a lot of air. The center is not one building, but a whole complex of buildings, and in the heart is an Orthodox church - a five-domed, five-domed cathedral in Paris, which is visible from everywhere.

Literally glowing with pride, the chief architect Jean-Michel Wilmotte received congratulations today. Both the French and the Russian side accepted his project with enthusiasm. The cathedral and the buildings around were built in a year and a half. A complex architectural solution that combines Orthodox canons with unique Parisian architecture and modern technology. For example, domes are made of fiberglass with an unlimited service life, while covered with gold leaf.

“See how the four buildings fit into the block. Nothing was done by accident. The cathedral is located on the same axis as the Alma Palace, which we are rediscovering for ourselves. All facades face the avenue. It is an extension of the city,” explains Jean-Michel Wilmotte.

In terms of scale, the center is difficult to compare with something else. Prior to this, the Alexander III Bridge was considered the most significant and grandiose Russian building of the tsarist times.

“This project is truly unique. I am sure that this will be one of the favorite places to visit not only our compatriots, not only the Orthodox who come to Paris, but I think that this will be one of the favorite places for mutual communication, visiting guests of Paris, the French, our friends,” he said. Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky.

“We have been waiting for this moment for years. It was very hard work to build this wonderful center. And now the doors are opening. It's a party on our street, a party on a Parisian street. This center will certainly become an ornament of Paris,” said Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to France Alexander Orlov.

Until recently, the Russian community in Paris gathered in the basement of a bicycle factory. The majestic temple on the banks of the Seine is a symbol of the spiritual ties between the two nations. Here the French will meet, discuss and discover Russia for themselves. The center is also a place of cultural pilgrimage.

“Culture and spirituality or religion as part of culture is the most important thing that exists. It is more important than politics, economics and everything. I think that the event that is taking place now, on the one hand, shows how important this is, and on the other hand, shows how important it is not to break these ties. And how bad it is if sometimes they even try to use them for political purposes,” said Director General of the State Hermitage Mikhail Piotrovsky.

The Hermitage and the Pushkin Museum brought to Paris these days a grandiose exhibition. Without exaggeration. In the exhibition complex near the Russian Center of Culture - Picasso, Matisse, Van Gogh. A century later, the Shchukin collection, divided by the revolutionaries into two museums, was reunited. His grandson, a Frenchman by birth, walks around the halls with excitement on the eve of the opening.

“Four months to see this, which you will never see, even despite the fact that the paintings will be returned to you, that they will hang in the Hermitage and Pushkin, but this is not at all this feeling, it is completely different,” the grandson assures S.I. Shchukin Andre-Marc Deloc-Fourcot.

"This is one collection that exists in two wonderful museums, it's true. But combining it is also a very important part of the debt that we give to Shchukin. And it's especially great that this is happening here, in Paris, in the homeland of those artists who, in fact, they are the heart of this collection," said the director of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin Marina Loshak.

Russian seasons. This begs the comparison, looking at the list of Russian events in Paris. Immediately after the opening of the Cultural Center on its very first working day, the Congress of the Russian Press under the auspices of TASS is here. Delegates from 60 countries gathered in the hall.

“This has not happened for a long time, when information about our country, about our actions, about our ideas is completely wrong, completely perverted. The good is hushed up, the negative comes to the fore. This hasn't happened for a long time, and our task is to overcome it. And the Russian-language press will be in the forefront here,” said Vitaly Ignatenko, President of the World Association of Russian Press.

Exhibitions and concerts will be held here, French children will study Russian here, and they will pray here. And the very architectural image of buildings is already called by French politicians a symbol of openness. This is how the Russian Center in Paris was conceived.

On October 19, the doors of the Russian Orthodox Spiritual and Cultural Center open for the first visitors in Paris. The complex of buildings, the pearl of which was the five-domed Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, has been built on the Quai Branly in the historic center of the French capital since 2014.

About the history of the project and the progress of its implementation - in the TASS material.

"Project of all Parisians"

The site for the construction of the Center was acquired by the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation in 2010. In the tender for its purchase, Russia bypassed Canada and Saudi Arabia. Direct work on the construction of the complex began in 2014.

On the territory with a total area of ​​4.2 thousand square meters, four objects were located at once. In addition to the Orthodox church, the center will house an exhibition center, a school, as well as a diocesan administration building with a concert hall and living quarters for priests and employees of the cultural section of the Russian embassy.

The authors of the project had a difficult task to fit the new building into the architectural landscape, which is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. After all, nearby are the Eiffel Tower - the most visited tourist site in France, as well as historical palaces and museums, said the mayor of the 7th arrondissement of Paris, Rashida Dati.

"It is symbolic that just a few hundred meters upstream of the Seine, its banks are connected by the famous Pont Alexandre III," said Dati. The bridge across the main waterway of the capital, considered the most beautiful in Paris, was built in 1896-1900 to commemorate the union of France and Russia, at the origins of which was this Russian tsar.

Here, not far from the construction site of the Orthodox center, runs the Franco-Russian Avenue, named so in the last century as a sign of friendship between the two peoples. Now this road leads to the Temple.

"Continuation of the city"

The center is located on the site of the former headquarters of the French national meteorological service Meteo-France. Until 2010, its parent unit occupied several heavy administrative buildings built immediately after the Second World War in the period from 1948 to 1950. The buildings of the meteorological office were completely demolished after the transfer of the land to Russian ownership. As a result, a view of the nearby ancient Alma Palace, part of which was hidden from the gaze of passers-by behind the heavy walls of the Meteo-France headquarters, opened up.

The choice of architectural project took several years. At the competition in 2011, the layout of the Spanish architect Manuel Nunez-Yanovsky won. But his concept did not suit the mayor's office of Paris. The city authorities came to the conclusion that in this form the Center would be dissonant with the urban planning ensemble.

The author of the new project was the outstanding French architect Jean-Michel Wilmot. In his work, he was guided, among other things, by the desire to preserve the newly opened perspective on the Alma Palace, trying to fit the new complex of modern buildings made of glass and metal into the fabric of the historical buildings of this part of Paris as organically as possible.

Jean-Michel Wilmot

Russian Ambassador to France Alexander Orlov is convinced that the opening of an Orthodox center on the Quai Branly will be a landmark event for Russians abroad.

Alexander Orlov

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Cover photos: AP Photo/Christophe Ena, Dominique Boutin/TASS. Also used are photos from EPA/HORACIO VILLALOBOS, AP Photo/Remy de la Mauviniere.

Parisians will remember this bright day for a long time. On the Quai Branly, literally a few hundred meters from the Eiffel Tower, a Russian Orthodox cultural and spiritual center was opened, which, by all accounts, has already become an adornment of the French capital, and, as you know, it is a concentration of buildings of high architectural skill in various styles, such as the current ones, as well as those relating to past epochs.

The ensemble consists of four buildings, the undoubted pearl of which is the temple of the Holy Trinity crowned with five golden domes. He is assigned the role of becoming the cathedral church of the Korsun Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, uniting parishes in France, Switzerland, Spain, and Portugal. The other three housed a conference hall, areas for exhibitions and other events, offices of the secretariat of the Korsun diocese, cultural groups of the Russian Embassy in France. An important detail: from a legal point of view, the center is a branch of the Russian diplomatic mission in Paris and, accordingly, enjoys immunity, protecting it from all sorts of attacks by those who would like to put their paw on our property under one pretext or another.

An official delegation headed by the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky arrived from Russia for the celebrations on the occasion of the landmark event. Head of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications Mikhail Seslavinsky, as well as French officials and politicians, including Secretary of State for Parliamentary Relations Jean-Marie Le Guin, Rashida Dati, Mayor of Paris Anna, took part in them. Hidalgo, representatives of the metropolitan public, Russians living in France.

The symbolic key to the Russian spiritual and cultural center was handed over to the head of the presidential affairs Alexander Kolpakov by the director of the Bouygues construction contractor Bernard Munier the day before. And after that, an act of acceptance and transfer of the complex was signed.

At the official opening ceremony of the Center, Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky delivered a speech to the participants from Russian President Vladimir Putin. “I cordially congratulate you on the official opening of the Russian Spiritual and Cultural Orthodox Center in the capital of France,” the Russian leader noted. “The creation of this unique complex has become a visible evidence of the strength of Russian-French cultural and humanitarian ties, the mutual desire of the peoples of our countries for constructive dialogue and cooperation.” .

"The Center opens its doors to everyone who is interested in the history of our country, its scientific and cultural achievements, and strives to study the Russian language. And the Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity will undoubtedly play an important role in the spiritual life of our compatriots living in France," - Vladimir Putin stressed, expressing confidence that "the Center will take its rightful place among the cultural attractions of Paris, and its activities will serve to preserve and strengthen the good traditions of friendship and mutual respect that have long linked Russians and French."

The center is a branch of the diplomatic mission of the Russian Federation in Paris and is immune from all sorts of attacks

For me, this is a long-awaited and joyful event, - Alexander Trubetskoy, executive president of the Franco-Russian Dialogue Association, shared with RG. - The face of Paris is transformed, acquires a Russian charm. Not everything was easy with this project, there were many obstacles and ups and downs, but they are behind us. Despite not the most prosperous times in relations between Russia and France due to different approaches to some topical issues of the international situation, the ties that bind our countries are so diverse and strong that nothing can break them.

And here is what Prince Dmitry Shakhovskoy, professor at the St. Sergius Theological Institute in Paris, thinks:

The center will become a convenient platform for events and demonstrations dedicated to Russia, its culture, history, role it plays in the world, and, of course, relations with France.


In less than a few hours after the opening of the spiritual and cultural center on Branly, the work of the XVIII World Congress of the Russian Press began there, which brought together 250 delegates from 64 countries of the world to Paris. Today WARP unites more than three thousand print and electronic media, which are published in Russian in 80 countries of the world. It is the only worldwide association of Russian-speaking journalists living and working abroad, publishers and heads of print, electronic and other media. Established in 1999, the organization consistently solves the problem of consolidating the Russian-language media, contributes to the preservation of cultural and linguistic ties between the diasporas and Russia, promotes partnership and comprehensive development of the dialogue between the Russian-language media and their counterparts at home.

Russian Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky, head of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications Mikhail Seslavinsky, head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications Alexander Zharov, and other Russian representatives are taking part in the congress. The forum session was opened by the President of the World Association of Russian Press Vitaly Ignatenko.

Greetings to the participants of the congress were sent by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

In the very heart of Paris, a great historical event is the solemn opening ceremony of the Russian Spiritual and Cultural Orthodox Center. A grandiose project, in which both the Russian soul and French chic are combined - the Center as a symbol of the spiritual ties between the two peoples. The President of Russia sent a welcoming message to the participants of the ceremony in Paris.

Vladimir Putin is sure that the Center will take its rightful place among the cultural sights of Paris, and its activities will serve to preserve the traditions of friendship and mutual respect that bind Russians and Frenchmen.

There were more people who wanted to see the historic event with their own eyes than the organizers could have imagined. Public figures, writers, deputies, emigrants, politicians - both Russians and French. Next to the Minister of Culture Medinsky is the mayor of Paris, Anne Edalgo. Applause, rave reviews and heated discussions. An incredible project has become a reality. Orthodox Cathedral in the center of Paris. In granite and marble - for centuries.

Stone from Burgundy - Notre Dame de Paris was built from the same stone, 600 meters to the Eiffel Tower. A few years ago, the project of the center seemed ambitious, a pipe dream. But everything went well, the center opened, and today journalists and guests were allowed in here for the first time. It is incredibly light, spacious, a lot of air. The center is not one building, but a whole complex of buildings, and in the heart is an Orthodox church - a five-domed, five-domed cathedral in Paris, which is visible from everywhere.

Literally glowing with pride, the chief architect Jean-Michel Wilmotte received congratulations today. Both the French and the Russian side accepted his project with enthusiasm. The cathedral and the buildings around were built in a year and a half. A complex architectural solution that combines Orthodox canons with unique Parisian architecture and modern technology. For example, domes are made of fiberglass with an unlimited service life, while covered with gold leaf.

“See how the four buildings fit into the block. Nothing was done by accident. The cathedral is located on the same axis as the Alma Palace, which we are rediscovering for ourselves. All facades face the avenue. It is an extension of the city,” explains Jean-Michel Wilmotte.

In terms of scale, the center is difficult to compare with something else. Prior to this, the Alexander III Bridge was considered the most significant and grandiose Russian building of the tsarist times.

“This project is truly unique. I am sure that this will be one of the favorite places to visit not only our compatriots, not only the Orthodox who come to Paris, but I think that this will be one of the favorite places for mutual communication, visiting guests of Paris, the French, our friends,” he said. Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky.

“We have been waiting for this moment for years. It was very hard work to build this wonderful center. And now the doors are opening. It's a party on our street, a party on a Parisian street. This center will certainly become an ornament of Paris,” said Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to France Alexander Orlov.

Until recently, the Russian community in Paris gathered in the basement of a bicycle factory. The majestic temple on the banks of the Seine is a symbol of the spiritual ties between the two nations. Here the French will meet, discuss and discover Russia for themselves. The center is also a place of cultural pilgrimage.

“Culture and spirituality or religion as part of culture is the most important thing that exists. It is more important than politics, economics and everything. I think that the event that is taking place now, on the one hand, shows how important this is, and on the other hand, shows how important it is not to break these ties. And how bad it is if sometimes they even try to use them for political purposes,” said Director General of the State Hermitage Mikhail Piotrovsky.

The Hermitage and the Pushkin Museum brought to Paris these days a grandiose exhibition. Without exaggeration. In the exhibition complex near the Russian Center of Culture - Picasso, Matisse, Van Gogh. A century later, the Shchukin collection, divided by the revolutionaries into two museums, was reunited. His grandson, a Frenchman by birth, walks around the halls with excitement on the eve of the opening.

“Four months to see this, which you will never see, even despite the fact that the paintings will be returned to you, that they will hang in the Hermitage and Pushkin, but this is not at all this feeling, it is completely different,” the grandson assures S.I. Shchukin Andre-Marc Deloc-Fourcot.

"This is one collection that exists in two wonderful museums, it's true. But combining it is also a very important part of the debt that we give to Shchukin. And it's especially great that this is happening here, in Paris, in the homeland of those artists who, in fact, they are the heart of this collection," said the director of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin Marina Loshak.

Russian seasons. This begs the comparison, looking at the list of Russian events in Paris. Immediately after the opening of the Cultural Center on its very first working day, the Congress of the Russian Press under the auspices of TASS is here. Delegates from 60 countries gathered in the hall.

“This has not happened for a long time, when information about our country, about our actions, about our ideas is completely wrong, completely perverted. The good is hushed up, the negative comes to the fore. This hasn't happened for a long time, and our task is to overcome it. And the Russian-language press will be in the forefront here,” said Vitaly Ignatenko, President of the World Association of Russian Press.

Exhibitions and concerts will be held here, French children will study Russian here, and they will pray here. And the very architectural image of buildings is already called by French politicians a symbol of openness. This is how the Russian Center in Paris was conceived.

Russian Spiritual and Cultural Center (Paris)

Russian Spiritual and Cultural Center(fr. Center Spirituel et Culturel Russe ) in Paris - a complex of buildings planned for construction, a future venue for cultural events of the Russian community in Paris, a space for familiarizing Parisians with Russian culture. The buildings of the center will be located at the following address: France, Paris, Quai Branly, 1. Organizer: Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

Project competition

At the finals of the project competition, 10 out of more than a hundred applicants received the right to present their work as an author. Applicants had to offer their vision of the future center, which should include an Orthodox church, a seminary, a library, auditoriums for holding meetings of the Russian community and introducing Parisians to Orthodox culture.

Center Description

The Russian spiritual and cultural center in Paris was conceived by the authors as a multifunctional cultural and entertainment spiritual and educational complex, the main purpose of which is to create more favorable conditions for the cultural self-identification of the Russian-speaking population in France and on the southeastern borders of Russia.

The complex of the Russian spiritual and cultural center will consist of three main areas located around the Orthodox Temple - the Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church in Paris and the central garden.

Orthodox church

The central element of the Russian Spiritual and Cultural Center is the Orthodox Church. The main entrance to it is located on the western side from a large garden-square broken in the central part of the site. The temple is raised on the ground floor, the area around the temple is used for religious processions.

In the basement under the building of the Temple there is a lower Temple, which, together with the main Temple, can be used for baptism, wedding and mourning ceremonies. The entrance to the cathedral will be from the side of the Alma Palace through the gate between the buildings. The interior decoration of the temple will comply with the Orthodox canons. The walls of the Temple are planned to be painted with icon-painting style frescoes. In the niches of the outer facades, it is proposed to make mosaic panels in the Byzantine and Old Russian traditions.

central garden

The central garden according to the project is located immediately behind the main entrance to the territory of the spiritual and cultural center and is located on several terraces, gradually descending to the Alma Palace and framing the cathedral square in front of the southern and western facades of the Temple.

Building on Quai Branly

According to the project, the new building on Quai Branly will include a multifunctional hall for concerts, exhibitions, receptions and conferences. The building on the Quai Branly is organically connected with the complex of buildings overlooking Rapp Boulevard into a single functional complex providing cultural and educational activities, education and popularization of Russian cultural and spiritual heritage.

Building on the corner of Rapp Boulevard and Universitetskaya Street

The building at the corner of Rapp Boulevard and Universitetskaya Street is planned to be reconstructed and adapted for administrative, residential, educational and business functions. This block of the center's premises will have an independent entrance from the corner of Universitetskaya Street and Rupp Boulevard.

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