Letter of recommendation: sample for a company. Letter of recommendation from the organization to the organization

A letter of recommendation from a commercial structure for a company is understood as a form of feedback about this company. The letter assesses the partner reliability of the company, the level of services provided, the degree of professional training of specialists, etc.

The letter is also called a cover letter.

An applicant who is about to be interviewed is more likely to get a positive result if there is a cover letter.

The work of personnel personnel is simplified and the specialist will be more attractive.

Characteristic is a positive additional factor.

  • It is recommended to start the document with the words - “Letter of recommendation“, so this heading is often found.
  • Submit your recommendation letter using letterhead.

The letter contains the certification signature of the head, as well as the seal of the structure giving the recommendation.

  • The cover letter is limited to one page.
  • When writing such a letter, do not use general phrases, give specific examples of the actions of the recommended company.
  • Enter your contact details in order to be able to further refine the details.

In the United States of America, letters are prepared as cover letters. The addressee, day, month, year is indicated, then there is an appeal, something like this: "For interested parties."

The document looks like this:

It tells about the positive aspects of cooperation with the recommended structure, gives an assessment of the professional level of its specialists, and makes suggestions about using the services provided by this company.

  • At the bottom of the letter signed by the head of the organization that makes up the recommendation. The position of the head, his surname, name and patronymic are indicated.
  • The number is placed above or below sheet.

Technomontazhservis LLC has been a partner of our company in the construction and architectural field for a long time.

For more than four years, Technomontazhservice has been demonstrating the ability to solve the assigned tasks. All works are carried out by this structure in a timely manner and with very high quality. "Technomontazhservice" is distinguished by a high level of professionalism, organization of the company's specialists and a strong team spirit.

Executive Director of Construction Partner LLC - signature - Timoshchenko S.T.

Real Business LLC has been providing constant assistance to our company in the implementation of web design projects for more than five years. During a long period of mutual cooperation, Nastoyaschee Delo LLC has constantly confirmed its high level of competence and professionalism. Each project developed by our company was implemented by the specialists of Real Business LLC very quickly and efficiently.

We believe that it is possible to effectively and successfully cooperate with the company Real Deal LLC.

Webdesignproject.ru LLC

Since 2012, Nastoyaschee Delo LLC, within the framework of cooperation with Webdesignproject.ru LLC, has been developing new projects to promote our company in the Internet industry. During the period of our joint activity, the Real Deal has won the well-deserved authority of a structure that boldly takes on and confidently solves the most complex problems.

Our company is fully satisfied with the result of joint activities with Real Deal LLC as a responsible and reliable partner and recommends it to everyone.

Webdesignproject.ru LLC

Real Deal LLC has been a partner of Webdesignproject.ru LLC since the beginning of 2005. A long-term partnership proves that the specialists of the Real Deal are high professionals. On their part, there was never a failure to fulfill the order. The tasks were solved by them in the shortest possible time, efficiently and reliably. There were no complaints from customers about the work of the Real Case.

Director General signature Ospennikov V.A.

Webdesignproject.ru LLC

The letter confirms that Nastoyaschee Delo LLC has been cooperating with Webdesignproject.ru LLC for more than four years, starting from 2011 in the field of design services. During this period, we were able to fully verify the reliability of this company, its professionalism and efficiency in solving work tasks. Employees of the "Nastoyaye delo" have an extraordinary, creative approach to the implementation of various projects.

As the General Director of Webdesignproject.ru LLC, I confirm that the activities of the specialists of Real Business LLC fully comply with the stated direction.

Director General signature Ospennikov V.A.

Webdesignproject.ru LLC

The Real Deal Limited Liability Company has been a business partner of the company since the beginning of 2001. Throughout this period, I have never been disappointed with the results of our joint activities in solving joint projects. Employees of the "Real Business" successfully solve all the variety of tasks set by the Customer. The result of their work meets high professional requirements. The high level of communication culture that is inherent in the management of Real Business LLC contributed to the close partnership relations that have developed between our companies.

Director General signature Ospennikov V.A.

Webdesignproject.ru LLC

The letter was prepared by Webdesignproject.ru LLC to confirm the fact of cooperation with Real Deal LLC. The result of such cooperation was the active promotion of our company to the international market and a significant increase in the client base. The tasks set by the employees of the Real Deal company are carried out at a high professional level and always in a timely manner. We note a creative non-standard approach to fulfilling orders, taking into account all the wishes of the clientele.

Executive director signature Ospennikov V.A.

Webdesignproject.ru LLC

Closed Joint Stock Company "Ural Timber Company" and Open Joint Stock Company "Trading House" Stroitelny "have been conducting joint activities since June 2011.

Throughout this period of cooperation, Stroitelny Trade House OJSC has established itself as a conscientious partner in carrying out repair and construction work. This company always uses the latest technological developments. The results of the execution of orders are delivered according to the previously planned deadlines. There were no complaints about the quality of work. Both executives of the company and ordinary performers conscientiously and responsibly treat the performance of their duties.

Director General of CJSC "Ural Timber Company" - signature - Tikhomirov F.A.

Optimal transport delivery LLC, cooperating with our company for more than ten years, has confidently proved its highly professional status. The employees of this company have a responsible and conscientious attitude to all road transportation. There were no facts of transportation disruptions, untimely delivery of the car or damage to the delivered goods.

The activity of Optimal Transport Delivery LLC deserves only a positive assessment.

Executive Director of JSC "Blagodat" - signature - Surname I.O.

Cleanliness and Order LLC specialists constantly manage to effectively and efficiently clean rather complex objects, to show a flexible non-standard individual approach to solving emerging problems. Orders are executed with very high quality within the stipulated time.

General Director of OJSC "Podmoskovnye Evenings" - signature - Surname I. O.

The history of letters of recommendation began in Europe several centuries ago. In Russia, this tradition quickly took root and is gaining more and more popularity every year. To draw up such a document, it is advisable to have a sample in front of you. There are many letters of recommendation. All of them are somewhat similar to each other. The only difference is who the message is addressed to. All these issues should be considered in more detail.

Document structure

In fact, a letter of recommendation is an ordinary business document. Therefore, its compilation is subject to general rules. Based on the name itself, such a document is drawn up in writing. In principle, you can develop one sample of letters of recommendation for different occasions. Then it remains only to clarify some points regarding the addressee and the details of the information presented.

  1. Title (title) of the document.
  2. Brief information about the employer with confirmation of the fact that the citizen really from such and such a date for a certain period held a specific position with him.
  3. List of duties performed. It is desirable that it be as detailed as possible. This will help to better assess the professional skills and abilities of the candidate.
  4. A list of the employee's business and personal qualities that he showed at his previous job.
  5. Description of his professional achievements.
  6. Reason for dismissal.
  7. Recommendations for a future employer.
  8. Details of the compiler of the letter of recommendation with the obligatory indication of contact information. They are needed in case you need to clarify the information provided.
  9. The date the document was created.

The list of items can be increased at your discretion, since the law does not establish a specific form of such a document.

Do not use on-duty phrases such as “the employee showed commendable initiative” or “the employee showed himself responsible and efficient during his work” in the text. Any person already indicates this in his resume. It is better to show in the letter his specific actions and achievements, backing it all up with numbers.

In general, in such a document, the new employer wants to see answers to only three main questions:

  • what are the strengths of the candidate;
  • what benefit it can bring;
  • the reason why he had to leave his former place of work.

It is advisable to fit the entire text of the letter on one sheet. This will eliminate the possibility of forgery on the part of the applicant.

The information provided must be true in order to avoid an embarrassing situation when someone wants to check it.

If a person has shown himself all the time as a mediocre and uninitiated worker, then it is better to refuse to write a letter of recommendation for him.

Given all of the above, the document will help both the former employee and his new employer.

Partner opinions

A letter of recommendation for an organization can be written on behalf of a partner company. It will look like a kind of positive feedback about the joint work. In such a letter, one company expresses its opinion about the work of another, recommending it as a reliable partner for mutually beneficial and long-term cooperation. Some business leaders often make similar requests to their former customers or suppliers, and then use their feedback as an advertisement for their activities.

  1. It is desirable that the letter of recommendation be written on company letterhead. This will give more credibility to the information contained in it.
  2. First you need to mention yourself, that is, indicate the relationship between this organization and the recommended company (client, supplier or partner).
  3. Indicate the duration of the period of cooperation, specifying in which particular area it took place (services, supplies, etc.).
  4. It is necessary to emphasize the strengths of the partner so that other enterprises immediately have a desire to work together. Here we can note the literacy and commitment of its employees, as well as the stability and reliability of the company itself.
  5. As a confirmation of all that has been said, it will be useful to give a few real examples.

The very text of such a letter will depend on the purpose of writing it, as well as the direction and scope of the recommended company.

private opinion

In the case when a letter of recommendation for an organization is compiled by an individual, it is advisable to follow the same methodology. Such a document represents the individual opinion of a particular citizen. This usually happens if:

  • previously was an employee of this company and now just wants to recommend it from the best side;
  • is a client and wants to thank the organization for a job well done.

In both cases, something like a review is obtained, which can also be used for advertising. For example, a person turned to a cleaning company for help and after the service was provided, he was satisfied with the work done. He can write a letter of recommendation and put it in the media, urging others to contact this particular organization with questions related to cleaning the premises. For reliability, he will need to provide his data. This will make any potential client understand that such an opinion is not fiction. It will be necessary to additionally indicate what kind of work the company's employees performed, how quickly they completed the task received, and how well it was completed. As a rule, such a letter ends with an appeal to everyone around to use the services of this particular company.

Babysitting services

When a child appears in the family, he requires a lot of attention and special care. But not all parents are able to give it to their baby. Most often, this situation develops due to their increased workload at work. In this case, a nanny is invited to the house, who will have to take care of all the worries associated with the child. When selecting candidates, both spouses need to carefully study each of them. After all, it is to this person that they will soon have to transfer their beloved baby. Abroad, in such situations, employees are required to provide a letter of recommendation. For a nanny, it will be an additional bonus when applying for a job. And such a document will help to make sure that the employee really has the necessary knowledge and relevant qualifications. A letter of recommendation for a nanny can be:

  • the company in which she previously worked;
  • the family who hired her to care for their children.

In Europe, nannies have long been required to have references in order to be hired. Past owners or a former employer act as guarantors.

Help in finding a job

In the event that an employee changes jobs or applies for participation as a specialist in any project, he is sometimes required to provide a letter of recommendation from the employer with whom he worked recently.

The work book only states the fact of work at a particular enterprise. But it does not say anything about how the person showed himself in the workplace. The desire to find a more prestigious job is understandable to everyone. But not every management is ready to give a recommendation. A lazy and non-executive employee may not even count on it. But a good specialist with great experience will always meet halfway. To write a letter of recommendation for an employee, it is best to contact your immediate supervisor. After all, only he can appreciate his professional skills and human qualities. Although, if you wish, you can compose the text yourself. It remains only to convince the head to sign it.

Business assistance

Many enterprises entering the world market face the same problem. Organizing work outside their own country, they have to apply to foreign banks with an offer of cooperation. But local financial tycoons are reluctant to make contact with "outsiders". They are wary of unknown clients and try to avoid unnecessary risks. But there is a very simple way out of this situation. The head of the enterprise can contact his bank, where he has been a client for many years, and ask him to write a letter of recommendation for a bank located abroad.

This document should reflect the following mandatory points:

  1. Confirmation that the specified company for a long time (preferably more than two years) has an account in this bank.
  2. The company is a conscientious beneficiary, with whom there were no problems during the entire period of cooperation.
  3. The company is solvent and has no debt to the bank.

These three points must be reflected in the letter. Only then will a foreign bank perceive a newcomer as a client with whom it is possible to build long-term and trouble-free relationships.

Rules for compiling a document

To achieve the desired result, you need to know in advance how to write a letter of recommendation.

To begin with, it is worth remembering that you need to avoid banal expressions and standard phrases in every possible way. The more of them there are in the text, the less the one to whom this message is addressed will believe in the essence of what is written. It is also not necessary to use many laudatory epithets without reason. It is clear that any employee or the whole company is not perfect. They have their negative and positive sides. Naturally, it is not worth mentioning the problems, but the merits should be gently emphasized. It is better if this is done on a specific example. Then everything said will not cause any doubt. You should also not write long texts. A thousand words will be enough to express your attitude towards the candidate. The structure of such a letter is extremely simple. Conventionally, it can be divided into three parts:

  1. Introductory. In it, the recommender introduces himself first. Here, the most minimal data will suffice. Then he should tell in detail about the recommended person (full name, by whom and for how long he has been working).
  2. Main. In this part, you should indicate all the skills and merits of the recommended person, as well as show by example what he has achieved during his work at this enterprise. In the case of a legal entity, the stages of its growth can be described.
  3. The ending. In the final part, the recommender should express his opinion and explain why he believes that this employee (or organization) is an ideal applicant.

It is better to state all information in your own words. Otherwise, the candidate may be disqualified on suspicion of forgery.

For education

Now more and more people want to get higher education. It provides the prospect of future growth and promises significant achievements. Applicants who have such a desire may need a letter of recommendation to the university. It can be compiled by the director or one of the teachers of the school.

For admission to domestic institutions, this, as a rule, is not required. But those who want to study abroad should definitely take care of the execution of such a document. In it, the applicant should be given the most frank assessment. Moreover, teachers should separately mention both special achievements in certain disciplines and the student's personal qualities. If the assessment is positive, then he will have a great chance of entering this university. And especially gifted students can even count on certain benefits during the period of study. After reviewing such a letter of recommendation, the university management will have a complete picture of a particular applicant and will be able to make a decision regarding his admission. The document is drawn up according to general rules and can be addressed to a specific person or the university itself.

Document wireframe

For those who first undertake to evaluate someone's work, you can be advised to use a letter of recommendation template. This document must contain the following mandatory information:

  1. Title. It reflects the essence of the message.
  2. Full data on the recommended person (by whom, from what time and for how long the employee worked at this enterprise).
  3. Specific facts of his work in the company (what he did and what heights he reached).
  4. Comprehensive characteristics of the employee. Be sure to note its strengths in order to maximize the interest of the future employer.
  5. Recommender contact information. Quite often, management turns to the previous place of work to clarify or verify some of the facts set out in the letter. This person should be ready to answer all questions.

Using such a template, it must be taken into account that employers are always interested in almost the same information:

  • abilities of the future employee;
  • its strengths and weaknesses;
  • misdeeds and violations that he may have committed in the past;
  • reason for dismissal.

Once these questions are answered, the manager can make an informed decision.

The issue of employment of citizens in the case when the employer is an individual deserves special attention. Usually these are nannies, gardeners, governesses or housekeepers. Here a work book is hardly required. To get a job in a family, you must have with you: a resume, a passport and a letter of recommendation from the former owners. Some demand to provide a sanitary book. It only at first glance seems that it is easy to choose a person for housework. In fact, everything is much more complicated. After all, in fact, this is an outsider. From his appearance it is difficult to determine what he is capable of. I would like to know the opinion of those who knew this worker before. Therefore, new owners, as a rule, require you to provide them with references from past jobs. What should such a document contain? The text of a letter of recommendation for this category of workers is usually drawn up arbitrarily. In it, the former owners are required to give a detailed description of their assistant. For such a profession, the following qualities are especially important:

  1. Professionalism. That is, the candidate is well aware of the procedure and technology for cleaning.
  2. Honesty and decency. This is especially important, because this worker will often be left at home alone. The owners must understand whether to trust her.
  3. Cleanliness. Dirty and slovenly will not be able to keep the house in order.
  4. Energy. Only active and cheerful people can cope with such work.
  5. Talkativeness. An employee who is accustomed to chatting a lot will not be able to keep family secrets.
  6. Bad habits. It is better if the new owners find out about them right away and decide if such an employee is suitable for them.

All this must be reflected in the text of the letter. For a good employee, such information will be an excellent recommendation and a guarantee of employment.

Letter of recommendation from the organization to the organization- this is a review of one company about another, an assessment of its reliability as a partner, the quality of the goods offered or the services provided, the level of professionalism of the working staff, etc.

The presence of the organization contributes to the formation of a positive image of the company and increase its competitiveness.

First, at the top, in the middle of the sheet, the title of the document is indicated - Letter of Recommendation.

Then the main text of the letter immediately begins, which is written in free form. Here, one company highlights the positive aspects of cooperation with another company, evaluates the level of professionalism of its employees, gives its recommendations to use the services of this organization, etc.

The date of the letter is indicated as necessary either at the very top of the document or at the very end.

Techmontazhservice LLC has been our partner in the field of construction and architecture for 5 years.

During this time, Techmontazhservice LLC has shown its ability to approach the tasks set with full responsibility, to perform work efficiently and on time. A distinctive feature of the work of Techmontazhservice LLC is the high professionalism, organization of the company's employees and a strong team spirit.

    prove yourself- To show, to show oneself with what l. side... Dictionary of many expressions

    RECOMMEND, recommend, recommend, sov. only in the expression: to prove oneself, to show oneself in such a way that a certain reputation is formed. Well, it's bad to prove yourself. Establish yourself as a good employee. ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    RECOMMEND, blow, blow; conv.: to prove oneself as someone to prove oneself with what n. (usually good) side. Prove yourself as a good employee. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    recommend- recommender. 1. outdated. Testify about what. These plays did not show the director's taste well. OD 1880 10 2 187. 2. Only in expression: to prove oneself to prove oneself, to show oneself in such a way that a well-known reputation is formed. Good,… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

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    I blow, you blow; recommended; van, a, o; St. whom what. Present to someone. whom, what on a good side. ◊ Prove yourself. To show, to show oneself with what l. sides. ◁ Recommend, ayu, aye; nsv ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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