Useful tips for sleep. A few rules for good sleep. Eliminate fear of sleep

Necessary for every person, as well as healthy sleep. However, in modern conditions life, where constants take over us, is quite difficult to observe. In the article you will find helpful tips for sleep, so that it brings exceptional benefits and pleasure.

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Have you ever paid attention to how animals and small children sleep, how they enjoy this natural process?

It is rare when you meet an adult who has absolutely no.

Constant stress, the rhythm of life, which often dictates the rules to us, a constant stream of thoughts, stuffy rooms, in which we spend most of our lives - all this leads to the fact that such a seemingly trifle as falling asleep after have a hard day turns out to be a problem for us.

Is there a way out? Of course have.

It turned out that there is a certain technique, thanks to which you can learn not just to sleep, but to enjoy this process.

Take into account a few tips to make your sleep better and healthier.

1. First of all, you need to know the position in which you sleep

By "sleep position" is meant the position you assume just before falling asleep.

Often we toss and turn in bed for a long time, these are the so-called attempts to find the right position for sleeping. If you observe yourself and calculate the very sleepy position, having adopted which you immediately fall asleep, the process of falling asleep will cease to be a problem.

2. Create a "cocoon of sleep"

Of course, a cocoon does not mean wrapping in silk sheets. Try to create a "protective shell" that will protect you from noisy neighbors, other sound factors, from intrusive thoughts, wafted by cool darkness. Noise-canceling headphones or earplugs can help you with this.

3. Sleep ritual

A sleep ritual is that sequence of actions that usually precedes your sleep on a daily basis. Perhaps it is before going to bed or listening to your favorite music. Observe yourself and find out what helps your body to relax and do this every time before bed. This ritual will lull your body and induce sleep.

4. Say no to food and exercise

Of course, this means exercising and eating immediately 2 hours before bedtime. Exercise is designed to invigorate the body and fight fatigue, which categorically contradicts the state necessary for falling asleep. It is also worth giving up on nightly meals, focusing instead on relaxation.

5. Snooze

If you are too tired, you can afford to take a nap in the afternoon. However, naps should not exceed 30 minutes. More long periods sleep will prevent you from falling asleep at night.

6. Go to the realm of Morpheus as soon as you feel tired

As soon as you feel tired, immediately go to bed. No business, even five minutes, should interfere with you. If you continue to do routine things, you risk wasting time and future productivity.

7. Sleep exclusively on clean and favorite bedding.

There is no such person who would not like the smell and freshness of clean sheets. Take a look at the mattress and your pillow, maybe you should replace it?

8. Sleep mode

If you can't organize your life so that you sleep and go to bed consistently the same way, try your best to keep wake up and sleep times within one hour at each end.

Here are some helpful sleep tips and how to fight cellulite with home remedies.


Recipes traditional medicine most often used in combination with conventional treatment or as an adjunct to traditional treatment. Any recipe is good after consultation with a specialist.

Do not self-medicate!

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A person spends a third of his life sleeping. And this is good. After all, sleep is natural. physiological process required for normal functioning organism. In a dream, we restore strength, “digest” the information accumulated during the day and fight diseases.

1. Hang up

Not only children, but also adults should observe the sleep and wakefulness regimen. Define for yourself optimal time lights out and stick to it strictly, even on weekends.

2. Rise

Set not only the end time, but also the wake up time. Otherwise, the balance will be upset. Slept in bed for an hour longer? fall asleep in right time it will be very difficult.

3. Diary

One of the main reasons bad sleep is stress. We go to bed with lots bad thoughts in my head. Because of this, we cannot fall asleep for a long time and sleep very restlessly. To remedy the situation, start and at the end of the day “tell” him about everything that worries or upsets you. Psychologists have proven that journaling helps you focus on the positive rather than the negative aspects of life.

4. Magnesium

Another factor that affects our sleep is magnesium. Its deficiency leads to sleep disturbances. That is why it is recommended to eat foods rich in magnesium. For example, spinach or pumpkin seeds.

5. First aid kit

Sometimes medications can be the cause of poor sleep. If you are taking any pills and notice that your sleep has become worse, carefully study the annotation. Is there among side effects insomnia?

6. Coffee

Caffeine reduces the level of adenosine, which makes it difficult for a person to quickly calm down and fall asleep. A cup of coffee with dinner can lead to insomnia or poor sleep quality. Therefore, try to drink coffee only in the morning.

7. Technology

To understand what specifically prevents you from sleeping well, refer to modern technologies. Exist mobile applications and special devices (Zeo Personal Sleep Coach, Wakemate and others) that help track the duration and quality of sleep. For example, for iOS there is an application Sleep Cycle , and for Android's SleepBot .

8. Sleep rate

Optimal sleep duration varies from person to person. But on average, it is believed that 7-8 hours are enough for normal life. Violation of the norm of sleep leads to an increase in the level of cortisol (the death hormone) and various serious illnesses. So try to get at least 7 hours of sleep a day.

9. Bonus

Has it been a tough week? Did you go to bed after midnight? Give yourself the bonus of an extra hour of sleep to rejuvenate and get back to your daily routine.

10. Siesta

Short afternoon nap- very good for health. But only a short one - no more than 30 minutes. If you doze for longer, the body will fall into deep stages sleep - it will be difficult to wake up and return to business.

11. Yula

Can't sleep? Do not roll from side to side, like a top. Get out of bed and do some quiet activity. For example, read or listen to the lounge.

12. Pets

Many people like to sleep with a loved one or. But, from the point of view healthy sleep, it is a bad idea. You can fall asleep in an embrace with Barsik, but then it is better to drive him to his place.

13. Alarm clock

Many people keep an alarm clock on their bedside table (and if the phone does it, then right under the pillow), which is actually a mistake. Constantly keeping track of time means being on edge. And stress, as you remember, equals bad sleep.

14. Curfew

Also, many spend the evening buried in a computer monitor or sitting in front of the TV. Then turn them off and "fall" into bed. But if you're aiming for a really healthy sleep, then two to three hours before lights out, arrange a curfew for all gadgets. The time before bed is time for relaxation.

15. Bedroom

Your brain should automatically associate the bedroom with relaxation. So please use this room for its intended purpose. Relax in bed. The bedroom is sleep and sex, not work and the Internet.

16. Comfort

For good night need to create comfortable conditions: buy a comfortable mattress, hang blackout curtains on the windows, eliminate sources of noise that prevent you from falling asleep. Sleep alone? Discuss with your partner what factors affect your and their sleep, and create an environment that is comfortable for both of you.

17. Temperature

16-24ºС - this should be the temperature in the bedroom. In a stuffy and too hot room, a person often wakes up and falls asleep worse.

18. Light

Bright lighting, and sometimes "harmless" light from the TV, can also create problems with sleep. If it is impossible to eliminate light sources, then so that they do not interfere with your rest, use a sleep mask.

19. Workout

Physical exercises not only strengthen strength and develop endurance, but also improve the quality of sleep. It's about, in particular, about aerobic exercises that saturate the body with oxygen.

20. Everything has its time

Sport improves the quality of sleep, but you should finish your workout at least 2 hours before lights out. After all physical exercises saturate the body not only with oxygen, but also with adrenaline, and it is a bad “sleeping pill”.

21. Muscle relaxation

Before going to bed, it is better to carry out the so-called muscle relaxation. It consists in alternately straining and relaxing various groups muscles. We strained the muscles of the legs, counted to five, relaxed; tense the press, one-two-three-four-five, exhale, etc. This procedure can be done while lying in bed. Meditation also helps prepare the body for sleep.

22. Walks

Another secret to good sleep is evening walks. Even if it is not very warm outside and you are too lazy to get ready, overcome yourself. You will be surprised how much better you will sleep at night if you walk for half an hour before going to bed.

23. Hot shower or bath

Before going to bed, the body must relax, so before you go to the realm of Morpheus, treat yourself to spa treatments. hot shower or a bath will help relieve stress and cause drowsiness.

24. Music

In addition to the bath, music has a very calming effect on the body. Classical, folk or jazz - everyone has their own melodies that give harmony. Find one that brings you peace and listen to it before bed.

25. Lavender

Aromas also affect the quality of sleep. Lavender - excellent tool from insomnia. Use scented candles or essential oils to fill the bedroom before bedtime with the scent of lavender.

26. Warmth

As you already know, it should be cool outside, but inside, on the contrary, it should be warm. Drink a glass of warm milk, cocoa or tea before going to bed, and you will immediately want to sleep.

27. Chamomile tea

By the way, about tea. This is a "grandmother's" remedy for a sound and healthy sleep. Chamomile has a calming effect, which means it helps fight main reason bad sleep - stress.

What do you do to sleep well?

The rules of healthy sleep are simple measures to improve its quality, which means maintaining health and youth for many years.

Somatotropin (growth hormone). Thanks to it, muscles grow (fat is also sent there), bones are strengthened, cells are renewed, destructive factors are inhibited, etc. Growth hormone deficiency leads to obesity, early aging.

Ghrelin and leptin, antipodal digestive hormones. If sleep is not complete, the synthesis of leptin (the satiety hormone) is reduced by 20%, which is fraught with weight gain due to an unnatural feeling of hunger. No diet will help you lose weight until your sleep improves.

Cortisol regulating defensive reactions that provides us with energy. Both tall and low level stress hormone is dangerous.

Serotonin and dopamine, hormones responsible for stress resistance and psycho-emotional mood of a person.

During sleep, the concentration of hormones takes a favorable rate and ratio for us. If we sleep right.

In this way,

normal sleep is the key to health and the ability of the body to recover and renew itself.

Principles of healthy sleep

Mode- first condition good sleep. Go to sleep and wake up at regular hours, even on weekends.

This constancy creates conditioned reflex: You will always fall asleep easily and wake up rested and alert.

How much to sleep. The amount of sleep each of us is individual, with age it increases. Determine how much sleep you need to get enough rest and try not to compromise your sleep in favor of other pressing matters.

Remember, only moderate sleep is beneficial. and insufficient sleep equally harmful.

What time to go to bed. There is no universal time. You should take into account your biorhythms, work schedule, age.

It is during this period of time (from 22 to 02) that the production of the most important hormones, melatonin and somatotropin, reaches its peak. And their deficiency is dangerous early aging, baldness, obesity, osteoporosis, oncology, etc.

daytime sleep. Many people wonder if it is needed and will not violate night rest. no doubt. If you feel tired and sleepy, a small siesta does not hurt at all.

In that case when night sleep disordered, it is better to refuse a long daytime sleep. You can allow yourself a maximum of 15-20 minutes to cheer up.

Food. It is worth stopping eating two to three hours before bedtime so that the body has time to digest it and is not distracted by this process at night.

Do not pass or eat hard-to-digest foods before bed: fried, spicy, fatty, whole grains.

Beverages. It is better to refuse from stimulating drinks containing caffeine (coffee, tea, tonics, sweet soda) in the afternoon.

The effect of caffeine decreases only after 4-5 hours, and in older people it may not decrease for a day. At sleep disorders it is better to exclude such drinks altogether or take them 6-7 hours before bedtime.

Smoking. Nicotine is an activator of the psyche. It is noticed that non-smokers fall asleep easier than smokers.

If a bad habit- your case, try not to smoke before going to bed.

Alcohol. It is popularly believed that alcohol -. Actually it is wrong. Alcohol for sleep is very harmful:

Small doses for serious violations sleep is not effective. Large doses alcohol excite brain activity A person wakes up early and can't get back to sleep.

Alcohol actively removes water from the body, the heart, pumping it, works in emergency mode.

Snoring and sleep apnea may lead to lethal outcome. Under the influence of alcohol, the muscles of the palate and larynx relax, closing the airways.

Suppresses the production of melatonin three times. In people who constantly drink alcohol, melatonin is almost not synthesized at night.

If you have to drink alcohol, and you cannot avoid it, then after drinking it, at least 4 hours should pass to neutralize the toxins contained in it.

Physical activity to improve the quality of sleep is very useful. Loading the muscles of the body, we unload the psyche from the accumulated tension, negativity, anxiety.

However, three hours before bedtime, physical exercise and any actions that activate the body must be completed.

Mental activity, especially new to the brain (solving problems, collecting and studying information, preparing reports, term papers, etc.), drives away sleep. Especially if you work on a computer.

Somnologists advise completing such activities 1-2 hours before a night's sleep. The same applies to news from TV shows, they often contain information garbage that does not contribute to good sleep.

Bedroom - sitting area. Well, if you only sleep here. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford such a blessing.

Often, a bedroom is a study, a creative workshop, and a home cinema. And if your soulmate lives according to biorhythms that differ from yours, when you are an owl, and he is a lark, or vice versa, the situation is not easy.

In this scenario, they will help you fall asleep: a sleep mask over your eyes, white noise from headphones (rain noise, for example).

I often have to resort to such tricks to fall asleep, because my husband is an owl who can stay up half the night while watching TV. I can't fall asleep in the light or in the noise. So I save myself with a mask and the sound of rain, under which I fall asleep perfectly.

Somehow a comical incident happened: I heard how outside the window going strong a thunderstorm, and wanted to tell her husband about it: “Go, see what’s going on outside the window!” I didn’t have time ... I “got it” that this was a dream, and the rain was in my headphones.

Microclimate in the bedroom - essential condition healthy sleep. These are temperature, humidity and air quality.

The most favorable temperature is 13-17 degrees, says Dr. Myasnikov.

Humidity is optimal 50-60 percent.

Air quality. It should be understood what we breathe in a residential area. These are chemical emissions from furniture, laminate, carpet, plastic products, cleaning products and even paper towels. Volatile compounds of trichlorethylene, formaldehyde, benzene, etc. destroy our health, cause allergies, asthma, oncology.

Ventilating the bedroom before going to bed is an urgent need. Even if you are a resident of a metropolis, the air outside the window is much cleaner than in an apartment.

Clean up and improve the atmosphere in the bedroom beautiful way , place in it . They absorb poisons, neutralize pathogenic bacteria, emit oxygen and phytoncides, humidify the air.

Darkness. Try to create complete darkness for sleep: blackout curtains on the windows, turn off TVs, PCs, hide phones, electronic alarm clocks so that their blue, green, red “eyes” do not disrupt melatonin production. Stocking up on them overnight is our main task. Too much great importance has this hormone for health.

The darkness should be such that the hand can barely be seen. good decision can become a sleep mask on the eyes.

Bed. The mattress and pillow should not be too soft, "enveloping" the body like a feather bed. Their average rigidity will create the correct support for the spine during sleep.

Bedding(mattress, pillow, blanket, pajamas, linen) prefer natural, ecological materials that allow the body to breathe. Choose a blanket and pajamas according to the season so as not to overheat.

positive attitude. Try to discard all the troubles if they happened during the day. Say to yourself: “I will certainly think about this tomorrow.” Falling asleep, think about the good and pleasant, what you dream about, what you strive for. Time, when we fall asleep, the best for making wishes and dreams, use it to your advantage.

Awakening can shape the mood for the whole day ahead. In order not to hear about yourself “got up on the wrong foot”, create the conditions for a gradual, soft awakening. You can use alarm clocks with increasing lighting, aromas or melody.

Help to fall asleep

Release from any tension(physical, emotional, mental) at bedtime. For this, any means are good.

Warm bath. It's warm, not hot. Helps to relax and tune in to rest. If you add essential oils, the bath will have both a sleeping pill and a healing effect.

An evening walk. Not fast, measured walking, evening nature, Fresh air calm and soothe. The main thing - do not overwork.

Book reading . Neurophysiologists have found that fatigue oculomotor muscles improves sleep.

A light snack is allowed if you can’t fall asleep on an empty stomach. It's all about stabilizing blood sugar levels, which promotes relaxation.

BUT! consider your individual reaction. Some of these measures help to relax, others, on the contrary, excite.

Herbal tea. A good sedative result is given by mint, lemon balm, hops, lavender, thyme, Ivan tea, chamomile, etc. You can add a spoonful of honey. And, of course, you should take into account a possible allergic reaction. Drink a warm drink an hour or two before bed.

Did you get enough sleep over the holidays? If and four days if you didn’t have enough to feel alert and efficient, then we advise you to improve the quality of your sleep. We all know perfectly well that a healthy eight-hour sleep is very important. But when you are constantly trying to fit into some deadlines and do as much as possible in a day, then the item “go to bed early” does not fit into the “to-do list” at all.

But things get even more complicated if, once in bed, you start to rethink everything that you didn’t have time to do at work, make plans for the next day, or just think about global world problems (who doesn’t happen to?). If you feel like you need to get more rest, then these tips will help you. You can set yourself a seven-day challenge: try every day new way improve your sleep, and ideally make these recommendations your daily habits.

1. The bed is not a place for technology. Everyone knows the axiom that computers and phones really interfere with our sleep. First, regarding the computer, don't take work to bed - it should remain a place for sleeping only, not one where you solve work problems. Secondly, our devices shine too brightly, so it is much more difficult for our brain and nervous system to switch to “sleep mode” after such strong impact Sveta. How do they know it's already night? Therefore, now lamps have become so popular, which smoothly extinguish the light for 30 minutes, creating the illusion of sunset (and also wake up in the morning with the help of “dawn”).

Let your bedroom become the most comfortable place to sleep, free from electronic devices!

2. Finish all things. To give yourself the opportunity to let go of work and personal affairs until tomorrow, they need to be released correctly. Do not try to embrace the immensity, and agree with yourself that after a certain time you turn off the computer, regardless of whether you still have things to do. And so that it doesn’t torment you in bed, take a couple of minutes to look through your “to-do list” (note how much you did in a day - this is enough to go to bed with a clear conscience) and make a plan for tomorrow. Now you have a plan! The work isn't going anywhere.

3. Chamomile tea. The simplest of all the items listed here. After you have closed your computer and phone, you should still have some time before bedtime (ideally an hour). Start this hour with a relaxing cup of herbal tea. Chamomile and other herbs will soothe you. In addition, unlike coffee and strong tea, which remove fluid from the body (and this, in turn, negatively affects the quality of sleep), herbal tea on the contrary, it will become a good friend to you.

4. System, or what is called "night time routine". As we all know, our brain is a hostage of habits. So if every day at the same time you perform a certain set of actions, then he will definitely know that sleep is coming and prepare for it. So create a set of habits that will accompany your bedtime: a warm bath, removing makeup, masks, creams, choosing clothes for tomorrow, light music, reading books and magazines, and the like (but no Instagram feed or Youtube videos).

5. Relaxation with aromatic oils. Your bed should be the place where you feel the seed as comfortable and relaxed as possible. Sleep in what you are truly comfortable in, choose the most beautiful bed sheets Change pillowcases as often as possible! Another natural way relaxation is aroma oils especially lavender oil. You can add a couple of drops to tea, you can put just a little on your wrists or behind your ears to inhale the scent in your sleep. But now there are more modern ways are pillow sprays that help improve the quality of sleep. They include many various oils, and spraying from the spray will not let you overdo it with the smell.

Here, for example, are several options where you can purchase such sprays:

  • Zenology: Cedar Oil Spray or Fig Spray
  • L'Occitane: Relaxing aromatic mist
  • The Body Shop: Vanilla and Tonka Bean Perfumed Spray
  • ASOS: This Works Deep Sleep Pillow Spray

6. Meditation. Often, even after finishing all our affairs and completing all the above rituals, we still cannot get rid of obsessive thoughts that interfere with sleep! To cope with this, meditation and sounds for relaxation will help. we talked about the Stop, Breathe & Think app that can help you relax. Other options are the Calm app, which, in addition to guided meditations, allows you to simply listen to the sounds of nature soothing you, or the more extravagant Binaural Beats , which generates white noise that will be comfortable for you. All this is best heard with headphones.

7. Watch your sleep quality. This can help you make adjustments to your habits in the long run and monitor, for example, what foods affect your sleep, what physical activities, and so on. To do this, install an application that will track your cycles, talk about the quality of your sleep and give recommendations. Yes, this is slightly contrary to the first point, but you just turn it on on your phone and put it on your bedside table without opening Instagram. Here are some apps that can help you: Sleep Cycle (tracks sleep, graphs its quality and wakes you up at light phase), Sleep Time + (everything is the same, but still the sounds of nature for falling asleep) and the most detailed of the listed ones - Pillow (it will clearly tell you how you slept, in what phases, and explain how this will affect your daytime state).

Sleep is one of the most important needs of the body. During a night's rest, the body relaxes, and the brain continues to work, analyzing and processing the information received during the day. If the process is disturbed, there are various side effects that are harmful to humans.

There is a whole science that studies this component of people's lives. Sleep problems are divided into such varieties: a violation of the process of falling asleep, a short duration and an increased length of rest. When such a disorder appears, the patient is interested in what to drink for a good sleep. But first you need to understand the origin of the pathology, try to eliminate the cause and thereby eliminate the problem.

Up to 15% of adults suffer from sleep disorders, this percentage increases with age. The most common problem is insomnia. It arises from different reasons. It can be called:

  • uncomfortable bed;
  • the use of drinks that interfere with falling asleep;
  • bright light;
  • overeating at night;
  • alcohol;
  • fatigue;
  • nervous tension.

Attention! Lack of sleep tires, causes irritability, loss of appetite, performance, nightmares can occur. The body is under constant stress immune defense decreases, more disease occurs. Being in such a rhythm can cause neurological problems and even mental disorders.

A child of the first year of life has its own causes of insomnia, which disappear with age.

Drinks affecting the quality of sleep

The use of various liquids is an integral part of human life. The diet includes not only water, but also compotes, juices, decoctions, teas.

Many people do not think about how to use them correctly so as not to cause insomnia, nervousness, fatigue. To do this, you need to study the properties of each drink, side effects. If there is a sleep disorder, be sure to consult a doctor, paying attention to the issue of nutrition and fluid intake.

Good to drink at night

There are a number of drinks that help calm, relieve nervousness, make it easier to fall asleep, and make the rest complete. They are not medicines contain only natural ingredients.

Their use is not harmful to health. It is only necessary to understand what you can drink before going to bed, take into account the possibility allergic reactions on the components.

Herbs for insomnia and recipes based on them

The aromas of many herbs are soothing, they can be put in special bags under the pillow, oils based on them can be used. Recipes for teas, decoctions with their addition are very common.

To prepare one of them, one should take a teaspoon of lavender and chamomile, pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew. You can add milk and honey to taste. The most commonly used is a decoction of valerian. You should take a tablespoon of chopped root, pour 250 ml hot water, boil for 15 minutes, let it brew for the same amount, strain and drink 20 ml three times a day.

Advice! When preparing a decoction of motherwort, it is necessary to take into account its effect on blood clotting and the ability to lower blood pressure.

When menopause is the cause of poor sleep, you can prepare a collection of various herbs and drink this drink before going to bed for a long time.


Dairy products such as kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt are very useful, they have a beneficial effect on the intestines, do not cause heaviness, improve the microflora, and help you sleep peacefully. They can be used to eliminate the feeling of hunger before bedtime.

A well-known way to fall asleep is a glass warm milk before bedtime. You can add a teaspoon of honey to it, a little cinnamon. Just don't make it too hot.

It's important to know! The healthiest thing to drink before bed is yogurt, which contains tryptophan, a natural sleep enhancer. Eat a few spoons should be 30-60 minutes before lights out.

Fruit and berry drinks

Cherries are a natural source of melatonin. The berry regulates the cycles of rest and wakefulness. You need to drink drinks from it half an hour before bedtime, preferably without sugar. People with gastritis and other stomach problems should be used with caution.

A banana smoothie gives a good effect. To prepare it, beat one banana with a tablespoon of almonds and 0.5 liters of milk. The nut is rich in magnesium and potassium, these trace elements relieve muscle spasm promote relaxation.

Bad for rest

There are a number of drinks that have a negative effect on falling asleep. A person can drink them without even knowing why he has insomnia.

Such liquids cause overload nervous system She is unable to relax. A person cannot have a good rest, gets up with fatigue, a headache, reduced performance.


The quality of rest depends more on the phase REM sleep. It is during this period that you can see dreams, the body relaxes as much as possible, restoration of strength occurs.

Alcohol disrupts this process, a person does not fully rest, gets up broken, with a headache and swelling under the eyes. That's why you shouldn't drink hard drinks before bed. Long term use alcohol leads to disruption of circadian biorhythms, becomes the reason that attempts to fall asleep are unsuccessful, and the risk of serious illnesses increases.

Carbonated drinks

Carbonated drinks have a negative effect on the body. With them frequent use there are also problems with falling asleep. Most of people whose diet includes sweet pop, suffer from insomnia.

More big problems cause energy. These are the same drinks, but with high content caffeine. They provoke nervous overexcitation, increased heart rate, deterioration of relaxation. Their frequent use leads to diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Strong tea, coffee, cocoa

Negative influence tea has on a person if you use a low-quality drink. There are many types and varieties of it, the main ones are:

  • the black;
  • green;
  • white.

The first helps to cheer up, tune in to vigorous activity. The second is a strong antioxidant, promotes the removal of toxins. The third causes an increase in attention, improves memory.

Drink only freshly brewed tea. Additives of various herbs, fruits should be considered as possible allergens. If you have problems falling asleep, you should not drink more than 3 cups a day, preferably in the morning.

The effect on the body of coffee is milder than that of tea. For some people, it is a tool that helps to fall asleep well. It depends on the individual characteristics person and type of drink. Its negative influence is based on provoking the accumulation of toxins, weakening the nervous system. This leads to nervousness, increased irritability.

A cup of sweet cocoa before going to bed will bring pleasure, help you relax, and evoke good emotions. But you should be aware of the possible intolerance of the product. Use in large quantities can cause insomnia.

What do they drink for snoring

A phenomenon such as snoring interferes normal sleep not only the person himself, but also all those around him. They are forced to listen to roulades brought out at night, involuntarily listen to apnea attacks, when breathing stops for a short time, and then after deep breath resumes. Exists folk way to help fight snoring. AT medicinal composition includes ingredients:

  • carrot;
  • Apple;
  • lemon;
  • ginger.

For cooking, you need to take one root crop and fruit, halves of citrus and ginger root. Mix everything in a blender. Consume two hours before rest.

To get rid of snoring, you need to lose weight, excess weight causes it to occur. Do not drink alcohol, especially at bedtime and in large quantities. Dinner should be light, not giving heaviness to the stomach. If such techniques do not help, special devices should be used.

Sleeping pills: pros and cons

There are people who, with problems with falling asleep, resort to various folk remedies, rituals, set themselves up for sleep in advance. Others, when unable to relax, simply take a pill. For them, the only question is what to drink before bed to sleep better.

It's important to know! But it should be remembered that sleeping pills It's a drug, and quite a serious one. It is unacceptable to use them without a doctor's prescription, uncontrolled intake can cause irreparable consequences. These medicines have many side effects.

You can not use such funds in the following cases:

  • alcohol was taken;
  • the person is driving;
  • during pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding occurs;
  • work requires great care.

You should read the instructions possible contraindications. Be sure to consult with your doctor. Evaluate whether everything is done from other methods to normalize sleep.

Only if other methods do not help, you can’t fall asleep quickly, you can think about taking pills. Good medical recall gives homeopathic remedy"Tenoten", which has a calming effect, relaxing the muscles.


The problem of poor sleep should not be ignored. Constant lack of sleep very harmful to all body systems. He experiences increased stress, exhausted. What to drink before bed to fall asleep, the specialist will tell you if the situation is out of control.

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