Sports entertainment in the senior group “Winter fun. Sports entertainment in the senior group "Starts with the whole family

Synopsis of sports entertainment with the participation of parents "Sport is fun" in the older group.

Target: to form in children and their parents the need for a healthy lifestyle through joint motor activity.
In a playful way, develop the basic qualities: strength, agility, speed, endurance.
To form muscle-motor skills, coordination of movements, attention.
Cultivate friendships between children.

Entertainment progress
To the music of "Together it's fun to walk" children of two groups enter the hall and line up opposite each other. After building, parents enter the hall and make a circle of honor and stand in teams.
Instructor: Today we gathered in the gym for the first time as two teams to have fun competitions. Are you ready! (Children's answers) And which of you knows poems about sports?
1 child
Hello to all the guys
And this word:
Love sports from an early age -
You will be healthy!
2 child
Sport is important for health
To resist disease.
You need to play sports.
And stay healthy.
3 child
To the sports ground

We invite everyone now
Holiday of sports and health
It starts with us.
Instructor: And we already today
Stronger than yesterday
Physical training!
Physical training!
Physical education - cheers! (all teams together)
Today we have gathered two teams, let's find out what they are called and what their motto is:

Team "Nimble"

We are funny guys
love to jump and jump
So try to catch up with us.

Team "Fast"

We are fast and brave
Friendly, skilled.
And to be strong
become dexterous,
Need a workout
Call everyone.
Warm-up to the music of "Masha and the Bear"
After the warm-up, the team commanders invite the children to line up for the relay races, the parents line up in a column between the teams of children.
Instructor: Now we will see which of the teams is the fastest.
Relay "Transport vegetables"
(Children take a vegetable from the basket, put it in the car, take it to the cone, transfer it to another basket and take the car, turn it around. When all the children have passed the baton, the adults jump on the hip-hop ball to the cone, return running)

Instructor: Well done guys, how fun and interesting this relay was. But it started to rain heavily and you need to quickly hide under an umbrella.
Relay "Running with umbrellas"
(Children with an umbrella run around the cone and pass it on to another player. When the children finish the relay, adults take umbrellas and run around the left or right cone without repeating the direction of the first adult player)
Instructor: What good fellows you are! Now let's see how friendly and dexterous you are.
Relay "Smart guys"
(You need to take the balls under your arms and run around the cone, pass it to the next player. Adults lead the ball with one hand around the cone.)

Instructor: How amicably and cheerfully did you cope with the task, and how strong are your legs? (answers of children and adults)
Relay "Gifts"
(Cubes are scattered near the cones and there is a basket. You need to run up to the cone, sit facing the children and, holding the cube with your foot, put it in the basket.)

Instructor: We went through all the relay races in a fun and interesting way, but everyone knows that our parents are very athletic. Let's see how they play volleyball with their feet. Let's support our players.
"Volleyball with feet"
(The players are divided into two teams and sit on the floor, the starting position is back rest. You need to kick the balloon with your feet to the side of the opponents)

Instructor: So our fun, family competitions have come to an end, it's time to relax a bit in their groups. (Children get into the train for adults and return to the groups to the music. "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 28 »

Scenario of sports entertainment "Merry Starts"

in the senior group.


Bratishko D.L.

Mikhailovsk, March 2016

Target:Attract children to a healthy lifestyle through sports entertainment.Tasks:Wellness: contribute to the strengthening of the musculoskeletal system and the formation of correct posture.
Educational: to form motor skills and abilities;
to form children's ideas about the health impact
physical exercises on the body; teach team play.
Developing: develop speed, strength, dexterity, accuracy, memory.
develop interest in sports games;
Educational: to educate in children the need for daily physical exercises;develop a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, interest in physical culture.
Equipment: Whistle signal baton by the number of children, 2 skittles, 2 large balls, cubes 4 pcs. , hoops 6 pcs., rope.
Musical arrangement: marching music for the exit of teams, musical accompaniment for competitions, fanfares sound for awards.

(A phonogram of a cheerful melody on a sports theme sounds).
Children in tracksuits to the music of the march enter the hall (in one column, one after another). They pass a circle, divide into two lines and stop opposite each other.


To the sports ground

We invite you children!

Holiday of sports and health

Starts now!


- Hello dear children and distinguished guests! We are very pleased to seeall of you today at our holiday! We are starting the most fun of all sports and the most sporty of all fun games - “Funny Starts”! Competitors will compete in strength, agility, ingenuity, speed!

Let's support and greet our members.(clap)

Before you are the best athletes from the groups (representation of teams and captains).
Which of the teams will be the fastest, most dexterous. the most resourceful

and, of course, the most, friendly, we will see it soon.
To achieve good results in competitions, you guys need to not lose heart and not be conceited. I wish you guys great success in the upcoming competitions, I wish you victories, and all the teams: - Physical education!
Children: Hi!

Leading. Teams are committed to compete!

All: honestly, according to the rules!

Now for a little workout!

Every morning we do exercises!

We like to do everything in order:

Have fun walking (marching)

Raise your hands (exercises for hands)

Squat and stand up (squat)

Jump and jump (jump)

Health is in order - thanks to charging!


To become agile an athlete

You relay!!!

Let's run fast together

You really need to win!

Relay number 1.

Inventory:relay sticks.

- The first participant picks up the baton, runs, runs around the skittle and, returning to the team, passes the baton to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Relay number 2.


The first participant from each team pinches the ball between his legs and jumps with him, running around the pin, comes back. Passes the ball to the next player. You can't hold the ball with your hands! If the ball falls, it is necessary to stop and correct the ball, only then continue moving. The team that finishes the relay first and with the fewest mistakes wins.

Relay race number 3 with the ball.

Participants stand one after another. Balls are given to captains. At the signal of the leader, the captains pass the ball over the head to the second player, the second - to the third, and so on until the last. The latter, having received the ball, must run around his team, stand at the head of it and lift the ball up.

Relay №4.


The first to pass the baton are the captains. The team captain stands in the center of the hoop, holding it with his hands. On command, the captains run around the skittle, returns back, where the next team member clings to the hoop from the outside. Together they run to the pin, run around it, the second participant remains at the pin, and the first participant returns for the next one. The relay race continues until the whole team is at the pins. The fastest team wins.

Leading:And now let's rest a little.


I wake up early in the morning

Together with the rosy sun,I make my own bedI quickly do ... (Exercise)

I don't look like a horse

And I have a seat.

There are knitting needles, they, to be honest,

Not suitable for knitting.

Not an alarm clock, not a tram,

And I'm calling, then you know. (Bike)

I'm not riding a horse

And the tourist on the back. (Backpack)

On an empty stomach

They beat me - unbearable!

Aptly pour players

I'm kicked. (Soccer ball)

When spring takes its toll

And the brooks run ringing,

I jump over it

Well, she - through me. (Rope)

Their feet are fast and agile.

That is sports ... (Sneakers)

Relay №5.

"Riders"(teams stand in columns. The firsttwoparticipant is being heldgymnastic stickbetween the legs. On a signal, they start running to the skittle, run around it, return and pass the gymnastic stick to the next pair).

Leading : - Today there are no losers in our competitions - everyone won, because. competitions helped children to make friends with sports. Friendship won. And friendship, as you know, begins with a smile. So let's give each other and our guests the kindest smile possible.

And your fans cheered for you very well, and this, of course, gave you strength. Let's turn around and greet our fans and all together, together, say "Thank you!"

To sum up the results, we give the floor to our wonderful jury (Presentation of diplomas, gifts )

Leading: And here we summarize

Whatever they are.

We will be friends with sports,

And cherish our friendship.

And then we'll be strong.

healthy, skillful,

Both smart and brave.

Go in for sports, strengthen your health, develop strength and endurance!Be healthy, see you soon!

Sports entertainment for children of the preparatory group "Kingdom of magic balls"
Program tasks:
To acquaint with different types of balls, fix their name, give an opportunity to compare, identify similarities and differences.
Develop attention, speed of reaction, endurance, hand strength.
To foster a sense of mutual support, camaraderie, a desire to participate in competitive games.
Engage in a healthy lifestyle.
Equipment: Colds costume;
rubber balls - 10 pcs. ; tennis balls 10 pcs. ;ball small stuffed - according to the number of children;
phytomyach - 2 pcs. ; stuffed balls - 4 pcs. ; gate - 2 pcs.
(Children run into the hall to the song "Barbariki" and perform musical and rhythmic exercises.)
Presenter: Guys, today I will tell you a fairy tale about the Kingdom of Magic Balls.
Everything in this kingdom is round - the houses are round, the tables and chairs are round, even the beds are round. And the inhabitants of this kingdom play only such games where there is a ball. But today I received a telegram from the people of this kingdom. There was a problem:
We were attacked by an evil Cold.
She scattered the magic balls.
She bewitched us with her charms,
There was no fun and health in the Kingdoms.
Host: What to do? Residents of the Kingdom of Magic Balls will now get sick, will not be able to play sports and play their favorite games. We must help them!
(Cold runs in)
Cold: What's wrong? Why does it smell good here? Well, where is my spyglass?
(pulls out pipe)
You serve me as a pipe,
Show me again
Who in the Kingdom is cheerful and healthy?
Who is not afraid of colds and drafts?
(looks at no children)
Cold: What's the disgrace? Why are there so many healthy children here? Okay, I'll fix it now.
(sneezes at kids)
Host: Don't bother, Cold. Our children are not afraid of colds!
Dance and musical composition "Zverobika"
Cold: Guard! Trouble! It is necessary to call an army of colds and temperatures!
Host: Nothing will help you. We came to the aid of the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Magic Balls. Tell me, where did you hide the magic balls of health?
Cold: You'll never find them. I scattered them in different kingdoms.
Moderator: Well, we'll see about that. And so we go in search of magic balls, and you Chilly, along with us.

Cold: And so we are in the Kingdom of Fantasy. Look, there's a note here:
Once a hurricane drove the ball to us.
But you can't just take it.
Only the brave and dexterous will receive the reward.
Show yourself in training.
1. Relay "Pass the ball from above"
2. Relay "Pass the ball from the side"
3. Relay "Bouncing the ball on the floor with moving forward"
You coped with the tasks deftly,
All helped, of course, training.
Grab the magic ball
And hurry on a long journey with him!
(children receive a rubber ball)
Cold Girl: The next kingdom is the Kingdom of Fear, you definitely won't find a ball there.
(to the song "Together it's fun to walk" the children go in a circle and do the exercises)
Cold Girl: Here Comes the Kingdom of Fear
If you're not afraid of anything
Then fight in the relay.
Dangerous games are waiting for you, gentlemen.
Who is not afraid, let him come here!
4. Relay race "Flight on the core" - jumps with moving forward on a fitoball.
5. Relay "Carry the ball in a bucket" - carry a rubber ball in a plastic bucket to the landmark, go around it and return to the place.
Cold: I'm glad to meet a strong opponent,
You will receive a magic ball as a reward.
(children receive a phytomy ball)
Cold Girl: Now let's go to the "Kingdom of Dreams". The next ball is waiting for us there.
(to the song "Together it's fun to walk" the children go in a circle and do the exercises)
A cold: Travelers are always ready to rest here.
Relax, take a rest
Look at the beauties.
6. "Oriental dance" - performed by girls.
7. Relay "Carry the ball in a spoon" - children cover a certain distance, carrying a tennis ball in a spoon.
8. Exercise "From the floor to the racket" - the children stand in pairs opposite each other at a distance of 4 steps. One child is holding a racket, the other is holding a tennis ball. The first child throws the ball on the floor so that it bounces off the floor. The second - catches the ball on the racket and tries to keep it.
Cold: Here, guys, surprised
And I was amused.
Take the magic ball
On the way - hurry up the road.
(children receive a tennis ball)
(to the song "Together it's fun to walk" the children go in a circle and do the exercises)
Cold girl: What kingdom did we come to? Where did you get? (takes a card with riddles). Yes, this is the "Kingdom of Mysteries"
1. Small in stature, but daring,
Jumped away from me.
Though he is always inflated
It's never boring with him.
2. They beat him with a hand and a stick,
Nobody feels sorry for him.
Why are they beating the poor guy?
And for the fact that he is inflated!
3. I lie, huddled in a corner,
While you are sitting with a book.
When the lesson ends
And I will jump with you.
4. I am colorful and resilient,
Though not alive, but still a friend.
5. He gets kicked
And he doesn't cry!
They throw him - Jumps back.
Fall - jump
Hit - do not cry.
6. Round, smooth and pot-bellied,
The guys hit him hard.
7. You knock on the wall - And I will bounce.
Throw it on the ground - And I'll jump.
I'm flying from palm to palm
I don't want to lie still.
8. The game “Who has fewer balls! - the players are divided into two teams and stand on both sides of the hall. Each has a small stuffed ball in his hand. On a signal, the children throw the balls from the shoulder with their right (left) hand. The team that has fewer balls on the court after the signal wins.
Cold: And you coped with this task
Here is the magic ball - hold,
Hurry up to the "Colorful Kingdom".
(children receive a small medicine ball)
(children go through an obstacle course - jumping from hoop to hoop, walking with stepping over stuffed balls - The cold comes first)
A cold: And here it seems the Colorful Kingdom. Is there supposed to be a magic ball around here somewhere? And here he is! I'll hide it - I will. Let everyone get sick and sneeze to the delight of me - the Great Cold.
(hides the ball, children come up).
I've been waiting for you for a long time
I look into multi-colored glasses.
Here are the heavy balls
It is immediately obvious - the strongmen.
Let's develop our hands.
Give the ball to each other.
9. Relay "Running with stuffed balls" - the first players of each team have two balls in their hands. Running with balls to the landmark and back.
10. Attraction "Kick the ball into the goal" - one player from each team comes out. You need to crawl on all fours, pushing the ball head first and drive it into the goal.
Host: Cold, have you seen a magic ball here?
Cold: No, I didn't. (steps aside) Yeah, so I gave it to you. I don't understand what the magic is. Can you sit on it? (sits down, can kick (kicks, misses). Oh, so, then I'll eat you, my friend! And I will have more magic powers (takes out a fork, knife, ties a napkin)
Host: That's right, Cold, eat it. The strength of the ball is that it carries health. Eat it and get well.
Cold: Fu! (throws the ball) I don't want to get well. I want to hurt and infect everyone. Fu, fu, what a nasty ball. (sneezes, sniffs himself). Wow, looks sick. I'll run away to another kingdom where they don't like to play sports (runs away).
Leading: So the last ball was found (children receive a stuffed ball). Now there will be a holiday in the Kingdom of Magic Balls.
Kingdom from diseases
And colds we slept.
And magic balls were brought to the kingdom.
It's very sad to leave
We'll say goodbye by dancing.
Dance "Colorful game"

Summer sports entertainment "On the road of fairy tales"

Target: To form motor skills and abilities through the knowledge and ideas about fairy tales that children have.
Tasks:- educate children's interest in fairy tales;
- evoke positive emotions in children when performing physical exercises;
- promote a healthy lifestyle.
Material Description:
I offer physical education instructors and educators of the preschool educational institution sports entertainment "On the road of fairy tales." This material can be used for children of middle and senior preschool age. It is held in the summer on the playground of the kindergarten.
Equipment, inventory: masks for fairy-tale characters; costume attributes: 2 red caps, 14 handkerchiefs, 2 baskets. 2 bouquets of flowers, 2 cones, 2 gymnastic sticks, 2 buckets, 2 spoons. 2 eggs, kinders, details from the designer, rope, 14 clothespins, 2 chairs, 4 hoops, 5 large hoops, 2 brooms, 10 pins, 2 backpacks, 2 dolls, musical accompaniment;
Preliminary work:
- read fairy tales: "Little Red Riding Hood", "Cinderella", "By Pike";
- learn the Little Red Riding Hood dance with children;
- musical and song selection based on fairy tales.


Children line up on the sports ground to the sound of the song "Visiting a Fairy Tale"
There are many fairy tales in the world, very different
Long and short, sad and funny.
You can read them, you can tell them,
Well, we decided: "Let's play them!"
Today we will have an unusual holiday, I suggest you remember fairy tales. All children love fairy tales. They hear them from the first days of their lives. Therefore, they know a lot. So today we will meet with our favorite fairy-tale characters and even stay in their place. After all, our meeting with a fairy tale will be sporty.
So, let's say the magic words: "Fairy tale, fairy tale, appear, have fun with us!" and we will go through familiar pages ... But before you go to a fairy tale, you must guess it.

Somehow the mouse is small
Dropped an egg on the floor.
The grandmother is crying, the grandfather is crying.
What a fairy tale, give me an answer! (Hen Ryaba)

I see that you remember the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen". Now you have to carry a testicle, but not a simple one. Although not gold. The task is to carry the "egg" in a spoon and not drop it. You need to carry the precious cargo in turn. Whose team manages faster, that one will win.

Leading: With this task you coped, and for you one more test. Listen to the riddle:
Lying on a plate
How cold he ran away.
He met animals in the forest,
To his misfortune - a fox.
She got a tooth
Round, delicious ... (Kolobok)

Roll the ball around the skittles to the landmark with a gymnastic stick, then take the ball in your hands and run back to the team, pass it to the next player.

Leading: Well, guys, more riddles for you.
And she washed it for her stepmother and sorted through the peas
At night by candlelight, and slept by the stove.
Good as the sun, who is it? (Cinderella)

Remember how hardworking Cinderella was? She never sat idle for a minute. In this relay race, you will also have to work hard. Every first player in the team will portray the evil stepmother, and every second will be Cinderella. Girls are playing.
The first child (evil stepmother) runs with a bucket to the finish line, pours garbage out of it (cubes, cones, etc.) and returns, passes the bucket to the second, he runs, collects garbage in a bucket and comes back, passes it to the third (evil stepmother) , he runs, pours out garbage, etc. The first team to complete the task wins.

Leading: Walking briskly along the path,
Buckets carry water.
Spoke a word -
The stove rolled. (Emelya)

Boys play, stand in pairs, in their hands a gymnastic stick, on it is a bucket of water. They run around the cone. Return to the team, pass to the next players.

Leading: The nose is round, patchy,
It is convenient for them to dig in the ground,
Small crochet tail
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them - and to what
The brothers are friendly.
Guess without a clue
Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three pigs)

Big hoops. Children of the younger group stand in hoops in groups of three. Music plays, children run around the playground, when the music stops, they occupy their houses.

Leading: What a fairy tale: Cat, granddaughter,
Mouse, another dog Bug
Helped grandpa and grandma
Have you harvested root crops? (Turnip)

There are two teams of 6 children. This is a grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. A turnip sits on each chair - a child in a hat with a picture of a turnip.
The grandfather starts the game. On a signal, he runs to the turnip, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes his hand), and they continue to run together, go around the turnip again and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game for the mouse turnip clings. The team that pulls out the turnip the fastest wins.

Leading: And fairy tales are not appeased,
The mysteries continue:
On a forest glade
There was a painted house,
I could hide all the animals,
What kind of house? (Teremok)

To begin with, let's remember who lived in the teremka: Mouse-norushka, Frog-frog, Bunny - jumper, Chanterelle-sister and Top - a gray barrel. The Bear came sixth and destroyed the tower.
Let's try to play this fairy tale in the relay race. Only six people will participate in it - according to the number of characters in the fairy tale. And the role of the tower will be performed by a hoop
They put a hoop at the finish line - this is a teremok. The first participant runs - this is the "mouse", climbs into the hoop, raises his hand. Then the second participant runs - the “frog” and also climbs into the hoop, raises his hand. And so on: “bunny” is a runaway, “chanterelle” is a sister, “top” is a gray barrel. Then the “bear” runs up, takes the hoop and pulls to the start. The team that gets to the start first wins.

Leading: Skin as white as snow
Sponges are like corals.
That she is the prettiest of all
The mirror said
Helped the gnomes in the house
And they lived
You know her name
Who was she? (Snow White)

Two girls of senior groups and teams of boys - "gnomes" of 7 people from middle groups play. Adults hold a rope, boys have handkerchiefs in their hands. On a signal, they run, give the handkerchief to the girl - “Snow White”, she hangs it on a rope with a clothespin

Leading: We get into the fairy tale again, if we guess the riddle.
Little girl running happily
On the path to the house
What is in the forest.
This girl needs to go to her grandmother as soon as possible.
Take the basket sent with her. (Red Riding Hood)

Girls participate, in the hands of the first girls there is a basket, a bouquet of flowers, a red cap on their heads, they run on a signal, jump from hoop to hoop, run around the cone, return to the team, give attributes to the next player.

10. DANCE "Little Red Riding Hood"

Leading: And the road is far
And the basket is not easy,
To sit on a stump,
I would eat a pie. (Masha and the Bear)

The boys are participating. They run, jump from hoop to hoop, jump over obstacles with a backpack in which the doll sits, run around the cone, return to the team, give attributes to the next player.

Leading: Fairy tales are loved by everyone in the world,
Adults and children love it!
Fairy tales teach us good
And diligent work
They say how to live
To be friends with everyone!

Our fun adventure has come to an end. And I want to end it with these words.
Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth,
May good always triumph over evil!
And I want to wish that you give each other warmth and do only good deeds.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the city of Zainsk and Zainsk district

Educator: Minnibayeva E.R. Zainsk, 2014
Purpose: To attract children to a healthy lifestyle through sports entertainment.
contribute to the strengthening of the musculoskeletal system and the formation of correct posture.
to form motor skills and abilities;
to form children's ideas about the health impact
physical exercises on the body;

teach team play.
develop speed, strength, dexterity, accuracy, memory.
develop interest in sports games;
to educate in children the need for daily physical exercises;
develop a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, interest in physical culture.
Educational areas: "Health", "Cognition", "Communication".
Types of children's activities: communicative, playful, cognitive, motor.
Whistle signal.
relay sticks. 2 pcs.
skittles 2 pcs.
balls 2 pcs.
cubes 4 pcs.
hoops 2pcs.
Musical accompaniment: marching music for the exit of teams, musical accompaniment for competitions, fanfares sound for awards.
(A phonogram of a cheerful melody on a sports theme sounds).
Children to the music of the march, children in tracksuits enter the hall (in one column, one after another). They pass a circle, divide into two lines and stop opposite each other.
To the sports ground
We invite you children!
Holiday of sports and health
Starts now!
- Hello, dear children and distinguished guests! We are very pleased to see all of you today at our holiday! We are starting the most fun of all sports and the most sporty of all fun games - “Funny Starts”! Competitors will compete in strength, agility, ingenuity, speed!
-Let's support and greet our members. (clap)
-Before you the best athletes from the groups (representation of teams and captains).
Which of the teams will be the fastest, most dexterous. the most resourceful
and, of course, the most, friendly, we will see it soon.
To achieve good results in competitions, you guys need to not lose heart and not be conceited. I wish you guys great success in the upcoming competitions, I wish you victories, and all the teams: - Physical education!
Children: Hello!
Leading. Teams are committed to compete!
All: honestly, according to the rules!
Now for a little workout!
Every morning we do exercises!
We like to do everything in order:
Have fun walking (marching)
Raise your hands (exercises for hands)
Squat and stand up (squat)
Jump and jump (jump)
Health is in order - thanks to charging!

-To become agile athlete
You relay!!!
Let's run fast together
You really need to win!

Relay number 1.
Inventory: baton.
-The first participant picks up the baton, runs, runs around the skittle and, returning to the team, passes the baton to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay first wins.
Relay number 2.
Equipment: balls.
-The first participant from each team pinches the ball between his legs and jumps with him, running around the pin, comes back. Passes the ball to the next player. You can't hold the ball with your hands! If the ball falls, it is necessary to stop and correct the ball, only then continue moving. The team that finishes the relay first and with the fewest mistakes wins.
- Word of the jury.
Host: -While the teams are preparing, we, dear fans, will play a game for attention. Let's get up from our seats. I will show you cubes of different colors.
What color is this cube? (Raises blue. Children answer)
When I pick up the blue one, you need to clap, the green one - to stomp, the yellow one - to be silent, the red one - to shout cheers. (Game in progress)
-Well done! Take your seats.
Are the teams ready? Line up! (Whistle signal)
Relay race number 3 with the ball.
-Participants stand next to each other. Balls are given to captains. At the signal of the leader, the captains pass the ball over the head to the second player, the second - to the third, and so on until the last. The latter, having received the ball, must run around his team, stand at the head of it and lift the ball up.
Relay №4.
Equipment: hoops.
-The captains will be the first to pass the baton. The team captain stands in the center of the hoop, holding it with his hands. On command, the captains run around the skittle, returns back, where the next team member clings to the hoop from the outside. Together they run to the pin, run around it, the second participant remains at the pin, and the first participant returns for the next one. The relay race continues until the whole team is at the pins. The fastest team wins.
Host: Now let's have a rest.
- Guess riddles.

I wake up early in the morning
Together with the rosy sun,
I make my own bed
I quickly do ... (Exercise)

I don't look like a horse
And I have a seat.
There are knitting needles, they, to be honest,
Not suitable for knitting.
Not an alarm clock, not a tram,
And I'm calling, then you know. (Bike)

I'm not riding a horse
And the tourist on the back. (Backpack)

On an empty stomach
They beat me - unbearable!
Aptly pour players
I'm kicked. (Soccer ball)

When spring takes its toll
And the brooks run ringing,
I jump over it
Well, she - through me. (Rope)

Their feet are fast and agile.
That is sports ... (Sneakers)

Relay №5.
“Riders” (teams stand in columns. The first two participants hold a gymnastic stick between their legs. On a signal, they start running to the skittles, run around it, return and pass the gymnastic stick to the next pair).
Host: -Today there are no losers in our competitions - everyone won, because. competitions helped children to make friends with sports. Friendship won. And friendship, as you know, begins with a smile. So let's give each other and our guests the kindest smile possible.
- And your fans cheered for you very well, and this, of course, gave you strength. Let's turn around and greet our fans and all together, together, say "Thank you!"
-For summing up, we give the floor to our wonderful jury (Presenting diplomas, gifts)
Moderator: And here we sum up,
Whatever they are.
We will be friends with sports,
And cherish our friendship.
And then we'll be strong.
healthy, skillful,
Both smart and brave.

Go in for sports, strengthen your health, develop strength and endurance! Be healthy, see you soon!

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