Simple and effective Tibetan recipes for health and longevity. What does chronic mean? Original treatments used in Tibetan medicine

1 561 0 Hello! From the article you will learn what principles Tibetan medicine is based on, what are its features and what methods of treatment it uses, what diseases it helps to cope with, what lifestyle it recommends to follow. In the article you will also find examples of recipes for health and information about the types of human constitutions distinguished by this branch of medicine.

What is Tibetan Healing

The history of the emergence of Tibetan medicine, despite the presence of documentary evidence, is under the cover of secrets. According to legend, the science of healing originates from divine origin. Officially, Tibetan medicine was formed more than two thousand years ago with the advent of writing, when the accumulated knowledge and experience were included in medical treatises.

In Tibet, the ancient cultures of India and China came into contact. Therefore, medicine has included their traditions, supplementing their own experience. This is how new science healing.

Until now, this unique healing has not been fully studied. One thing is certain - science relies on the fact that human health is inextricably linked with the outside world. Diseases are caused by three culprits: wind, bile and mucus.

The classic treatise "Zhut-shih" teaches that a person is a microcosm with all the laws of the universe, and health is not a comfortable state, but an expression of its harmony and perfection.

The book gives instructions on the right way of life:

  • tells how to adapt to the change of seasons;
  • find out your constitutional type;
  • achieve longevity;
  • offers methods of diagnostics, treatment;
  • gives advice on the preparation of collections, which include up to 60 types of raw materials of plant, animal and mineral origin.

The efforts of Tibetan healers come down to identifying and eliminating the source of the disease, which lies in an unstable psycho-emotional state. They believe that all other causes are secondary. This is the main difference between Tibetan medicine and Western medicine, where doctors treat a specific disease and organs, first of all eliminating the symptoms.

Tibetan treatments

Before starting treatment, a survey and examination of the patient is carried out. Next, the pulse is diagnosed. Based on the results obtained, the doctor is able to determine the disease even at the initial asymptomatic stage. In Tibet, there are thousands of healing recipes, more than 100 practices of non-drug therapy.

Treatment methods include:

1. Medicines.

The peculiarity of healing with drugs is 100 percent naturalness. It is a mistake to consider them phytocollections, since the composition is more extensive. In addition to all parts of plants, they include mineral salt, water, gems, metals. As well as resins, clay, substances of animal origin, which include insects, reptiles, horns, bones.

Depending on what is the cause of the disease - wind, bile or mucus, medicines have a certain taste.In the first case, the drug is spicy-salty. For bile, fees made up of bitter, astringent and sweet ingredients are suitable. Mucus normalizes a combination of sour, salty, spicy tastes.

A large number of components in the composition due to various influences and leveling side effect one means to another.

Before collecting raw materials, healers say prayers, ask God for permission to harvest. Selected right time days, slope direction. During all stages of the preparation of the drug, mantras are read, medicines and their consumers are blessed.

Treatment takes from several months to several years. At the same time, it is recommended to lead a correct lifestyle, follow a diet.

2. Herbal baths.

Infusions of medicinal Tibetan herbs are added to the water.

Baths have the following effect:

  • improve blood circulation;
  • activate the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • tone muscle tissue.

The main action is the normalization of energy circulation through the channels.

During the procedure, which takes half an hour, it is possible to increase the heart rate, shortness of breath, numbness of the extremities. The removal of toxins gives side effects in the form of weakness, dizziness.

Discomfort disappears after the end of the bath.

3. Rubbing.

This method of applying ointments and creams to skin popular with the local people. According to the teachings of Tibetan medicine, the procedure helps to calm and uplift the mood. Gentle movements of the healer relieve accumulated fatigue, normalize sleep.

4. Cauterization with wormwood.

The impact occurs on certain points in diseases of the stomach, epilepsy, edema, nervous disorders.

5. Non-contact massage.

The peculiarity of the technique lies in the interaction with the patient through energy waves emanating from the hands. Penetrating through the skin, the pulses heal the internal organs.

Massage is part of The effect is achieved with full trust in the master, entering into energy contact with him.

6. Sound massage.

The procedure brings the mind, soul and body into harmony through the vibration of singing bowls. In a short time, the nervous system is restored, depression, increased blood pressure. Massage is suitable for rehabilitation after mental trauma, as well as healthy people who wish to raise the level of vital energy, replenish strength. The sound emanating from the bowls opens the energy chakras, clarifies thinking.

The methods of Tibetan medicine include: the practice of the laying on of hands, the correction of the psyche, the removal of blockages. Healing with a look, thought, minerals, reflexology is popular.

Treatment excludes gross interference in the functioning of the body. It is aimed at soft correction, stimulation of vital energy, depending on the lifestyle, nutrition, mental balance of the patient.

Secrets of Tibetan Medicine

Adjusted nutrition according to Tibetan medicine strengthens the body, restores impaired functions:

  • The use of fish soup is useful for weakened people.
  • Citrus fruits lower blood pressure.
  • Dried apricots affect male power.
  • To get rid of shortness of breath, you need to drink fresh milk every morning.
  • Apples treat blood vessels, cranberries treat gastritis, and daily use strawberry relieves stones in the liver.

The people of Tibet drink a cup every morning on an empty stomach. hot water. It extinguishes the fire, destroys pathogens. This simple technique leads to an increase in life expectancy by at least 10 years.

The secrets of Tibetan medicine do not end there. Forces draw not only from food.

  1. The Tibetan science of healing teaches that each person has his own mineral, tree, flower, animal, number. It is necessary to avoid plants that draw energy (maple, mountain ash, alder). Magical flowers include geranium, peony, heather. Energy is given by oak, cedar, pine, fir.
  2. Tibetan doctors teach patients to relax, because in this state toxins are neutralized in the blood, fractures and dislocations occur less frequently.
  3. It is recommended to go to bed on an empty stomach. You can not turn on your left side, as breathing through the right nostril leads to heating of the brain, insomnia.

Treatment with Tibetan methods can last up to five years, while all body systems are healed, a person acquires peace of mind.

Tibetan medicine has one significant drawback. She doesn't help with acute diseases requiring a quick response, and during surgical interventions.

What does Tibetan medicine say about worldly laws

The theory of medicine recognizes adherence to worldly laws as the basis of virtue. A person will be healthy if:

  • thinks before doing something;
  • refuses bad deeds, no matter how they are pushed;
  • doing positive things;
  • does not let down enemies;
  • respects elders, authorities, relatives, teachers;
  • does not hide from loving people;
  • saves friendship;
  • draws conclusions from what he hears;
  • not in a hurry, firm in convictions.

If you follow these rules, a person will not be tormented by mental anguish, he will live a long time with a clear mind, a healthy body.

Eastern Tibetan medicine effective in healing many diseases, even chronic ones, which are not treated by Western doctors. These include:

  • neurosis, depression, migraine;
  • sclerosis, hypotension, vegetovascular dystonia;
  • heart disease, atherosclerosis, varicose veins;
  • tonsillitis, bronchitis, tuberculosis, asthma;
  • hepatitis, gallstones, cholecystitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • imbalance of the endocrine system;
  • gout, arthrosis, arthritis;
  • dermatitis;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • diabetes mellitus of the second type.

Treatment of diabetes

Tibetan medicine for diabetes is aimed at restoring the work of the lymphatic drainage system, the pancreas. The disease more often affects people with a constitution of Bile and Mucus. The former suffer from excess weight, have an unbalanced character, the latter are inclined to be overweight, good-natured and slow. It should be noted that only type 2 diabetes can be treated.

To get rid of the disease, follow these recommendations:

  • exclude spicy and fatty foods, vinegar, bread from the diet;
  • do not eat sweets made from white sugar;
  • eat fruits and raw vegetables.

These rules are suitable for reducing bile. To change slime, you need to drink ginger tea, apply a raw food diet, cook food for a couple.

Treatment of arthrosis, arthritis

Tibetan medicine for joints is indispensable. It relieves pain during exacerbations, restores tissues in remission.

For the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis are used:

  • natural chondroprotectors;
  • moxibustion (heating of active points);
  • acupuncture;
  • acupressure;
  • cleansing the body with rice;
  • rubbing with ointments;
  • stone therapy.

Treatment of stones

From gallstone disease western medicine relieves surgical intervention to remove gallbladder. Tibetan doctors carefully and for a long time focus their efforts on softening, dissolving stones, as well as restoring the function of liver cells.


At bronchial asthma treatment of European physicians is limited to the appointment of hormonal drugs that relieve spasms, inflammation, but do not eliminate the cause of the disease. Tibetan medicine considers asthma as a condition of the body, the blood of which is not sufficiently cleansed due to poor liver function.

The disease is also affected by the accumulation of mucus and nervous excitement. Therefore, the treatment is complex, affecting the nervous system, liver, lungs. Appointed natural fees to improve digestion.

Lifestyle principles offered by Tibetan medicine

Tibetan doctors advise to moderately display such feelings as ignorance, hatred and passion, since their excess is the source of many diseases. You should also avoid unpleasant, dangerous situations, be careful and attentive.

Based on these points, postulates have been developed right image life:

  1. The night is made for sleep.
  2. Before you go, study it.
  3. Keep your soul and body clean.
  4. Do not loosen your tongue, do not harass the interlocutor with empty chatter.
  5. Beware of the elements of fire, water, dangerous places.
  6. Try to make your wish come true within a month.
  7. Don't get carried away with alcohol.
  8. Have medicines for poisoning, colds, bleeding with you.
  9. Don't make empty promises.
  10. Look around before you sit down on the ground.
  11. Redeem bad deeds with good deeds.
  12. Spend money sparingly.
  13. Don't covet other people's property.

When a person is driven by passion, the nutrition of tissue cells is upset, the balance of vital energy in the body is disturbed. If there is no kindness, then there are diseases of the heart, liver and blood vessels. From the unwillingness to know and take into account the peculiarities of their physiology, catarrhal infections appear.

Tibetan doctors believe that liars, murderers, slanderers, gluttons are more susceptible to diseases.

You can’t be frivolous and rude, steal, envy, regret what you have done.

Tibetan medicine warning

  • in anticipation of a child;
  • weakened, sick;
  • during menstruation.

The frequency of sex depends directly on seasonality. In spring, autumn with a frequency of two days. In winter, the number of intimate relationships depends on the desire. And in the summer, in order to avoid dizziness, others are more severe consequences, you can engage in love joys no more than twice a month.

Types of human constitutions

When the balance between the three doshas or constitutions is disturbed: Wind, Bile, Mucus, diseases arise. Observing people, Tibetan healers came to the conclusion that they can be grouped into three groups according to their character, lifestyle, and food preferences. Further, Tibetan medicine combined psychotypes with physiology.

Let's take a closer look at the characteristics types of people Wind, Bile, Mucus:

1. Wind.

A distinctive feature is energy and mobility. People of this constitution do not tolerate monotony, are unpredictable in words and deeds. Have good reaction, thinking, quickly get tired and quickly recover after a short rest. Frequent change moods, emotional instability are due to the fact that the Wind regulates the nervous system. Representatives of the Wind type retain their youthful weight until old age, they are prone to sleep disturbances, colds, and anxiety.

2. Bile.

At the heart of the constitution is the element of fire. People of this group are resolute, easily fall into anger, and are very upset by failures. They have hot limbs, a thick build, and acne-prone skin. They almost never get colds. People of Bile are always hot, they sweat, they are thirsty. Diseases, due to the tendency to overeat, are associated with the organs digestive tract. Due to the thick blood, the tendency to heart attacks and strokes is increased.

3. Slime.

This group includes people who are calm, balanced. They have a full loose body, they are cold all the time. This is due to the fact that the constitutions of Slime correspond to the elements of earth and water. They sleep long, work slowly and monotonously, are friendly. Their illnesses are catarrhal infectious diseases, asthma, diabetes mellitus. Mucus is responsible for resistance to infections, balance hormonal system, metabolism.

More often, a person combines 2-3 constitutions, but the main one prevails, which is inherited. During life, due to diseases, nutrition, lifestyle, the type can change.

When prescribing medicines and procedures, Tibetan doctors take into account the psychotype and physiology of each patient individually. First of all, they are interested in diet and lifestyle, which allows them to quickly diagnose the disease and treat it effectively.

What recipes does Tibetan medicine give for treatment

Tibetan medicine teaches that the way of thinking and living is important for maintaining health. But, despite this, the recipes for longevity, purification of the body are widespread both in Tibet itself and beyond its borders.

Consider the composition, the technology of preparation of some of them.

1. Herbal cleansing drink.

Take 20 g of St. John's wort, immortelle, chamomile and birch buds. Fill the collection with 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes. Divide the resulting drink into two parts. Drink in two doses. The first - in the evening after dinner, the second time after breakfast the next day.

The infusion cleanses the body of helminths, activates metabolism, promotes weight loss.

2. Tincture of celandine.

Grind fresh celandine, squeeze out the juice. We need 10 drops, which are mixed with 70 ml of alcohol. Start taking the remedy with one drop before breakfast, increasing the number of drops by one with each next trick food. As soon as the drops become 15, count in reverse order.

The healing potion cleanses the lymphatic system.

3. For cleaning vessels.

Chop 8 lemons and cloves of garlic. AT glass jar place the mixture filled with water, leave in a dark place for 3 days. After this period, strain the composition, put it in the cold.

Take half a glass of drink before each meal (3 times). When the tincture is over, do it again in the same proportions.

Infusion supports normal functioning circulatory system. The walls of the vessels become clean, the lumen increases, which helps to get rid of hypertension.

4. Rejuvenating elixir.

350 g of garlic, crushed with a wooden mortar, are transferred to a glass dish. Put 400 ml there too ethyl alcohol, close the container tightly, put it in the closet for 10 days. Consume a quarter of an hour before each main meal, adding a small amount of milk to the drops. The first dose is 1 drop, each subsequent increase by one until you count to 15. Then count down. Repeat after 10 days until the elixir runs out.

The healing science of Tibet includes an entire ocean therapeutic methods capable of restoring health, curing diseases and rejuvenating the body. Currently, a number of alternative medical systems are known (including Tibetan medicine). Joint healing is just one branch of ancient Chinese healing science.

Alternative medical systems

There are numerous alternative methods treatments and practices that have been used for many centuries, especially in Eastern countries. The effects of these treatments are known, so there is absolutely no ambiguity about them. Here are some of the accepted alternative medical systems:

  • Homeopathy.
  • Ayurveda.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Treatment natural remedies.
  • Traditional Chinese medicine.
  • Tibetan medicine.


Traditional Tibetan medicine, sometimes referred to as "Lamaist" or "Buddhist", has evolved over 1200 years into a unique therapeutic system. Here disease is understood as an imbalance of the three principles of Nis-pa, consisting of one or two elements: rLung (air, wind), mKhris-pa (fire) and Bad kann, (earth and water). Buddhist philosophy, as well as the shamanic origins of Tibetan culture, form the backdrop of the cosmological, mind-body, and spiritual dimensions.

Treatment may consist of drugs (usually plant origin, rarely with the help of minerals or animals), physical treatments (eg, massages, baths), regulation of life and nutrition, or spiritual methods. Standardization of originally individualized medicines, separation from mainstream philosophies, and cessation of some practices (eg Tibetan dental medicine, moxibustion).

Apart from the regions of historical Tibet, very similar medical traditions have been practiced since the Mongol conquest of Tibet in the 13th century in Mongolia, adjoining Siberia and the Russian province of Kalmykia. Especially with traditional Mongolian medicine, Tibetan has a significant similarity. Following the growing interest in traditional Chinese medicine and complementary or alternative medicine in general, in the future we can expect more demand from Western countries.

Tibetan practice

Tibetan medicine is an excellent system that has stood the test of time (over two thousand years). similar to other Asian systems such as Ayurveda and the Chinese medical system, however there are many differences (in philosophy, diagnosis, as well as treatment approach).

Including use medicinal plants and different techniques massage for pain relief and treatment of joints, Tibetan medicine is very relevant to the modern era and can help patients with various problems, including chronic diseases.

Areas of application of Tibetan medicine

Tibetan medicine is good for chronic problems such as indigestion, heartburn, back pain, asthma, arthritis, eczema, sinusitis, liver, heart and kidney problems, circulatory problems, anxiety, sleep disturbances and problems related to nervous system as well as some cases of cancer, etc.

There are many modern problems for which Tibetan medicine can be effective, such as high blood pressure, stress and tension, allergic skin reactions, sexual dysfunction and restoration of general health and vitality. The Tibetan method of treating joints is also widely known, the Tibetans associate it with a violation of order: water and earth, air.

Cold and hot arthritis

It can be said that joints are often damaged by cold, it is always harmful to them. However, there are two types of arthritis - "cold" and "hot". Cold type - arthrosis, destructive changes in bone and cartilage tissues. Inflammation (osteoarthritis) can develop in an arthritic joint over time. The root cause of this is the common cold. Another type of arthritis is "hot", where the primary, underlying process is inflammation. Infectious arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout are of this type.

Since the basis of these two types is different, the Tibetan joint treatment is very different. For cold arthritis, use strong medicines, used a warm diet and lifestyle changes. Hot natural springs and medical baths are excellent. In the case of hot arthritis, medicines that are "cold" in style are used, compresses are made, and a blood test is taken.

Diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and gout are not isolated injury joints, these are systemic diseases: rheumatoid arthritis is caused by an autoimmune inflammation that occurs not only in the joints, but in all connective tissues, and gout is a complex metabolic disorder caused by chronic indigestion. Full recovery is possible, but the treatment takes a very long time (about 1 year), involving additional methods, procedures, and so on. If the disease is present for a very long time, then destructive changes in the joints inevitably occur, which are irreversible.

Tibetan doctors

They are specialists in the field of primary health care, who study for five years of theory, and practice for a year in an accredited Tibetan medical clinic. Then students receive a doctorate degree in Tibetan medicine. However, six years of study in this area is not enough to become a competent practitioner. Therefore, in order to become a professional in your field, further improvement of skills and training is necessary.

Features of nutrition in the treatment of joints

In Tibetan medicine, individual health involves the proper alignment and balance of the three energies. When psychological conditions, the diet and behavior of a person are inappropriate, the balance of these energies is disturbed, which leads to many complaints and diseases. What nutritional features does the Tibetan method of treating joints provide? Here are some tips:

  • Avoid raw, spoiled, oxidized, salty, fatty and heavy foods. It's just poison for the joints.
  • In the case of "hot" arthritis - rheumatoid, with gout, alcohol is very harmful. Milk, salt, potatoes and cabbage are also not recommended during treatment.
  • Recommended: Rice, roasted wheat (e.g. dried crackers), peas, buttermilk, yogurt cow's milk(curdled milk), cold boiled water, light food and wine with a small amount honey (only for "cold" type of arthritis).
  • In chronic arthritis, radish is extremely effective; in Tibetan medicine, daikon (long white radish) is used.

Holistic approach

What does Tibetan medicine do? Treatment of joints, migraines, acute and chronic diseases - this is not the whole list. A holistic approach stands out in the treatment of patients. Tibetan doctors consider the patient's lifestyle, physiological, psychological, physical, social, external and environmental factors, prescribe the most gentle and natural form of treatment to restore health.

Treatment with Tibetan medicines is very individual, it requires a mandatory consultation with a doctor. Balneotherapy - bathing in hot thermal springs - good method treatment of joints in Tibet. In addition, the Tibetans make very effective five amrit medical baths in such cases, adding five plants to the water: rhododendron, ephedra, wormwood, juniper and myricaria. more accessible to home use are an emulsion sold in pharmacies, as prescribed by a doctor, the patient independently undergoes a course of baths. They are especially helpful for arthrosis - cold damage to the joints.

Tibet: treatment of joints and not only

In an autoimmune disease, the defense system begins to produce antibodies that attack our own body. Often a genetic predisposition leads to inadequate functioning of the autoimmune system.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, severe and debilitating disease that causes inflammation of the joints, including the synovial membrane responsible for protecting, nourishing and sliding cartilage. It is not known exactly what causes this inflammation, but this is a classic example. autoimmune disease. Any external aggressive factor (stress, bacteria or virus) can be the cause of this disease, which affects several joints at the same time.

Treatment rheumatoid arthritis mainly associated with the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids and disease-modifying drugs. Anti-inflammatory drugs have the function of improving symptoms until disease-modifying drugs, which are slow-acting, work. That is why the appropriate medicine is prescribed. It is important to remember that if these medicines are used unintentionally, the damage can range from gastritis to ulcers or severe kidney problems.

Monasteries of Tibet: treatment

Tibetan Buddhist monasteries are of great religious and cultural significance for the inhabitants. Monks develop and create educational projects, orphanages and nursing homes, help to preserve the unique culture and language of Tibet. Treatment here is one of the best ways how to general health, and solutions to certain point health problems.

Ayurvedic and Tibetan Therapy

Treatment of joints in Tibetan medicine is carried out with the help of many specialized therapeutic procedures. Ayurvedic and Tibetan practitioners believe that deep relaxation promotes healing and the removal of toxins. The actual therapeutic value of these therapies is best realized when combined over a long period of time.

  • Abhyanga is special oil massage in which special herbs and inlays are applied specifically for the treatment of disease.
  • Garshana - Vigorous brushing with damp silk gloves until Abhyanga. Methodical cleansing opens the pores, allowing the oil to penetrate deeper, stimulates the flow of lymph and blood circulation and activates the body.
  • Shila Abhyanga - Ayurvedic hot stone massage. This is an ancient Ayurvedic technique that uses herbal Ayurvedic oils and basalt stones heated in water for a slow, deep tissue massage.
  • Kuni - Tibetan oil massage. It's efficient dynamic system massage, important aspect traditional Tibetan medicine, one of the most ancient and modern healing arts in the world. For many centuries, the famous doctors and yogis of Tibet have relied on the practice of Kuni to restore health and harmony with our systems. Whatever you treat (from a common headache to difficult treatment joints) - in Tibet you can cure everything.
  • Nadi Swedana - localized steam therapy for pain relief with herbal medicinal oils. This type of steam treatment focuses on specific areas of the body, such as sore joints or muscles, to improve mobility and flexibility, and to reduce pain. Ideal therapy for those suffering from acute or chronic illness anywhere in the body.
  • Janu Basti - knee therapy. It is an effective treatment for those suffering from knee discomfort and pain, arthritis and knee stiffness. Excellent treatment for athletes, tourists and the elderly.
  • Tibetan Acoustic Sound Therapy. An extremely effective treatment using musical tuning forks in a non-invasive way to align and balance the body's natural energy fields, to eliminate obvious energy blockages.

The East, as you know, is a subtle, mysterious thing, and this is precisely what fascinates pragmatic and rational Europeans, who strive to believe any harmony with dry and strict algebra. This is probably why Eastern medicine managed to take root in Europe and win back from classical Western medicine. medical science his own, cozy niche, smelling of incense and mysterious herbs. No matter what achievements Western medicine, organized as a rigorous evidence-based science, demonstrates to the world, people will still be drawn to the incomprehensible, mysterious Eastern.

And among them - to the ancient Tibetan medicine.

Fundamentals of Tibetan Medicine

European medicine - clean water a scientific discipline in which everything is laid out on the shelves of the natural sciences. The Western doctor is looking for the causes of the disease, penetrating with the help of the most complex instruments into the body, into the depths of a living cell in search of failures and disorders. He looks for the origins of the disease in what can be seen, fixed, measured and verified - in physical body patient.

Tibetan medicine has a radically different approach. It is generally difficult to call it science, it is so steeply involved in the philosophy of Buddhism, in spiritual practices and esoteric ideas about the world.

The main book of Tibetan medicine is the ancient treatise "Chzhud-Shi", which traces the connection with Ayurveda, as well as with Chinese and Arabic works on medicine. It is assumed that it was written in Sanskrit by the healer Jivaka Kumara, who lived at the time of Buddha Shakyamuni. In later times, "Chzhud-Shi" was translated into different languages, including Mongolian, Tibetan, Chinese, etc.

According to Tibetan doctors, all illnesses are due to ignorance, which is inherent in people from birth, and often even comes from past lives. Ignorance lies in the lack of understanding of one's unity with the Universe, the relationship with the entire universe and in ignorance that each person has the nature of the Buddha. Ignorance gives rise to Passion, which, in turn, gives rise to anger and obscurity, which upset the balance of the three Doshas, ​​the three vital principles: Wind, Phlegm and Bile.

Tibetan medicine - main part traditional medicine China, which has become widespread in Nepal, India and other areas where Tibetans live. The main text of the Tibetans is the "Chzhudshi" (or "Four Foundations"). Tibetan medicine has a 2000 year history with never interrupted written evidence. Tibetan medicine perceives human body as a closed energy system. When energy circulates through the body in a balanced way, a person is healthy. Diseases appear if the energy balance is disturbed. Moreover, the disease, according to the Tibetans, is a local manifestation of disturbances in the flow of energy. The main difference between Tibetan healing and traditional medicine is that amchis (doctors of Tibetan medicine) do not treat in the traditional sense of the word. They harmonize human energy. Therefore, the cure affects the whole organism, and not only those organs, the problems with which brought the patient to the monk. Tibetan medicine adheres to the principle that it is not the disease that needs to be treated, but the person.

Tibetan treatments

Tibetan healing is based on the knowledge that the human body consists of:

  • three factors: "lun", "chiba", "peigen",
  • seven material substances: muscles, blood, bones, bone marrow, fat, etc.,
  • three types of secretions - urine, feces and sweat.

In a normal physical state, these concepts are in balance. The moon factor affects physical state body, "chiba" maintains body temperature, strengthens normal function stomach. In addition, it stabilizes breathing, adds courage and increases mental capacity person. "Peigen" affects the functioning of fluids in the human body. Successful treatment in Tibetan medicine directly depends on accurate diagnosis, for which 4 methods are used: a survey, an external examination, diagnosing by meridians and a person's pulse.

Having established the cause of the illness, the amchi can use the following Tibetan treatments:

  1. Treatment with medicinal preparations made from vegetable (roots, stems, branches, leaves, flowers, fruits, bark) and mineral (precious stones, minerals, metals, salt, mineral water) raw materials. These drugs prolong life, have antitoxic, neutralizing and disinfecting effects. At the same time, they are compiled individually for each patient and so that the side effects of one component are neutralized by the other. Therefore, medicines from Tibet almost do not lead to allergies, have a mild effect and are easily digestible.
  2. Gag reflex treatment is used to treat dyspepsia and other stomach ailments.
  3. Rubbing - lubricating the skin with a specially made ointment. It tones, beneficial effect with nervous disorders, ailments, chronic fatigue, insomnia.
  4. Healing baths, in the preparation of which water from sulfuric and warm springs is used, as well as medicinal ointments. Baths are useful for the treatment of various diseases of the muscles and bones.
  5. A special Ku-Nye massage, which has a relaxing effect on the physical and energy body person.
  6. Moxotherapy consists in heating special points with moxas, made up of different herbs(wormwood, cumin, nettle, edelweiss, mint, juniper, etc.). Moxotherapy is most effective for colds, flu, stomach ulcers and duodenum, chronic diseases intestines, skin (psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis) and respiratory organs.
  7. Tibetan sound massage is carried out with the help of metal bowls, which create a vibration that penetrates into every cell of the body, forcing them to unite into one harmonious sound, as a result of which the body relaxes as much as possible.
  8. Mantra treatment. Each mantra corresponds different aspects energy of a person and causes a response or resonance in him, as a result of which the energy flow is normalized and the cause of the disease is eliminated.
  9. Tibetan ritual medicine is a cleansing practice for the purpose of cleansing the body, speech and mind from negative thoughts and ailments.

Doctors of Tibetan medicine are monks (amchi) who undergo rigorous Spartan training to acquire the required qualifications. Amchi is obliged to diagnose by the person's pulse. To do this, the doctor must have experience in healing and have a good command of the art of treatment, as well as medical knowledge. As a rule, 15 minutes is enough for amchi to make a diagnosis, give recommendations on improving lifestyle, nutrition and prescribe treatment.

Secrets of Tibetan Medicine

All Tibetan medicine is based on the expression: "Any human disease is generated by his mind and negative thoughts." Ignorance, according to Tibetans, has a devastating effect on the endocrine system, leading to the development of diabetes mellitus and overweight, and anger and hatred destroy the nervous and digestive systems. Therefore, amchi, first of all, tries to study the mind and thoughts of a person, and then prescribes treatment using Tibetan methods. One of the secrets effective treatment in Tibet is the rejection of modern medicines, since the task of amcha is not considered to alleviate the suffering of the patient and symptoms, but to treat the cause of the disease. Besides, Tibetan medicines have been tested on people for many centuries, so they have almost one hundred percent effectiveness and do not give complications.

One more secret Tibetan treatment is drinking hot water. Hot water destroys germs and "extinguishes the fire element in the stomach." According to Amchi, a cup of hot water, which a person drinks every morning, prolongs life by 10-15 years. However, Tibetan medicine is powerless against advanced diseases, so it is important to visit a doctor at least once every six months in order to detect the disease at an early stage.

This, of course, is not all the secrets of Tibetan medicine, but only a small part of them. Tibetan medicine has a number of advantages, including:

Harmlessness due to the fact that only natural raw materials are used in the preparation of medicines.

  • Long-term effect of treatment (4-5 years).
  • The universality of the nature of the treatment, since the improvement affects the whole organism as a whole.
  • Good compatibility with European treatments.
  • A thousand years of healing practice.

However, there is a small drawback - this is a slow action due to the use of herbal medicines, the required concentration of which in the body appears by 21-24 days. Therefore, Tibetan medicine is powerless in acute diseases.

Tibetan medicine is a non-traditional practice that has spread throughout the world, the main achievement of which is that it is aimed at restoring the harmony of human relations with the outside world. As the 14th Dalai Lama said, “Tibetan medicine is a comprehensive system of healing that has served the Tibetan people for centuries. I am convinced that even today it can be of benefit to mankind, however, in the desire to achieve this, we are faced with difficulties, since Tibetan medicine still needs to be comprehended.”

Traditional Tibetan medicine, along with Chinese medicine and Indian Ayurveda, is one of the three main medical systems of the East. Its roots go back to ancient times, and the first mentions date back to 1900. BC.

Tibetan medicine is unique. She integrated medical knowledge ancient state Shang - Shung, Indian Ayurveda, combines the best of the medical traditions of India, Greece, Ceylon, Persia, Kashmir, Afghanistan, Nepal, Mongolia, China with the rich experience of Tibetan doctors and the philosophy of Buddhism.

Tibetan medicine is for everyone. Its purpose is to benefit all people, to maintain the balance of the body and excellent health without disease, and to heal, in case of disease.

Tibetan medicine includes extensive knowledge of nutrition, lifestyle and massage. In her arsenal: various systems diagnostics, anatomy, physiology, embryology, subtle anatomy (energy of the body), sound therapy (healing mantras), psychiatry and pathology, numerous methods of maintaining health and treating diseases, as well as great amount highly effective natural medicines and procedures. There are Tibetan reflexology, acupuncture, and even balneotherapy. And the art of cauterization (warming up) and bloodletting brings great benefit patients.

Tibetan medicine affects not only the person himself, but also his behavior and environment, ecology, habitat and ways of interacting with this environment. It offers a healthy harmonious life in balance with the outside world, as well as an intellectual and spiritual development. It should be noted that within the framework of Tibetan medicine there are unique methods that allow the doctor, who usually devotes all his time to treating patients, to achieve enlightenment.

History of Tibetan Medicine

The first mention of Tibetan Medicine dates back to 2000. BC. - the times of the ancient state of Shang - Shung. Bon followers knew the healing qualities a large number herbs growing on the inner Himalayan plateau.

It is believed that the first Tibetan doctor was Chebu Trishe, son and student of Shenrab Miwoche, the founder of the philosophical school in the Bon tradition. He became the holder of traditional medicine and astrology. Chebu Trishe collected a lot of healing and medical knowledge and compiled from them the first Tibetan medical treatise "Bum Shi" - "400 thousand healing knowledge".

In those days, medicine was closely associated with astrology (charting horoscopes and the study of constellations), as well as with geomancy, which studied the living environment as the basis for the health of the mind and body.

The era of the Chogyal dynasty.

Later, during the time of the Tibetan kings, many court doctors practiced.

In the 1st century A.D. e. doctor Lhabu Gokar conducted the first surgical operations. From the third to the seventh century AD. e.:

During the reign of King Lhato Thori Nyantsen, Buddhist doctors Vijay and Bhela brought the knowledge of Ayurveda from India and stayed in Tibet, establishing a family line.

Their son, Dungi Thorchog Chan, is revered in Tibet as the first local lama - a doctor. He created new style five major medical divisions: Dietetics, External Procedures, Pulse Diagnosis, Herbal Medicines, and Wound Treatment.

In the 6th century, Dokto Galenos from western Tibet was the first to thoroughly study and begin to apply the methods of surgery. His family line began to spread medicine throughout the regions of Tibet.

Period of Buddhism

In the 7th century, King Songtsen Gampo, who unified Tibet, collected the medical knowledge of other countries and united the medical traditions of India, China and Persia.

In the 8th century, Yuthok Yonten Gonpo the Elder (708-833) was a yogi, a master of meditation and a practitioner of Buddhism, and his father was the founder of Tibetan medicine. He wrote "Chzhud shi" - the main treatise of Tibetan medicine (729). Thanks to Yuthok the Elder, Tibetan medicine has taken a big step forward. In Tibet, Yuthokpa is considered the radiation of the Medicine Buddha's speech.

A hereditary doctor, Yuthok lived for 125 years, of which 80 he was a monk and traveled a lot, collecting medical knowledge: he studied Ayurveda in India, medicine in China. After that, he married a young girl, they had two sons. Interestingly, Yuthok never got sick.

Yuthokpa Senior founded a medical school where graduates of different levels were given different qualifications. It took 10-12 years to become a doctor.

King Trisong Detsen (742-810) valued medicine and invited doctors from India, China, Kashmir, Persia, Nepal, Mongolia, Xijiang and Afghanistan.

Guru Rinpoche, who came to Tibet at the invitation of King Trisong Deutsen, and his wife Yeshe Tsogyal left medical texts in Tibetan.

In the 9th century, the development of medicine in Tibet was interrupted by almost a century of persecution of Buddhism, begun under King Landarm (9th century). During this period, many of the cultural achievements accumulated over the previous centuries were lost, in particular, medical literature.

In the 10th century, a revival of Tibetan medicine began, associated with the name of the famous translator Rinchen Zangpo (958-1055), who studied in India for ten years, where, with the help of Pandita Janardana, he translated into Tibetan the Ashtanga Hridaya Samhita by the Buddhist Vagbhata (6-7 century) and other texts of Ayurveda. Later, in his translation, this treatise was included in the Tibetan canon "Danchzhur". The Rinchen Zangpo school existed in Western Tibet during the 10th and 11th centuries, gaining recognition in Northern and Central Tibet as well.

In the 11th and 12th centuries, Gampopa (1079-1173), a disciple of the yogi Milarepa and holder of the Kagyu lineage, was famous doctor and wrote a collection of works on medicine "Dakpo Tor Bum".

In the 12th century, Yuthok Yonten Gonpo the Younger (1126-1202), a hereditary physician and author of many medical texts, created the final version of the four Zhud shi medical tantras.

Yuthok traveled several times to India, was in Ceylon, deeply studied medicine ("Ashtanga Hridaya Samhita", "Somaraja" ("Moon King" in Tib.)) and Buddhism. In India, he was taught by the dakini Mandarava, who gave him 75 tantras related to the eight branches of medicine and an unusually deep teaching of the tantric path to enlightenment. Yuthok had many students.

11th to 13th century eminent doctors texts on chopstick treatment were created, external procedures and alchemy, etc.

In the 13th century, a treatise was written on the methods of cosmetology (remedies for the skin, from gray hair and wrinkles).

Drub Chen Urgyen (Urgyenpa) (1230-1309) developed the formulas for the precious pills and passed them on to the third Karmapa, Rangzhung Dorje, from whom we now know about them.

In the 14th century, the 3rd Karmapa Rangzhung Dorje (1284-1339) compiled texts on pharmacology and medicinal plants.

In the 13th century, the Sakya Mendron Medical School was founded.

In the 15th century, the Chang Medical School was founded in western Tibet.

In the 15th century, the Tzur medical school was founded in southern Tibet.

In the 17th century (1696), Sangye Gyamtso (1653-1705) established the Chakpori medical school and hospital. He created commentaries on "Chzhud Shi": "Blue Beryl" - Atlas of Tibetan Medicine and "Lhan Thabs", as well as other texts.

In the 18th century, Daewoo Mar Tenzin Phuntsok wrote the most comprehensive text on the pharmacological components of "Shilgongpring" (2294 medicinal component). His second work is a treatise on pharmacology "Shilgong". He wrote a treatise on the technology of processing medicinal raw materials "Kunsal-nanzod", a treatise on bloodletting "Darkhi-Damba" and a manual on cauterization "Mezan-damba".

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