The best doctor in the world. Outstanding Russian doctors who changed medicine. Dr. Doug Ross, ER

On this day, we decided to recall the outstanding domestic doctors.

Fedor Petrovich Haaz (1780 - 1853)

Russian doctor German descent, known as the "holy doctor". Since 1806 he was a doctor in the Russian service. In 1809 and 1810 he traveled around the Caucasus, where he studied mineral springs (now the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody), explored the springs in Kislovodsk, discovered the springs of Zheleznovodsk, and was the first to report on the springs in Essentuki. During the war of 1812 with Napoleon he worked as a surgeon in the Russian Army.

Haaz was a member of the Moscow Prison Committee and chief doctor of Moscow prisons. He devoted his life to alleviating the plight of prisoners and exiles. He made sure that the elderly and the sick were freed from shackles, he abolished the iron rod in Moscow, to which they chained 12 exiles on their way to Siberia. He also achieved the abolition of shaving half the head in women. On his initiative, a prison hospital and a school for the children of prisoners were opened.

In addition, Haas fought for the abolition of the right of landlords to exile serfs, and received and supplied medicines to poor patients.

Dr. Haas' motto: "Hurry to do good." In honor of the famous physician, the Federal State Medical Institution "Regional Hospital named after Dr. F.P. Gaaz" was named.

Grigory Antonovich Zakharyin (1829 - 1897)

Russian general practitioner, founder of the Moscow Clinical School. He graduated from the Medical Faculty of Moscow University, was a professor at the Department of Diagnostics at Moscow University, and later - director of the Faculty Therapeutic Clinic. In 1894, Zakharyin treated Emperor Alexander III.

Zakharyin became one of the most prominent clinical practitioners of his time and made a huge contribution to the creation of an anamnestic method for examining patients. He outlined his diagnostic methods and views on treatment in the Clinical Lectures.

The research methodology according to Zakharyin was a multi-stage questioning by the patient's doctor, which made it possible to get an idea of ​​the course of the disease and risk factors. At the same time, Zakharyin paid little attention objective research and did not recognize laboratory data.

Dr. Zakharyin was known for his difficult character and intemperance in dealing with patients.

Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov (1810 - 1881)

Surgeon and anatomist, naturalist and teacher, creator of the first atlas of topographic anatomy, founder of military field surgery, founder of anesthesia. One of the founders of surgery as a scientific medical discipline. He developed a number of important operations and surgical techniques, was the first to propose rectal anesthesia and began to use ether anesthesia. For the first time in the world he used anesthesia in military field surgery.

Pirogov was the first to widely use a plaster cast. Prior to this, gypsum was almost never used in medicine. A starch bandage, which dries slowly, soaks from pus and blood, and is inconvenient in the field, had limited use.

During the defense of Sevastopol, he attracted women to care for the wounded at the front. It was also he who first introduced the mandatory primary sorting of the wounded into four groups. The mortally wounded were assisted by priests and nurses, the seriously wounded, requiring immediate assistance, the doctor dealt with in the first place. Those who did not require urgent surgery were sent to the rear. The lightly wounded, who could be quickly returned to duty, were taken care of by paramedics.

Even before the advent of antiseptics, Pirogov separated the wounded with purulent and gangrenous complications from those whose wounds were clean, which helped to avoid the spread of infection.

As a teacher, Pirogov strove for the implementation of universal primary education, and was the organizer of Sunday public schools. He also fought for the abolition of corporal punishment in the gymnasium.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Sklifosovsky (1836 - 1904)

Honored Russian professor, surgeon, one of the founders of abdominal surgery (surgical treatment of women's diseases, diseases of the stomach, liver and biliary tract, bladder), contributed to the introduction of the principles of antisepsis and asepsis, developed an original operation for connecting bones with false joints ("Russian castle") . He made a significant contribution to the development of military field surgery, defended the approach of medical care to the battlefield, the principle of "saving treatment" of gunshot wounds, the use of plaster bandages as a means of immobilization for injuries of the limbs.

Sklifosovsky owns more than seventy scientific papers on surgery, the development of asepsis and surgery in general.

The name of Sklifosovsky was given to the Moscow Research Institute of Emergency Medicine.

A black spot in the biography of Sklifosovsky was the fate of his family. The only son of the legendary doctor committed suicide. Vladimir shot himself shortly before the October Revolution. He was in a terrorist organization and was supposed to kill the Poltava governor, however, he could not shoot the man with whom his family was friends.

In 1919, the Cossacks of the pro-Bolshevik detachment brutally killed the wife of Nikolai Vasilyevich and his eldest daughter. Moreover, they could not be saved from reprisal by a document signed by Lenin, which stated that repressions did not apply to the family of a famous surgeon.

Sergei Petrovich Botkin

(1832 — 1889)

Russian therapist, founder of the doctrine of the integrity of the human body, public figure. He graduated from the medical faculty of Moscow University, was a participant in the Crimean War, worked in the Simferopol hospital. He also worked in clinics in Koenigsberg, Berlin, Vienna, England, Paris.

In 1860, Sergei Botkin moved to St. Petersburg, where he defended his doctoral dissertation and received the title of professor of medicine.

Botkin became one of the founders of women's medical education, organized a school for female medical assistants, as well as women's medical courses. For the first time in Russia, he created an experimental laboratory, where he studied the physiological and pharmacological effects of medicinal substances. He created a new direction in medicine called nervism. It was he who established infectious nature such a disease as viral hepatitis, developed the diagnosis and clinic of the wandering kidney.

In 1861, he opened the first free outpatient clinic in the history of clinical treatment of patients, achieved the construction of a free hospital, opened in 1880 (Alexander barrack hospital, now the S. P. Botkin hospital). Botkin's students include 85 doctors of sciences, including A. A. Nechaev, M. V. Yanovsky, N. Ya. Chistovich, I. P. Pavlov, A. G. Polotebnov, T. P. Pavlov, N. P. Simanovsky.

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

(1849 — 1936)

Pavlov Ivan Petrovich is one of the most authoritative scientists in Russia, a physiologist, the creator of the science of higher nervous activity and ideas about the processes of digestion regulation. He is the founder of the largest Russian physiological school and a laureate Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology in 1904 "for his work on the physiology of digestion".

The main directions of Pavlov's scientific activity are the study of the physiology of blood circulation, digestion and higher nervous activity. The scientist developed methods of surgical operations to create an "isolated ventricle", applied a new "chronic experiment" for his time, which made it possible to conduct observations on healthy animals in conditions as close as possible to natural ones.

As a result of his work, a new scientific discipline was formed - the science of higher nervous activity, which was based on the idea of ​​dividing reflexes into conditioned and unconditioned. Pavlov and his collaborators discovered the laws of formation and extinction conditioned reflexes, different types and types of inhibition were investigated, the laws of the main nervous processes were discovered, the problems of sleep were studied and its phases were established, and much more.

Pavlov became widely known for his doctrine of the types of the nervous system, which is based on the concept of the relationship between the processes of excitation and inhibition, and the doctrine of signal systems.

Pavlov's scientific work influenced the development of related fields of medicine and biology, including psychiatry. Under the influence of his ideas, large scientific schools in therapy, surgery, psychiatry, neuropathology.

Sergei Sergeevich Yudin (1891 - 1954)

A major Soviet surgeon and scientist, chief surgeon of the Research Institute for Emergency Medicine. N. V. Sklifosovsky, Director of the Research Institute of Surgery. A. V. Vishnevsky.

Yudin developed methods for resection of the stomach in peptic ulcer, perforated ulcer stomach and gastric bleeding, operations to create an artificial esophagus.

Sergey Sergeevich Yuin wrote 15 monographs, published 181 scientific papers.

In 1948, he was arrested by the NKVD on false charges as "an enemy of the Soviet state who supplied British intelligence with espionage information about our country." During his time in prison, he wrote the book Reflections of a Surgeon. From 1952 until his release in September 1953 he was in exile, during which he worked as a surgeon in Berdsk. The doctor was released only after the death of Stalin, in 1953.

We present to your attention information about medical specialists in Russia

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Spinal Surgery Russian Scientific Center of Surgery named after V.I. acad. B.V. Petrovsky RAMS

Traumatologist-orthopedist of the highest category. He owns all modern methods of surgical and non-surgical treatment of diseases and injuries of the spine and spinal cord.

Head of the course of vertebrology, FPPO MMA named after THEM. Sechenov.

More than 30 years of experience in surgical and conservative treatment of patients with diseases and injuries of the spine and spinal cord. Trained and worked in Germany with Dr. Wolfhard Caspar, the author of the microsurgical discectomy technique (neurosurgical clinic of the University of Saarland, Homburg-Saar, 1992)). He worked in Mexico, Colombia, Greece, Syria, Lebanon, Bulgaria, Turkey.

Participant of the annual AO courses in spine surgery in Switzerland (Davos) and in Moscow (organizer, lecturer and chairman).

He has 19 certificates as a spine surgeon and orthopedic traumatologist from Germany, Switzerland and France.

Deputy Chairman of the Russian Association of Surgeons - Vertebrologists. Member of the Russian Medical Association of Physicians. Member of the Society of Traumatologists and Orthopedists of Moscow and the Moscow Region. Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, member of the AO Spine European Region, member of the North American Spine Society (NASS). Author of 110 scientific publications, 7 copyright certificates for inventions, 4 RF patents. The author of the scientific discovery "The pattern of development of compression of neurovascular formations in the intervertebral canals of the lumbar spine of a person", diploma N 114 for discovery 11/19/98. Author of the first monograph in Russia and the CIS on microsurgical discectomy "Surgical rehabilitation of radicular syndrome in osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine". Co-author of three textbooks. Member of the Editorial Board of the journals "Spine Surgery", "Medical Care", "Osteosynthesis".
Member of the specialized academic council for the defense of doctoral dissertations of the MMA named after. I.M. Sechenova (traumatology-orthopedics), member of the specialized Academic Council for the defense of Ph.D. acad. B.V. Petrovsky RAMS (surgery), member of the expert council on surgery of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.
Development of low-traumatic methods for decompression of the contents of the spinal canal and interbody fusion.

Soviet and Russian cardiac surgeon, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS) (1997), Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan (1997), Honorary Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan (1998), Head of Department cardiovascular surgery Institute of Clinical Cardiology named after A.L. Myasnikov, Russian Cardiology Research and Production Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Head state program development of high-tech medicine since 1998.
He studied at the Andijan Medical Institute, graduated from the 1st Moscow Medical Institute named after I.M. Sechenov in 1971. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.
Since 1971 - a district physician, in 1972-1973 - a traumatologist at the Reutov City Hospital (Reutov, Moscow Region). He worked part-time as a surgeon at the 70th hospital in Moscow and as a traumatologist at the Balashikha District Hospital of the Moscow Region. In 1973-1975 he worked as a clinical residency in surgery at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Surgery. Since March 1975 - Junior Researcher of the Department of Microvascular Surgery, since 1978 - Senior Researcher of the Department of Vascular Microsurgery of the All-Union Scientific Center for Surgery of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences.
Since 1984, he began to specialize in the field of cardiac surgery and was sent for an internship at the clinic of the famous American surgeon Michael DeBakey in Houston. After returning from the USA, he was appointed head of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery of the A.L. Myasnikov Institute of Clinical Cardiology of the Russian Cardiology Research and Production Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
He is known as an authoritative specialist who has developed unique areas in reconstructive, vascular and cardiac surgery. Works on such areas as reconstructive and plastic microsurgery, reconstructive and plastic surgery limbs, reconstructive microsurgery coronary arteries, surgical treatment of coronary heart disease, surgical treatment of arrhythmias, myocardial protection, laser angioplasty, issues of heart transplantation and heart-lung complex. Became a co-author of the first operations in the country on replantation of fingers, transplantation of toes on the hand, complex plastic surgery on the restoration of a fingerless hand, etc.
In November 1996, he performed coronary artery bypass surgery for the first President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin.
Author of over 300 scientific publications. is the initiator and one of the main developers of the federal program "High-Tech Medicine". Elected Member of the Board of Directors of the International DeBakey Surgical Society (1995), Member of the Scientific Council of the World Society of Angiologists (1994), Member of the Presidium of the Russian Society for Cardiovascular Surgery (1994), Member of the European Society for Cardiovascular Surgery (2000).

Corresponding member RAMS, prof., d.m.s. After graduating in 1973 from graduate school at the Department of Urology 1 MMI them. I. M. Sechenov worked at the Academy, successively holding the positions of assistant, associate professor, professor, and since 1998 - head of the department of urology.
In 2002 he was elected a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, and since 2004 he has been awarded the title of Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.
In 2002, Yuriy Gennadyevich was elected an honorary member of the Russian Society of Urology, in the same year he was awarded the badge "Excellent Worker of Health", in 2007 he was awarded the honorary title "Honoured Professor of MMA named after. I. M. Sechenov.
Alyaev Yuri Gennadievich is a well-known urologist whose scientific research is devoted to various sections of urology. His publications reflect the issues of diagnosis and treatment of prostatic hyperplasia, nephrolithiasis, hydronephrosis, bladder and prostate cancer, varicocele.
He was one of the first in Russia to use thoracoabdominal accesses for kidney operations (Ph.D. thesis defended in 1973). They developed tactical and technical points surgical aids for tumor thrombosis of the inferior vena cava, metastatic lesions of neighboring organs, surgery for cancer of the only and both kidneys (doctoral dissertation defended in 1989).
Under the leadership of Yu. G. Alyaev, practically all modern endoscopic and minimally invasive interventions are widely introduced into the operational practice of urology clinics and are successfully used.
One of the first and only urologists Yu. G. Alyaev operated on the most severe patients in the barooperative room. Under conditions of hyperbaric oxygenation at an excess pressure of 2-4 atmospheres, he operated on 65 patients. The results of these most complex operations and studies have been published in domestic and foreign literature.
At present, the staff of the urological clinic of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.I. THEM. Sechenov, headed by Yu. G. Alyaev, actively studies and uses in everyday medical practice all the latest high-tech diagnostic methods, from molecular to virtual.

Anshina Margarita Beniaminovna was born in Odessa in a family of doctors.

Graduated from the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute. N.I. Pirogov in 1973,
since 1978 - an employee of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the same institute, where she was accepted to create a radioimmunological laboratory. In 1982, she was invited by V.M. Zdanovsky to the infertility group as a gynecologist-endocrinologist. By that time, she had created a laboratory for hormonal diagnostics, which used the most modern methods for determining hormones: radioimmunological, immunofluorescent, enzyme immunoassay, etc. hormones, which made it possible to quadruple throughput expensive imported reagents without loss of research quality. Since 1982, as part of the Zdanovsky group, Margarita Beniaminovna began to engage in IVF, first in natural, then stimulated cycles. She is the author of a modified IVF protocol, in which, after retrieval of the egg, the follicular fluid was returned to the patient's abdominal cavity.
Anshina Margarita Beniaminovna is the author of the country's first popular book on infertility - "If you need a child ...", which described in detail modern approaches to solving the problem of childless marriage, including IVF. To date, the book has been published with a total circulation of about 160,000 copies in the amount of 9 editions. MB Anshina is the author of many scientific and popular articles, as well as patents, devoted to the treatment of infertility and genetic diseases, mainly by methods of assisted reproduction. Since 1990, Anshina has been one of the organizers and most active participants in seminars and later conferences on infertility treatment. On her initiative and her efforts, the Russian Association of Human Reproduction (RAHR) is being created, of which she becomes Vice President. MB Anshina is the founder and for more than 10 years the publisher and editor-in-chief of the journal "Problems of Reproduction". All this activity contributed to the introduction of modern methods of infertility treatment and their popularization throughout Russia and its neighbors - Belarus, Ukraine and other republics. In 1997 for the work "The program of in vitro fertilization in the treatment of infertile marriage" she was awarded the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation. And in 2002, she established a personal award for the best scientific research presented at the RAHR conference. M.B. Anshina was directly involved in the creation of IVF centers in various cities of Russia and neighboring countries, among them such well-known ones as the International Center for Reproductive Medicine in St. Petersburg, the Center for Reproductive Medicine in Krasnoyarsk, IVF centers in Kyiv, Minsk and others. For many years she has been elected to the committee of advisers of the European Society of Reproduction and Embryology.
Currently, M.B. Anshina is the founder and director of the FertiMed Center for Reproduction and Genetics, Moscow. Despite the short period of its existence - only two and a half years - the center has achieved high rates of pregnancy, it practices all currently known methods of assisted reproduction: IVF, ICSI, donor programs and a surrogacy program, preimplantation genetic diagnosis, has its own bank of eggs, sperm, embryos. The Center actively cooperates with the Chicago Institute of Reproductive Genetics and personally Yuri Verlinsky, the International Center for Reproductive Medicine and personally with Vladislav Stanislavovich Korsak, Gemabank, other centers and institutions. Employees of the "FertiMed" center carry out serious scientific work to improve the conditions for cultivating embryos, which is awarded the Diploma of the Moscow Government. The center is the base of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Russian Academy of Postgraduate Education (head of the department - Professor N.M. Podzolkova), which makes it possible for doctors undergoing advanced training to listen to a short course of lectures by M.B. Anshina and receive basic knowledge of reproductive medicine.

Belenkov Yuri Nikitich was born in 1948 in St. Petersburg. He graduated with honors from the medical faculty of the Nizhny Novgorod Medical Institute in 1972. In the same year, he entered the clinical residency at the Institute of Cardiology named after A.I. A.L. Myasnikov Academy of Medical Sciences. In 1974, he defended his Ph.D. thesis ahead of schedule, without going through graduate school. In 1982, at the age of 34, he defended his doctoral dissertation. From 1991 to 2008 he was the director of the Institute of Cardiology named after. A.L. Myasnikov Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex. From 2006 to 2008 he headed the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development. He is the editor-in-chief of the journals "Cardiology", "Heart" and "Heart failure", a member of the editorial boards of many domestic and foreign scientific journals. Winner of the Lenin Komsomol Prize in 1978, State Prizes in 1980 and 1989, Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in 2003. Since 1993, a corresponding member, and since 1999 a full member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, since 2000, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He is the founder and president of the Russian Scientific Society of Heart Failure Specialists, a member of the Presidium of the Russian Society of Cardiology and the Society of Cardiology of the CIS countries. Yu.N. Belenkov is the author of fundamental works on heart failure, cardiomyopathies and primary pulmonary hypertension. In 1973, for the first time in our country, he introduced the method of ultrasound examination of the heart into clinical practice, and in 1983, also for the first time in our country, the method of magnetic resonance imaging of the heart and blood vessels. For many years Yu.N. Belenkov studies the issues of space cardiology. He took part in the creation of domestic ultrasonic technology, including equipment for the space orbital station. He has more than 600 scientific papers, the author of 18 monographs published in our country and abroad. He prepared 64 candidates and doctors of medical sciences. He was awarded the Orders of Friendship of Peoples, Honor and Merit to the Fatherland III degree. Vice-Rector of Moscow State University (since 2008).

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Surgery of the Aorta and Its Branches. Doctor of Medical Sciences ("Reconstructive Surgery for Coronary Heart Disease" 1987), professor. Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation. For the study of the problems of aneurysms thoracic aorta and the successful introduction of new surgical technologies was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation. Winner of the international award of Academician Boris Petrovsky "Outstanding Surgeon of the World" (gold medal). Laureate of the Prize and the gold medal to them. IN AND. Burakovsky NTSSSH them. A.N. Bakulev. Laureate of the Prize. N.V. Sklifosovsky RAMS. Vice-President of the Society of Angiologists of Russia, Member of the European Society vascular surgeons, Member of the American Society of Thoracic Surgeons, Member of the Board of the All-Russian Society of Cardiovascular Surgeons, Member of the Scientific Council for Cardiovascular Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

He has a unique surgical experience - he performed more than 3200 operations on the heart with artificial circulation, 3000 operations on the aorta and its branches, 1000 operations on the vessels of the lower extremities.
Perfectly owns operations:
aorto- and mammaro- coronary artery bypass surgery,
resection of left ventricular aneurysm in combination with coronary artery bypass grafting;
combined operations of coronary artery bypass grafting with reconstruction of arteries in other regions,
operations of Bentall De Bono and David for an aneurysm of the ascending aorta with aortic insufficiency,
surgeries for prosthesis of the aorta and its branches in case of aneurysms of the arch and thoracoabdominal aorta, including Borst and Crawford operations,
surgeries to reconstruct the extracranial arteries of the brain,
reconstruction of the renal arteries in case of renovascular hypertension,
aorto-femoral bypass in Leriche's syndrome,
femoral-femoral and femoral-popliteal-tibial shunting,
operations for coarctation of the aorta, for vascular injuries,
prosthetic heart valves,
minimally invasive coronary artery bypass grafting, heart valve replacement.

Published more than 850 scientific articles and 11 monographs. "Guide to Vascular Surgery with an Atlas of Operative Techniques" was awarded the Prize. IN AND. Spasokukotsky RAMS. Yu.V. Belov is the editor-in-chief of the journal Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery and a member of the editorial boards of 6 scientific journals.

He trained 54 students in the specialty of cardiovascular surgery, including 16 doctors and 38 candidates of medical sciences.

Director of the Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after A.N. Bakulev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Chief Cardiac Surgeon of the Ministry of Health. President of the All-Russian public organization "League of Nation's Health". Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

Leo Antonovich Bokeria is a leading cardiac surgeon, a well-known scientist and organizer of medical science. The international recognition of the works of Leo Antonovich Bokeria is his election as a full member of the American Association of Thoracic Surgeons (1991), a member of the European Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons and the International Cardiothoracic Center of Monaco (1992), a member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences (1997), a member of the Faculties of a number of regular international conferences in France, Italy, Switzerland, a member of the editorial boards of journals in the USA, Great Britain. Leo Antonovich Bokeria repeatedly traveled abroad to perform demonstrative operations and performed the first successful operations for tachyarrhythmias in Italy and Poland. Of particular note is the election of L. A. Bokeria in 1998 as an Honorary Member of the American College of Surgeons - the highest title in the surgical hierarchy. Since 2003, Leo Antonovich has been a member of the Presidium (Consul) of the European Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons.

L.A. Bokeria - President of the Russian Scientific Society of Cardiovascular Surgeons since 1995. In this capacity, he achieved regular congresses with wide participation in them of nursing staff, young professionals, attracted leading foreign surgeons to give lectures and demonstrative operations. During 1993-1998. was the chairman of the Committee of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences on antiarrhythmic implantable devices and electrophysiology, and since 1998 - director of the Center for Surgical and Interventional Arrhythmology of the Russian Federation of the Ministry of Health. In this capacity, he contributed to the creation of the most important regulatory documents, the creation of new types of electrical stimulators, and the formation of regional centers.
Editor-in-Chief of a number of journals: "Annals of Surgery", "Children's diseases of the heart and blood vessels", "Bulletin of the N. A. N. Bakuleva RAMS "Cardiovascular Diseases", "Creative Cardiology", "Annals of Arrhythmology", "Clinical Physiology of Circulation", "Bulletin of Lymphology", information collection "Cardiovascular Surgery". Together with Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.S. Saveliev, L.A. Bokeria is the editor-in-chief of the journal Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. Also, Leo Antonovich was the initiator of the creation of the popular science publication "Doctor".
In June 2003, Leo Bokeria was elected President of the All-Russian public organization "League of the Health of the Nation", in the creation of which the most prominent scientists, figures of literature and art, athletes, politicians, and businessmen participated. The objective of the League is to achieve the creation of a model of self-development of medicine, to develop "sport for all", to strengthen the family, to spread the experience of a healthy and active lifestyle, to create conditions for the spiritual and physical development of the individual, the revival of national cultural traditions. Since 2003, Leo Bokeria has been a member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
In 2005, Leo Antonovich was elected a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation under the President of Russia. From 2006 to 2009 he was the Chairman of the Commission of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation on the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Brand Yakov Beniaminovich was born on May 2, 1955 in Odessa.
Graduated from the Odessa State Medical Institute in 1979,
1979-1981 - an employee of hospitals in the city of Nikolaev and the Nikolaev region;
1981-1984 - resident doctor (surgeon) of the Department of Emergency Microsurgery, City Clinical Hospital No. 51, Moscow; participant in a number of unique limb replantation operations; Leading Researcher of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery of the Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
Laureate of the State Prize, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Honored Doctor of Russia, Head of the Department of Emergency Coronary Surgery of the Research Institute. Sklifosovsky.
Priority scientific interests: surgery for multifocal atherosclerosis, surgical treatment of cancer patients with cardinal pathology; author of more than 40 scientific papers, 4 rationalization proposals.

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Organ Transplantation of the Russian Scientific Center for Surgery named after Academician B.V. Petrovsky RAMS. Under his leadership, two fundamental areas have been developed: liver transplantation for severe diffuse liver diseases and the treatment of extensive focal liver lesions using extremely large radical resections.

S.V. Gauthier has the most personal experience in Russia performing cadaveric liver transplantation and is the only surgeon to perform related liver transplantation. His experience exceeds 140 operations.

He is the author of the original technique of transplantation of the right lobe of the liver from a living related donor, which he performed for the first time in the world in November 1997. This technique has been patented and is now widely used in the world. The results of liver transplantation performed at the Russian National Research Center for Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences correspond to the most successful foreign programs, and in the field of related transplantation, the results are superior to foreign ones.

Through the efforts of S.V. Gauthier and his team, the only transplant center in Russia has been organized and operates on the basis of the Russian National Research Center for Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, which provides the country's population on a federal scale with an independent type of transplant care - liver transplantation. A new direction that is successfully developing in this center is liver transplantation in pediatrics, including for patients in the first year of life.
S.V. Gauthier is the only surgeon in Russia who performs liver transplantation for children.

S.V. Gauthier has the greatest experience in Russia in performing extensive and extremely large liver resections for giant tumors, having unique results in the survival of patients - adults and children. He successfully combines the possibilities of liver surgery with various transplant technologies, which allow to expand the volume and increase the radicalness of the operation. He owns the only operations in Russia for autotransplantation of the liver stump after extremely large resections, as well as for prosthetics of the inferior vena cava as part of an extended liver resection.

In 2000 S.V. Gauthier headed the organ transplantation department organized at the Russian National Research Center for Surgery, which, in addition to the liver transplantation department he led, included the kidney transplantation department and the hemodialysis laboratory.

In February 2002, he became the first surgeon in Russia to perform a multi-organ transplant - a simultaneous liver and kidney transplant to one recipient, and in October 2003, for the first time in the world, he performed a simultaneous transplantation of the right lobe of the liver and kidney from a living related donor. Under the leadership of S.V. Gauthier at the Russian Research Center for Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences began to develop a new clinical direction for Russia - kidney transplantation in children early age and a related kidney transplant program has been relaunched.

Since October 2002 S.V. Gauthier was the first in Russia to perform a related transplantation of a fragment of the pancreas for type 1 diabetes in adults and children. Thus, for the first time in domestic practice, radical treatment of diabetes mellitus was carried out.

The development of high technologies in the field of organ transplantation has contributed to scientific progress in the field of related disciplines - anesthesiology, resuscitation, perfusion, etc. Unique fundamental scientific data have been obtained on the pathophysiological and morphological mechanisms of liver survival in extreme situations and its regeneration.

Under the leadership of S.V. Gauthier liver transplantation has evolved from an experimental operation exclusive to Russian practice into a routine procedure performed weekly with a predictable positive outcome. Professor Gauthier combines high surgical activity with successful scientific and pedagogical activity. He created a school of transplant specialists who develop various areas of organ transplantation, liver and pancreas surgery. Under his leadership, 12 candidate and doctoral dissertations were defended. Much attention to S.V. Gauthier devotes to training specialists from various regions of Russia and foreign countries, implementing a program to organize new transplant centers. Students of S. V. Gauthier have already performed the first related liver transplantation operations in St. Petersburg and Ukraine.

S.V. Gauthier is the author of more than 350 publications in the field of surgery and liver transplantation, including chapters in the monographs Clinical Transplantology, Introduction to Clinical Transplantology, 50 Lectures on Surgery, Practical Hepatology, Guide to Gastroenterology and etc. More than 150 works published abroad. S.V. Gauthier is a recognized specialist among foreign transplantologists, delivers lectures and reports at international congresses and symposiums. The first in Russia series of 100 liver transplants was widely discussed by the medical community, and the results were highly appreciated.

Professor Gauthier actively promotes the possibilities of organ transplantation among the population and the medical community, speaking in the press and on television.

S.V. Gauthier is a member of the Council of the European Society of Transplantologists, a member of the board of the International Association of Hepatologists of Russia and the CIS countries, a member of the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association, a member of the International Association of Gastroenterologists and Surgeons. S.V. Gauthier is on the editorial board of the journal Annals of Surgical Hepatology. In 2001 and 2004 he was awarded diplomas of the national award for the best doctors in Russia "Vocation". In 2005 S.V. Gauthier was elected a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Doctor of the Highest Qualification Category, Chief Neurosurgeon of the Federal State Institution "Treatment and Rehabilitation Center", Head of the Neurosurgery Center, which performs the entire range of neurosurgical operations for various diseases of the brain and spinal cord, including neurooncology, vascular diseases, spinal pathology and functional lesions of the CNS. During his clinical practice, the professor performed several thousand surgical operations, developed new methods of surgical treatment and organized the structure of care for patients from various regions of Russia. Honorary member of the Russian and International Societies of Neurosurgeons, constantly participating in local and foreign congresses and conferences.

doctor. honey. Sci., Professor, Leading Researcher, Department of Emergency Neurosurgery, Research Institute for Emergency Medicine named after N.V. Sklifosovsky, chief neurosurgeon of the Moscow Department of Health, Moscow.

Davydov Mikhail Ivanovich was born on October 11, 1947 in the Ukrainian city of Konotop, Sumy region. In 1966 he graduated from the Kiev Suvorov School, served 3 years in the airborne troops. In 1970 he entered the 1st Moscow Medical Institute. Sechenov, there he worked as a laboratory assistant at the Department of Operative Surgery (1971 -1973), graduated from the institute in 1975. He completed residency (1975 -1977) and postgraduate studies (1977 -1980) at the Oncological Research Center named after. Blokhin. He defended his Ph.D. ( "Combined resections and gastrectomy for cancer of the proximal stomach") and doctoral ( "Simultaneous operations in combined and surgical treatment of esophageal cancer") dissertations, received the academic title of professor. In 1986 he became a leading researcher in the thoracic department, in 1992 he headed the Research Institute of Clinical Oncology of the Russian Cancer Research Center. Blokhin, in 2001 he became director of the Russian Cancer Research Center. Blokhin. In 2003 he was accepted as a full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in 2004 - to the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. In 2006 he was elected President of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. He held this post until March 1, 2011.
Scientific and practical activities of Davydov are devoted to the development of new and improvement of existing methods of surgical treatment of tumors of the lung, esophagus, stomach, mediastinum. He developed a fundamentally new technique for intrapleural gastroesophageal and esophago-intestinal anastomoses, which is distinguished by original technical performance, safety and high physiology. Due to the use of mediastinal and retroperitoneal lymph node dissection, the results of treatment of cancer of the esophagus, lung, and stomach have been improved. Davydov was the first in oncosurgery to perform operations with vena cava plasty, pulmonary artery, aorta. He developed a method of combined resection of the esophagus with circular resection and plasty of the trachea for cancer of the esophagus complicated by esophageal-tracheal fistula. Under the leadership of Davydov, 70 doctoral and 100 master's theses were defended. He is the author and co-author of more than 300 scientific papers, including 3 monographs and 6 scientific and methodological films. The activities of Mikhail Davydov were awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation and the title of Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.

Professor of the Department of Nervous Diseases, Faculty of Postgraduate Professional Education, Moscow Medical Academy. THEM. Sechenov

A.B. Danilov works in MMA them. THEM. Sechenov since 1986. He defended his Ph.D. thesis in 1988, and his doctoral thesis in 1994. He received the academic title of professor in 1999.

Trained in Italy (Mondino Institute of Neurology, University Center for Adaptive Disorders and Headache, Pavia, Italy 1992-1993).

In 2000, for achievements in the field of scientific research on the problem of pain, he received a residence permit in the United States. qualifying medical board The USA confirmed the degree of doctor of medical sciences.

Member of the International Association for the Study of Pain, International Headache Society, American Academy of Neurology. Author of 200 scientific papers in domestic and foreign press. Author of practical guidelines and collective monographs on various problems of neurology: "Diseases of the autonomic nervous system", "Guidelines for autonomic pathology", "Pain and anesthesia", "Pain syndromes in neurological practice", "Neurology for general practitioners", "Panic attacks ". Author of the monographs "Neuropathic Pain", "Neurology for the Patient", the popular science book "Formula of Happiness".

Participant of many international congresses and conferences on problems of headache, vegetative pathology, neuropathic pain and other nervous diseases.

Title Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences
A world-famous scientist who made a huge scientific contribution to the development of priority areas in endocrinology, an excellent teacher and organizer of healthcare.
Graduated in 1964 from the Voronezh Medical Institute.
Doctor of Medical Sciences since 1976, Professor of the Department of Faculty Therapy since 1987; head of the course of endocrinology; 1st Moscow Medical Institute. THEM. Sechenov since 1988, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences since 1991, academician since 1994, member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in the period 1995-2006.
From 1988 to the present, he has been the director of the Endocrinological Research Center. At the same time, the chief endocrinologist of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, head of the department of endocrinology of the medical faculty of the First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov, Head of the WHO Collaborating Center for Diabetes Mellitus and the Federal Diabetology Center of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.
Dedov Ivan Ivanovich - the leader of domestic endocrinology in the 90s. - beginning of the 21st century, head of large-scale research programs on key issues of modern endocrinology. Contributed to the study of neurohormonal regulation of endocrine functions, mechanisms of hypothalamic-gymmapophyseal connections in onto- and phylogenesis, ultrastructural foundations of hypothalamic secretion, issues of radiation endocrinology, diagnosis and treatment of tumor diseases thyroid gland, development and implementation of new technologies for the combined treatment of Itsenko-Cushing's disease, pituitary tumors, acromegaly.
Author of more than 700 scientific publications in domestic and foreign literature.
He was the initiator and participant in the development and implementation of the federal target programs "Diabetes Mellitus" and "Combating Iodine Deficiency Diseases of the Thyroid Gland". Under the leadership of Academician Ivan Ivanovich Dedov, the standards and optimal algorithms for diagnosing, treating and preventing diseases of the endocrine system introduced in our country have been developed, as well as the State Register of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus, the Growth Center, the State Register of Children with Disabilities with Congenital Growth Hormone Deficiency, and the State Register of Acromegaly.
Being a major organizer of healthcare and science, Academician Dedov Ivan Ivanovich pays great attention to training personnel and introducing the latest technologies.
In 1997 he was awarded the title of Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.
Awarded with the Order of Friendship of Peoples, For Services to the Fatherland II, III and IV degrees.
The President of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences was elected on March 1, 2011.

Director of the RNCH them. acad. B.V. Petrovsky RAMS Head of the Department of Cardiac Surgery II (surgical treatment of myocardial dysfunction and heart failure) Head of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery FPPOV MMA named after. I.M. Sechenov.

  • Laureate of the USSR State Prize in the field of cardiac surgery
  • Winner of the award of the International Society of Cardiothoracic Surgeons in the year of the 100th anniversary of cardiac surgery (1996)
  • Winner of the International Society for Artificial Organs Prize for the development of the concept of post-transplant cardiomyopathy (1997).
The author of the discovery of the hemodynamic mechanism of reliable and effective work aortic valve, created an original cell-free xenobioprosthesis to replace mitral valve heart and substantiated the concept of the pathogenesis of calcification of bioprostheses.
Author of new plastic surgeries on the tricuspid and aortic valves, methods of universal prosthetics of the mitral valve leaflets with preservation of the supporting chords and the function of the annular-ventricular interaction mechanism, remodeling of the left atrial cavity in atriomegaly with a Mercedes-type suture.
He experimentally substantiated and introduced into clinical practice the extracellular colloidal solution Konsol for cardioplegia and long-term preservation of the heart.
Developed the idea and model of a valveless implantable artificial heart.
He developed and successfully performed in the clinic the operation of a complete anatomical heart transplantation, substantiated the hypothesis of the development of post-transplant cardiomyopathy.
One of the first in the country, Professor S.L. Dzemeshkevich performed a series of successful orthotopic transplant operations in clinical practice donor heart. He developed and successfully performed anatomical complete heart transplantation in the clinic, and today patients in this group live more than 20 years after heart transplantation.
S.L. Dzemeshkevich is the author and co-author of more than 300 scientific publications, including 5 monographs. Has 27 patents for inventions and discoveries.
  • Member of the Association of Cardiovascular Surgeons of Russia
  • Member of the American Association of Thoracic Surgeons
  • Member of the International College of Surgeons
  • Member of the International Society of Cardiothoracic Surgeons
  • Member of the International and European Societies for Artificial Organs,
  • Member of the International Transplant Donor Oversight Committee.
Member of the editorial boards of the journals: "The Annals of Thoracic Surgery", "Transplantology", "Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery", "Heart and Vascular Diseases".
Sergey Leonidovich Dzemeshkevich, director of the Russian Scientific Center for Surgery named after Academician B.V. Petrovsky of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, carefully and purposefully determines the main directions for the development of the largest multidisciplinary surgical clinic in Russia.

Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences, Academician of the International Academy of Sciences, President of the N.I. Pirogova, Member of the Board of the Moscow and All-Russian Societies of Surgeons, Member of the European Association of Emergency Surgery and intensive care and the International Society of Surgeons. Head of the Department of Emergency and general surgery Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.

The title of acad. RAMS, prof., d.m.s. Director of the clinic, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, professor, MD Ivashkin Vladimir Trofimovich
Chief gastroenterologist of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. Deputy Chairman of the Bureau of the Department of Clinical Medicine of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Member of the dissertation council D208.040.10
In 1958 V.T. Ivashkin graduated from the Tambov Suvorov Military School, in 1964 - the naval department of the Leningrad Military Medical Academy.
From 1986 to 1988 - head of the department hospital therapy Leningrad Military Medical Academy. All these years he successfully combined teaching, medical and research activities.
Major General from 1988 to 1995 medical service V.T. Ivashkin was the chief therapist of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR (RF).
Since 1995, Vladimir Trofimovich has been the director of the Clinic for Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Head of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases of the Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov.
The great merit of V.T. Ivashkin was the creation of the Russian Gastroenterological Association (1991) and the Russian Society for the Study of the Liver (1995), of which he is president.
V.T. Ivashkin created a national school of gastroenterologists, hepatologists, trained 42 doctors and 78 candidates of medical sciences. He is the founder of the Russian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Coloproctology, Clinical Perspectives of Gastroenterology, Hepatology (1999).
V.T. Ivashkin is the author and co-author of monographs. In 1997 V.T. Ivashkin was elected a full member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (1993), Academician of the Kazakh Academy of Medical Sciences (2001), Member of the American Gastroenterological Association (1996), Member of the American Association of Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition, Member of the European Society for the Study of the Liver, Member of the Nominations Committee of the World Gastroenterological Organization, Member of the Scientific Committee of the Association of National European and Mediterranean Societies of Gastroenterology.
In 1993 V.T. Ivashkin was awarded the honorary title of Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation. Awarded the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree (1989), medals.

Head of the Department of Cardiac Surgery and Intensive Care at the State Children's Clinical Hospital named after. N.F. Filatova, professor, d.m.s.

Research activities of V.N. Ilyin is devoted to the development of the most relevant areas of pediatric cardiac surgery. He made a great contribution to the development of modern methods:
cardiopulmonary bypass during cardiac surgery in newborns and infants;
surgical correction of the most complex congenital heart defects in young children (transposition of the main arteries, tetralogy of Fallot, multiple - defects of the interventricular septum, double discharge of the main arteries from the right ventricle, etc.);
postoperative intensive care.

V.N. Ilyin is a member of a number of Russian and foreign medical communities:
Russian Association of Cardiovascular Surgeons;
Association of Pediatric Cardiologists of Russia;
European Association of Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons;
European Association of Pediatric Cardiac Surgeons;
World Society for Pediatric and Congenital Cardiac Surgery.

Director of State Institution “Scientific Research Institute of Neurosurgery named after A.I. Academician N. N. Burdenko" of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Pediatric Neurosurgery of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Professor of the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery of the Russian State Medical University, Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC "Business Neurosurgery". Chief Neurosurgeon of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, President of the Association of Neurosurgeons of Russia. The absolute winner of the Russian competition "Manager of the Year - 1999". Born December 12, 1933. Graduated with honors from the First Moscow Medical Institute (1957). Since 1957 he has been working at the Institute of Neurosurgery. N. N. Burdenko (clinical intern, graduate student, junior researcher, deputy director for scientific work). Since November 1975 - Director of the Institute of Neurosurgery. N. N. Burdenko RAMS.
The main areas of scientific activity: neurosurgery, neurology and clinical physiology of the nervous system.

A. N. Konovalov is an outstanding neurosurgeon, a world-famous scientist who devoted his many years of research to the development of fundamental and applied aspects of neurosurgery, neurology and clinical physiology of the nervous system.

Since 1982, A.N. Konovalov has been an academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (now the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences), since 2000 a full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Department of Biological Sciences).

Academician A.N. Konovalov scientifically substantiated, developed and introduced into practice a new direction - microneurosurgery, which made it possible not only to make almost any brain formation and any area of ​​the intracranial space available for sparing surgical intervention, but also to develop modern clinical physiology and pathophysiology of the hypothalamic-pituitary regions and stem of the human brain.

He personally operated on more than 10,000 patients with the most complex neurosurgical pathology.

The studies of A. N. Konovalov, his students and collaborators have developed a modern theory of compensatory-adaptive processes of the central nervous system in focal brain lesions, which underlies the concept of an effective system rehabilitation treatment.

Under the leadership of Academician A.N. Konovalova Institute of Neurosurgery. N.N. Burdenko RAMS has become one of the largest in the world and has firmly taken a leading position as a scientific and medical neurosurgical institution, is the pride of Russian medicine.

A.N. Konovalov brought up the school of modern neurosurgeons. Over 40 candidate and doctoral dissertations have been defended under his scientific supervision. Editor-in-Chief of the journal “Problems of Neurosurgery named after A.I. N. N. Burdenko”, a member of the editorial boards of a number of foreign specialized journals.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Vice President of the Russian Arthroscopic Society, head of the arthroscopic surgery course. He specializes in arthroscopic surgery, sports medicine, large joint arthroplasty, and also trains specialists in Russia and other countries in the most modern methods of arthroscopic surgery.

Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medicine Sci., Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department of Emergency Neurosurgery, Research Institute for Emergency Medicine named after. N.V. Sklifosovsky, head. Head of the Department of Neurosurgery and Neuroreanimation of the Moscow State Medical and Dental University, Member of the Board of the Association of Neurosurgeons of Russia, Member of the European and World Associations of Neurosurgeons, Member of the Higher Attestation Commission, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal "Neurosurgery", Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Society of Neurosurgeons, Moscow.

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases of the First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov, President of the Moscow Society of Rhinologists.

A.S. Lopatin is a scientist whose name is well known both in Russia and far beyond its borders, a talented surgeon who owns the filigree technique of the most complex otorhinolaryngological operations, endoscopic interventions on the base of the skull.

A.S. Lopatin - President of the Russian Society of Rhinologists, Delegate from Russia in the European Society of Rhinologists, Chairman of the International Consensus Commission on Polyposis Rhinosinusitis, Member of the Editorial Boards of the journals Consilium Medicum, Russian Medical Journal, Russian Allergological Journal, Russian Rhinology ”, “Russian otorhinolaryngology”, “Rhinology” (Ukraine), “Atmosphere” ..

A.S. Lopatin doctor of medical sciences, professor. He has 5 patents for inventions and over 400 scientific publications, including in prestigious international journals Laryngoscope, Archives of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, European Archives of Otorhinolaryngology, Rhinology, etc. Member of the editorial boards of many Russian and some foreign publications. Author of a specialty textbook for students of medical universities, two monographs, a guide for doctors "Rhinitis" (M., 2010) and chapters in guides (National Guide to Otorhinolaryngology, Guide to Pharmacotherapy of the Respiratory Organs, Russian Therapeutic Handbook, etc.).

His area of ​​interest ranges from the treatment of allergic and vasomotor rhinitis and snoring to endoscopic skull base surgeries and complex rhinoplasty options.

Milanov Nikolai Olegovich

Head of the Department of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Republican Scientific Center of Surgery named after A.I. acad. B.V. Petrovsky RAMS N.O. Milanov is the country's leading scientist in the field of plastic surgery, reconstructive microsurgery, replantology and autotransplantation of organs and tissues, one of the pioneers in the development of problems in plastic surgery and microsurgery in our country. He directs his main scientific interests to the development of fundamental and applied aspects of plastic surgery and microsurgery. His research formed the basis for the creation of a modern system for the diagnosis and surgical treatment of the most complex acute injuries of the extremities, post-traumatic conditions and a number of nosological forms (obliterating diseases of the vessels of the extremities, acute and chronic local radiation injuries, post-traumatic and iatrogenic defects of the trachea, post-traumatic and inflammatory strictures of the urethra and others). ). He is the author and implementer of the strategy for the introduction of microsurgical methods in various surgical specialties, including plastic surgery, urology, pediatric surgery, traumatology and orthopedics.

  • Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (1994)
  • Order of Friendship (1998).
  • Order of Honor (2007).
  • Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1982) for the development of the problem of microsurgical replantation of fingers and hands in case of their traumatic amputation as part of a group of scientists.
  • Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation (1996) for the work "Microsurgical autotransplantation of organs and tissues in the treatment and rehabilitation of cancer patients" as part of a group of scientists
  • Winner of the Vocation Award (2008) for performing the world's first revascularized tracheal transplantation as part of a team of scientists.
Author of more than 670 scientific papers. He wrote 8 monographs and chapters in 4 monographs. Under his leadership, 47 candidate and 15 doctoral dissertations were completed. Co-author of 47 copyright certificates and patents for inventions on various issues of plastic surgery and microsurgery. Since 2002, part-time head of the Department of Hospital Surgery No. 1 of the Moscow Medical Academy. THEM. Sechenov. Since 2006 - Member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Since 2007 - Chairman of the Expert Commission of the Higher Attestation Commission on Surgical Sciences. Since 2010 - the chief freelance specialist of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation for plastic surgery. Since 1994 - President of the All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons" Honorary Professor of the Republican Scientific Center of Surgery. acad. B.V. Petrovsky RAMS, member of the All-Russian Association of Surgeons. N.I. Pirogov, board of the Section of Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Society of Surgeons of Moscow and the Moscow Region, the Russian Society of Andrologists, the International College of Surgeons, the International Society of Angiologists, an honorary member of the Yugoslav Society of Plastic Surgeons. Editor-in-Chief of the Annals of Plastic, Reconstructive and aesthetic surgery”, member of the editorial board of the journals “Surgeon”, “Aesthetic Medicine”, “Experimental and Clinical Dermatocosmetology” and “Oncosurgery”, member of the editorial boards of the journals “Andrology and Genital Surgery”, “Sexology and Sexopathology”, “Bulletin of Transplantology and Artificial Organs”.

Head of the Purulent Surgery Department of the Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology, Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Higher Surgeon qualifying category. Main areas of activity: wounds and wound infection, purulent surgery, purulent traumatology, reconstructive and plastic surgery of wounds and defects of soft tissues and bones. Member of the Moscow Society of Surgeons. Author of 143 scientific papers. Co-author of 4 monographs and textbooks, 2 inventions and 4 scientific and practical films.

Corresponding member RAMS, professor, head. Department of Rheumatology MMA them. THEM. Sechenov, director of the Institute of Rheumatology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, head. Department of Vascular Pathology of Rheumatic Diseases of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Chief Rheumatologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Honorary President of the Association of Rheumatologists of Russia, Member of the Board of the Moscow City Scientific Society of Therapists, Academic Council of the State Institute of Rheumatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Chairman of the Specialized Council for Rheumatology of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Clinical Medicine and a number of other medical journals.

The main directions of scientific research of E. L. Nasonov are the immunopathology of rheumatic diseases, myocardial diseases and atherosclerosis, the development of new methods of immunological diagnostics and approaches to the treatment of human inflammatory diseases. Evgeny Lvovich pays special attention to the study of immune mechanisms of thrombosis, the role of immunopathological processes in the development and progression of rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic vasculitis and inflammatory myopathies. E. L. Nasonov is the coordinator (from Russia) of several large international studies (I-III phases) devoted to evaluating the effectiveness of new anti-inflammatory drugs.

E. L. Nasonov is a general practitioner. He conducts a great deal of medical and advisory work, in particular, related to the diagnosis immune disorders in diseases of the cardiovascular system and rheumatic diseases.

E. L. Nasonov is the author and co-author of more than 500 publications, including the monographs Vasculopathy in Antiphospholipid Syndrome (1995), Pharmacotherapy of Rheumatic Diseases (1996), Rheumatological Problems of Osteoporosis (1997), Vasculitis and Vasculopathy "(1998)," Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Prospects for application in medicine "(1999), "Rational pharmacotherapy of rheumatic diseases" (2003), "Antiphospholipid syndrome" (2004), reference manual "Clinic and immunopathology of rheumatic diseases" (1995), textbook "Rheumatology in questions and answers" ( 1994), 12 chapters in monographs, including the manual Rheumatic Diseases (1997), chapters Rheumatic Diseases in the textbook on internal diseases for students of medical universities, more than 30 scientific articles published in central foreign journals.

E. L. Nasonov - Deputy Chairman of the Formulary Committee of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Deputy President of the Association of Rheumatologists of Russia, Member of the Board of the Moscow City Scientific Society of Therapists, Academic Council of the State Institute of Rheumatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Chairman of the Specialized Council for Rheumatology of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, Member of the Editorial Board of the journal "Clinical Medicine" and a number of other medical journals.

Perelman Mikhail Izrailevich Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Director of the Research Institute of Physio-Pulmonology of the Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov.
He graduated from the Yaroslavl Medical Institute in 1945. He is a surgeon by profession. From 1945 to 1951 he worked as an assistant at the departments of anatomy and surgery of the Yaroslavl Medical Institute.
In 1951 - 1954 - chief surgeon of the city of Rybinsk, in 1954 - 1955. - Assistant Professor at the Department of Operative Surgery at the 1st Moscow Medical Institute, and from 1955 to 1958 - Associate Professor at the course of pulmonary surgery at Central Institute physician improvement.
In 1958 - 1962 - Head of the Pulmonary Surgery Department of the Institute of Experimental Biology and Medicine of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. From 1963 to 1981 - head of the department of thoracic surgery of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Surgery of the USSR Ministry of Health.
Since 1981, he has been the head of the Department of Phthisiopulmonology at the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, is a consultant at the Lung and Mediastinal Surgery Department of the Russian Scientific Center for Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, as well as the Medical Center under the President of the Russian Federation.
Since 1998 - Director of the Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology at the Moscow Medical Academy named after Sechenov.

In the activities of M.I. Perelman, the qualities of a unique surgeon and a great scientist are harmoniously combined. He performed more than 3,500 operations on the chest organs, mainly on the lungs (for lung cancer, pulmonary tuberculosis and purulent-inflammatory diseases of the lungs).
Until now, he does 120 operations a year. M.I. Perelman is the author of 12 monographs, a textbook, 14 chapters in international guidelines, 160 articles in central domestic and foreign journals.
The main works are devoted to the surgical treatment of injuries and diseases of the trachea and bronchi, the diagnosis and treatment of lung tumors, the surgery of pulmonary tuberculosis, the use of various technical means in surgery. He prepared 61 candidates of medical sciences, with his consultations 29 people defended doctoral dissertations.

M.I. Perelman - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (1986), Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences (1988), Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (1975), Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1974), the State Prize of Russia (1997), the USSR Council of Ministers Prize (1985), the USSR Government Prize (1991), the USSR Ministry of Health Prize for Oncology (1976) and the USSR Ministry of Higher Education (1979), the Bakulev Academy of Medical Sciences Prize of the USSR (1977), the Pirogov Prize (1978) and the Spasokukotsky Prize (1989), the Herzen Prize of the Academy of Creativity (1995). He is an honorary member of the International Society of Surgeons and 13 other domestic and foreign surgical societies, Secretary General of the Pirogov Association of Surgeons.

Title Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Graduate of the 1st Moscow Medical Institute named after I.M. Sechenov. From 1977 to 1981 he completed his clinical residency and then postgraduate studies at the Institute of Experimental Endocrinology and Chemistry of Hormones of the Academy of Medical Sciences. In 1983 he defended his PhD thesis. In 1991 he was transferred to the MMA named after I.M. Sechenov as an assistant of the Department of Endocrinology.
From 1996 to 2010, he served as chief physician of the endocrinology clinic of the Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov. Thanks to his activities, the clinic was able to significantly increase the number of hospitalized patients, improve the level of examination and the quality of treatment. New specialized diagnostic and treatment rooms were opened, schools for patients with diabetes, obesity, and menopausal syndrome were organized. The program of high-tech medical care is being successfully implemented.
For a long and fruitful work in 2008 he was awarded the title of Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, in 2011 - the title of the Best Endocrinologist of Russia.
As an associate professor of the Department of Endocrinology V.S. Pronin combines clinical work with teaching and research activities. In 2012 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Diagnostic and prognostic factors that determine the characteristics of the clinical course and tactics of treatment of acromegaly." He is the author of 150 scientific publications in domestic and foreign publications, including monographs and teaching aids, a participant and winner of major international congresses. The total medical experience is 33 years.

Head cafe Urology MGMSU, MD, Professor Chief Urologist of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation Today, the name of Dmitry Yuryevich Pushkar enjoys great professional prestige among numerous colleagues and patients. The number of patients cured by him is growing every year. Unfortunately, today, urological diseases are a fairly common problem of people around the world. Both men and women suffer from diseases of the genitourinary system, and the number of these patients is steadily increasing. Many patients who despair of their own cure find real help in the hands of this doctor who treats diseases such as benign hyperplasia prostate, bladder and prostate cancer, various forms of urinary incontinence in women and potency disorders in men. Pushkar D. Yu. has accumulated many years of experience in the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases, which allows them to return to life, making thousands of patients socially active. In our country, he was a pioneer in performing radical prostatectomy, an operation that relieves the patient of prostate cancer within 2-3 hours, and professional skill allows you to perform a nerve-sparing operation, while maintaining erectile function and the ability to retain urine. He patented minimized loop operations in patients suffering from urinary incontinence, the use of which allows many women who were considered inoperable to return to an active lifestyle, reducing the length of stay in the hospital to 3-4 days. Professional interest and the opportunity to cooperate with European clinics allows Pushkar D. Yu. to perform brilliantly reconstructive urological operations vaginal access. Thanks to his active participation, for the first time in the Russian Federation, a program for the early detection of prostate cancer was developed and began to be applied, which is now implemented in all major cities of Russia. In Moscow, the implementation of this program was the opening of a free room for early diagnosis of prostate diseases on the basis of the consultative and diagnostic center of the 50th City Clinical Hospital. Pushkar D. Yu. conducts a daily reception of patients, complex and much-needed surgical interventions are performed. Despite being constantly busy, Pushkar D.Yu. heads the Department of Urology of the Moscow State Medical University, one of the largest urological clinics, designed for 200 beds. In 1986 he graduated with honors from the medical faculty of the Moscow Medical Dental Institute. After that, he went from a resident to a professor at the Department of Urology at the Moscow State Medical University of Medicine and Dentistry, and is currently the head of the Department of Urology at the Moscow State Medical University. From 1993 to 1998, he was a trainee and then a consultant doctor at the Urology Clinic of the Pasteur University in Nice (France). Fluent in English and French. Dmitry Pushkar is the author of more than 400 scientific papers, 7 monographs, 32 videos, and has 5 patents of the Russian Federation. Under his leadership, 11 Ph.D. theses were defended and 4 doctoral dissertations are being carried out. In 2005, he was awarded the title of Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation for his services in the field of healthcare and many years of conscientious work. Since 2001 - Consultant of Polyclinic No. 1 of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization, since 2003 - Deputy Chief Specialist in Urology of the Medical Center of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Pushkar D. Yu. is a member of the European Association of Urologists, is a member of the Urinary Continence Society, a member of the International Urological Council. Member of the Board of the European School of Urology and the Eastern European Expert Commission for erectile dysfunction. Since 1990 is one of the first Russian scientists, an invited lecturer in the largest institutes and clinics in France, Italy, USA, Israel, Switzerland, Poland, Great Britain, Spain, Austria, Lebanon, Turkey. Since 1997 he has been a visiting consultant at the Newman Urology Clinic, Kansas USA. The first specialist from the Russian Federation, who entered the American Urological Association and was invited to the scientific committee of the International Society of Urology. Pushkar D. Yu. is the only Russian reviewer of the leading medical publication "European Urology", a member of the editorial board of the journal "Urology", and since 1993 the presenter and consultant of the Russian-American teleconference

Razumovsky Alexander Yurievich Chief pediatric surgeon Department of Health of Moscow, Professor of the Department of Pediatric Surgery, Russian State Medical University, Head of the Department of Thoracic Surgery and Surgical Gastroenterology, Children's Clinical Hospital No. 13 named after. N.F. Filatova. Member of the Board of the Moscow Society of Surgeons and the Society of Endoscopic Surgeons of Russia, Member of the Board of the Russian Society of Surgeons-Gastroenterologists. Member of the European Association of Pediatric Surgeons and the Association of Pediatric Surgeons of Russia. Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation, twice laureate of the Prize. S.D. Ternovsky RAMS, twice laureate of the “Vocation” award. Author of more than 300 publications and 14 monographs on surgery. Member of the editorial board of the journals "Pediatric Surgery", "Annals of Surgeons", "Issues of Practical Pediatrics", "Moscow Surgical Journal" and "Bulletin of Pediatric Surgery, Anesthesiology and Resuscitation". Member of the problematic commission "Thoracic Surgery" at the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. A.Yu. Razumovsky Consultant in Pediatric Surgery of the Federal State Institution of the Educational and Scientific Center for the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation., Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery of the Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogova
The scope of surgical activity is abdominal and thoracic surgery, endosurgery and vascular surgery. Many surgical operations in pediatric surgery were developed and put into practice in our country by A.Yu. Razumovsky for the first time. Under the leadership of A.Yu. Razumovsky defended 22 candidate and 6 doctoral dissertations.

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Surgical Treatment of Tachyarrhythmias of the Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after A.I. A.N. Bakuleva RAMS, Deputy Director of the Center for Surgical and Interventional Arrhythmology of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

A.Sh. Revishvili has published more than 500 scientific papers (464 in co-authorship, 88 of them in foreign editions); among them: 5 monographs (4 - co-authored, 2 of them published abroad), 5 books (4 - co-authored), 194 major journal articles (172 - co-authored). The main direction of scientific research A.Sh. Revishvili - the study of clinical electrophysiology of the heart and the formation of arrhythmia mechanisms. He obtained priority data on the electrophysiological and anatomical substrate of supraventricular and non-coronary ventricular arrhythmias, including in children with heart defects and adult patients with coronary heart disease. He was the first to propose an original classification of variants of ventricular preexcitation syndromes and low-traumatic (catheter) methods for eliminating arrhythmias in this pathology. He was the first to describe arrhythmogenic dysplasia of the right atrium, leading to atrial flutter, and developed a method for its treatment using cryo- or radiofrequency destruction.

For outstanding achievements in the field of endovascular treatment of cardiovascular diseases A.Sh. Revishvili was awarded the Acad. RAMS V.I. Burakovsky for 2001.

A.Sh. Revishvili is the author of new algorithms for the differential diagnosis of supraventricular tachyarrhythmias, atrial fibrillation and life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias. The new methods of diagnostics and electrotherapy of arrhythmias developed by him are implemented in the latest generation of implantable cardioverters - defibrillators, which are now widely used for the prevention of sudden cardiac death in dozens of countries around the world. His priority in the field of electrophysiological diagnostics and electrotherapy of life-threatening arrhythmias is confirmed by European and American patents. The results of scientific research by A.Sh. Revishvili and his staff allowed a new approach to the issues of electrophysiological diagnosis and treatment of tachycardia.

A.Sh. Revishvili, as part of the team of authors, was awarded the USSR State Prize in the field of science and technology for 1986.

A.Sh. Revishvili is one of the organizers of the Center for Surgical and Interventional Arrhythmology of the Ministry of Health of Russia, which operates on the basis of the N.N. A.N. Bakulev RAMS, where trained for last years 117 specialists in the field of clinical electrophysiology of the heart and arrhythmology. President of the All-Russian Scientific Society of Specialists in Clinical Electrophysiology, Arrhythmology and Cardiac Stimulation, member of the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission, member of the European Working Group on Clinical Electrophysiology and Cardiac Stimulation, Editor-in-Chief of the Russian edition of the Progress in Biomedical Research journal, member of a number of domestic and foreign societies.

Director of the Research Institute of Emergency Children's Surgery and Traumatology, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Author and co-author of more than 250 scientific papers and 7 books. The main areas of activity are emergency surgery and traumatology, disaster medicine, healthcare organization. President of the National Medical Chamber, Head of the Department of Emergency Surgery and Traumatology of the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation to promote the development of civil society institutions and human rights, chairman of the International Committee for Assistance to Children in Disasters and Wars, expert of the World Health Organization, member of the Board of Directors International Association of Emergency and Disaster Medicine, President of the International Charitable Foundation for Children in Disasters and Wars, a member of the Association of Pediatric Surgeons of the World, the British Association of Pediatric Surgeons and the International Association of Emergency and Disaster Medicine. He was awarded the orders of "Courage", "Defender of Free Russia", "For Services to Moscow", "Peter the Great of the first degree", "For the revival of Russia. XXI century”, “Golden Cross”, “Glory to Russia”, “Saint Righteous Juliana Lazarevskaya, “Lomonosov”, “Golden Star of Glory”, “Pride of Russia”, LUDWIG NOBEL Prize 2010.
Titles: "National Hero", "Person of 2002", "Pride of Russia", "Russian of the Year". In 2005 he received the title of European of the Year. In 2007 he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. "Children's Doctor of the World" - this title was given to Roshal by journalists in 1996.

Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the 1st Medical Faculty of the I Moscow Medical Institute. I.M. Sechenov.
Alexander Nikolayevich Strizhakov is one of the founders of the organization of perinatal fetal protection in Russia. Under his leadership, the latest methods for assessing the functional state of the fetus and mother in various types of obstetric and extragenital pathology were introduced into obstetric practice. With the help of modern highly informative methods for studying systemic hemodynamics (echocardiography, Doppler ultrasound), the pathogenesis of gestosis at the preclinical and clinical stages and the features of its clinical course in modern conditions were studied. 4 types of maternal hemodynamics were revealed in preeclampsia. An algorithm for examining pregnant women at a high risk of preeclampsia, a differentiated approach to the prevention of this pathology, an algorithm for examining pregnant women with preeclampsia, indications for early and emergency delivery, a differentiated approach to antihypertensive therapy in the postpartum period have been developed and implemented.
At the initiative of Alexander Nikolaevich Strizhakov, the features of fetal hemodynamics in fetal growth retardation syndrome of various genesis, long-term results of the physical and psychomotor development of newborns were studied. The developed algorithm for examining pregnant women with fetal growth retardation syndrome and substantiating the indications for early delivery made it possible to significantly improve the long-term results of the development of children.
On the basis of an in-depth study of fetal hemodynamics during post-pregnancy pregnancy (Doppler study of blood flow in arterial and venous vessels) of the fetus, early diagnostic and prognostic criteria for fetal hypoxia have been developed and the tactics of labor management have been substantiated.
The mechanisms of pathogenesis of systemic hemodynamic disorders in pregnant women with arterial hypotension and arterial hypertension. The main principles of drug correction of maternal and fetal hemodynamic disorders have been developed and substantiated.
A new modification of the caesarean section operation was developed and implemented, which made it possible to significantly reduce the time surgical intervention and intraoperative blood loss. A detailed study (transvaginal echography, dynamic laparoscopy, hysteroscopy) of the features of the course of the uncomplicated and complicated postoperative period was carried out. A new tactic for managing endometritis after caesarean section has been developed.
Alexander Nikolaevich Strizhakov is the initiator of the development of a new section of gynecology in our country - minimally invasive surgery. He performed the first successful operations using the latest methods (miniscopy) for purulent inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages.
Alexander Nikolaevich Strizhakov made a great contribution to the problem of surgical treatment of genital endometriosis, endometrial hyperplastic processes, uterine tumors using laparoscopy and hysteroresectoscopy. Alexander Nikolaevich Strizhakov for the first time in Russia introduced the method of vaginal hysterectomy for tumors without disturbing the anatomy pelvic floor.
The accumulated clinical experience allowed A.N. Strizhakov to develop a method of dynamic prolonged sanitation of the abdominal cavity in gynecological peritonitis using a laparoscopic cannula.
A.N. Strizhakov in medical and scientific world enjoys high prestige and well-deserved respect as a scientist and an excellent surgeon. A.N. Strizhakov pays great attention to the development of pedagogical science. In numerous scientific publications, he raised the issues of improving teaching in higher education, including the fundamental issues of postgraduate training of specialists.

Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
Head of the Department of Psychiatry and Psychosomatics, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department for the Study of Borderline Mental Pathology and psychosomatic disorders NTsPZ RAMS, head of the interclinical psychosomatic department of the Clinical Center of the First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (one of the world's leading scientists and clinicians in the field of psychiatry and psychosomatics).

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Abdominal Oncology of the State Institution Russian Cancer Research Center named after N.N. Blokhin.

Syrkin Abram Lvovich was born in 1930 in Moscow, in the family of a prominent domestic hygienist, Professor L.A. Syrkina. In 1948, after graduating from high school, he entered the I.M. Sechenov, who graduated in 1954. All further clinical, scientific and pedagogical activity of Abram Lvovich is connected with the Department of Faculty Therapy of the I Moscow Medical Institute, now the Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov, where he went through the traditional path as an intern, a graduate student, an assistant, an associate professor and, finally, a professor.
The traditions of the Faculty Therapeutic Clinic, the oldest therapeutic clinic in the country, inherited by its leaders and employees, teachers of Abram Lvovich - Academicians Vladimir Nikitich Vinogradov, Zinaida Adamovna Bondar, Professor Vitaly Grigoryevich Popov, were brought up by A.L. Syrkin's qualities that have always distinguished the best representatives of domestic clinical medicine are devotion to the cause of serving a sick person, a high sense of responsibility to future generations of doctors, to whose upbringing Abram Lvovich devoted decades, the focus of scientific activity on problems that are most relevant in clinical terms.
The first steps of A.L. Syrkin were devoted to the study of edematous syndrome in cardio-rheumatological practice. In 1960, he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Na24 resorption rate from the skin in rheumatism and rheumatic heart disease." In the early 60s, A.L. Syrkin is one of the first to draw attention to the great possibilities of the method of electropulse therapy for cardiac arrhythmias and begins the active development of this problem. The result of a number of years of hard work was clearly formulated principles for the selection of patients for the EIT procedure, preparation for its implementation and the cardioversion technique itself, as well as the principles of subsequent patient management. The results of the research were reflected in the doctoral dissertation of A. L. Syrkin, as well as in the monograph "Electric impulse treatment of cardiac arrhythmias in a therapeutic clinic" (co-authored with A.V. Nedostup and I.V. Maevskaya), published in 1970, for many years which is very popular among domestic cardiologists.
Further scientific and clinical activities of A.L. Syrkina is largely devoted to coronary heart disease and, in particular, myocardial infarction. By the beginning of the 1970s, the first cardio-resuscitation department in Moscow, established in 1959 at the Faculty Therapeutic Clinic I of MMI by Academician V.N. Vinogradov and his students, expanded to a multi-bed intensive care unit, and since 1976, after the clinic moved to a new building, the department of coronary heart disease began to function at it. Since then, for almost 30 years now, Abram Lvovich Syrkin has been in charge of the work of these two departments of the Faculty Therapeutic Clinic, which since 1998 received the status of the Cardiology Clinic of the I.M. Sechenov, whose director is Professor A.L. Syrkin.
Over the years, Abram Lvovich has successfully developed many of the most actual problems in this field of cardiology, including aspects of variants of the clinical course of myocardial infarction, its complications, treatment of heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias, thrombolytic therapy. Particular attention should be paid to the work carried out in collaboration with a team of specialists in the field of applied mathematics, led by Academician I.M. Gelfand, and devoted to the issues of predicting the course of myocardial infarction and its complications. During this work, not only specific clinical problems were solved, but also the fundamental issues of using mathematical methods in clinical medicine (formalization of the description of the patient, the clinical situation, decision-making, etc.).
The unique long-term experience of the first in the country cardioreanimatology department, for many years headed by Professor A.L. Syrkin, played a major role in the formation and development of the resuscitation cardiological service of the Russian health care.
The results of work in this direction are reflected in the monographs of A.L. Syrkin "Recurrent myocardial infarction" (together with A.I. Markova and L.V. Rainova) and "Myocardial infarction" (second edition, significantly revised and supplemented in 1998).
In total, Abram Lvovich Syrkin published over 250 scientific papers. He generously passes on his versatile skills as a clinician and scientist to his numerous students: under the guidance of Abram Lvovich, 30 PhD theses were defended.
For many years, A. L. Syrkin has been in charge of the scientific student circle. Many former members of the circle became first-class doctors, candidates of science, employees of the country's leading clinical institutions, including the Faculty Therapeutic Clinic named after V.N. Vinogradov.
In everyday pedagogical work (lecturing, seminars), A. L. Syrkin is distinguished by the desire to combine the solidity of the traditional pedagogical principles of the "Vinogradov" clinical school with the use of new methodological techniques - the development of new types of teaching aids, including elements of programming, training simulators.
Many years of experience as a clinician, combined with organizational skills and rich scientific knowledge, are used by A.L. Syrkin in his work as Chairman of the Commission on Clinical Diagnostic Devices and Apparatuses of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Member of the Board of the Moscow Therapeutic and Cardiological Societies, Head of the Department of Cardiology of the I.M. Sechenov. Medical talent, rich clinical experience, high erudition of a scientist and teacher, dedication in everyday work, genuine intelligence made Abram Lvovich Syrkin widely known and revered both in the medical and scientific environment, and among countless patients not only in Moscow, but throughout our country. .

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Head of the Department of Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology of the Research Center of the Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov. Since 2008, he has been the President of the Russian Headache Society. Guzel Rafkatovna is a regular participant in international conferences and symposiums. He has more than two hundred scientific papers, including articles on headaches and other pain syndromes, vascular diseases of the brain, anxiety and depressive disorders.

The title of acad. RAMS prof., MD

  • Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation
  • Full member of the Russian section of the International College of Surgeons
  • Honorary Member of the German Surgical Society
  • Co-Chairman of the All-Russian Society of Surgeons-Gastroenterologists
  • Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Surgical Gastroenterology
  • Member of the editorial board of the journals Surgery, Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Annals of Surgery, Clinical Medicine
In 1961 A.F. Chernousov graduated with honors from the medical faculty of the Gorky Medical Institute. After graduating from the institute, he worked for 1 year as a surgeon in a hospital in the city of Pavlovo on the Oka. In 1962-1963, he was a resident of the hospital surgical clinic of the I MMI named after. THEM. Sechenov. Since 1964, he began to work at the Russian Scientific Center for Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. In 1965 he defended his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences

The first doctors and various methods of treatment have been known since ancient times. The names of the most famous of them have come down to us. You can name a lot of talented Russian doctors and women doctors.

Famous physicians of antiquity

Information about ancient medicine has reached our days. Ancient Greek medicine is considered the most ancient. The contribution of ancient Greek medical scientists to the development of this science is enormous. Some of their work is still in use today.

The most famous ancient Greek physician is Hippocrates. His significant work is called the Hippocratic Collection. It describes in detail the diseases known at that time, methods for their treatment and recognition. Hippocrates paid the greatest attention to the study of viral diseases. Plato was a student of Hippocrates and also became a famous ancient Greek physician. He is considered the founder of reactionary medicine. Another ancient Greek physician, Aristotle, posed such questions of medicine that only the next generations of doctors and science could answer. The knowledge of these doctors-scientists is still used by modern doctors, their teachings were continued by I. Sechenov, N. Pavlov, A. Ukhtomsky.

In ancient Rome, the first surgeons were Greek doctors, later their own, "Roman" doctors appeared. The outstanding medical scientists of their time were Galen and Celsus. They successfully performed surgical operations. The work of Celsus "On Medicine" entered the golden fund of medicine in the world. In this work, the ancient doctor described the views of his predecessors regarding medicine, namely, he wrote about Hippocrates, Herophilus, Asklepiades and Erasistratus. Asclepiades is considered the founder of Roman medicine. It was he who instilled respect for medicine, as his treatment has always been a pleasure to patients.

The ancient Indians of America also had an idea about the many diseases that suffer, including modern people. During excavations of tombs near the ancient Indian settlements, small figurines were found. There is an assumption that they were placed next to the dead, as a medical report on the cause of death. Judging by the figurines, ancient doctors diagnosed patients with tumors, fractures, deformity of the spine, etc. It is known about ancient Egyptian doctors and doctors of ancient Mesopotamia. The medicine of ancient China and India was distinguished by a high level of surgery.

The most famous Russian doctors

Russia is rich in medical talent. One of the luminaries of domestic medicine is Nikolai Sklifosovsky. It is difficult to assess his contribution to world surgery. The first in Russia, he began to operate on cerebral hernias, ovarian cysts, hernias of the abdominal cavity, this doctor connected long tubular bones with a fundamentally new method, which later became known as the “Russian castle” and “Sklifosovsky castle”. He spent many years of his life on the battlefields.

Sergei Botkin was recognized as an outstanding Russian general practitioner. He studied epidemics of diseases such as cholera, typhoid and plague. Viral hepatitis "A" is called Botkin's disease, since it was this doctor who discovered this disease at one time.

The teacher and the most famous Russian doctor is Valery Shumakov. He was the first to transplant a kidney in 1965, and in 1988 he performed a heart transplant using a completely new technique, namely, a two-stage transplant.

Leonid Bokeria is also rightfully considered a world-class cardiologist. He created and first used a device for remote control of the operation. He has more than 2,000 open heart surgeries to his credit.

Thanks to the Russian eye microsurgeon Svyatoslav Fedorov, world ophthalmology has been enriched with unique achievements and developments that have forever changed it. One of his creations is the Fedorov-Zakharov lens, which is considered the best artificial lens in the world. The world's leading clinics operate on early-stage glaucoma using the method of Fedorov, who was the first to perform such an operation in 1973. This surgeon successfully implants the artificial cornea of ​​the eye.

Notable female doctors

The first woman in the world to receive a medical degree was American Elizabeth Blackwell in 1849. In New York, she opened a hospital for the poor, where women and children could be treated. She lived to the age of 89, devoting her whole life to social work and medicine.

The woman doctor Leila Denmark is known to all doctors on the planet. Leila received her pediatrician's degree in 1918. Since then, she began to practice. In 2001, the year the name Denmark was in the Guinness Book of Records, where she was named the oldest practicing doctor. By that time, Leila Denmark was one hundred and three years old. Her greatest merit is the fight against whooping cough. This disease was once considered incurable.

Gertrude Elion is another famous female doctor. She is the recipient of the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology. Elion has devoted her life to the development of progressive medicines to combat diseases such as leukemia, malaria, gout, herpes.

The most famous doctor in the world

When asked about the most famous doctor in the world, you can get a lot of completely different answers, but it's hard to argue with the fact that everyone knows about Hippocrates. Hippocrates is known, among other things, by the famous doctor's oath, named after him. It should be noted that doctors all over the world use the Hippocratic Oath to this day.

Hippocrates was the first to discover the natural mechanisms of the appearance of diseases, he explained the processes of treatment and recovery. Hippocrates was the first to reject the existence of spirits, as well as their influence on the recovery of a person. He is considered an indestructible pillar and foundation of modern medical science.

They completely dedicated their lives to the struggle for the health of their neighbors, science, and development. Famous Russian doctors saved many lives and eased the suffering of patients. Who are they - these great Russian doctors?

Russian doctors who changed medicine. Nikolai Pirogov

The first atlas of topographic anatomy was created by this outstanding person. Pirogov is considered the founder of anesthesia, the founder of military field surgery. He also developed the latest surgical operations and a number of techniques. With Pirogov, ether anesthesia began to be widely used in surgery, and he also proposed the rectal method of anesthesia. Anesthesia was especially widely used during the Crimean War. This helped alleviate the suffering of hundreds of the wounded. Nikolai Ivanovich was the first to suggest the use of gypsum. Prior to this, starch dressings were used, which soaked from pus, blood and lost their fixing properties.

During the war, the Pirogovs were asked to divide all the wounded into four categories. The terminally ill were assisted by nurses and priests. The doctor dealt primarily with the seriously wounded, who required immediate assistance. Those who did not need an urgent operation were sent to the rear. Paramedics took care of the lightly wounded, those who were soon able to return to duty. To prevent the spread of infections, Pirogov separated those with clean wounds from those with gangrene.

All his life, Nikolai Ivanovich stood up for the opening of new Sunday schools, demanded that corporal punishment be abolished in gymnasiums.

Sergei Botkin

Famous Russian doctors have made a significant contribution to the development of domestic medicine. In the 19th century, one of these doctors was Sergei Petrovich Botkin. He graduated from Moscow University, participated in Crimean War, saved the lives of the wounded in the Simferopol hospital. He worked in foreign clinics in England, Germany, France.

Botkin was one of the first to initiate the organization of women's medical education. He founded medical courses for women and a school for paramedics.

On his initiative, in 1860, the Epidemiological Society was opened in Russia, which successfully began to fight the spread of infectious diseases. Diseases such as cholera, plague, scarlet fever, diphtheria, and smallpox were carefully studied. As part of the research, the causes of hepatitis A (popularly jaundice) were identified. Since then, the disease has been called Botkin.

Thanks to Sergei Petrovich, attention began to be paid to the poor, doctors began receiving appointments, home visits and providing essential medicines. Soon the first ambulance appeared in Russia. In 1881, the first free hospital was opened.

The most famous doctors in Russia were students of Botkin, these are A. A. Nechaev, N. Ya. Chistovich, M. V. Yanovsky, I. P. Pavlov, T. P. Pavlov, A. G. Polotebnov, N. P. Simanovsky .

Nikolai Sklifosovsky

Russian professor, founder of abdominal surgery. His name is now the Moscow Institute of Emergency Medicine.

Today it is difficult to imagine medicine without asepsis and antisepsis. The study of disinfection made it possible to take a wide step in medicine and boldly carry out operations on abdominal areas - the liver, gallbladder, thyroid gland, urinary system. During his life, Sklifosovsky wrote more than seventy works on surgery and asepsis.

As a follower of Pirogov, he made a huge contribution to the development of anesthesia. Before him, during the operation, anesthesia was given only for short term. The scientist developed an apparatus that maintained anesthesia throughout the operation. For the first time, Sklifosovsky was anesthetized with a solution of cocaine.

During the Russian-Turkish, Franco-Prussian, Austro-Prussian wars, he worked as a surgeon, saved hundreds of wounded.

Ivan Pavlov

Famous doctors who are known all over the world are the pride of our medicine.

Ivan Pavlov became the first Nobel laureate in Russia. He received the prize in 1904 for research on the functions of the digestive glands. The scientist began his work with the study of the circulatory system and the heart, but later devoted his entire work to digestion. Experiments carried out on dogs made it possible to reveal the secrets of gastric secretion and to obtain pure gastric juice in the future. Reaction to external stimuli led the scientist to new discoveries, Pavlov divided all reflexes into congenital and acquired, conditional and unconditioned, studied the problems of sleep. The science of higher nervous activity relies on all these discoveries.

Vladimir Vinogradov

He began his activity with studying the problems of sepsis, early diagnosis of tuberculosis, cancer. Later, his research expanded. Now his name is associated with the use of examination methods in medicine - bronchoscopy and gastroscopy, radioisotope diagnosis of thyroid problems. The contribution of the academician in the field of cardiology and the treatment of myocardial infarction is indisputable. In 1961, on the initiative of Vinogradov, the first department for patients with myocardial infarction was opened.

For the first time, the practice of probing with the introduction of a radiopaque substance began to be used. The most famous doctors in Russia dealing with cardiological problems have adopted this method.

Famous doctors of Russia of the 21st century

Famous names are heard by everyone who rotates in medicine. Many modern prominent figures, of course, began their careers in the last century. Now they can be called the best doctors of the new millennium. Let's just name some of the biggest names.

Svyatoslav Fedorov

Eye microsurgery. His developments and achievements completely turned the world of ophthalmology. Back in 1962, Fedorov created an artificial Fedorov-Zakharov lens-lens, until now he has no equal. In 1973, the first operation for glaucoma at an early stage was performed. This method is now used by all world clinics. Fedorov was one of the first in the world to implant an artificial cornea.

Leonid Bokeria

World renowned cardiac surgeon. Despite his venerable age, he is still working and has performed more than two thousand open-heart surgeries. He developed computer methods for modeling the diagnosis of pathologies of the circulatory systems. Bokeria created devices for remote control of the operation. Lots of cutting edge techniques that have saved hundreds of lives. The famous doctors of Russia and their achievements have always put our country in a leading position in medical developments.

AT Alery Shumako in

The first Soviet doctor who performed a kidney transplant in 1965, and a heart transplant in 1988. He also began practicing a two-stage heart muscle transplant. In 1995, the Guide to Transplantation was published. Not only a doctor, but also an excellent teacher, graduated 50 doctors and 120 candidates of medical sciences.

Famous female doctors of Russia

If we talk about the most famous world-class female doctors, then, of course, we cannot help but recall our Russian doctors.

Natalia Bekhtereva

During her life she has been awarded many titles and various awards in the field of medicine. The main study is the area of ​​the brain in normal and pathological conditions. For the first time, the method of implanting electrodes into the brain was used not only for diagnostic, but also for therapeutic purposes. Under the leadership of Bekhtereva, a new branch of neurosurgery and neurology was created.

Grunya Sukhareva

Leading psychiatrist of the USSR. She wrote many works, conducted a lot of research in the field of studying mental disorders, schizophrenia. She organized many institutions for children and adolescents with mental disabilities. For many years she was the head of the hospital. Kashchenko.

The very first women doctors in Russia were N. P. Suslova, M. A. Bokova-Sechenova, V. A. Kashevarova-Rudneva.

Children's doctors

The most famous of Russia also contributed to the development of medicine.

Leonid Roshal

Soviet, Russian children's doctor. He is famous for the fact that he always finds himself in the hottest spots, where his help and support are especially needed. Heads the International Children's Fund. It has great amount Russian and international awards for saving children in emergency situations.

Leyla Namazova-Baranova

Director of the Research Institute of Pediatrics. Author of 550 scientific papers. He persistently tries to convey to the population the need for timely vaccination. In all interviews and speeches, he promotes the importance of vaccinations, starting from childhood.

Outstanding figures of medicine of the 19th century,

who made a significant contribution to the development of domestic science

Aristov Evgeny Filippovich(1806-1875) - a prominent Russian anatomist and pathologist. In 1834 he defended his thesis "Sleep and wakefulness", since 1837 he was a professor at Kazan University in the department normal anatomy. For 30 years he has been active in pedagogical and scientific work. He was the initiator and organizer of the anatomical theater.

Bobrov Alexander Alekseevich(1850-1904) - an outstanding Russian surgeon. During the Russian-Turkish war (1877) he was at the front. Since 1884 - Associate Professor of the Department of Operative Surgery and Surgical Anatomy, since 1885 - Professor of the same department. In 1892, he headed the surgical clinic in the Novo-Ekaterininsky hospital, in 1893 he received a faculty surgical clinic, where he remained a professor until the end of his life.

He continued and developed the direction of N. I. Pirogov in surgical anatomy. Author of textbooks on dislocations and fractures, on operative surgery and topographic anatomy, which went through several editions. A. A. Bobrov developed original methods operation of hernia and echinococcus of the liver, was one of the initiators and organizers of the congresses of Russian surgeons.

Botkin Sergey Petrovich(1832-1889) - an outstanding Russian general practitioner who laid the foundations of scientific clinical medicine in Russia. After graduating from the medical faculty of Moscow University in 1855, he participated in the Crimean War as part of the medical detachment of N.I. Pirogov. In 1856 - 1860. worked abroad: in Germany, Austria, France. In 1860 in St. Petersburg he defended his doctoral dissertation "On the absorption of fat in the intestines" and was appointed to the position of an adjunct in the academic (faculty) therapeutic clinic of Professor P. D. Shipulinsky at the Imperial Medical and Surgical Academy.

Since 1861 - ordinary professor of the same clinic. He organized the first clinical laboratory in Russia, at which he created the first outpatient clinic. He published three editions of the "Course of the Clinic of Internal Diseases" (1867, 1868 and 1875), which were soon translated into German and French. In 1869 he was appointed an advisory member of the Military Medical Scientific Committee. He brought up a galaxy of remarkable medical scientists, whose works since 1869 he published in the "Archive of the Clinic of Internal Diseases of S. P. Botkin" (13 volumes). In 1870 he was appointed an honorary physician, since 1871 he was the personal physician of Empress Maria Alexandrovna.

In 1877, he accompanies Alexander II to the war, where he studies the issues of setting up medical affairs in the war: "Letters from Bulgaria to S.P. Botkin." Since 1878 - Chairman of the Society of Russian Doctors in St. Petersburg. Since 1881 he has been publishing the Weekly Clinical Newspaper. He successfully combined fruitful scientific, clinical and pedagogical work with social activities: he was elected the Vowel of the City Duma, the Medical Trustee of hospitals and almshouses, the Trustee of the new city barracks hospital for infectious patients, in which he organizes a laboratory and an anatomical pathology room.

Bush Ivan Fyodorovich(1771-1843) - an outstanding surgeon, one of the founders of the first Russian surgical school. Since 1800 he was a professor of surgery at the Medico-Surgical Academy in St. Petersburg. He owns the first domestic manual on surgery "Guide to teaching surgery" in three volumes, published in St. Petersburg in 1807 and reprinted five times with corrections and additions.

Buyalsky Ilya Vasilievich(1789-1866) - an outstanding Russian surgeon and anatomist. For 20 years he was a professor at the Imperial Medico-Surgical Academy and for 30 years at the Academy of Arts. Introduced a number of new operations, among them: resection of the upper jaw, as well as medical methods. One of the first surgeons used ether and chloroform anesthesia.

He did a lot to improve surgical instruments. World fame was brought to him by two atlases translated into foreign languages: "Anatomical and surgical tables explaining the production of operations for ligation of large arteries" (1828) and "Anatomical and surgical tables of operations for cutting out fragmentation of urinary stones" (1852). He is the creator of "ice anatomy" - the use of cold to process anatomical material. Trained many generations of surgeons.

Vellansky Daniil Mikhailovich(1774-1847) - famous Russian physiologist. In 1817-1837. - Professor of the Department of Physiology and General Pathology. In 1819 he received the title of academician. He acted as the leader of natural philosophy in Russia. In 1836 he wrote a textbook on physiology imbued with these ideas. Along with this, his system included dialectical thoughts about the unity of the organic and inorganic worlds, the interrelationships between natural sciences, in particular physiology, physics and chemistry. He translated into Russian the works of major Western European physicians, including the manual on physiology by I. Prohaska, the works of H. Hufelyand, Selle, and others.

Gaaz Fedor Petrovich(1780-1853) - a famous Russian doctor and humanist. In 1811, he published a study on the existing and newly discovered mineral springs in Essentuki. Since 1828, he was appointed chief doctor of Moscow prisons. He fought for the improvement of the maintenance of prisoners, the sick and the homeless poor. On his initiative, in 1832, a prison hospital was built on Sparrow Hills in Moscow; a hospital for homeless patients was built on Petrovka with donations collected by him. He spent all his money on helping the poor, and he himself died alone and in poverty in a hospital.

Dobroslavin Alexey Petrovich(1842-1889) - an outstanding Russian hygienist, one of the founders of experimental hygiene in Russia. After graduating from the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgical Academy, he worked as an intern, showing interest in chemistry, pharmacology, and physiological chemistry. In 1868 he defended his dissertation "Materials for the physiology of metamorphosis" (metabolism). In 1869-1870. worked abroad in the laboratory of A. Wurtz. In 1871, for the first time in Russia, he began to read a course of lectures on hygiene at the IMHA, thereby laying the foundation for the independent teaching of this science in our country.

He created a laboratory for experimental research and practical exercises with students, created the Department of Hygiene at the IMHA, which he led until the end of his life. During the Russian-Turkish war (1877-78) he participated in organizing the fight against typhus and dysentery in the army, developed sanitary and hygienic measures, was a member of the Military Medical Committee, heading the commission for the rationalization of nutrition in the Russian army. He has written over 90 scientific papers, mainly on the issues of metabolism, in the body, in the field of food hygiene, military hygiene.

Two of his major works deserve special attention: the two-volume "Course of Hygiene (Course of Public Health)", published in 1882-1884. and "The Course of Military Hygiene" in 2 volumes, published in 1885-1887 - the first original works on hygiene in Russian. About 100 dissertations were defended under the guidance of Alexei Petrovich. A.P. Dobroslavin was one of the founders of the Russian Society for the Protection of Public Health, led one of its sections, founded and edited the popular science magazine "Health" (1874-1884).

Dogel Ivan Mikhailovich(1830-1916) - an outstanding domestic pharmacologist. In 1863 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the structure and functions of the lymphatic glands. In 1869 he was elected professor of the pharmacology department of Kazan University. He completed more than 80 scientific papers, the main of which were works on comparative anatomy, physiology and pharmacology of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. For successful scientific and pedagogical activity, I. M. Dogel was awarded the title of Honored Professor, he was also elected a full and honorary member of many Academies and Scientific Societies.

Dyadkovskiy Iustin Evdokimovich(1784-1841) - an outstanding Russian doctor and materialist philosopher. In 1816 in Moscow he defended his doctoral dissertation "De modo, quo agunt vtdicaamenta in corpus humanum". Since 1824 - professor of pathology and therapy at the Moscow Medical and Surgical Academy; in 1830-1831 - member of the commission to combat the cholera epidemic; since 1831 - professor of therapy at Moscow University.

He is one of the founders of materialistic nervism and the initiator of the functional trend in Russian medical science; he proposed an original classification of diseases, which for a long time guided by domestic doctors.
Main works: "Treatise on the epidemic-contagious disease cholera" (St. Petersburg, 1831), "General therapy" (M., 1836), "Practical medicine" in two parts (M., 1845-1846). ). The outstanding contribution of I. E. Dyadkovsky to the development of domestic medicine is evidenced by the fact that his works were republished already in the middle of the 20th: in 1954 "Works. Questions of General Pathology" were published and in 1958 - "Selected Works".

Zagorsky Petr Andreevich(1764-1846) - an outstanding Russian anatomist, academician. In 1807 he was elected an extra-ordinary academician. In 1802, he published the first in Russia original textbook on human anatomy "Abridged Anatomy or a Guide to Knowledge of the Structure of the Human Body for the Benefit of Students of Medical Science" in two books, which was reprinted five times in St. Petersburg in 1802-1830.

Zakharyin Grigory Antonovich(1829-1897) - an outstanding Russian clinician-therapist. In 1854 he defended his doctoral dissertation "On the doctrine of postpartum diseases." After a business trip abroad for improvement, he worked in the faculty therapeutic clinic: from 1862 - an extra-ordinary professor, from 1864 to 1896. - Ordinary professor and director of the faculty therapeutic clinic.

Considered one of the founders of school hygiene. G. A. Zakharyin was the first to develop clinical symptoms syphilis of the lungs and heart; led the movement of Russian doctors for the development of domestic resorts. He published about 50 scientific papers, including a study on the distracting effect of leeches, which laid the foundations of balneotherapy for a practical doctor. The Clinical Lectures and Selected Articles, which were published both during his lifetime and after his death, gained wide popularity.

Ivanov Alexander Vladimirovich(1836-1880) - an outstanding Russian ophthalmologist. In 1867, at the Military Medical Academy, he defended his dissertation on the normal and pathological anatomy of the lens. In 1869 he was elected an extra-ordinary professor of the newly organized department of eye diseases at Kiev University and at the same time was in charge of the eye department of a military hospital. From 1875 he was an ordinary professor. Published 24 scientific papers on the microscopic anatomy of the eye.

Inozemtsev Fedor Ivanovich(1802-1869) - an outstanding Russian doctor, teacher and public figure. In 1833 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic of lateral stone cutting, after which he was sent abroad for improvement. In 1835 he was appointed extraordinary, and in 1837 - ordinary professor at the Department of Practical Surgery at Moscow University, which he led until 1859. On February 7, 1847, he performed the first operation in Russia under ether anesthesia. He created the first faculty surgical clinic in Russia (1846).

He brought up not only practical doctors, but also a whole galaxy of scientists, among them: I. M. Sechenov, S. P. Botkin, A. I. Babukhin - about 70 doctors of various specialties in total (for the middle of the 19 exclusive). In 1861, F. I. Inozemtsev founded and opened the Society of Russian Doctors in Moscow. Published works: "On the source and origin of true cancer. Notes on the medical sciences" (St. Petersburg, 1845), "On the anatomical and pathological significance of cholera" (St. Petersburg, 1847), "Abdominal irritation" (M. , 1852), "On the treatment of colds and colds associated diseases of cold-fever properties with milk" (M., 1857), "Foundations of the pathology and therapy of nervous current" (M., 1863).

Karavaev Vladimir Afanasyevich(1811-1892) - outstanding Russian surgeon. In 1838 he defended his doctoral dissertation on traumatic phlebitis. In 1841 he was invited to the Department of Surgery at Kyiv University and remained in this position almost until the end of his days. He was one of the founders of ophthalmology in Russia. Developed a method for extracting cataracts upwards. In 1873 he published a manual on operative surgery - a reference book for Russian surgeons, and is also the author of the following works: "Rhinoplasty: the formation of the right side, right wing and nasal septum" (the magazine "Friend of Health" for 1840), "Course of operational surgery" (Kyiv, 1858), "Operative surgery" (Kyiv, 1886).

Kasheverova-Rudneva Varvara Alexandrovna(1842-1899) - the first Russian woman who received the title of doctor and the degree of Doctor of Medicine in Russia, an obstetrician-gynecologist. In 1876 she successfully defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medicine on the topic of pathological neoplasms of the vagina. Among the published works: the dissertation "Materials for the pathological anatomy of the uterine vagina" (St. Petersburg, 1876), "Hygiene of the female body in all phases of life" (St. Petersburg, 1892).

Kovalevsky Alexander Onufrievich(1840-1901) - an outstanding Russian embryologist-evolutionist. In 1865 he defended his master's thesis "History of the development of the lancelet Amphioxus lanceolatus", in 1867 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the anatomy and history of the development of phoronis from the order of worms. From 1868 to 1894 - professor of a number of universities (zoology - in Kazan, Kyiv, Odessa; histology - in St. Petersburg); since 1890 - full member of the Academy of Sciences. He wrote 115 scientific papers on the anatomy and history of the development of invertebrates.

Kovalevsky Nikolay Osipovich(1840-1891) - famous Russian physiologist. His student work on the anatomical and physiological study of the spleen was awarded a gold medal. Since 1865 - extra-ordinary, and since 1868 - ordinary professor at the Department of Physiology of Kazan University. In 1880-1882. was the rector of Kazan University. In 1865, in the Scientific Notes of the Kazan University, he published "Materials for the Study of Pulmonary Breathing" (1865), his "Public Lectures and Speeches" (Kazan, 1892), and "Proceedings of Professor N. O. Kovalevsky 1860" were published. -1890" (1895).

Kozhevnikov Alexey Yakovlevich(1836-1902) - an outstanding Russian neurologist, one of the founders of neuropathology, the founder of the Moscow school of neuropathologists. In 1865 he defended his doctoral dissertation on Duchenne's motor progressive ataxia. In 1869 he was appointed director of the first in Russia University Clinic of Nervous Diseases, where he taught a course in nervous and mental diseases. At the same time, he headed the Department of Special Pathology and Therapy of the University.

Since 1873 - extra-ordinary, and since 1880 - ordinary professor. Initiator, creator and head of the Psychiatric Clinic of Moscow University, a new clinic for nervous diseases, in which he created a neurological museum and a shelter for chronic nervous patients. Main works: "Aphasia and the Central Organ of Speech" (M., 1874), "Nervous Diseases and Psychiatry" (M., 1883), "Course of Nervous Diseases" (M., 1889 and 1892), "About alcoholic paralysis" (St. Petersburg, 1894).

Kolomnin Sergey Petrovich(1842-1886) - an outstanding domestic surgeon. In 1869 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the restoration of blood circulation in humans after ligation of large arterial trunks. Since 1878 - Professor of the Military Medical Academy, since 1880 - the successor of N.V. Sklifosovsky.

He was the first in Russia to perform an operation to ligate the external carotid artery instead of the common one; he has priority in blood transfusion in the conditions of hostilities; was the initiator of the convening of the International Medical Congress in Russia. Published works: "General medical essay on the Serbo-Turkish war of 1876 and the rear of the army in Bessarabia and Romania during the Turkish war of 1877." in two parts (St. Petersburg, 1878), "Ligation of the external carotid artery, its bilateral ligation in neoplasms" (St. Petersburg, 1883).

Korsakov Sergey Sergeevich(1854-1900) - an outstanding Russian psychiatrist and public figure. In 1887 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medicine on alcoholic paralysis. From 1892 he was director of the psychiatric clinic at Moscow University. He was one of the founders of the nosological trend in psychiatry. Described a disease that was included in the manuals of the whole world under the designation "Korsakov's psychosis"; resolved the most relevant problems of psychiatric practice for that day. His Course in Psychiatry (1893) was reprinted three times.

Lavdovsky Mikhail Dormidontovich(1847-1903) - an outstanding Russian histologist. In 1874 he defended his doctoral dissertation "Histology of the terminal apparatus of the cochlear nerve, with a preliminary report on the structure of the "brain" nerves in general" (St. Petersburg, 1874). Since 1895 - Professor of the Department of Histology and Embryology of the Military Medical Academy. He is considered one of the founders of comparative histology and the creator of microphysiology in Russia. He was the editor of the first large two-volume manual on histology in Russian, a significant part of which was written by him. In 1887-1888. published "Foundations for the study of microscopic anatomy of man and animals" in two volumes (published in St. Petersburg).

Lazarevich Ivan Pavlovich(1829-1902) - an outstanding Russian obstetrician-gynecologist. In 1857 he defended his doctoral dissertation on rational measurements female pelvis. Since 1862 - Professor of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Children's Diseases of Kharkov University. On his initiative, a midwifery institute was established at the department (1869). He was an honorary member of a number of scientific societies in Russia and abroad. Published "Course of obstetrics" in two volumes (St. Petersburg, 1892).

Lesgaft Petr Frantsevich(1837-1909) - an outstanding Russian anatomist and a talented teacher, the founder of the science of physical education. He defended two dissertations: for the degree of Doctor of Medicine (1865) and Doctor of Surgery (1868), after which he was elected professor of "physiological anatomy" at Kazan University. In 1893, he organized the St. Petersburg biological laboratory, and in 1896, under it, the Higher Scientific Courses for Teachers and Heads of Physical Education.

Created the course "Theory of bodily movements". Many of the 130 scientific papers on anatomy, physical education, pedagogy, and biology still retain scientific and practical significance. He is the author of a two-volume essay "Fundamentals of Theoretical Anatomy" (St. Petersburg, 1882), as well as works: "The Relationship of Anatomy to Physical Education" (M., 1888), "Human Anatomy" in two volumes (St. Petersburg, 1895 -1896).

Limberg Alexander Karlovich(1856-1906) - a major Russian dentist. In 1891 he defended his dissertation "Modern Prevention and Therapy of Dental Caries", which was the first original work on dentistry in Russian. In 1900 he was invited to the first chair of dental diseases in Russia at the Women's Medical Institute in St. Petersburg. He proposed a classification of caries. The role of A. K. Limberg as the founder of pediatric dentistry in Russia is great. Since 1883 - Secretary, and then Chairman of the "Petersburg Society of Dentists and Doctors involved in dentistry." He published a guide "On the teeth of students and the organization of dental care in schools" (St. Petersburg, 1900).

Lovtsov Sergey Pavlovich(1823-1876) - a prominent figure in Russian public medicine and a publicist. In 1853 he defended his dissertation on iodine treatment. From 1862 to 1864 - editor of the "Military Medical Journal", from 1865 to 1870. - Editor of the "Archive of Forensic Medicine and Public Hygiene", in which he introduced a special section "Public Hygiene", and then the monthly supplement "Epidemiological Leaflet". Collaborated in the first Russian hygienic magazine "Health". In 1869-1870. was the editor of the first "Medico-topographic collection".

Malinovsky Pavel Petrovich(1818 - year of death unknown) - a major Russian psychiatrist. In 1840 he graduated from the Moscow Medical and Surgical Academy, until 1843 he worked in the Moscow Preobrazhensky psychiatric hospital, and then (until 1846) he was in charge of the psychiatric department of the Obukhov hospital in St. Petersburg; until 1848 he collaborated in the Military Medical Journal; from 1853 to 1855 - in military service. There is no further biographical information. Author of works: "Doctor's Notes" (St. Petersburg, 1846), "Insanity" (St. Petersburg, 1847 and 1855).

Manassein Vyacheslav Avksentevich(1841-1901) - a prominent Russian therapist. In 1869 he defended his doctoral dissertation "Materials for the question of starvation" (St. Petersburg, 1869). In 1870-1872. - on a business trip abroad. From 1872 he was a Privatdozent, from 1875 he was an associate professor at the Department of Diagnostics, General Therapy and Pathology, and from 1876 to 1892. - Ordinary Professor of the Department of Private Pathology and Therapy of Internal Diseases of the Medico-Surgical Academy. Created and for twenty years (1880-1901) edited one of the most widespread Russian medical periodicals- weekly magazine "Doctor". He bequeathed his rich library to Tomsk University. Published "Lectures on General Therapy" (M., 1879).

Mansurov Nikolai Porfiryevich(1834-1892) - a major Russian dermato-venereologist. In 1863 he received the title of Privatdozent and began to read at Moscow University the first systematic course in Russia on syphilis and skin diseases (until 1869). In 1884 he was elected an extra-ordinary, and in 1892 - an ordinary professor of the department of syphilidologists and dermatology established in 1869. Created the first Russian manual for skin diseases, published in separate issues, starting in 1863 for almost ten years.

In 1886-1889. published the first clinical collections in Russia on dermatology and syphilidology. On his initiative and project, in 1895 a skin and venereal clinic was opened in Moscow. Main works: "On syphilization as a method of treating constitutional syphilis" (M., 1862), "Skin diseases" in two volumes (M., 1863-1871; 1873), "Clinical collection of dermatology and syphilidology "(M., 1886-1890), "Lectures on venereal diseases" (M., 1888), "Lectures on skin diseases" (M., 1892).

Merzheevsky Ivan Pavlovich(1838-1908) - a major Russian psychiatrist. From 1877 to 1893 - Professor of the Military Medical Academy and director of its psychiatric clinic. Wrote 54 scientific papers. In 1865 he defended his doctoral dissertation on violent (visanici) patients. Has gained world recognition with his post-mortem studies of idiocy and progressive paralysis. The first described microgyria in idiocy. Under his leadership, a clinic for mental and nervous diseases of the Military Medical Academy was built.

Minkh Grigory Nikolaevich(1836-1896) - a major Russian infectious disease specialist, epidemiologist and pathologist. In 1870 he defended his doctoral thesis on the false development of membranes on serous surfaces. Since 1872 - a dissector at the Odessa city hospital; in 1876-1895 - Professor of Pathological Anatomy, Kyiv University. He owns the classic works on leprosy, which he studied while participating in special expeditions to the Kherson and Taurida provinces and to Turkestan (1880-1885), as well as to Egypt and Palestine (1890). His work Plague in Russia (Kyiv, 1898) is a classic in the literature on plague epidemiology. In 1884-1890. published in two volumes "Leprosy (Lepra Arabum) in the South of Russia".

Mochutkovsky Osip Osipovich(1845-1903) - an outstanding Russian doctor. In 1877 he defended his doctoral thesis "Materials for the pathology and therapy of relapsing fever". Until 1877, he was in charge of the infectious diseases department of the Odessa city hospital, then the department for nervous patients. Since 1893 - consultant and professor of nervous diseases at the Clinical Institute for the Improvement of Physicians in St. Petersburg. Along with G. N. Minkh, he has priority in establishing the infectivity of blood and the possible role of blood-sucking carriers (1876). He founded the Balneological Society in Odessa and the Odessa branch of the Doctors' Mutual Aid Society. He was the founder of the South Russian Medical Newspaper (Odessa, 1892-1896); known for his work on balneology, nervous diseases and tuberculosis.

Mudrov Matvey Yakovlevich(1772-1831) - an outstanding Russian clinician-therapist. During a business trip abroad for the purpose of improvement, in 1804 he received the degree of Doctor of Medicine for a thesis on spontaneous discharge of the placenta and was awarded the title of Extraordinary Professor. In 1807, he was appointed head of the department of the Main Hospital of the Active Army, where he wrote the first manual in Russian on military field surgery. Since 1809 he was a professor at the Department of Pathology and Therapy and director of the Clinical Institute, in the same year he received the title of ordinary professor at Moscow University.

One of the first Russian medical scientists materialists. M. Ya. Mudrov for the first time in Russia introduced the method of questioning the patient into the clinic, laying the foundations of the anamnestic method, paid special attention to the data of an objective external examination (palpation, percussion, auscultation) and laboratory studies; known as a reformer of medical education.

Published works: "A word about the benefits and objects of military hygiene or the science of maintaining the health of military personnel" (M., 1808), "A word about the piety and moral qualities of a Hippocratic doctor" (M., 1814), "On the benefits and objects military hygiene" (M., 1826), "On the benefits of medical propaedeutics, that is, a medical encyclopedia, methodology and bibliography. / A deliberate lecture on October 3, 1828 at Moscow University /" (M., 1828) , "A brief instruction on how to protect yourself from cholera, cure it and stop its spread" (M., 1830). In 1949, Matvey Yakovlevich's "Selected Works" were published in the "People of Russian Medicine" series.

Mukhin Efrem Osipovich(1766-1850) - an outstanding Russian doctor. Educated at the Elizavetgrad Medical and Surgical School. Since 1789 - dissector of the Elizavetgrad main military hospital. In 1800, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medicine at the Moscow Medical Office, which was published in 1804 in Göttingen under the title "De stimulis corpus humanum vivum afficientibus". In 1813-1835. - Professor of the Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Judicial Medical Police (Public Hygiene) at Moscow University.

His merit is the compilation of an anatomy course in Russian. He combined scientific and teaching activities with practical medical activities, took part in the fight against cholera epidemics, promoted hygiene knowledge and widely implemented vaccination against smallpox and other preventive measures; developed a number of new methods of treatment: a steam bath was widely used in the treatment of cholera, rheumatism; used electro-, aerotherapy, mud therapy and treatment with mineral waters.

In 1802-1812. - chief physician of the Golitsin hospital in Moscow. Main works: "Discourse on the means and ways to revive the drowned, strangled and suffocated" (M., 1805), "The first beginnings of bone-setting science" (M., 1806), "Descriptions of surgical operations" (M., 1807 g.), "Description of ways to recognize and treat superficial cholera" (M., 1831).

Ovsyannikov Philip Vasilievich(1827-1906) - an outstanding Russian physiologist and histologist, full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, one of the teachers of IP Pavlov. In 1858-1862. - headed the departments of physiology and general pathology at Kazan University; in 1863-1886 - Department of Human Anatomy and Animal Physiology at St. Petersburg University. He created physiological laboratories at these universities and as part of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Ostroumov Alexey Alexandrovich(1844-1908) - an outstanding Russian clinician-therapist. In 1873 he defended his doctoral dissertation "On the origin of the first heart sound" (M., 1873). Since 1879 - associate professor, and then professor of the hospital therapeutic clinic. Clinical views were formed under the influence of M. Ya. Mudrov, G. A. Zakharyin, S. P. Botkin. As a scientist, he defended the inseparable connection between theory and practice, emphasizing the great importance of physics, chemistry, and biology for the development of clinical medicine and the close connection of the latter with pathology and physiology.

He considered the most important problems of biology and medicine from a materialistic standpoint. Developed the principles of etiological, symptomatic and pathogenetic therapy; developed in detail the clinic of early forms of pulmonary tuberculosis, the course of atypical forms of typhoid fever, establishing its polymorphisms. In the "Moscow Medical Bulletin" he published articles: "On the thymanic sound of the lungs" (1875), "On the innervation of blood vessels" (1876).

Pasternatsky Fedor Ignatievich(1845-1902) - a prominent Russian therapist-clinician. In 1888 he defended his doctoral dissertation "On the effect of the antipyretic drugs Tallinn, antiapirin and antifebrin on internal and external temperature and on heat loss by the skin of a feverish organism." Since 1891 - professor of the hospital therapeutic clinic of the Military Medical Academy. The main scientific works are devoted to kidney diseases and climatobalneotherapy. He described the “Pasternatsky symptom” characteristic of a number of kidney diseases and proposed a method for palpation of the kidneys (in the knee-palm position). Published works: "Kislovodsk and its medicinal products"(St. Petersburg, 1891), "Climatological points on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus" (St. Petersburg, 1899), "Pielit" (St. Petersburg, 1907).

Pashutin Viktor Vasilievich(1845-1901) - an outstanding Russian pathophysiologist. From 1871 to 1874 - Privatdozent of the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgical Academy. In 1870 he defended his doctoral thesis "Some experiments on enzymes that convert starch and cane sugar into glucose." From 1874 to 1879 Head of the Department of General Pathology of Kazan University. He created anew some sections of general pathology (for example, the doctrine of oxygen starvation).

In 1879, he headed the newly opened department of general and experimental pathology at the Military Medical Academy, which became the national pathophysiological school, which was the historical basis for the broad development of pathological physiology in Russia. Author of works: "Lectures of General Pathology (Pathological Physiology)" in two parts (Kazan, 1878; St. Petersburg, 1881), "Course of General and Experimental Pathology" in two volumes (St. Petersburg, 1885-1902) .

Petrov Alexander Vasilievich(1837-1885) - a prominent figure in Russian public medicine. In 1862 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "On the doctrine of uremia." Since 1865 - professor of pathological anatomy at Kazan University. He was elected chairman of the Kazan Society of Doctors, which arose in 1868, developed the program of the "Journal of Public Medicine", which was not allowed for publication by the Minister of Internal Affairs. He published a number of works on the "protection" of the health of the urban population in Kazan and the new organization of urban medicine in Kazan.

Pirogov Nikolay Ivanovich(1810-1881) - a great domestic doctor and scientist, an outstanding teacher and public figure; one of the founders of surgical anatomy and anatomical and experimental direction in surgery, military field surgery, organization and tactics of medical support for troops; corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1847). In 1828 he graduated from the medical faculty of Moscow University and among the first "professorial students" entered the Dorpat Professorial Institute, created to train professors from "natural Russians".

In 1841 he created and until 1856 headed the hospital surgical clinic of the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgical Academy (MXA); and since 1846 he became the director of the Institute of Practical Anatomy created at the Moscow Art Academy; from the same year he was approved as an academician of the Moscow Art Academy. In 1832 he defended his doctoral dissertation "Num vinctura aortae abdominalis in aneurysmate inguinali adhibita facile ac tutum sit remedium" - on the ligation of the abdominal aorta in case of inguinal aneurysm.

In his classical works, N. I. Pirogov outlined the principles of layer-by-layer preparation in the study of anatomical preparations, cutting out individual organs from frozen corpses (“sculptural anatomy”). The first came up with the idea of ​​plastic surgery, conducted a wide experimental and clinical testing of the analgesic properties of ether vapors.

Main works: "Surgical anatomy of arterial trunks and fascia" (St. Petersburg, 1837), "Practical and physiological observations on the effect of ether vapor on the animal body" (St. Petersburg, 1847), "Complete course of applied anatomy of the human body, with drawings (descriptive-physiological and surgical anatomy)" (St. Petersburg, 1843-1848), "Illustrated topographic anatomy of cuts made in three directions through a frozen human body"(St. Petersburg, 1852-1859), "The beginnings of general military field surgery, taken from observations of military hospital practice and memories of the Crimean War and the Caucasian expedition" (St. Petersburg, 1865-1866), "Military medical practice" (St. Petersburg, 1879).

Polotebnov Alexey Gerasimovich(1838-1907) - an outstanding Russian dermatologist, founder of the first Russian dermatological school. Since 1864, under the guidance of S. P. Botkin, he completed a number of scientific works, defended his doctoral dissertation on sclerosis arterial system as the cause of the consequent suffering of the heart. Since 1871 - Privatdozent at the Department of Skin Diseases, first organized at the Medical and Surgical Academy. In 1876 he was approved as the head of this department and professor. Author of works: "Plant organisms as the cause of infectious diseases" (St. Petersburg, 1871), "Dermatological studies from the clinic of Dr. A. G. Polotebnov" in two parts (St. Petersburg, 1886-1887), "There are any reason to consider leprosy contagious?" (St. Petersburg, 1902).

Polunin Alexey Ivanovich(1820-1888) - an outstanding Russian pathologist. In 1847-1848. was an employee of the hospital therapeutic clinic. He was the first in Russia to begin independent teaching of pathological anatomy, having founded in 1849 the Department of Pathological Anatomy at the Medical Faculty of Moscow University. AI Polunin was the founder of the Moscow school of pathologists, who advocated the consideration of the problems of pathological anatomy in combination with physiology.

In 1869 he founded the Department of General Pathology (later Pathological Physiology) and was the first to read independent course general pathology. He was one of the first medical publicists. From 1851 to 1859 was the editor and publisher of the Moscow Medical Journal. He translated into Russian the works of a number of prominent foreign physicians: R. Virkhov, N. Skoda, R. Kelliker and others. in which anatomy, physiology, pathology and therapy in medical practice are located", two last works were published in the Moscow Medical Journal in 1852-1853.

Pol Andrey Ivanovich(1794-1864) - a prominent Russian surgeon. In 1815 he graduated from the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgical Academy. In 1820 he published a dissertation on erythematous agents and abscesses. Since 1833 - Professor of the surgical clinic of the Moscow Art Academy and from 1845 to 1859. - the first professor of surgery at the hospital surgical clinic of the medical faculty of Moscow University. He made more than 1500 stone sections, 200 stone crushing and was the first to carry out stone crushing in children; developed a methodology for teaching surgery to students. Author of works: "A brief description of cholera" (M., 1830), "On some unfavorable circumstances encountered during stone crushing (lithotritia)" (M., 1856).

Reyer Karl Karlovich(1846-1890) - a prominent domestic surgeon. In 1870 he graduated from the medical faculty of Dorpat University. In 1872 he defended his doctoral thesis "Zur Pathologie und Therapie der cholera in der Rigaer Epidemie von 1871". Since 1872 - Privatdozent, and since 1874 - Associate Professor of Clinical Surgery in Dorpat. In 1876-1878. participated in the Balkan war. Since 1878 - consultant surgeon of the Nikolaev military hospital, consultant of the Maximilian hospital. K. K. Reyer was in charge of the surgical department of the St. Magdalene Hospital and the infirmary in Strelna, taught clinical surgery at the Higher Women's Medical Courses.

In 1890 he was a professor of clinical surgery at Kiev University. In 1881, at the International Congress of Physicians, for his services in the field of military surgery, he was awarded the title of "honorary member of the military medical committees." Published works: "Die antiseptische Wundthandlung in der Kriegschirurgie" (Lpz., 1878), " Antiseptic treatment wounds in field surgery" ("Military Medical Journal", 1878).

Rosenblum Alexander Samoilovich(1826-1903) - a well-known domestic psychiatrist. In 1849 he graduated from the medical faculty of Kyiv University from. In 1859-1863. headed a hydropathic institution in the Odessa resort of Klein-Libental, and then for 23 years was the head (resident) of the psychiatric department of the Odessa city hospital. He owns the discovery of an infectious-febrile method of treating psychoses. In 1874-1875, more than a decade earlier than the Austrian psychiatrist Wagner-Jauregg, for the first time in the history of medicine, he instilled 12 mentally ill patients with relapsing fever and achieved a significant effect in a number of patients. In the "Proceedings of the Doctors of the Odessa City Hospital" he published articles "On the relationship of febrile illnesses to psychoses" (1876) and "On the doctrine of malarial psychoses" (1881).

Rudnev Mikhail Matveevich(1837-1878) - an outstanding Russian pathologist, one of the founders of pathological anatomy in Russia. In 1860 he graduated from the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgical Academy, worked abroad in the laboratory of Rudolf Virchow. In 1863 he defended his doctoral dissertation "On tubercles and tubercles on serous surfaces". From 1865 he was a dissector, from 1867 he was a professor of pathological anatomy at the Medico-Surgical Academy.

For the first time in Russia, he introduced into practice the classes of students in pathological histology. From 1870 to 1878 published the Journal for Normal and Pathological Histology, Pharmacology and Clinical Medicine. He is the founder of the St. Petersburg school of pathologists. Author of works: "About trichinas in Russia" (St. Petersburg, 1866), "Notes of pathological anatomy and histology" (St. Petersburg, 1875).

Salishchev Erast Gavrilovich(1851-1901) - famous Russian surgeon. In 1875 he graduated from the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgical Academy, after which he became a zemstvo doctor. In 1881, he passed his doctoral exams and stayed to work in a surgical clinic. In 1885 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Topographical sketch of the male perineum". Until 1890 - a dissector at the Department of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy of Tomsk University.

Since 1892 - head of the hospital surgical clinic in Tomsk. He owns 20 scientific works, some of which have retained their value to this day. Among them: "Surgical anatomy and ligation of the external carotid artery in loco electionis", published in the journal "Doctor" in 1886, "On the issue of lithotomy (magazine" Surgical Bulletin ", 1891)," Exfoliation of the entire lower limb from its nameless bone" (Vrach magazine, 1899).

Sklifosovsky Nikolay Vasilievich(1836-1904) - an outstanding domestic surgeon. After graduating from a medical university in 1859, he took the place of an intern in the surgical department of the Odessa city hospital. In 1863 he defended his doctoral dissertation "On a blood periuterine tumor". In 1866-1868. worked for Langenbeck, Virchow, Nelaton, Simpson. Returning from abroad, N. V. Slifosovsky became the head of the surgical department of the Odessa city hospital.

Since 1870 - Professor of the Department of Surgical Pathology at the University of Kiev; since 1871 - Professor of the Department of Surgical Pathology of the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgical Academy; since 1878 - worked at the department of the academic surgical clinic; since 1880 - headed the department of the faculty surgical clinic of Moscow University. From 1893 to 1900 he was director of the former Clinical Institute for Physicians. He owns the development of osteoplastic surgery, which received the name "Russian Castle".

He was a major military field surgeon, took part in four wars in the period 1866-1878. He has published more than 85 scientific papers, including a number of papers on ovariotomy, removal of a uterine tumor, on large joint surgery, arteriovenous aneurysms, goiter surgery, gastrostomy, gallbladder surgery, jaw resection, ligature of the common carotid artery, cerebral hernias; several works on military field surgery. In 1953, his Selected Works were published.

Slavyansky Kronid Fedorovich(1847-1898) - an outstanding Russian gynecologist. After graduating from the Medical-Surgical Academy (1868), he was left at the clinic of A.Ya.Krassovsky for improvement. In 1870 he defended his doctoral dissertation "On the Normal and Pathological Histology of the Human Count's Vesicle". Since 1871 - Privatdozent of the Moscow Art Academy; since 1876 - professor of gynecology at Kazan University.

Since 1877, he has headed the propaedeutic obstetric clinic of the Moscow Art Academy, and since 1883, the hospital obstetric clinic. He published about 50 scientific papers, including a two-volume guide to gynecology. He is the author of the following works: "Cropectomy in ectopic pregnancy" (St. Petersburg, 1884), "Private pathology and therapy of female diseases" in two volumes (St. Petersburg, 1888-1897), "Inflammation of the ovaries (oophoritis)" (St. Petersburg ., 1890), "Hysteropexia abdominalis anterior with posterior displacement of the uterus" (St. Petersburg, 1891).

Smirnov Semyon Alekseevich(1819-1911) - a prominent domestic balneologist, organizer of public medicine in Russia. In 1848 he graduated from the medical faculty of Moscow University. In 1851 he defended his doctoral dissertation "De acido urico". From 1858 to 1861 worked under the guidance of F. I. Inozemtsev, together with him published and edited the Moscow Medical Newspaper. He was one of the organizers and the first chairman of the Society of Russian Doctors in Moscow.

From 1862 he was the director of the Directorate of the resorts of the Caucasian mineral waters. He has published several journalistic articles, as well as more than 70 scientific papers. He founded the Russian Balneological Society, edited the Notes of the Russian Balneological Society. Published works: "A look at the current state and task of balneology" (M., 1863), "Essentuki alkaline waters on Kazkaz" (M., 1873), "Syphilis and its treatment with the help of Caucasian mineral waters" (M., 1874).

Stukovenkov Mikhail Ivanovich(1842-1897) - prominent Russian dermatologist. In 1866 he graduated from the Military Medical Academy; since 1869 - assistant clinical military hospital. In 1871 he defended his doctoral dissertation "On the influence of the temperature of a liquid introduced into the body in the form of food and drink on the quantity and quality composition of milk."

Since 1883 - Associate Professor, and then Professor of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases of Kyiv University. He was the first in Russia to describe mycosis fungoides, Kaposi's multiple idiopathic sarcoma, rhinoscleroma, pemphigus stratus, etc.; developed methods for the treatment of syphilis with mercury preparations. He is the author of the following works: "On the spread of syphilis and measures to combat it" (Kyiv, 1883), "French and Viennese dermatological schools and the tasks of modern dermatology" (St. Petersburg, 1883).

Filatov Nil Fedorovich(1847-1902) - an outstanding domestic pediatrician, one of the founders of pediatrics in Russia. Since 1869, after graduating from the medical faculty of Moscow University, he worked as a zemstvo doctor in the Penza province. In 1872-1874 he trained abroad, from 1874 he worked as an intern in the Moscow children's Sofia hospital. Having defended his doctoral dissertation in 1876 "On the question of the relationship of bronchitis to acute catarrhal pneumonia", Privatdozent, and from 1891 until the end of his life - professor of the department of obstetrics, women's and children's diseases and director of the Children's Clinic of Moscow University.

N. F. Filatov developed the clinical and physiological direction in pediatrics, created a large school of domestic pediatricians. Organizer and Chairman of the Society of Children's Doctors of Moscow. Author of over 70 scientific papers, including: "Lectures on acute infectious diseases" (M., 1885, 4 editions), "Semiotics and diagnosis of childhood diseases" (M., 1890, 9 editions, translated into German, French, Italian and other languages), "A short textbook of childhood diseases" (M., 1893, 12 editions), "Clinical lectures" (M., 1900).

Filomafitsky Alexey Matveevich(1807-1849) - an outstanding Russian physiologist, the founder of the Moscow physiological school. In 1824-1828. studied at the medical faculty of Kharkov University, in 1828-1833. - at the Derpt "Professor's Institute". In 1833 he defended his doctoral dissertation "De avium respiratione". Since 1835 - Professor of Physiology and General Pathology, and since 1847 - Professor of Physiology and Comparative Anatomy of the Medical Faculty of Moscow University.

He created the first Russian textbook of physiology. He was an innovator in the application of new research methods, the development of devices of his own design, including a device for blood transfusion; was the first in Russia to use a microscope for research blood cells. He was one of the first professors to give public lectures. Main works: "Physiology, published for the guidance of its listeners" in three parts (M., 1836-1840), "On the manifestation of life in all kingdoms of nature" (M., 1844), "Treatise on blood transfusion ( as the only means in many cases to save a fading life), compiled in historical, physiological and surgical terms" (M., 1848).

Charukovsky Akim Alekseevich(1798-1848) - a prominent Russian military doctor. In 1820 he graduated from the Petersburg military medical academy, served as a doctor, participated in the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829. and the Polish campaign. In 1837-1844. Head of the Medical Department of the Ministry of the Interior. In 1825 he defended his doctoral dissertation "De hydropy in genere". He made a great contribution to the development of military field medicine. He is also credited with introducing quinine into medical practice as a treatment for malaria. He is the author of the following works: "Military field medicine" in five parts (St. Petersburg, 1836-1837), "Folk medicine used in Russian life and the diversity of climate in Russia" in five parts (St. Petersburg, 1840-1845).

Chetyrkin Roman Sergeevich(1797-1865) - a major figure in domestic military medicine. After graduating from the Medical and Surgical Academy in 1817, he served in the army as a regimental doctor. In 1831, he took part in the Polish campaign, in 1833 he was appointed Chief Physician of the Russian Army in Poland, and in 1848 - General Staff Doctor. For the work published in 1834, remarkable for its time, "The experience of the military medical police, or the rules for maintaining the health of Russian soldiers in the land service" (St. Petersburg, 1834), he received the degree of Doctor of Medicine. The work was recognized as a guide for the doctors of the Russian army. He published "Instructions on practical military medical police" in two parts, published in Warsaw in 1850.

Chistovich Yakov Alekseevich(1820-1885) - a major domestic hygienist, forensic physician and medical historian. In 1843 he graduated from the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgical Academy, then served as a doctor in the Baltic region. In 1848 he defended his doctoral dissertation on hepatitis. He worked as an intern, assistant to the chief doctor of the St. Petersburg military hospital, and since 1857 - professor at the Department of Forensic Medicine and Hygiene of the Moscow Art Academy. From 1871 to 1875 - Head of the Medical-Surgical Academy. Author of more than 300 scientific papers, including on hygiene. The initiator of the creation of the first independent department of hygiene in Russia.

A great contribution to the history of medicine is his historical and medical works based on archival documents. He was the editor of the "Military Medical Journal", the magazine "Friend of Health", from 1861 to 1871. Published and edited the Medical Bulletin. He is the author of the following works: "Russian Medicine and Russian Doctors" (St. Petersburg, 1851), "Old Russian Medical Books and Herbalists" (St. Petersburg, 1852), "Essays from the History of Russian Medical Institutions of the 18th Century" (St. Petersburg, 1870), "History of the first medical schools in Russia" (St. Petersburg, 1883).

Enegolm Ilya Ivanovich(c. 1760-1838) - a major Russian military doctor. In 1790 he defended his doctoral dissertation "On Age-Related Diseases". In 1809-1831. - Inspector of the St. Petersburg Medical-Surgical Academy, repeatedly served as President of the Academy. He is the author of the following works: "Pocket Book of Military Hygiene, or Notes on the Health of Russian Soldiers" (St. Petersburg, 1813), "A Brief Review of Hypochondria and Its Treatment" (St. Petersburg, 1815).

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