The bacterium Helicobacter is not the cause of stomach diseases. New opinion in science. Helicobacter pylori treatment: a detailed treatment regimen

Infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) are caused by various microorganisms. One of them is Helicobacter pylori. This harmful individual was found more than 50 years ago and is the only microbe of its kind that adapts to the gastric environment. Consider the symptoms and treatment of Helicobacter pylori, find out the causes of the appearance of bacteria in the body.

What is Helicobacter pylori

Infectious lesions are often provoked by the type of microbe Helicobacter pylori. It belongs to gram-negative microorganisms and lives in the stomach. The bacterium Helicobacter pylori is the source of many inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity: ulcers, gastritis, erosion, malignant tumors. Learn all about the first symptoms and treatment when a bacterium is found in the body.


A certain number of people infected with Helicobacter pylori infection note that the disease was asymptomatic. A child or adult who does not have signs of illness often has a mild form of gastritis that does not threaten health. Such facts do not mean that Helicobacter pylori is the norm for the body. The rest of the infected feel the following symptoms of the disease:

  • pain in the stomach;
  • chills, sometimes a slight increase in body temperature;
  • bloating;
  • stomach upset;
  • nausea and vomiting.

Some infected feel the symptoms of Helicobacter pylori, manifested on the face. Pimples appear on the skin, which are difficult not to notice. Sometimes there is an unpleasant smell from the oral cavity. Doctors emphasize the fact that even if the signs of pylori have disappeared, this is not a guarantee of recovery. It is necessary to pass tests and undergo a course of complex therapy if the diagnosis is confirmed.

How is the bacterium transmitted?

An infectious disease enters the human body in such cases:

  • through physical contact;
  • coughing and sneezing;
  • through non-observance of hygiene rules;
  • use of shared cutlery and crockery.

Pylori enters the human body when dirty or poorly processed vegetables, fruits, and poor-quality water are consumed. Children often become infected with Helicobacter pylori infection through their mother's saliva. In most cases, infection with the Helicobacter bacterium of one household or employee at work leads to a general infection of the family, the team.

Helicobacter pylori treatment regimen

The symptoms and treatment of Helicobacter pylori are advised to be taken seriously. The diseases that the stomach bacterium causes will progress, undermining health more and more. To date, there are two main methods for eliminating the gastric microbe: medicines and folk recipes.

Medical preparations

Is it necessary to treat Helicobacter pylori, how dangerous is this infection to health? The unequivocal answer is yes, therapy is mandatory. Timely prescribed treatment will help to avoid the development of gastrointestinal ailment. There is a chance to get rid of the bacteria by taking antibiotics. Doctors advise an eradication approach to the problem. Eradication is the complete destruction of Helicobacter pylori from the body.

There are several schemes for complex treatment against the microbe:

  • first line program: Clarithromycin, Rabeprazole, Amoxicillin;
  • second-line scheme: "Bismuth", "Metranidazole", "Subsalicylate" (it is a repeated course if, according to the results of the first treatment, the bacterium remained in the body).

Along with the use of antibiotics, it is necessary to support the body with probiotics - drugs that enrich the intestines with acid, which has a detrimental effect on pathogens of infectious diseases. For example, Bifiform or Linex tablets are excellent for these purposes. Antibacterial therapy, which is prescribed on time, allows you to completely get rid of Helicobacter pylori without complications.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine has a large assortment of recipes in stock. How to cure Helicobacter pylori using grandmother's techniques? Doctors advise combining herbs with medicines to enhance the effect. Be sure to consult a specialist before using folk tinctures. We offer several effective recipes to destroy Helicobacter pylori without antibiotics.

  1. Propolis tincture. Take the drug at a dosage of 10 drops per glass of water. The duration of therapy is one to two months. Grind 30 g of propolis on a grater, pour 100 ml of alcohol. Place the ingredients in a glass bottle, tightly close the lid. To insist from 10 to 14 days in a dark place.
  2. We will need elecampane, centaury, St. John's wort. We put the components of the medicine in equal parts in any deep dish, fill it with water (2 tablespoons of the collection per 1 liter of liquid). We insist about 5-6 hours. We filter, we use three times a day after meals, 100 ml.
  3. A decoction of flax seeds perfectly copes with the role of "doctor". Prepare one tablespoon of dried flaxseeds and pour into a plate or bowl. Fill them with 0.5 liters of water, put on fire. We cook the drug for about 6-7 minutes, after that we insist for 2 hours, filter it. We drink the resulting useful decoction before meals, 1 tbsp. l. Treatment course 2 months.

Nutrition for Helicobacter pylori

Diet in the treatment of disease is a necessary measure. Often, doctors prescribe therapeutic nutrition of the first category for patients with infectious ailments of the gastrointestinal tract. Such a diet significantly reduces the load on the digestive system and improves it. The list of products prohibited for consumption varies, depending on the nuances of each individual case of manifestation of Helicobacter pylori. Basic nutrition rules:

  • do not eat too hot / cold dishes;
  • food intake should be balanced;
  • products with the maximum content of nutrients, vitamins;
  • drinking a large amount of mineral water with soda or purified water;
  • It is recommended to eat 5 approaches per day in medium portions.

Allowed products:

  • only white varieties of bread, crackers, drying;
  • meat and fish;
  • eggs;
  • soups cooked in low-fat broth;
  • pasta, cereals;
  • vegetables: potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, beets;
  • berries: strawberries, raspberries.

Prohibited Products:

  • fatty meat and fish;
  • spicy, salty dishes;
  • mushrooms;
  • canned food;
  • alcohol;
  • muffin;
  • sausages, processed and smoked cheeses;
  • sweets.

Diagnosis of the disease

To identify the disease, a number of medical studies are prescribed. Inflammation in the digestive system caused by pylori is detected after:

  • a blood test to detect characteristic antibodies;
  • PCR method in studies of saliva, feces, plaque;
  • breath tests;
  • analysis of a biopsy of the mucous membrane under a microscope (taken using FEGDS).


Helicobacter pylori infection often resumes, the immune system is not able to protect itself from relapses. To avoid getting the Helicobacter pylori bacteria into the body, it is recommended to follow simple preventive measures:

  • reduce frequent physical contact with strangers (for example, kissing, hugging);
  • stop drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • be sure to wash your hands well before eating;
  • do not use personal hygiene products that belong to strangers.


Helicobacter pylori infection is a serious disease, but if you follow some rules and follow all the doctor's recommendations, then the treatment will be as effective as possible. After watching the video, you will learn about the main symptoms, causes and essence of the disease. A qualified doctor will talk about diagnostic measures for the detection and treatment of Helicobacter pylori, explain in detail how to avoid infection.

As a result of long studies by doctors, it was found that the Helicobacter pylori bacterium causes a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but the question of whether treatment is necessary is debatable, since it is a normal inhabitant of the intestinal microflora, therefore its complete extermination, from a medical point of view, is unacceptable.

What is Helicobacter pylori and what is its significance?

This bacterium lives in the stomach of any person, and yet, it is the cause of diseases that develop only under special conditions of the internal environment, such as a decrease in the immune status, hormonal disorders and stressful situations, as a result of which the percentage of microflora deviates towards Helicobacter pylori and occurs a number of diseases (gastritis, peptic ulcer and even cancer). The value of the bacterium lies in the performance of certain digestive functions. Helicobacter prefers to develop in the output (pyloric) area of ​​​​the stomach and in the bulb of the duodenum 12.

Why does the disease occur and what are the symptoms?

The predominant route by which a microorganism can be introduced is alimentary (through the mouth). Basically, a larger percentage of people bring this bacterium into their bodies in childhood - in the first 5-10 years of life - due to neglect of hygiene. It is in view of the fact that infection occurs at a young age, this invasion is considered "childish". A very small percentage of the occurrence of a problem is possible with a kiss with a sick person. The rapid reproduction of bacteria is characterized by special symptoms, such as:

With the reproduction of such bacteria, patients often suffer from diarrhea.

  • frequent urge to vomit;
  • diarrhea followed by constipation;
  • increased frequency of heartburn attacks;
  • belching;
  • pain in the abdomen and stomach;
  • feeling of hunger, even after a hearty meal, overeating.

Why is Helicobacter dangerous?

The main danger posed by this microorganism is the formation of an ulcer of the gastrointestinal mucosa. Treatment of helicobacteriosis is aimed at the complete destruction of the microorganism to exclude the development of a stomach ulcer. Another risk associated with Helicobacter pylori is the possibility of ulcerative lesions turning into cancer. Therefore, constant monitoring and monitoring of the state of the gastrointestinal tract is so important.

Is treatment needed?

In the question of the need for treatment of this disease, doctors are ambiguous. Some are for extermination, others are against. But in general, specific indications are required for this. These include stomach ulcers, cancer, the presence of iron deficiency anemia. The main indication for eradication therapy is the presence of this disease in the next of kin.

How is the therapy carried out?

The bacterial infection is destroyed by taking three drugs at the same time.

Helicobacteriosis is treated with antibiotics. If the human body is infected with a strain of a microorganism sensitive to them, then the disease is cured in 95% of cases. If a resistant strain - in 80-85%. The doctor always chooses a medicine that is easy to use so that the patient has no difficulty in taking them. Three lines of eradication drugs are offered.

Aimed at the destruction of Helicobacter pylori, it is based on the appointment of 3 drugs at the same time, 2 of which, and 1 is a proton inhibitor. This technique is called "triple". For the first 14 days, the patient additionally takes drugs whose action is aimed at filling the lack of vitamins, macro- and microelements. The course of auxiliary therapy continues after the main one. At the end of the first stage, the patient submits

After entering the stomach, the bacterium begins to secrete its waste products, which damage the walls of the stomach, causing discomfort.

The presence of infection may indicate recurring severe pain in the stomach. They usually occur on an empty stomach and disappear after a meal. This means that ulcers and erosions have formed on the walls of the stomach.

Many patients also complain of heaviness in the stomach. Symptoms are especially pronounced when eating fatty meat food. If the disease has not been treated for a long time, nausea and even vomiting may occur.

Helicobacteriosis can manifest itself in different forms:

  • The latent form practically does not make itself felt if a person has a strong enough immune system, however, in the presence of favorable conditions, it makes itself felt. However, even if there are no symptoms, the microorganism gradually disrupts the work of not only the stomach, but also the pancreas.
  • Acute gastritis can be recognized by pain in the epigastric region, vomiting. As it is right, over time it becomes chronic.
  • found in most of the population. And it is manifested by periodic pains and a feeling of fullness in the stomach. Heartburn, bad taste in the mouth, belching, nausea, and increased bleeding of the gums are also observed.
  • Chronic gastroduentitis is characterized by the penetration of bacteria into the duodenum. In addition to the symptoms of gastritis, constipation, loss and loss of appetite can be observed.
  • Ulcers and erosions of the walls of the stomach appear when the deep layers of the gastric walls are affected. When eating, the disease is manifested by pain in the upper part of the stomach after eating. In this case, the patient experiences heaviness in the pancreas, as well as the symptoms observed in gastritis.

Also, in patients with helicobacteriosis, acne on the face is often observed, as well as bad breath.

The disease gradually progresses, occupying new territories in the stomach, until it occupies the entire area. As a result, gastric juice is almost not produced, and the protein is not overetched.

In 80% of cases, infection does not manifest itself.

Gastritis and Helicobacter. Is there a connection?

This bacterium is one of the main causes of gastritis. A few years ago, doctors did not suspect the presence of such a microorganism and treated gastritis with other methods. In some cases it was effective, in others the means used did not work. Why did this happen?

Gastritis is a pathological disease of the stomach, characterized by the presence of inflammation on the walls of the stomach. This definition implies that the causative agents of the disease can be different.

In fact, Helicobacter is only a factor predisposing to the onset of the disease. The bacterium feels like a "fish in water" in the aggressive environment of the stomach and lives in the gastric juice of 90% of the world's inhabitants.

Helicobacter pylori multiplies by secreting urease, which destroys the stomach walls, and also splits the protective lining of the stomach. Bacteria toxins cause inflammation of the immune system.

The transmission of the bacterium occurs from one person to another. Helicobacter dies in the air, but lives in saliva and mucus, which are secreted in the stomach. Generally, if someone becomes infected with the bacterium, it will spread to other family members.

The use of one dish, non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene and living with a large number of people are favorable conditions for infection. Strains of bacteria can be found in saliva, feces, and water.

In childhood, Helicobather pylori can appear with a lack of vitamins in the daily diet or malnutrition. Bacteria remain in the stomach for many years, gradually multiplying. Infection is much less common in adults.

Infection is always characterized by inflammation of the gastric mucosa, most often in the lower region, sometimes reaching the upper one.

Bacteria can be detected using a variety of methods. One of the most commonly used due to its reliability is fibrogastroscopy with biopsy and breath test. In the first case, the tissue of the mucous membrane is examined for the presence of cuts and antigens of a pathogenic bacterium.

How effective the study will be depends on the location of the analysis.

breath test

The breath test finds Helicobacter pylori in exhaled air. It consists in the fact that the subject exhales air into the tube, in the presence of bacteria, it is stained. The accuracy of this test is quite high and this type of research is one of the most progressive and frequently used today.

Other diagnostic methods used:

  • analysis of feces for Helicobacter antigens - for this, blood is taken from a vein, and then the presence of bacteria is determined by the chemical reaction of antibodies;
  • examination of saliva and gum transudate for the presence of a microorganism;
  • the bacteriological method consists in isolating a culture of a bacterium;
  • truncated method - the reagent is placed in the taken analysis; the presence of the disease will be indicated by the rate of change in the color of the reagent;
  • the molecular genetic method consists in carrying out a polymerase chain reaction, and is a very effective method for detecting even single bacteria;
  • a blood test for the presence of antibodies (not always effective, since antibodies may persist for some time after the disease has stopped).

However, one method cannot be completely trusted, since no diagnostic method guarantees error-free. It is best to use several diagnostic methods to be sure of the reliability of the result.

An analysis for Helicobacter pylori should be done both before and after treatment. It is recommended that tests be performed 4–6 weeks after the end of therapy, using several methods.


If Helicobacter pylori is found in the body, you should immediately visit. You should not self-medicate, it is best to leave the disposal of bacteria in the hands of professionals.

Treatment will depend on the severity of the infection, the phase of the disease, and some etiological factors. It is possible to eliminate the disease only with complex treatment, with the obligatory use of antibiotics.

Treatment regimen and use of antibiotics

It is necessary to remove all bacteria and achieve stable remission. Good results are obtained by the use of subsalicylate, metranidazole and tetracycline. They should be taken within 2 weeks. Together with these drugs, it is recommended to use probiotics. They will eliminate the side effects of drugs and make the treatment more effective.

In chronic gastritis, therapy may be longer, since the disease is accompanied by atrophic changes. It is impossible to restore dead areas, but the development of the disease is stopped, which significantly reduces the risk of cancer.

Treatment with folk remedies

As for alternative, traditional medicine, you can resort to its help only after consulting with a specialist. Scientifically, the effectiveness of folk methods has not been proven, so they should be used with caution.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet:

  • heavy food;
  • acute;
  • fatty;
  • alcoholic drinks.

It is also advised to take the following infusion before meals:

  • pear flowers;
  • strawberry flowers;
  • apple flowers;
  • lingonberry leaves.

The ingredients must be poured with hot water. For 1 cup of boiling water, there are 4 tablespoons of crushed plants in equal proportions. After the broth is infused for half an hour, you can drink it for half a glass each time.

It is also advised to take infusions containing St. John's wort, calendula, yarrow, elecampane root and centaury.

Alcohol tincture of propolis, being an excellent antimicrobial agent, should be taken 20 drops three times a day for a week.

It is important to understand that the body does not develop immunity to bacteria. Moreover, if the disease has already occurred, the likelihood of relapse is high. To avoid infection, you must adhere to a healthy lifestyle and personal hygiene. If the disease appears in one of the relatives, you should immediately do an analysis and carry out the necessary treatment.

Following the following rules will help protect yourself from infection:

  1. Use only personal hygiene products.
  2. Do not eat from shared utensils.
  3. Wash hands before any meal.
  4. Do not kiss strangers.

At the moment, there is no vaccine against Helicobacter pylori, but doctors are actively working on its creation. The vaccine is expected to be taken with food. The problem is that all drugs are destroyed by the acidic environment of the stomach, while it does not cause any damage to the pathogen.

An attempt has already been made. However, when testing an oral vaccine, it was found to cause diarrhea.

The creation of a prophylactic agent to combat Helicobacter pylori is a matter of time, but it is impossible to predict when it will appear now.

Useful video

How to treat Helicobacter pylori

According to medical statistics, from 50 to 70% of the world's population are infected with the pathogen Helicobacter pylori. The bacterium does not always cause serious changes in the body, some of its carriers will never know that they are carriers of heliobacteriosis.

Should Helicobacter pylori be treated?

It is irrational to prescribe antibiotic treatment to every second person, although the consequences of infection with helicobacter pylori can lead to serious complications. First of all, it is gastritis and peptic ulcer that affects the stomach and duodenum. Untreated pathologies of the digestive system with reduced immunity are converted into malignant tumors, can cause bleeding, perforation of the stomach wall, sepsis and death.

When to start therapy for heliobacteriosis, what to take, how long the course of treatment lasts - all these questions will be answered by a qualified specialist of a medical institution.

Diagnostic minimum for suspected heliobacteriosis

The doctor prescribes a diagnostic examination to determine how much helicobacter pylori is present in the patient's body, how its presence affected the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, and also to find out what treatment to choose in a particular case. Methods for diagnosing heliobacteriosis are determined on an individual basis. Diagnostic examination can be carried out in both public and private laboratories.

To assess the condition of the gastric mucosa, the gastroenterologist will definitely prescribe an endoscopic examination:

    FGS (fibrogastroscopy);

    FGDS (fibrogastroesophagogduodenoscopy).

Endoscopy of the stomach reveals ulcers, edema, hyperemia, flattening of the gastric mucosa, bulging, producing a large amount of cloudy mucus. However, it neither confirms nor refutes the presence of helicobacter pylori. To do this, during endoscopy of the stomach, a biopsy is performed - the collection of mucosal tissue for further research.

Diagnostic methods using a biopsy:

Bacteriological culture. An exceptionally accurate method for detecting a bacterium and determining its sensitivity to antibacterial agents is carried out by seeding bacteria from tissues taken as a result of endoscopy on a special nutrient medium.

Phase contrast microscopy. Microscopic examination of an untreated mucosal biopsy reveals large colonies of helicobacter pylori bacteria.

Histological examination. The mucosal biopsy is examined under a microscope; in the presence of Helicobacter pylori, it is easy to detect. The study is considered the "gold standard" to clarify the prevalence of bacteria, so it is prescribed most often.

Immunohistochemical method. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), which allows you to clarify the presence of Helicobacter pylori in the tissues of the mucosa taken during a biopsy, is very accurate, but requires high-tech equipment, and therefore is not available to all medical institutions.

Urease test. A biopsy from the stomach, taken during endoscopy, is immersed in a solution of urea. Then, during the day, the dynamics of changes in the acidity of the solution is recorded. A change in its color to raspberry color indicates infection with helicobacter pylori. The more intense the staining, the higher the concentration of bacteria.

Polymerase color reaction (PCR). A very accurate method evaluates the reaction of the immune system to the appearance of foreign microorganisms, their number directly on the biological material removed from the stomach.

Analysis for cytology. A low-sensitivity method consists in staining the prints taken from the biopsy and examining them at multiple magnifications.

If it is impossible to carry out endoscopy and biopsy of the gastric mucosa, the following tests are prescribed:

    Urease breath test. It is carried out during the initial examination and when evaluating the effectiveness of the treatment. Air samples are taken from the patient, the level of ammonia and carbon dioxide is assessed in them. After breakfast and the introduction of labeled carbons C13, C14 into the body, air samples are tested again 4 times. With an increase in the concentration of labeled carbon in them, the test result is considered positive.

    Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the presence of helicobacter pylori in human biological fluids (blood, saliva, gastric juice). The method is used once in those who become infected for the first time, since antibodies to bacteria persist for several years, it is not used to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.

    Fecal analysis by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). An accurate method for determining the presence of a bacterium requires high laboratory equipment and is used infrequently.

Most often, it is enough to conduct one analysis, focusing on the capabilities of a medical institution.

Indications and basic principles of therapy

With the discovery of the main cause of gastritis and gastric and small intestinal ulcers, caused by the introduction of Helicobacter pylori into the body, a new stage in the treatment of heliobacteriosis began. It is based on eradication therapy - the treatment of bacteria through the complex administration of combinations of drugs:

    Antibacterial agents;

    Medications that reduce the acidity of the stomach.

Drugs to reduce the secretion of gastric juice deprive the bacterium of its usual habitat.

Indications for the use of antibiotic therapy regimens

Not all carriers of helicobacter pylori are sick with heliobacteriosis, so it is important to consult with a gastroenterologist and related specialists at the first stage on how to treat the bacterium.

There are standards developed by the worldwide community of gastroenterologists on important indications for the use of eradication therapy:

    Atrophic gastritis (precancer);

    Malt, lymphoma;

    Ulcer of the stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer;

    Condition after removal of a malignant tumor of the stomach;

    The presence of stomach cancer in relatives of the immediate environment.

    Functional dyspepsia;

    Reflux - esophagitis (reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus);

    Treatment of pathologies with the use of NSAIDs.

How to safely and comfortably cure heliobacteriosis?

Standard parameters of eradication therapy at the present stage of development of gastroenterology:

    The effectiveness of treatment is not less than 80% of cases of Helicobacter infection.

    A high level of safety, since schemes with more than 15% of the total number of patients with side effects of drugs are not used for practical use.

    Maximum treatment time. How much heliobacteriosis is treated: there are courses of 7, 10 or 14 days.

    Reducing the frequency of taking medications through the use of long-acting agents.

    The possibility of easy substitution of a drug that does not fit for some parameters within the scheme.

Effective methods of treatment of Helicobacter pylori

Over the course of three decades, several effective schemes have been created that determine how to cure heliobacteriosis. In 2005, the World Congress on Gastroenterology was held in Holland, which developed protocols for the treatment of infection. The therapy consists of three lines, or stages. If the first line proves ineffective, a second line is assigned. If it does not give a positive effect, third-line drugs are used.

First line eradication therapy

The first-line regimen contains three drugs: the antibacterial agents Clarithromycin, Amoxicillin, and the proton pump inhibitor Omeprazole or its derivatives. Omeprazole is designed to regulate the acidity of gastric juice. The drug successfully relieves the symptoms of gastritis and ulcers, helps not to adhere to strict dietary restrictions, although treatment still requires dietary adjustments. Amoxicillin, if necessary, is replaced by Metronidazole or Nifuratel.

In some cases, the gastroenterologist adds bismuth preparations to the regimen, which have the following actions:

  • Gastroprotective;


Although most often bismuth preparations are included in the second line of eradication therapy, they also show their positive qualities in the first line: they form a film on the surface of the gastric mucosa that resists pain and inflammation.

How is heliobacteriosis treated in elderly patients on the first line - a milder scheme:

    One antibiotic (Amoxicillin);

    Bismuth preparations;

    proton pump inhibitors.

The course of the first line lasts for a week, less often - no more than 2 weeks. In the vast majority of cases (95%), this is enough, and you do not have to go to the second line. If this scheme is ineffective, they proceed to the next stage.

Second line eradication therapy

At the second stage, a four-component therapy scheme is used, which includes:

    Two antibiotics containing the active substance Tetracycline and Metronidazole;

    Bismuth preparation;

    proton pump inhibitor.

Antibacterial drugs should not be used in the first treatment regimen, as helicobacter pylori has already developed resistance to them.

What to take as an alternative - the second option:

    2 antibiotics - the active substance Amoxicillin and Nitrofuran;

    Bismuth preparation (tripotassium dicitrate);

    proton pump inhibitor.

Bismuth preparations act as a cytoprotector, protect the mucous membrane, increase its resistance, and serve to prevent relapses. The protective properties of bismuth preparations may decrease with the use of milk, juices, fruits.

The course of the second line lasts 10-14 days.

Third line eradication therapy

With the ineffectiveness of the second treatment regimen for heliobacteriosis, third-line drugs are used. Before prescribing medication, the doctor prescribes an endoscopy with a biopsy and a bacteriological seeding of the biopsy for its sensitivity to antibiotics. Based on its results, a third treatment regimen is prescribed.

What to take in the third line of therapy:

    The two most effective antibacterial drugs not previously used;

    Bismuth preparations;

    proton pump inhibitors.

Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate relieves symptoms of dyspepsia (bloating, heartburn, stomach pain), stimulates mucosal regeneration, exhibits bactericidal properties against Helicobacter pylori.

To maintain normal intestinal microflora, the doctor may recommend taking probiotics, to prevent relapses - the use of gastroprotectors.

Antibiotics are the #1 remedy for the treatment of helicobacter pylori

First line antibiotics: Clarithromycin, Amoxicillin (Flemoxin)

According to studies conducted in the 80s of the last century to study the sensitivity of helicobacter pylori to antibacterial drugs, in sterile laboratory conditions they are sensitive to the effects of 21 drugs from this pharmacological group.

But in practice, it turned out that some of the drugs are powerless against bacteria due to the aggressive effects of the acidic environment of gastric juice. In addition, not all antibiotics can penetrate deep into the tissues of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, where helicobacter colonies are located.

Only a few antibacterial drugs have passed a careful selection:

    Amoxicillin (Flemoxin),


Amoxicillin (Flemoxin)

This broad-spectrum antibacterial agent is included in both the first and second line eradication therapy for heliobacteriosis. Amoxicillin (Flemoxin) is an antibiotic from the group of semi-synthetic penicillins. Its peculiarity is that the drug destroys only dividing pathogenic microorganisms, therefore it is not prescribed simultaneously with bacteriostatics that suppress the division of microorganisms.

Contraindications to the use of penicillin antibiotics, including Amoxicillin, have a small range.

Absolute and relative contraindications:

    hypersensitivity to penicillins;

    Infectious mononucleosis;

    tendency to leukemoid reactions;

    with caution: pregnancy, renal failure, history of colitis.

Amoxiclav - an antibacterial agent against resistant strains of helicobacter pylori

This is a combined antibiotic, which is a synthesis of two drugs: amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, which increases its effectiveness in combating penicillin-resistant bacteria. Many strains of pathogenic bacteria have developed resistance to the long-used penicillin and "learned" to destroy its molecules with their enzymes - ?-lactamases.

Clavulanic acid is a ?-lactam that binds ?-lactamase while Amoxicillin destroys helicobacter pylori. Contraindications are similar to contraindications to taking Amoxicillin, in addition - pronounced dysbacteriosis.

Clarithromycin (Klacid) - an antibacterial agent

This drug from the group of erythromycins (macrolides) is often used in the appointment of a first-line eradication therapy regimen. It exhibits minimal toxicity. Side effects were recorded in only 2% of patients.

Side effects:

  • nausea and vomiting,

    rarely: gingivitis and stomatitis,

    very rarely: bile stasis.

Clarithromycin is a very effective drug, helicobacter pylori rarely show resistance to it. It easily interacts with proton pump inhibitors, mutually reinforcing each other's action.


    hypersensitivity to drugs from the group of macrolides.

Use with caution in the following conditions:

    Pregnancy (1 trimester);

    Children's age (up to 6 months);

    Liver, kidney failure.

Azithromycin - an antibacterial drug as a replacement for helicobacter pylori

This is a third-generation antibiotic from the macrolide group, prescribed as an alternative for severe side effects of Clarithromycin (diarrhea and others). The number of side effects is only 0.7%, the drug is taken only once a day. Its concentration helps to realize a directed action against helicobacter pylori in the patient's stomach.

Tetracycline is the second-line drug of choice for eradication therapy.

This antibiotic has a wide spectrum of action, but has increased toxicity, which manifests itself in the lack of selectivity not only against helicobacter pylori and other pathogenic bacteria, but also against its own macroorganism.

Negative effect of Tetracycline:

Violates spermatogenesis;

Causes anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, inhibiting hematopoiesis;

    Violates the division of epithelial cells;

    It provokes the formation of ulcers and erosions in the stomach, skin dermatitis;

    Violates protein synthesis;

    Has a toxic effect on the liver;

    It causes neurological disorders in children, inhibits the growth of bones and teeth.

The antibiotic is not prescribed for children under 8 years of age, pregnant women, patients with leukopenia. Tetracycline is prescribed with caution for peptic ulcer, liver and kidney failure.

Levofloxacin is a drug from the group of fluoroquinolones

This broad-spectrum antibiotic belongs to the fluoroquinolone group and is used in second or third line regimens. This is due to its increased toxicity.

Negative effect of Levofloxacin:

    It inhibits the growth of bone and cartilage tissue in adolescents under 18 years of age.



    Individual intolerance to fluoroquinolones;

    Epilepsy in history.

There are reviews of practitioners about the resistance of helicobacter pylori to Levofloxacin, so the drug is not always effective.

Helicobacter pylori chemotherapy with antibiotics

Metronidazole for heliobacteriosis

This bactericidal drug belongs to the group of nitroimidazoles and is used in the chemotherapy of infections. Its action is based on the destruction of the genetic material of pathogenic cells by the penetration of toxic metabolites of Metronidazole into it.

This is a feather remedy that managed to get rid of heliobacteriosis. Metronidazole, in combination with bismuth preparations, was used for his treatment by Barry Marshall, the discoverer of helicobacter pylori, who drank a culture of bacteria and thereby caused gastritis.

With a short course of treatment, the drug does not show toxic properties. It is not prescribed for women in the first trimester of pregnancy, persons with individual intolerance.

Possible side effects:

    allergic dermatitis;

    Metallic taste in the mouth;

    Nausea and vomiting;

    Coloring of urine in red-brown color;

    Severe reactions when combined with alcohol.

The resistance of helicobacter pylori to Metronidazole has recently been increasing, reaching up to 60% of the total number of patients.

Macmirror (Nifuratel) with heliobacteriosis

An antibacterial drug from the group of nitrofurans has a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect. Macmirror prevents the reproduction of bacteria by binding nucleic acids and inhibits biochemical processes in its cells.

With a short-term intake, it does not have a toxic effect, it is not prescribed for individual intolerance. Use with caution in pregnant women, as the drug crosses the placenta. With breastfeeding and simultaneous use of Macmirror, there is a high risk of getting the drug into milk, so breastfeeding should be temporarily abandoned.

Possible side effects:



    Nausea and vomiting;

The drug is used in second and third line regimens, it is more effective than metronidazole, helicobacter pylori has not yet developed resistance to it. Because Macmirror has shown minimal toxicity in 4-component regimens in children, it is recommended for first-line regimens in children and adults as a substitute for metronidazole.

Bismuth preparations (De-Nol)

Tripotassium citrate (colloidal bismuth subcitrate) is the active ingredient of the antiulcer drug De-Nol. This drug was used before, even before its inclusion in the eradication therapy regimen. The action of De-Nol is based on the creation of a protective film on the walls of the stomach and duodenum, which prevents acidic gastric juice from reaching the damaged areas.

In addition, De-Nol stimulates the accumulation of epidermal regeneration enzymes in the tissues of the mucous membrane, increases the production of protective mucus, which reduces the aggressive effects of gastric juice. This causes epithelization of erosions and scarring of ulcers.

Studies conducted as part of the treatment of helicobacter pylori found that De-Nol and other bismuth preparations inhibit its growth, transforming the habitat of the bacterium and acting on it as a bacteriostatic. Due to this effect, the bacterium quickly leaves the patient's body.

De-Nol has an advantage over other bismuth preparations - it penetrates deep into the mucosa, where there is the highest concentration of pathogenic bacteria. Bismuth destroys the shells of microbial bodies, accumulates inside the cells.

Short courses of drug therapy do not harm the human body, since De-Nol does not penetrate into the circulatory system, it is excreted by the digestive and urinary systems.


    Pregnancy and lactation;

    Severe renal failure.

Bismuth preparations penetrate the placental barrier and into breast milk. In violation of the excretory function of the kidneys, bismuth can accumulate in the body.

Proton pump inhibitors: Omez, Pariet

Drugs of this group (PPIs, proton pump inhibitors) are necessarily included in the scheme of eradication therapy of the first and second line. The mechanism of action of the proton pump is based on blocking the parietal cells of the stomach. They actively produce aggressive hydrochloric acid and proteolytic enzymes that dissolve protein.

Omez, Pariet reduce the secretion of gastric juice, which negatively affects bacteria, stimulating its eradication. In addition, a decrease in the acidity of the juice stimulates the rapid regeneration of erosions and ulcers, and increases the effectiveness of antibacterial drugs.

To increase the acid resistance of proton pump inhibitors, they are produced in protective capsules that cannot be chewed, they will dissolve in the intestines. In the same place, PPIs are absorbed into the circulatory system, and already from the blood, inhibitors penetrate into the parietal cells, where they retain their properties for a long time.

Side effects due to the selective action of PPIs are very rare. They appear as follows:



PPIs are not prescribed for pregnant and lactating women, children under 12 years of age, although Pariet has been successfully used to treat children.

Possible complications from antibiotic treatment

Factors that increase the risk of side effects during eradication therapy:

    Individual intolerance to drugs;

    The presence of somatic pathologies;

    The negative state of the intestinal microflora in the initial period of treatment.

Complications of eradication therapy - side effects:

    Allergic reaction to the components of the drugs, disappearing after cancellation;

    Dyspeptic phenomena of the gastrointestinal tract (discomfort in the stomach and intestines, a taste of bitterness and metal, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence). Usually, all these phenomena spontaneously pass after a short time. In rare cases (5-8%), the doctor prescribes drugs against vomiting or diarrhea, or cancels the course.

    Dysbacteriosis. It often manifests itself in patients who previously had gastrointestinal dysfunction, develops during treatment with tetracycline drugs or during macrolide therapy. A short-term course is not able to upset the balance of the intestinal microflora, for the prevention of dysbacteriosis, it is necessary to consume fermented milk products more often: yogurt, kefir.

How to get rid of helicobacter pylori without including antibiotics in the eradication scheme?

There is such an opportunity - you can not use eradication therapy in the following cases:

    The minimum concentration of helicobacter pylori;

    There are no clinical signs of pathologies associated with heliobacteriosis: stomach and intestinal ulcers, atopic dermatitis, type b gastritis, anemia.

For asymptomatic carriers of Helicobacter pylori, a lightweight treatment option is being developed that does not represent a serious burden. It includes drugs to strengthen the immune system and normalize the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

Bioadditive Bactistatin

Bactistatin contributes to the normalization of the balance of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, activates the immune response, improves the functioning of the digestive system, intestinal motility. The course of treatment with Bactistatin is designed for 2-3 weeks.


    Individual intolerance;



Use of homeopathic medicines

Homeopathy considers heliobacteriosis a disease of the whole organism, not an infection. Homeopathic doctors believe that the restoration of the gastrointestinal tract, disturbed by the bacterium, will occur as a result of a general improvement of the body. If homeopathic medicines are prescribed according to indications, official medicine does not oppose this, leaving the choice to the patient.

There are two points of view on the need for treatment of helicobacter pylori. Some doctors are convinced that it is imperative to get rid of the bacteria so that it does not provoke the development of gastrointestinal diseases, allergies, atherosclerosis, autoimmune pathologies. According to another point of view, Helicobacter pylori will not harm a healthy person, coexisting with him for decades.

Which doctor treats heliobacteriosis?

If pain and other negative symptoms appear in the stomach, as well as when diagnosing bacteria, you need to contact. If similar problems have appeared in children, you should consult a pediatric gastroenterologist. In the absence of these specialists, you need to contact a therapist, in the treatment of children - to a pediatrician.

Education: in 2008 he received a diploma in the specialty "General Medicine (Therapeutic and Preventive Care)" at the Russian Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov. Immediately passed the internship and received a diploma in therapy.

Pain in the abdomen, nausea, belching of air - all this may indicate that a dangerous, harmful bacterium Helicobacter has settled in the body, the treatment of which must be serious and thorough. Helicobacter pylori is a very dangerous pathogen that can lead to gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis and other diseases that are dangerous for the digestive system.

Helicobacter pylori was first discovered only 30 years ago. Medical studies conducted since that time have proven that gastritis can have an infectious etiology. Also, according to studies of this bacterium, scientists have proven that, according to statistics, 75% of cases of stomach cancer in developed countries are caused by Helicobacter pylori. In developing countries, this figure is even more frightening: 90% of stomach cancer patients got the disease thanks to Helicobacter pylori.

Thus, it is worth pointing out the special role of early diagnosis of gastritis and stomach ulcers. It is a timely visit to a doctor that can save health and life.

For a long time it was believed that none of the organisms is able to survive in an acidic gastric environment. But this does not apply to Helicobacter pylori. The bacterium, on the other hand, thrives in an acidic environment, which is preferable to it over any other habitat. Helicobacter pylori has a spiral shape and flagella. This structure of the microorganism allows it to move through the mucous membranes of the internal organs and cause irreparable harm to their integrity.

Photo: Helicobacter bacteria in the stomach

Helicobacter pylori can adapt to almost any environment. This is explained by the fact that this organism practically does not require oxygen. And another distinctive feature of Helicobacter pylori is its ability to change its own shape and become oval or round.

Russian scientists came to the decision to introduce a special term - helicobacteriosis. It denotes all the processes that begin to occur in the body immediately after the introduction of this pathogenic microorganism into it. But Western scientists conducted a study of patients' charts and came to the conclusion that about 60-65% of the population of the entire Earth is susceptible to infection. So, Helicobacter pylori is the most common infectious disease of mankind after herpes, which is a viral disease.

What happens in the body

As soon as Helicobacter enters the human body, it immediately descends into the stomach, where it lives for the rest of the time. In order not to die from gastric juice, the composition of which is quite aggressive, Helicobacter secretes special enzymes that surround it with a shell and neutralize the acid. The spiral tendrils that Helicobacter pylori has allow it to drill through the mucosal layer and get to the cells of the parietal tissues, which are usually hidden from acid.

It is the parietal tissue cells that become the main food for Helicobacter pylori. A pathogenic microorganism eats them and poisons the environment with the products of its vital activity. At the same time, those blood cells wake up in the body that react to Helicobacter pylori and seek to destroy them (neutrophils). However, destroying the pathogenic microorganism, neutrophils also destroy mucosal cells that have already been touched by Helicobacter.

After the layer of the mucous membrane is broken, hydrochloric acid begins to actively affect the tissues. This is how the inflammatory process develops and an ulcer occurs. Localization of ulcers is most often similar. This is explained by the fact that Helicobacter pylori itself loves two sections of the stomach - the bulb and the pyloric.

Causes of Helicobacter pylori infection

Helicobacteria cannot exist in the air; with its active intake, these pathogenic organisms die. They are transmitted mainly through human mucus and saliva. Thus, most often infection occurs in the following ways:

  • Shared utensils;
  • Use of personal hygiene products;
  • kisses;
  • From mother to child.

Photo: How is Helicobacter bacterium transmitted?

So, friends, family and cohabitants of the patient may be at risk.

In general, infection is facilitated by a low standard of living and neglect of hygiene rules. Very often, helicobacteriosis occurs in people living in communal apartments and dormitories, orphanages, as well as among medical workers. It is worth noting that in third world countries the disease is much more common than in developed countries. In Russia, in recent years, the incidence of gastritis and ulcers due to the influence of Helicobacter pylori has been noted in people from wealthy segments of the population.

You can protect yourself, and it is better to take care of prevention in advance than to suffer from an illness and look for ways to deal with Helicobacter urgently.


The presence of Helicobacter pylori in the human body does not mean that he will definitely get an ulcer. But the occurrence of this disease is quite possible if the patient has predisposing factors such as:

  • malnutrition;
  • alcoholism;
  • smoking;
  • stress.

But chronic gastritis - occurs when infected with Helicobacter pylori in almost 100% of cases. It is chronic inflammation of the stomach that is the main manifestation of Helicobacter pylori. In this case, the patient has the following symptoms:

  1. Pain in the stomach. The localization of the symptom may change and move to the location of the duodenum. The pains are sharp, aching, dull. The person may experience a feeling of fullness. Discomfort can occur during prolonged fasting, on an empty stomach or after eating.
  2. Heartburn. This feeling is almost impossible to confuse with any other discomfort. A person feels a burning sensation in the epigastric region, burning sensations in the esophagus and even the larynx. This may cause chest pain, which is often confused with heart pain. Also, it is not uncommon for patients to have an unpleasant sour or putrid taste.
  3. Belching. This symptom almost always occurs along with heartburn. Belching may have a bitter or sour taste. In some cases, there is frequent belching of air, which increases after eating.
  4. Nausea. This symptom often occurs along with hunger pains. A person may feel sick on an empty stomach or 3 hours after the last meal. If the gastric mucosa is severely injured, nausea may be replaced by vomiting with blood clots.
  5. Disorder. Diarrhea is quite rare, but this symptom can also indicate the presence of Helicobacter pylori in the stomach and duodenum. In the feces, there may be obvious blood in the form of clots or inclusions.

With a strong contamination of the body with Helicobacter pylori, a number of atypical symptoms may occur, which indicate a significant infection and progression of the disease:

  1. Decreased appetite to its complete absence.
  2. A sharp decrease in body weight, which is not the norm.
  3. Dry mouth and metallic taste.
  4. Bad breath in the absence of caries.
  5. The appearance of jam in the corners of the mouth.

These are the symptoms of Helicobacter pylori that require immediate treatment. When at least one of them appears, it is necessary to optimally quickly seek medical help and proceed with the diagnosis.


From case to case, Helicobacter pylori can manifest itself in different ways. So, different patients may have different symptoms. In order to determine the presence of a pathogenic microorganism in the human stomach, special tests are provided. Patients are shown special tests for Helicobacter - urease and cytological. They help identify bacteria.

Cytological examination

The cytological type of study is based on endoscopy and smear sampling. Biopsy specimens are also taken during the procedure. The sampling is carried out from those parts of the mucosa of the organ, where deviations from the norm are most pronounced. During the procedure, the specialist pays special attention to the presence of edema and hyperemia. Helicobacter is usually found in the central parts of the mucus.

A cytological study is basically aimed at identifying three different degrees of contamination of the stomach with the Helicobacter bacterium. If the study revealed less than 20 bodies of microbes, then the patient is diagnosed with a weak contamination. This level of infection does not indicate a danger to the health and life of the patient. If the number of bodies exceeds this indicator, then the patient's body is in danger and an immediate solution to the problem is required.

Also, this study allows you to identify dysplasia, metaplasia and the presence of malignant cells and cancers in the organ. The only drawback of this procedure is the impossibility of obtaining data on the structure of the mucous membranes of the internal digestive organs.

Urease test

The urease type of test is a special tool that effectively determines the presence of Helicobacter pylori in the human body. The test is an express method that is based on the detection of Helicobacter pylori activity in the human body. The test is performed using a special gel. The substance contains urea and a bacteriostatic agent. Phenol-rol acts as an indicator. It is this element that allows us to draw conclusions about the state of the gastric mucosa. It is worth noting that the biopsy obtained during endoscopy is also placed in this test.

In a small percentage of cases, the test can ignore Helicobacter pylori and say that the person is healthy. Most often this occurs in cases where the infection is extremely weak and insignificant. In order for the diagnostic results to be optimally truthful, doctors often combine both methods.

Other tests

There is also a breath test, this method is absolutely safe and non-invasive. Breath testing allows you to determine how the mucous membranes are colonized by Helicobacter pylori. The study is carried out on an empty stomach. First, the doctor takes samples of the background air that the patient exhales, and then allows a light breakfast and applies a test substrate.

Histological diagnostic measures allow you to quickly detect Helicobacter pylori in biopsy specimens. This also allows us to study morphological changes. Giemsa staining is often used. This study is the simplest. A number of other methods are also used as diagnostics.


The treatment regimen for Helicobacter involves 3 lines of specialized antibiotic therapy. The effectiveness of therapy is possible only if the patient is prescribed antibiotics.

Treatment is not started without test results. The doctor first examines the Helicobacter pylori test and tests. Therapy is assigned complex. Its focus implies not only the fight against bacteria, but also the elimination of symptoms.

Treatment should include more than just antibiotics. In general, it must meet a number of requirements:

  1. Bacteria attack with its complete destruction.
  2. Local action of drugs.
  3. Resistance of antibiotics to the acidic environment of the stomach.
  4. The ability of the prescribed drugs to penetrate into the mucosa.
  5. Rapid removal of drugs from the body without affecting other organs.

The following groups of drugs may also be prescribed:

  • antispasmodics;
  • antacids;
  • antinausea;
  • astringents.

It is impossible to recover from Helicobacter pylori on your own and this must be known firmly. In case of any suspicion, you need to contact the clinic and undergo an examination.

Consequences of ignoring treatment

Ignoring therapy can lead to a wide variety of consequences that will affect the human body in a purely negative way. It is worth highlighting the three main consequences that Helicobacter pylori can lead to.

peptic ulcer

Helicobacter pylori is the main cause of stomach ulcers. The influence of this pathogenic microorganism on the occurrence of peptic ulcer disease has been proven by medicine. But the risk of developing the disease increases significantly if a person has genetically determined risk factors. Among them:

  1. Gender identity. Thus, in men, an ulcer occurs 4 times more often than in women.
  2. Blood type. According to studies, people with the first blood group are at risk and have an ulcer 35% more often than others.
  3. The ability to capture the taste of phenylthiocarbamide. For some, the substance is completely tasteless, while for others it has a bitter aftertaste.

Bright signs that the ulcer is caused by Helicobacter pylori are as follows:

  1. Hungry pain that occurs 5-6 hours after the last meal.
  2. Nighttime stomach pains.
  3. Pain, clearly localized in the projection of the ulcer. Usually under the spoon on the right or in the middle.

The occurrence of an ulcer due to Helicobacter pylori is quite rapid, and the occurrence of a perforated ulcer is also possible.

Stomach cancer

This consequence of exposure to Helicobacter pylori is the most dangerous. A pathogenic microorganism leads to type B gastritis. If it is ignored for a long time and there is no competent treatment, the gastric mucosa atrophies and metaplasia occurs. This condition is considered precancerous, because metaplasia quickly becomes malignant.

According to statistics, in 50% of cases, cancer occurs due to the presence of gastritis B in a person. In another 46%, due to the degeneration of ulcers. A malignant tumor of the stomach often develops against the background of a progressive ulcer.

A characteristic sign that a person has cancer is the constancy of pain. The pain symptom does not occur in any particular period, hungry pains disappear, and discomfort after eating. Instead, a person has constant pain, which is almost impossible to eliminate.


The cause of allergic rashes is also very often Helicobacter pylori. This bacterium causes atopic dermatitis in humans. This disease is a chronic skin disease. It is characterized by the appearance of rashes on such parts of the body as:

  • face;
  • clavicle;
  • elbows and knees;
  • palms (back side);
  • feet (back side);
  • all over the body (difficult cases).

Atopic dermatitis has characteristic features. One of them is itching. The itching sensation can be mild and subtle or very intense. Discomfort intensifies at night. At the same time, when combing the skin, short-term relief occurs. But in no case should you comb the areas of rashes. Thickening of the skin may occur, and if an infection enters the wound, suppuration may begin.

But why does Helicobacter cause allergies? There are three reasons for that:

  1. The presence of bacteria in the body leads to immune-inflammatory reactions.
  2. Doctors suggest that the body produces immunoglobulin to fight Helicobacter pylori, which often leads to allergies.
  3. Helicobacter pylori impairs the work of the body's defense reaction, due to which toxins are absorbed into the bloodstream and lead to inflammation of the skin.

Causes Helicobacter and the appearance of rosacea on the skin of the face.


The most important element of prevention is taking care of your body and being attentive to any suspicious symptoms. In the event that someone from the family or cohabitants is sick with Helicobacter pylori and is being treated, each of the household members must urgently go to the hospital for examination for the presence of this pathogenic microorganism in the stomach. You also need to take care of the following rules:

  • eat and drink from the same dish with another person as little as possible;
  • vegetables and fruits should be thoroughly washed before eating;
  • do not eat with unwashed hands;
  • a kiss can cause the transmission of Helicobacter pylori to another person;
  • active and passive smoking, frequent intake of strong drinks - can also lead to the occurrence of Helicobacter pylori.

Doctors point out that clinical studies conducted in recent years have given very frightening results. So, if at least one of the family members is infected with Helicobacter pylori, then the probability of spreading these microorganisms to the rest of the household is as much as 95%. Since helicobacter pylori is a social disease, any person must be very meticulous in observing personal hygiene measures, as well as reviewing their diet and stimulating the immune system.

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