Medicines of Tibetan medicine. Tibetan medicine, Tibetan compounds, herbal medicine, mumiyo. Can children take Tibetan medicines? This is not dangerous

Tibetan medicine knows many dosage forms - decoctions, powders, pills, mixtures, medicinal oils, ash medicines, dried decoctions, medicinal wines, medicines from jewelry, medicinal fats, various suppositories. In practice, decoctions and powders are mainly used, but, if necessary, other dosage forms are also used.


Tibetan medicines are natural remedies ground into powder. And no chemicals! Mainly used are herbs, tree fruits, leaves, bark, as well as minerals, metal oxides, animal organs. Tibetan medicines are different in that they have no contraindications and do not cause side effects. Their purpose is not to kill some harmful microbes, but to help the body itself overcome them. If Tibetan medicine treats one organ, it will never cripple another. On the contrary, its action is directed to the whole organism as a whole: if one organ is cured, then the condition of all the others improves.

Medicinal fees in Tibetan medicine are compiled according to the following principle:

  • Main active ingredients;
  • Ingredients that support the action of the main ones;
  • Ingredients that prevent and neutralize side effects the first two groups.

Herbal infusions and teas

Exactly this unique remedy ancient Tibetan medicine. Their secret lies in a special way of cooking.

Tibetan healers say this: "Decoctions (teas) are the smile of medicinal plants, pills are the look of plants, and Tibetan infusions are the soul of plants."

In Tibetan medicine, drugs are distinguished by taste and strength. The strength of a drug lies in its property, which manifests itself in it with greater strength than the rest.

The preparation of dosage forms begins with the collection of medicinal raw materials. There are many recommendations for the collection and processing of medicinal plants, minerals, and other raw materials. All of them are transmitted orally or in writing from the Teacher to the student. In practice, learning to recognize, the rules for collecting, and the rules for processing and storing raw materials take years.

Plants are harvested at a certain time and, most importantly, in the right phase of the moon. Then they infuse in vessels made of special clay, the mineral acids of which extract almost 100% of biologically active components from the plant. After that, herbal infusions are aged for several months in narrow cylindrical vessels made of Himalayan pine. During this time, they lose excess moisture and acquire a high healing concentration.

Water-loving plants are collected not too close to water, but not in dry places. If a plant needs to make some efforts to absorb moisture, and with it nutrients, its strength increases and the strength of its effect on the body also increases.

  • Branches and stems of plants are harvested, as a rule, in autumn, when the plant has strengthened itself for the long winter.
  • The roots of plants in Tibet are harvested in autumn and winter, different types at different times.
  • Leaves and shoots are harvested during their growth and during the rainy season, when they are full of juices.
  • The flowers are harvested before the onset of wilting, and the fruits - after they ripen.
  • Plants intended for the treatment of heat diseases are dried in the shade, in the wind.

The healer prescribes the medicine only after a thorough examination of the patient, making an accurate diagnosis, accurately assigning a specific disease of a particular person to a certain group, class, type or type of disease, to a particular type of disease.

Wind diseases in Tibetan medicine


  • sweet - various molasses;
  • sour - old wine, vinegar;
  • salty - red mountain salt.


  • oily - eagle tree;
  • heavy - black salt;
  • soft - pink lead minium (not included in medicines without special treatment).

Calming remedies for wind ailments


  • bone: from the bones of the lamb ankle;
  • four juices - from meat, wine, brown sugar and butter;
  • heads: broth from the head of an old ram or a ram's head that has been stored for one year.


  • butter with nutmeg;
  • garlic oil;
  • oil of three fruits - myrobalan hebula, mirobalan belleric, emblica officinalis (the second and third are replaced by the fruits of hawthorn and berry apple);
  • oil of five roots - kupena, asparagus racemosus, mustard, juniper, tribulus;
  • oil of aconite (wrestler).

Cleansing remedies for wind diseases


  • soft thinning;
  • soft washing;
  • flushing and thinning.

Diseases of bile in Tibetan medicine

Properties of drugs of Tibetan medicine


  • sweet - raisins;
  • bitter - wild cucumber;
  • astringent - white sandalwood.


  • chilled - camphor;
  • light - cassia torus;
  • dulling - calcite.

Sedatives for the treatment of bile diseases


  • elecampane high (roots);
  • sophora yellowish;
  • swirls of chireta;
  • three fruits - myrobalan belleric, myrobalan khebula, emblica officinalis.


  • camphor;
  • sandalwood (white);
  • saffron;
  • calcite.

Cleansing agents for the treatment of diseases of bile


  • general;
  • special;
  • strong;
  • soft.

Diseases of mucus in Tibetan medicine


  • hot (burning) - black pepper;
  • sour - pomegranate;
  • astringent - myrobalan hebula.


  • spicy - red mountain salt;
  • rough - sea buckthorn;
  • light - white lead minium.

Calming remedies for mucus diseases


  • poisonous wrestler;
  • various salts.


  • pomegranate;
  • golden rhododendron;
  • "burning composition" based on naked pongs;
  • calcined salt burned (in the form of ash);
  • burnt calcite.

Each of these agents (with the exception of the "burning composition") is used as the main component of multicomponent drugs.

Tibetan medicine cleansers


  • strong;
  • soft.

Tibetan medicine recipes

Cure for insomnia

During the day, drink warm milk, and in the evening - broth from lean meat. Rubbing sesame oil into the top of the head is recommended, and when falling asleep, 1 drop of warm, melted, pure butter is instilled into each ear.

Treatment of low and high stomach acid

They take preparations from the plant prickly prickly. It is the only plant in the Eastern European zone that stabilizes acidity. gastric juice with prolonged use of its drugs.

  • Infuse 3 tablespoons of herbs in 1.5 cups of boiling water for 30 minutes. Take half a glass 3 times a day.
  • Insist 50 g of grass in 0.5 l of vodka for 12 days in a dark place. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Between doses - a break of a month.

Note: In Tibetan medicine, zopnik can be taken along with other medications.

Tibetan medicines for a weak stomach

Wear jasper around your neck. Adjust the rope so that the length of the cord with jasper is opposite the stomach.

For dessert, take for 7 days, in turn, preparations of the following plants:

  • Take wild strawberries in any form (in the form of a decoction, jelly, compote), arbitrarily. You also need to prepare an infusion of the whole strawberry plant, dug out during flowering. To do this, pour 1 tablespoon of raw materials with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 45 minutes. Drink a glass in the morning and evening.
  • Blueberry. Berries in any form.
  • Elder black. Berries in any form.
  • Sea ​​buckthorn. Berries in any form.
  • Kalina. Berries in any form.
  • Mulberry. Berries in any form. The best mulberry is black, unripe, dried.
  • Any mint. Pour boiling water over 3 teaspoons of leaves, leave for 10 minutes. Drink 1 glass in the morning and evening. After mint, repeat the cycle.
  • Kalina is a female berry, women can use it all the time, men - through a cycle (skip once).
  • All year round, every day with first courses, Tibetans recommend eating ginger in an amount of up to 2 g per reception. 3 doses a day. During the year, or even more, take echinacea tincture on alcohol - 30 drops 3 times a day.
  • Use tincture of echinacea in vegetable oil. 1 kg of flower baskets or echinacea roots pour 5 liters of fresh sunflower oil, leave for 40 days, strain. Take Tibetan medicine 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 2 hours after meals.
  • With gastric ulcer, the same amount of sea buckthorn oil can be added to echinacea tincture. Composition take 2 tablespoons at bedtime for 2 weeks.
  • Powder from the roots of the mountaineer serpentine is taken orally 0.5-1 g 3 times a day with boiled water.

Tibetan treatments for nausea and vomiting

  • Dry the peel of the orange, grind it into a powder in a coffee grinder, take 5 g of powder orally 3 times a day.
  • Infusion of barberry leaves (1 tablespoon per 200 ml of water) taken orally 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
  • Eat coriander greens inside.
  • Use inside the berries of mountain ash up to 50 pieces per 1 dose.

Tibetan medicines for liver diseases

  • Pour 1 tablespoon of stigmas of saffron flowers (preferably fresh) with 1 cup of boiling water, insist until cool. Consume 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day. Take a month, a month break. Divide 10 g of mummy into 56 parts. 2 times a day, drink 1 part with carrot or birch sap. Break - 6 months. Attention! Shilajit and alcohol are incompatible.
  • Infuse 2 tablespoons of calendula flower baskets in 2 cups boiling water until cool. Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day before meals.
  • Pour 500 g of dry wormwood 8 liters of water. Boil water to 1 liter. Strain. Cool down. Keep in refrigerator. Take the medicine of Tibetan medicine 2 times a day on an empty stomach and at bedtime, 1 tablespoon for 30 days. Then - 30 days break. Don't snack on anything. In extreme cases, you can eat a piece of bread. Wormwood is a very effective remedy for breaking blockages in the liver and in diseases of the gallbladder.
  • Mix 25 parts of pitted raisins, 7 parts of saffron, 2.5 parts of fragrant rush, 2 parts of dyeing gorse, 16 parts of honey. Add enough wine to make a porridge. Use inside 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
  • Mix 3 parts of valerian, 2 parts of wormwood, 5 parts of honey. Take medicine 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Take coriander broth (you can add mint and cinnamon).

Tibetan medicine for rheumatism

Rub the sore spot with a specially prepared medicinal infusion: flowers and bark are harvested in September - 1/2 cup of chamomile, half a cup of dahlia petals, 1 tablespoon of forget-me-not petals, 1 tablespoon of red cloves, 1 tablespoon of alder bark, 1 teaspoon of willow bark for 1 glass of water.

Before use, the decoction is aged for at least 2 weeks.

Remedy for kidney stones

  • Pour 200 g of alder bark with 1 glass of water, add 250 g of honey, mix, boil for 10-15 minutes, add a little soda. Consume 1 tablespoon after each meal.
  • Strawberry also helps if you eat it 6 times a day, 200 g each, but it is more effective for the liver.

Tibetan treatments for asthma

  • Mix 1 cup water, 1/2 cup burdock harvested in May, 1/2 cup aspen leaves, 1 teaspoon fir needles. Add a little soda, stand for a week in a dark place, and drink 1 tablespoon in the morning.
  • Mix 1/2 cup of nettles collected in April, 2 tablespoons of quinoa (also April), 1 teaspoon of ground bulrush leaves, 1 teaspoon of willow-herb and 1 cup of water. Add soda, keep warm for 10 days in the light. Drink the medicine in the morning too.

Cleansing the body according to the Tibetan recipe

Mix 100 g of St. John's wort, chamomile, immortelle and birch buds. In the evening, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of the mixture, insist in a thermos for 3-4 hours. Strain through a cloth (gauze) and squeeze. Drink at bedtime 1 glass of honey 30 minutes before meals. Do this every day until the mixture runs out. Repeat the course after 5 years.

Tibetan recipes for rejuvenation

  • Immortelle, birch buds, St. John's wort, chamomile flowers - 100 g each. Mix the ingredients, grind, pour into a glass jar. In the evening, pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain through 2-3 layers of gauze. At night, drink 1 glass of warm infusion, adding 1 teaspoon of honey to it. After that, do not eat or drink. Warm up the rest in the morning and drink with honey on an empty stomach. Have breakfast in half an hour. The course of treatment with Tibetan medicine is until the prepared mixture of herbs is finished. Repeat after 5 years. Helps against atherosclerosis, metabolic disorders, hypertension, restores overall tone, cleanses blood vessels.
  • Rinse and peel 350 g of garlic thoroughly, chop finely and rub in a vessel with a wooden or porcelain spoon, weigh 200 g of this mass, taking it from below, where there is more juice, put it in a glass vessel, add 200 ml of 96% alcohol. Close the vessel tightly and store in a dark, cool place for 10 days. Then strain the mixture through dense fabric, squeeze. After 2-3 days, you can start treatment - drink drops with cold milk (1/4 cup) strictly according to the scheme. Drink 15-20 minutes before meals until full use. Attention! A second course with the Tibetan method of treatment can be carried out no earlier than after 6 years.

I must say that it is not easy to find this miracle of nature, yarsagumba grows only at an altitude of 3,500 m above sea level, in shady places. It is strange that oxygen deficiency, strong temperature drops not only do not kill yarsagumba, but also give it unique properties.

In the mountains of Tibet, Bhutan, Nepal and the northern regions of India, either a mushroom or an insect grows - yarsagumba. The literal translation of this title is:

Grass in summer, caterpillar in winter.

The official name of this fungus is Chinese Cordyceps (lat. Ophiocordyceps sinensis) - a genus of fungi from the family Ophiocordycipitaceae, belongs to the class Ascomycetes.

The description of this strange combination of two forms of life is found in ancient Chinese treatises. The Chinese believed that those lucky ones who were lucky enough to find a yarsagumba would expect big changes in their fate, long-term male viability and attractiveness to the opposite sex.

Every summer, the Nepalese go in search of a magic potion. During the season, you can find empty Tibetan villages, because the collection time is limited to one month a year. Only children and old people do not hunt for a mushroom.

Yarsagumba authentic Tibetan medicine


Yarsagumba authentic Tibetan medicine

When spores hit the larva or caterpillar, they penetrate the head of the insect and germinate into its body. It is at this time that the integument of the caterpillar is most vulnerable after molting. At the same time, the plant eats the insect from the inside until it completely draws out all the juices from it.

But this does not happen immediately, because the yarsagumba needs to somehow rise to the surface of the earth. Therefore, the fungus affects the vital organs of the caterpillar last.

In the end, yarsagumba subjugates the poor fellow's motor apparatus and forces the insect to move into the upper soil layer.

So the dead caterpillar freezes upside down a few centimeters from the surface.

Yarsagumba authentic Tibetan medicine

Another one interesting feature fungus is that it so fills the caterpillar that it does not decompose and is not infected by any other microorganisms.

Firstly, there is simply no place for them, and secondly, yarsagumba has properties similar to those of an antibiotic. Therefore, in order to prepare medicines use both parts of the mushroom.

The dark brown mature plant looks a lot like a caterpillar with a twig coming out of its head. It even repeats the curve of the body of the dead insect.

The fungus, as it were, consists of two parts: a bumpy light brown caterpillar body and a dark brown, with a smooth surface of the plant body.

The height of yarsagumba varies from 4 to 8 cm, there are also larger specimens - up to 11 cm. Weight ranges from 300 to 500 mg. The thickness of the stem is from 3 to 4 mm. The mushroom is sweet in taste and has a pleasant smell.


The first mention of this remedy in Tibetan medicine is contained in the work "On a Thousand Medicines" by Zurkhar Nyamnyi Dorje (1439-1475). In Chinese sources, it was first mentioned in 1649.

The healing properties of this plant were discovered many centuries ago by shepherds who noticed the unusual activity of cattle that ate yarsagumba.

Since then, the mushroom began to be mined and used as a tonic. But it was available only to the emperors of the Ming Dynasty. It is no coincidence that today a kilogram of yarsagumba costs from 7,000-8,000 dollars.

It is believed that if you constantly take drugs based on this fungus, you can prolong life. Yarsagumba contains many substances that contribute to this, but their action has not yet been fully studied.

A medicine prepared from the mushroom can defeat tuberculosis, relieve problems with the liver, kidneys, stomach, toothache, and back pain.

Yarsagumba helps to cope with leukemia, saves from depression, restores the body after a long illness.

In addition, this natural aphrodisiac actively affects sex hormones and sexual arousal centers in the brain.

Research results have shown that yarsagumba helps restore full sexual health to 86% of women and 67% of men.

The Nepalese boil the chopped mushroom in milk or insist on alcohol, then add it to tea or soup. In Western countries, preparations based on yarsagumba are sold in stores specializing in traditional medicine.


Despite the fact that yarsagumba has long been actively used in Chinese medicine, it was practically unknown in Western countries.

The mushroom gained fame in 1993 after the Chinese Athletics Championships, when three world records were set at once in running at different distances.

And these achievements remain records to this day. The world community could not leave such amazing fact without attention.

Three athletes who set the record underwent doping tests, but nothing extraneous was found in their blood. Their trainer reported that the girls ate turtle blood soup with the addition of yarsagumba decoction.

This information was confirmed by the adviser of the national Olympic team of China. It was then that the “yarsagum boom” began in the USA and Europe.


The hunt for yarsagumba is reminiscent of the times of the gold rush. By the way, this fishery is quite dangerous. Several people die during the season. Nar Villager Nimchrng says:

“A year ago, the leader of our village was killed. He was stabbed to death by a group of alien yarsagumba gatherers when he checked whether they had permission to collect valuable raw materials.

The crooks were fishing illegally, so they killed him and even tried to escape with the collected yarsagumba.

Mushroom extraction for many local residents is the only way to make money. Moreover, those who entered the fishery before the deadline face a serious fine. Almost every collector produces about 1,000 pieces of yarsagumba per month, for which he can get about $ 3,000. By the way, only local residents have licenses to pick mushrooms. Outsiders have no right to do so.

It is clear that where there is something valuable, there will definitely be people who want to warm their hands on it. Yarsagumba is one of the items of smuggling, which means that the proceeds from its sale go past the state treasury.

The authorities of Nepal are going to establish a tax on the collection of mushrooms, amounting to $ 70 per season from one getter. Dealers buy larvae infected with yarsagumba for $700 and sell them for $3,000.

They guard the assemblers, not allowing them to take out the goods. Caught violators are severely punished.

In addition to problems with the law, the poaching collection of yarsagumba entails environmental problems. Collectors do not stand on ceremony with nature in pursuit of profit.

They do not look for a fungus among the vegetation, but plow the soil like a tractor, uprooting the grass. In addition, visiting guest performers manage to harvest mushrooms before the start of the season.

From year to year, the number of valuable mushrooms decreases. Experts warn: if this continues, yarsagumba will completely disappear.

However, of course, this does not stop those who want to earn extra money on human problems. On the Internet you can find almost hundreds of sites actively advertising this miracle remedy.

The price of one package of Yarsagumbu is about $ 100, while when buying you will definitely be told that in order to undergo a minimum course of treatment, you must, of course, buy several packages. If it does not help, then they will advise you to buy more.

Here is such an ingenuous scheme of robbery without a knife and a gun. It should be noted that since Yarsagumba is not a medicine, no one really checks what exactly is in the capsules - grated dead caterpillars or colored crushed chalk.

Tibetan medicine is an Eastern medical tradition with deep and precise knowledge about the nature of diseases and methods of treatment. In the modern world, Tibetan medicine is a reliable way to be healthy.

How does Tibetan medicine treat?

Medicinal compositions, procedures, diet and a healthy daily routine.

What is the effect of Tibetan medicine?

There are 3 types of patients. The first ones want to be healthy. The second want to "treat". Still others have come to terms with their diseases and are waiting for new ones. Tibetan medicine has the best healing effect on the first type of people. They gain strength, their energy level rises, their condition improves. internal organs, skin and hair. Their mind becomes clearer and sharper, their emotional state comes into balance. People who want to be healthy begin to take better care of themselves, their awareness increases. As for people of the second and third types, their treatment takes place with much greater difficulties and varying success.

What are Tibetan medicines made of?

Tibetan medicines are made from herbs, minerals and animal ingredients. Tibetan medicines are completely natural and do not give complications and side effects. The number of components varies from 2 to 180. Most of the ingredients are mined in Tibet itself, some are collected in India, Nepal, China, Mongolia and Russian Transbaikalia. The components of medicinal products are not subjected to extraction procedures or chemical treatment.

What are the contraindications for treatment with Tibetan medicines?

Stupidity, laziness and expectation of miraculous healing the next day after starting the drugs. Your doctor will inform you about individual contraindications.

I am allergic to herbs. Do Tibetan medicines cause allergies?

No. The composition of Tibetan medicines is carefully verified. The formulation of drugs is arranged in such a way that each component not only has a beneficial effect on the human body, but also balances the action of other components of the composition.

How fast do the drugs work?

It depends on the medicine. Preparations from the "ambulance" group with indications of "headache", "suffocation", "arrhythmia and angina pectoris", " renal colic", "hepatic colic", "insomnia", "exacerbation of gastritis", etc. act within half an hour. Drugs aimed at the treatment of chronic diseases have a cumulative effect that manifests itself in a period of several days to several weeks.

Can children take Tibetan medicines? This is not dangerous?

Tibetan medicine has a special section dedicated to children's medicines. These medicines are prepared taking into account children's dosages and the specifics of childhood diseases, such as fever, infectious diseases (flu, tonsillitis, etc.), bronchitis, otitis media, diarrhea, bloating, diphtheria, etc. Tibetan medicines are safe for children from infancy.

Is it possible to be treated with Tibetan medicine during pregnancy and lactation?

Yes, it is possible and even necessary. Firstly, there are special medicinal formulations that help a woman bear a fetus, prevent the risk of miscarriage, enhance immunity, improve the condition of the kidneys and digestive system during pregnancy. Secondly, there are medicines that help a woman restore the strength of her body after childbirth. Thirdly, through mother's milk, you can influence the health of the child: normalize digestion, improve sleep.

Is it necessary to follow a diet and daily routine?

Medications and treatments work best when combined with a healthy diet and sleep-wake schedule. If you want to be healthy, you have to work on your diet and daily routine. If you want to "get back a little treatment", you can continue to live as you lived before. In this case, the effect of drugs and procedures will last a maximum of a year.

How to combine regular pills with Tibetan medicine?

Tibetan medicine does not welcome the use of most chemically synthesized drugs. Moreover, treatment with Tibetan medicine methods allows you to abandon the "life on pills": the use of synthetic hormonal, antihypertensive, painkillers and antibiotics. However, no one will force you to immediately stop taking your usual medications. Just the effect of Tibetan medicinal compounds will gradually remove the need to take them.

Will I be able to lose weight with Tibetan medicine?

In most cases, weight loss is a normal side effect of Tibetan medicines. It is connected not only with the intake of drugs that normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but also with the fact that a person will change their usual eating habits and daily routine to healthy ones. In cases where excess weight poses a strong inconvenience or threat to the health of the patient, drugs are prescribed that purposefully reduce weight.

I was scheduled for surgery. Is it possible to avoid it with the help of Tibetan medicine?

Here you need specifics on your diagnosis. If you have acute appendicitis, a perforated stomach ulcer, or a ruptured ovarian cyst, you really need surgery. In 70-80% of cases of exacerbated chronic diseases, surgery can be avoided with the help of Tibetan medicine.

How to combine treatment with Tibetan medicine methods and physical activity?

In most cases, Tibetan medicine is perfectly combined with physical activity - the main thing is not to fall into sports fanaticism. Depending on your constitutional type, you can get recommendations on what type of physical activity is preferable.

Can Tibetan medicine help quit smoking?

If a person has made the decision to quit smoking, then yes. In this case, auriculotherapy is effective (setting acupuncture needles into points on auricle) and educational conversations with a doctor about the dangers of smoking. You can read more about the dangers of smoking tobacco here.

Does Tibetan Medicine Treat Alcoholism?

Only if the person himself wants to stop drinking. In this case, effective medicinal compositions that restore the functioning of the liver and nervous system, and educational conversations with the doctor on the topic "the formation of a new model of the relationship between a person and alcohol." If a person is not ready to give up alcoholism, it is useless to treat him with Tibetan medicine.

Tibet seems to many people a wonderland that is full of mysterious mysteries. Tibetan medicine is also surrounded by an aura of mystery. And therefore it is natural that one can often hear legends about the existence of Tibetan miraculous drugs.

One of the legends says that during the reign of the Chinese emperor Shi-Huangdi, one of his advisers told him that there are great healers in the east of China who possess the elixir of immortality. The emperor was already advanced in years and he sent messengers by sea to the east of the country. The messengers returned with nothing, but brought with them useful advice: “The animal and plant world around us appeared long before man, it is possible that it was specially created for a person who feeds on him and is treated by him.” Since then, mankind has been looking for an elixir, but not immortality, but one that heals and prolongs life from various diseases.

According to Tibetan medicine, everything that exists in our world, including space itself, can be a medicine, since the human body simply needs it.

Tibetan medicine doctors say that with a reasonable selection of rational drugs, we can discover or reveal a huge number of drugs to which a person is adapted during his existence. So in the history of the use of drugs in Tibet, two stages were noted. At the beginning of the first millennium AD, preparations from the tropical zone of eastern Asia - China and India - predominate. And already in the second half of this millennium, the list of medicines shows the local nature, which, according to the words of Tibetan doctors, with its diversity and richness, “makes up a special world of medicines.”

It is known from the literary sources of Tibet that the list of herbal medicines in Tibetan medicine has approximately 1300 items. And it has a rich arsenal of natural medicines. It should be noted that Tibetan herbal medicines are multicomponent, and they are composed of a large number herbs, animal raw materials and minerals. Basically, Tibetan phytopreparations in their composition have from 4 to 25 components.

All complex Tibetan herbal remedies are theoretically justified for use, these recommendations are described in detail in the fundamental Tibetan medical guidelines and numerous pharmacological reference books.

Separate properties of plants, minerals, metals, animal tissues from which complex medicines are composed are also described in detail in Tibetan treatises.

Tibetan physicians, selecting medicines from the surrounding nature for a millennium, were essentially performing a huge experiment on humans. The best drugs were kept, while the less effective ones were discarded. Thus, in the process of selection by many generations of doctors in Tibet, huge quantities of drugs were adopted.

In Tibetan medicine, everything that was created by nature was considered possible for use for medicinal purposes. From this we can conclude that nature created man, and it can also cure him of various ailments. Based on this, most of the cultivated and ornamental plants used in food products were turned into medicines to heal the sick.

The basic principles and provisions in the teachings of pharmacy of Tibetan medicine are described in detail in the 19th and 20th chapters of the 2nd volume of the main canon "Chzhud-shi" and his commentary "Vaiduryanbo". These chapters contain extensive information about herbal medicines.

Therapeutic action and grouping

The therapeutic effect of Tibetan herbal remedies is mainly determined by the taste and their combination in medicines, which serve as phytochemical indicators of their kind. The therapeutic effect of drugs Tibetan doctors determined by four factors: taste, action after absorption, strength therapeutic effect of each drug and the total effect after their combination. To determine the taste qualities of drugs, the following were taken into account: the material basis (earth, fire, water, air), their quality indicators, distinctive properties, belonging to a certain group according to their effect on humans.

Medicinal products (phytopreparations) are grouped by tastes. For example, in the group of sweet medicines, raisins, licorice, sugar cane are given; in the bitter group - gentian, lemon, skullcap, aconite tubers, mummy, musk; in the acute group - ginger, black pepper, garlic; in the group of binders is given - myrobalan, sandalwood, catchment flowers, bird cherry, etc.

As factors of taste quality, which determine the therapeutic effect of drugs, were the basis for evaluation and recommendations food products for sick and healthy people. Thus, regarding the therapeutic effect, it is indicated that “sour, sweet, salty, spicy properties (of medicines) help with violations in the Wind, rlung (nervous) system; astringent, bitter, sweet - help in the Bile system, mkhris (hematopoietic, humoral); sour, spicy and salty - help in the Mucus, bad-kan (endocrine, humoral) system.

These indicators are given the general medicinal properties of individual groups of drugs in terms of taste: “sweet (drugs) are most suitable for increasing basic vitality. In this regard, they are useful for babies, the elderly, malnourished, etc. Substances with a sweet taste help to strengthen the body, heal wounds and ulcers, give a healthy look to the face and freshness, clarity to the senses, cure diseases of the arcs (intoxication, poisoning), deliver long years of life and in general illnesses of Wind, rlung and bile, mkhris. But excessive consumption of sweets leads to diseases of Mucus, bad-kan, a decrease in fiery warmth, functional activity, accumulation of fat, obesity, on the basis of which various diseases develop, for example, diabetes, tumors of the glands, etc.”

“Acidic drugs cause appetite, excite warmth, promote digestion, absorption of food, improve the Wind system, rlung. Excessive use of it leads to a disorder of the system of bile, mkhris and blood, dizziness, weakness, flickering in the eyes, skin diseases, edema and feverish conditions.

“Salt medicinal substances act as a laxative, contribute to the formation of warmth, sweating, and cause appetite for food. With excessive use of it, there may be hair loss, the appearance of wrinkles and gray hair, reduces strength, cancer, gives rise to thirst, skin diseases, and diseases of the system of Wind, rlung and bile, mkhris.

"Bitter medicines increase appetite, treat diseases of poison, wounds, worms, vomiting, fainting, contribute to the removal of festering, dead tissue. Excessive use of it leads to a disorder of the Wind system, rlung and the Mucus system, bad-kan, etc.

So, taste qualities are conscious, objective indicators, since they can be explained by well-defined physico-chemical contents. The fact that the medicinal properties of Tibetan medicines were evaluated by taste was quite logical at the level of knowledge of the ancient healers. Very interesting indications in the ancient Tibetan treatises on modifications and various transformations in the body. Here, for example, "drugs with a sweet taste in the absorption of the body may acquire a salty or bitter taste, and drugs with an intoxicating property may acquire a cooling property."

Reasoning about drugs is not limited to the characteristics of taste, there are also concepts about the individual therapeutic effect of the drug, and about new properties in various combinations of them. They complement the information about Tibetan herbal medicine. Individual therapeutic effects of drugs in the technology of dosage forms. It was not recommended to mix components with opposite properties into one form of a medicinal product, but in preparations with similar physicochemical properties, according to prescription prescriptions, they may well be compatible, as a result of which a therapeutic effect of a greater effect was achieved. In the description of the therapeutic effect of drugs in Tibetan medicine, in most cases, a group of diseases is indicated, united according to pathogenetic, etiological, and symptomatic principles.

What is important in Tibetan medicine are non-theoretical concepts and conjectures, but the art and experience of using Tibetan herbal remedies for each specific form of the disease. Phytopreparations are actively used in our time in different countries of the world.

According to various estimates of specialists in modern Tibetan medicine, from 1,500 to 5,000 types of medicinal plants are used.
In the manufacture of medicines, the specialists of the Men Tsi Khan Institute use special technologies for collecting, drying and processing raw materials. The collection of medicinal plants and the preparation of formulations and pills from them is a whole art. It takes into account not only the season when the necessary part of the plant accumulates a maximum of healing and nutritional properties, but also the lunar days favorable for their collection, which are determined by the Tibetan astrological calendar. Depending on the cold or hot nature of the plant, the orientation of the mountain slopes (northern or southern orientation) on which it grows is also taken into account. Tibetan doctors believe that the properties of plants are influenced by the radiation of the Moon, the Sun, planets and stars. And these influences can be both positive and negative. Medicinal plants are not collected on days of negative impacts. The place of growth is also taken into account. For example, the same plant from different places can have different medicinal properties. The psycho-emotional state of the picker is also considered very important. After all negative emotions and thoughts weaken the healing power of plants, leaving a bad imprint on them. Therefore, herbalists are strongly advised to read prayers and mantras during the collection for the benefit of all living beings. Compliance with all these rules leads to a multiple increase in the medicinal properties of the drugs produced here.

The overwhelming number of components in the composition of Tibetan herbal preparations (up to 98-99%). The rest is additives of natural minerals, salts, metals, precious and semi-precious stones (all of them undergo a special purification from toxins). In Tibetan medicines, components of artificial (non-natural) origin are never used. Currently, the institute produces 173 types of medicines. Here is some of them:

"A-va 15"
Composition: Lloydia serotina, Calcite, Bambusa textilis, Carthamus tinctorius, Saussurea lappa, Commiphora mukul, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia belerica, Emblica officinalis, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Carum carvi, Meconopsis grandis, mineral pitch, iron, mDung-rtze.
Pills of fifteen components based on Loydia mountain, Lloydia serotina. An excellent eye tonic that helps with various eye ailments. It is recommended to use in combination with liver-cleansing compounds, such as Gurgum-13.
Take 2-3 grams per day, chewing well and drinking warm water.
"A-wa 15" - "Carex 15".
Use and Action:
- opthalmic disorders;
- opthalmic tonic.
Dosage: 2-3 gms in the morning with hot water.

"Agar 8" - "Eagle Tree 8".
Ingredients: Aquilaria agollocha (a-gar), Myristica fragrans, Bambusa textilis, Saussurea lappa, Terminalia chebula, Melia composita, Commiphora camphora, Mesua ferrea.
The nature of this composition is neutral.
This composition helps with any heart disease and their prevention. With tachycardia and arrhythmias, heart failure, tinnitus and deafness, emotional disorders, insomnia, drowsiness, schizophrenia, anger. The best remedy for heart muscle and heart disease, accompanied by low blood pressure.
Take 1-2 grams in the morning or evening, chewing well and drinking warm water or vegetable broth.

"A-gar 8" - "ARLOO" -
Use and Action: accumulation of rLung in cardiac region, proliferation and vitiation of rLung giving rise to the following symptoms:
- mental unrest;
- lethargic;
- dullness;
- inability to concentrate;
- mammary glandular and hepatic pains.
Dosage: 2-3gms either in the morning or at night with hot or warm water, broth or chang.

"Agar 15" - "Eagle tree 15" - "Agar 8 + Norbu 7".
Composition: Aquilaria agollocha (a-gar ), Myristica fragrans, Melia composita, Bambusa textiles, Saussurea lappa, Pterocarpus santalinus, Mesua ferrea, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia belerica, Emblica officinalis, Inula racemosa, Rubus idaeopsis, Tinospora cordifolia, Hedychium spicatum, Shorea robusta.
Cooling composition of fifteen components based on the wood of the eagle tree, Aquilaria agollocha. Calms the Heat in the lungs, heart and aorta, thins and purifies the blood. It is used for high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, hypertensive crisis, empty cough, stabbing pains in the back and chest, eliminates internal congestion in the upper body. Helps with shortness of breath and suffocation with difficulty exhaling, a feeling of fullness of the chest. It is used in chronic diseases when other medicines do not help.
Dosage: 2-3 grams daily, in the morning or as directed. Chew well and drink warm water.
"A-gar 15" - "Eaglewood 15".
Use and Action:
- pain all over the body due to accumulations of rLung and blood;
- cough with expectoration of frothy pheigm in the mornings.
Dosage: 2-3gms either in the morning or at night with warm water or chang.

"Agar 20" - "Eagle tree 20"
Ingredients: mirobalan chebula, eugenia fragrant, thistle flowers, ragwort, bearded gentian, cardamom, plum, pomegranate, clove wood, elecampane roots, eagle tree wood, ginger roots, Siberian elderberry, sal tree resin, garlic, bamboo manna, ferula, acacia, cumin, etc.
Has a calming effect, restores vital energy, improves memory. It cleanses the blood and liver, promotes the dissolution of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels. Helps with insomnia, neurosis, depression, psychosomatic disorders.
Indications for use: angina pectoris, arrhythmia, cardiosclerosis, tongue-tied tongue, numbness of the extremities; deterioration in the sensitivity and mobility of the body, clouding of consciousness; diseases of the nervous system.
Dosage: 2-3 grams per day, in the morning, or as directed by a physician. Chew well and drink warm water with honey.

SYMPTOMS: traditionally recommended for numbness of extremities, hypertension, hypertension migraine & tension headaches, muscle spasms, neurological disorders (parkinson's, stroke, paralysis, epilepsy), sleep disorders. Stabilizes Wind in the body and especially in blood channels.
DOSAGE: 1-3 Pills per day.

"A-gar 35" - "Eagle tree 35".
Composition: Aquilaria agollocha (a-gar), Terminalia chebula, Terminalia belerica, Emblica officinalis, Myristica fragrans, Bambusa textilis, Adhatoda vasica, Mesua ferrea, Saussurea lappa, Commiphora mukul, Picrorhiza kurroa, Punica granatum, Swertia chirata, Meconopsis horridula, Melia composita, Shorea robusta, Solms-Laubachia sp., Cinnamomum cecidodaphne, Carthamus tinctorius, Rubus idaeopsis, Bos grunniens mutus, musk, Tinospora cordifolia, Amomum subulatum, Elettaria cardamomum, Eugenia caryophyllata, Aconite spicatum, Santalum album, Inula racemosa, Hedychium spicatum, Chrysanthemum tatsienense, Pterocarpus santalinus, Pulicaria insignis, outer bark of Aquilaria agollocha, Strychnos nux vomica.
The nature of this composition is cool.
It balances Prana, strengthens the cardiovascular system, restores vitality, improves memory, one of the best remedies for insomnia, depression, and neuroses. It has a tonic, tonic effect, strengthens the immune system, eliminates circulatory problems, helps with chronic fatigue syndrome, nervous diseases. Adaptogen helps with mountain sickness. No side effects.
Dosage: 1 pill per day. The optimal time for taking it for heart and emotional disorders is in the morning, for appeasing the Pranas - before bedtime.

"A-gar 35" - "Eaglewood 35" -
Use and Action:
- for general rLung accompanied by fever or inflammation which causes dizziness and insomnia;
- pain in upper back due to excess of rLung and blood;
- difficulty in breathing;
- unlocalized pain.
Note: This is a very safe and gentle drug for general rLung.
Dosage: 2-3 gms daily either in the morning or at night with hot water or chang.

"A-ru 10" - "Mirobalan 10".
Ingredients: Terminalia chebula (aru), Rubia cordifolia, Carthamus tinctorius, Mucuna prurita, Elettaria cardamomum, Sym-plocos crataegoides, Swertia chirata, Cupressus torulo-sa, vermilion, shilajit (mineral pitch).
Nature: slightly cool.
It is taken for pain in the kidneys and inflammation of the bladder, difficulty with urination, urolithiasis, injuries and infections of the kidneys.
Dosage: 1-2 grams twice or thrice a day; chew well and drink warm water. The optimal time of admission is from 17:00 to 19:00 or in accordance with the doctor's prescription.

"A-ru 10" - "Myrobalan 10" -
Use and Action:
- inflammation of the kidneys giving rise to pain in the kidneys, hips, thighs and feet.
Dosage: 1-2 grams twice or thrice daily with hot water.

"A-ru 24" - "Mirobalan 24". Composition: Terminalia chebula, Rubia cordifolia, Carthamus tinctorius, Mucuna prurita, Elettaria cardamomum, Symplocos crataegoides, Swertia chirata, Cupressus torulosa, vermilion, mineral pitch, Angelica sp., Polygonatum cirrhifolium. Asparagus spinosissimus, Mirabilis himalaica, Tribulus terrestris, A-"bras, Caesalpinia bonducella, Eugenia jambolana, Terminalia belerica, Emblica officinalis, Thiaspi arvense, Areca catechu. Nature: cool.
It is used for kidney diseases and their increase.
Dosage: 2-3 grams per day, chewed well and washed down with warm water.

"A-ru 24" - "Myrobalan 24".
Use and Action:
- renal disorders;
- weakened, enlarged or shrunken kidneys.
Dosage: 2-3gms daily with warm water.

"Bre-ga 13" - "Yarutka 13".
Composition: Thlaspi arvense (bre-ga), Symplocos crataegoides, Rubia cordifolia, Sabina recurva, Terminalia chebula, Herpetospermum caudgerum, Elettaria cardamomum, Mucuna prurita, Veronica ciliata, Caesalpinia bonducella, Eugenia jambolana, Laccifer lacca.
Nature: neutral.
It is used for diseases of the kidneys, inflammation of the bladder, burning during urination, swelling of the testicles (orchitis). The best remedy for prostatitis. Eliminates dysuria with urethritis, pain in the perineum and lower back. It is prescribed for concussion of the kidneys, swelling of the legs, cysts in the kidneys and ovaries, dropsy of the testicles, with acute adnexitis and endometritis.
Take 2-3g. in the evening with warm water.

"Brega 13" - "Thlaspi 13" -
Use and Action:
- urinary bladder disorders special ureteritis;
- pain in the pelvic region and the kidneys;
- swelling of the knees and the testicles.
Dosage: 2-3gms daily at night with warm water.

"Vi-ma-la" or "Bimala" - "Vimala-mitra 20"
Composition: Myristica fragrans, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia belerica, Emblica officinalis, Shorea robusta, Aquilaria agollocha, Carex sp., Ferula jaeschkeana, Bambusa textilis, Amomum subulatum, Elettaria cardamomum, Eugenia caryophyllata, Carthamus tinctorius, Carum carvi, Santalum album, Pterocarpus santalinus , Melia composita, Allium sativum, Geranium sp.
Nature: neutral.
It is used when there is an excess of Wind in the heart (rLung). Symptoms: discomfort in the heart, loss of concentration of the mind and weakening of memory, chronic depression, epilepsy, anxiety, irritability, insomnia, causeless emotionality, depression, fits of anger, restlessness.
Dosage: 2-3 grams in the morning or evening. Chew well and drink warm water.

"Bi-Ma-La" - "Bhim Mitra" - .
Use and Action:
- rLung of the heart whose symptoms are: discomfort in cardiac region, lack of concentration and forgetfulness, pain in chest and upper back of body despondency, fatigue, nervousness shortness of breath through anger and hatred, cerebral ischemia.
Dosage: 2-3gms twice daily either in the morning or night with hot water.

Gava 16
Ingredients: saffron seed, clove tree, Saussurea burdock, Belleric terminalia, Chebula myrobalan, officinalis officinalis, pongamia naked, red sandalwood, various-leaved wrestler, currant embelia, cassia, black henbane, musk deer musk, sowing holly, calamus, gallstones.
It is used to purify the blood and lymph in case of tumor diseases of various localization.
Indications: Sinusitis, sinusitis with severe and prolonged course, gout and other diseases of the joints, kidney disease, damage to the nervous system, neuroparalytic diseases, convulsions, including epileptic, skin diseases, tumor diseases of various localization, lymphocytic leukemia, poisoning.

Method of application: in the morning, 1-3 pills at least 30 minutes after eating, chewing well and drinking warm water.

"Gi-wang 9" or "Sake 9".
Composition: Bubalis bubalis (gi-vang), Carthamus tinctorius, Aristolochia moupinensis, Saussurea lappa, Herpetospermum caudgerum, Meconopsis grandis, Veronica ciliata, mineral pitch, Swertia chirata.
Nature: very cold.
It is used for enlargement of the liver and gallbladder, cholelithiasis. At strong heat in the liver, spleen, pancreatitis, external liver damage, excess bad blood in the liver, high cholesterol, cirrhosis of the liver, pain in the right hypochondrium, etc.
Dosage: 2-3 grams per day. Best taken at noon after meals. Chew well and drink warm water.

"Gi Wang 9" - "Gallstone 9" -
Use and Action:
- enlargement of the liver;
- stomach disorders.
Dosage: 2-3 gms daily at noon with hot water.

"Gur-gum 13" - "Safflower 13".
Composition: Carthamus tinctorius (gur-gum)
The nature of the composition is cool.
The composition cleanses the liver and blood, normalizes the function of the liver, gallbladder and biliary tract, eliminates intoxication, helps with general weakness and physical fatigue, pain in the liver after eating, regulates the gastrointestinal tract, promotes the coordinated work of all internal organs, lowers cholesterol , improves metabolic processes in liver cells, tones and protects the liver from toxic effect chemical elements, alcohol, pharmacological agents. It is effective for various types of hepatitis, cirrhosis, sinusitis, has anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects.
Indications: Heat of the liver, kidneys and spleen, eye diseases due to impurity of Blood and Bile.
Dosage: 0.5-1 gr. Best time to take after meals at noon or as directed.

"Gur-Gum 13" - "Safflower 13" - .
Use and Action:
- hepatic tonic;
- malfunction of the liver from improper food, beverage, or poisoning;
- trauma of the kidneys;
- difficulty in micturition and at times without any control over urination;
- pain on one side of the head from infections.
Dosage: 0.5-1 grams once daily either in the morning or at noon with hot water.

"GurKyun" - "Gurgum 13 + Khyuna 5".
Composition: Carthamus tinctorius, Eugenia caryophyllata, Santalum album, Caesalpinia bonducella, Saussurea lappa, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia belerica, Emblica officinalis, Saussurea lappa, Acorus calamus, etc.
The nature of the composition is cool.
This composition has an anti-inflammatory effect and is used for infection in the liver, inflammation, hepatitis, herpes. It is used for some skin diseases associated with the predominance of Bile and Mucus, helps with atopic dermatitis, eczema, leprosy, itching, chronic sinusitis, adenoids, mastopathy, mastitis, resolves tumors and lymph nodes. Protects the liver and pancreas from excessive alcohol consumption.

"Gu-yu 28" - "Go-yu 28".
Composition: fruits of Areca catechu, Punica granatum, Piper nepalense, Elettaria cardamomum, Tribulus terrestris, Thlaspi arvense, Terminalia chebula; bark of Cinnamomum tamala, flower buds: Eugenia fruticosa, Cassia boundecella, roots and rhizomes: Rubia cordifolia, Curcuma longa; shellac Laccifer lacca; musk Moschus chrysogaster; Symplococus lurida, Erythrina arborescens, Meconopsis simplicifolia, Juniperus squamata, Herpetospermum pedunculosum, Corydalis stracheyi; shells of Ocypoda sp.; Dracocephalus tanguiticum, Malva sylvestris, Berberies aristata, Verbascum thapsus.

It is used for low body temperature, swelling of the testicles, spermatorrhea, impaired renal function, difficulty urinating, cold-type uterine bleeding, weakness in the legs.
Dosage: 1.5g. in the morning or evening.

"Go-yu 28" - "Go-yu nyer-brgyad - .
Use and Action:
- testicular swelling;
- spermatorrhe;
- kidney dysfunction;
- hypothermia;
- pelvic pain.
Dose: 1.5grms morning or evening with warm water.

"Yes-Du" - "Evil-bdud" - "Moon crystal according to the recipe of Dakini".
Ingredients: Iron powder, Mineral Pith, Carthamus tinctorius, Crocus sativas, Dracocephalus tanguiticum, Calcium carbonate, Inula racemosa Hook, Saussurea lappa, “ru.rta”, “sman.bgrub”.
The nature of the composition is cool.
This pill for a hundred diseases is taken for chronic diseases of the stomach and liver (hepatitis, tumors, cirrhosis), erosions and ulcers, indigestion and a feeling of fullness in the gastrointestinal tract. With yellowing of the skin and redness of the eyes, with severe food allergies, worms and visual impairment. With poisoning, hard feces, deterioration of blood counts, anemia and low blood pressure. Strengthens the immune system, cleanses the body, neutralizes the poisons of chronic diseases. Especially beneficial effect on the liver, stomach and eyes.
Best time to take after meals at noon or as directed.
Dosage: One to three pills per day.

"Da-due" - "Zla-bdud" - .
Use and Action:
- lever disorder;
- gastric problem;
- food poisoning;
- indigestion;
- worms;
- chronic fever;
- colic pain;
- eye trouble;
- all kinds of chronic diseases and general tonic.
Dose: One-three pills in one day. Take in the morning or evening with warm water.

"dayu chinchud chenmo
The nature of the composition is neutral.
Ingredients: Calcite, Saffron, Heracleum sp. and processed herbal and mineral formulations. Deiu chinchud chenmo pills help relieve stomach, blood and liver disorders. These pills also improve eyesight, relieve chronic fever due to poisoning and complex gastrointestinal disorders. When taken regularly, they act as a liver tonic and are especially effective against tumors and liver cancer.
Directions for use: Take one to three pills a day half an hour before or one hour after meals, chewing well and drinking warm water.
Store in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight.

Dawoe Chinchud Chenmo
It helps to relieve disorders of the liver stomach & blood. It also improves vision, alleviates chronic fever due to poisoning & complex gastro-intestinal disorders. If consumed on a regular basis, it acts as a liver tonic and specifically very effective against liver tumor & cancer.
Ingredients: Processed Calcite, Saffron, heracleum sp. and processed herbo-mineral formulations.
Direction: Take one pill half an hour before or after meals with boiled luke warm water, or as directed by physician. Storage: Keep in cool & dry place, away from direct sun light.

"Dali 16" - "Rhododendron 16".
Ingredients: Rhododendron adamsi (Adams' Rhododendron), Punica granatum, Piper longum, Eugenia caryophyllata, Melia composita, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Bambusa textilis, Saussurea lappa, Vitis vinifera, Aquilariallocha, Elettaria cardamomum, Carthamus tinctorius, Myristica fragrans, Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Potamon agospp . shell, Geranium sp.
The drug was developed in the 17th century to eliminate excess Mucus (Kapha). Relieves edema (face, ankles and legs), improves digestion, helps with Mucus and Wind, respiratory diseases, cough, hoarseness, shortness of breath, palpitations, bronchitis, asthma. Warms the lungs excess liquid from the body. It helps with dropsy, indigestion and bloating, increased lymph (Chhu-Ser), with food allergies, dizziness due to excess Mucus and Wind, with a deterioration in blood quality (reduces cholesterol). It lowers blood pressure, promotes weight loss, helps with cellulite, altitude sickness (it is an adaptogen), an enlarged thyroid gland, swelling of the joints. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect, mild diuretic.
Avoid late pregnancy, fever and inflammation.

"Da-Li 16 (Dha-lee)" - "Rhododendron 16" - .
Use and Action:
- rLung diseases;
- digestive;
- diuretic;
- relieves cough;
- swelling of the body;
- pain and swelling in the chest region;
- trachyphonia, vertigo, disagreeable area and climate.
Dosage: 2-3gms thrice daily with hot water.

"Dang Me" - "Dung Man 15".
Ingredients: Calcium carbonate, Rock salt, Rhododendron anthopogon, Clematis sp., Myristica fragrans, Coriandrum sativum, Salt peter, Sodium chloride (Plains), Sodium chloride (Sea), Sodium chloride, Aconitum orochryseum, Inula racemosa Hook, Piper nepalense Miquel, Piper nigrum, Roscoea capitata.
The nature of the composition is very hot.
It is used for indigestion, stomach ulcers, persistent diarrhea and abdominal pain, liver disorders, colic and belching.

"Dangtso" - "Dangtso".
Ingredients: "Sebro Dane" ("Sedu Dangney") + Tsoshel (detoxified mercury).
It is used for problems in the gastrointestinal tract: ulcers, indigestion, etc.
Dosage: 0.5-1 gr. a day in the morning or evening. Chew well and drink warm water.

"Dhung-man 15" - "Dvagsman 15" - .
Indigestion, stomach ulcer with coffee-ground vomit, persistent diarrhoea, stomach ache, liver disorder, colic pain and belching.
Dose: 0.5-1 grm. Take orally in the morning and evening with hot water.

"De-ga 13" = "Bre-ga 13".

"Jitang 7" - "Embelia 7"
Ingredients: Embelia ribes, Allium sativum, Butea frondosa, Cannabis sativa, Iris ensata, Artemisia nestita, musk.
It is mainly prescribed for hemorrhoids and as an anthelmintic.
Take 1 to 3 grams in the morning on an empty stomach, chewing well and drinking hot water. It can also be used transrectally, applied to the skin with itching with cream or petroleum jelly.

"Jhee-thung 7" – "EMBELIA 7"
Use and Action:
Dosage: 2-3gms once in the morning with hot water on empty stomach. This drug can also be applied into the rectum or on itchy skin with a cream or petroleum jelly base.

"Drak-shun 9" - "Mumiyo 9"
Ingredients: mumiyo Trogopterus xanthipes (brag-zhun-khan-dra); flowers of Carthamus tinctorius; fruits of Elettaria cardamomum, Terminalia chebula; roots of Aconite naviculare; aerial part of Polygonum bistorta, Dracocephalum foetidum; gallstones (Bos taurus domesticus); musk (Moschus berezovskii).
The nature of the composition is cool.
Has antiseptic properties. It is used for digestive disorders, which are the main cause of most diseases. It is very effective in the "rgyu gzer" disease, which is manifested by damage to the small intestine. It is used for liver diseases, for abdominal pain due to biliary reflux, ulcers. Eliminates bleeding from all parts of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, helps with delayed menstruation, pain in the lower abdomen. Eliminates heat in the stomach. Strengthens the immune system and gives strength, uplifting.
It is used 1-2 sachets per day, on an empty stomach, chewing well and drinking warm water, sweetened with honey or jaggery.
"Drak-shun 9" - "Shilajit 9 (Brag-zhun dgu-pa)" -
Use and Action:
- inflammation of the stomach and intestines,
- diarrhea.
Dosage: 2-3gms thrice daily.

"Drak-shun 13" - "Mumiyo 13" - "Brag khyung bcu gsum" = "Drak-shun 9" + "Khyunna".
Ingredients: mumiyo Trogopterus xanthipes, Carthamus tinctorius flowers; fruits of Elettaria cardamomum, Terminalia chebula; roots and rhizomes of Saussurea lappa, Acorus calamus, Aconite balfourii and naviculare; aerial part of Polygonum bistorta, Dracocephalum foetidum; musk Moschus berezovskii, gallstones Bos taurus domesticus.
It has an antipyretic effect, hemostatic in intestinal bleeding, analgesic in diseases of the stomach. It is used to treat Heat of the heart, liver, lungs, spleen and kidneys, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, stops diarrhea due to antiseptic action, suppresses Heat of the small intestine, Heat of bile, eliminates plethora.
Take 1-2 times a day, chewing well and drinking warm water, sweetened with honey or jaggery in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast or an hour or two after dinner.

"Khyungna" - "Garuda 5" - .
Use and Action:
- severe stomach pains;
- various inflammations of the head, ears, nose and teeth;
- pain from intestinal parasite;
- tonsillitis;
- itching and skin eruptions;
- specifically for leprosy and serum disorders.
Dosage: 0.5-1 grams in the afternoon with hot water.

"Khyuna-nila" - "Khyungna-nila"
Composition: Terminalia chebula Retz, (yellow myrobalan - fruits), Saussurea Costus, Saussurea lappa, (burdock-shaped Saussurea, beautiful costus - rhizome), Acorus Gramineus solad (calamus vulgaris), Aconitum ferox, Indian Aconite (Indian aconite), Commifora Mukul ( myrrh), dngul.chu.dkar.btul (mercury bone ash), stod.dza (top tea), Laguritum (lagurite), Moschus moschiferus, Delphinium brunonianum (musk deer musk).
The nature of the composition is cold.
- various types of inflammation in the stomach; - diseases of the gallbladder;
- liver diseases;
- skin itching;
- boils;
- radiculitis and ischalgic pains;
- stool disorder.
Dosage and method of application: no more than four peas per day. Chew well with warm water.

"Kyuru 25" - "Amla 25".
Composition: Emblica officinalis, Veronica ciliata, Conandrum sati-vum, Aristolochia moupinensis, Meconopsis grandis, Picrorhiza kurroa, mineral pitch, Dracocephalum tan-guticum, Pterocarpus santalinus, Dendrobium moni-liforme. Geranium sp., Saussurea lappa, Tinospora cordifolia, Onosma hookeri, Swertia chirata, Inula racemosa, Terminalia chebula, Carthamus tinctorius, vermilion, Terminalia belerica, Herpetospermum caudgerum, Rubus idaeopsis, Hippophaerhamnoides.
Nature: cool.
These pills purify the blood, help with gynecological disorders, painful and irregular periods, ovarian cysts (take 2-3 months), endometriosis and female infertility. This composition helps with pain in the liver and gallbladder with increased blood pressure, brownish urine. Increases lactation, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, cleanses the skin (pimples from hormonal imbalance). Has a beneficial effect on thyroid gland(especially after operations). Eliminates redness of the eyes and dry mouth.
Not recommended for poor digestion and pregnancy.
Best time to take is after meals at noon, before bed, or as directed.

"Kyu-ru 25" - "Amla 25" - .
Use and Action:
-dries up "bad" blood;
- high blood pressure decreases;
- exess of "bad" blood;
- pain in the liver and the gall-bladder due to high blood pressure;
- hoarseness;
- redness of eyes;
- dryness of mouth and tongue;
- brownish color of urine;
- balances the flow of menses;
Dosage: 2-3 gms twice daily with hot water.

"Li Shi 6" - "Carnation 6".
Ingredients: Syzygium aromatcum (Li Shi), Babusa textilis, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Gentiana algida, Saussurea lappa, Terminalia chebula. Nature: cool.
Antipyretic, antidote. It is used for pain, inflammation and sore throat, Heat of the lungs, shortness of breath, hoarseness and cough.
Dosage: two to three pills per day.

"Li-Shi 6" - "Clove 6", .
Use and Action:
- antipyretic and antidote;
- inflammation and pain in the lungs, throat, and neck regions;
- hoarseness and cough.
Dosage: 3gms twice or thrice daily with hot water.

Ingredients: Punica granatum, Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Elettaria cardamomum, Piper longum, Carthamus tinctorius.
Nature: neutral.
A pleasant-tasting composition that is used for hyperacidity and heartburn, to improve digestion and appetite, and also improves blood circulation and increases hemoglobin, normalizes blood pressure, helps with weakness or loss of strength.
Dosage: adults up to three sachets per day, children one sachet per day.

"Ma-1" – "Men-chik"
Helps to improve:
- Digestive heat;
- Hemoglobin count;
- Blood circulation & pressure;
- Bodily strenght.

"Ma-2" \u003d "Roe 6" - "Costus 6"
Ingredients: Saussurea lappa (costus), Emblica officinalis, Punica granatum, Veronica ciliata, Elettaria cardamomum, Piper longum.
The nature of the composition is neutral.
This composition is used for indigestion, vomiting, gastritis, constipation and colic in the abdomen.
Dosage: adults up to 3 sachets per day, children from 6 to 12 years old one or two sachets.
How to use: half an hour or an hour before or after a meal, thoroughly chew the contents of the package, drinking warm water.
"Ma-2" – "Men-nee"
- Indigestion;
- vomiting;
- constipation;
- gastritis;
- abdominal cramps.
Dosage: for adults one sahcet thrice in day, for children – 1 or 2 sahcet in day.
Directions: take one sachet one hour before or after meals with likewarm water.

Ingredients: Calcite, Terminalia chebula, Pterocephalus hookeri, corydalis hendersonii, Adhatoda vasica, Shilajit, Honey.
The nature of the composition is neutral.
This composition helps with hyperacidity, cancer of the internal organs, asthma, hoarseness, bronchitis and other congestive diseases in the chest. It is also used as an expectorant and blood cleanser.
Not recommended in late pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Dosage: adults up to 3 sachets per day, children from 6 to 12 years old one or two sachets.
How to use: half an hour or an hour before or after a meal, thoroughly chew the contents of the package, drinking warm water.
"Ma-3" – "Men-soom"
Uses relieves these symptoms:
- Acidity;
- all internal ulcer;
- chest congestion;
- asthma;
- hoarseness of voice;
- purifies the blood;
- expectorates sputum.
Dosage: for adults one sahcet thrice in day, for children from 6 till 12 age – 1 or 2 sahcet in day.
Directions: take one sachet one hour before or after meals with likewarm water.

"Manu 4" - "Manu 4"
Composition: Inula racemosa, Rubus idaeopsis, Tinospora cordifolia, Hedychium spisatum.
Nature is a little chilly.
This composition is used in the form of a decoction for both acute and latent heat of an infectious nature. Increases the body's defenses after an infectious disease. Used to purify the blood. Contribute to the fastest maturation of heat and completely suppresses it. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces fever, improves immunity. It is effective in chronic diseases of "cold" blood, such as bronchial asthma, bronchitis, diseases of the joints, etc. The drug normalizes blood pressure, improves blood circulation, removes toxins and toxins from the body.
How to use: pour 0.5-1.5 g of powder into 300 ml. water, evaporate over low heat to 200 ml. At the initial stage of the disease, when the temperature is just beginning to rise, the drug is taken in warm form to keep the heat from building up. If the disease has already entered the acute phase, the decoction should be consumed chilled 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals or an hour or two after. It can also be taken as a powder with hot water.

"Mensil" - "Mensil"
Ingredients: calcite, gmelina devida, myrobalan chebula, real cardamom, clove tree, saffron seed, bamboo concretion, fragrant cardamom, meconopsis.
The nature of the composition is neutral.
It is used for "Heat" of the liver and kidneys. Has anti-inflammatory action. It balances "Pitta" or in Russian "Fire in bile", normalizes the functioning of the liver, gallbladder. The drug is used for intoxication, clogging of the blood, stabbing pains and heaviness in the right hypochondrium, a feeling of fullness in the chest, yellowing of the skin and redness of the eyes, bitterness in the mouth and other symptoms of indignation of "Bile".
It has a beneficial effect on the liver, urinary system and blood.
Take the drug better in the morning on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast, chewing well and drinking warm water, sweetened with honey.

"Mutik 25" - "Pearl 25".
Composition: Margaritum, Bambusa textilis, Carthamus tinctorius, Eugenia caryophyllata, Elettaria cardamomum, Amomum subulatum, Myristica fragrans, Bos taurus domesticus, Santalum album, Pterocarpus santalinus, Gmelina arborea, Punica granatum, Moschus moschiferus, Saussurea lappa, Piper longum, Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Potamom yunnanensis, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia belerica, Emblica officinalis, Vermiculitum, Malva verticillata, Cuminum cyminum, Nigella sativa, Polygonum aviculare.
Nature: neutral.
This composition is used for diseases of the brain and nervous system, epilepsy, autism, sciatica, headaches, numbness, constriction, trembling, twitching of the limbs, loss of sensitivity, tongue-tied tongue, and improper functioning of the organs of perception. Improves blood circulation in the vessels of the heart and brain, promotes concentration, improves memory. It is prescribed for neuritis, neuralgia, strokes, paresis and paralysis. Reduces blood cholesterol levels, reduces the risk of blood clots, normalizes blood pressure (reduces high and increases low), suitable for both children and the elderly. Decreases Kidney fever, diuretic.
Dosage: 1-2 pills per day. Chew well and drink warm water.
"Mutik 25" - "Pearl 25".
Practicing in clinic for more than 1000 years, it has been proven that this drug has significant effects on neural system diseases. It was described to have good effects on hypertension, stoke neuralgia, palpitation in the historic data of the Tibetan medicine. This drug is highly appreciated by patients.
Action and Indications: tranquilizing and regaining consciousness. Mainly used for treating stroke, hemiplegia, facial paralysis, unconsciousness, and delirious mania.
Dosage: once a day, each time 1-2 pills.
Directions: take 1-2 pills one hour before or after meals with likewarm water.

"Nyi-kil" - "Solar Mandala 22".
Composition: Aquilaria agallocha, Eugenia cariophillata, Myristica fragrans, Prunus sp., Orchis sp., Calcite, Amomum subulatum, Capsicum annum, Punica granatum, Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Elettaria cardamomum, Piper longum, Peucedanum sp., Polygonatum officinale, Asparagus dahuricum, Withania somnifera, Tribulus terrestris, Malva verticillata, Trogoptrus xanthipes, Halitum violaceum, Carthamus tinctorius, Leonurus sibiricus.
The nature of the composition is warm.
This composition is a "composition from a hundred diseases." It balances the "vital Winds" (Vata) and Mucus (Kapha), balances disease factors in the whole body, removes obstructions in the subtle channels of the movement of the Winds, eliminates trembling, hypertensive crisis, dizziness, indigestion, hoarseness, bronchitis, various body edema, tumors, coldness of the kidneys, retention of urine, stitching pains in the kidneys and bladder, skin diseases, hemorrhoids and female diseases. Increases the digestive capacity of the stomach, eliminates diarrhea, clarifies memory, improves mental abilities and physical strength, is a stimulant, adaptogen, prolongs life.
Best time to take: in the morning on an empty stomach for digestion and rejuvenation, or as directed by a physician. Dosage - 2-3 pills per day. Chew well and drink warm water.
"Nyee-maye kheel-khor" - "Mandala of The Sun".
Use and Action:
- due to lack of digestive heat, proper metabolic functions are impaired and subsequently they bring about disorders such as stomachal tumours and so forth. This drug is specially effective for promoting digestive heat and this, in turn, increases the bodily sustainers (Lus-zung) and thereby acts as an elixer and tonic;
- promotes normal flow of urine;
- tonic for the kidneys and urinary bladder;
- stops diarrhea both from "hot" and "cold" causes;
- effective against "cold" disorders such as diarrhea, cold parasites, serumal disorders, and arthritis.

"Norbu 7" - a decoction of seven precious ingredients.
Composition: Inula racemosa, Rubus idaeopsis, Tinospora cordifolia, Hedychium spisatum, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia belerica, Emblica officinalis.
Essence: Slightly cool.
One of the effective remedies for asthma, fever, colds, flu, acute respiratory infections (especially at the beginning of the disease). It is better to take at the first signs of malaise and for some time after the symptoms disappear. It has a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect, helps with thrombophlebitis. prophylactic from myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke. It thins the blood, cleanses the walls of blood vessels, reduces high blood pressure, protects against infectious diseases, has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, and improves immunity. In combination with mumiyo ("Drakshun 9") heals from allergies.
Take warm during the day as a hot infusion. Pour 2-3 grams of the composition with 1-1.5 cups of boiling water and let it brew for 15 minutes.

"Nor-bu 7" - "Trul thang" - .
Use and Action:
- clears up lever caused by inflammation of blood mixed with rLung that causes the imbalance of the seven bodily sustainers (Lus-zung), prevents the common cold, promotes the ripening of fever controls, minor fever from spreading.
Dosage: decoct 1 grams to 1/3 rd water level and take once daily, preferably in the afternoon.

"Olmose 25" - "Straw flower 25".
Composition: Podophyllum emodii, Rubia cordifolia, Emblica officinalis, Punica granatum, Hedychium spicatum, Mirabilis himalaica, Onosma hookeri, Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Pterocarpus santalinus, Veronica ciliata, Hippophae rhamnoides, sal-ammoniac, Aquilaria agollocha, Myristica fragrans, Inula sativum, Coriandrum , Piper nigrum, Cupressus torulosa, Terminalia chebula, Corydalis sp., etc.
The nature of the composition is neutral.
This compound is primarily for gynecological disorders. Normalizes the menstrual cycle, cleanses the blood. Helps with uterine tumors, ovarian cysts, mastopathy, endometriosis, pain in the lower abdomen, lower back and pelvic bones, itching and burning in the genitals, dizziness (due to excess Mucus and Wind), tinnitus, stabbing pain in the heart, depression, increases lactation. Prepares the body for pregnancy and restores after childbirth, before childbirth, it is recommended to mix the composition with vegetable or ghee and massage the lower body.
Contraindications: individual intolerance.
The optimal time of admission is in the morning or in the evening, or in accordance with the doctor's prescription.

"Ol-Se 25" (Wall-say) - "Podophyllum 25".
Use and Action:
- balances lung and blood;
- thins out coagulated blood;
- promotes normal flow of menses and its normal color;
- headache due to Bad-rlung;
- pain at the back of the neck;
- pain at the hips, kidneys, and lower intestines.
Dosage: 2-3gms thrice daily with hot water.

"Pangen 15" - "Pangyen 15"
Composition: Eugenia caryophyllata, Bambusa textilis, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Gentiana algida, Saussurea lappa, Terminalia chebula, Aquilaria agollocha, Myristica fragrans, Santalum album, Melia composita, Terminalia belerica, Emblica officinalis, Tinospora cordifolia, Veronica ciliata, Rhodiola sp.
The nature of the composition is cool.
It is used for acute and chronic bronchitis, in violation of bronchial patency, accumulation of sputum. This composition is effective for severe cough with high fever, with stabbing pains in chest. Eliminates shortness of breath, lack of air, feeling of tightness in the chest, heat in the chest, accumulation of mucus and pus in the lungs, ingress of "bad blood" into the lungs, cleanses the blood. Used to treat severe broncho-pulmonary diseases, bronchiectasis, prolonged pneumonia. Good for those who smoke.
perfect time reception - in the morning or at noon. Dosage - 1-2 grams per day. Chew well and drink warm water, sweetened with honey.

"Polcar 10 (Sposdcar 10)" - "White incense 10".
Ingredients: Commiphora camphora (spos.dkar), Terminalia chebula, Terminalia belerica, Emblica officinalis, Cassia tora, Abelmoschus moschatus, Saussurea lappa, Tinospora cordifolia, Veronica ciliata, Shilajid.
The nature of the composition is neutral.
It is used for pain, swelling, redness of the joints as a result of gout, arthritis, rheumatism. Helps with skin rashes, itching, blisters, lymphatic diseases.
Do not forget that the state of the joints is closely related to digestion.
The optimal time of reception is noon. Dosage 1-2 grams per day. Chew well and drink warm water.

"Poekar 10" - "Polkar 10" - "Camphor 10" - .
Use and Action:
- dries up blood serum and uric acid;
- inflammation and pain in the joints of the extremity;
- skin breaks.
2-3gms twice daily with hot water.

“Ru-ta 6" = "Ma 6" = "Ma 2" - "Costus 6".
Ingredients: Saussurea lappa (costus), Emblica officinalis, Punica granatum, Veronica ciliata, Elettaria cardamomum, Piper longum.
The nature of the composition is neutral.
Helps with gastritis, ulcers, indigestion, high acidity, colic and stabbing pains in the stomach, belching, vomiting, constipation, heartburn and flatulence.
The optimal time of admission is half an hour before breakfast or in accordance with the doctor's prescription.

“RU-TA 6” – “MA 6” – “SAUSSUREA 6”.
Use and Action:
- Bad-kan Mug-po;
- colic;
- eructation and gastritis;
- inflammation of the stomach; - emesis and nausea;
- flatulence.
Dosage: 2-3gms daily either in the morning or at night with hot or warm water.

Sangdak Dharyaken- "Sangdak Dharyaken"
Antitumor pills that help against cancer. This composition controls the reproduction and growth of cancer cells, and also kills and dissolves malignant cells that affect the internal organs.
Here are some of its ingredients: Terminalia chebula, Acorus calamus, Saussurea lappa, Lepisorus clathratus, Artemesia santolinifolia, Oxytropis falcata, Codonopsis thalictrifolia.
Dosage and method of use: 3 pills a day half an hour before or after meals. Chew well and drink warm water, you can add honey or jaggery to taste.

“Sam Nor” - “Sampel Norbu”.
Composition: Carthamus tinctorius, Bambusa textilis, Margaritum, Eugenia caryophyllata, Myristica fragrans, Elettaria cardamomum, Amomum subulatum, Santalum album, Pterocarpus santalinus, Aquilaria agollocha, Terminalia chebula, Glycyrrhiza uralensis, Verbascum thapsus, Terminalia belerica, Emblica officinalis, Foeniculum vulgare sativa, Piper longum, Zingiber spectabile, Moschus moschiferus, Potamon yunnanensis, Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Cinnamomum camphora, Cassia tora, Abelmoschus moschatus, Inula racemosa, Saussurea lappa, Fragaria nilgeernsis, etc.

Improves brain blood circulation and blood circulation, strengthens the nervous system. It is used for atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain, heart, dizziness, memory disorders, paresis, paralysis, epilepsy, gout, leprosy, rheumatism, tongue-tied tongue, memory loss, loss of sensation in the limbs, twitching (tics) in the body. In rehabilitation after a stroke.
Dosage: 1 pill per day in the morning or at noon, or as directed by a physician (possibly with honey). Chew well with warm water.

"Sam Nor" - "Sampel Norbu" - .
Indications: Gout, arthritis, leprosy, kidney diseases, stiffness of body, paralysis, infection, acute and chronic inflammation, renal injury and nervous disorders.
Dose: 1 big pill at a time take orally in the morning or at mid day with hot water.

"Sebru Dane" - "Dan Ma Ne Jog" or "Danma 5".
Composition: Punica granatum (se "bru), Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Piper longum, Elettaria cardamomum, Carthamus tinctorius.
The nature of the composition is warm.
The best composition for indigestion and other diseases of the digestive system and blood. Cleanses the liver, warms the spleen and kidneys. It is used for most chronic diseases associated with digestion. And also with a lack of fluid in the joints and male infertility, fatty cysts, allergies. Enhances lactation. Helps with gastritis (with low acidity) and hepatitis, improves blood circulation and energy.
Good prevention of digestive disorders, osteochondrosis, atherosclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and cancer.
Dosage: 0.5-1 gr. The optimal time of admission is before breakfast or in accordance with the doctor's prescription. Chew well and drink warm water.

"Sebru Dangney (Sedu Dangney)" - "Maitainer of the site of Essences" - .
Use and Action:
- clears discomfort due to an admixture of both a "hot" (blood and mKhris-pa) and a "cold" (rLung and Bad-kan) disorder;
- promote body heat;
- promotes the flow of digestive enzymes and salivary amaltase;
- indigestion due to lack of bodily heat (especially of the digestive system);
- promotes the proper functioning of bodily sustainers known as Lus-zung.
Dosage: 2-3 gms daily with hot water.

"Sem-de" - a composition of 15 components:
Aquilaria agollocha, Mucuna prurita, Myristica fragrans, Saussurea lappa, Melia composita, Ferula jaeschkeana, Eugenia caryophyllata, Piper nigrum, Piper longum, Hedychium spicatum, Aconite spicatum, Lepus Pectus Pector, Bos Grunniens Lipid, Molasses and Black salt.
The nature of the composition is warm.
Along with "A-gar 35" - the best remedy for various ailments of the mind: stress, anxiety, loss of concentration and memory, etc. It is used for all diseases associated with an imbalance of the five vital energies (Prans), and therefore it is very useful for those who practice meditation.
Sem-de contains the plant "Aquilaria agollocha" or "Chen Xiang", which helps the kidneys absorb "qi" or vital energy.
Another component of "Sem De" is the herb "Mucuna prurita", which contains the component "L-dopa", which cures Parkinson's disease.
"Eugenia caryophylla" or "Ding Xiang" is an antiemetic that soothes the stomach.
Dosage: 2-3 gr. in a day. Chew well and drink warm water or vegetable broth.

"Sem De" - "Sem-ghi Dey-kyi" - .
Specifically for rLung afflicting the Srog-rtza (life-channel) which manifests the following symptoms:
All types of rLung disorders, like anxiety, stress, irritability, lack of concentration, dullness, various mental disorders.
Dosage: 2-3 grams daily in the morning with chang, broth or hot water.

"Senden 25" - "Senden 25"
This compound helps with injuries, bone fractures, muscle damage and healing after surgeries.
Strengthens the nervous system. It is prescribed for headaches, heaviness in the head, high blood pressure, muscle twitching, palpitations, cardiac arrhythmias, stabbing pains in the heart. It is used to treat pulmonary heart failure, as well as osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis. Effectively helps with diseases of the heart, blood vessels, hypertension, sclerosis caused by increased Bile (Pitta).

"Heart 5" - "Golden Shine 5".
Ingredients: Terminalia chebula, Punica granatum, Herpetospermum caudgerum, Black camphor, Shilajit (mineral pitch).
The nature of the composition is neutral.
Enhances the fiery warmth (digestive capacity) of the stomach, is used for indigestion, bloating, rumbling and fullness of the stomach, increases appetite. Helps with yellowing of the whites of the eyes and skin. It also helps with stagnation of bile in the gallbladder and infectious hepatitis "A".
Best time to take is before breakfast, or as directed by a physician.

"Ser-Dok 5" - "Golden Color 5" - .
Use and Action:
- mKhris-pa and rLung;
- indigestion;
- stomachal and intestinal pain along with frequent rumbling;
- bitter taste in mouth;
- yellow sclera.
Dosage: 2-3gms daily at noon with hot water.

"Srogdzin 11" - "Holder of Life 11".
Ingredients: Aquilaria agollocha, Myristica fragrans, Primus spp., Bambusa textilis, Shorea robusta, Saussurea lappa, Terminalia chebula, Mesua ferrea, Eugenia caryophyllata, Ferula jaeschkeana, etc.
The nature of the composition is slightly warm.
- accumulation of Wind in the channel of Life (srog-jin), leading to disruption of normal mental activity;
- pain in the upper body, especially between the shoulders, breasts (nipples) and in the liver;
- mental disorders.
Dosage: 2-3 grams per day. Chew well and drink warm water. The optimal time of reception is from 15 to 19, or in accordance with the appointment.

"Srog-Dzin 11" - "Eleven Holders of Life".
Use and Action:
- accumulations of rLung in the heart and Srog-rtza (life-channels) which disrupts the normal site of intelligence and causes dullness;
- pain in the upper part of the body specially between the shoulders, chest, breasts, and liver;
- mental disorders.
Dosage: 2-3gms daily either in the morning or bedtime with warm water.

"Sugmel 10" - "Green Cardamom 10".
Ingredients: Elettaria cardamomum (sug mel), Hedychium spicatum, Mangifera indica, Piper longum, Malva verticillata, Sodium chloride, Moschus moschiferus, Potamon yunnanensis, Caesalpinia bonducella, Eugenia jambolana.
The nature of this composition is hot.
Helps with Cold of the kidneys, urinary retention and urolithiasis, with a lack of heat in the lower body, kidney failure, prostatitis, pain in the lumbar region, dissolves and removes stones from the kidneys and bladder, Used in male diseases, with a cold of the prostate, and cold neoplasms (tumors) in the urinary tract.
Dosage: 2-3 grams per day in the morning or evening.

"Sug-Mel 10" - "Cardamom 10" - .
Use and Action:
- heals kidney disorders;
- remove kidney stones;
- clears blockage of the urinary tract;
- removes tumors and stones from urinary-bladder.
Dosage: 2-3gms daily at night with hot or warm water.

"Tazi Marpo" - "Marchen".
Composition: Oxytropis chiliophylla, Meconopsis grandis, vermilion, Rubia cordifolia. Bambusa textilis, Carthamus tinctorius, Commiphora mukul, Saussurea lappa, Chrysosplenium nepalense, Terminalia chebula, Inula racemosa, Pterocephalus hookeri, Swertia chirata, Herpetospermum caudgerum, Euphorbia sp..
It is used for medium-hot and hot diseases of the cardiovascular system, to remove pathological wind in the upper body, to eliminate stagnant toxic wind in the "white and black vessels" of the body. With any cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension, atherosclerosis, ischemia. The drug has a complex effect on the body, effectively cleanses the blood, removes excess cholesterol, dissolves atherosclerotic plaques, lowers blood pressure, reduces blood viscosity, preventing thrombosis. It is used both for the treatment and for the prevention of thrombosis.
Indications for use: hypertension of any etiology, ischemia, atherosclerosis, increase in "bad blood", pain in the upper body, blood excitation, reddening of the whites of the eyes, palms, feet, reddening of the lips and nose, fingertips, reflux of bile into the stomach, headaches , heaviness in the back of the head.
How to use: 1-3 pills per day, chewing well and drinking warm water.

"TA-ZI MAR-PO (Tah-zhee mahr-po)” – “RED PONY”
Composition: Oxytropis chiliophylla, Meconopsis grandis, vermilion, Rubia cordifolia. Bambusa textilis, Carthamus tinctorius, Commiphora mukul, Saussurea lappa, Chrysosplenium nepalense, Terminalia chebula, Inula racemosa, Pterocephalus hookeri, Swertia chirata, Herpetospermum caudgerum, Euphorbia sp..
Use and Action:
- for all types of contagious and febrile disorders.
- specifically for inflammation of the lungs and influenza.
Dosage: 2-3gms at noon with hot water.

"Than-chen 25" - "Great brew 25".
Composition: Terminalia chebula, Terminalia belerica, Inula racemosa, Shilajid, Chaenomeles lagenaria, Adiantum pedatum, Picrorhiza kurroa, Gentiana straminea, Dracocephalum tanguticurn, Carthamus tinctorius, Emblica officinalis, Viadimiria souliei, Punica granatum, Sus domestica, Coriandrum sativum, Aconitum heterophyllum, Gentiana urnula, Myricaria bracteata, Aster souliei, Veronica ciliata, Hypercoum leptocarpum, Swertia chirata, Meconopsis grandis, Elettaria cardamomum, Herpetospermum caudgerum.
The nature of the composition is slightly cool.
Helps with any intoxication, with all types of Heat, removes poisons from the body. It is used for chronic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers of the stomach, duodenum and colon, erosive gastritis, etc.), increases appetite. With an increase, cysts and tumors of the liver; high cholesterol, lipomas, nose and uterine bleeding, chronic fevers and colds (in the acute stage with Norbu-7). It alleviates hangovers, reveals latent diseases, cleanses the blood, balances all Vital principles (Wind, Bile and Mucus - Vata, Pita and Kapha), balances Mucus and Bile without stimulating Wind. Helps with menorrhagia.
Dosage: 0.5-1 gr. per day in the morning and/or evening. Chew well and drink warm water.
"Thang-chen 25" - "Great Decoction 25" -
Use and Action:
- used primarily to facilitate the proper recognition of various disorders (specially compounded poisons, Bad-kan sMug-po, and chronic), that have spread and needs to be drawn back to their original source;
- balance body temperature;
- increases appetite;
- controls epistaxis;
- heals Bad-kan and mKhris-pa;
- for frequent lethargy, thirst, stomachal and hepatic pains, inflammation of channels and ureter;
- menorrhagia.

"Shizhet 6 - "Pacifying 6"
Ingredients: Terminalia chebula, Rheum officinale, Trona, Calcite or rock Salt, Inula helenium, Hedychium spicatum.
The nature of the composition is neutral.
It is used for indigestion and other diseases of the stomach, constipation. Cleanses the liver and blood, removes toxins, promotes weight loss. It is also used for gas formation, accumulation of mucus and stabbing pains in the stomach and intestines, helps with childbirth in case of difficulty with the release of the fetus and placenta, regulates menstruation (eliminates pain), has a slight diuretic effect (eliminates small swelling). Helps with digestive problems due to eating unfamiliar or chemical foods, incompatible or spoiled foods, overeating.
Contraindications: pregnancy and individual intolerance. During the reception, it is not recommended to eat mushrooms.
Dosage: two to three pills per day, chewed and washed down with warm water. Best time to take is before breakfast, after dinner, or as directed by a physician.

Use and Action:
- indigestion;
- flatulence;
- anticolic;
- laxative;
- difficulty in expelling fetus and placenta;
- clears normal pathway of rLung Thur-sel.
Dosage: 2-3gms once or twice daily with hot water.

"Shiru" - "Shiru" \u003d "Shizhet 6" + "Ruta 6"
The nature of the composition is slightly warm.
It is used for indigestion and other diseases of the stomach, gastritis, ulcers, and constipation. Cleanses the liver and blood, removes toxins, promotes weight loss.
Dosage: two to three pills per day, chewed and washed down with warm water. Best time to take is before breakfast, after dinner, or as directed by a physician.

"Chong-shi" - "Calcite 6"
Ingredients: Punica granatum, calcite, Elettaria cardamomum, Piper longum, Saussurea lappa, Carthamus tinctorius, rock sugar.
A balanced composition of six components based on burnt calcite for the treatment of the initial stage of the disease "Brown Mucus (Bad-kan sMug-po)".
Dosage and method of use: 2-3 pills per day, chewed well and washed down with warm water.
"CONG-SHI 6 (Choong-she)" – "CALCITE 6"
Use and Action:
bad kan;
burning sensations in the chest;
emesis (often sour and watery vomitus).
Dosage: 2-3gms daily with hot water.

"Chu-Gang 25" - "Bamboo 25".
Composition: Bambusa textilis, Carthamus tinctorius, Eugenia caryophyllata, Amomum subulatum, Aristolochia moupinensis, Terminalia chebula, Foeniculum vulgare, Geranium sp. kurroa, Hippophae rhamnoides, Elettaria cardamomum, Vitis vinifera, Santalum album, Emblica officinalis, Rhodiola saera, Arenaria glanduligera, Incarvillea younghusbandii, Artemisia sieversiana.
Nature: slightly cool
Helps with Heat in the chest and chronic lung diseases, asthma, tuberculosis, bronchitis, colds, flu, weight loss and strength. Cleanser for smokers, anti-inflammatory.
In case of weak digestion, take with caution!
Dosage: 0.5-1 gr. three times a day. Best time to take is noon after meals, or as directed. Chew well and drink warm water.
"Chu-Gang 25" - "Bamboo Pith 25" - ཅུ་གང་ཉེར་ལྔ.
Use and Action:
- anti-inflammatory;
- removes pus;
- relieves coughing;
- dyspnea from chronic bronchitis or pus in the lungs, chest pains and discharge of blood in sputum, lack of strength in the limbs, loss of bodily weight, cold sweat.
Dosage: 0.5-1 grams thrice daily with hot water.

“Yu-ril 13” - “Rolled turquoise 13”.
Composition: Saussurea lappa, Emblica officinalis, Punica granatum, Meconopsis grandis, Corydalis sp., Veronica ciliata, Embelia ribes, Dracocephalum tanguticum, Piper longum, bCha-sga, Coriandrum sativum, Elettaria cardamomum, wood-ash.
It is used for obstruction (blockade) of the stomach, vomiting and diarrhea, gastric colic, indigestion. Anthelmintic. It is also a highly effective prophylactic and therapeutic agent intended for female body. Normalizes the level of sex hormones. Recommended for menstrual disorders, chronic inflammatory processes of the genital organs, including chronic adnexitis, endometriosis and uterine fibroids, climacteric syndrome. Increases immunity, normalizes blood composition, regulates motility (motor ability) digestive tract, normalizes the microflora of the vagina. The drug has a powerful anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, relieves itching, stops the release of whites, removes toxins and stabilizes the menstrual cycle. Prevents the occurrence of congestion in the pelvic organs. In addition, the drug has a tonic, tonic and rejuvenating effect. Beneficial effect on the psyche. Restores a healthy complexion, reduces dryness and brittle hair.
Dosage: 2-3g. per day, morning or evening. Chew well and drink warm water.

"Yu-ril 13" ("Yu-dheel 13") - "ROLLED TURQUOISE 13" - .
Use and Action:
- Bad-ban in the stomach;
- Development of sMug-po giving rise to emesis and diarrhea;
- colic;
- indigestion;
- vermifuge and certain gynecologic disorders.
Dosage: 2-3 gms daily either in the morning or at night with hot water.

"Yukar" - "Yukar".
Composition: "Yuril 13" + mercury bone ash (dngul.chu.dkar.btul).
It is used for stabbing pains of indeterminate localization in the stomach and large intestine, discomfort in the stomach and liver, vomiting of an acidic liquid, swelling and bursting in the stomach and small intestine, with dry feces, female diseases, myoma.

"Yukhyung" - "Yukhyung (Turquoise Garuda)".
Composition: "Yuril 13" + "Khyunna (Garuda 5)".
It is used for blood diseases, mkhris-pa and bad-kan, abdominal cramps due to bad-kan-smoog-po, complete dysfunction of the stomach, gastroenteritis.
USE AND ACTION: Blood, mKhris-pa and bad-kan diseases. Abdominal cramps due to bad-kan-smug-po Complete dysfunction of stomach. gastroenteritis.
Dosage: 1-2g. per day, in the morning or in the evening, chewing well and drinking warm water.

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