Sexual stimulant poppers: reviews, application and effectiveness. What are poppers

Poppers - large group chemical compounds, which are alkyl nitrites as drugs for inhalation. These include amyl nitrite, butyl nitrite, and isobutyl nitrite. Amyl nitrite has long been used in medicine for the treatment of heart disease and as an asthma remedy, stabilizing respiratory function and circulatory system. This substance can also become an antidote for cyanide poisoning. When buying poppers, the composition must be taken into account.

Today, these drugs are more often used not in medical purposes, and to strengthen sexual attraction. Poppers are far from harmless, but they are not included in the group of prohibited drugs. And although doctors do not recommend their use, these substances are becoming increasingly popular. Some believe that this is Dapoxetine, which is available in tablets and is used to increase sensation during sex.

Mechanism of action

What is the effect of poppers? Almost all nitrites have the following pharmacological effects:

  • relaxation of smooth muscles;
  • pressure reduction;
  • improved blood flow;
  • acceleration of the heart rate;
  • increased tactile sensitivity;
  • mild euphoria.

Poppers are characterized by high volatility and easy flammability, so they are used in the form of inhalers. Do not leave the bottle of the product open, as it will evaporate very quickly. The effect when inhaled occurs almost instantly.

  1. Poppers Rush - it is offered by a Canadian manufacturer, promising an unforgettable sexual intercourse.
  2. Poppers Ram- strong drug long-acting, made in Canada.
  3. Poppers Hardware - popular in the USA, it instantly energizes with positive and increases sensitivity.

Dapoxetine is similar in effect to these volatile drugs. That's just the action occurs 2-3 hours after taking the pill. Having used Fist poppers, a person will experience a feeling of euphoria in a few minutes.


Alkyl nitrites and Dapoxetine (hard poppers) have numerous contraindications that should be considered when using:

  • they should not be used by people suffering from asthma, heart and vascular diseases, low blood pressure;
  • even minimum quantities have a noticeable effect on the body, and increasing the dose threatens with serious complications;
  • taking the drug inside is fraught with very severe poisoning;
  • it is dangerous to use poppers in parallel with potency stimulants such as Viagra and Dapoxetine, as the effect of the drug on the heart is enhanced;
  • alcohol is also unacceptable at the same time as taking an inhaler;
  • during pregnancy, use can provoke a miscarriage;
  • since they are highly flammable, they should not be kept near open sources fire.

Since the effect of the dose of the inhaled substance is several minutes, and excretion from the body occurs within only 10-15 minutes, physical addiction is not observed. However, the psychological craving, the desire to re-experience euphoric sensations, is also dangerous.

The price of poppers

Poppers are quite different high cost, especially when you consider that each vial contains only two or three doses. Estimated prices for inhalers are as follows.

What is "poppers"?

Poppers, (from English poppers) is a slang name given to substances belonging to the group of alkyl nitrites. This group also includes amyl nitrite, butyl nitrite, isobutyl nitrite and some other nitrites, all of which are almost identical in physiological terms when inhaled (inhaled).

Amyl nitrite has a long history of safe medical use in the treatment of angina pectoris, and also as an antidote for cyanide poisoning. However, as is often the case with many medicines, an accidentally discovered side effect makes it possible effective use substances for a completely different purpose.

This is exactly what happened with amyl nitrite, an accidentally discovered pleasant effect made it possible to enter the market for such a product as poppers ...

Direct concentrated inhalation of amyl nitrite and other alkyl nitrites results in relaxation smooth muscle, surrounding blood vessels body. As a result, there is a decrease in pressure, the vessels are filled large quantity blood, thereby speeding up the work of the heart.

If you are having sex during this time, the sensations after poppers become much brighter and sharper. The effect of the use of poppers lasts only 2-3 minutes. Currently, alkyl nitrites (poppers) are most often used specifically to enhance sexual pleasure.

Poppers will give you new sensations in sex!

Poppers gives you the opportunity to relax, get an unforgettable experience of caresses and, of course, from sex itself. Poppers will make you plunge headlong into the element of desire and pleasure, and when it comes to the climax, poppers will provoke and prolong orgasm up to 2-3 minutes, and its power will certainly have the most explosive character.

Also, poppers have another tempting side, they have a strong relaxing effect, thanks to which the practice anal sex becomes much more pleasant and minimizes the possibility of any pain. Thanks to all these qualities, poppers have gained immense popularity among gay men and in the practice of BDSM.

Poppers bring pleasure equally to both men and girls. Poppers also gained immense popularity among fans of club life.

A little history of the use of poppers.

Poppers first appeared in the club life of ravers in the 1970s in the United States and proved to be excellent, popular there to this day. Poppers are a great addition to rave parties. All rave parties are accompanied by huge energy, and poppers will help you feel with your whole body every bit of music, every light beam passing near you.

You seem to become one with all this atmosphere, live in the moment that fills you with boundless pleasure and enjoyment. Someone even compares its effect with Ecstasy, but the difference between poppers is that you are in complete control of all your actions and deeds.

Are poppers illegal and is poppers a drug?

In Russia and Ukraine, as well as in many other countries of the world, poppers are not included in the list of prohibited substances (drugs) and are sold absolutely legally and legally.

Poppers are not in any way drugs and are not addictive!

Some clubs even arrange themed parties, placing poppers around the perimeter of the club, so that everything that happens seems more colorful, bright, bringing more pleasure and impressions from everything that happens. The same is often done in massage parlors, swing parties and strip bars.

Contraindications and possible harm from the use of poppers.

Possible side effects and risks from the use of poppers:

  • There is a possibility of a headache.
  • Excessive consumption of poppers can cause anemia.
  • Contact with skin causes irritation.
  • Poppers can increase intraocular pressure and cause glaucoma
  • Poppers are flammable, be careful with cigarettes and lighters.

It is forbidden to use poppers in the following cases:

  • Patients with anemia, glaucoma, bad condition hearts - in no case should you use poppers!
  • Women should not eat poppers during pregnancy.
  • Never drink poppers!
  • Do not use poppers simultaneously with Viagra, Cialis, Levitra and other PDE5 inhibitors.
  • Do not use poppers in combination with alcohol and drugs.

You decided to try poppers.

And so you carefully read all the contraindications, possible risks applied and decided buy poppers

A wonderful effect that occurs after taking poppers, a person feels almost instantly. The action of poppers is the same for both men and women, it allows partners to experience unforgettable, indescribable sensations.

Poppers allow you to feel physical intimacy in a new way, open up new facets of sensations. Do not deny yourself the opportunity to expand the boundaries of pleasure!

Poppers. What is it and how to use it

Poppers - pros and cons

Poppers - tradename volatile liquids - alkyl nitrites used by inhalation (during inhalation). The name comes from the fact that the drug is sold in vials, and when opened, a light cotton is emitted - “Pop!”

Amyl nitrite was synthesized in 1857 and used as medicine when relieving postpartum pain, asthma, angina pectoris, and since the 1960s it has been widely used to enhance sensuality during dancing, as a mild aphrodisiac. Today, poppers are used in the intimate sphere, as a means to increase sexual desire and vivid sensations.

Poppers Action

Poppers are available in bottles from 10 to 30 ml. The drug should be used by inhaling vapors. To achieve the effect, just bring the bubble to your nose and take a couple of deep breaths. The effect is felt within 30 seconds after inhalation.

  • When poppers are inhaled, smooth muscles throughout the body relax.
  • heartbeat accelerates.
  • increased blood flow.
  • and as a consequence you are waiting for the strongest orgasms.


Poppers are not drugs and do not cause mental and physiological (with correct use) dependencies. It is excreted from the body 10-15 minutes after application. The main danger lies in the misuse of the drug.
You can not take poppers inside, as well as take more than 3 breaths, as this can cause chemical burn respiratory tract and poisoning.
The main contraindications to the use of poppers are the presence of cardiovascular diseases, low blood pressure, epilepsy, different kinds anemia, pregnancy, lactation and glaucoma.

How much do poppers cost?

Currently, Poppers are very popular, despite a number of contraindications, and are actively in demand among young people for additional pleasure from sex.
Prices range from 450 to 3000 rubles. For beginners, it is best to start with light Poppers such as or


Poppers are taken only through the respiratory tract. The product quickly disappears, do not leave the bottle open. The drug loses its properties after 2 hours if it is not closed.
Poppers are flammable, do not open the bottle near an open flame.

Poppers are used to enhance sexual pleasure, to give new sensations. The inhalation drug helps to relax both partners, it makes them sensitive to touch, enhancing the effect of pleasure from sexual intercourse.

The action of poppers is based on the complete relaxation of a person and increased sensitivity during sex.

  • When poppers are inhaled, smooth muscles throughout the body, including the internal sphincter, relax. anus and vaginal muscles.
  • heartbeat accelerates.
  • increased blood flow.
  • mild dizziness occurs.
  • increased tactile sensations.
  • and from each touch, the partner feels dizzying emotions, surrendering to a fit of feelings, receiving stunning ecstasy from sex.
  • The duration of the effect is from 3 to 10 minutes.

Types of poppers

Types of poppers are divided into preparations of weak and strong action, and there are also differences in the duration of action.

The effect time is divided into 3 groups:

  • 1 to 3 minutes.
  • 3 to 5 minutes.
  • 5 to 10 minutes.

Which Poppers to choose depends on preferences and the expected effect.


Poppers are not drugs and do not affect nervous system. It is excreted from the body 10-15 minutes after application.
However, when misuse poppers, the effects may manifest as nausea, mild dizziness and headache, cause chemical burns of the respiratory tract and poisoning.

The main contraindications to the use of poppers are the presence of cardiovascular diseases, low blood pressure, epilepsy, various types of anemia, pregnancy, lactation and glaucoma.
It is strongly not recommended to take with alcohol, sex stimulants (Cialis and Viagra) and other drugs.

Impact of poppers on women and men

Poppers, when used, affect male and female audiences differently.

The drug allows girls to become more liberated, stop being shy of their partner, surrendering to ecstasy to the fullest. Poppers for men provides solid potency, preventing premature ejaculation, the member becomes sensitive, which exacerbates the sensations received from intimacy.

You can buy poppers on our website

The use of poppers allows both partners to achieve the highest pleasure during intercourse.

Poppers is a stimulant that is designed for general relaxation of the body in order to obtain new and vivid sensations during sexual intercourse. It should immediately be clarified that this remedy is not narcotic and is not included in the list of prohibited products in our country.

What are poppers?

Poppers is a drug that consists of various nitrite compounds. Penetrating into the respiratory tract, substances contribute to the relaxation of smooth muscles. At the same time, heart rate accelerates, blood vessels dilate and fill with blood. The result is a feeling strong arousal and the onset of a bright orgasm, which lasts an order of magnitude longer than usual. Poppers are available in the form of inhalers.

In other countries, the drug is no longer sold, but in Russia it has not yet been included in the list of psychotropic or drugs. It is impossible to use poppers inside, only inhale the vapors. The drug is not capable of harming health (if not abused). However, like all means, it also has contraindications.


In what form poppers are produced and what it is, we have already examined in detail. And what components does this tool consist of? The components of the liquid are presented in 3 versions.

  • Isopropyl. This item is suitable for beginners. it mild form a stimulant that will help you experience new and vivid sensations during an intimate act
  • Isobutylnetrite. This component has more prolonged action than the previous version. It is not recommended to use it constantly, since the substance has a side effect in the form of a severe headache.
  • Alminitrite. A powerful ingredient that should only be used with extreme caution. It is a yellowish, highly flammable liquid.

In action, these substances practically do not differ from each other. All volatile nitrites contribute to lowering blood pressure, relax muscle corset, increase heart rate, increase sensitivity.

The effect of the drug occurs within a few seconds. The duration of sensations is 2-20 minutes.

Inhaling poppers, reviews of which are mostly positive, is necessary through the mouth or nose. To do this, bring the inhaler to your mouth, nose and make deep breath. You can simply open the bottle and put it on the bedside table in the bedroom so that everyone in the room gets a dose of nitrite. To speed up the evaporation process, the liquid is poured into a saucer.

Side effects and contraindications

Even though poppers don't count drug However, there are contraindications to it. And in exceptional cases the remedy may even be dangerous for some categories of people.

Side effects after using poppers:

  • Headache, sometimes migraine
  • A sharp drop in blood pressure
  • Strong heartbeat

All of these symptoms can lead to a heart attack. Therefore, if there are problems with cardiovascular system- The drug is not recommended.

In addition, there are such contraindications for poppers:

  • The presence of glaucoma. When nitrites are inhaled, eye pressure may increase, leading to an attack of glaucoma.
  • Anemia
  • Bronchitis in the chronic stage
  • Asthma
  • Hypotension, or a predisposition to a systematic decrease in blood pressure

In some cases, after using the poppers, a burn of the respiratory tract and a decrease in erictal function were observed.

The drugs do not cause dependence, since the effect on brain activity missing. Nitrites are quickly excreted from the body - within 10-20 minutes. Some have noted psychological dependence. The fact is that getting a stronger and longer orgasm, a person will want to experience the same emotions again and will no longer be able to do without stimulants.

Precautions should also be observed when using poppers:

  • do not spray nitrite near fire sources
  • do not use poppers daily
  • do not take the drug inside, it can lead to severe intoxication of the body
  • not allowed to drink alcohol at the same time

general description

Alkyl nitrites - volatile flammable liquids with a slight odor a wide range: from the aroma of fresh fruit to the smell of decay. Alkyl nitrites easily decompose under the influence of sunlight and oxygen.
This class of chemical compounds includes amyl nitrite, butyl nitrite, isobutyl nitrite and other nitrites. Amyl nitrite is used in cardiology to detect angina pectoris and other cardiovascular diseases. Butyl nitrite or isobutyl nitrite is one of the main components in the production of liquid flavors and essences.

Poppers - the general trade name for volatile liquids, produced on the basis of one of the nitrites, and intended for inhalation or evaporation in enclosed space(e.g. room fragrance).
There are many brands of poppers such as RUSH, BOLT, LOCKER ROOM, etc. Because one of basic action poppers- this is an increase in sexual sensations, they are most often sold in Intimate stores.

History of poppres

First amyl nitrite was synthesized in 1857 by the English explorer Sir Loder Brunton (1844-1906).

Brunton found that when amyl nitrite is inhaled healthy man(applies a phial to one nostril and closes the other with his finger), then his pulse quickens, blood vessels dilate and pressure drops. With angina pectoris, the opposite happens, that is, the drug dilates the vessels that deliver blood to the heart. To the new substance was soon received favorably because it helped revive newborn babies. In 1874 a report on amyl nitrite was published by Sir James Crichton-Brown (1840-1938), chief physician psychiatric hospital in Yorkshire. An English country doctor reported that inhaling amyl nitrite had a "simply magical" effect in relieving postpartum pain.
He also found that the drug gives a very nice results for nausea during pregnancy and complex manifestations dysmenorrhea. A physician from Evansville, Indiana, described in 1880 a case in which a woman drank a tablespoon of amyl nitrite. After administering an emetic, she vomited large amounts of amyl-scented liquids. “Her eyes were glassy and roamed freely in their sockets,” breathing and pulse were barely felt, her body became extremely supple, soft and relaxed, but she came to after beatings and a cup of coffee with opium.

Initially nitrites used in medical practice as a remedy for asthma: during an attack, the patient inhaled a pair of amyl nitrite, which led to a rapid stabilization of breathing and blood circulation. Currently, amyl nitrite is practically not used for these purposes, since more effective means for the treatment of asthmatic syndrome.
Since the 1960s nitrites are widely used as a means to enhance sensual sensations during dancing, and as a mild aphrodisiac.
Name Poppers happened because the drug was sold in ampoules, and when opened, the ampoule emitted a light cotton - “Pop!”
Since the harm and danger from the use of nitrites has not been established, poppers are a legal product in most countries, although attempts to limit its circulation are made quite regularly.

poppers action

Physiological effects from various nitrite practically the same. The main effect is a short-term relaxation of the smooth muscles surrounding the blood vessels. The result of this relaxation is a sharp decrease blood pressure and increased blood oxygen saturation. At the level of sensations, this manifests itself in mild euphoria, dizziness and a state of “weightlessness”. For a while, the pulse quickens, there is a rush of blood to the face and other parts of the body. The so-called rush effect(rush effect) - a feeling of rapid mobility.
The effects are felt most strongly 30 seconds after inhalation, and return to normal after about 2-3 minutes.
As for the use of poppers in the intimate area, then leading role function plays here distractions. To get full sexual sensations during intercourse, it can be important to distract yourself from external stimuli, as well as thoughts about unfinished business and various everyday problems. Especially such thoughts are typical for women. Therefore, it is women who, for the most part, note positive effects from the use of the drug: increased tactile sensations and increased strength and duration of orgasm. Poppers are also widespread in gay culture as they are believed to promote general muscle relaxation and facilitate anal insertion.
In some cases, an excess of oxygen in the blood can cause negative feelingssevere dizziness, headaches and nausea. Also possible allergic reactions associated with individual susceptibility to certain odors.

Harm and addiction to poppers

Because the nitrites are chemically active substances, then the main danger lies in their incorrect application. Prolonged contact of liquid nitrite with skin causes chemical burns, and contact with mucous membranes can lead to acute poisoning.
The main contraindications to the use of poppers are the presence of cardiovascular diseases, low blood pressure, epilepsy, various types of anemia, pregnancy and glaucoma. Danger side effects increases when taken with alcohol and other drugs. Strongly not recommended simultaneous reception with other sex stimulants such as Cialis and Viagra .
On the this moment documented cases lethal outcome or pathological changes associated with taking poppers, not registered. Due to the weakness and short duration of action, the drug does not cause physical or serious psychological dependence.

Diagnosis and treatment.

Symptoms acute poisoning nitrites observed only at random. internal use in liquid form. These symptoms include severe headache, nausea and vomiting, cyanosis and acute respiratory failure. In this case, you should immediately do a gastric lavage and seek a qualified medical care. If necessary, give artificial respiration.


Legal status alkyl nitrites in most countries ranges from free use to medical prescription.

In Russia, the circulation of the drug is not legally limited.

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