During sex, the penis falls: why and what to do? Sluggish erection in men: causes of the problem and ways to solve it

Sexual health plays an important role in the life of any man. It affects not only the general well-being, but also the quality of sex. Over time, many are faced with erectile dysfunction disorder. Sluggish potency, the causes of which are varied, is the main symptom of the disease. To restore a man to his former strength, it is necessary to undergo appropriate treatment. When choosing it, it is important to determine what caused the problem.

During sluggish potency, the causes and treatment are determined, which will help restore the man to his former strength. Doing it yourself is quite difficult. It is better to consult a specialist, as self-treatment can lead to new problems. He will prescribe a complete examination and pass a series of tests. According to their result, it will be possible to say what led to erectile dysfunction.

Modern life is full of stress, worries and other factors that negatively affect the health of a man. His psychological, physical and moral condition is deteriorating significantly. This leads to many health problems.

Problem symptoms

Before talking about the causes of the disease, it is important to understand what the erection itself means. This is the state of the penis, when it fills with blood, and its size becomes larger. With sluggish potency, this process is disrupted. As a result, the male organ does not acquire the usual strength and firmness, which negatively affects the sexual life. There are many reasons for this disorder and it is mostly individual in nature.

All men are not equally excited. Some, having seen a beautiful girl, experience sexual attraction, while others need a long foreplay in order for the sexual organ to be ready for intercourse. Both of these options are normal. What is more important is the quality of the sexual intercourse. The logical conclusion of arousal is ejaculation after intimacy.

What to do if not everything is so rosy. The appearance of even the simplest problems in sexual life is a reason to turn to a specialist. This is especially worth doing if:

  • The sexual organ is flaccid with strong excitement;
  • Erection worsens immediately before sexual intercourse;
  • Intimate caresses do not bring pleasure, and the penis remains sluggish.

If at least one of the above situations is noticed, then measures must be taken. They indicate that a man has problems with erection. Timely treatment will eliminate them.

There are many reasons why the penis becomes flaccid. Conventionally, they are divided into several groups. The first is called physiological. In this case, the ailments of such organs and systems provoke the appearance of a problem, such as:

  • reproductive;
  • Endocrine;
  • Heart;
  • urinary;
  • Sexual.

This list is far from complete. Almost any disease can lead to erection problems. This is explained by the fact that they worsen the general condition of a person. As a result, sexual desire becomes weak and insufficient. Correcting the situation will help the treatment of these ailments directly. This will be quite enough for the restoration of potency to occur.

Psychological disorders can also be the cause of the violation. For example, stress, depression, neurosis, and so on. The psychological compatibility of partners is important. Otherwise, conflicts will arise between them, against the background of which the quality of sexual life will deteriorate.

The problem is often caused by external causes. These include addictions that worsen a man's well-being. For example, the use of harmful substances, alcohol, smoking. In addition, a healthy diet plays an important role. These factors do not have a direct effect on the male reproductive system. They contribute to the emergence of various diseases that lead to a deterioration in potency. Thus, there is some regularity in the causes of erectile dysfunction.


Modern medicine offers different ways to treat disorders of the reproductive system. They are appointed by a specialist after the diagnosis of the disease. The drugs that are used help to eliminate the causes of the problem. As a rule, this is enough for potency to return to normal. The main condition is to follow the recommendations of the doctor and complete the full course of therapy.

Treatment with folk remedies is also often practiced. It is great in cases where there are no organic pathologies that affect the reproductive system. The use of folk remedies is distinguished by its cheapness and smoothness. But such treatment should be a special approach. It is most effective in the early stages.

Traditional medicine is based on the use of simple preparations that are prepared using various herbs, plants and other things. You can do it yourself at home. The main thing is to know the prescription of this or that medicine and strictly adhere to it. Violation of the proportions of the ingredients with which it consists can reduce the effectiveness of the drug. And in some cases, even make it harmful and dangerous to health.

Alternative methods of treatment require a special diet. It involves eating foods that contain beneficial nutrients. Fatty and fried foods should be excluded from the diet. Eat more fruits and vegetables, natural aphrodisiacs. For example, nuts and honey.

In many cases, one treatment is not enough, it is necessary to perform physical exercises. They help to improve blood circulation to the organs of the reproductive system. The penis will get stronger and harder faster. Particularly effective are squats, intimate massage, Kegel exercises, which are shown in the photo below.

As practice shows, alternative methods of treatment are effective only with a sluggish course of the disease. When it goes into a more pronounced form, then you can’t do without the help of a specialist. And it is better not to hesitate, but immediately consult a doctor. Otherwise, the patient's condition will only worsen. It is more difficult to treat the advanced form of the disease and it takes more time.

Timely and proper treatment is the key to a man's health.

It is important to determine the causes of malaise and deal with them in the first place. As a rule, after their elimination, the normal functioning of the genital organs is restored. Preventive measures will help eliminate the likelihood of flaccid potency and other erectile dysfunction.

A sluggish erection is a fairly common incident in many men. Not only elderly patients, but also young people under the age of 30 can complain about insufficient erection of the penis, because an incomplete erection can be provoked even by the banal use of alcohol.

What characterizes a sluggish erection?

Some young men, mostly young men, believe that problems with potency can only occur in fairly old people. And in this they are completely wrong, because intimate relationships can be overshadowed not only by complete impotence, but also by other problems. Among them - sluggish, or insufficient erection.

What is the difference between a sluggish erection and sufficient and what signs it is characterized by? First of all, an incomplete erection is expressed by a weak elasticity of the penis, as well as its insufficient hardness and incomplete enlargement.

Experts believe that a weak erection in men does not occur by itself, but under the influence of certain causes, which are simply necessary to identify in order to solve the problem as soon as possible.

The following factors negatively affect the state of erection of the penis:

  • psychological disorders and disorders, including problems with a partner, accidental failures during previous sexual intercourse;
  • severe stress on the eve of sexual intercourse or exposure to prolonged stressful situations;
  • physical as well as mental fatigue, accompanied by a lack of strength;
  • chronic or acute diseases of various organs;
  • the presence of bad habits;
  • hypodynamia;
  • irrational nutrition.

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause, but subject to careful monitoring of his well-being, a man himself can understand which factors have most led to a decrease in erection.

How to get an erection back?

Fortunately, insufficient erection is not as severe a symptom as, for example, complete impotence, so it is much easier to solve the problem. The main thing is to tune in to a positive result and carefully carry out all the planned activities.

Significantly possible by doing the following:

  1. Elimination or minimization of the impact of stressful situations. Where possible, participation in conflicts should be avoided, because they negatively affect not only reproductive abilities, but also health in general.
  2. Discussing existing problems with a partner. An understanding woman will not focus on the failure that has occurred, but will be able to encourage a man and inspire him that an incomplete erection during one sexual intercourse is an accidental oversight, and not a harbinger of serious problems.
  3. Treatment of diseases that could lead to insufficient erection of the penis during intimate contact. In the process of healing, the desire for intimacy increases, many problems are eliminated due to improved blood supply to the penis, and improved well-being.
  4. Performing specific exercises. It should be noted that it is necessary to play sports in moderation, because excessive loads, on the contrary, deplete the body. Especially useful for restoring reproductive function to strengthen the muscles of the perineum (similar to Kegel exercises for women).
  5. Exercise and meditation. Unlike ordinary physical activity, designed to train muscles, yoga exercises affect not only muscle tissue, but also the mental state of a person. In the process of performing asanas, a man can relax, relieve excess nervous tension, recharge with the strength and energy necessary to perform normal sexual intercourse. Meditation allows you to get rid of problems, restore peace of mind.
  6. And is of no small importance. It is enough for a man to include in the diet in sufficient volume, dairy products, honey and other types of food, which are natural aphrodisiacs. We should not forget about useful herbs, berries and fruits.
  7. Reception and essential minerals. If there are too few useful components in everyday foods, then this gap can be filled by the use of vitamin complexes, as well as dietary supplements.
  8. Have regular intercourse (at least twice a week). The likelihood of erection problems increases significantly if a man makes intimate contacts from time to time, allowing long breaks between them.
  9. Maintaining an intimate relationship with only one partner. Chaotic relationships with different women are fraught not only with the risk of contracting unpleasant diseases, but also increase the frequency of possible failures in bed. Each new partner is an additional stress for a man, because it is necessary to prove his worth and masculine capabilities again.

Weak erection: what else to do if the above methods did not lead to the proper result? In this case, it is highly desirable to visit a sex therapist or psychologist, since often the problems are “in the head”, and only a specialist can identify them.

Finally, even a very weak erection is not a reason to refuse intimacy, because in such cases you can take a special drug to eliminate problems with potency. An improved version of the famous Viagra is a new generation tool - Viagra Soft. The medicine provides sufficient blood flow to the penis, which allows you to forget about such troubles as an incomplete erection. In addition, the drug is available in the form of chewable dragees and begins to be absorbed in the body literally from the first minutes after taking it, so the potency is restored soon.

It is enough to use Viagra Soft 15 minutes before intimacy, and you can forget about possible failures for 5 hours or more, enjoying pleasant emotions from communicating with your beloved woman.

As well as other similar tools can be found on this site. Before buying, be sure to read the description of the medicine and evaluate the benefits of purchasing it.

A sluggish erection is a serious pathology in which full sex becomes impossible, and a number of psychological problems also arise. It is most effective to fight impotence with the help of medications. The tablets act quickly and reliably, helping to elevate the soft penis in 30-60 minutes for almost every man. However, due to the fact that medicines have a number of significant side effects and contraindications, many people prefer to use dietary supplements and folk remedies.

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    Causes of flaccidity of the penis

    Weak penis tone may be due to a large number of internal and external factors. In order to determine which of them caused erectile dysfunction, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive medical examination. The final diagnosis must be established by the doctor.

    Most often lead to impotence:

    • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
    • stagnant processes in the groin (circulatory disorders);
    • lowering the level of testosterone in the blood;
    • increased blood sugar;
    • stress, depression and other disorders of the psycho-emotional state of a man;
    • prostatitis.

    Medicines to increase potency

    There are two main classes of drugs used to treat flaccid penis: PDE5 inhibitors and synthetic male sex hormone analogs. The former are used shortly before sexual contact to enhance erection for a short time - 10-12 hours.

    Testosterone is used in complex, long-term therapy of impotence caused by a lack of androgens in the body.

    PDE5 inhibitors

    The most common class of drugs used to quickly improve potency. Their action is based on the inhibition of type 5 phosphodiesterase by the active substance of the preparations, which leads to the release of nitric oxide (NO) in the cavernous body during sexual stimulation. This causes relaxation of the smooth muscle tissue of the cavernous body of the penis and an increase in blood flow to it.

    The list of the most famous drugs of this group is presented by the following names:

    Medicine name Description, dosage Side effects, contraindications Image

    The drug is effective in most cases of erectile dysfunction in men. Its action is based on the ability of the active substance (sildenafil) to improve blood circulation in the groin and blood flow to the penis.

    Potentially not recommended for men with severe pathologies of the organs of vision, liver, heart. Simultaneous use with nitric oxide donors is also contraindicated, since sildenafil enhances the hypotensive effect of nitrates. Side effects are rare. Sometimes reddening of the skin, increased pressure, arrhythmia are possible.

    The medicine is produced in the form of blue tablets of 50 or 100 mg each. The therapeutic effect of Viagra on the male genital organ is based on the inhibition of type 5 phosphodiesterase by the active substance of the drug. This leads to relaxation of the smooth muscles in the pelvis and stimulates the intensive filling of the phallus with blood.

    Take the medicine 50-100 mg 1 time per day for half an hour or an hour before sexual contact

    With caution, you should take Viagra for diseases of the heart and liver. Simultaneous intake with nitrogen donors is prohibited. Side effects can manifest as headache, cramps, nasal and ear congestion

    The active compound of the drug tadalafil during sexual desire inhibits type 5 phosphodiesterase. This leads to a decrease in the tone of smooth muscles and the speedy filling of the penis with blood.

    The daily intake of the medicine is 1 tablet 30 minutes before sexual intercourse

    The medicine should not be used by men with heart disease. Elderly people should take Cialis with caution. Side effects: convulsions, increased pressure, redness of the skin

    The drug to increase potency is available in tablets of 10 and 20 mg containing the active ingredient vardenafil. The therapeutic effect is based on relaxing smooth muscles and improving blood circulation in the groin area.

    Take the medicine once a day at a dosage of 10-20 mg half an hour before sexual contact

    Take Levitra with caution in case of heart disease. Do not combine the medicine with nitrogen donors. Side effects can be manifested by redness of the skin, hypertension, nasal congestion

    Viasil is produced in tablets containing 50 mg of the active ingredient sildenafil. The therapeutic effect is similar to other drugs of this class: an increase in blood flow to the penis due to a decrease in the tone of smooth muscles.

    The medicine is prescribed 1 tablet per day. Reception time - 25-35 minutes before sex

    The active ingredient of the drug may cause allergic reactions. Viasil should not be taken by men with heart disease (hypertension, ischemic disease). The use of the drug may be accompanied by increased heart rate, nasal congestion, headache

    A drug is produced to combat impotence in tablets containing 25 mg of the active ingredient sildenafil each. The therapeutic effect of the drug is based on its ability to inhibit PDE-5 during sexual arousal, which leads to a decrease in smooth muscle tone and rapid filling of the cavernous bodies with blood.

    The dosage is 50 mg. It is necessary to use the medicine half an hour or an hour before the intended intimate contact.

    Viatayl may cause allergic reactions and reddening of the skin. During the reception, an increase in pressure, convulsions and seizures are not excluded. It is necessary to refrain from taking the medicine in case of severe diseases of the heart and stomach.
    SilmeltThe therapeutic effect of the drug is similar to other drugs of this class. Use Silmelt on an empty stomach. Dosages range from 25 to 100 mg per day. The lozenge must be put in the mouth and allowed to disintegrate, then washed down with water.It is not recommended to use the medicine in old age, with stomach ulcers, heart disease. Side effects - characteristic of PDE-5 inhibitors: redness of the skin, increased pressure, headache, convulsions, nasal congestion, blurred vision

    Hormonal drugs to improve erectile function

    Medicines of this class are in most cases used in the complex treatment of erectile dysfunction caused by a lack or absence of the male sex hormone in the body. The reasons for such a deficiency can be oncological diseases, removal of testicles, chronic pathologies of organs and body systems, old age, etc.

    To normalize sexual life, men most often prescribe:

    A drug Therapeutic action, dosage, side effects Image

    The drug is prescribed in situations where impotence is caused by dysfunction of the gonads. Andriol is produced in two forms: capsules and ampoules with oily solutions containing 40 and 100 mg of testosterone undecanoate. Take the medicine at a dosage of 1 capsule per day or 1 ampoule 1 time in 3-4 days.

    Among the representatives of its class, the drug is considered one of the safest - side effects rarely occur when the dosage is observed. However, gynecomastia, increased pressure, and swelling are possible. Do not take Andriol during an exacerbation of prostatitis and severe liver pathologies


    A potent drug is prescribed when the erectile function of the penis is weakened or absent, caused by a pathological deficiency of testosterone in the body. Sustanon consists of a mixture of four androgen esters of varying duration of action. Thanks to this, injections can be made only 1 time in 15 days. Dosage - 250-500 mg, injected intramuscularly with a long needle into the buttocks.

    You should not take the drug for inflammation of the prostate, arterial hypertension, severe liver damage. Side effects are manifested by acne, swelling, increased pressure and the appearance of swelling in the nipple area.

    A long-acting drug produced in ampoules containing an oily solution of testosterone undecanoate (1 ampoule - 4 ml of solution). The concentration of the active substance is 250 mg / ml. This allows you to make rare injections of the substance - 1 time in 3-4 weeks. The dosage is 1000 mg (1 ampoule). Side effects are characteristic of other long-acting androgens - water retention, swelling, gynecomastia, increased pressure, acne

    A fast-acting medicine produced in the form of tablets containing 5 mg of the active substance - methandienone. The concentration of testosterone in the blood begins to rise within 20-30 minutes after taking the drug and reaches its peak at the second or third hour.

    Since the duration of methandrostenolone is only 5-6 hours, the medicine should be taken 3 times a day. Dosage - 10-30 (2-6 tablets) mg per day. The most serious side effect is obstructive jaundice and cirrhosis of the liver. Other androgen-related side effects may also occur: swelling, increased pressure, gynecomastia, acne

    Due to the fact that synthetic analogues of testosterone suppress the production of their own hormone, they should not be used for prophylactic purposes, or for a long period. The maximum allowable period for the use of androgens is 6 months. The only exception can be the restoration of potency in men with removed testicles.

    Biologically active additives

    In old age, when most potent drugs to improve erection are contraindicated, you can raise a flaccid penis with the help of dietary supplements. These compositions of plant, animal or complex origin replenish the body of a man with all the necessary substances, thereby improving the functioning of organs and body systems.

    The most well-known erection enhancement supplements today are:

    Name of the drug Description, dosage, side effects
    Wuka Wuka

    Used by men as a source of flavonoids, tannins, saponins. A big advantage of dietary supplements over drugs is the possibility of its use in men during an exacerbation of prostatitis. The therapeutic effect of Vuk Vuk is based on improving blood circulation in the groin area, which leads to faster filling of the penis with blood.

    Take the drug at the same time as eating once a day. The supplement has no serious side effects. Contraindicated for use in cases of individual intolerance to the components

    ImpazaA dietary supplement to increase male strength is available in white tablets containing "affinity purified antibodies to endothelial NO synthase". The therapeutic effect of the drug is based on the restoration of the production of nitric oxide during sexual arousal, which leads to an increase in the blood filling of the cavernous bodies and provides an erection of sufficient strength and duration. Dosage - 1 tablet per day. It should be taken by absorption in the mouth. The duration of treatment with Impaza is 3 months.
    AlicapsThe additive of complex action increases the strength of erection, general vitality, enhances blood circulation in the pelvic area and sexual sensations during intimacy. Alicaps is prescribed to men from the age of 14 at a dosage of 1 capsule per day with meals. With caution, it is necessary to take the drug for severe heart disease, hypertension, insomnia, atherosclerosis. Course duration - 1 week. Side effects can be manifested by increased pressure, sleep disturbance

    The dietary supplement contains all the substances necessary for the active life of a man: macro- and microelements, vitamins, organic acids, saponins, essential oils and many other compounds derived from medicinal plants. The recommended dosage is 2 capsules per day at the same time as meals. Course duration - 3-4 months

    Folk remedies for increasing male strength

    To prepare compositions at home to enhance erection, use:

    • Garlic. The therapeutic effect of the plant is based on its ability to thin the blood. This helps to improve blood circulation in the groin area, which leads to the speedy filling of the cavernous bodies with blood. The tincture is prepared as follows: 10 cloves of garlic are placed in a jar and 300 ml of strong alcohol is poured into it. After two weeks of infusion, the liquid fraction is separated and taken in a tablespoon 3 times a day before eating.
    • Chilli. The active components of the plant irritate the mucous membranes of the male urinary tract, thereby achieving additional blood flow to the penis. To prepare the tincture, you need to put 3-4 pods of pepper in an opaque container and pour 200 ml of vodka into it. After a week, the composition is ready for use. Take it 10-15 ml before each meal.

    Separately, it is necessary to highlight the most popular natural remedy for enhancing erection - ginseng. Ginseng decoctions and tinctures will help to make a soft penis hard and solve sexual problems:

    • A decoction is prepared by brewing 15 g of dry raw materials with a glass of boiling water. It is necessary to use the finished composition after 2 hours, having previously filtered. Dosage - 70 ml of decoction 3 times a day.
    • The tincture is prepared from 20 g of dry roots. It is necessary to place them in a dark bottle and pour a glass of alcohol into it. After two weeks of infusion, use a teaspoon on the eve of each meal.

    In addition to medicines, dietary supplements and folk remedies, in order to raise a flaccid penis, it is recommended to normalize the diet and increase physical activity. A prerequisite for the restoration of potency is the cessation of smoking.

In every sexually mature man, sexual arousal is manifested in an increase in the penis, it becomes resistant and elastic. But under the influence of various factors, representatives of the strong half of humanity are faced with a weak erection or its complete absence. Even the sensual caresses of a beloved woman are not able to affect the stabilization of sexual life in the case when a man is diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. This situation depresses both partners and the question arises: what to do if a bad and weak erection?

Erectile dysfunction can manifest itself both in the complete absence of arousal, and in a decrease in erection. A man is not able to complete sexual intercourse by natural ejaculation, the penis becomes sluggish. Erection deterioration occurs in every man in different age categories. And if this is not associated with the approach of old age, when a weak erection is natural, then you should not dismiss the problem.

The reasons

Alcohol in itself is harmful to the human body, and if its amount also exceeds all permissible norms, then there is no need to talk about health. Alcoholic drinks lead to the death of many cells, spermatozoa fall under their negative influence - the number of viable ones is significantly reduced. Alcohol and sluggish potency are linked together due to violations of the transfer of hormones from the brain to the genitals.

A sluggish erection occurs in men who have long been addicted to smoking cigarettes. Nicotine contributes to a sharp expansion of blood vessels, which soon narrow significantly. With such a jump, it is not surprising that blood circulation will deteriorate throughout the body, including the penis. An unstable member is the result of a lack of blood flowing into it.


Men in an effort to build muscle mass use steroids, leading to a decrease in the efficiency of the penis. These drugs contain an increased concentration of anabolics. When they enter the body, testosterone production stops. Muscle mass is built up due to artificial male hormones, but the member gets up badly.

Poor erection becomes possible due to damage to the cardiovascular system. With sexual arousal, the brain receives an appropriate signal that allows it to give a command for an active flow of blood to the genitals. In this case, there should be no interference in the blood vessels so that the penis is stable throughout the entire contact. Atherosclerotic plaques that fill the vessels prevent the flood of blood, the result is a weak erection.

Incomplete erection is the first significant symptom of diseases such as prostatitis, prostate adenoma and Peyronie's disease.


An incomplete erection at the first occurrence causes only a feeling of annoyance and embarrassment in front of a partner. But if a bad erection haunts a man for a long time, then you should think about visiting a urologist or andrologist. After all, an unstable erection can pose a threat not only to the psychological state, but also indicates the presence of dangerous diseases in the reproductive system. Therefore, it is very important to diagnose, identify and begin effective treatment.

Therapy involves taking medications, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the causes. Sometimes it is enough to return a normal erection in men to conduct drug therapy that improves blood circulation and stabilizes pressure. In diseases of the genitourinary system, anti-inflammatory drugs will be required. If the member is not standing for psychological reasons, the doctor prescribes sedative pills.

  • ginseng;
  • lemongrass;
  • hawthorn;
  • thyme.

These herbs help to strengthen blood vessels, stimulate blood circulation and affect the entire cardiovascular system. Also, some plants contain zinc, which is necessary for the standing member to keep the excited state for a long time.

Traditional medicine recipes for a flaccid penis are recommended to be used along with traditional medicines. The herbs themselves, although they have useful properties, will not be able to cope on their own with significant violations in the reproductive system. Moreover, the gifts of nature also have a number of contraindications and, under adverse conditions, can worsen the condition of a man - an insufficient erection will go into a phase of complete absence.

What to do if the member does not last long, and the age of the man is far from retirement? Try to change your lifestyle. Commonplace advice such as giving up bad habits and unhealthy food, an active lifestyle and a stable daily routine can quickly eliminate the causes of weakening male power. Even a guy at a young age with the wrong lifestyle can face problems of a sexual nature.

Do you have serious problems with POTENTITY?

Have you already tried many remedies and nothing helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • sluggish erection;
  • lack of desire;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and don't act radically. It is POSSIBLE to increase the potency! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...

With age, erections become frustratingly sluggish. It seems that there is still interest in women, but when it comes to the most interesting, the member remains a sluggish sausage and does not want to harden. And if it hardens, then it is enough for several frictions, after which the member softens and falls.

The former hardness of the penis can be returned.

Why is the member withering?

Every man has a pubococcygeus muscle (PC muscle) between his legs. It maintains the vertical state of the penis at the right time. She tenses up and pulls him up. With age, this muscle becomes decrepit and becomes flabby, like the rest of the muscles. A weak PC muscle is not able to lift the penis to the desired height.

The PC muscle can weaken not only due to old age, but also due to a decrease in the overall tone of the male body, or due to prolonged sexual abstinence.

How to stop penis withering?

Solving the problem of a flaccid penis is simple. It is enough to strengthen the PC muscle. It can be "pumped up" in the same way as we "pump up" the press, or biceps. It is enough to restore the strength and elasticity of the PC muscle, as your penis will acquire its former hardness and elasticity.

The most obvious way to restore the tone of the PC muscle is regular long-term sex. But with a flaccid penis, sex turns into torture and torment. The alternative is handicraft. On his own, a man will be able to maintain at least some kind of erection. This will serve as a good workout for the PC muscle.

You can also do general strengthening training. Running, squatting, gym will strengthen not only the whole body, but also the PC muscle.

However, there is a special gymnastic complex designed specifically for the PC muscle.

Sexual gymnastics for men

In 1950, a US gynecologist, Dr. Kegel, invented a set of exercises for the pelvic muscles of women. This complex solved a lot of women's problems. But over time, it turned out that Dr. Kegel's gymnastic complex is very useful for men as well. Enhances their sexual performance. Including struggling with flaccidity of the penis.

For further conversation, you need to figure out where your PC muscle is located.

Imagine that you are in the toilet and relieve a small need. And suddenly you suddenly need to interrupt the process of urination, say, to answer a phone call. To do this, you make a certain muscular effort somewhere in the perineum. By the way, with exactly the same effort you usually finish urination - squeeze out the rest of the urine from the penis. This is how the PC muscle works. And you know how to consciously manage it. If during an erection you try to move your penis up and down, you will make a movement with the help of the same muscle.

The meaning of Dr. Kegel's sexual gymnastics boils down to the fact that it is necessary to compress and decompress the PC muscle according to a certain pattern. And then she will get stronger, become strong. And along with it, your erection will get stronger.

A complete set of Kegel exercises for strengthening erections can be found

Sexual gymnastics in everyday life

A set of Kegel exercises serves as an excellent prevention of sexual weakness. But not everyone manages to allocate 30-40 minutes daily for the systematic training of the PC muscle. If there is no time for gymnastics, but you want to do it, then you can do this.

We waste a lot of time every day. We stick around in traffic jams, stand in front of a traffic light, make empty telephone conversations, or spend time at work waiting for the next boss order. To strengthen the PC muscle, you can use any moment - at least half a second. Just squeeze your PC muscle and relax. Everything. If possible, repeat the exercise. And repeat it throughout the day at every opportunity. From a single exercise, the effect is almost imperceptible. But if you repeat it throughout the day. Then there will be several tens, or even hundreds of repetitions. Then the effect will be.

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