Harm of smoking for women after 40 years. Harm of smoking for the body of women. How smoking harms the unborn child

The harm of smoking for women these days is the most hot topic. According to statistics, in recent years, the female population with addiction to tobacco has exceeded the male population by several times. That is why it is worth giving Special attention harmful effects cigarette smoke on a woman's health.

The harm of smoking on the body of a woman

The female body, unlike the male, has a higher resistance to tobacco smoke. However, do not think that the harm from smoking cigarettes bypasses women. Women who smoke also suffer from the effects of poisonous and toxic substances contained in tobacco smoke. For example: increased risk of various kinds lung, oral cavity, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, pancreas, kidney and Bladder, as well as respiratory diseases. But I want to pay special attention harmful influence smoking on the skin and reproductive function of a woman's body.

Smoking and female beauty

Female attractiveness and beauty are absolutely incompatible with the concept of smoking. The fair sex, who are unfamiliar with smoking, look fresher and younger than their smoking peers. This fact is explained very simply: nicotine addiction potential cell division decreases, and the skin begins to suffer from chronic oxygen starvation. As a result, we get premature skin aging and wear of all vital functions organism.

It is worth highlighting the main consequences of smoking for female beauty, such as:

  • The effect of "cigarette skin". Cigarette smoke blocks the production of natural proteins skin- elastin and collagen, and as a result, the skin acquires a yellowish-gray tint, looks tired and unkempt.
  • The appearance of premature wrinkles. Due to chronic oxygen starvation the skin on the face is deformed, early wrinkles appear.
  • Acne and pimples. Cigarette smoke inhaled by a smoker blocks pores, prevents normal perspiration and oxygenation of the skin of the face. There is a blockage of pores, inflammation and black spots appear.
  • Pronounced capillary network. In medicine, this phenomenon is called rosacea. Toxic substances in cigarettes weaken the walls blood vessels making them thinner and more vulnerable. This leads to blood stasis and the appearance of capillary networks on the surface of the skin.
  • Yellowness of teeth. Yellow teeth - the most clear sign smoking, excluding bad smell from mouth. But this is just the surface of the iceberg. Women who smoke heavily are more likely to develop gum disease and are halved the chance of tooth loss.
  • Hair loss. Since smoking causes premature aging of the body, it cannot but affect your hair. lovely Thick hair thin out faster, become thinner and brittle, and also lose their luster and beauty. Scientists have noticed that a woman who smokes turns gray 5-6 years earlier.
  • Age dark spots. Such spots appear with age in almost every person. But when compared with non-smokers, then in smokers they are more pronounced and appear in greater numbers.

Smoking and female fertility

Women who smoke are more likely to experience menstrual cycle and early attack menopause. Toxic and poisonous substances contained in cigarettes accumulate in the egg and reduce the possibility successful conception child, and also shorten the duration of the childbearing age.

Since tobacco negatively affects the work of cardio-vascular system organism, a smoking woman should refuse to take oral contraceptives and hormonal birth control pills.

Harm of smoking during pregnancy

During pregnancy in women who smoke, the chance of miscarriage and the occurrence of open bleeding increases several times. Also, tobacco adversely affects the development of the fetus. A woman can give birth to a child with serious pathologies in the work of internal organs, as well as nervous system. Research has shown that smoking women are five times more likely than non-smokers to have a stillbirth.

A breastfeeding mother should never use tobacco products since baby gets it all toxic substances from cigarettes along with milk. It is also worth protecting yourself from the so-called passive smoking.

It is worth considering what proper upbringing the younger generation can give a mother who herself suffers from addictions. At the psychological and genetic level, the child can adopt the habits of the parents.

Before starting smoking, every woman should ask herself main question: "Do I want to have normal and healthy children?". After all, what could be worse than the diagnosis of "infertility" for a woman who is eager to give birth.

In the old days, cigarettes for women were an unacceptable taboo. Although there was no research available to us today several centuries ago, and the modern equipment that every hospital now has, the truth was known.

All strata of society - both educated aristocrats and ordinary peasants - knew that a woman is a mother and breadwinner, a successor to the family and the keeper of the hearth. This is not to say that none of the women did not smoke in the past century - after all, there are many pictures of charming mysterious women with a long mouthpiece, but this was rather an exception to the rule.

However, at the beginning of the twentieth century, everything changed. Along with the revolution, the term “feminism” appeared, which brought not only positive changes in the lives of girls, but also permissiveness, including smoking. Today in our country every second girl under 30 years old and every third woman older than this age smokes.

It must be noted that big influence fashion has a growing number of smoking girls - television shows beauties deftly holding a cigarette between their lips, and young people seek to repeat this. The harm of smoking for women is not voiced. The fashion for smoking young ladies is the degradation of society! It's time to find out how nicotine affects a woman from the inside!

The effect of smoking on the body of a young girl

The harm from smoking cigarettes for women is of concern to few. Numerous surveys prove modern generation not at all concerned with how nicotine affects the body. In fact, it's time to open your eyes and find out about such terrible diseases caused by smoking:

  • damage to the heart and lungs when smoking, everyone knows, but it will not be superfluous to repeat - each cigarette smoked shortens your life expectancy by several hours, and brings the likelihood of oncological diseases closer;
  • lung cancer is a worthy reward for a bad habit, isn't it?
  • infertility is an unpleasant “imprint” on the reproductive system of a smoking woman.

This information is not a secret behind the seven locks, but, nevertheless, not everyone knows about it. If you don't have a baby yet, be sure to read it!

It is a well-known fact that there are two and a half times more infertile women among smokers than among non-smokers. Why is that? All the cigarettes you smoke accumulate in their most poisonous form in your egg.

The longer you smoke and the more cigarettes you pass through your lungs every day, the less natural fertilization you have. Increasingly in demand today artificial insemination IVF and insemination, and these procedures are not only not natural, but also very expensive.

  • Women who take birth control are especially at risk. hormonal preparations and at the same time they smoke - such a mixture has a negative effect on the heart and can cause a heart attack even in young age. Most sane doctors would never prescribe oral contraceptives to smoking girls, so as not to become guilty of her death later.
  • If conception occurs in a smoking woman, then there are problems with the introduction of a fertilized egg into the uterine wall - most often it simply cannot attach itself, and a miscarriage occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy.
  • If the egg is attached, then there is a high percentage that the fetus will experience physical abnormalities due to nicotine, as well as cigarettes, they can cause the death of an unborn child.
  • Children born to women who smoke most often have metabolic disorders, they cry a lot and are more painful than other children.

If you want to give birth healthy child and at the same time smoke, give up cigarettes no earlier than six months before the probable conception. Better yet, think about it right now! You also need to remember about the dangers of passive smoking for pregnant women.

Smoking is dangerous to your health

We do not believe in the meaning of the inscriptions on cigarette packages or treat them with irony. Why is smoking dangerous for a woman who has already successfully realized herself as a mother?

Every cigarette you smoke constricts your blood vessels. The more often you smoke, the longer the time during your life the vessels are in an unnatural narrowed state for them.

This leads to rapid wear of the heart muscle - the blood circulation process through such vessels is much slower, and therefore the heart has to work more intensively, pumping liters of blood. This is a very simple and intelligible explanation that shows how dangerous cigarettes are.

If you think that when you light a cigarette, every time you get closer to the cinematic images of actresses or models, then you are deeply mistaken. Girls from TV screens thoughtfully and carefully monitor their appearance. Yes, they can smoke - but only by simulating the process on the screen.

Nicotine poisons internal organs, slows down metabolic processes, disrupts the rate of removal of toxins from the body. After three years of regular smoking one cigarette a day, the skin changes its natural color to gray, after five years deep wrinkles and dark deep circles under the eyes appear. Smoking girls, as a rule, look several years older than their peers.

Also, cigarettes do not spare hair and nails. Even naturally healthy hair turns yellow and becomes dry and split ends. Nails lose their elasticity and "delight" you with layering and brittleness, and teeth - with irremovable yellowness.

Permanent companions of a smoker - disgusting smell tobacco smoke and unpleasant smell from the mouth. Do you still think that smoking is beautiful?

"Tales" about smoking

  • The term "light" cigarettes was invented by marketers. There are no light cigarettes, and what is in a box labeled "women's" or "light" is just a clever move.
  • Women who smoke are leaner than non-smokers. Many women skip meals, replacing it with nicotine. Think about our body, which instead of a serving of salad or boiled chicken gets tobacco smoke and a dose of poison.
  • By smoking cigarettes, we can focus. It's just a myth! As well as the fact that smoking is soothing. It's just the action of the vasoconstriction effect, which you already know what it leads to.
  • Quitting smoking is easy - you just have to want to! Well, what are you still smoking then?

Highly educational video about female smoking


Change your life - stop smoking! Let you smell of freshness, and you will slay men on the spot with your beauty than “smell” with tobacco smoke and look much older than your age. It's never too late to quit smoking - so get started today!

In fact, it is not entirely correct to divide the harm received by the body from tobacco into the harm of smoking for girls and boys. Health and beauty and strong half humanity suffers equally. Most likely, such close attention is paid today to the dangers of smoking for girls for the reason that enormous harm can be done to the health of not only the girl herself, but also her unborn child (even if the girl smoked before pregnancy, but not at the time of pregnancy) . Do not forget that the consequences of smoking can manifest themselves even after several generations, from which, for example, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will suffer. Passion for a cigarette carries a serious health hazard and is an extremely harmful hobby.

If every teenager understood what the consequences of the first smoked cigarette are fraught with, then it is unlikely that he would ever start smoking. For female body this addiction is especially destructive. Statistics show that every fifth Russian woman is addicted to cigarettes. At the same time, the growth of girls who start smoking is growing inexorably. Girls are not stopped not only by the fact that as a result of smoking it spoils appearance, wrinkles appear, the skin fades, bruises appear under the eyes, but even the fact that as a result of smoking can develop fatal diseases. In most cases, young girls think that they look stylish with a cigarette in their hand. A smoldering cigarette raises their status, with it they feel stronger and more confident. But this does not take into account the fact that it is sometimes difficult to be with such girls. Their hair, hands and clothes exude unpleasant odor. And what can we say about the smell from the mouth!

That is why today doctors in many countries of the world encourage girls and boys to give up bad habits forever and try to quit using one of the well-known methods. The most common way to deal with tobacco smoking are . In our store you can buy women's e-cigarettes, which differ from the usual ones by more elongated and subtle forms. Today, such devices are available in several colors. Preferred colors among girls are: pink, purple, blue, red, white, orange.

What are the harms of tobacco smoking for women?

In order to understand the harm from tobacco smoking for women and to appreciate the seriousness of addiction to such bad habit, it is worth studying all the consequences of smoking. Not so long ago, the famous gynecologist Bernhard conducted studies in which he examined the health status of 6,000 women. As a result this study he made the following conclusions:

  • 42% of smokers are infertile . For example, it is worth comparing this figure among non-smoking women who suffer from infertility - only 4%.
  • 96% of miscarriages are related to smoking . Although it is not completely clear why a smoking mother deliberately spoils not only her health, but also the health of her child.
  • 30% of premature and sick children are born to mothers who smoke or ex-smokers.

Inhalation of tobacco smoke leads to the fact that in the body of a woman are created favorable conditions for development inflammatory diseases reproductive system. This increases the likelihood of miscarriages. Every cigarette smoked 3 years before the conception of a child will be reflected in the health of the unborn child. Pediatricians are talking about this today. Percentage of children with internal diseases respiratory organs and cardiovascular system is constantly growing. The statistics are just scary. Smoking mothers are more likely to give birth to children with developmental anomalies and pathologies. Some women think that by switching to light or super light cigarettes, they significantly reduce their exposure hazardous substances on your body. However, this is a hoax, such cigarettes are no less harmful than all the others.

It is quite easy to recognize a smoker among non-smoking women by her hoarse, rough and unpleasant voice, cough, yellow teeth, as well as unpleasant tobacco smell from the mouth, from clothes. As a rule, such women age earlier, and their delicate and elastic skin becomes flabby in the past. The fact that a cigarette speeds up the aging process has long been proven. There are bags under the eyes, the skin becomes dry. Such changes will appear six months or more after addiction to cigarettes. Women who smoke should not forget that it increases the risk of stillbirth, miscarriage.

Is there any harm from smoking electronic cigarettes for girls and women?

If you are a heavy smoker, but at one moment you realized that nothing good smoking if it doesn’t work for you, then it’s probably worth trying to quit today, right now. Not all smokers, including smokers, succeed in quitting tobacco smoking without switching to any substitutes (chewing gum, nicotine sweets and lozenges, patches). As practice has shown, all these methods are completely ineffective compared to electronic vaping. Today, women and girls from all over the world can try to get rid of nicotine addiction forever thanks to e-cigarettes.

According to surveys and studies of scientists, main reason smoking in girls and women is not in nicotine addiction, unlike men, but in psychological. That is why electronic cigarettes are ideal for smoking cessation. They can help fight psychological addiction. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity can with or without nicotine. Of course, the second option is preferable, because in this case, not only dangerous and harmful poisons and resins (which are generally absent in electronic vaping, unlike tobacco smoking), but also nicotine do not enter the body.

Turning to electronic vaping girls and women will have the opportunity to maintain their attractiveness, and with proper nutrition, physical activity you can try to restore the health that they could take away from you tobacco cigarettes. Our store offers a wonderful selection of women's electronic cigarettes and a wide range of fillings. Our consultants are always happy to help you choose for you and your loved ones best sets e-cigarettes. If you need high-quality and reliable devices, then Premiumsmoke is always at your service.

- today it common occurrence on the streets of cities. Unfortunately, this fact suggests that the symbol of femininity and purity, the symbol of the mother, is being lost. A cigarette in a girl's mouth, a woman looks at least funny, I'm not talking about what harm it does to the female body.

In this article, I bring to your attention a letter from Uglov Fedor Grigorievich addressed to a smoking girl, and in general to all young people.

Uglov F.G. is a world famous surgeon, academician Russian Academy sciences, doctor medical sciences. It was just a great Russian man. He was the oldest practicing surgeon in the world. He was the chairman of the Union of Struggle for People's Sobriety. He died at the age of 104.

So read "Letter to a Smoking Girl"

I meet hundreds of your smoking peers on the streets. I have operated on hundreds of people for lung cancer. And hundreds - I did not make a reservation - hundreds were forced to refuse, because nothing could be done ... There is nothing more difficult for a surgeon than refusing to help a patient because of his own impotence. And more than once I had to admit my impotence when it came to saving the affected lungs and the lives of long-term smokers.

AT last years a lot of female smokers come to the operating tables. I don't scare you. Smoking is a "voluntary" affair. Only since you have begun to read my letter, let me express my opinion, so that later your despair does not break my heart. The opinion of not only a surgeon (unfortunately, not able to clearly show you on these pages cancerous tumor, strangling the lungs), but also a person who knows the price of suffering.

Hundreds of people have passed through my hands and my heart, suffering precisely from the fact that they could not part with addiction. Complaints are the same and begin with the phrase: “Something is wrong with my lungs ...” Once a good friend of mine turned to me with the same words. We agreed to meet, but he came only after a few months. When he was opened on the operating table chest, it turned out that everything had already sprouted with metastases and nothing could help him. It is hard to know that the patient is dying. It's even harder that it's your close friend...

In these lines, addressed to you, there will be facts and figures found by my like-minded people. But I, a surgeon, can imagine with particular clarity what is behind these figures and percentages.

No, I will not frighten you with already banal examples that a drop of nicotine kills a horse - you are not a horse, you are a person, or that 20 cigarettes smoked daily shorten life by 8-12 years; You are young and life seems endless to you. According to English doctors Every cigarette smoked costs a smoker 15 minutes of his life. Nothing if you're only twenty. What do you care about the fact that malicious people get lung cancer 30 times more often than non-smokers, and the cause of this terrible disease in 95-98 cases out of 100 is smoking. American cardiologists cite the following figures: average age those who died of heart attacks - 67 years, smokers - 47. You are only twenty years old, and up to forty-seven more ... Of course, this will not scare you. And still…

With great chagrin, I see girls smoking near the school, clutching a cigarette in their fist (as they say, “pioneer style”) so that they can’t be seen from the windows. I am sorry to learn that they have learned by taking the teacher as a model.

Pain seizes my soul from what's in student hostel the girls are going to smoke and chat about future marriage. I can admit that marriage is not yet visible in your plans. And so I'll tell you about something else.

Sociologists conducted an anonymous questionnaire in which they asked: why do you smoke? 60 percent of the girls answered: it is beautiful and fashionable. And 40 percent smoke because they want boys to like them. Let's say. And even in some ways we will “justify” them. Because the desire to be liked is inherent in you by nature. But let's justify it temporarily: it is useful to know the opinions of the boys.

256 young men were interviewed. They were offered three questions and, accordingly, three possible answers: positively, indifferently, negatively.

Question one:
“In your company, girls smoke. How do you feel about this? - 4% positive, 54% indifferent, 42% negative.
Question two:
“The girl you are friends with smokes. How do you feel about this? - 1% positive, 15% indifferent, 84% negative.
Question three:
"Would you like your wife to smoke?" - A storm of protests! Of the 256, only two said they didn't care. The rest strongly objected.

Now let's think together. You are a long way from surgery. You are not going to get married. Everything is fine, and you smoke. Where did this come from? In my opinion, they smoke in those companies where they gather for a fun pastime. A cigarette in your hands is like a signal: you are modern. This means that you treat love and friendship with a considerable amount of frivolity.

Boys with girls who smoke are more relaxed, and girls, in their naivete, believe that they are successful, hardly thinking that they are temporary fun. Yes, yes, you smoking girl - temporary entertainment. It seems to me that by lighting a cigarette, you cheapen yourself, humiliate your dignity, becoming not modern in the true sense of the word, but rather frivolous and more accessible. Who inspired you with the “fashion” of this terrible habit? Who has programmed you for an occupation in which your youth does not allow you to see the whole catastrophe that awaits you?

Do not be angry, but I will try to draw your future as it seems to me. And if you doubt it, look around, look at smoking women older than you.

From smoking your voice will become hoarse, your teeth will gradually turn black, deteriorate. the face will take on an earthy hue. Your sense of smell will suffer sharply and worsen taste sensations. You've probably already noticed how often smokers spit. I don’t know if you have already noticed that the smoker’s mouth constantly smells ... This smell is so unpleasant that don’t be surprised if one of your boyfriends avoids you. You will wake up with a bitter taste in your mouth and a headache from coughing all night. Very early on, your facial skin will become wrinkled and dry. Female smokers at 25 look much older than their non-smoking peers. That's the real price of your smoking! You will not attract to yourself, but, on the contrary, you will repel any serious guy.

Try to imagine yourself next to a non-smoking peer. And if this comparison does not frighten you or you do not see the difference between you, let me tell you that your appearance is not yet the main indicator.

The sooner you start smoking, the more dangerous the poison will be for you. And if you become addicted to smoking long before you start age-related changes, then the development of the organism will proceed more slowly. Under the influence of nicotine, a persistent constriction of blood vessels occurs (the oxygen content in the blood decreases due to the combination of blood hemoglobin with carbon monoxide- one of the components of tobacco smoke). When smoking under the influence high temperature tobacco stands out 30 harmful substances: nicotine, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, nitrogen, carbon monoxide and various essential oils. Among them, benzopyrene is especially dangerous - a 100% carcinogen (“cancer” - in Latin - cancer).

If you are inquisitive, you may be interested in the data of American researchers. They found significant amounts of polonium-210, which emits alpha particles, in tobacco smoke. When you smoke one personally, you will receive a radiation dose seven times higher than that established by the international agreement on protection from radiation.

Nicotine is a drug. This is the only way it is called by the highest body of world medicine - the World Health Organization. And this means that every year it will be more and more difficult for you. Tobacco, constricting blood vessels, not only causes increased heart function, but also worsens and destroys the activity of many body systems.

You lit up ... Then everything goes on for a long time well-known scheme. Nicotine on a short time causes dilation of blood vessels, increasing the blood supply to brain cells. This is followed by a sharp vasospasm, resulting in various brain disorders. Further. Nicotine disrupts the functions of the nervous system, lungs, liver, digestive organs, sex glands.

It has been irrefutably proven: you will get sick three to four times more often than your non-smoking girlfriends. There will inevitably come a time when you will feel bad and constant malaise will turn your life into a burden.

But let's talk about something else. Perhaps you will be interested to know that women suffer heavily from smoking because of the more delicate structure of the body, which nature is intended for procreation. It has long been known facts that heavy smokers cannot give birth to children, since there have been profound changes in the embryonic apparatus. by the most frequent complication caused by smoking is premature termination of pregnancy - up to 36 weeks. It is twice as common in smokers. It does not hurt you to know that women who smoke are much more likely to have prematurity and lower birth weight (yes, newborn, your child, which you probably do not think about, but your smoking will affect his viability). Smokers have a higher percentage of stillborn children and more often pathologies during childbirth. And the undoubted fact is that smoking has an extremely negative effect on the development of an already born child. Knowing this, it makes sense to think about marriage, about a husband who will be expecting a son, and there may not be a son ... And the day may come when doctors will tell you: “Unfortunately, you will never be able to give birth.”

It's hard for you to understand now. But my experience suggests hundreds of such cases. A critical moment is imperceptibly approaching, after which she can no longer give birth, although for this she is ready for anything, for any operation, for any sacrifice. And believe me, you will not be an exception: nature created you to be a mother. And no matter how you swagger today, she will make you live in the interests of children.

Trust me, a cigarette can cripple your life. Yours first. And when they prove to you that smoking is to blame for everything, you will curse yourself and your whole life. Think about the fact that you will not have children. And your husband can leave you. He will go to a less worthy than you, only because of the right to be called a father. Believe me, he can do this, because fatherly feelings are no less strong than motherly ones.

And if you smoke while pregnant, then know that it has been established by experiment: as soon as a pregnant woman smokes, after a few minutes nicotine enters (through the placenta) into the heart and brain of an unborn child. And with this poison you involuntarily poison him. Scientists have traced the developmental features of children born from mothers. These children, observed up to 5-6 years of age, lagged behind to a large extent in their physical and mental development. By the way, among children whose fathers are heavy smokers, malformations are observed twice as often.

And your child will be sick all the time. Pneumonia and bronchitis are waiting for him. In desperation, you will look for reasons, not knowing that they are in you. Even if you smoked in the corridor, on the landing - even a tiny fraction of the smoke that entered the room will be enough for your child to suddenly have a fever.

For mothers who smoke, 100% of children smoke. And your child, who considers you the most intelligent, affectionate, kind, seeing you with a cigarette, will also start smoking. And this means that you have programmed it in advance for the same torment that awaits you.

My experience suggests a scary case involving teenage smoking. In one of the boarding schools in the morning they could not wake up the boy. He died at night. An autopsy showed that he had diseased heart- because he learned to smoke early, smoked a lot, and on the eve of his death, as the guys said, he smoked "to satiety."

In families where parents smoked but then stopped, 67 percent of boys and 78 percent of girls nevertheless start smoking.

Today, on the streets, in cafes and restaurants, on benches in the park, you can meet many girls and women who smoke cigarettes. Probably, at this moment they seem very attractive and sexy to themselves, and hardly any of them think about dangers of smoking for women.

Smoking leads to many diseases, premature aging organism. Nature did not assume either male or female dependence on tobacco smoking, but a person wants freedom, emancipation. As a result, he gets what he wants, along the way paying with his health and the health of his children. This aspect is especially relevant for women, as it greatly affects the possibility of conceiving and having a child without negative consequences.

How does smoking affect a woman's fertility?

Many women smoke a whole pack of cigarettes a day, but ten is enough to become infertile. Compared to a non-smoking woman, this is twice as likely. The egg is very vulnerable to cigarette smoke, so it loses the ability to fertilize.

In no case should smoking be combined with taking hormonal contraceptive pills, because the cardiovascular system suffers, it may develop ischemic disease heart, myocardial infarction. smoking and birth control pills increase the level of cholesterol in the blood, which leads to negative consequences especially increases the risk of thrombosis.

Also, smoking while taking oral contraceptives can cause neoplasms of the female genital organs, both benign and malignant. The risk of getting cervical cancer increases many times over.

Smoking breaks normal course pregnancy, miscarriage may occur. Also Great chance the fact that the fetus will have disturbances in the course of the formation of the nervous system.

Under the influence of cigarettes, a woman can give birth to a dead child. This pregnancy outcome occurs five times more often than in a non-smoking woman.

The negative effects of nicotine can affect the health of the child even after several years. It is especially harmful to smoke a nursing mother, because with milk the child receives the whole "bouquet" of harmful substances.

Smoking leads to infertility. What could be worse for a woman than the inability to give birth to a child? She feels her failure, problems in the family may begin, family life quite often, in such cases, ends in divorce.

Dear women, you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the future of the child. You need to quit smoking and also convince your husband to do the same. Cigarette smoke destroys health not only future mother but also the father. You should be aware of the dangers of passive smoking. Inhaling cigarette smoke is dangerous, especially for a fragile baby. But many parents do not think about it or simply do not know anything.

Diseases caused by smoking

Nicotine increases vascular tone many times, the number of heart contractions increases, arterial pressure, increases the load on the heart muscle. normal operation heart is restored only 20-25 minutes after you smoked a cigarette. What if you smoke every half an hour? This means that the vessels are constantly narrowing, causing an increased work of the heart and thereby contributing to its rapid wear.

Let's face the truth. You need to know which terrible diseases leads to smoking. And there is no need to console yourself with the fact that it is you who will be spared trouble. Alas, sometimes the price for smoking is too high.

So, consider the effect of cigarette smoke on a woman's body.

  • Lips, pharynx, oral mucosa. chance of developing cancer.
  • Skin, teeth, hair. Negative influence nicotine, caries, hair loss, skin aging.
  • Trachea, lungs. The likelihood of developing cancer, emphysema, chronic bronchitis smoker.
  • GIT. Ulcers, inflammation, cancer development.
  • Pancreas. Development chronic pancreatitis, cancer.
  • Bone system. Osteoporosis.
  • Vascular system. Thrombosis, atherosclerosis, stroke.
  • peripheral vessels. Intermittent lameness, gangrene.
  • Urogenital system. Miscarriages, inflammation, dysfunction of the ovaries, kidneys, cancer, infertility.

Does it make sense to convince you that smoking is dangerous to health, and nicotine can hit any of the body's systems. And your beauty, youth, freshness, the smell of well-groomed beautiful woman? Are you really ready to exchange all this for tobacco, which will kill the scent of femininity and make you dull, devoid of attractiveness?

What women say to ease their conscience

There are several myths about smoking that girls and women firmly believe in. Or they want to believe in order to justify themselves to themselves.

  1. Myth #1 Smoking light cigarettes is not so harmful to the body. But you must understand that such a statement is beneficial to cigarette manufacturers.
  2. Myth #2. Anyone who quit smoking will definitely put on weight. It is necessary not to wallow in anguish on the couch, but to raise motor activity. Then excess weight you are not threatened. It is better to be healthy plump than to suffer from incurable diseases.
  3. Myth number 3. Cigarettes help you relax. The first time might be. But then the stress increases, as the activity of the central nervous system is disrupted. And the inability to smoke for a while can lead to a feeling of discomfort, which can be compared to intense thirst.
  4. Myth number 4. Many women believe that they can quit smoking at any time. Dangerous delusion! Cigarette addiction deepens with every cigarette smoked. And at one “beautiful” moment, you may find that nicotine has become a part of your life, and without it you can’t think and you can’t live normally. It is better not to bring yourself to such a state, but to quit smoking until a stable addiction has formed.

If you are still sure that a woman holding a thin cigarette in her fingers causes admiration and interest, then you are deeply mistaken. Men don't like women who smoke. Who wants to hang out with a friend who smells like tobacco instead of cleanliness and perfume? Think not only about health, but also about this aspect.

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