Mortality from smoking. Statistician speaks better than others about the dangers of smoking

  • Mortality among smokers is much higher than among people who do not smoke.
  • Mortality is higher in those smokers who smoke for a long time.
  • The more cigarettes smoked per day, the higher the mortality rate.
  • Mortality from smoking is higher among the population who started smoking at a young age.
  • From diseases caused by smoking, 600 people die every day in Russia.
  • Every year, 4 million people die from diseases caused by smoking.
  • Half of Russian men do not live up to retirement age, according to experts, this is due to smoking and alcoholism.
  • One person on Earth dies every 10 seconds due to smoking.
  • According to WHO, by 2030 the number of annual deaths in the world caused by tobacco smoking will reach 10 million.
  • Cancer is the second leading cause of death after heart disease. 30% of deaths are observed in cancer patients whose disease can be associated with smoking.

Diseases caused by smoking.

Lungs' cancer

The lungs are the most vulnerable organ in a smoker's body. Almost 85% of lung cancers can be directly linked to smoking. chances of getting sick lung cancer the higher than more quantity cigarettes smoked per day, the longer the smoking experience.

Tobacco smoke contains a number of carcinogens that can cause a number of other oncological diseases respiratory tract. Under attack, in addition to the lungs, also the trachea, bronchi, larynx. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchitis, pneumonia - these diseases are directly related to smoking.

Heart diseases

Blockage of the arteries, heart failure, myocardial infarction - this is an incomplete list of diseases that tobacco smoking contributes to. Toxins inhaled by a smoker disrupt the oxygen saturation of the blood, which causes damage to blood vessels and the heart.

bladder cancer

Most often, this disease affects smokers over 40 years old, women have a lower risk of getting sick than men.

Esophageal carcinoma

Cells located inside the esophagus are damaged by exposure to tobacco smoke. The risk increases in direct proportion to the length of smoking.

Other malignant tumors

Carcinogenic chemical compounds, contained in tobacco smoke, affect the entire body and increase the risk of malignant tumors.

When smoking during pregnancy, oxygen absorption is reduced, which leads to oxygen starvation of the unborn child. Likely premature birth, miscarriages, stillbirth. Children born to smoking mothers weigh less, are weaker, and are prone to disease. Sudden infant death is also more likely in babies born to mothers who smoke.

Many smokers believe that smoking is a lottery, you can get cancer, you can not get sick. In fact, it is not known which cigarette will be the last, after which irreversible changes will begin in the body. And oncology is not the only thing a smoking person should be afraid of.

Smoking has pernicious influence on the immune system human, provoking an increase in the number of killer cells, due to which the body's resistance to diseases, including cancer, decreases.

Blood carries oxygen worse, causing oxygen starvation of the whole organism, and it also removes toxins and toxins from organs and tissues worse.

In addition to permanent oxygen starvation, all tissues and organs of the body are slagged and constantly fed by the combustion products of tobacco. The smoker's immunity is simply killed.

Smoky lungs, a liver that works out of breath, a chronically poisoned brain, a heart that pumps thickened blood in conditions of constant oxygen starvation ... What will not survive sooner? And is it worth playing roulette where your life can be at stake?

Smoking has become so much a part of everyday life that it is perceived by the majority, if not as a familiar component of the surroundings, then as a completely ordinary event that does not attract attention.

But in the history of smoking there have been many incidents that show that smoking was not always a habitual thing, and there are also such facts about smoking that deserve to take their place as warning labels on cigarette packages.

medical facts

Doctors dealing with the problem tobacco addiction, have in stock a lot of interesting facts and stories about smoking. Although, their interest is somewhat specific - like many medical collections.

Every six seconds, one person dies from the effects of smoking and related diseases. It's hard to imagine, but if you mentally line up a hundred people, then the visibility is quite enough to appreciate the frightening scale of the dangers of smoking.

Continuing on the topic of smoking deaths, of all those living today who are passive smokers to one degree or another, 600,000 people will die within a year.

Out of a hundred people who smoke up to fifteen cigarettes a day, ten will die of cancer.

Approximately 15% of deaths each year are associated with ischemic disease heart and/or stroke. That's about 8 million people a year. 70% of those who died smoked or smoked and drank alcohol.

Dry statistics

What do statistics know about smoking? Here are the most Interesting Facts about smoking according to statistical studies.

There are just over a billion people in the world who are smokers. This does not include those who are in the stage of quitting, as well as those whose “experience” of smoking is less than six months.

On average, each smoker shortens his life by 18 years.

In Russia, every smoker for every 10 years of smoking "smokes" one car of the middle class. These are, for example, Mazda6, Ford Focus, Chevrolet Lacetti, Skoda Octavia, Audi A4.

The most smoking country is Lebanon. Although until recently the leaders (although the quality of such leadership is very doubtful) were Cuba, Mongolia and Russia - in turn. The least smoking country is Bhutan, and the least smokers relative to surface area are Madagascar.

A bit of history

There are also many historical facts about smoking.

When the Great Moscow Fire of 1634 was investigated, smoking was named among its main causes. By the way, the British taught the Muscovites to smoke - it was not for nothing that tobacco was called "English potion" in those days. And if before the fire there was either a fine for smoking (if a wealthy person smoked), or several dozen blows with a batog for others, then after it smoking was banned with a punishment in the form death penalty for its violation.

When tobacco smoking only began to spread among the inhabitants of the Old World, not only merchants, but also doctors and even clergymen convinced people that smoking tobacco is good for physical health and spiritual purity. It was believed that smoke drives away obsession and does not allow demons to plot against a person, and tobacco was almost declared a panacea for four dozen diseases.

There are other interesting facts about smoking, for example, gastronomic sense. So, the recommendation is to chew chewing gum instead of smoking or to score tobacco smell mint gum is erroneous: the more pronounced in chewing gum the taste of mint, the sooner there will be a desire to smoke.

If you look closely at these and many other interesting facts about smoking, you will notice that there are few positive ones among them - and then they relate to curiosities or misunderstandings. And if so, is there any point in smoking?

Mortality in Russia

From time immemorial, the Russian people have struggled for survival. On the territory, squeezed from all sides by enemies, had to fight for life every day. And, despite the constant wars, hungry years, the ancestors managed to survive in this dangerous world. But over time, the situation improved, dangerous epidemics and hunger. Only wars remain, but in the last couple of decades they have hardly played a role in the demographic situation.

However, one danger is always replaced by another. In this century, the main factors that kill the population are not wars and not famine. Mankind was able to overcome almost all violent types of danger, but instead received a lot of man-made deadly factors.

In 2009, the death rate in Russia amounted to 2.1 million people. While the birth rate for the same year could not reach the level of 1.8 million. For the past two decades, the death rate in Russia has exceeded the birth rate. And only in last years the situation began to improve. Thus, the population of the country has been dying out for the last 20 years and is still dying out. And the main reasons for this are: alcohol and tobacco.

Disappointing statistics show that about 600-700 thousand people die every year from alcohol in Russia. This is due to the world's largest consumption of legal and illegal alcoholic beverages per capita. Along with alcohol, smoking is increasingly taking the lives of our compatriots. According to statistics in recent years, the number of people dying from smoking is growing every year. In 1998, every 10 seconds a person died from smoking in the world. By this year, this figure has been reduced to 5 seconds. Every five seconds today, burnt tobacco ends someone's life.

In the 20 years since 1980, 5.8 million people have died from smoking in Russia. And the annual death rate has risen from 150,000 to 350 since 1990. The saddest thing about this fact is that most of the dead end their lives let in the prime of life. The peak of mortality falls on the age of 40-45 years. And since smoking in our country is considered a “male” habit, every second man does not live up to retirement. Poison, packed in white sticks, is primarily dangerous for its insidiousness. No from him instant effect, it does not burn or freeze, does not hurt, does not cause any damage right now. But behind the “harmless”, at first glance, habit, a whole string of deadly fellow travelers stretches. This and various kinds cancer, all sorts of lung problems, respiratory tract, heart problems and many others.

In the 20th century, smoking claimed the lives of 100 million people. The smoke of the 21st threatens to blow a billion. Mortality in Russia today fluctuates around the mark of 2 million people annually. At the same time, 17% of this indicator falls on smoking.

In recent years, the mortality rate in Russia has been constantly decreasing, but despite this, the number of deaths from smoking is increasing every year. Here it is - the mortal danger of the new world. An enemy, quiet and mysterious, who cannot be caught by the hand at the scene of the crime. It creeps into the body and kills people from the inside, eats away organs, fills everything with the fetid stench of burnt tobacco leaves, nicotine, tobacco tar and carcinogens. And when retribution comes to a smoker, not everyone realizes that it was this habit that caused inexorable destruction, terrible torment and suffering.

So, to date, mortality statistics in Russia tell us the following: out of 2.1 million people a year, alcohol is responsible for about 700 thousand, smoking for 350-400 thousand. For comparison, about 30 thousand people die in car accidents on the roads of Russia every year (the figure has been fluctuating around this value for two decades now).

In 2008, a law was adopted on Russia's accession to the WHO framework convention against tobacco. Smoking problems in the country cost the state 0.4% of GDP. First of all, these are losses due to premature incapacitation of the working population, the costs of providing them with social guarantees in case of illness. And, of course, mortality. Just imagine: one in five, in fact, the worker suffers from diseases that would not have touched him if he had not smoked.

The government, like society, is interested in reducing this indicator. The 2008 bill includes a five-year anti-smoking plan. It includes a gradual reduction in advertising tobacco products and smoking, and eventually a complete ban on them. The state is seriously interested in a healthy society. And although the death rate in Russia still exceeds the birth rate, but in recent years these indicators tend to meet each other, and if the trend continues, then in the next five years Russia will finally stop dying out.

Women's smoking statistics in Russia

Tobacco smoke - the treacherous enemy of mankind - begins an attack on the most precious and defenseless: women and children. According to the latest data from the World Health Organization, 12% of women on our planet smoke. Smoking statistics in Russia show that in recent years more and more representatives of the weaker sex, as well as teenagers, have been drowning in clubs of burnt tobacco.

Relentless statistics claim that Russia, once the most non-smoking country, is gradually taking over the palm in this suicidal marathon. Over the past two decades, the percentage of women who smoke has tripled. If in the 1990s, on average, the number of women who smoke in Russia was 9%, today this figure exceeds 30%. For comparison, in even more early period, 80s, the percentage of women who smoked in different cities ranged from 5% to 15%. The national average is about 7-8%.

However, it should be noted that a large proportion of today's number of smokers are women who do not smoke every day, but only occasionally. On the other hand, in terms of a month, the picture is not very rosy. Even girls who smoke occasionally smoke one or more cigarettes a day.

Most often single women and widows smoke. Smoking statistics in Russia show that women with only a secondary education smoke more than women with higher education. However, in Moscow, graduates of universities and secondary educational institutions smoke about the same.

The main age group of smokers is from 25 to 34 years. According to statistics, in Russia every third woman at this age smokes. The second place is occupied by the age category from 35 to 44 years. Approximately 30% of women of this age are addicted to smoking.

As can be seen from the statistics, the percentage of smokers steadily decreases with age. However, there is nothing to be surprised: for our compatriots, in a sense, this is a new bad habit. Smoking due to established traditions and culture in Russia has never been widespread among women. But according to studies, the frequency of smoking among women for recent times(decade) increased sharply - it turned out to be significantly higher than the values ​​reported by the authors of studies conducted earlier.

Daria Khalturina, Co-Chair of the Russian Anti-Tobacco Coalition, noted that the increase in the number of smoking girls perhaps due to the "glamorization" of smoking. Now about a third of girls aged 15-16 smoke.

What are the origins of this belief - no need to guess. The active use of the topic of smoking in cinema and literature is often associated with a certain charm. From empathy with the hero, sympathy, admiration, imitation is born. At the same time, it seems that even a small part of the hero's habits will make you look like him, add delightful charm to the image. Of course, the simplest possible trait is chosen. And often it becomes smoking. In fact, it's the other way around. Smoking does not paint at all, does not add mystery to the image and does not become that "highlight" that makes a woman unusual. Increasingly, the opposite is noticeable: not smoking is becoming uncommon for modern women. To top it off, the inevitable problems with skin, hair, and teeth color nullify any efforts to build any image.

Sometimes it is argued that smoking helps to lose weight, that it is almost ideal remedy weight loss without stress. That is, it seems that you don’t need to do anything, everything is done by itself. And considering what to drop excess weight literally becomes the meaning of life for many ... However, smoking as a means for rapid weight loss does not justify itself in any way. Cigarettes, like many stimulants like coffee, reduce appetite by releasing the neurotransmitter dopamine. And behind this stretches a whole chain of factors - constant fatigue, lack of sleep, irritability, etc. Apparently, this is the nature of a person - for some reason it is easier to limit oneself in something than to ensure the achievement of the goal with additional activity.

Thus, the statistics of smoking in Russia among women suggests by no means joyful thoughts. The fair sex voluntarily drowns itself in clubs of burnt tobacco, more and more ladies poison their bodies with nicotine, tar, harmful toxins, carbon monoxide. There is a more unfortunate fact: a cigarette shortens the representative strong half life for 5 years, and weak - for 11!

Many women, like men, try to quit smoking. But just like the stronger sex, they suffer from withdrawal syndrome. They also say to themselves: "Well, that's it, I'm quitting!" - and during the first year in 50 cases out of 100 they break down again. According to statistics, only 35% of smokers manage to break themselves. All the rest remain captives of tobacco smoke.

Teen smoking statistics in Russia

The problem of teenage smoking in Russia has recently become more and more acute. AT tobacco smoke Every year more and more teenagers and even children ruin their health. Latest Research argue that they begin to smoke already at the age of 10-12, and the first experience of "testing" cigarettes even earlier - up to seven years.

For example, according to statistics, Samara region smoke 89% of children aged 11 to 13 years, 68% of adolescents 14-15 years of age and 71% of those aged 16-17 years. At the same time, for the first category, the norm is 1-2 cigarettes per day, and for the latter, from six to ten pieces.

There is also an even more frightening statistic: in recent years, the “pampering” of children has turned into a real addiction.

According to Rospotrebnadzor, among young people 33% of secondary school students use tobacco daily. They smoke an average of 12 and 7 cigarettes a day, boys and girls, respectively. Among young people aged 14-17, smoking has become a favorite pastime. In this age category there are already heavy smokers with 5 years of experience. Meanwhile, it has been found that people who started smoking before the age of 15 die from lung cancer 5 times more often.

In general, in Russia today 65% ​​of men and more than 30% of women smoke. Moreover, 80% of these smokers "caught" a bad habit, being teenagers. According to the latest information from the World Health Organization, more than 3 million teenagers smoke in Russia: 2.5 million boys and 0.5 million girls. The situation is aggravated by the fact that children always look to adults as role models, and no amount of persuasion, arguments and persuasion helps. Still, how would you yourself react to a person who convinces that smoking is bad, and at that time, without a twinge of conscience, he pitches another cigarette. And let smokers constantly cough and suffer from shortness of breath, turn yellow in the face and dry up.

But no - most smokers do not suffer from any pronounced forms of disease, and when the time comes, they go to another world not in the middle of the street, in front of everyone, writhing in terrible agony, but behind the walls of hospitals. Of course, the sight of a coughing, twisted, icteric, decrepit and infirm smoker would discourage any desire of young people to join such a habit. But this is not. The consequences of smoking are a time bomb, the symptoms of diseases stretch for years and get closer to 40-50. You should also not forget that for young people of 30 years old, the fact that they will someday be 50 is generally beyond comprehension. Therefore, sad examples of men and women closer to 50, withered by smoking, are accepted as "normal" old age.

Another fact that would have at least some influence is success. Unfortunately, smoking in no way affects either popularity or any other aspects of social and, in many ways, physical life. Dozens and even hundreds successful people around us smoke, and some even flaunt this habit. Moreover, the entertainment industry has worked hard to create a magical aura of the image of a smoker, to give chic and gloss to a person with a cigarette in his mouth. It has become fashionable. And fashion, no matter how crazy and bad it was, at all times attracted whole legions to its side.

The most paradoxical thing is that smoking does not close the road to sports. There are not so few smokers among successful athletes. Of course, in order to achieve outstanding results at the world Olympiads, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle and strictly monitor yourself. But, think for yourself, how many people dream of winning the Olympics? For most teenagers, it is enough to have a beautiful athletic body, run fast, jump far and carry girls in their arms, smoking does not interfere in any way. The same is true for girls. After all, there is no momentary harm, and what will happen in 30 years will no longer be with us ...

Despite the unhappy smoking statistics, cigarette prices in Russia remain among the lowest in the world. This makes tobacco accessible to the entire population, regardless of income level and social status. On the other hand, there are simply no acceptable alternatives in terms of leisure and behavior for young people. This is not surprising: monthly classes in any circle cost more than a dozen packs of cigarettes.

Thanks to all this, at the moment among the population of Russia, according to a national study, smoking at the age of 15 to 19 among boys is 40%, among girls of the same age - 7%. But this is just the tip of the iceberg, how much of the unknown is hidden under the water? In addition, it is worth referring to the later age group and the situation will become much more terrifying - by the age of 20-29 years, the percentage of smoking girls increases by 2-3 times. Along with the current demographic situation in the country, the problem of smoking is extremely acute. At this rate, life expectancy will steadily decrease over the next few years, and with the number of healthy young people falling, the birth rate also does not bode well.

smoking statistics in the world

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), today 1.3 billion people on our planet are dependent on tobacco. The statistics of smoking in the world makes one wonder how many people annually voluntarily send themselves to the cemetery in such a rather sophisticated way. Currently, this figure has crept up close to seven million people.

Smoking is recognized as one of the most severe forms drug addiction due to the physical and psychophysical addiction of the body to tobacco. Moreover, tobacco smoking has bypassed even such hard drugs as heroin and cocaine in terms of addiction, and is second only to alcohol. Nevertheless, tobacco is not considered a hard drug, since its effect on a person's consciousness is subtle and never causes a change in it.

Smoking statistics unequivocally shows that the lion's share of oncological diseases, diseases cardiovascular systems s, central nervous system, digestive and respiratory organs is caused or catalyzed precisely by smoking tobacco. 98.96% of all lung cancer patients in the world are smokers with an experience of five years or more. For example, people whose work is closely related to work in polluted air, and at the same time non-smokers, get lung cancer about 300 times less often than smokers working at fresh air.

Tobacco smoking kills one inhabitant of the planet every 6 seconds. Even in an accident, fewer people die than from an "innocent" habit to drag on a cigarette. The smoking statistics are relentless. Around the world average age novice smoker has long since dropped below the 15-year mark. And now it is (depending on the region) 12-13 years. And in some places and all 9! We can safely say that tobacco smoking has long become a pandemic. In fact, there is not a single geographical region that does not have people who smoke or tobacco would not be sold.

According to tobacco smoking statistics, the largest number smokers are concentrated in countries of Eastern Europe, North Africa and Asia. If we talk about states, Russia firmly holds the palm in the Eurasian space in terms of the number of smokers and deaths from tobacco. At the same time, Russia is one of the few countries in which the number of smokers is growing, not declining. In count smoking men Russia takes first place. By the number of women who smoke - the sixteenth. The first place in the number of women who smoke belongs to Austria. There, more than forty percent of women are heavy smokers.

Also, according to statistics, the overall percentage of the population of smokers to non-smokers is significantly associated with general level education of the population. Thus, the number of smokers among segments of the population with low level education is (taking into account other factors) an average of 65 - 84%, while the number of smokers among people with higher education or with degree- only 10-22%. On the whole, least amount smokers - among people who share certain religious beliefs; dealing with scientific research or engaged in intellectual work. However, people whose jobs involve computers smoke more than workers in any other intellectual field.

The greatest influence on the spread of tobacco smoking is exerted by advertising, feature films, cultural or subcultural attributes, as well as the presence of smokers among family members and the immediate environment.

Despite the seeming harmlessness, smoking is a terrible weapon of mass destruction, taking away a year more lives than any war took. Only the Second World War was able to beat the annual result of tobacco.

Life has become better and more fun, smoking has become less

It was possible to stop the growth in the number of smokers in Novosibirsk. Such a statement was made by scientists at a meeting of the Council on Demographic Policy on September 30, 2009. Researchers claim that not only stabilization has been achieved, but also a slight decrease in the percentage of the smoking population in the region. However, it is too early to rejoice: about 50% of Novosibirsk men are still on the lists of smokers. After all, get rid of nicotine addiction sometimes it is as difficult as from a drug.

According to statistics, among those who died from cardiovascular pathology, more than 30% have a connection with smoking. Heart disease is the most common cause of death in Novosibirsk region, and the influence of tobacco on the formation of these diseases is enormous.

During the meeting of the council on demographic policy, Vladimir Stepanov, head of the regional health department, noted that a program to promote healthy lifestyle life. It was noted that there is an improvement in the demographic situation, the level medical care in the region has grown significantly, while the attitude of the population to their own health leaves much to be desired. Governor Viktor Tolokonsky called on all state and municipal structures to mobilize all resources to promote a healthy lifestyle in the region.

Morbidity researcher cardiovascular pathology, Researcher Institute of Therapy Sofya Malyutina cited data that over the past 2 decades the situation with smoking, obesity and alcohol consumption is deplorable throughout Russia, but since 2007 there has been a slight decrease in negative indicators in this area. This gives hope for some improvement of society in the near future.

According to statistics, over the past 3 years, the proportion of heavy smokers among the population aged 45-64 has decreased by 4%. At the same time, half of the men in the region are active consumers of tobacco products.

Among the women of the region, smokers make up about 8%. But most of the data on smoking in the region are still preliminary and need to be clarified. After all, the research involved great amount people, therefore final results and exact numbers can only wait until the end of the year.

The Department of Health announced shocking figures: on average for the region, the beginning of a "career" of a smoker for a boy falls on the age of 13; girls try cigarettes for the first time at 14. And high price for tobacco products modern teenagers does not frighten at all: 30% of them admitted that they are not going to give up this bad habit, even if the price of cigarettes is very high. 39 cigarettes for a boy, 27 for a girl: this is how much the average young smoker smokes per week.

Medical experts declined to comment. The chief narcologist of the region, Ravil Terkulov, only lamented the lack of state control over the situation with smoking in the regions. “It is too early to talk about significant improvements,” said Ravil Terkulov. Methods for overcoming nicotine addiction have not undergone any radical changes. The market is full medications, designed to treat smokers from addiction, but without a psychotherapeutic effect, these drugs are ineffective. In general, according to doctors, the treatment of tobacco dependence is akin to the treatment of drug and alcohol addiction. main role in successful treatment plays the mood of the patient, motivation.

And in social sphere The situation with smokers is fundamentally different from that with alcoholics and drug addicts. Employers, the state, and often families get used to the presence of a smoker and do not put any pressure on him. Therefore, it is quite difficult to motivate a smoker to quit smoking. However, in the Novosibirsk region in 2006, smokers were subjected to "social pressure" when many public institutions introduced a complete ban on smoking, and public catering establishments decided to isolate smokers from other visitors.

Statistics provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) confirm the fact that Russia is the most smoking country in the world. According to calculations, for prior year The largest number of cigarettes was smoked in the Russian Federation, China and the USA.

In the article we will tell you how many people around the world suffer from nicotine addiction, as well as which countries are in the lead in the use of tobacco products.

Number of smokers worldwide

How many people smoke around the world?

In 2015, the Medical Association of America published data that reported that the number of smokers worldwide would soon reach 1 billion people.

According to experts, the number of nicotine addicts is actually falling, but the increase in the number of smokers is due to the demographic growth of the population.

Over the past half century, the number of people who use tobacco has doubled.

According to medical forecasts, the absence of any reaction to the problem will contribute to the rapid spread "nicotine addiction", which would lead to almost 90% of the use of tobacco products by adults.

What are the smoking statistics for 2016?

  • more than 1.3 billion people on the planet use tobacco;
  • more than 1 million people die every year from ailments caused by smoking;
  • every 6 seconds on the planet 1 smoker dies from nicotine poisoning.

In the race for leadership

Which state is currently the leader in the number of Nikon-dependent? Until 2000, the leading positions were shared between England and the USA. But thanks to rather tough anti-tobacco measures, the number of smokers in these countries has decreased by almost 20% over the past 15 years.

Who has now intercepted the baton of the championship in smoking? According to world health experts, most people who smoke live in the Russian Federation. According to statistics, more than 60% of men and 30% of women in the state regularly use tobacco. In other words, out of 10 males, 7 people smoke, and out of females, 1.

If anti-tobacco measures are not taken soon in Afghanistan and Yemen, in a few years they will overtake the Russians in terms of the number of nicotine addicts. Not so long ago, America could boast of similar indicators, but today in the United States no more than 23% of citizens suffer from nicotine addiction.

The most smoking countries for 2013-2014

The list of the most smoking countries in the world, which will be presented below, reflects the situation at the beginning of 2014. At that time, the Russian Federation was only approaching the leading positions in tobacco use. The situation has not fundamentally changed since then. Of course, today about 40% of the population in Russia smokes, but thanks to the anti-tobacco law, the Ministry of Health predicts a sharp decline the number of nicotine addicts up to 25% by the beginning of 2018.

  • 10th place - Montenegro (2150 pieces). Smoking is allowed in the country in public places, with the exception of enclosed spaces;
  • 9th place - Belarus (2260 pieces). Surprisingly, rather strict supervision over the market for the sale of tobacco products has been established in Belarus, while at least 33 billion units of cigarette products are sold in the state annually;
  • 8th place - Bosnia and Herzegovina (2280 pieces). In the state, even physicians use cigarettes while receiving patients;
  • 7th place - Slovenia (2370 pieces). Like in most countries of the world, Slovenian legislation prohibits smoking in public places and at work, but this does not prevent heavy smokers over 18 from ruining their health with cigarettes;
  • 6th place - Ukraine (2400 pieces). Despite the rather stringent anti-tobacco measures that prohibit the use of tobacco products in educational institutions, restaurants and cafes, as well as transport hubs, the number of nicotine addicts in the country is still growing;
  • 5th place - Moldova (2450 pieces). The legislation of the country prohibits smoking only in enclosed spaces;
  • 4th place - Russia (2790 pieces). The average citizen of the Russian Federation smokes more than 2,500 cigarettes a year, which is why the death rate in the country from smoking is growing right before our eyes;
  • 3rd place - Greece (2800 pieces). Delegates from European countries urge Greece to take measures to slow down the sale of tobacco products, as the country is the most smoker of those that are part of the European Union;
  • 2nd place - Bulgaria (2820 pieces). Despite the fact that the country's anti-tobacco projects prohibit smoking in some public places, smokers "let go of the rings" in Bulgaria it has not become smaller;
  • 1st place - Serbia (2870 pieces). Serbs are well aware that you can not smoke indoors, and in open areas you can “smoke” only in specially designated places, but this does not prevent them from being leaders in the field of nicotine addiction.

Percentage of smokers and non-smokers in the world

What is the total percentage of people in the world who smoke?

If statistics are to be believed, approximately 1.3 billion people smoke around the globe. If we take into account that 7.3 billion people live on the planet, in percentage terms this is about 18%. At first glance, it seems that the figure is not so big. However, it applies exclusively to active smokers.

What percentage of people are affected by tobacco smog? This question would be more correct, because bad habit negatively affects not only active smokers, but also those who are close to them.

It is known that in the Russian Federation before the introduction anti-tobacco law in the workplace from passive smoking more than 30% of the population suffered, and in restaurants and cafes - more than 70%.

To this day, in many Asian and European countries, smoking is prohibited indoors, but the use of cigarettes in open places is not punishable by law. At the same time, millions of people around the world suffer from the effects of tobacco smog on the body. According to WHO, more than 600,000 passive smokers die from diseases caused by cigarette smoke.

Tobacco smoking is a worldwide problem. The lack of control over the distribution and use of nicotine-containing products may soon lead to significant reduction the number of inhabitants in the world.

For such bad habit, like smoking, statistics of 2015 in Russia, despite the whole niche adopted laws aimed at combating tobacco smoking continues to be unsatisfactory. Worst of all, at the moment, the habit of smoking among women and underage children is actively gaining momentum. When compared with the same Turkey or Egypt, then in Russian Federation most high percent distribution of smokers for every 100,000 adults. Unfortunately, there are no official statistics among adolescents today, with the exception of analytical surveys among public organizations.

Adult smoking

So, official statistics smoking in Russia says that among adults 40% of the population are addicted to nicotine. This figure also includes those who use nicotine not only through cigarettes, but also through tubes, electronic steam generators. However, along with this, it should be noted that in 2015 the number of those who use cigarettes, which are the most dangerous product tobacco industry. But the percentage of those who consume nicotine through tubes and steam generators, popularly referred to simply as electronic cigarettes, has increased numerically.

It should be noted that among all the developed countries of Europe, it is Russia that is recognized as the one in which the number of smokers is the largest for every 100 thousand of the population. This is due to the fact that the cost of tobacco products in the country is extremely low in comparison with the same European excises, and even Ukrainian, Belarusian, Kazakh.

Smoking among minors

Unspoken statistics of smoking in the world among teenagers indicates that only 40 children per 10 thousand regularly use cigarettes among minors. In Russia, this figure is much higher. Public organizations indicate that about 25% of teenagers now smoke. And among them 30% are girls. And every year smoking among them spreads more and more. You can mention the data indicated in 1999. Then only 4% of 10 thousand schoolchildren smoked, and even those were inconsistent. Then access to the products of the nicotine industry was significantly limited, so not everyone could afford to smoke, as it is now.

And if we consider the statistics of smoking adolescents aged 15 to 17 years, then there it is no different from an adult. That is, 40% of all guys are fond of cigarettes, of which 20% are girls. And if you believe the words of WHO, then it was smoking that led to the fact that in Russia:

  • most high rate pathologies of newborns;
  • the lowest age threshold for the incidence of lung cancer (47 years, while in Europe - 62 and above);
  • the prevalence of tuberculosis is one of the highest in the world.

In total, according to the information provided, today about 12 million teenagers smoke in Russia.

And for the first time, smoking of minors begins to interest in ... 8 years! And the youngest with addiction is 10 years old. It's about about those children who regularly smoke cigarettes in the same volumes as adults.

Smoking among women

It is believed that smoking women around the world is significantly less than men. But if we talk about Russia, then the difference is not so significant. About a third of all adults who smoke are the fair sex. For comparison, in Japan, where smoking is almost a national treasure, only 7% of women smoke regularly. The same situation exists in Thailand. And in Europe, the number of women who smoke is even less, within 0.5%.

And what is the threat female smoking? First of all high probability the birth of a child with any pathology in the work of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems. In addition, smoking among women, which has escalated in the last 10-15 years, can leave an extremely negative imprint on the future generation. Doctors have yet to speak about what the consequences will be.

Yet there are countries where women smoke more actively. For example, India, only there in the course of not just tobacco, but the so-called kretek - a mixture fragrant herbs, tobacco and cloves. In such cigarettes, the amount of nicotine is minimal, and therefore it is not entirely correct to take into account their statistics.

It should be mentioned that the widespread use of smoking among women is used by tobacco manufacturers, who in the last 5 years have actively begun to supply “female” cigarettes to the consumer market, which differ from male ones only in the size and composition of aromatic ingredients. And the harm from them is the same as from full-fledged cigarettes. For the first time, such cigarettes were actively supplied in 2008. Oddly enough, the same period saw a sharp jump in the popularity of smoking among girls. And in 2009 and more mature women also started smoking more.

In general, the statistics of nicotine addiction is extremely negative. This can be corrected only by adopting appropriate laws that would regulate not only the sale of tobacco products, but also their cost.

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