The harm of electronic vaping. The benefits and harms of electronic cigarettes and is it possible to quit smoking with them

Arguing about how e-cigarettes affect health is a futile exercise. Depending on who you ask, you may hear that e-cigarettes are the best technological solution to the problem of smoking or the global society.

Let's see how things really are.

What do we know? Electronic cigarettes are better for health than conventional cigarettes, but worse than not smoking or vaping at all.

What do we not know? What effect does vaping have on health in the long term, do e-cigarettes really help to quit smoking and how do they affect the use of other nicotine-containing products.

What does this mean for you? If you are a chronic smoker, e-cigarettes may be a less damaging way for you to get nicotine. If you don't smoke at all, stay away from e-cigarettes. We still don't know how they affect long-term health.

So, if you are a heavy smoker and are trying to quit this bad habit, then most experts agree that e-cigarettes are less harmful to health.

But non-smokers or ex-smokers should think twice before starting. Even if electronic cigarettes are less harmful than conventional ones, this does not mean that they are completely safe. We just don't know. No long-term health studies of vapers have been published.

Another review notes that nicotine can have serious negative effects on human health, ranging from an increased risk of cardiovascular disease to birth defects in children whose mothers consumed nicotine during pregnancy.

There are also several studies that prove the positive effect of nicotine consumption in Parkinson's disease, as well as increased attention and concentration under its influence.

Do e-cigarettes provide enough nicotine to meet the needs of smokers?

Some studies, such as the experiment published in Nature, say that the delivery of nicotine to the circulatory system through electronic cigarettes varies greatly, but still remains less than in the case of conventional cigarettes.

Mike Mozart/

A comprehensive analysis of a study published by the American Heart Association (AHA) suggests that e-cigarette vapor pollutes the air with nicotine and toxic substances, but its long-term health effects are unknown.

The answer to the question about passive soaring is very important for society. So far, there is no ban on smoking e-cigarettes in public places, because its harm has not been proven. If in the future the negative impact on the health of electronic cigarettes is confirmed, it will be necessary to equip special places for vaping. In the meantime, the health standard is clean air. Until harmful substances are found in it, there will be no prohibitions.

The importance of scientific debate for public health

Regulators around the world are now trying to figure out what to do with e-cigarettes. While in some countries they have simply been banned, in others the state is trying to regulate the use of these devices.

In the United States in 2011, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced a project equating electronic cigarettes to tobacco products. This project was completed in 2016. In it, electronic cigarettes fall under the Tobacco Products Control Act. Other rules include:

  • a ban on the sale of e-cigarettes, hookahs, pipe tobacco and cigars to minors offline or online (some states have already passed this law);
  • the requirement of an identity card for the sale of these products;
  • requiring manufacturers of electronic cigarettes and e-liquids sold after February 15, 2007, to submit their products to the FDA for review, disclosing components, marketing plans, and product designs within 12 to 24 months;
  • placement by the manufacturer of warning labels on electronic cigarettes and other tobacco products, including warnings about the possibility of addiction and the negative effects of nicotine;
  • a ban on the sale of closed tobacco products in vending machines;
  • prohibition of distribution of free samples of electronic cigarettes and other tobacco products.

Some vaping advocates believe that it is unnecessary to restrict e-cigarettes in the same way as tobacco products. After all, they don't even have tobacco in them. If access to e-cigarettes is restricted too severely, society will lose devices that could have saved the lives of many heavy smokers.

Also, some experts believe that strict bans and restrictions can stifle innovation, so enterprises will develop less new products that are more advanced and safer, with a better nicotine supply. But this could help to further reduce smoking of conventional, more harmful cigarettes.

Authorities need to understand the consequences of restricting too much, such as stopping innovation or developing models that are more expensive and less appealing to consumers. It is also important that the public does not misunderstand the bans as if e-cigarettes are banned because they are more harmful to health than conventional ones.

Peter Hajek, Professor at Queen Mary University of London

As for Russia, it does not currently apply to electronic cigarettes, so a person under the age of 18 can freely buy them. There are also no prohibitions and restrictions on vaping in public places. But, as the popularity of electronic cigarettes is growing rapidly, they are going to come to grips with it.

Deputy Chairman of the Social Policy Committee of the Federation Council Igor Chernyshev promised to order a study to research institutes to determine the impact of electronic cigarettes on human health, as well as consult with psychologists about the effect of these devices on the return of nicotine addiction in those who have already given up smoking.

Depending on the results of these studies, measures will be taken to limit the sale of electronic cigarettes. If any harm is found, they will either be included in the general anti-tobacco law, equated with ordinary cigarettes, or simply set age limits.

What do you think about electronic cigarettes? Do you think that they should be banned in the same way as ordinary ones?

The harm of electronic cigarettes is shrouded in controversy, opinion and speculation. The topic of health benefits and harms from vaping is very relevant for users, and reviews on the network are very different. Manufacturers present the product in the best light, hiding the flaws, favorably emphasizing the advantages against the background of tobacco products. Users underestimate the impact of steam on health and are dismissive of the "harmless toy".

Depending on the model, vapes differ in design. Inside the device there is a reservoir with liquid, an atomizer (evaporator), a heater and a rechargeable battery. Advanced models contain an electronic board. The principle of operation of the evaporator is as follows: the battery heats up the coil, which turns the liquid into vapor.

Harm from the device determines the composition of the mixture used for smoking. Different liquids are used for the evaporator, perhaps even self-mixing according to their proportions. There are three main components:

  • nicotine (not present in all mixtures);
  • propylene glycol;
  • glycerol.

What's happened nicotine, known to many - this substance negatively affects the body and can develop addiction. The percentage of nicotine content in a vape varies from 0 to 24 mg. By and large, vaporizers, like regular cigarettes, can be categorized by strength:

  • 0 mg are "empty" cigarettes;
  • 6-12 mg - such mixtures are comparable to weak cigarettes;
  • 18-24 mg - an analogue of strong cigarettes.

propylene glycol It is a viscous substance of a transparent color with a slight sweet aftertaste. It is widely used in the production of food and cosmetics, pharmacology. In medicine, propylene glycol is used for large blood loss, this substance is able to replace plasma. In the evaporator, this component is a link, stimulates the flow of steam into the respiratory tract. As proven by research, this component of the vape is not harmful to humans and is allowed in all countries of the world.

Glycerol widely known to many. A transparent substance of oily consistency is actively used in the manufacture of cosmetics, medicine, food and chemical industries. Glycerin is a component of various products as a thickener, used in the production of tea, coffee, baking. The substance is capable of harming the body only in large doses, its content in electronic cigarettes is classified as safe.

Among other components, smoking mixtures contain food flavors produced on the basis of natural or chemical, but safe components. The maximum content of the substance does not exceed 4%.

The effect of the mixture on the body

If all components are either safe or have already been studied, where do opinions about serious harm come from? First of all, the viper will not get any health benefits from using the vaporizer. In addition, the danger to the body brings defective or counterfeit products. It is not always easy to distinguish a real manufacturer from a cheap counterpart, good products or not. The absence of strict GOSTs allows the development of "manufacturing on the knee", when small companies neglect the rules and requirements for the production of the mixture. Poisonous compounds and substances may be present in such electronic devices. The consequences of smoking such a vaporizer will be unpredictable, it all depends on the degree of dishonesty of the developers.

Smoking of electronic cigarettes by children and adolescents under 18 years of age is not recommended, regardless of what type of device was purchased: with or without nicotine. Some vaporizer components may be harmless, but the nicotine in e-cigarettes is dangerous and no different from nicotine in tobacco. Various carcinogens also have a negative effect on the body. Thus, a teenager psychologically gets used to smoking, because outwardly the process is quite similar: a cigarette, smoke, a specific aroma. The risk of developing dependence on nicotine and, as a result, smoking regular cigarettes is very high.

As smokers with experience write in the reviews, after switching to electronic cigarettes, a return to regular tobacco is not excluded.

Devices of dubious quality can lead to body intoxication if the composition of the mixture contains toxic substances. If when buying an eGo or a mod, this moment can be controlled, then with disposable devices everything is more difficult, here the content is controlled by the manufacturer.

Also, do not forget about individual intolerance certain components. If there is an irresistible desire to try out a new product, it is wiser to opt for a mixture without nicotine that does not have flavor. Naturally, you can only trust proven and well-known companies. But it is better to think several times before exposing your body to a potential threat - a strong dependence on nicotine.

Electronic cigarette or tobacco products

People buy an electronic cigarette for different purposes, first of all, this is one of the methods to give up regular cigarettes forever. stop smoking. Secondly, they are driven by curiosity: like it or not. Also, some vape models can replace a hookah that is difficult to maintain. Finally, vaping is a special trend or fashion trend with its pros and cons.

There are even competitions and entertainment performances where experienced users blow off steam with rings or bizarre shapes. Reviews of such events are curious, and often the audience likes it.

Between a regular cigarette and a vape, it is really better to choose the latter. A quality device will require monthly costs and maintenance, there is no guarantee that this will be more profitable from a financial point of view. This is a way out for experienced smokers: replacing tobacco with a vaporizer in some cases helps to give up a bad habit.

IN habitual cigarettes contains a huge amount of various substances harmful and dangerous to humans. For this reason, vaping can be beneficial, the device can become an alternative to tobacco, but only for those who have been trying to quit smoking for a long time. Nicotine harms the liver, lungs, circulatory and nervous systems. If diacetyl is included in the composition of the vape, regular smoking contributes to the development of obliterating bronchitis - the wiper's disease.

If we consider liquid smoking, containing nicotine, the electronic cigarette will inevitably provoke the development of dependence. After that, the user of the electronic device switches to ordinary tobacco, increases its strength. Further, the fight is possible only with the help of doctors, despite the fact that nicotine in an electronic cigarette is purified and added in small amounts. Cigarettes can cause addiction. and let off steam in rings or freaks

The effect of the vaporizer on others

As such, passive soaring does not exist. Steam is much safer than tobacco smoke. However, vapers also pose a threat to those around them. It is acceptable to vape with an electronic cigarette indoors - at home or at work, but this only applies to high-quality nicotine-free models that are used from time to time.

Regularly vaping a device containing nicotine is harmful to others, although to a lesser extent than a regular cigarette, but this does not at all characterize vaporizer smoking as an absolutely safe habit. Various components of the device are heated and then converted into steam. At the same time, it is not excluded that the components will not harm others, all the more you should not count on any benefit, it will not be.

Opinion of qualified specialists

Employees of medical institutions will help to distinguish between myths and truth. Electronic cigarettes have appeared relatively recently, so not many clinical studies have been conducted. Qualified specialists were divided into three groups.

  1. There are doctors who approve of proper vape smoking. Correct does not mean regular, with a reasonable approach, the vaporizer will help get rid of addiction if the user will methodically reduce the proportion of nicotine in the composition of the liquid. The opinion of a group of scientists can be understood, electronic cigarettes are less harmful than regular ones.
  2. Neutral where doctors trust only accurate and in-depth research.
  3. And finally, if those who denies the safety of the vape. Indeed, a detailed study in the composition of electronic cigarettes can detect harmful substances and carcinogens, but their proportion is not critical.

From the reviews of doctors, a couple of interesting facts can be distinguished. In fact, the effects of regular ingestion of propylene glycol and glycerin are not fully understood. Therefore, it is difficult to clearly determine how much the evaporator harms a person. This already gives ground for thought.

The WHO also did not approve the popularization of vaping, partly for the same reason: the result of long-term vaping of glycerin and propylene glycol is unknown.

The electronic cigarette is designed to reduce the harmful effects of nicotine on the human body, as well as for those who want to get rid of the habit of smoking. If you use an electronic device, some of the nicotine will still be delivered to your lungs. The device includes an inhaler in the form of an elongated tube with a battery and cartridges. The latter are filled with various flavors and contain a minimum of nicotine, and there are also various components that mimic cigarette smoke. It should be emphasized that there is no combustion process in the electronic cigarette, and it does not contain tobacco.

Composition of a cigarette

E-liquid is the material that is inside the device and evaporates during use. Many analogues have been developed that are designed to reduce the effect of nicotine on the body of a smoker. Chief among them is e-liquid. The harm that it can cause to the body depends on the quality and level of purification of the substance. It includes no more than five additives with the presence of nicotine and flavorings.

It should be noted that electronic cigarettes are harmful. Instead of a substance purified from nicotine with food diethylene glycol, the entire chemical table can enter the body. In order not to face such a problem, it is necessary not to fall for the "solid" brand names of Southeast Asia. Liquid for electronic cigarettes is not regulated.

How useful is an electronic cigarette?

It is very difficult for a person who has been smoking for a long time to give up his habit, even realizing how dangerous it is to health. Only a gradual reduction in nicotine intake can simplify this process. Smokers who have switched to an electronic cigarette observe the absence of morning cough and shortness of breath. In addition, the following changes are noticeable:

  • the unpleasant odor disappears;
  • teeth do not turn yellow;
  • the sense of smell and taste in the mouth are restored;
  • complexion takes on a healthy appearance.

Inhalation of tobacco smoke poisons not only the one who smokes, but also affects the health of other people in the most negative way. Is an electronic cigarette dangerous? Harm to others is excluded. The steam emitted by the device is practically odorless and disappears into the air in just a couple of seconds. Therefore, electronic cigarettes are harmless to others. Reviews (harm, according to which, the most minimal) confirm this in practice. We can summarize a little: the positive factors are mostly related to ease of use.

Interesting facts about electronic cigarettes

What harm from electronic cigarettes can be judged by the fact that smoking has two addictions: physical and psychological, which are interconnected. Physical is the body's need to get another dose of nicotine. It resets as soon as a person smokes a cigarette. But psychological dependence is much more serious and makes a person return to tobacco.

Do not forget that the product is not a product for medical purposes, so all the documents that are provided when selling them are rather conditional and do not guarantee the safety of the client.

What are the dangers of electronic cigarettes?

Why are electronic cigarettes harmful? An important factor is that there is no certificate for the goods, due to which the "black market" is full of various fakes that are difficult to distinguish from the original. Also, the electronic device does not have the usual aftertaste, as after a tobacco cigarette, and the addict begins to reduce the intervals between smoke breaks.

You can figure out the harm from electronic cigarettes after poisoning the body: when symptoms such as dizziness, general fatigue, nausea and vomiting appear. Simply, no one controls the use of such a cigarette: on average, it should be no more than twenty puffs, because the same amount of nicotine is needed to smoke a regular cigarette. Therefore, cartridges require a pointer that determines how much nicotine is present in an electronic cigarette, or indicates its complete absence.

Opinions of scientists about electronic cigarettes

Recently, at scientific conferences, questions have been discussed about the harm of electronic cigarettes without nicotine, as well as the advisability of using them. Researchers say they do more good than harm. And a company from New Zealand (Healt New Zealand) came to the conclusion that the electronic device is shown to people who smoke regular cigarettes. Doctors also say that the harm from smoking electronic cigarettes is minimal.

After a series of experiments, experts came to the conclusion that the dispersion liquid contained in these products cannot cause oncological diseases. Also, cardiologists say that the use of such cigarettes will not harm the human body. Devices are still little studied, so it is definitely difficult to say whether their substances are harmful to the human body.

Consequences of application

The bottom line is that even despite manufacturers' advertising and their claims that electronic cigarettes are effective against nicotine control and do not harm the body, today this manufacturer remains uncertified. This means that there are no sanitary and hygienic standards for the device. That is, manufacturers have the right to change the chemical composition of cigarettes. They have not been tested by the World Health Organization, and their side effects are not listed in the instructions for use.

Is the Pons vaporizer safe?

What is harmful electronic cigarette Pons? It depends on its quality. It is possible that the cartridges may leak while tightening and even enter the battery. In such cases, the liquid should not be swallowed. After studying the characteristics of the product, experts came to the conclusion that it is undesirable to smoke the device like a hookah, especially for those who do not smoke. An electronic device with a minimum dose of nicotine in the cartridge can also cause psychological dependence and provoke the use of a tobacco cigarette.

But buyers are also attracted by positive qualities:

  • less harm than regular cigarettes;
  • no cigarette butts;
  • there is no need to finish smoking a cigarette: you can take just one puff and put it in your pocket;
  • smoking is allowed in any public place;
  • no unpleasant odor is observed.

Client Survey Results

How harmful is an electronic cigarette? Consumer reviews indicate the presence of propylene glycol in it, which is used to prepare the liquid. The use of this substance in some people can cause an allergic reaction. Also present is the fact that the cigarette is artificial and the feeling of plastic in the mouth is not pleasant. It takes time to get used to.

Another "indirect" minus, confirming how harmful electronic cigarettes are, is the high cost. It is assumed that one cartridge will be cheaper in terms of money than purchasing exactly the same number of ordinary cigarettes. However, e-cigarettes can also make you want to buy more expensive models and buy cartridges with different flavors.

Electronic cigarettes and pregnancy

A lot of people smoke, and girls are no exception. However, such devices are not suitable for pregnant women, as it is known that electronic cigarettes are harmful to the health of the mother and the unborn baby. This is due to the fact that the cartridges contain a proportion of nicotine that enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body.

Despite the opinion of medical scientists that the electronic cigarette is one of the safest methods of smoking, pregnant women should give up such pleasure. The reason is also the content of propylene glycol in the exhaled vapor, the intake of which is inevitable when using an electronic cigarette.

Health impact

Electronic cigarettes - is there any harm? It should be noted that there are cases when a person rejects propylene glycol by the body. Such a reaction can manifest itself in the form of a rash on the body, which resembles an allergic reaction. Sometimes glycerol acts as an irritant, but in practice such cases were practically not observed. But in addition to allergies, this substance with prolonged use can lead to dry mouth. It also serves as a favorable breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria, which can lead to plaque on the teeth.

Flavoring additives for electronic cigarettes have not been fully studied. When using the device, the amount of incoming flavors is negligible. But the final result depends on the characteristics of the human body and the individual intolerance of individual components. Of course, everyone knows about the harmful effects of nicotine. But the main thing to warn those who want to try to smoke an electronic cigarette is to be careful about the nicotine content in the liquid, as novice smokers can get an overdose of it.

When thinking about whether it is worth buying an electronic cigarette, and whether it is really less harmful than a regular one, it will be useful to think about your own health. Even a minimal amount of nicotine and other substances that are part of the liquid can harm the body. Therefore, it is more expedient to show willpower and completely abandon a bad habit, which also costs a lot of money.

The electronic cigarette is designed to reduce the harmful effects of nicotine on the human body, as well as for those who want to get rid of the habit of smoking. If you use an electronic device, some of the nicotine will still be delivered to your lungs. The device includes an inhaler in the form of an elongated tube with a battery and cartridges. The latter are filled with various flavors and contain a minimum of nicotine, and there are also various components that mimic cigarette smoke. It should be emphasized that there is no combustion process in the electronic cigarette, and it does not contain tobacco.

Composition of a cigarette

E-liquid is the material that is inside the device and evaporates during use. Many analogues have been developed that are designed to reduce the effect of nicotine on the body of a smoker. Chief among them is e-liquid. The harm that it can cause to the body depends on the quality and level of purification of the substance. It includes no more than five additives with the presence of nicotine and flavorings.

It should be noted that electronic cigarettes are harmful. Instead of a substance purified from nicotine with food diethylene glycol, the entire chemical table can enter the body. In order not to face such a problem, it is necessary not to fall for the "solid" brand names of Southeast Asia. Liquid for electronic cigarettes is not regulated.

How useful is an electronic cigarette?

It is very difficult for a person who has been smoking for a long time to give up his habit, even realizing how dangerous it is to health. Only a gradual reduction in nicotine intake can simplify this process. Smokers who have switched to an electronic cigarette observe the absence of morning cough and shortness of breath. In addition, the following changes are noticeable:

  • the unpleasant odor disappears;
  • teeth do not turn yellow;
  • the sense of smell and taste in the mouth are restored;
  • complexion takes on a healthy appearance.

Inhalation of tobacco smoke poisons not only the one who smokes, but also affects the health of other people in the most negative way. Is an electronic cigarette dangerous? Harm to others is excluded. The steam emitted by the device is practically odorless and disappears into the air in just a couple of seconds. Therefore, electronic cigarettes are harmless to others. Reviews (harm, according to which, the most minimal) confirm this in practice. We can summarize a little: the positive factors are mostly related to ease of use.

Interesting facts about electronic cigarettes

What harm from electronic cigarettes can be judged by the fact that smoking has two addictions: physical and psychological, which are interconnected. Physical is the body's need to get another dose of nicotine. It resets as soon as a person smokes a cigarette. But psychological dependence is much more serious and makes a person return to tobacco.

Do not forget that the product is not a product for medical purposes, so all the documents that are provided when selling them are rather conditional and do not guarantee the safety of the client.

What are the dangers of electronic cigarettes?

Why are electronic cigarettes harmful? An important factor is that there is no certificate for the goods, due to which the "black market" is full of various fakes that are difficult to distinguish from the original. Also, the electronic device does not have the usual aftertaste, as after a tobacco cigarette, and the addict begins to reduce the intervals between smoke breaks.

You can figure out the harm from electronic cigarettes after poisoning the body: when symptoms such as dizziness, general fatigue, nausea and vomiting appear. Simply, no one controls the use of such a cigarette: on average, it should be no more than twenty puffs, because the same amount of nicotine is needed to smoke a regular cigarette. Therefore, cartridges require a pointer that determines how much nicotine is present in an electronic cigarette, or indicates its complete absence.

Opinions of scientists about electronic cigarettes

Recently, at scientific conferences, questions have been discussed about the harm of electronic cigarettes without nicotine, as well as the advisability of using them. Researchers say they do more good than harm. And a company from New Zealand (Healt New Zealand) came to the conclusion that the electronic device is shown to people who smoke regular cigarettes. Doctors also say that the harm from smoking electronic cigarettes is minimal.

After a series of experiments, experts came to the conclusion that the dispersion liquid contained in these products cannot cause oncological diseases. Also, cardiologists say that the use of such cigarettes will not harm the human body. Devices are still little studied, so it is definitely difficult to say whether their substances are harmful to the human body.

Consequences of application

The bottom line is that even despite manufacturers' advertising and their claims that electronic cigarettes are effective against nicotine control and do not harm the body, today this manufacturer remains uncertified. This means that there are no sanitary and hygienic standards for the device. That is, manufacturers have the right to change the chemical composition of cigarettes. They have not been tested by the World Health Organization, and their side effects are not listed in the instructions for use.

Is the Pons vaporizer safe?

What is harmful electronic cigarette Pons? It depends on its quality. It is possible that the cartridges may leak while tightening and even enter the battery. In such cases, the liquid should not be swallowed. After studying the characteristics of the product, experts came to the conclusion that it is undesirable to smoke the device like a hookah, especially for those who do not smoke. An electronic device with a minimum dose of nicotine in the cartridge can also cause psychological dependence and provoke the use of a tobacco cigarette.

But buyers are also attracted by positive qualities:

  • less harm than regular cigarettes;
  • no cigarette butts;
  • there is no need to finish smoking a cigarette: you can take just one puff and put it in your pocket;
  • smoking is allowed in any public place;
  • no unpleasant odor is observed.

Client Survey Results

How harmful is an electronic cigarette? Consumer reviews indicate the presence of propylene glycol in it, which is used to prepare the liquid. The use of this substance in some people can cause an allergic reaction. Also present is the fact that the cigarette is artificial and the feeling of plastic in the mouth is not pleasant. It takes time to get used to.

Another "indirect" minus, confirming how harmful electronic cigarettes are, is the high cost. It is assumed that one cartridge will be cheaper in terms of money than purchasing exactly the same number of ordinary cigarettes. However, e-cigarettes can also make you want to buy more expensive models and buy cartridges with different flavors.

Electronic cigarettes and pregnancy

A lot of people smoke, and girls are no exception. However, such devices are not suitable for pregnant women, as it is known that electronic cigarettes are harmful to the health of the mother and the unborn baby. This is due to the fact that the cartridges contain a proportion of nicotine that enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body.

Despite the opinion of medical scientists that the electronic cigarette is one of the safest methods of smoking, pregnant women should give up such pleasure. The reason is also the content of propylene glycol in the exhaled vapor, the intake of which is inevitable when using an electronic cigarette.

Health impact

Electronic cigarettes - is there any harm? It should be noted that there are cases when a person rejects propylene glycol by the body. Such a reaction can manifest itself in the form of a rash on the body, which resembles an allergic reaction. Sometimes glycerol acts as an irritant, but in practice such cases were practically not observed. But in addition to allergies, this substance with prolonged use can lead to dry mouth. It also serves as a favorable breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria, which can lead to plaque on the teeth.

Flavoring additives for electronic cigarettes have not been fully studied. When using the device, the amount of incoming flavors is negligible. But the final result depends on the characteristics of the human body and the individual intolerance of individual components. Of course, everyone knows about the harmful effects of nicotine. But the main thing to warn those who want to try to smoke an electronic cigarette is to be careful about the nicotine content in the liquid, as novice smokers can get an overdose of it.

When thinking about whether it is worth buying an electronic cigarette, and whether it is really less harmful than a regular one, it will be useful to think about your own health. Even a minimal amount of nicotine and other substances that are part of the liquid can harm the body. Therefore, it is more expedient to show willpower and completely abandon a bad habit, which also costs a lot of money.

For a person who decides to switch from smoking to vaping, the question of whether electronic cigarettes are harmful to health is very important. To answer it, the easiest way would be to turn to research data. Although long-term results are not available at this time, preliminary data indicate that e-cigarettes do not pose a risk to human health.

According to scientists, how harmful electronic cigarettes are, depends on the quality of the aroma-nicotine liquid found in cartridges. Devices that are produced under the control of the manufacturer do not contain harmful impurities. In them, the only substance that can affect human health is nicotine. But clandestine e-cigarettes can be very dangerous. Indeed, due to the lack of quality control, various impurities, including carcinogens, may be present in the aroma-nicotine liquid. Therefore, when purchasing devices, it is recommended to pay attention to their manufacturer.

Electronic or regular cigarettes - which is more harmful?

Recently, on the Internet, you can find information that electronic cigarettes are more harmful than conventional ones. To refute or confirm this fact, it is worth studying the composition of the vapor that is produced in the process of e-smoking.

Currently found to have the following elements:

  • water;
  • nicotine;
  • propylene glycol;
  • glycerol.

About harm nicotine a lot has already been said. But, why is this substance present in the liquid composition of devices? The thing is that within the framework of nicotine replacement therapy, its presence is necessary, first of all, for a smoker. Indeed, due to the presence of nicotine, a person is more likely to experience the rejection of tobacco. It is worth noting that in this sense, e-cigarettes are no more dangerous than nicotine patches, chewing gums.

propylene glycol and glycerin are harmless food additives. They are used not only in the manufacture of devices. They are also used in the food and cosmetic industries.

In 2011 scientists from FDA put forward an assumption about the harmfulness of an electronic cigarette, focusing on the composition of the liquid. They stated that diethylene glycol and nitrosamines were found in some of the devices. However, the point of view of representatives of the health association has been subjected to considerable criticism. The detected substances do not pose a significant hazard to human health. Plus, they are found in various foods, personal care products.

In the composition of conventional tobacco products, scientists managed to find a much larger number of components. According to research, cigarette smoke contains 4,000 harmful substances besides nicotine. Of these: about 70 carcinogens that can cause cancer, resins, solid and gaseous substances that provoke the development of diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive, genitourinary and other body systems.

If you focus on the composition, it becomes clear that e-cigarettes are much safer than regular ones.

To understand whether an electronic cigarette is harmful or not, you can compare it with a regular one:

regular cigarette


The composition of the liquid includes only water, purified nicotine (there are also non-nicotine cartridges), propylene glycol and aromatic components.

After smoking regular cigarettes, bad breath remains, from hands and clothes.

Do not leave an unpleasant smell.

Deliver great inconvenience to non-smokers and children due to harmful.

The effect of passive smoking is absent, because. harmless steam is released. By smoking electronic cigarettes, you will not disturb anyone (therefore, they can be smoked in public places).

After smoking, an ugly yellow plaque remains on the teeth.

Do not leave yellow plaque on the teeth.

Despite these advantages, you should not think that the devices are absolutely safe. This is wrong. Vaping is prohibited for non-smokers, pregnant women and children. Also, the question of whether it is harmful to smoke electronic cigarettes can be answered positively if the potential smoker has serious health problems.

So, e-cigarettes can only be dangerous if the smoker purchases a low-quality device or refill liquid from an unverified manufacturer. Indeed, in this case, one cannot be completely sure that the composition of the e-liquid does not contain harmful compounds and impurities.

If you want vaping to be enjoyable and completely harmless, purchase devices from reputable manufacturers.

So, a reliable manufacturer of electronic cigarettes is the Japanese company Denshi Tabaco. Devices from this manufacturer are considered among the best on the world market. This is due to the fact that the company carefully monitors the quality of its products. The composition of aroma-nicotine liquid meets all existing requirements.

By knowing why e-cigarettes are harmful, you can choose safer devices with better features. Buy devices from Denshi Tabaco, and branded liquids, so as not to doubt the quality and reliability of products.

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