Who are people, men, women, children of hermaphrodites, what do they look like and why are they born? How hermaphrodite people reproduce, how their genitals, body look, how they go to the toilet: a diagram. Hermaphrodites - famous people, athletes: photo. Hermaphr

Let's start with the legend. Hermaphrodite was the son of two gods - Hermes and Aphrodite. And it was from the name of his parents that his name came - Herma (from Hermes) and Phrodite (from Aphrodite). For some reason, the parents could not raise their son, and therefore non-poisons were engaged in raising Hermaphrodite. When the young man was 15 years old, he wandered around his native places, and during these wanderings Salmakida fell in love with him. This nymph lived in a water source, and she fell in love with a young man when he came to get drunk by the water in which the nymph lived.

The hermaphrodite also inflamed with passion for the girl, if the nymph can be called a girl, and asked the gods to combine them into one creature. This is how hermaphrodites appeared, at least according to legend.

Who are hermaphrodites?

These are people who have both female and male sexual characteristics. For example, a hermaphrodite man may very well have a penis and chest of 4 sizes. A hermaphrodite woman has a vagina and uterus, but testicles may be present instead of the female ovaries.

In general, it is impossible to say unequivocally what gender a hermaphrodite is. Their middle sex is neither female nor male. By the way, I recently read a book called “The Middle Sex”. Written by Eugenides Geoffrey. I advise.

But back to hermaphrodites. As you know, in our country, the sex of a child at birth is determined by his external genitalia. That is why the identification of hermaphroditism becomes possible only with the onset of puberty. But that doesn't make it any easier for anyone. Even if the ill-fated "m" in the passport or birth certificate changes to "g".

Hermaphrodites cannot have children. They are completely barren. Very often, women are hermaphrodites, and the woman is again determined by the genitals, instead of the ovaries there is a mixture of tissue from the testicles and ovaries. This mixed tissue cannot produce any hormones, it has no follicles and no eggs.

But how then can you correctly determine the sex of a person - a hermaphrodite?

Very simple- genetic method, that is, analysis of chromosomes. But sometimes it also happens that in one organism there is a set of both female and male chromosomes. Then sex is determined by which chromosomes are more.

Hermaphroditism can be divided into true and false. True hermaphroditism, which is also called gonadal, is what is described above. That is, the presence of male and female sexual characteristics in one person at the same time. Only 150 such people are known in the world.

False hermaphroditism is much more common. In this case, the gonads correspond to a man or a woman, but the external genital organs belong to both sexes.

Most often, hermaphroditism is a genetic mutation that occurs under the influence of one or another factor. Sometimes it is a hereditary disease that is passed down from generation to generation. Even more often, hermaphrodites are born from consanguineous marriages. One can only feel sorry for such people and hope that they will find their place in our cruel world.

Physiological features of hermaphrodites.

We don't often hear about hermaphrodites. Moreover, most of us imagine such individuals as rather strange with genitals like in women and men. In fact, everything is different and more complicated. In the article we will try to figure out who hermaphrodites are.

Outwardly, these are the most ordinary people who get along well in society. The most interesting thing is that hermaphroditism can be impossible to determine before puberty. Many people think that hermaphrodites have the genitals of a man and a woman, but this is not entirely true. Many hermaphrodites initially have the genitals of a woman or a man, and only during puberty are violations detected. A boy may grow breasts, and a girl will have no mammary glands and no menstruation.

Hermaphroditism is a genetic disease that develops when the fetus is in the womb, there are failures in the DNA. At the same time, the father and mother are completely healthy and do not have genetic anomalies. It is not fully understood why hermaphrodites are born.

The main reason is a genetic disorder that doctors and scientists cannot explain. At the same time, outwardly it can be a woman or a man, but inside everything is different.

Types of hermaphroditism:

  • True. In this type, a person has both genitals. That is, inside the ovaries and testicles, and outside the vagina and penis.
  • False. He, in turn, is divided into female and male type. In the male type, a person develops a penis that is small in size. With a female, the chest does not grow, the voice is rough.

The genitals look different, depending on the type of hermaphroditism.

Key Features:

  • In men, the penis is underdeveloped, curved, small in size. The scrotum is dense and resembles the female labia. The testicles are often not descended into the sacs.
  • In women, a large clitoris may look like a small penis. The labia resemble the scrotum, they are large, irregularly shaped.

Hermaphrodites go to the toilet in the usual way. It all depends on the type of hermaphroditism. Urination occurs like everyone else, through the urethra. It can be located in the penis or in the perineum.

There is a very beautiful legend according to which the son of Hermes and Aphrodite fell in love with a nymph. This woman lived in the water and also fell in love with the young man. Then the son of the gods came to his father and mother and asked them to join together. Since then, hermaphrodites have appeared. Although from a medical point of view, the legend has nothing to do with it.

Does a person have a hermaphrodite menstruation?

It all depends on the type of hermaphroditism. If this is a false type, then only sex hormones, female or male, are secreted. But due to the peculiarities of the internal structure, girls may not have periods. They can begin much later than is customary among healthy girls. Due to the presence of sexual characteristics of two sexes, the ovaries in girls are underdeveloped and may secrete insufficient amounts of hormones. Because of this, menstruation may not occur. Although there are cases when hermaphrodites have menstruation and reproductive function is preserved.

In most cases, hermaphrodites are sterile. This is possible due to the underdevelopment of the testicles or ovaries. But there are cases of successful conception and birth of a child in hermaphrodites.

Can a hermaphrodite get pregnant on its own?

No, this is impossible. In fact, sex with oneself among hermaphrodites is not possible. At the same time, due to the underdevelopment of the reproductive system, useless sperm is produced or the ovaries do not produce an egg.

No, It is Immpossible. Since a woman will look like a woman with false hermaphroditism. She doesn't have a penis. The genitals are strangely shaped and look strange too. In this case, sexual function may not be impaired. Such a woman will be able to get pregnant from a man with a normal hormonal background. Another woman will not be able to have sexual contact with such a hermaphrodite due to the lack of a penis.

How do hermaphrodite people reproduce?

Hermaphrodites reproduce like all ordinary people. This is possible only with false hermaphroditism. With the true type, it will not work to get pregnant, conceive or give birth to a child. In the presence of sexual characteristics of both sexes, a man may not have impaired male function. Sex hormones can be produced in normal amounts. Therefore, practically getting pregnant from a false hermaphrodite is real.

It's not the same thing. Transvestites are ordinary people without genetic disorders. They just look different than they feel. Therefore, they resort to gender reassignment. Hermaphrodites are a kind of mutants that have characteristics of both men and women.

Hermaphrodites - famous people: photo

In history, a sufficient number of famous people are hermaphrodites. The saddest thing is that during the time of the Inquisition, such individuals were burned and tortured. That is why many were forced to hide their belonging to hermaphrodites.

Famous hermaphrodites in history:

  • Margaret Mallor. A woman under 21 believed that she was the most ordinary. It was not until 1686 that a doctor who examined her because of her illness revealed anomalies. The certificate indicated that Magreret was more of a man than a woman. That is why she was forbidden to call herself a woman's name and engage in women's work. Outwardly, Margaret was like a woman, of a fragile physique and rounded shapes. Due to her physical features, she could not do heavy male work, so she was forced to beg. Only thanks to another doctor, who issued a certificate that Margaret is more of a woman, gave her the right to be considered as such again.
  • Genevieve de Beaumont. He was more of a man than a woman. He successfully played the role of both men and women. He was a courtier, often spied on kings.
  • Joseph Maso. Until the age of 12, he was brought up as a girl, but then the doctors stated that it was more like a boy. Sexual characteristics were more similar to female ones, parents mistook a small penis for an overgrown clitoris. After an autopsy, it turned out that Joseph has a uterus and ovaries and is more of a woman than a man.

Some of the hermaphrodites have had huge success in deformity rides, such as Diana/Edgar, Bobby Cork, and Donald/Diana, who has been publicly speaking as far back as 1950.

Genevieve de Beaumont

Hermaphrodite athletes: photo

A sufficient number of hermaphrodites are also known among athletes. History speaks of this. In 1966, sex control was introduced at the Olympic Games, which made it mandatory to check all participants for belonging to a certain gender. After all, cases of hermaphroditism are known in women's sports. At the same time, a hermaphrodite is physically stronger than any woman.

Famous hermaphrodite athletes:

  • Dora Ratjen - high jumper
  • Zdenka Koubova - athlete
  • Helen Stephens - athlete
  • Stanislav Valasevich - athlete
  • Rene Richards - tennis player
  • Maria Patino - athlete

Dora Ratjen

Zdenka Koubova Rene Richards

The saddest thing is that many athletes turn into men due to the constant use of steroids and hormones. Their voice becomes coarse and their hair grows.

As you can see, there are a large number of hermaphrodites among athletes, according to some sources, one in 500 athletes. The presence of male hormones helps to win the Olympics.

VIDEO: Who are hermaphrodites?

Many people have heard of hermaphrodites, but not everyone knows about the types of sexual hermaphroditism. The disease implies that a person has developed genital organs of both sexes. What is the peculiarity of such a pathology? We will talk about this in the article.

False hermaphroditism

What it is? What does hermaphroditism look like in humans? Photos of those who suffer from the disease are posted in the article. It is worth noting that false hermaphroditism is a disease in which the sex glands are formed correctly, but the external genitalia have signs of bisexuality. In this case, there is a contradiction between the internal (chromosomal, gonadal) and external (according to the structure of the genital organs) sex. False hermaphroditism is male and female.

Male hermaphroditism

What does hermaphroditism look like in men? They can observe testicles, but the external structure of the genital organs is rather female. The figure develops according to the female type. But not only the physiology, but also the human psyche is changing. He feels more comfortable being a woman.

However, there are some anomalies. First of all, the urethra is not properly developed. This anomaly is called hypospadias. The testicles are also misplaced (cryptorchidism).

Sometimes the disease is called androgen insensitivity syndrome, which is characterized by a male 46XY karyotype. If the phenotype has external ones that are similar in appearance to men, they talk about Reifenstein's syndrome.

Female hermaphroditism

A woman has ovaries, but the appearance is similar to that of men. In addition, the woman's musculature is strongly pronounced, her voice coarsens and hair growth increases throughout the body. It is more comfortable for her to feel like a man.

The disease is characterized by the presence of a female karyotype 46XX and ovaries. But the external sexual structure is different. Given the enzymatic deficiency that provokes a violation of potassium-sodium metabolism, the patient may complain of high blood pressure and frequent edema.

Violation of the development of the sex glands. Turner syndrome

Specialists may encounter Turner syndrome, which is caused by a genetic mutation on the X chromosome. Such an anomaly provokes a deformation of the genes (in the process of expression) that control ovarian function. As a result, there is a violation of the formation of the gonads (they remain in their infancy or are absent). Patients often suffer from diseases of the kidneys and heart.

In some cases, mosaic variants of chromosome transformation can be found. Such an anomaly disrupts the functioning of the ovaries. The development of somatic cells is difficult. People with Turner syndrome are short and have other external anomalies.

Syndrome of pure gonadal agenesis

The anomaly appears as a result of X or Y chromosomes. This term is understood as the congenital absence of the gonads.

Patients are characterized by normal growth, but secondary sexual characteristics are not fully developed. External genitalia - female, infantile. The genetic sex is not determined, the gonadal sex is absent. In women, menstruation does not begin at the stage, which becomes the reason for a visit to the doctor.

Testicular underdevelopment

It is worth highlighting two forms of the disease.

Bilateral. In this case, the testicles are underdeveloped on both sides, but the production of full-fledged spermatozoa is impossible. The internal structure of the genital organs according to the female type. External organs have signs of both female and male. Given the impossibility of producing testosterone by the testicles, the amount of sex hormones in the blood is minimal.

Mixed. The reproductive organs may develop asymmetrically. There is a normal testicle on one side, the reproductive function of which is preserved. The other side is represented by a connective tissue cord. In adolescence, the patient develops secondary sexual characteristics according to the male type. By examining the chromosome set in the process of diagnosing a disease, specialists reveal mosaicism.

True hermaphroditism

In the body there are both male sex glands - testicles, and female - ovaries. One of the organs is underdeveloped and does not produce germ cells. In a separate case, the glands may merge. But such a situation can be observed in exceptional cases. It is associated with the abnormal development of the reproductive system during the prenatal period.

In the world, there are no more than 200 cases of true hermaphroditism in humans (photo in the article).

It is difficult to accurately determine the factors influencing the onset of the disease. A number of studies, in rare cases, link the disease with translocation and mutation of chromosomes. This also includes double fertilization of one egg, which leads to the emergence of bisexual gonads. Photos of people suffering from the disease are often frightening or bewildering.

Symptoms of hermaphroditism in humans:

  • Improper development of the penis.
  • The testicles do not descend into the scrotum.
  • The urethra is displaced, and is located not on the head of the penis, but in another area of ​​​​the organ.
  • Curvature of the penis.
  • Intensive development of the mammary glands.
  • A high voice that does not correspond to the passport age.
  • Infertility.
  • Puberty that has occurred prematurely.

This is how hermaphroditism manifests itself. Photos of human organs in such cases are in all medical encyclopedias.

Other symptoms. Chromosomes

In case of violation of intrauterine development of the fetus, an incorrect laying of its genital organs occurs. Among the main causes can be called a mutation, which is a sudden breakdown in the genetic system. Most often this happens at an early stage of fetal development due to the influence of various factors, such as:

  • Irradiation.
  • Chemical poisoning during pregnancy. These include poisoning with food poison, drugs that are not recommended for women in position. It also includes alcohol and drugs.
  • biological influence. It means infection of a pregnant woman with toxoplasmosis, viral diseases.

Failure of the hormonal system

This situation can be observed both in a woman and in an embryo. The disease can be provoked:

  • Disease of the adrenal glands.
  • Incorrect work of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus, which is responsible for managing the development of the gonads.

Diagnosis of the disease

In the course of the study, the doctor determines further treatment, taking into account the following nuances:

  • The course of pregnancy in the mother. This takes into account the influence of infections, toxic substances.
  • Improper development of the genital organs.
  • The presence of complaints about problems associated with sexual activity.
  • The patient is infertile.

General inspection

An inspection is carried out to identify deviations. Men may develop mammary glands, women may develop excess musculature. Most often, this is how hermaphroditism is initially manifested in humans.

Also, the doctor must exclude the presence of other diseases. To do this, blood pressure is checked, growth is measured, an examination of the skin is carried out, hair growth and distribution of adipose tissue are assessed.

Expert advice

At the reception, an examination of the external genitalia takes place to identify anomalies in their development. In men, the prostate gland is examined, the scrotum is palpated.

It is also necessary to consult a geneticist, endocrinologist and gynecologist. To distinguish true hermaphroditism from false, experts resort to the definition of sex chromatin - karyotyping. It is worth noting that at the final stage, to determine true hermaphroditism, it is necessary to perform a diagnostic laparotomy, biopsy of the gonads.


The study studies the number and composition of chromosomes. In this way, the genetic sex can be determined.

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs

In this case, the abdominal organs are diagnosed for anomalies in the structure of the reproductive system. Particular attention is paid to the presence of ovaries or testicles that have not descended into the scrotum.

The study allows you to get a conclusion that indicates the exact structure of the human genital organs.

Laboratory research

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe tests to determine the hormones in the urine and blood. The list of tests should be determined by the doctor. These can be thyroid, adrenal, pituitary and sex hormones.

Treatment. hormone therapy

Given the causes of hermaphroditism in humans, the doctor may prescribe sex hormone or thyroid drugs. Glucocorticoids may also be used during treatment. In some cases, hormonal drugs are prescribed that regulate the functioning of the pituitary gland.

The main task of the therapeutic measure is the identification of the civil adjustment of the hormonal background. Treatment is reduced to the correction of organs surgically and hormonal therapy. In some cases, it is advisable to use combined oral contraceptives.

The disease, which was caused by a congenital anomaly of the adrenal glands, it is advisable to treat with glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid hormones.

Male patients are prescribed long-acting testosterone preparations.

Surgical intervention

Given the desire of the patient, you can resort to surgical correction of the anomaly. Men are offered plastic surgery on the external genital organs, which includes straightening and enlargement of the penis, descent of the testicles into the scrotum and other necessary actions. Underdeveloped testicles are surgically removed. If the operation is neglected, they can degenerate into a malignant formation.

In women, all testicular tissues are removed, the clitoris is resected and the vagina is plastically resected. You can solve the problem of hairy skin with the help of epilation. Hormonal drugs should be taken throughout the reproductive period.

Possible consequences

There are such complications of hermaphroditism:

  • Tumors develop from testicles that have not descended into the scrotum.
  • Incorrect position of the urinary canal can provoke a violation of urination.
  • The impossibility of conducting a full sexual life.
  • A person may suffer from some sexual disorders.

Features of the disease

In most cases, congenital hermaphroditism occurs in humans. Only occasionally, anomalies of the genitals occur in children against the background. The onset of the disease in adults can occur as a result of taking hormonal drugs.

It is worth noting that the presence of hermaphroditism in people sometimes provokes mental and mental abnormalities.

Most often, patients with true hermaphroditism cannot have children. But in rare cases, children are born.

For the period of rehabilitation, the patient should be under the supervision of an endocrinologist who prescribes hormone therapy. In parallel, you can get advice from a sexologist and a psychologist.

Individuals of hermaphrodites simultaneously impose sexual characteristics on both men and women. These organisms have both male and female reproductive organs. Such a pathology can be normal, natural (hermaphroditism) and pathological (intersexuality, gynandromorphism). Hermaphrodites are found in both animals and humans. True hermaphrodites are individuals in whose body male and female germ cells are produced simultaneously. This phenomenon in nature is very rare and poorly understood by science. The second option, false hermaphroditism, is a condition when the body has both those and other genital organs, but gametes are produced only in one of them.

What do hermaphrodites look like in the animal world?

Among animals, there are species that can change their sex from one to another. They are consistent hermaphrodites. Some of the representatives of the animal world become only superficially similar to the opposite sex, while others actually turn from a female into a male, and vice versa. Sex change can be a defense, disguise, many hermaphrodites can breed without a partner. Here are some examples of hermaphrodite animals:

  • African snail Achatina. She is able to change her gender as she pleases. It breeds both with a partner and is capable of laying eggs with hundreds of small snails several times a year.
  • Cuttlefish. Males become outwardly similar to the female during the period when they are fighting for her in order to outwit the other males.
  • Garter snakes. Males disguise themselves as females to bask in the tangles of other males who want to breed.
  • Hyenas. Females with their genitals are very similar to males. Because of this body structure, childbirth in hyenas is very difficult and often leads to the death of the mother and baby.
  • Clownfish and over 320 other species of fish are hermaphrodites.

What do hermaphrodites look like among people

Those born with a set of male and female genital organs very rarely have the ability to reproduce and live sexually, both men and women. Although there are exceptions. But most often one of the genital organs is removed surgically. Cosmetic surgery leaves almost no traces. And after taking a course of hormones, a hermaphrodite woman can even endure and give birth to a healthy child.

How is the true sex of false hermaphrodites determined?

It happens that a person himself cannot understand his gender, since he has both female and male characteristics. With the help of a DNA test, the exact gender of such an individual is quickly determined. Further, the genitals corresponding to the identified sex are left, and the second set is removed by the surgeon. The operation is not very difficult, and the recovery is quite fast. After treatment, the hermaphrodite will no longer be different from other people and will be able to live a full life.

What is pseudohermaphroditism?

There is the concept of pseudohermaphroditism, when the internal genital organs of men and women are in order, and the external ones resemble the opposite sex. In women, pseudohermaphroditism is less common than in men. In addition to similar to female genital organs, a man can have a female figure. Surgical intervention can completely rid such an individual of feminine features, but such a man will forever remain barren.

The exact causes of the appearance of hermaphrodites among humans are unknown. This is not a frequent phenomenon, which is eliminated with the help of an operation and is rarely told to others. Among animals and plants, hermaphroditism is quite common and serves mainly for protection and reproduction without a partner.

There are a considerable number of actions performed by people completely automatically, that is, during the implementation of which a person does not think: why exactly? For example, filling out numerous questionnaires that require information about age, gender, race, etc.

In the matter of indicating gender for most people, everything is clear and understandable: there are men and there are women.

However, not everything is so categorical, and there is a group of people who do not fit into the general framework. For them, this item of the questionnaire is a question that they find it difficult to answer. Earlier, in the time of the ancient gods, they themselves were ranked among the demigods born on earth from heavenly parents.

The concept of hermaphroditism originates in ancient Greek legend. Hermaphrodite was the son of two gods - Hermes and Aphrodite.

The Middle Ages were marked by the beginning of a harsh and cruel persecution of these people with a unique body, declaring them to be the fiends of hell.

Hermaphroditism is considered by many overly suspicious people to be the machinations of evil spirits, and people with this deviation do not have the right to further life in society. Since the Middle Ages, the attitude towards hermaphrodites has not changed much, although they were no longer burned at the stake.

People of science are outraged by this attitude - in fact, hermaphroditism is a consequence of the incomplete development of the human body. Other deviations, except for the special structure of the genital organs, are not noticed in hermaphrodites. Except, perhaps, behavior that is non-standard for an ordinary person, which is explained by two different personalities in one body, but not all of them.

The cause of the problem lies in the genes - sometimes during the development of the fetus, a genetic failure occurs that violates the further order of development.

A little theory:

embryos are initially female, but until 9–10 weeks of development, their sex is not finally determined. That is, before this period, the fetus contains both male and female anatomical features, and its further gender predisposition is, in fact, a lottery.

However, the basic sex of the fetus is female, with its inherent external data. And its development in the event of a genetic error or failure can go the following way:

  1. The transformation of sex into male requires the production of a large amount of testosterone, comparable to its amount in an adult. A mutation or a mistake in the gene leads to a disruption of this process, and as a result, a woman is born with two different indicators: a male chromosome set and characteristic genital organs. That is, a woman on the outside, and a man on the inside.
  2. A similar situation can occur with a female-oriented fetus. Suppose one of the two chromosomes is missing for some reason, or the adrenal glands malfunction, and instead of the sex hormones produced in the female body, they begin to produce intensively. As a result, obstetricians joyfully shout that a boy was born, looking at the characteristic signs, but in fact it is a girl, with all the inherent internal organs.

Such a deviation is not uncommon by genetic standards - one in ten thousand newborns can be a girl in the body of a boy.

Hermaphroditism in humans, in which male and female glands are simultaneously present in a person, is an extremely rare phenomenon.

There are true and false hermaphroditism:

  1. True (gonadal) - characterized by the simultaneous presence of male and female genital organs, along with this, there are both male and female sex glands. The testicles and ovaries in this form can either be combined into one mixed gonad, or located separately. Secondary sexual characteristics have elements of both sexes: a low timbre of voice, a mixed (bisexual) type of figure, more or less developed mammary glands. The chromosome set in such patients usually corresponds to the female.
  2. False hermaphroditism (pseudohermaphroditism) occurs when there is a contradiction between the internal and external signs of sex, that is, the gonads are formed correctly according to the male or female type, but the external genitalia have signs of bisexuality. The reason for this is a failure at the genetic level during the intrauterine development of the fetus.

Fatal mistake

The work of chromosomes is not yet a sufficiently studied process, and raises many questions from specialists. It is still not clear at what stage of fetal development hermaphroditism may appear. Most experts are inclined to believe that the risk of becoming a hermaphrodite may arise even at the time of conception of a child. However, the real reasons for this and the mechanism of development are not yet fully understood. As a result, several external factors have been identified, due to which hermaphroditism can develop:

  • exposure to radiation;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • alcohol and drug abuse.

The mutated gene can belong to either parent, or it can exist in both at the same time. There are frequent cases of transmission of this pathology by inheritance - when in the same genus with constant periodicity children were born with genitals that did not correspond to the sex of the child.

The most famous case in medical circles: when a family of 6 children who looked like girls, but in fact were boys, came to see a doctor.

This is called testicular feminization, and, like the well-known hemophilia, can only be transmitted from mother to son.

However, often such people stand out for their exceptional beauty and sharp mind. They achieve high performance in sports, thanks to male hormones, which significantly affect endurance, speed and strength. Among ordinary women, they are distinguished by stronger physical data, which allows them to easily take leading places in various sports. However, they often suffer from a sense of their own inferiority, largely due to the inability to start a normal family and two opposites, enclosed in one body.

They are also often prone to various kinds of psychological disorders and phobias, mostly they are dominated by the fear of being isolated from the rest of society.

This makes the life of hermaphrodites simply unbearable, and the number of suicides among people with such a diagnosis is quite high. In addition, they breed very reluctantly, fearing that their children may repeat the fate of their parents. Often people with this feature are infertile.

Body transformation

Despite the fairly widespread opinion about the visibility of such deviations, often hermaphroditism cannot be quickly recognized. Indeed, in many cases it does not appear outwardly. Already in adolescents, characteristic signs inherent in the other sex begin to appear: girls can notice with horror the appearance of mustaches and stubble, while boys begin to grow breasts and, in addition, critical days appear.

Among specialists, cases of detection of deviations at the stage of transformation are the most problematic and unpleasant. The fact is that the sooner a feature is identified, the more active the treatment will be, allowing in the future to avoid most of the problems experienced by hermaphrodites. The ideal age for detection and initiation of intervention is the first year of a child's life.

Carrying out correction already at a conscious age means causing significant psychological trauma, after which not everyone can recover. Often, the discovery of the truth about one's gender leads to deep depression and associated suicide attempts or the use of drugs and alcohol.

The most difficult thing for doctors is the correct determination of the future sex of the child. To do this, you need to choose which types of sex hormones - male or female, will be treated. After taking such drugs, there is no turning back, and a mistake can be fatal.

It is not worth making hasty decisions, and even if there is some confidence in the dominance of one of the principles in the body, thorough tests should be carried out.

Genetic expertise has greatly simplified the work of specialists, reducing the likelihood of error to a minimum. Currently, doctors correct the gender of the child at the stage of fetal development, which helps to avoid psychological trauma in the future.

The latest technology helps to reveal the sex of the child and, if necessary, to carry out a correction even in the womb, thanks to which hundreds of healthy and whole personalities are born.

third floor

What about those who did not pass the examination on time and now live with “foreign” genitals? Sex reassignment in adult life is accompanied by severe psychological suffering, because in fact for them it is a second birth in a completely opposite body. Returning to a former life in a new capacity can be a real torture for them, and the help of a psychologist is sometimes mandatory.

However, not everyone can receive timely and high-quality psychological assistance, not to mention the social problems of people who had hermaphroditism at birth. They experience difficulties with the replacement of documents, transfer to another place of study, medical care, etc. And this, given the attitude of others

However, everything may seem like a mere trifle before the further existence of hermaphrodites. After all, a person needs to adapt to think of himself as a representative of the opposite sex, demonstrating the appropriate model of behavior.

In them, female and male behavior is so closely intertwined that it is sometimes simply impossible to separate them.
Doctors have developed their own theory, which will greatly facilitate the life of hermaphrodites. In their opinion, hermaphroditism is a phenomenon inherent in people of the third sex. That is, something in between, not related to either men or women. In modern society, hermaphroditism is quite common: men's skirts, women's trousers, etc.

Now society is gradually blurring the lines between men and women, practicing equality, regardless of gender.

Yes, and the natural mechanism of development itself allows you to think about the emergence of a third sex - embryos are initially bisexual, and this is the norm.

Maybe the old legend about the bisexual creatures that previously inhabited the earth, cursed by the gods and placed in different bodies, with different genitals, is not lying? Then it is quite possible that real human nature begins to gradually win back its positions, producing hermaphrodites.

In any case, with such problems, you need to consult a doctor. And it is also very important, if you met such a person in your life, to remain human yourself. No need to shy away from them, as from lepers, it is indicative to regret, to scoff. However, it is not necessary to elevate this phenomenon to the rank of a new norm for society and propagate it for a massive change in the sex of people.

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