Point of computer testing of the body. What is computer diagnostics. Diagnosis and treatment on the equipment of the company "IMEDIS"

In terms of the value of information for the doctor, this method surpasses other types of medical examination. It allows you to judge the work of organs without tests, ultrasound, x-rays, etc. Thanks to new physical principles registration of the state of living tissue and a computer program, the bioresonance method can replace up to 15 narrow specialists. And an additional study of a drop of blood (hemoscanning) increases the accuracy of the diagnosis to 100%.

During the diagnostic session, we find out:

  1. Types of diseases and their stage.
  2. The main causative agents of diseases are bacteria, viruses, fungi, helminths - their habitat in the organs and the degree of infection.
  3. The presence of allergens and the causes of allergies.
  4. Tumors and cysts in organs, their nature and cause.
  5. Presence harmful substances in the body.
  6. Causes of diseases or their risks in the future.

There are 2 types of bioresonance diagnostic devices

They differ in two respects.

  1. According to the method of retrieval of information - contact or non-contact
  2. By the nature of the physical field - electromagnetic or torsion.

Contact devices: an old device of the German doctor Voll and its modification - the Russian Imedis. These devices measure the electrical resistance of the meridians in accordance with Chinese medicine. A weak electrical signal is passed through a point on the arm and its parameters are measured, which reflect the state of the organs.

Disadvantages of the contact method

  1. The result depends on the accuracy of the probe hitting the meridian point. This is influenced by the qualifications of the doctor and his condition - fatigue, mood, etc.
  2. Long duration of the examination - up to 3.5 hours.

The non-contact method uses a torsion field, which has 3 advantages.

  1. Sensors are placed on the head and the accuracy of their work does not depend on the doctor.
  2. The device does not emit anything, so the method is safe for humans.
  3. More a short time complete examination body - up to 1.5 hours.

It is this method that we will consider. But first, a few words about hemoscanning.

Giardia attacks an erythrocyte

Physical basis of bioresonance (computer) diagnostics of the body

V. I. Nesterov

The first device for bioresonance diagnostics was created at the Omsk Institute of Applied Psychophysics, under the guidance of its director V. I. Nesterov and associate professor of the Omsk medical academy Y. Buta. He received the name "Oberon" (RF Patent for the invention No. 2119806, priority dated 21.08.96).

Today there are analogues of devices operating on the principle of bioresonance: IMAGO, Valeoscan, Vector, Mageric and others. But these are all Oberon prototypes.

Hardware and software complex (HSC) Oberon

It has been scientifically proven that each organ or cell emits a certain frequency spectrum, which changes depending on their condition. Here is how this property is used in the survey.

  1. The frequency spectrum of healthy and diseased cells are different.
  2. Each pathology has its own spectrum, determined experimentally.
  3. Spectra of all known diseases are stored in computer memory.
  4. The signal obtained during the diagnostic session is compared with the spectral images of diseases in the computer's memory and the most similar one is selected.
  5. The stage of the disease is also determined - in comparison with their images in the database.

Thanks to this technology, APK Oberon detects diseases without additional tests and makes a diagnosis. The data is displayed in a convenient graphical form on the monitor, but the final conclusion is given by the doctor.

This method of examination captures the slightest deviations from the norm, which is inaccessible to ordinary medical means. For example, oncology is detected here 2-3 years before the appearance of tumor markers or other signs.

The physical nature of the torsion field, which is recorded by bioresonance diagnostics

In 1922, the mathematician Eli Cartan predicted the presence of a torsion field, which arises as a result of the torsion of particles (English torsion - torsion). And in the 70s, the Einstein-Cartan theory appeared, which describes the effects of the spin (torsion) of material particles.

The torsion field is also created by electrons, rotating around the nucleus of an atom. This is called the biofield, which is felt by psychics. All cells in the body communicate through this field.

Metapathy program

Possibilities of bioresonance diagnostics and the Oberon complex

Tumors, cysts, fibroids ... Now you can determine their nature and cause

For the same reason, cysts and stones are formed in the gallbladder and kidneys. In some cases, a course of phytotherapy from 3 to 12 months is sufficient. and they dissolve. If you have such formations, do not immediately agree to removal, but go through this examination and you may avoid surgery.

The effectiveness of the drug is predicted at the diagnostic session before taking it.

Drug testing container

Due to the presence of a remote container in the Oberon APK (see photo), it can predict the effect of the drug on a person in advance. The drug is placed in the container and its characteristics are taken. The computer processes them and changes in% are displayed on the monitor, which you can get after receiving it.

So you can determine the individual intolerance of drugs and avoid side effects.

Example: How ignoring modern diagnostic methods by official medicine leads to tragedies

A father whose daughter dies due to the fault of doctors writes on a medical forum:

“My daughter, when examined on a bioresonance apparatus, was predicted to have oncology three years before the disease. Routine examinations in polyclinics then showed nothing - the doctors just laughed. Daughter was also funny, looking at the results - she is a graduate of the medical academy. Every year in the clinic she underwent a medical examination, and everything was normal. And it all ended very badly. She now has leukemia and chronic kidney failure, three years is between life and death.

I spoke about this with the luminaries of medicine. They have one opinion - this diagnosis is nothing more than nonsense. Moreover, without any intelligible argumentation. I wrote a question to the President in a letter: “Why are these examination methods not used in polyclinics?”

A month later, a woman from the health department called. I ask her: “Why are there eight such devices in the clinic of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, but there are none in ordinary clinics?” The lady just laughed merrily.

But, after all, no one is immune from illness, and the provision of medicines to beneficiaries takes funds incommensurable with the price of these devices. And how to evaluate the suffering of patients whose illness could have been prevented? Who will explain to me the reason why our luminaries from medicine have such a dismissive opinion of new methods of diagnosis and treatment?
Every year in April, seminars on BRD are held in Moscow. DOCTORS come from all over the world, but our academicians are not visible there.

Allergen tests on the Oberon device - contactless

With the help of bioresonance examination, the presence of allergens is detected. This method does not replace blood tests, but determines an increase in blood sugar levels, impaired calcium absorption, etc.

The Oberon apparatus is set to examine all important systems body:

  1. The cardiovascular system.
  2. Gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Urogenital system.
  4. Musculoskeletal system.
  5. Broncho-pulmonary system.
  6. Endocrine system.
  7. visual and hearing aid.
  8. Nervous system.
  9. Qualitative analysis of the state of blood without its sampling.
  10. Definition pathogenic organisms in all organs and systems - viruses, microbes, fungi, protozoa, helminthic infestations etc. (staphylococci, streptococci, giardia, trichomanads, chlamydia, ureoplasmas, etc.).
  11. Endocrine system: assessment of the level of hormones of the adrenal glands, pituitary, pancreas, thyroid, gonads.
  12. Assessment of the state of immunity.
  13. chromosome set.

After the examination, the doctor issues a conclusion about the state of the patient's body:

APK Oberon evaluates the health of organs by the "state markers" of individual points on the organs where measurements are made. Markers have six gradations of cell state, reflected in their shape and color.

The resources of self-regulation and protection of cells are normal - there are no diseases.

Decreased self-regulation of cells under external influenceinitial stage diseases.

Self-regulation on the verge of failure - a disease in the middle stage.

Disruption of cellular self-regulation, resources are exhausted - acute stage diseases.

Results of bioresonance examination of organs

Here are computer models of organs that are displayed to the doctor and the patient on the computer screen. Status markers are visible on them.

Liver examination: yellow markers indicate healthy liver- a very rare occurrence.

The liver is overloaded with toxins. Violation of the ability to eliminate toxins due to stagnation of bile and spasm of the biliary tract.

gallbladder- tissue tension and spasm of the biliary tract. Dyskinesia and probably the presence of stones.

Colon - malabsorption nutrients. Inflammation of the mucous membrane in the lower part.

Vessels of the anterior wall of the heart- deterioration of blood supply, atherosclerosis coronary arteries and aorta.

Braininsufficient blood supply and atherosclerosis of vessels in the initial stage.

And so on for each organ

How does a bioresonance examination work?

Many candidates for this survey ask the same questions:

At the examination session, the doctor will ask you what is bothering you, but the conclusions of other doctors are not needed. Complaints are desirable in order to set up the program for a detailed scan of problematic organs. But you can not tell anything, the apparatus and the doctor will determine everything. Just then the session will take a little longer.

Then the doctor places sensors on you - like headphones on your head - and turns on the program for scanning the body. On the monitor will be visible: the alternation of organs, status markers and graphs. This is how the processing of information from the body and computer data analysis looks like.

During the examination, the doctor may ask you something, comment, but the conclusion will be issued after the final processing of the data by the computer.

Bioresonance diagnostics is safe for children and reveals the reasons hindering their development

The examination method is safe for humans, because Oberon devices do not create radiation, but only register it. It is especially important that the device is able to identify deviations and their causes in children, since this hinders their development. For example, a child who, according to genetics, could be talented, turns out to be average or retarded.

Blood drop examination

About preparation for computer diagnostics. Is it possible to eat, drink?

Before the examination, you can eat, as usual, only half an hour - an hour to drink a glass of water. This is important for examining a blood drop

After the session is over, the doctor suggests a course of treatment. This is usually a drug program for plant-based although medications are sometimes needed. To monitor the results, the doctor recommends coming for a follow-up examination after 1-2 months. Responsible patients do this and come themselves every six months to a year. it The best way insure yourself against health surprises.

Cost of bioresonance computer examination and how long does the session last?

It costs a session of examination by two methods (bioresonance + hemoscanning) in Moscow - 4000 rubles. The session lasts 1.5 - 2 hours. In the regions, one method is more often used - bioresonance. The price varies from 1000 rubles to 1,500 rubles. Although in clinics I met up to 6000 rubles.

"Pitfalls" of the bioresonance method - What to fear?

1. Counterfeit devices and pirated software

The devices for such an examination are compact and it is not difficult to make a fake, and there are enough craftsmen in Russia. There are two types of copying.

1. Direct - under the known model. Usually they try to convince that they are official representatives of the developer.

2. Indirect copying - when the device is produced under its own name: PHAETON, MIRANDA, ICEBERG, etc.

Today, there are also enough hackers capable of hacking a computer program. But where do you get updates? This leads to distorted examination results and erroneous diagnoses.

2. Low-skilled specialists

The problem is that the computer automatically determines all diseases, their stage, pathogens, etc. Therein lies the temptation. So any nurse or massage therapist can buy an Oberon device and open a diagnostic room, which sometimes happens. And an erroneous conclusion can lead a person down the wrong path and he will lose time. Such "specialists" only denigrate this effective method.

It requires a doctor who is able to think systematically - at the level of the organism as a whole. This is achieved only by experience, honey. Universities do not prepare specialists of this class.

Bioresonance diagnostics in Moscow and other cities

In Moscow, there are two doctors with whom I have been cooperating for a long time.

Lyudmila Nikolaevna Kulakova has been practicing for about 40 years. Of these, more than 10 years by the bioresonance method, which I chose, having become disillusioned with the methods official medicine. She collaborates with the inventor of the APK Oberon V.I. Nesterov - trains delegations of doctors from Europe, England and Japan who buy his devices.

Lyudmila Nikolaevna trains doctors from Russia, helps them choose the machine and installs the program. This is a guarantee for doctors to avoid counterfeiting.

Now, Lyudmila Nikolaevna is taking on M. Belyaevo

The cost of bioresonance diagnostics is 3000 rubles.

Double diagnostics: bioresonance + hemoscanning 4000 rub.

Session duration 1.5 hours

Another good Moscow doctor is Galina Mikhailovna Eshtokina. She diagnoses on the IMEDIS device.

Galina Mikhailovna writes books on alternative medicine, knows well breathing practices, dietetics. After the examination, in addition to prescribing herbal remedies, she gives recommendations on these methods.

The office of Galina Mikhailovna next to the Belorusskaya metro station.

The cost of double diagnostics - bioresonance + hemoscanning = 4000 rubles.

Book, certificate and certificate of Galina Mikhailovna

To make an appointment for diagnostics in Moscow call me on tel. 8-926-764-4266 (Vladimir Timofeevich) I will determine which doctor suits you best and make an appointment.

Bioresonance diagnostics in other cities

A similar survey is carried out in the cities: Petrozavodsk, Yelets, Kursk. There prices may vary. Let us know which of these cities you are in the feedback form.>>

Works in Kursk experienced specialist Natalya Yurievna on the IMEDIS apparatus. This device allows you to effectively carry out bioresonance therapy. You can sign up by phone. 8-910-216-8918 - tell me that you are from Vladimir Zuev and give Natalya Yuryevna my greetings from Moscow.

How bioresonance computer diagnostics works

Bioresonance diagnostics (BRD) is one of the new information technology based on the latest advances in the physical and biological sciences. With its help, in one session, it is possible to identify the causes of a person’s disease and make a diagnosis.

bioresonance medical computer diagnostics organism available to any person. It can be passed both in state medical institutions as well as in private clinics. This is a highly sought after look. medical services because everything more people think about the state of their health, not only when something bothers, but much earlier, when nothing hurts yet. Indeed, with the help of such an up-to-date, safe and informative method of examination, it is easier to prevent the disease than to spend money on its expensive treatment later. You can learn more about this method using the example of the operation of Sensitiv Imago bioresonance therapy devices.

The method of bioresonance diagnostics of the human body - what is it?

Human health is based on spectral analysis magnetic fields human body. Apparatus, on which such an examination is carried out, analyzes the electromagnetic oscillations of the brain stem structures, in which all the information about the human body is located. This information is read in a non-contact way using special sensors that amplify it. The received information is then processed by a computer program.

The essence of the bioresonance method

The principle of bioresonance diagnostics it's not hard to explain.

The cells of all living organisms have their own electric field. It is called biofield, it is variable and fluctuates with a certain frequency. The BRD of the body takes the values ​​of fluctuations and compares them with the reference indicators embedded in the devices for computer diagnostics of the body.

No additional tests and walking around the numerous rooms of the clinic are required for this. Based on the results of a diagnostic bioresonance study, a course of effective recovery is prescribed in the optimal mode.

On the Internet, you can easily find positive and negative reviews about bioresonance diagnostics, but most of the reviews are based on personal experience patients and doctors, which cannot be verified. In this article we will try to reveal the essence of the method and give examples of diagnostic equipment.

During an appointment with a doctor, all systems are examined: cardiovascular, nervous, genitourinary, musculoskeletal, endocrine, bronchopulmonary, gastrointestinal tract.

Possibilities of bioresonance diagnostics

Let's look at what goals and objectives can be solved by completing a course of bioresonance diagnostics using the example of Sensitiv Imago devices

  • Express health assessment
  • Determination of the most weakened systems and organs
  • Making presumptive diagnoses (reference processes similar to diagnoses)
  • Definition pathogenic microflora, the degree of its activity and the zone of localization
  • Determination of latent microflora
  • Selection and testing of drugs (vegeto-test)
  • Recommendations for restoring health (selective complexes)
  • Allergen detection
  • Unstable laboratory indicators(their qualitative assessment)
  • Therapeutic options (frequency compensation, bioresonance therapy)
  • Preparation of information preparations (spectronozodes)
  • Determination of the degree of harmfulness of energy-information effects on the body
  • Determination of contaminants, i.e. degree of accumulation in the body:
  • Identification of hereditary predisposition to diseases
  • The function of calculating biorhythms according to 4 parameters: physical, intellectual, emotional, general
  • Ability to compare health status before and after a recovery course

It is enough to undergo medical diagnostics of the body based on bioresonance in order to obtain comprehensive information about your health.

How is the examination

Examination of a person by the method of bioresonance diagnostics can be divided into three main stages.

Step 1

patient preparation and diagnosis

Using a computer diagnostic device, a specialist scans a person.

Step 2

data processing

The received data is sent to the database of the diagnostic device, where the software calculates them and selects a diagnosis.

Step 3

diagnostic results

The doctor analyzes the results of the examination and makes a diagnosis. Such an analysis makes it possible to detect diseases at the very early stages of development. If necessary, the specialist can refer the patient to additional examination- Ultrasound, ECG, etc.

What organs can be checked by this method

  • The cardiovascular system
  • Gastrointestinal tract
  • genitourinary system
  • Musculoskeletal system
  • Bronchopulmonary system
  • Endocrine system
  • Visual and auditory apparatus
  • Nervous systemClinical biochemical analysis blood without taking it
  • Detection of infection in all organs and systems - viruses, microbes, fungi, protozoa, helminthic invasions, etc.
  • Endocrine system - assessment of the levels of hormones of the adrenal glands, pituitary, pancreas, thyroid, gonads
  • Immunity score
  • Chromosomal set

Advantages of bioresonance diagnostics

  • It is safe - the procedure is absolutely harmless (including for children), does not cause pain or discomfort
  • Detects all pathogens ( pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi, helminths) their localization and degree of infection; No surgical intervention- the diagnosis can be made without introduction into the human body
  • You get the result of the examination on the spot Determines the state of organs, systems and individual cells
  • Convenience - no prior preparation is required before seeing a doctor
  • Comprehensive bioresonance diagnostics - allows you to examine the entire body
  • No Side Effects

Examples of bioresonance examination of organs

analysis examples: heart, gallbladder, brain, intestines

Vessels of the anterior wall of the heart

Black markers indicate a deterioration in the blood supply to the anterior wall of the heart, an early stage of atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries and aorta


Red markers indicate tissue tension and spasm of the biliary tract. Black markers indicate the area of ​​inflammation where the passage of bile is difficult. Clear presence of dyskinesia and probably stones.


Insufficient blood supply and atherosclerosis of vessels in the initial stage.


The initial stage of cellular nutrition deficiency due to malabsorption. At the bottom, markers show the presence of inflammation of the sigmoid colon mucosa or ulcers

Compare the clarity of the examination with a Bioresonance device and ultrasound in the following examples:

Patient A.: atrophy of the tail of the pancreas.
Patient B.: a stone in the right kidney.
Patient B.: gallbladder containing a large calculus.
Patient G.: Macronodular cirrhosis.

Preparation before the examination

How to properly prepare for the examination?

There are a number simple rules to help you get the most accurate diagnosis.

  • Go to the examination in the morning, well rested. Do not drink alcohol, coffee, strong tea. At least 2 hours before the procedure, give up tobacco, including no smoking e-Sigs
  • 3 days before the appointment, do not undergo x-ray and ultrasound examination
  • Wear clothes made from natural fabrics
  • Tell your doctor if an X-ray has been taken chest and rectum In this case, some time must pass before other tests are taken.
  • Do not take medication. Otherwise, be sure to tell your doctor which drug you took and at what dosage.
  • Go to the doctor's office without makeup and jewelry they are able to influence the energy potential of biologically active points

Why is it so important to hear about bioresonance diagnostics "first hand"?

Master the device on your own and get detailed explanations, with an emphasis on the features of the procedure when various pathologies- not exactly the same thing. The work of a diagnostician trained by a professional is much more efficient, the capabilities of the device are used more fully, the accuracy of the diagnosis increases and, naturally, the profit of the medical center. Sign up for courses on bioresonance computer diagnostics.

Checking health by recording biopotentials from the surface of the body is currently developing by leaps and bounds.

If in a medical diagnostic, health center or in a company promoting wellness methods, dietary supplements, where you work, there will be an offer to purchase devices with the name Oberon, Metatron, Imago Technology DT - keep in mind that this technique is already outdated, as progress in the field of biodiagnostics is enormous.

We have data on the latest developments in this area, a deep market analysis has been carried out, which convincingly proves that a self-respecting health institution can and should use devices from the Sensitive Imago series. We demonstrate the method of working with patients, explain the design of the device, the most important areas of its application, course participants can compare “on the spot” different models diagnostic devices, - in a word, there is little that can be compared with learning from real specialists.

Bioresonance computer diagnostics is a modern requirement

For modern business successful people it is important to obtain not only high-quality medical service but also get it fast.

If the phrase “all doctors in an hour” only makes a specialist smile, then most erudite doctors take such a concept as computer diagnostics of the body quite seriously. The main advantage of the technique, in addition to the speed with which the study is performed, is safety. After all, the device registers biological potentials from the surface of the human body, without “interfering” with the structure of tissues, like x-rays or ultrasonic waves. We also note the high information content of the method: modern devices, which will be discussed in special courses, are very accurate and sensitive.

Analyzing problems complex analysis health, scientists, engineers, programmers of "ALFA-MED" created devices for computer diagnostics "Sensitive Imago"! It is these devices that will become your reliable friend and consultant, reliably and reliably protecting your health!

Do you think we're exaggerating?


The device was successfully certified in Russia and received a prestigious EU award for the best innovative technology! (Holding Alfa-Med, 2009) We offer the device "Sensitive Imago" of the fourth generation, with the maximum high-tech level of protection, tested in special laboratories in Russia (FSB of the Russian Federation), Great Britain and Germany. And our service center for warranty repair and maintenance, will save you from problems with the repair of the device and the loss of time for your patients!

Suitable for small and large businesses

Owners of health, medical, distribution centers, beauty salons understand how important the high level of services, their range and complexity are! Our hardware complex will allow you not only to enrich yourself financially, but will also improve the status and efficiency of your institution's services! On our website in the "Business plan" section, you will find the calculation of the profitability of using hardware complex"Sensitive Imago" in the conditions Russian business

Patients in the European Union, the USA, China, Korea, the Philippines, Australia and Thailand trust the diagnostics of our hardware complex "Sensitive Imago"! Join us and keep up with life!

We offer a range of diagnostic devices: from economic and professional to business classes. The specialists of our holding will help you to choose the most suitable device for you!

we will answer all questions

Our specialists are always ready not only to teach you how to maintain the device, but also to inform you about the new software device, new developments and methods of their implementation.

Promotions and discounts

Unprecedented promotions and programs held by the holding from time to time will surprise and delight you! And holiday discounts will always be a pleasant surprise!

Combines all the advantages of bioresonance diagnostics

The principles of wave theory, which underlie the operation of our devices, allow us to detect foci that demonstrate malfunctions. individual bodies person. This device signals the doctor. In case of problems and serious malfunctions in the functioning of the patient's body systems, the Sensitive Imago device, by comprehensively analyzing the information received, indicates problem areas in the patient's body on the computer monitor! The device informs the patient about hidden changes in the functioning of those organs, the functioning of which the patient has not yet complained about! We can say with firmness: "We see what is hidden"!

Training in bioresonance testing technique

Modern market conditions for the medical services sector are such that diagnostic centers, which have modern, efficient, and most importantly - high-precision equipment, have a real advantage over competitors. Complete training on how to use the technique bioresonance diagnostics on very favorable terms.

The method of computer diagnostics of the body helps to timely find various diseases or pathology in the body and promptly prescribe successful individual treatment.

Computer diagnostics of the human body provides quick and accurate results. This method is very informative, which allows the patient to save time, effort and money. Application practices this method make it possible to recognize the disease at the most early stages when a person is not even aware of them. This makes it possible to eliminate the disease with minimal intervention in the human body.

Being in constant development this method has become available to a wide range of people, and is safe for examining a child's health. Bioresonance examination is safe and harmless for the patient, does not lead to radiation and is safe for the elderly and pregnant women. The accuracy of this method is 85-90%.

Computer diagnostics has the following benefits:

· Safe examination children

· Saving money and time

Is a safe and non-invasive method

Provides a detailed and holistic picture of the state of human health

Identification of the disease in the preclinical period, at the moment when the disease does not yet cause complaints in the patient.

Computer diagnostics is associated with modern achievements science in the field of advanced technology inventions. When the bioenergetic fields of a person and his biologically active points on the body were discovered, new methods for diagnosing the state of human health appeared. It also led to modern ways correction of the treatment of diseases. Computer diagnostics of a person takes as a basis the analysis of the parameters of biologically active points, and the removal of parameters from these points to external stimuli. This method allows you to examine:

Assess the patient's immune status

To study the human chromosome set

· Examination endocrine system. Find out the level of harmonic adrenal glands, pituitary gland, gonads, thyroid gland and pancreas.

· Examine genitourinary system

The cardiovascular system

· Research gastrointestinal tract

· Verify musculoskeletal system

Check the visual and auditory apparatus of a person

· Explore nervous system

Carry out a clinical biochemical analysis of blood, without the need for its sampling

Detect infections in any system or organ. Find viruses, germs, fungi, and similar helminthic infestations.

When the examination is completed, the patient will be given following results:

List of all diagnoses for the diseases found

· Color, in a graphic form the image of the examined bodies with the present changes and deviations.

Exist different systems computer diagnostics according to its biologically active points. The most popular and well-known are diagnostics by the Voll method, examination of the body using the Runo diagnostic system and bioresonance diagnostics using the Oberon apparatus.

Medical diagnostics using the device "Oberon" allows you to get information about human health in just 1-2 hours in terms of volume equivalent to an examination of doctors of all specialties and dozens of laboratory research. This method is based on the analysis of electromagnetic oscillations of brain stem structures. After all, it contains information about the entire human body. All information will be downloaded using trigger sensors in a non-contact way. The computer program will then amplify the signal and process it. "Oberon" refers to non-linear diagnostics, which is based on the spectral analysis of the body's vortex magnetic fields.

Computer diagnostics using the Runo system allows you to explore the parameters of relationships nerve fibers connecting limbs with spinal cord. This helps to determine general state human body, and individual human systems. The procedure takes 40 minutes.

This method allows:

Identify all current human diseases

Find the cause causing allergic reactions

Analyze emotional and mental state human

Recognize the disease in its preclinical stage

Recognize the pathological condition of the patient's organs and tissues

· Conduct an assessment of blood conditions

Determine predisposition to certain diseases

Helps to choose a unique wellness program for each patient

Vaiser Efim, a certified homeopath, talks about the advantages of this method.

Computer diagnostics of the body allows for little time check the human body, under the supervision of a specialist doctor, who then explains the results and writes out recommendations for treatment. What are the advantages of this method of diagnosing a person. Modern diagnostic methods, such as ultrasound, tomography, examine human organs from the side of the structural state, i.e. their shape, size and neoplasms. But these methods do not determine how the organs work. But in diseases it is violations functional activity organ leads to health problems, poor sleep, frequent headaches and depression. When the structure of organs changes, it is already late stage diseases, which is a consequence of long-standing pathologies in the functionality of organs. Unlike other studies, computer diagnostics allows you to determine functional state any organ and identify "problem" areas and the level of dysfunction of the organ. After the diagnostic process, the specialist will conduct a diagnosis procedure.

Testing is based on a comparison of the virtual model various diseases(which are stored in a computer) with information read from a particular person.

Modern medical technology make it possible to carefully examine the human body, to assess the state of his health, without causing discomfort. Complete diagnostics body allows specialists to detect any violations in its work, to identify diseases at the most early stages development, identify risk factors for the development of pathologies in the future. Our medical Center offers the most modern highly informative methods express health diagnostics, which will help to identify the problem as quickly as possible and prevent its spread.

Full express diagnostics of the whole organism

The name of the programCost, rub.
"Health Passport" MINIMUM » 19 690
"Health Passport" OPTIMUM » 29 840
"Health Passport" OPTIMUM PLUS " for women 45 640
"Health Passport" OPTIMUM PLUS " for men 41 590
Health passport PREMIUM for women 69 110
Health passport PREMIUM for men. 70 110
Health passport "MAXIMUM" - for men 97 140
Health passport "MAXIMUM" - for women 91 760
Cardiology check-up 15 460

Comprehensive body diagnostics

Most of all diseases can be cured quite easily if they are detected in a timely manner. Helps with this general diagnostics of the whole organism, which is actively used today in medicine. Modern methods research helps doctors deal with the most complex diseases even before the onset of their first symptoms.

Full diagnostics of the whole organism in Moscow is carried out at a high level in as soon as possible, its price is quite affordable. Such a survey helps to detect problems with:

  • circulatory system;
  • internal organs;
  • nervous system;
  • connective tissues;
  • reproductive system;
  • joints and bones.

With a comprehensive express diagnostics of the body's health, almost all types of diseases and violations of the functional capabilities of organs and systems can be detected. Besides, innovative methods allow to identify any congenital pathologies. In our center medical diagnostics You can get tested, which includes:

Laboratory diagnostics

According to data provided by the World Health Organization, almost 80% of information about a person's health can be obtained only by examining the results of tests. Laboratory diagnostics of the body is actively used in modern medical practice. These surveys are among the most informative methods, which allow specialists to assess the patient's condition at the molecular and biochemical levels.

The results of laboratory diagnostics are used not only to determine the patient's condition. They also help the doctor choose the most effective treatment tactics, evaluate the quality of the prescribed therapy, its effectiveness and impact on the body.

The following laboratory tests are carried out at the Center for Medical Diagnostics and Treatment:

  • general analysis of urine, sputum;
  • clinical blood test;
  • biochemical analyzes;
  • study of infections;
  • definition of oncomarkers;
  • cytological studies;
  • hormone levels tests;
  • immunological research;
  • microbiological analyses.

At laboratory diagnostics health results can be obtained on the day of testing. Their quality and accuracy depend not only on the professionalism of the doctor, but also on how the person prepared for them. Therefore, before the study, the doctor tells the patient when it is best to take tests, which foods are best not to eat before the procedure.

Functional diagnostics of human health

Special research methods are used to detect various deviations in organs and systems, based on measurements of their performance indicators. Functional diagnostics health of the body allows doctors to objectively assess the pathology, to establish the degree of their prevalence.

Most often, studies of this type are needed to detect problems with the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs and the neuromuscular apparatus. Research allows doctors to identify any diseases in these areas.

Such diagnostics of the state of health has some peculiarities. It is believed that the norm for the results of such tests does not exist. This is due to the fact that each organism is individual, and the indicators are different for everyone. Therefore, research is carried out in various conditions With gradual increase loads. After the obtained data are compared, the condition and sensations of the patient are taken into account.

Functional diagnostics of the body in Moscow in our center is carried out by the best specialists. These research methods include the following procedures:

  • electrocardiography (ECG);
  • spirography;
  • electroencephalography;
  • 24-hour ECG monitoring and blood pressure(HELL);
  • duplex examination of vessels and veins.

Diagnosis of the state of health and its assessment

Hardware studies are considered the most highly informative. Instrumental medical diagnostics of the human body allows you to evaluate the structural, as well as functional disorders in tissues and organs. In addition, studies provide an opportunity to assess their performance, to conduct a targeted study of certain areas. Instrumental methods include ultrasonic scanning, x-ray examination and other research methods. These methods of express diagnostics of the state of human health are used to detect not only diseases, but also injuries, such as fractures, bruises, sprains.

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is absolutely safe procedure, which helps determine the size, structure, and shape of many organs. X-ray is a method that is successfully used in the examination bone tissue, gastrointestinal tract.

Our center for medical diagnostics and treatment in Moscow performs all these types of studies. In addition, we can provide advice the best specialists. A complete diagnosis of the human body is carried out by us using the most modern high-tech devices. This ensures that all results are highly accurate. For the convenience of patients, we have developed convenient health diagnostic programs.

Express diagnostics - instant diagnostics that allows you to get information about the state of the human body, excluding interference with the work of its organs and systems. This trend has received wide application, because the modern people It is difficult to allocate time for a full examination of your body. With the help of express diagnostics, you can accurately determine the presence of hidden problems that do not manifest themselves symptomatically.

Our prices

Diagnostics ESTEK


Preparation for the procedure

For 2 hours before the study, you need to refrain from eating and drinking. If you have to scan the chest, head, joints or neck, the preparation of the patient does not provide for special measures. If research is being done abdominal cavity, then the patient may be asked to drink contrast agent immediately before the procedure. This will improve the visualization of the image.

Indications for computer diagnostics

  • Increased fatigue;
  • Weakness and malaise;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Regular headaches;
  • Insomnia, overwork;
  • Insufficient or overweight body;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Feeling hot, chills;
  • genetic predisposition in various types diseases;
  • Planning for pregnancy.

Based on the diagnostic results, the patient receives a clinical report with a full transcript of the indicated indicators. The report also includes recommendations and forecasts for assessing risk factors.

Examination on the hardware-software complex "ESTECK System Complex" (USA)

The equipment is presented in the form of a computer with different sensors that are fixed on the patient's body during the examination. During the procedure, a person is exposed to an electrical test signal, which is perceived by the human body as a natural physiological effect.

All body responses are transmitted to the computer by means of sensors. The specialist on the monitor immediately sees problem areas and foci of diseases. Thanks to this, he receives full clinical picture on the basis of which prescribes treatment and preventive procedures.

After passing the examination on the device "ESTECK System Complex", the patient receives a text report on such sections as:

  • Respiratory system;
  • The condition of the spine;
  • The immune system;
  • neurological risk;
  • Digestive system;
  • The likelihood of developing allergic reactions;
  • Urogenital system;
  • oxygen stress;
  • The risk of developing dermatological diseases;
  • Endocrine system;
  • infectious risk;
  • The totality of the properties of an organism;
  • Results of analyzes of ENT organs.

Also, the patient is presented with graphical reports on the following areas:

  • Brain;
  • spinal column;
  • cardiac;
  • Dental balance;
  • Neurovegetative;
  • Dermatome;
  • The lymph nodes;
  • Somatomas (general state of the body).

Examination of the state of the cardiovascular system on the automatic device "EDTV-Hemodin" (Russia)

The device allows you to evaluate the functionality of cardio-vascular system person. The study lasts no more than 5 minutes. High efficiency and the speed of the survey due to the fact that the study is based on the method of oscillometry high definition. The results of the procedure are generated automatically.

The device captures the general condition of a person, possible risks development cardiovascular disease and complications, and also displays the results of important biochemical parameters.

After passing the examination on the EDTV-Hemodin apparatus, the patient receives a textual report on the state of health, which includes the following indicators:

  • Blood pressure level;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Basic cardiac indicators: cardiac and stroke index, cardiac output, pulse, stroke volume;
  • vascular parameters.

Bioimpedance measurement of body mass composition (BMI diagnostics)

This type of diagnostics is based on the use of an impedance bioelectric non-invasive method for assessing the main indicators of body weight. Thanks to diagnostic method BMI, which is carried out at a frequency of 50 kHz, it becomes possible to determine and compare the obtained values ​​​​with reference indicators.

  • RA is the phase angle;
  • TBW is the total volume of water;
  • Xc, R – actual bioimpedance;
  • BMR - basic metabolic rate;
  • FAT - fat mass;
  • JCW, intracellular fluid;
  • FFM - lean body mass (without body fat);
  • DEE - calorie intake;
  • ECW, intercellular fluid;
  • BMI - body mass index.

In our center, after the procedure, each patient receives:

  • A complete printout of the results obtained (schemes problem areas in organs and systems);
  • Individual consultation;
  • Development of an individual diet (selection diet food based on the results and taking into account the time of year).

Benefits of visiting our center

  1. Accuracy of results - we use only high-precision modern equipment.
  2. Experienced specialists – the reception is conducted by doctors with extensive practical experience and relevant licenses.
  3. Complete safety - the treatment is preceded by the diagnosis and subsequent evaluation of the results of laboratory tests.
  4. We guarantee individual approach– each complex of treatment is developed individually.
  5. Affordable price for computer diagnostics - we make discounts, regularly hold various promotions.

Treatment without complications and risk is the choice of each of you!

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