Wart "chicken ass": reasons, which doctor to contact, methods of treatment. Non-traditional methods of treatment. General characteristics and diagnostics

Category Games for boys - original name Twenty one 21

You enter the game first. On the panel on the left bottom corner you can see numbers from one to 10. This is the number of fingers your character will show. Simultaneously with you, the opponent will show his number. The result is summarized and displayed in the lower right corner. You have three moves, but you can limit yourself to one or two. If the sum of points is less than 21, you can pass the turn to the opponent by pressing the Enough button.

It should be a set of points on his account. The winner is the participant closest to the number 21. If you score extra points on your turn, the victory is automatically awarded to the opponent. The score of victories and total points is maintained at the top of the screen. In case of a loss, the points scored by the opponent are subtracted from the total points you have scored. The tactics of the opponent is constantly changing and automatically adjusts to the game strategy you have chosen, which makes the process more exciting.


  • Use the mouse to select the required menu items.

The appearance of a build-up on the body does not please anyone. But, if the wart has grown on the foot, then it will bother, hurt, interfere with walking. A growth that appears on the sole or heel is popularly called the "wart". chicken ass”, because of its interesting appearance. How to remove a chicken wart from a leg? Why did she appear there? Everyone knows that it can be removed with the help of a doctor. But it is not always possible to pay for his services. Often, people who live in villages or small towns do not have the opportunity to go to a dermatologist for help. Only folk remedies remain. How to remove a chicken wart on the leg at home? We'll talk about this.

Chicken wart usually occurs on the foot

About chicken wart

The plantar outgrowth is popularly called “chicken leg wart” or “chicken asshole”, and is also called “chicken callus”. it benign education, which appears either on a person's foot or on the heel. Because of her, it is difficult for the patient to walk, because she often hurts and bothers him.

What does it look like

How to understand that you have a chicken wart? First appears on the sole hard seal with clear boundaries. He has an oval or round shape, size - up to 2 cm. The wart looks like a corn. At first, it has a flat and smooth surface. Over time, it changes, becomes rough. Its color also changes, it turns yellow. In the center of the growth, a depression is formed, covered with black and brown dots. More often, one chicken ass grows on the foot, the wart does not spread along the foot. If daughter formations appear, then the virus is too active.

How to make sure that you do not mix up a growth and a corn? A doctor can confirm the diagnosis. To make sure it is not a plantar callus, a dermatoscopy and analysis for the human papillomavirus is performed. The doctor will scrape off the upper layers of the epithelium. The fact that this is a plantar wart is indicated by the absence of a skin pattern on the growth and thrombosed capillaries.

Scraping from the wart will allow you to accurately diagnose

Why does it appear

How to cure a chicken wart on the leg? To answer this question, we need to understand why it appeared. It's all about the human papillomavirus. He is picked up through household contact. It's easy to get infected where they're made favorable conditions for the virus: where it is warm and damp, i.e. in pools, baths. In order for the virus to enter the human body, there must be microcracks or microtraumas on the sole. You can catch the virus if you wear someone else's shoes, walk barefoot in a public place, dry your feet with someone else's foot towel, etc. If a person has strong immunity, then the body will overcome the virus, and the warts will not grow.

But there are factors that contribute to the activation of the virus:

  1. The person has a weakened immune system.
  2. He suffers from excessive sweating legs. Then it is created favorable environment for the virus.
  3. The patient has dry skin on the legs and fingers.
  4. A person suffers because he wears uncomfortable, narrow shoes.
  5. Cracks or scratches appeared on the feet, the skin on them was damaged.
  6. The patient has been diagnosed with diseases in which the normal nutrition stop. What are these diseases? Atherosclerosis, diabetes, varicose veins, etc. Or he has a foot deformity.

Uncomfortable shoes, excessive sweating or dry feet are the main causes of warts.

Disease prevention

We will tell you how to remove a chicken wart using folk remedies. But it will not be superfluous to mention preventive measures. Any disease is easier to prevent than to spend time, money, effort on its treatment. Prevention measures are not complicated:

  1. If you go to the pool, public shower or bath, bring slippers with you. Do not walk barefoot or wear someone else's shoes.
  2. If your feet are constantly sweaty, buy shoes made from "breathable" natural materials.
  3. Those with dry feet should use moisturizers. Take care of your feet, wash your feet constantly, do not forget about peeling.
  4. For those who suffer from foot deformity, it is useful to undergo treatment, use special insoles etc.
  5. If wounds appear on the legs, treat them immediately.
  6. Lead healthy lifestyle life, eat right, rest, strengthen the immune system.

Traditional treatment

If you have a wart on the sole, it is best to visit a dermatologist. It doesn't have to be removed. The doctor will prescribe conservative treatment. How to get rid of a chicken wart on the foot at home? Pass the drug treatment. Your doctor will advise you to take various medications. Some of them will help destroy the virus, some will strengthen the immune system. Antiviral drugs help the body produce cytokines. They suppress the virus and prevent it from developing. This will help prevent new growths from forming.

And how to remove a chicken wart from a leg? Use ointments and creams that will remove the growth. This is either Super Cleaner, or Solcoderm, or salicylic acid, etc.

Such removal is not dangerous and not painful. If you use this tool, strictly follow the instructions, act carefully so as not to damage healthy skin. It is advisable to consult with a doctor who will recommend you the right dosage. Otherwise, you can earn burns. You can freeze the growth yourself using Cryo Pharma, which works in the same way as cryotherapy. We told you how to remove a chicken wart at home. These are not all ways. For those who are not used to running to doctors, spending money on drugs, folk methods will help.

"Solcoderm" quickly and painlessly remove warts

Folk methods

How to remove a chicken wart on the leg with folk remedies? Choose your favorite recipe. But doctors advise to carefully get rid of papillomas so that the removed growth does not provoke the development of the disease. Therefore, they are categorically against such a “treatment”, when the leg of the wart is cut off or it is cut off mechanically.

You will remove the growth, but by such actions you will provoke the growth of a new one. There may be more of them. Or you will bring an infection that will cause an inflammatory process.

Therefore, be treated correctly, even folk remedies. How to remove a chicken wart from a leg? Consider the most popular means. Before using them, steam your legs and carefully remove the top layer of the wart with a pumice stone or nail file.

A green apple will remove a wart from a child's delicate skin


  1. Celandine. This plant helps to remove all growths. Used it Fresh Juice. Lubricate them with growth. The method is good, but it is used only in the summer. If you want to use it at other times of the year, make an ointment with celandine. But be careful, because the plant is poisonous. Collect celandine after rain. Extract the juice from the stem of the plant. Leave it for 2 days. Dilute 1 part juice in 0.5 parts vodka. Dilute the resulting celandine extract with petroleum jelly or glycerin. The ointment is ready.
  2. Garlic. Prepare a slurry of garlic and put it on the corn every day. Fasten gauze folded in several layers on top. To prevent the compress from falling, wrap your foot with a bandage. It is better to carry out these procedures in the evening. In the morning, remove the bandage, wash off the garlic. Sometimes appear discomfort. Or use another recipe. Brush the garlic juice with crushed lard, in proportions 1:1. Lubricate the wart on the leg with the resulting ointment several times a day.
  3. Raw potatoes. The method we wrote about above helps. But the garlic bad smell. If you don't like it, replace the garlic with raw potatoes. Otherwise, the treatment is the same: potato gruel is applied to the growth, fixed, and left overnight.
  4. Green apple. If you had to remove the growth on the child's leg, where the skin is tender and soft, use products that will not cause discomfort. Lubricate the growth with green apple juice 2 ̶ 3 times a day. The method works if the wart has not yet grown. Within a week you will notice improvements.
  5. Onion. It's simple and effective method. Take 2 onion halves and leave in table vinegar for several hours. In the evening, stick half of the bulb to the growth and wrap it with a bandage so that it does not fall. Do not remove the compress 2 ̶ 3 hours, but rather leave it overnight. Then replace this onion with the other half. Repeat these steps until the wart falls off. Or prepare an onion ointment and lubricate the growth with it. You will need 1 tbsp. onion juice and 0.5 tbsp. honey. Mix them up and apply on the growth.
  6. Green onion. In summer, treatment is carried out with green onion. Choose the thickest green onion feathers and soak them for several hours in vinegar. A piece is torn off from an onion feather, the same size as a wart. It is glued to the growth, and an adhesive plaster is applied on top. From time to time, change the old piece of onion for a new one. Treatment is completed when the growth disappears.
  7. Fir branches. Go to the forest and cut spruce branches 15 cm long. At home, fill them with water and boil for 5 minutes. Wait for the broth to cool down. Take foot baths from this decoction every other day. After such treatment, the wart will darken and begin to dry out. Within a week you will notice results.
  8. Dandelion. Collect dandelion officinalis and lubricate the wart with its juice 4 ̶ 5 times a day.
  9. Kalanchoe. Gather kalanchoe leaves, prepare gruel from them. Put it on the growth, bandage it. Change the bandage every day.

Garlic is applied to the wart at night

Based on vinegar

How to get rid of a chicken wart on the foot? You will need vinegar. It's an easy way, but it works. Prepare the leg, steam it, and then gently, using a pipette or syringe, drop 2 ̶ 3 drops of vinegar (9%) onto the wart. It will hurt a little.

It is better to be treated in the evening, before going to bed. Or buy Apple vinegar. Soak a piece of cotton wool in it, attach it to the growth, bandage it.

Do not remove the compress for 1 hour. Then take it off and soak your foot in hot water. Add a decoction of chamomile flowers to it. Keep your foot in hot water up to 20 minutes or a little less, after which gently remove the keratinized layer with pumice. You will have to repeat the procedure every day for 2 to 3 weeks.

Bird flu is familiar to most, but a wart on the foot, called "chicken ass", leads many to complete confusion, arising suddenly on our limbs. It is an unpleasant and often causing unbearable pain when stepping on the foot, a phenomenon. This species, like any other wart, is formed due to the papilloma virus, and does not please us with its appearance, so our first desire after discovering this infection on our feet is to get rid of it as soon as possible. How to do this quickly, we will tell in our article.

A chicken butt wart is often confused with a simple callus. It owes its appearance to the papilloma virus, which is activated in our body for the following number of reasons:

  • decreased immunity;
  • dry skin of the feet and microdamages;
  • uncomfortable shoes;
  • chronic diseases in which the blood supply to the vessels, including the legs, is disturbed, such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, varicose veins, etc .;
  • increased sweating;
  • deformed feet (flat feet).

In appearance, it is not always possible to determine the Spitz - it very much resembles an elementary corn. Yes, and not everyone will immediately pay attention to it, until it itchs - pain and discomfort appear. And to pick up such an infection is not at all difficult for those who visit public places types of baths and pools. It looks like this - a seal on the sole of the foot of a solid structure, round or oval in shape, clearly marked, with a thick leg often observed. The diameter of such a wart can reach 2 cm, and the height - 3 mm.

Read also: Consequences after cauterization of warts liquid nitrogen

First, a small nodule appears, which subsequently grows and becomes covered with dead cells, which begin to exfoliate. Then its color becomes yellowish, and in the middle it forms as if a crater, with the presence of black blotches. After some time, more and more may appear around one growth. small rashes- this indicates that the virus that has entered the body is quite active.

Why chicken butt?

Such a wart got its name for its external resemblance to a chicken tail, in which feathers, accumulating in a hole, resemble rods in their appearance. The rough and keratinized surface of this bug, with numerous black dots, also very much resembles a bunch of cauliflower in its appearance. medical name- spitz. It is distinguished by a yellowish tint, inside the crater there is a small papilla, from which the formations extend upward.

Is it necessary to remove a wart?

There are such cases that the "chicken ass" disappears as suddenly as it appeared, which means that a person with immunity full order however, this is not always to be expected. If any wart occurs, it is best to consult a specialist - after all, a correctly diagnosed diagnosis is the key to your health in the future. There are many methods for removing spitz in modern medicine, but, you see, the removal is some kind of no, and the operation, and any surgical intervention into our body, even such a small one, can cause other, not entirely desirable health problems, so this conservative measure should be resorted to only in last resort when other methods failed.

Popular methods for eliminating such a neoplasm

All methods of treatment, first of all, should be aimed at removing the papillomavirus from our body, because having started the fight against the wart itself, even if it ends in victory, there is no guarantee that the growth will not appear again, because the virus has not gone away. And a huge part of the population is infected with it - 70%, only, for many, it "sleeps" and does not cause such troubles as papillomas and warts. It is believed that it is impossible to completely get rid of HPV, however, there are ways to make its concentration in human blood much less, and the immune system would be able to fight it on its own. For this you need:

  • timely treatment of all manifestations of the papillomavirus - skin neoplasms;
  • raising the body's immunity;
  • reception antiviral drugs and vitamins;
  • proper nutrition.

Now there are many ways to treat warts, both medical and surgical. It:

  • electrocoagulation - burning out using high-frequency electric current, however, the method is only suitable for eliminating shallow formations;
  • cryodestruction - exposure to the wart with liquid nitrogen. After such a procedure, the growth quickly begins to die off and falls off. But there is one caveat here - if the depth of penetration of nitrogen into the diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is insufficient, then a relapse is possible, that is, a recurrence of the problem;
  • radio wave method, carried out using a radio knife, after which cauterization of blood vessels is performed, which prevents the possibility of the virus entering the blood;
  • most effective treatment - laser therapy, in which the beam is directed directly to the wart, and it dies off almost immediately;
  • the surgical method is used if the growth is large;
  • chemical cauterization at home;
  • folk remedies;
  • use of vinegar;
  • taking antiviral drugs based on salicylic, nitric and lactic acids, such as Duofilm, Kolomak, Solfoderm.

Let's take a closer look at some of the above methods.

Chemical elimination methods at home

How to get rid of a chicken wart on the foot at home? If you are afraid of doctors and do not want to go to the hospital, then you can try to get rid of the “chicken ass” yourself. For this, there are ointments, which include caustic substances, such as salicylic, oxolinic, and also camphor alcohol. Impose on growth bandage with ointment. Such treatment, of course, is a long epic, but it is safe, and there is no need to go anywhere.

You can also buy a drug such as Ferezol in a pharmacy. It has an excellent bactericidal effect and successfully fights warts. Before you start treatment with Ferezol, you need to steam the soles of your feet properly, and smear trouble spot for an hour non-stop. Then, let the foot dry for outdoors. Five procedures for such treatment will be enough.

Surgical removal by a doctor

This type of problem can be removed in the surgery room with a scalpel. However, as mentioned above, although this simple operation, but still, complications and relapses are possible after it, since it is rather difficult to remove all pathological tissue- microparticles from the wart will still remain. And one more “but” - a scar - if it’s a foot, it’s still all right, and removing a wart on a finger will leave an ugly mark on the hand.

Removal with liquid nitrogen

You can also remove chicken byaka with liquid nitrogen. After it is frozen, it will fall off by itself. And there will be no scars. However, if you have weak immunity, then this way not suitable - when exposed to cold, blisters often form on the skin, through which, if they burst, an infection will enter during the rejection of the neoplasm.

Removal of warts by coagulation

Here, the diseased area is cauterized with a special electrical appliance under local anesthesia, after which the growth turns black. The wound will heal quickly. but it may leave a scar.

Laser elimination

The laser method is the most effective. In this way, the doctor burns the wart in layers, controlling the depth of cauterization. Such a wound will heal very quickly, however, the scar after the procedure will still remain.

Folk methods

At this point, you can tell a lot of things, since the ways to eliminate the spitz, in this case, are very a large number of. But let's focus on the two most effective ones - cauterization with garlic and celandine juice.

It has long been known that garlic is able to destroy all viruses, but in the fight against warts it has no equal at all, judging by the reviews of those who have already used the plant to fight chicken scourge. The method is as follows:

  • in the evening we steam the wart hot water, such that the leg can endure. Then, as far as possible, we cut off the formation with manicure scissors pre-treated with alcohol. At the same time, if possible, we cut the skin tubercle and a little bit of the Spitz tissue itself;
  • we clean the garlic, take 1 clove, wash it, divide it lengthwise into two parts, put one of them on top of the wart;
  • we fix it on the leg with a bandage or adhesive plaster and leave it overnight. In the morning we repeat the procedure. If you make such dressings twice a day and do not remove them, then within 2 weeks the growth will fall off.

Removing a Spitz with Acetic Acid

How to remove a chicken wart on a leg with vinegar? Yes, very easy! Just once a day, apply a drop of this liquid to the affected area. This treatment usually lasts a week. FROM acetic acid precautions must be taken - even if the skin of the foot is rough, it is still very possible to get a burn. To prevent this from happening, seal the skin around the “chicken ass” with adhesive tape, leaving only a hole with a growth. The acid is dripped onto a napkin or cotton ball, applied to sore spot and secure with a plaster or bandage.


We told you how to get rid of the “chicken ass”, now we will tell you what to do to prevent this scourge. And so that chicken byaka does not overshadow your happy existence, you just need to fulfill these conditions:

  • wear comfortable shoes and in size;
  • do not let your feet sweat a lot;
  • avoid various injuries on the feet. If they, nevertheless, take place, then treat them in time;
  • a healthy lifestyle, lifestyle, sports and proper nutrition, the use of vitamins will support your immunity, which is important in the prevention of this sore;
  • and of course, observing the rules of personal hygiene while in public places.
  • Causes
  • Symptoms
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Folk methods of treatment
  • Prevention

Plantar wart ("chicken butt" or chicken callus) is a common benign neoplasm having various sizes. It is located on the human foot or heel, so walking in shoes and barefoot causes a lot of inconvenience. A "chicken butt" can appear at any age. The main human papillomavirus is considered to be transmitted by household or contact.


  • HPV infection.
  • Weakened immunity.
  • Hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating.
  • Dry feet.
  • Uncomfortable shoes.
  • Various deformities of the foot.
  • Damage to the skin of the feet.
  • A disease that provokes a violation of the trophism of the tissues of the feet (varicose veins, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, and others).

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A wart is a well-defined hard lump on the sole or heel. It has a round or oval shape and is up to 2 cm in size. The formation protrudes 2 mm above the general skin. At first, the surface of the wart is smooth. Then it becomes rough, acquires a yellowish tint. A crater-like depression appears in the center of the formation, where black-brown dots, thrombosed capillaries are visible. Usually chicken corn wears single character. If daughter formations appear, then this indicates a high activity of the virus.

Chicken butt can disappear on its own. But more often than not, self-destruction does not occur. Due to the pressure and friction of the shoe, it causes pain and considerable discomfort to a person. Therefore, it needs to be cured.

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"Chicken ass" resembles a common corn. To determine that the patient has a plantar wart, the dermatologist prescribes dermatoscopy. Previously, the doctor scrapes off the upper layers of the keratinized epithelium. If there is no skin pattern on the surface of the neoplasm and thrombosed capillaries are visible, then this is a plantar wart. Confirms disease positive result.

To determine the depth of germination, an ultrasound of the skin formation is performed. If there is a suspicion of a malignant nature of the wart, then it is necessary to contact a dermato-oncologist. When identifying diseases and deformities of the foot, a consultation with a podologist is required.

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Treatment of chicken callus requires a long time. Its removal is complicated by deeper germination into the dermis (compared to other types of warts). modern medicine offers several ways to treat a chicken butt:

  1. Electrocoagulation. The affected area is burned out with a high frequency current. dead cells form a dense, dry scab that is shed when new tissue grows. This method is not always suitable for plantar wart removal. It is used for shallow formations. A scar may appear after the operation.
  2. Cryodestruction. The problem area is treated with liquid nitrogen. Education is dying and falling off. The result of the operation depends on the experience of the doctor. Too superficial exposure can lead to a recurrence of chicken calluses, and very deep exposure can lead to scar formation. After the operation, a blister remains on the skin, which heals for 1 week. He cannot be injured.
  3. laser treatment. It is the most efficient, fastest and modern method fighting warts. dotted laser ray sent to the affected area. As a result, the formation cells die. After the operation, a small spot remains on the skin, which will disappear after 2 weeks.
  4. radio wave method. The radioknife helps to remove the neoplasm. During the procedure, cauterization of the vessels is carried out. This prevents the virus from the chicken callus from entering the bloodstream.
  5. Surgical excision. It is used to remove large warts.
  6. Treatment antiviral agents and drugs based on nitric, salicylic, lactic acids (Solcoderm, Duofilm, Kolomak). Helps get rid of Imiquimod and foot. it medicine stimulates the production of cytokines that destroy the human papillomavirus.

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Folk methods of treatment

If a chicken callus has formed on the leg quite recently and does not cause discomfort, then the disease can be cured with folk remedies:

  • Peeled potatoes will help remove chicken callus on the foot or heel. Rub it on the problem area and tie it tightly with a bandage. Leave overnight.
  • Most Effective folk remedy, helping to get rid of warts - celandine juice. If you cut this herb at the root, then a yellow liquid will come out of the stem, which should be used to treat the affected area, but this must be done carefully, otherwise you can get a burn of a healthy area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.
  • With a small pipette, drop vinegar on. The procedure is accompanied by pain, it is best done in the evening.

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To prevent the occurrence plantar warts, you should follow simple rules:

  1. In public pools, showers and baths, do not wear someone else's shoes and do not walk barefoot.
  2. Proper foot skin care: regular foot peeling and pedicure.
  3. People with deformities of the feet need to use orthoses, orthopedic insoles and unloading correctors.
  4. For cracked and dry soles, apply therapeutic baths for feet, nourishing and moisturizing creams.
  5. In case of excessive sweating of the feet, wear shoes made from natural materials.

A plantar wart causes discomfort and pain to a person. At the first sign of illness, you should immediately contact a specialist. He will pick up best method treatment. If you do not get rid of the chicken ass, then it can become a malignant formation.


    Albina May 28, 2014

    yeah.. not the most pleasant type of warts. Worse probably only anogenitalnye. But it's good that now there are many surgical methods treatment, quickly and painlessly. The main thing is not to get infected again.

    Nina June 16, 2014

    This is the kind of warts my dad had. Cauterization with liquid nitrogen in the clinic helped him completely get rid of them. He said that it was painful, but quite tolerable.

    Anya June 16, 2014

    I have a lot of this type of warts, I treated it mainly with a laser, they left, I hope they don’t appear again

    Anonymous August 3, 2014

    I have a lot of these warts ... Please advise which method will be easier to treat me ???

    Mikhail Papilov August 4, 2014

    Anonymous, you can read the comments above, they mostly recommend removal in clinics, but using the “super cleaner”, it costs no more than 50 rubles, you can get rid of plantar warts at home.

    It is necessary to slightly steam the skin and apply the product to the wart, it is important not to hook on healthy skin, a small burn will remain. For 2-4 procedures, it is quite possible to remove the wart.

Chicken ass is the colloquial name for a neoplasm that has formed on the foot as a result of the activation of the human papillomavirus. This common pathology is popularly called thorn. Thanks to her characteristic look easy to differentiate from other dermatological diseases.

If a wart has appeared on the heel, the photo will help to understand whether it is an “ass” or an ordinary corns.

Please note that the uneven and rough spike resembles a bunch of cauliflower. Hardened keratinized papilloma has specific black dots on its body due to blockage of capillaries.

"Chicken ass" is a rather painful growth. Both in shoes and barefoot, a person feels uncomfortable. It can appear on the foot at any age, and due to frequent injury, the neoplasm can degenerate into a malignant tumor.

A callus or plantar wart appearance may resemble corns due to countless layers of keratinized cells. She appears on her feet for the following reasons:

  • flat feet;
  • wearing tight shoes;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • dry skin of the feet;
  • increased sweating of the extremities;
  • diseases leading to disruption of the trophism of the tissues of the feet (atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, varicose veins, etc.).

Under a layer of dead cells are growths interspersed with black or dark red. About thrombosis blood vessels judged by destroyed upper layers found when the wart is cut or when it is scraped.

Having formed in the form of a small nodule, the wart gradually grows and becomes covered with keratinized cells. Then the spine turns into a formation of yellow or gray-yellow color. Small growths with an identical structure may appear around it.

Treatment of plantar warts with innovative methods

Prevention of "chicken ass" on the feet can be therapeutic baths for dry soles, peeling and pedicure, wearing high-quality shoes and refusing other people's shoes in public places with high humidity(pools, saunas, baths, showers).

Reduction of heel warts folk remedies

1. Green onions soaked in vinegar will help get rid of a chicken wart. The feather of the vegetable is cut off in accordance with the size of the spike and applied to it, fixing it with a plaster for the night. The manipulation is repeated until the papilloma falls off on its own. Then the therapy is continued with applications with an aloe leaf cut in half. The sap of the plant has antiseptic properties and promotes rapid healing of the wound.

2. A peeled raw potato will also help remove a wart on the heel. She simply rubs the problem area, followed by fixation with a bandage. The application is left overnight.

3. Traditional remedy juice remains in the treatment of any warts. Processing with it should be carried out immediately after cutting the stem under the root. But use a bright orange natural liquid should be careful. Otherwise, on healthy skin there will be a burn from the juice of the warthog.

The transmission of HPV, a provocateur of the appearance of plantar papilloma, is carried out by contact-household means: through kisses, handshakes and when using infected objects.

4. A simple, uncomplicated treatment for a chicken butt wart is to drip vinegar on it. The procedure may cause pain. It needs to be done in the evening.

5. In attempts to do it yourself, you can use birch bark- natural habitat salicylic acid. white bark It also contains bitulin, a natural antiviral component.

6. Excellent tool against warts is also aloe vera gel, combined with a small amount vegetable oil. Homemade antiviral medicine applied to the spike several times a day until the desired effect is obtained.

7. What baths can be done with chicken assholes on the sole? For cooking, you will need chopped spruce branches 10-13 centimeters long, which you need to fill with water and boil for 4-6 minutes. Cool the broth to an acceptable temperature and you can take a bath. You need to take such procedures every other day, for 2 months for a complete cure.

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