How to relieve a cat of constipation. Constipation in a cat: causes and treatment at home. Causes of constipation

Potato chips have been around since the 1950s. It happened almost by accident: in one of the restaurants in Saratoga, George Crum worked as a chef, who once came across a very picky visitor. He returned the fried potato dish three times, stating that the potato slices were cut too thick.

The cook went berserk and, in order to annoy the picky customer, cut the potatoes so thin that they were translucent. However, this action led to an unexpected result - the dish was not only liked, but even led the client to complete delight. Chips became one of the restaurant's chips, and their recipe was kept a strict secret for a long time. Gradually, the recipe went to the masses, but until the 20s of the 20th century, the dish did not leave the United States. Homemade chips are a snack that will definitely not contain excess fat and preservatives. Over time, the recipe has spread to many countries of the world, and with the invention of a machine for peeling potato tubers, it has been put on an industrial basis. The popularity of chips has led to the emergence of many flavors - now we know salty and peppery chips, chips with flavors of bacon, sour cream, onion, squid, shrimp, crab, horseradish and mushrooms.

All this variety is achieved with the help of various flavors, and the chips themselves contain less and less potatoes. But this most popular snack can be prepared at home! Such a dish will not be harmful at all, since the content of fats and calories will decrease significantly.

With just a couple of potatoes and some butter at home, you can treat your friends to a delicious beer snack or please your child. In addition, you can diversify the recipe with ground paprika, herbs, grated hard cheese, dry basil, garlic and other homemade spices.


homemade chips recipe

Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Wash potatoes, peel. Cut each potato into very thin slices, being careful not to exceed a thickness of 2-3 millimeters. You can simplify cutting with a vegetable cutter or a grater with a knife for cutting vegetables. If desired, you can make a fluted version of the chips using a bread knife.

Rinse the slices several times in cold running water, washing off the starch. Arrange the chips in a single layer on a paper towel, cover with another towel. Leave for a few minutes to absorb excess moisture. If the slices are not dry enough, then you will not be able to achieve the crunch of the chips. Spray olive oil onto a large baking sheet using cooking spray.
A grater with a knife for cutting vegetables will greatly simplify the preparation of chips. Spread the slices on the surface in a single layer. The chips must not touch. Drizzle again with oil. Salt. If desired, add garlic powder, ground chili, paprika, black pepper, sprinkle with dry basil, dill or parsley. Bake for 20 minutes. The finished dish should acquire a uniform golden color.

Remove the finished slices with tongs so that they do not burn. Place chips on paper towels to remove excess oil. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan and chopped herbs if desired. To keep the chips crispy for a long time, dry them in the air for 20 minutes, laying them out in a single layer on a wire rack covered with a layer of napkins.

The most popular beer snack and salty snack that no one can resist - chips, has now become even more affordable for everyone. Everyone can cook this crispy dish with their favorite taste at home, and it will not take much time, money and effort. To make chips at home, it is not necessary to have any special devices or conditions for this. Enough oven, microwave, and in extreme cases, a deep frying pan and sunflower oil. Chips are prepared in a very short time, and their taste can drive anyone crazy. There are many ways to cook chips at home, and how to make chips at home, now.

How to make chips at home - a way that absolutely everyone can use

To make homemade chips, you will need potatoes, salt and pepper or seasoning with a certain taste, an ordinary kitchen knife, a frying pan and vegetable oil. The cooking process is short and takes place in several stages. In order to make crispy chips in a pan, you need:

  • peel the potatoes thoroughly from the top layer of the skin and rinse well under running water;
  • cut each potato into very thin layers or circles;
  • soak the potatoes in spices for several minutes, gently rubbing them into each piece so as not to break them;
  • pour oil into a frying pan with high sides - it should rise from the bottom up a few centimeters;
  • put potatoes in boiling oil so that they do not seize with each other;
  • when the potatoes are browned on both sides, they can be pulled out with a fork or slotted spoon.

Remains of oil will drain from the chips and, so that they do not remain greasy, excess vegetable oil should be removed. This is easily done with paper towels. One layer should be laid on a bowl where the chips will lie, and the second should cover them. After a few minutes, when napkins or paper towels absorb excess oil, you can enjoy the incredibly bright taste of homemade chips.

How to make chips in the microwave - quick, easy, very tasty

Homemade chips are a snack that not only beer lovers, but also all home inhabitants cannot do without. Since they are eaten very quickly, you need to cook more. To make it not take too long, you can use a conventional microwave. Knowing how you can make chips in the microwave, you can delight your loved ones with this potato snack all the time.

To prepare the dish, you need to peel the potatoes, cut them into thin circles and roll in spices. Then the hostess should do the following:

  • the plate, which is used to heat food in the microwave, must be covered with parchment paper soaked in oil;
  • on the surface of the parchment, you need to carefully lay out the potato slices away from each other;
  • turn on the microwave for 4-5 minutes and wait;
  • take out the chips, blot them with paper towels and wait until they cool.

That's the whole process of preparing this wonderful appetizer. In the microwave, chips are cooked almost instantly, and their taste becomes even richer and brighter.

The standard way to make homemade chips is a snack from the oven.

Delicious, ruddy, fragrant potato chips can be cooked in the oven. To do this, it is enough to peel the potatoes and cut them into almost transparent circles. It is very convenient to cook this appetizer in the oven, because there is a lot of space in it and a lot of chips will fit on a baking sheet at a time.

So, with peeled and chopped potatoes, the following manipulations must be performed:

  • spread evenly on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, but so that the potato circles do not touch each other;
  • preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place the potatoes there, while not forgetting to salt and pepper the chips;
  • leave them in the oven for about 15 minutes.

Once upon a time, purely by chance, an ordinary American came up with chips. They were so loved by everyone that after two centuries they have not lost their popularity. Previously, everyone bought chips exclusively in the store, but why do this when you can cook such a snack at home? If you don’t know how to make chips at home, then consult with the housewives who have been practicing these recipes for a long time, otherwise the dish may not be fried or it will burn over high heat.

Chips (eng. chips) - a delicious delicacy, very loved by many. Crispy, light, fragrant, with various flavors and seasonings - well, how can you resist?! Surely many people understand how far from harmless this dish is. But a couple of times a year you can eat something. And I would like to do it more often… More often you can only eat chips made at home from natural ingredients. That is what we are going to talk about today in this article.

It is not difficult to prepare this dish with your own hands. Enough of the main product from which you want to make chips, and flavorings (spices, salt). You will also need a slicer or vegetable cutter with a special attachment. With it, you can cut the product into thin slices. Follow the simple requirements and you will be able to cook delicious homemade chips, crispy and fragrant!

Basic cooking principles:

  • Not only the taste is important, but also the appearance. Therefore, only round vegetables of the correct shape are suitable for the dish, which can be cut into even and beautiful slices. Set all other foods aside.
  • To reduce the starch content, soak sliced ​​potato pieces for a few minutes in cold water. Then dry them on a towel or paper towels. Thanks to this, when frying, they will not stick to each other.
  • Put the finished circles on a plate, sprinkle them lightly with flour.
  • To give the slices a savory quality, sprinkle them with aromatic salt with your favorite additions - paprika, chicken, cheese, sour cream and herbs, etc. Remember that such inclusions contain monosodium glutamate. If you are health conscious, ditch them and use only natural spices and salt.
  • You can cook chips from different vegetables and even fruits. The main condition is that they be round, of a sufficiently dense consistency and form a crispy crust when cooked.

How to make potato chips at home

This delicious dish can be prepared in 4 different ways:

  1. Bake in the oven. When baking, almost all vitamins and minerals are preserved intact. This method of preparation makes the delicacy nutritious and healthy. This is the most acceptable option in terms of healthy eating.
  2. Deep fry or pan fry. This method is not very good for the stomach and digestion, since a huge amount of oil is used during frying.
  3. Bake in the microwave. In this way, you can cook a dish with almost no oil. Thanks to this, it will be low-calorie and useful for the figure.
  4. Boil with alum and dry. A little-known Indian recipe that creates crunchy snacks with an original taste.

How to make chips at home in the oven

Crispy, salty and fragrant - potato snacks are considered to be the most delicious treat! And cooking in the oven will make them even more useful.

cooking time

  • Food preparation (cutting, soaking and drying): 20 minutes
  • Cooking (cooking): 15-20 minutes
  • Total time: 35-40 minutes


  • 4 large potatoes;
  • ½ pack melted butter or ¼ cup vegetable oil
  • coarse sea salt.

How to cook:

Preheat oven to 260°C.

Cut the tubers with a slicer or food processor into thin slices. These items will help you create perfect wedges. If you do not have them, ordinary cutting with a knife is allowed.

After cutting, dry the circles between towels to remove excess moisture.

Grease a baking sheet with oil and arrange the vegetables in a single layer.

With a silicone brush, brush future chips on top with oil.

Place the baking sheet in the oven in the center compartment and bake for 15-20 minutes until golden brown.

Remove the finished snacks from the oven and lightly sprinkle with sea salt.

How to make chips at home in a pan

What you will need:

  • large potato tubers - 4 pieces;
  • vegetable oil - 1000 ml;
  • sea ​​salt - 3 tablespoons;
  • aromatic salt, curry, chili powder - to taste.

Step 1
Using a slicer or vegetable cutter (at least manually), cut the potatoes into thin slices.

Pour 3 tablespoons into a deep bowl of water. salt. Soak the cut pieces in this water for half an hour. After the time has passed, rinse the potatoes by placing them in a colander 2 times and dry on paper towels.

Step 2

Choose your frying oil. Suitable sunflower, palm, corn, olive or peanut. Many people are now leaning more towards olive because it does not contain trans fats.

Heat the oil in a deep fryer or deep frying pan to 180°C-190°C. It is optimal to use about 1000 ml of oil. In extreme cases, fill the bottom of the dish by about 2-3 cm.

Use a thermometer to check the temperature of the fryer. If you don't have a thermometer, place a wooden spoon in the pan and wait for bubbles to form around it.

Step 3

Fry the slices in small batches until golden brown. If you decide to cook everything at once, the temperature of the oil will drop dramatically. Because of what, the potato slices stick together and soak.

Place hot snacks on a plate lined with paper towels. This will get rid of excess oil.

If desired, sprinkle them with curry, chili, aromatic salt, etc.

How to make chips at home in the microwave

What will be required:

  • several regular-shaped potatoes;
  • aromatic salt, chili powder, curry, etc. (taste);
  • olive oil (if desired)

Stage 1

Using a slicer or food processor, cut the potatoes into slices 0.3 to 0.5 cm thick.

Photo: Homemade chips in the microwave

Soak the slices in cold water to remove excess starch. After that, wash them 2-3 times. If you like salty chips, add 3 tbsp to the water. salt. So the potatoes are saturated with salt and the finished chips do not need to be salted.

Photo: Homemade chips in the microwave

Stage 2

Remove excess moisture by placing the potato wedges on a clean towel or paper towels. Try to dry them as best you can. The more moisture you remove, the crispier the finished dish will be.

Photo: Homemade chips in the microwave

Stage 3

Bake future chips in the microwave for 3 minutes, setting the technique to full strength.

Photo: Homemade chips in the microwave

Remove the dish, turn the slices over and place it back in the microwave for 3 minutes at 50% power.

Photo: Homemade chips in the microwave

If desired, sprinkle the finished product with seasonings and flavorings.

Corn flour chips (homemade tortillas)

If you are using ready-made corn tortillas, skip the first couple of steps. Just keep in mind that homemade tortillas are a hearty and healthy product that is easier to prepare than you think. Be sure to try!

Ingredients needed:

  • 2 cups finely ground cornmeal;
  • 1.5-2 cups of hot water;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • parchment paper and rolling pin;
  • round plate

Step 1: prepare the dough

Mix cornmeal and salt in a bowl.

Add 1.5 cups of hot water. Knead the dough first with a spoon, and when it becomes too thick, continue kneading by hand for about 2-3 more minutes. Finish mixing when you can form an even ball from the mass that does not stick or crumble.

If the dough is dry and rough, add some water and mix until smooth. If the dough is too sticky, add more flour.

The dough should look like this:

Cover the bowl with a kitchen towel and let the dough rest for an hour and a half. This will soften the flour and subsequently the cakes will not crack when pressed.

Step 2: form the cakes

Now divide the dough. Divide it in half first, then in half again, and the third time in the same way. As a result, you will get 16 identical balls.

From the parchment paper roll, cut 2 pieces 25 cm x 25 cm plus 16 pieces 18 cm x 18 cm.

Also prepare a rolling pin and a plate.

Place one ball between 2 large sheets of parchment. Use a rolling pin to flatten it. It is necessary that you get a round cake with a diameter of about 15 cm and a thickness of 2-3 mm.

Carefully separate the rolled out cake from the large piece of parchment and place on one of the smaller sheets.

If you want perfectly round edges, place a plate on top of the dough and cut along the contour with a knife.

Continue this process by placing the tortillas on small sheets of parchment to keep them from sticking together.

Step 3: Fry the tortillas

Heat a dry cast iron skillet over medium heat.

Place the tortillas in the hot skillet and cook them for about 1 minute without oil. Then turn over and cook for 1 more minute. The tortilla should be slightly charred and puffed up.

Step 4: Make Chips

Here's what you need to turn these pancakes into crunchy snacks:

  • 16 corn tortillas;
  • 2 tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon fine sea salt;
  • freshly squeezed juice of 2 limes (if you want to make them with lime flavor!).

How to cook:

Cut each tortilla into 4 segments. Brush each piece lightly with butter on each side. Preheat oven to 200 degrees.

Arrange the triangles on two baking sheets in one layer, sprinkle with salt and send to the oven.

Bake at 200°C for about 10 minutes until golden brown and crispy.

Squeeze the juice from two limes into a small bowl. Drizzle the slices lightly with lime juice when you take them out of the oven. This will dry out the slices even more. Ready!

How to make zucchini chips

These tasty, nutritious and crunchy chips will curb your salty cravings without harming your figure! Can be stored in an airtight container for up to 2-3 days. Your family will definitely love them!


  • 1 medium zucchini;
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil;
  • salt and other seasonings to taste.

Cooking method

  1. Using a slicer or knife, thinly slice the zucchini. The thinner the slices, the better they dry in the oven.
  2. Spread the pieces evenly on paper towels, then sprinkle lightly with salt on top.
  3. Let the slices stand for approximately 10 minutes. This will help draw out excess liquid from the zucchini. So they will cook faster and will be very appetizing to crunch.
  4. After 10 minutes, preheat the oven to 110°C.
  5. Spread the circles evenly on the baking sheet. First, put baking paper on it.
  6. Brush the top of the zucchini with olive oil, then sprinkle with your favorite seasonings. Be careful not to use too many of them as the slices are already salted.
  7. Bake for about half an hour, 40 minutes. Until they reach the desired shade and firmness.
  8. Remove from oven and let cool. Enjoy your meal!

How to make banana chips

Make your own sweet snacks for an easy and healthy snack!

Banana chips are rich in potassium, vitamin C, fiber and other beneficial elements. And cooking them with your own hands ensures that no fats, oils, or sugars have been used in their preparation. Plus it's very tasty!

There are two easy ways to make banana snacks at home: drying and baking.

Tip: Wait until the bananas are overripe and have brown flecks. So your banana chips will turn out to be as sweet as possible!

How to make banana chips in a dehydrator (dryer)

You will need:

  • two ripe bananas;
  • lemon juice.

Stage 1

Peel and cut bananas into thin slices.

Dip each wedge in fresh lemon juice. This will reduce the browning and preserve the vitamin C. Shake off any excess lemon juice before placing the fruit in the dehydrator.

Stage 2

Place the pieces on the rack, leaving enough space between them.

Fill all the available trays with circles, then place them in the dryer.

Step 3

Run the dehydrator for 2 hours at 65°C. If your device does not have a temperature switch, use normal mode.

After the first two hours, reduce the temperature to 50 degrees and leave for another 3 hours.

Turn off the dryer, turn the slices over and turn it on at 50°C for another 3 hours.

When the timer goes off, check the bananas for firmness. If they are tough and crispy, they are ready.

Leave the chips to cool in the dryer for a few hours, then pack them in plastic bags for later storage.

You can also dry bananas at room temperature. However, this process can take up to two weeks.

How to make banana chips in the oven

If you don't have a dryer, bake banana snacks in the oven.

What you will need:

  • two ripe bananas;
  • lemon juice;
  • non-stick spray.

Step 1

Preheat oven to 65°C.

Peel and cut bananas into slices 2-3 mm thick. The thinner your slices are, the crispier the final product will be.

Step 2

Dip each circle in a saucer with lemon juice. Shake off excess liquid. This will prevent the fruit from browning during baking.

Spray a baking sheet with non-stick spray, then arrange the bananas in a single layer.

Step 3

Bake the pieces for 1-2 hours until dry.

After time, the slices will still be flexible. Turn off the heat and leave the chips to cool in the oven. This will make them firm and crispy.

Store finished snacks in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks.

How to make delicious chips - video

Below we offer you some video tutorials on making chips at home.

Homemade chips are an original and healthy snack. They turn out very tasty, crunchy and completely harmless. Let's take a look at some of the recipes.

Chips at home in a frying pan


  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 1 l;
  • dried herbs and spices;
  • fine salt.


Wash the potatoes thoroughly, dry with a towel, peel and cut into thin slices. Then put the slices in a saucepan and fill with cold water. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, heat it to a boil and reduce the heat. We take out the potato slices from the water, discard them in a colander, and then carefully throw them into the boiling oil. Once they are golden, carefully remove them and lay them out on a kitchen towel to soak up any excess oil. Pour the finished homemade chips onto a plate, sprinkle with spices to taste and serve as a snack to the table.

How to make potato chips in the oven?


  • potatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • spices - to taste.


To prepare chips at home in the oven, peel the potatoes, rinse and chop into thin slices using a special knife. Then sprinkle the vegetable slices with olive oil and mix with your hands. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, grease with oil and lay out the potato wedges in an even layer. We send it to a preheated oven and bake for 10 minutes, setting the cabinet temperature to 190 degrees. We put the finished vegetable chips on a plate, sprinkle with dried herbs and spices to taste.

Chips at home in the microwave


  • young potatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • spices.


The recipe for making chips at home is quite simple. First of all, peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into thin slices. Now we take the paper, coat it with oil, cut it to the size of the plate and lay out the potato slices. Lubricate the top with vegetable oil, sprinkle with spices and send the chips to the microwave for 3 minutes, setting the maximum power.

Apple chips at home


  • green apples - 5 pcs.;
  • ground cinnamon - to taste.


Apples, without peeling, cut into thin rings. We light the oven in advance and warm it up to 110 degrees. Put the fruit on a baking sheet, sprinkle with cinnamon on top and bake for 30 minutes. After that, turn the apples over to the other side and dry for another half an hour until crispy.

How to make beetroot chips at home?


  • olive oil - 30 ml;
  • beets - 400 g;
  • sea ​​salt - 1 teaspoon.


We wash the beets, dry them, peel and cut into very thin rings. Put them in a bowl, drizzle with olive oil and mix well with your hands. We preheat the oven, spread the vegetable slices in an even layer on baking paper and dry in the oven for about 15 minutes. After that, turn over and leave to brown until cooked. Then remove the beet chips from the sheet, cool, sprinkle with sea salt and taste.

Meat chips at home

Hello, dear housewives, experienced chefs and novice cooks! In the article I will tell you how to cook chips at home in a pan, in the microwave and in the oven. If the household likes a treat, the recipes will serve.

Potato is a healthy vegetable rich in minerals and vitamins. But potato chips do not bring any benefits to the body, because as part of industrial production, the natural product loses its beneficial properties, receiving instead artificial dyes, flavors and flavor enhancers.

This does not mean that you can not taste your favorite delicacy, without harm to health. We are talking about homemade potato chips, which are not inferior to store-bought counterparts.

Potato chips - a classic recipe


  • Potato - 600 g.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Dill - 1 bunch.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves.
  • Salt and pepper.


  1. Wash potatoes in warm water and peel. Leave the skin on for new potatoes. As a result, homemade chips will get a beautiful frame. Lay the potatoes out on a paper towel to dry.
  2. Peel the garlic. Finely chop both slices. I do not recommend using a press, otherwise you will get garlic puree instead of tiny pieces.
  3. Rinse the greens, shake off the water and cut off the bottom of the branches. After dividing the dill into two parts, set one aside and chop the other.
  4. Place a shallow and wide container on the stove and pour in the oil. To get fragrant chips, I recommend using unrefined olive or sunflower oil. Send the chopped herbs and garlic to the oil.
  5. Cut potatoes into thin slices. A food processor or a special vegetable cutter will facilitate the task. I use a kitchen knife.
  6. Put the prepared potatoes in a container with spicy oil, cover and shake. As a result, each potato circle will be saturated with oil. Remove the lid and leave the potatoes for half an hour.
  7. Place paper on the bottom of a mold or baking sheet. It is important that the edges of the paper do not protrude, otherwise they will burn. Lay potatoes on top in a single layer.
  8. Send the form with potatoes to the oven preheated to two hundred degrees for twenty minutes. If you want a crunchier treat, increase the cooking time by one and a half times.
  9. It remains to get the appetizer from the oven, wait until it cools down, put it in a beautiful dish and sprinkle with dill. I recommend serving with sour cream.

Video recipe in the oven

Now you can prepare a delicacy that is absolutely harmless to your health and wallet, since the recipe does not provide for nutritional supplements, and the cost of the dish is negligible.

How to cook chips in a pan

An unimaginable number of recipes use potatoes, which rightfully occupy one of the leading positions in the list of the most popular ingredients. Casseroles, salads, soups and chips are prepared on its basis.

I think you understand that you cannot trust the quality of store-bought chips, especially when it comes to children. Manufacturers add taste to products through chemical additives that adversely affect the human body.

Fortunately, no one canceled cooking. Knowing a step-by-step homemade recipe, protect yourself from the effects of chemicals that are saturated with purchased delicacies.


  • Vegetable oil - 500 ml.
  • Potato - 4 pcs.
  • Salt, spices.


  1. Peel the potatoes, cut out the eyes and pour over with water. Using a shredder or a sharp knife, cut into slices 5 mm thick.
  2. Place a deep frying pan on the stove and pour in the oil. The thickness of the oil layer is three centimeters. Sprinkle the oil with spices and bring to a boil, then reduce the fire.
  3. I advise you to spread the potato circles in the pan carefully, otherwise you will get burned. The slices must not touch. Fry potatoes until golden brown.
  4. Remove the cooked potato chips from the pan and place on a paper towel to drain excess oil. Prepare subsequent portions in the same way, occasionally adding oil to the pan.

Videos cooking

A lot of oil is required to create a refinement. Do not forget that the cost of store products is not democratic, and there is less harm from a homemade dish, especially if consumed with homemade beer. Health is more important.

How to cook in the microwave

Cooking chips at home is even easier if you have a microwave. A homemade version of a favorite delicacy is tastier and healthier than the product sold by shops and supermarkets.

Try to find a child who doesn't like chips. Parents, trying to satisfy the wishes of the child, buy store-bought "poisons". Such sacrifices are not necessary. Homemade chips are also not a useful thing, but they harm the body less.


  • Potato - 300 g.
  • Olive oil - 30 ml.
  • Salt and spices.


  1. Cut the peeled and washed potatoes into thin slices, pour cold water over it and wait fifteen minutes for the starch to come out.
  2. After the procedure, dry the potatoes with a paper towel and sprinkle with spices. Which seasonings to use is up to you, guided by taste.
  3. Cook the dish in the microwave in small portions. At maximum temperature, the cooking time for a serving of homemade potato chips is 5 minutes. After two minutes of cooking, turn over and reduce the temperature by half.
  4. Also prepare the remaining potatoes. As soon as the circles are covered with a brown tint, remove from the microwave, otherwise they will dry out and lose their taste.

Videos cooking

We looked at the technologies for making chips in the oven and in the pan. You can’t call them a main dish, but this is an excellent side dish for meat or fish cakes.

Cooking chips in a fryer

Potatoes have long won a place of honor on the table. No wonder it is called the second bread. It helps to prepare a variety of dishes, including chips. No one will refuse a crunchy treat. Without it, even football is not interesting to watch. Any grocery store offers potato slices in an assortment of flavors. If the package shows a piece of cheese or mushrooms, this does not mean that the products are included. The taste variety of chips is the merit of additives and preservatives.

Each person strives to satisfy addictions in gastronomy without harm to the body. Homemade chips help in this, which are prepared quickly, simply and easily. Using your favorite seasonings, they are given any taste.

There are many ways to make chips, and some involve the use of an air fryer. This kitchen appliance is not present in every home, but if it is, pay attention to the following recipe.


  • Potatoes - any quantity.
  • Vegetable oil - depends on the deep fryer (1-2 liters).
  • Salt, parica, pepper, herbs and favorite spices.


  1. First of all, prepare the potatoes. Clean, rinse and cut into thin slices. Then place on a paper towel to release excess moisture.
  2. Open the fryer lid and fill the reservoir with oil. Find out the amount of oil in the operating instructions for the equipment. Usually two liters is enough, although there are also more compact models.
  3. Turn on the device and activate the program. The fryer will notify you when to load the potatoes with a beep or indicator light. After the program, you will hear or see a similar alert.
  4. Remove the finished chips with a slotted spoon from the deep fryer and place on paper to drain excess oil. After that, put the potato slices in a suitable container, salt and sprinkle with spices.

Video recipe in deep fryer

I do not advise you to abuse it, chips contribute to weight gain.

Skilled cooks prepare chips not only from potatoes. They use eggplant, pita bread, cheese, meat, bananas and other products. Depending on the ingredients, the taste varies, as does the number of calories.

Useful information

The chips are about one hundred and fifty years old. They first appeared in an American restaurant in August 1853. The client didn't like the thickness of the French fries and publicly told the chef about it. The angry chef cut the potatoes as thinly as possible and quickly fried them. The finished dish was liked by the client and took its rightful place in the menu.

Homemade chips can be prepared in various ways, and their taste is different from the store. The homemade snack does not contain monosodium glutamate and other additives that make even tasteless and unpretentious food attractive.

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