Methods of male contraception. Male contraception. Disadvantages of hormonal contraceptives

Contraceptives for men are now quite actual topic XXI century. Today you will learn what types of contraception exist, tell you about the most safe methods and efficient. Defence from unwanted pregnancy, PP diseases affect not only women, but also men.


There are many types of contraceptives, we will talk about the most basic ones now.

1. Interrupted intercourse. A man needs to have time to remove his penis from a woman's vagina a few seconds before orgasm before ejaculation. If a man is confident in himself and knows that he will "find it in time", then it is quite possible to use this method.

Only it does not protect against genital infections PP. Therefore, it is advisable to practice this with a proven partner.

  • Without financial investments;
  • Neither you nor the woman need to take hormonal medications;
  • No harm to health (if a proven partner).
  • A man always needs to control himself;
  • Does not protect against STDs;
  • Sexual problems may arise due to frequent use this method, reduced sex drive. Efficiency 76%.


2. Condoms (condom). The most common form of contraception. Most of men prefer it, according to statistics 65%. The latex from which the condom is made does not let through dangerous infections and spermatozoa.

  • Efficiency 99%;
  • Protection against STDs and HIV;
  • Availability for sale;
  • Easy to use;
  • No harm to health.


  • Discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • You have to stop to put it on (inconvenience);
  • In a fit of passion or random connection not always in your pocket;
  • Allergic reaction to latex materials;
  • Incorrect dressing can slip and tear.

Having a number of disadvantages, condoms for men are popular, commercially available and easy to use.


1. Sterilization (vasectomy).

The most radical method for male contraception. This step must be taken consciously, realizing that there will never be children, even with all the desire in the future.

The operation lasts half an hour, where the spermatic cords are removed. The intervention does not affect libido and potency in any way. You can freely have sex after 3 months. The effectiveness of the method is 100%.

  • Reliability 100%;
  • There are no more indications for surgery, it is done once in a lifetime.


  • Surgical intervention (not all men love this phrase and can decide);
  • It's not cheap;
  • There is no going back;
  • By law, it is forbidden to do it to men under 35 years old, and who do not have children;
  • Does not protect against STIs.

This is a decisive and responsible step. If you are not Childfree (free from children), and in the future you want to have a child, then you should not do it.

Medicines that are not yet commercially available

2. Contraceptive drugs (pills). Not yet in use, but in the process of production, testing and release. Analog female pills only with a more powerful dosage of hormones and the effect of the remedy after 30 days of admission is enough for 3 months.

The action of the drug is based on an increase in the male hormone in the blood and the suppression of sperm production. Testosterone eventually returns to normal after the end of taking the pills. But in pharmacies now you will not find such medicines.

Hormonal medicines for men. Known drugs such as Gemendazole and Ajedin are used to treat cancer and have side effects in the form of an effect on the maturation of live spermatozoa and, accordingly, on fertility.

  • Treatment of youthful acne and acne;
  • Protection against unwanted pregnancy.


  • prostate problems;
  • Focal alopecia of the head;
  • Loss of hair on the chest and body;
  • Gynecomastia (breast enlargement);
  • heart rhythm problems;
  • Excess weight.

Hormonal medicines for unwanted pregnancy are prescribed by a doctor. Do not take without diagnosis and examination for chronic diseases so as not to aggravate them.

Rarely used

1.Male implant for contraception. A small device up to 3 cm is implanted under the skin, which contains so many hormones to suppress sperm production. The method is not fully implemented and tested by the stronger sex. Since the drug is based on hormones, has a number negative factors effects like pills. Reliability 70%.

2. Injections for men. Testosterone undecanoate (500mg) + seed oil diluent tea tree. Efficiency 99%. The downside is that if a guy is afraid of injections, then this method will be a psychological barrier for him. Before the planned conception, it is necessary to abandon this procedure for 6 months.

3.Liquid condom for men. Modern contraception has gone as far as improving latex-based barriers. Available in the form of a spray, applied before copulation for 1.5 minutes, this is considered its only disadvantage.

But after drying, partners practically do not feel it, it is light and has the same 100% protection as a regular condom. Each representative of the stronger sex chooses for himself suitable method contraception. But we can conclude that the most reliable and convenient for men is a condom.

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Women's prerogative, if only because modern technique protection focuses on the weaker sex. However, do not forget that contraceptives for men are modern approach prevent pregnancy of his companion during sexual contact. After all, the birth of a full-fledged offspring should be approached with full responsibility, and when both partners are ready for this. That is why the pharmaceutical industry, keeping pace with the times, began to create contraceptives for men.

It is worth noting that with all the perfection of the medical industry in the field of pharmacology, it has not yet been invented ideal option in the field of contraceptives. Types and methods of protection have distinctive features to significantly affect the body, and not in better side. That is why it makes sense to list the main methods of male contraception that are available on this moment.

Sexual contact with possible interruption

This method protection makes it possible to avoid unwanted pregnancy. In other words, remove the penis before ejaculation. This method is not the most efficient, if only because small dose sperm tends to stand out at the beginning of sexual contact. The probability of getting out in time and getting an orgasm will not exceed 70%. Moreover, many men, even in control of themselves at the moment of sexual euphoria, forget to do this. Even if men systematically practice this method, there is a chance of acquiring potency.

Condom use

The method of contraception using a condom is the most common method of protection. This latex product has an elongated shape, which is worn on the male genital organ at the time of erection, and removed after sexual contact. It is this method of contraception in men that has gained significant popularity, if only because condoms can be purchased at almost any store.

How to put on a condom quickly and correctly

At the time of sexual intercourse, the condom prevents sperm from entering the vagina, and does not allow vaginal discharge have contact with male sexual dignity. Thus, a condom is a reliable contraceptive for men, making it possible to prevent most up to. The only negative when using a condom is that it tends to break. In addition, it is necessary to wear it, while having a certain skill.

Male sterilization ("vasectomy")

Surgical intervention to cut the vas deferens, through which the movement of seminal fluid from the male testicles. The technology of the operation is not difficult to perform and lasts no more than 15-20 minutes. After medical intervention the man is going home. A month after a vasectomy, a man loses the opportunity for fertilization.

Years earlier, the method of protection through surgical procedure was irreversible, and the reproductive function of a man was killed in the bud. At the moment, the technique of "reverse vasectomy" has been developed, when incisions in the vas deferens are restored by stitching. This option normalizes male sexual functions and makes it possible to conceive a child. Male contraception by cutting the ducts does not at all reduce sex drive, does not violate hormonal imbalance and does not reduce potency due to the further work of the testicles.

Given surgical intervention is an absolutely reliable and relatively safe male contraceptive, although it is rarely practiced among males. In addition, the following fact should be taken into account - according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, sterilization is allowed for men who have managed to jump the 35-year mark and have at least two children.

Male Contraceptive Coil

A new, completely untested opportunity to protect yourself through male contraceptive spiral. This tool, which looks like a miniature umbrella, is inserted through the head of the penis into the scrotum. The end of the helix is ​​treated with a special gel that neutralizes the possibility of fertilization.

Male contraceptive implant

The male contraceptive implant neutralizes the childbearing conception of a child by suppressing the production of spermatozoa.

The hormonal drug implanted under the skin, after which there is no need to use additional funds protection. This method of contraception does not provide the necessary protection against sexual diseases and may adversely affect hormonal changes in the body.

"Samurai Egg"

This method is an ancient Japanese invention of male contraception. The specificity of the method lies in two-month daily heating of male testicles with water (+40°C for several minutes). If you practice this method, childbearing functions are neutralized for an average of six months. normal temperature scrotum is no more than 36 °. Overheating of the testicles neutralizes the production of healthy sperm. I would like to note that this method of oriental exoticism is not considered the most effective technique contraception.

Are there birth control pills for men?

If you approach this question adequately, then an affirmative “YES” will not be the correct answer. Of course, such work in the global medical industry is being carried out with active share persistence. But, unfortunately, on the shelves of pharmacies birth control pills for men are absent.

Years earlier, drug manufacturers had registered male contraceptive drug based on cottonseed oil. But after necessary research The World Health Organization (WHO) has decided to ban the use of this drug because of negative impacts on the male body.

Many affirmatively consider the use anabolic steroids most effective way get a temporary male infertility. But according to research this opportunity does not give a 100% guarantee to completely disable the function of normal fertilization. At extreme doses anabolic drugs it is possible to cause medical castration, which already cuts off this method of contraception acceptable and harmless.

Contraceptive (hormonal) pills for men: fact or fiction.

So what prevents you from creating effective contraception for men in tablets? female body with the possibility of fertilization of the egg has a number of distinctive features. Monthly ovulation can be slowed down by contraceptives by calculating the required cycle period. With men, things are much more complicated, due to the constant production of a sufficiently large number of spermatozoa. Contraceptive effect will be positive when retaining and limiting the process of producing germ cells until they lose their ability to fertilize. If a average duration maturation of spermatozoa varies in 77-78 days, it turns out that it is necessary to take the medicine for 3 months in order for the effect to begin to affect the body entirely. At the same time, killing the viability of the sperm did not cause much harm to the health of the man.

Worth knowing. Take lowering pills as an analogue male fertility would be unethical on our part. The effect of these stimulants is minimal, but side symptoms kill any desire to accept them.

Male contraception - how to emerge victorious in the love bed

If the above contraceptives for men are not relevant for a number of reasons, what can be used for successful contraception?

Many practice multiple ejaculation to reduce the percentage of viability of active germ cells. In other words, after 3-4 sexual intercourses, the possibility of fertilization drops to “zero”. All of course so. However, this possibility absolutely does not give a 100% guarantee of protection, and quite often men, even with in large numbers sexual contacts do not lose the necessary fertility. Indeed, with the normal physiology of the male body in sexual battles (I apologize for the pun), both partners can fail, if only because sperm tend to mature quickly. And even after several contacts in bed, they do not lose high percent for conception, and can contribute to the birth of new offspring. And this option may not suit either a man or a woman.

It turns out that condoms come out the winners as the most available remedy protection in bed. In any case, even this method of contraception will be most effective if there is one sexual partner.

Contraceptives for men are an equal ratio of mind and desire. And what contraception to give preference to, the choice is purely individual for each man. But do not forget that male contraceptives do not give a full guarantee to avoid contracting a sexual infection.

For men. Relatively recently, developments in the field of contraception have focused exclusively on creating female preparations.

But medicine does not stand still, and now men, on a par with women, can use pills. And today we’ll talk about what kind of contraceptive pills exist for men and what else, besides traditional condoms, strong half humanity can use.

Male birth control pills

This includes oral contraceptives intended for temporary sterilization. And the very first representatives of such drugs were drugs, the composition of which included cyproterone acetate.

Daily use of pills not only reduces the amount of sperm produced, but also makes a man temporarily infertile. After discontinuation of the drug, the volume and quality of seminal fluid return to normal.

The next category of drugs is drugs containing androgens and antiandrogens. While taking pills from the sperm of a man, all spermatozoa completely disappear, and, as a result, he develops temporary infertility. But a side effect of taking it can be the development cancerous tumors in testicles.

The following male contraceptive pills contain both androgen and estrogen. Taking drugs reduces the quality of sperm, but at the same time increases sexual desire.

Preparations from this category can be used only for a month. Then the body should rest for 3-4 months. This is explained long break numerous side effects. These include mental disorders and loss of interest in life.

Male oral contraception from the British

Relatively recently, British scientists have created birth control pills for men. The tool has not yet been presented for free sale, but scientists hope that this will happen in the next five years.

The tool will not need to be taken daily, it is enough to drink a pill immediately before sexual intercourse. The contraceptive effect lasts for several hours.

The drug is based on drugs that are used in the treatment of hypertension and schizophrenia.

American development

Contraceptive pills for men (name - CDB-4022) from American scientists belong to the category non-hormonal drugs. They are recommended to be taken once a day. Medicine does not allow spermatozoa to mature, but the abolition of the remedy allows you to completely restore the reproductive function of a man.

Israeli birth control pills

Modern contraceptives - done unique means, the action of which is based on blocking a special protein in the composition of sperm. Without it, fertilization is impossible. In addition, contraceptives (according to the manufacturers) do not have such side effects as a decrease in libido and sharp drops moods. The drug will need to be taken only once every three months.

These were considered male contraceptive pills. And now let's get acquainted with the rest of the methods that have already been tested by time and have proven themselves well. Modern contraceptives are represented not only by the traditional condom or coitus interruptus.

Vasectomy - a radical method of contraception

Sometimes a man decides to completely protect his woman from unwanted pregnancy. In this case, doctors advise using special procedure- vasectomy. It's short surgery, during which the man undergoes ligation of the spermatic cords. In some cases, carried out complete removal parts of the seminal duct.

3 months after the operation, the man becomes completely infertile, but all sexual functions are preserved in full. Visually seminal fluid looks the same as before, but there are no spermatozoa in it at all.

Sterilization carried out surgically, was considered irreversible. But now there is an opportunity to restore the reproductive function of men. In this case, the cut spermatic cords are reattached, and in 90% of all cases, the man is again capable of conceiving a child.

Male Contraceptive Injections

Modern types of contraceptives are represented not only by the development of male contraceptive pills. Doctors are finishing trials of injections that block sperm production. Don't worry, this is just a temporary effect. The developers compare this type of protection in terms of effectiveness with the previously discussed vasectomy procedure.

To ensure a contraceptive effect, a man needs to inject a drug consisting of the hormone progesterone and testosterone once every two months. After the introduction of the drug in the male ejaculate, the number of spermatozoa decreases.

With this method of protection, a man does not have any side effects. If you refuse to administer the drug, the quality of sperm in the most short time returns to normal.

Classics of protection - condoms

This type of protection against unwanted pregnancy is used by more than 50% of the entire male part of the world's population. Contraceptives (the price depends on many factors, in particular the country of origin) are easy to use and are within walking distance. To buy a condom, you should visit the nearest supermarket, shop or pharmacy. This is what makes them such a popular male contraceptive.

The material used is high-quality latex, through which spermatozoa cannot penetrate outside. The effectiveness of this protection option reaches 97%. Additionally, condoms provide reliable protection from HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.

But, despite such high protective properties, condoms have a number of significant drawbacks. It:

  • a significant decrease in sensitivity;
  • discomfort;
  • probability of development allergic reaction both in men and women;
  • the existing probability of damage to the product during sexual intercourse.

But even taking into account all the shortcomings, every second man prefers to use condoms. In addition to an allergic reaction to latex, there are no other contraindications for the condom.

As you can see, the types of contraceptives that are available to men are quite numerous. And a woman can shift the responsibility for protection onto the shoulders of her partner. But remember that birth control pills for men should also be selected by a specialist doctor.


In the world of pharmaceuticals, not only contraceptives for women have been developed, but also birth control pills for men. This is a comfortable form of protection against unwanted pregnancy of a sexual partner, which allows you not to use a condom and other protective measures. Doctors say that men should also take part in protecting women from unwanted conception, so they have developed a novelty for men.

Are there birth control pills for men?

Male birth control pills have been developed relatively recently. The design problem was that the exposure to sperm must occur daily, while in the female version oral contraceptives the active substance suppresses ovulation only on certain days.

At the moment, there is a wide selection of birth control pills for men, which can be classified:

  1. spermatogenesis inhibitors. This type of drugs is based on the suppression of gonadotropins. This includes active ingredients such as testosterone enanthate, nafarelin and progestin steroids. Substances can be used alone or in combination, side effects may occur from drugs.
  2. Drugs that affect the activity of spermatozoa. Tablets lead to a decrease in sperm activity. There are also a number of contraindications and side effects.

The best in terms of efficiency and safety are those contraceptives for men that affect mature spermatozoa: after the drug is discontinued, a man's fertility returns to normal.

The mechanism of action of male contraceptive pills

According to the group of birth control pills, their effect on the male body will vary. For example, spermatogenesis inhibitors contain steroid hormones. They inhibit spermatogenesis and testicular function. At long-term use such male contraceptives can inhibit the function of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones.

W note! An increased level of testosterone in the blood of a man leads to a restriction reproductive function, due to this, a contraceptive effect is achieved.

Another group of birth control pills inhibits the spermatogenic epithelium and sperm enzymes. This leads to a decrease in their activity and mobility, such drugs are taken first at a reduced dosage. And then increase the content active substance to maintain the contraceptive effect.

Advantages and disadvantages of oral contraceptives for men

Due to the fact that male contraception in the form of hormonal pills is only gaining momentum in popularity, doctors and patients themselves are gradually identifying a number of pros and cons of this type of protection. The advantages include ease of use, as well as the absence of the need to go to the pharmacy in search of condoms. If a man takes birth control, then his spermatozoa will be inactive, therefore, there is no point in the barrier method of protection.

Important! One of the advantages is full recovery reproductive function after discontinuation of the drug.

There are also disadvantages of this type of protection:

  • libido decreases;
  • there are other side effects;
  • not every man will take a pill every day, because many men are forgetful;
  • poor compatibility with alcohol.

Not every man can long time give up alcohol, which seriously complicates the absorption of birth control pills. That is why scientists and developers are still trying to deduce the perfect formula drug.

Contraindications and side effects

Since male hormonal contraceptives are still under development and testing, they have a number of contraindications and side effects. These include:

  1. Dry mouth.
  2. Weight gain.
  3. Skin greasiness.
  4. The appearance of acne.
  5. Dizziness.
  6. Stomach disorders.

Among the contraindications for use, doctors distinguish problems with the heart and blood vessels, a tendency to allergies, problems with the genitals, impaired reproductive function.

Other methods of contraception for men

In addition to the birth control pills discussed above, there are other contraceptives for men. If you do not take into account the interrupted sexual intercourse, then this includes barrier contraception, contraceptive injections, gels, as well as surgery. You can learn more about this from the video:

Barrier contraception

Under the serious title barrier contraception” understand nothing more than the use of condoms. This is the name of this complex protective measures received due to the method of protection: using mechanical or chemical methods spermatozoa are limited in their penetration into the uterus. If you use chemical and mechanical options at the same time, then this will be called "barrier combined contraception."

Comment! Main advantages barrier methods there is a minimal risk of contracting a sexual infection, availability, and the possibility of using it in diseases.

Condoms today are presented in a wide range: they differ in manufacturer, size, shape, color and even flavors. If it was decided to choose a condom as a contraceptive, it is better to give preference to proven brands.

Contraceptive injections for men

On a par with contraceptives there are contraceptive injections for men, which also began to be used relatively recently. Their application began only after successful research. 1000 men took contraceptive shots containing testosterone undecanoate for 2 years. Tea tree seed oil was used as a solvent for the substance.

The researchers came to the following conclusions and results:

  • out of a thousand male subjects, only 1% of the participants became fathers during the 2 years of the study - 10 people;
  • when injected, the substance affects the production of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones, inhibiting it;
  • because of this, the sperm becomes less.

The positive point lies in the fact that in order to return to reproduction, it is enough to stop giving injections. In six months, you can plan a child.

Gel contraceptive for men

Men rarely think about contraception, relying on the fact that a woman herself knows how to protect herself from unwanted pregnancy with the help of birth control pills. The condom remains the most popular means, but recently a special contraceptive gel is gaining momentum.

Warning! The protective gel contains a polymer of styrene-alt-maleic acid dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide.

The principle of influence is as follows:

  • before sexual intercourse, a man applies a gel to the genitals;
  • the substance fills the seminal ducts;
  • closed channels do not allow sperm to come out.

The development of the gel was tested on rabbits, the study showed that such a contraceptive for men was effective. It does not contain hormones, so it does not pose a risk to men's health.

Vasectomy and Vasoresection

A vasectomy or vasorectomy is a type of surgical intervention when a man's vas deferens are blocked. This step is a serious decision, since after the operation men will not form spermatozoa, however, this will not affect the male body. During vasectomy, the spermatic cord is separated. This procedure is carried out only on the testimony of a doctor. Therefore, if a man wants to do a vasorectomy at his own request, he will most likely be refused.

This method of contraceptives for men has the following advantages:

  1. Safety.
  2. Quick and easy operation.
  3. Quick return to normal life.
  4. Minimum complications.

The disadvantages of this method include the lack of protection against genital infections, the possibility of side effects in the form of swelling of the scrotum, pain and inflammation.

Names and price of birth control pills for men

Most contraceptive drugs for men are currently in development, however, there are 2 formulations that are already on the market:

  1. "Gamendazol" - reduces male fertility, prevents the maturation of spermatozoa. The drug is also used to treat cancerous tumors.
  2. "Ajudin" - blocks the production of sperm in the testicles, but does not affect testosterone levels.

Male contraceptive pills, whose names are still difficult to find on sale, are still under development, so it is impossible to specify the cost. Taking drugs on your own without prescriptions is highly discouraged - this can lead to negative consequences.

Everyone knows that in order to prevent unwanted pregnancy, women take a variety of hormonal contraceptives, establish intrauterine device etc. As for the stronger sex, the majority does not even suspect that, in addition to condoms, there are many types of male contraception and even birth control pills for men. Let's try to figure out the issue male contraception deeper.

In women, the laying of follicles occurs even in the mother's womb, therefore, already at birth, the exact number of eggs is predetermined, which throughout life will be formed from follicles and participate in ovulation. In the male half, spermatogenesis is ongoing process. It is precisely because it is much easier to prevent the release of an egg once a cycle than to suppress the daily maturation of sperm that scientists began to actively develop drugs for female contraception. But in recent decades, many discoveries have been made in this area, one of which was contraceptives for men.

Operating principle

In order for a man to lose his fertilizing abilities, but not to lose his potency and libido, it is necessary to neutralize the sperm that forms in the testicles. Various approaches are used for this:

  • In all sorts of ways, artificially stop the production of sperm;
  • Remove spermatozoa from semen or stop their development;
  • They block the production of certain components of sperm, which leads to its unsuitability for fertilization, etc.

All these changes are provided by taking specific drugs containing hormonal and other components.

Do not confuse male contraceptives with female ones, although they have a similar principle of action. Only now, if a man decides to take female contraceptives, then this will not lead to anything good. The composition of female preparations contains estrogenic and progesterone hormones. After a single dose, health may not suffer, but if a man starts taking female contraceptives regularly, then tremendous changes will occur in his body. Although a man after such drugs will definitely not be able to have children. Male hormonal contraceptives contain a completely different set of hormonal components designed specifically for the stronger sex.

Advantages and disadvantages

In women, the egg matures only once during the cycle, and in men, spermatozoa are formed daily, therefore, constant hormone suppression is necessary. Therefore, if contraception is based on hormonal suppression, then you will have to take high-dose drugs every day. This, in fact, is the main disadvantage of tableted contraceptives for men. In addition, such drugs provoke a lot of adverse reactions such as baldness on the head and body hair, the appearance of different kind rashes, blood clotting and cardiac disorders.

Such drugs provoke respiratory disorders and uncontrolled weight gain, arthralgic manifestations and convulsions, sudden outbursts of aggression and unreasonable anger. And in many tablets there is still a gestagen, which has a strong effect on the brain, due to which the suppression of spermatogenesis is ensured. The danger is that with the combination of testosterone and progestogen, pathological inhibition of libido occurs and even irreversible infertility develops. As a result, most drugs were banned. Among the advantages of such drugs can be called high efficiency and lack of negative impact on the erectile functions. After most drugs, reproduction is completely restored over time.

Varieties of tablets

Today, male contraceptive pills are represented by drugs that provide the effect of temporary sterilization. The very first drugs were medicines with cyproterone acetate - this element is used in antiandrogenic treatment. Typically, these medications are prescribed for men with prostatic pathologies. Cyproterone is a powerful antiandrogen that blocks the production of male hormones. Therefore, its constant use leads to temporary sterilization. But a serious side effect of such drugs is often suppression of libido and other side effects. Therefore, this category of medicines is not currently used in male contraception.

A more “younger” group of drugs is hormonal contraceptives containing testosterone. They also need to be taken daily. During the course, aspermia of a reversible nature develops, i.e. there are no spermatozoa in the semen. After stopping the intake, all reproductive qualities are restored, however, a number of adverse reactions may be present, such as decreased sensitivity during sex, a tendency to thrombosis, or testicular cancer.

An even newer generation male contraceptives are preparations containing female hormones. But they need to be taken no more than a month, and then a break of three months is required. But these drugs are not without drawbacks, because they cause reactions such as mood swings, depression, excessive libido or increased blood clotting.

The name of male contraceptives like Ajudin or Gamendazole is little known, more precisely, they are known, but in a slightly different area. These medications are used to treat cancers. Many andrologists prescribe them as contraception, which can lead to dangerous consequences. Development is underway, but safe means has not yet been invented, so female contraception remains a priority in this respect.

Other types of male contraception

As you can see, the contraceptive option of protection is not at all safe for men. Therefore, the stronger sex is actively looking for other options for contraception. There are a lot of them, and most of them do not have dangerous consequences, so men are much more likely to turn to them.


The most reliable, one might say, proven for centuries, method of protection from unnecessary pregnancy.

  • Such products almost completely prevent not only unwanted conception, but also a lot of sexually transmitted problems.
  • Many couples, especially their masculine counterparts, cite a marked reduction in sexual sensations that are characteristic of traditional intimacy without rubber bands. If earlier this statement could somehow be justified, then today's technologies have reached the point that condoms are produced ultra-thin.

Therefore, the main problem is that they can break. Otherwise, condoms have no complaints, moreover, they protect against most sexually transmitted infections. Also, condoms are considered the most affordable contraceptive, which greatly increases the interest in this method contraception.


They are used to prevent pregnancy and injections, which also belong to hormonal contraceptives. The specificity of the technique lies in the introduction of testosterone injection, which in the future will lead to the suppression of spermatogenetic processes. But injections also have their drawbacks, which are generally associated with blood thickening and alopecia, prostate adenoma and excessive body hair, gynecomastia in men.

Implants under the skin

There is another method of male contraception - subcutaneous implants. This technique involves the implantation of a special implant containing an androgenic substance. Over time, the ampoule biodegrades, i.e., resolves. Most often this happens after half a month or a month. Action sewn under skin covering ampoules due to the fact that the activity of spermatozoa is inhibited.

After applying the implants, the effect is observed for several months. But the technique can provoke and adverse reactions like seizures or headaches.

Vasoresection or vasectomy

Vasoresection is called a surgical intervention, which comes down to bandaging spermatic cord. As a result similar procedure spermatozoa cannot enter the uterus. Such an intervention is reversible, therefore, when a man wants to have offspring, the cord is untied. The technique is widely used in andrology for the treatment of prostatic formations.

It is used to prevent unwanted "flight" and vasectomy. This procedure involves cutting the ducts. About a month after the operation, the patient loses reproductive opportunities. Such an intervention is usually irreversible, but today the return of childbearing functions is possible.

It is possible not to resort to the method of crossing the ducts, today it is possible to simply close them with special valves, which, if necessary, are easily removed, returning the man to his former fertility.

male spiral

This technique is little known today, but it has long been used in foreign clinics. The specificity of the method is that a microscopic umbrella is introduced into the scrotum, on the tip of which a means for destroying sperm is applied. It is not yet possible to say for sure how safe such a contraceptive method is, but such methods are not practiced in our country.

There are best ways, you just need to choose the most suitable for yourself. It should be noted right away that safe contraceptives have not yet been created for men today, so you should not use similar drugs in your own practice. It is better to contact an andrologist who will help you choose the safest and most effective method protection. And it is not at all recommended to resort to such techniques as vasectomy or vasoresection. No one guarantees that fertility after such interference will return.

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