How the hormonal intrauterine device works: pros and cons of the IUD according to doctors. Forms of contraceptive coils. When you can't install an IUD

Despite the fact that today gynecologists can offer women many methods of contraception, the IUD (spiral) remains a fairly popular tool, especially if the lady does not want to bother herself with daily pills or constant spending on condoms. Let's try to figure out what are the advantages and disadvantages of this tool?

What is an IUD (spiral)?

IUD is an intrauterine device, which, accordingly, is installed inside the uterus. This device is made of various materials, but most often women are offered to insert a spiral made of plastic and copper. The main purpose of the spiral is to perform the function of a contraceptive, which is established for a long time and has almost 99% efficiency.

It is better when children become a planned joy, so even for married women, the issue of protection always remains relevant. The IUD spiral in this case seems to them a very convenient way, since they lead an active sex life, but at the same time they are burdened with other worries: so such methods of contraception as taking pills, calculating “safe” days that require strict discipline, do not suit them. At the same time, the IUD does not hit the family budget like condoms or gels, it is set for a period of 3 years and can be removed at any time if the hostess so wishes. If there were no complications while wearing the spiral, then the reproductive function of the uterus is restored in about 3 months.

This "pleasure" will cost about 30 dollars. It all depends on the material and the clinic that the woman prefers. However, not every patient can install this device in the uterus, since such a contraceptive has a lot of contraindications. It is necessary to consult with an experienced doctor who will not only be able to figure out whether his patient needs a spiral, but also correctly install the device in the uterus.

The action of intrauterine devices

The IUD coil is a contraceptive that actually acts as an abortifacient.

The fact is that the IUD does not prevent the entry of spermatozoa into the uterine cavity. Although the creators of the spirals claim that it prevents the advancement of male germ cells, this is not always the case. The main purpose of the spiral is to prevent the fixation of an already fertilized egg in the organ cavity.

A similar effect of the IUD spiral is due to the fact that when introduced into the uterus, it causes inflammation of the epithelium. If the surface layer of the uterus is inflamed, then the fertilized egg cannot be enriched with the necessary qualities and attach to the wall of the uterus. As a result, the fertilized egg is forced to leave the uterine cavity along with menstruation.

If you call a spade a spade, then the spiral constantly provokes miscarriages. That is why it cannot be guaranteed that after the removal of the spiral, a woman will be 100% able to become pregnant. Doctors do not hide the fact that a negative outcome of pregnancy is a habit, and for some ladies, the recovery period takes from six to twelve cycles. But under unfavorable circumstances, attempts to get pregnant can drag on for many years. Therefore, gynecologists recommend putting a spiral on patients who have already fulfilled their maternal duty and no longer plan to have children.

History of the creation of the Navy

The Navy spiral celebrated its 100th anniversary back in 2009, since in 1909 the scientist Richter first mentioned it in his writings. Even then, the issues of contraception were very acute: the change of morals, the sexual revolution, the demarche of feminism. Relations between the opposite sex became freer, women began to be interested in many more things besides their family, as a result - having seven or more children, even if the lady was legally married, was inconvenient.

Gynecologists took up the development of various methods of contraception and, as an option, an intrauterine device was born. True, in those days, not a spiral was introduced into the uterine cavity, but a ring, tied in the center with many silk threads. In the 30s. The Richetra ring was improved by the scientist Grefenberg, who strengthened both the frame of the ring and the threads themselves with alloys of zinc and copper.

The "boom" on the spiral began a little later - in the 60s. They also practiced their installation in the Soviet Union. There was even such a kind of spiral in the form of the letter S, which was later abandoned due to the many inconveniences associated with the introduction, as well as wearing such a product.

The contraceptive properties of copper became known only in the 70s. It was then that the first models of copper spirals appeared, which are still used today. A little later, silver was also added to copper, designed to increase the antisperm effect.

Types of IUD spirals

Who would have thought, but today there are about 100 varieties of IUDs. Types of IUD spirals differ not only in the material from which they are made, but also in size, rigidity, and shape.

We will not consider all varieties. Let's take a look at the most popular ones.

IUD spiral with hormonal content has the shape of the letter "T". It has flexible shoulders and is also equipped with an extraction ring. A special container is placed in the spiral rod, which contains a hormonal medicine. Every day, this medicine is released into the uterine cavity in a volume of 24 mcg and creates an additional protective barrier against spermatozoa. Set for 5 years. Average price: seven thousand rubles.

The next common type of IUD is the silver helix. Reviews of women who have experienced the effect of silver spirals vary greatly among themselves. Doctors also advise silver spirals, claiming that they relieve inflammation. The usual copper spiral does not have such properties, and besides, it quickly loses its contraceptive properties.

There is also a “Multiload” spiral, which has the shape of a semi-oval and, due to the protrusions, is well attached to the walls of the uterus. Such a spiral will never spontaneously fall out.

IUD spiral "Vector" - a fairly common product in pharmacies and clinics. "Vector-extra" is a company that produces spirals of any shape from any material. Most often, gynecologists advise the product of this manufacturer.

Indications for use

A gynecologist, before installing a spiral, must make sure that a woman does not have inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. A foreign body introduced into the uterus will only aggravate the course of the disease. Therefore, the first indication for the use of the spiral should be good health, especially in gynecology.

The spiral becomes the only way out if the patient has a constant intimate relationship with a partner and at the same time suffers from an allergy to condoms. You can, of course, replace condoms with oral contraceptives, but this is not without contraindications. Sometimes the IUD is the last option that is more or less suitable for a single woman.

The lady who is installing the spiral should understand that this device does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, so it is worth limiting yourself to one proven partner.

The IUD does not take root well in nulliparous women. Most likely, the doctor will not dare to install a spiral for such a patient. But those ladies who have already given birth and no longer plan to have children may well give preference to the IUD and not worry about the consequences associated with the abortive effect of the contraceptive.


Any diseases in the gynecological part are very significant contraindications to the installation of the spiral. Considering that the IUD additionally irritates the uterine mucosa, one should not hope that the introduction of a foreign body into it will pass without a trace.

The irregular shape of the uterus or other pathologies of the female organs cast doubt on the effectiveness of the use of the spiral, and if a woman suffers from uterine bleeding of an unknown nature, then it is better to forget about the spiral forever.

There are also situations when the patient had some kind of venereal disease, but she successfully cured it. Before installing the spiral, you need to pause for 12 months to make sure that no relapse is expected.

There are also relative contraindications, to which in some cases you can turn a blind eye. Such contraindications include ectopic pregnancy, which the patient had in the past, inflammatory diseases in terms of gynecology associated with recent childbirth.

Who would have thought, but a contraindication to the installation of the IUD is heart disease and diabetes. And in general, any diseases that have a bad effect on immunity become an occasion to think about, because after the introduction of the spiral, a woman becomes vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases.

An incorrectly inserted spiral can provoke uterine bleeding. So that the matter does not end tragically, it is necessary to make sure that the patient who insists on the introduction of a spiral has no problems with blood clotting.

Doctors openly say that the IUD does not have the best effect on the nature of menstruation. If a woman already suffers from painful periods, then the spiral is unlikely to make her feel better - on the contrary, it will only aggravate.

Preparing for the installation procedure

Even if a woman does not complain about her health, the attending physician must still play it safe and conduct a whole range of studies so as not to harm the patient's health.

Of course, the first thing to do is to collect an anamnesis from the words of the woman herself: the doctor asks her about her well-being and state of health. Then you need to pass standard blood and urine tests, but it is also advisable to check your blood for sugar and clotting.

You can not do without an external examination of the genital organs and taking a smear. If the patient has infectious and inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, then the installation of the spiral should be forgotten. At least until the woman is completely cured.

You will also need an ultrasound of the uterus to assess its size, shape and general condition. Only after all these procedures can you finally decide what kind of spiral this or that woman will need.

Installation procedure

The IUD is installed only in the medical office. It is advisable not to rush to choose a specialist who will install the spiral, and look for a professional person with extensive experience. Sometimes a spiral inserted incorrectly into the uterus ends in pregnancy, internal bleeding, or just terrible discomfort. So this issue needs to be approached as seriously as possible.

Does it hurt to insert an IUD coil? Everything again depends on the doctor who will do this, and on the woman's pain threshold. Particularly sensitive natures may feel discomfort, sometimes they may even faint, but most women tolerate the introduction of the spiral painlessly.

The procedure itself takes no more than two minutes. An IUD is inserted on a gynecological chair using special disposable devices that are sold complete with a spiral.

The most favorable time for the procedure is the end of menstruation, that is, 5-7 days after they start. During this period, the cervical canal is sufficiently open to perform the installation of the spiral as painlessly as possible.

Before the introduction of the IUD, the cervix is ​​​​treated with an antiseptic. Then the doctor visually assesses the depth and direction of the uterine canal and proceeds to insert the IUD. After the procedure, the threads of the spiral are cut off a little, leaving only small antennae - they will be needed when the IUD needs to be removed.

Side effects

What IUD spiral side effects can provoke? Unfortunately, this list is long and often scares women who plan to install a spiral.

Firstly, it is important to monitor your feelings for 3 months after the installation procedure: the spiral may fall out and this should definitely be noticed until it provokes damage to the uterine canal. If you get the fallen spiral in time, it will not cause harm.

What else should you expect if an IUD coil has been installed? Side effects in the form of painful and heavy periods in the first eight months are common. But uterine bleeding can occur not only during menstruation, but also in the intervals between them. You should not wait a long time for the denouement of events; with such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Indications for the removal of the spiral are also itching in the vagina, burning, soreness of intercourse, pain that suddenly occurs in the lower abdomen and in the lower back. All of these symptoms may be accompanied by chills, fever, and feeling unwell.

The installation of the spiral must be abandoned even at the stage of introduction, if difficulties arise and the process is too painful.

The most dangerous thing that can happen when an IUD is inserted or removed is a uterine puncture. It is difficult not to notice the puncture, so the patient receives immediate emergency assistance.

In addition, the spiral often causes the formation of fibroids, and in rare cases, perforation of the uterus.

Do IUD coils get fat? A spiral made of gold or copper does not affect a woman's weight in any way. However, if a hormonal spiral is installed, then everything can be.

Navy spiral: reviews

Spiral manufacturers claim that it is almost impossible to get pregnant with her, but the reviews on the forums say otherwise. A big shock for one girl was when, after installing the Vector spiral, she suddenly found herself pregnant, and even for a period of 5 weeks. The embryo grew to a certain size and, displaced by the spiral, left the uterus. But a miscarriage in the fifth week does not go completely without a trace. The girl was “cleaned”, then transferred to hormonal drugs and for 2 years she was forbidden to become pregnant. And this is not an isolated case.

Common complaints are problems with menstruation: in some patients they become too plentiful, and in some they disappear altogether. Feelings of discomfort in the lower abdomen are also not uncommon.

There were cases when, due to the installation of spirals, additional diseases of the female organs developed, fibroids formed, and the appendages became inflamed. There are also complaints that discomfort is felt during intercourse if the partner goes too "deep", but these are isolated cases. Also rare, but do occur, uterine bleeding.

So it turns out that among themselves women constantly discuss the IUD spiral, look at the photos on the Internet and for a long time do not dare to put this device on themselves, because in fact, patients for whom the wearing of the helix went without a trace can be counted on the fingers. There are undoubtedly good reviews, but there are too few of them against the backdrop of a general chorus of complaints and disappointment.

Navy spiral: which is better?

In any case, a woman cannot independently decide which spiral is needed. As mentioned above, it is necessary to undergo a series of examinations to make sure that the installation of the IUD will be appropriate at all.

Suppose that the tests turned out to be favorable, the woman had already given birth at least once, and the gynecologist agreed to put a spiral on her. As a rule, doctors offer several options for spirals so that the patient can choose the one that is convenient for her. For example, install a copper or silver navy coil? How to choose?

A copper spiral will cost less, but its effective life is limited, since copper quickly corrodes. The silver spiral will cost more, but it will last longer and, according to manufacturers, will help reduce inflammation in the uterus. The golden spiral differs little from the silver one in terms of therapeutic and contraceptive properties, but it is one of the most expensive IUDs due to the high cost of the noble metal.

If you ask what form the IUD spiral is, the photos will show that in addition to the T-shaped form, they produce spirals and semi-oval, and with spikes, etc. The T-shaped form is more organic for the organ, but if there is a bend in the uterus or what - or other physiological features, then this issue is resolved in tandem with the doctor.

Thus, the IUD is a contraceptive that raises many questions and concerns, but in some cases, when pregnancy is no longer planned, when it is difficult to find an alternative, the spiral turns into a lifesaver. In such a combination of circumstances, one can take a risk and, if the IUD does not take root, at any time it can be removed.

Now it is not difficult to find an effective contraceptive. A married couple has the right to choose a method on their own, taking into account all the pros and cons. It is very important to visit a doctor and consult on this issue. After all, the health of a woman who wants to become a mother in the future or already has children depends on this in the first place. One of the most popular methods is the intrauterine device. Consider further the pros and cons of the intrauterine device.

How the Navy works

The purpose of the IUD is to protect against unplanned pregnancy. The name says that it is introduced into the uterine cavity, and it was obtained because of the previous appearance of the product, as it looked like a spiral. Currently, the IUD is a T-shaped stick made of flexible, inert plastic. This material is completely safe for women's health.

Spirals are of two types:

  1. The upper part of the spiral is in the form of a thin copper wire.
  2. The spiral contains a container with hormones that enter the uterus throughout the entire period of operation.

It has both the first and second types of pluses and minuses. The photo above shows what this type of contraception currently looks like.

How the spiral works:

Who can install a spiral:

  • A woman who has given birth and is over 35 years old.
  • Women with children after an abortion without complications.
  • No pathologies of the cervix.
  • If protected by oral contraceptives is not recommended.
  • Women who have a low level of infectious genital infections.

Contraindications to the IUD

Before using this method of contraception, it is necessary to take into account all the pros and cons of the intrauterine device.

And also make sure that there are no following contraindications:

  • Haven't had a birth yet.
  • Constant change of sexual partner.
  • Cancers of the pelvic organs.
  • The presence of injuries and stitches on the cervix.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Blood diseases. Anemia.
  • Infertility.
  • vaginal infections.
  • The presence of inflammatory processes in the reproductive system.

How to prepare for the installation of the spiral

First of all, you need to choose a suitable spiral and undergo an examination, which includes:

Next, the doctor must probe the uterine cavity, determine the distance between the uterine angles. And only after a thorough examination and the absence of contraindications, an intrauterine device is installed. The pros and cons of BMC should already be covered by you.

Features of the first days with a spiral

It is worth noting that only a doctor can install and remove the intrauterine device. For several days after the installation of the spiral, the following side effects may appear:

  • Lower abdominal pain.
  • Sucrose secretions.

You should also avoid increased physical activity. It is necessary to adhere to proper nutrition, more rest, lie down.

The manifestation of side effects can be observed within six months and eventually disappear altogether.

It is necessary to undergo regular medical examination after the installation of the IUD. After installation in a month, then after 3 months, then once every six months.

What are the advantages of the Navy

If you have chosen a contraceptive method such as an intrauterine device, you need to know all the pros and cons.

Let's focus on the positives:

  • It does not require special care. After installation, after the rehabilitation period, it is practically not felt.
  • The efficiency is 95-98%.
  • Can be installed for several years.
  • The menstrual cycle for many women becomes shorter, and the menstruation itself is almost painless.
  • It has a positive therapeutic effect in uterine myoma and other gynecological pathologies.
  • Can be used while breastfeeding.
  • Does not affect the reproductive function in the body.
  • Efficiency is maintained regardless of the intake of any medications.
  • Economical and convenient. You do not need to follow the schedule of admission and spend money on the regular purchase of contraceptives.

What are the disadvantages of the Navy

There are also negative aspects of using the IUD:

  • High risk of ectopic pregnancy.
  • There is no protection against venereal diseases.
  • The risk of inflammatory diseases increases.
  • Not to be used by nulliparous women.
  • Painful periods for the first six months.
  • Large blood loss is possible.

We examined the pros and cons of such a contraceptive as an intrauterine device. The consequences of BMC will be discussed further.

What are the possible complications of using an IUD?

The qualifications and experience of the doctor are of great importance, since the correct installation or removal by an inexperienced specialist can cause the removal of the uterus. Knowing the pros and cons of the intrauterine device, you need to know what complications are possible when using it.

Possible complications when using the IUD:

  • Perforation of the walls of the uterus.
  • Rupture of the cervix.
  • Bleeding after insertion.
  • The spiral can grow into the uterus.
  • Antennae can irritate the walls of the cervix.
  • The spiral can shift or fall out if it is not properly selected and installed.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.

It is urgent to visit a specialist if:

  • There were severe pains in the lower abdomen.
  • There is a suspicion of pregnancy.
  • Bleeding continues for a long period of time.
  • There are signs of infection: fever, unusual vaginal discharge.
  • During sexual intercourse, there is pain or bleeding.
  • The threads of the Navy have become longer or shorter.

We looked at what an intrauterine device is, the pros and cons of this method of protection, as well as possible complications. Let's take a look at patient reviews.

One of the most effective methods of female contraception are intrauterine devices. The reliability of this method of contraception is about 98%, which is a very high result.

Let us consider in more detail what the action of intrauterine devices is based on, what are the reviews about them in women, what examinations need to be done before installation, who can put the device in and who can not, what are the indications and contraindications, as well as possible complications.

The action and effectiveness of the intrauterine device

An intrauterine device is a small plastic device (most often) that, when inserted into the uterus, blocks the possibility of the introduction of a fertilized egg into the uterine cavity and the further development of the embryo. Some women consider the spiral to be an abortive method of contraception, because fertilization still occurs. For some believers, this is unacceptable. For such, from a moral point of view, the Mirena intrauterine device is more suitable. It not only mechanically prevents pregnancy, but also prevents fertilization from occurring due to changes in the hormonal background (this spiral secretes a small amount of the hormone levonorgestrel every day - 20 mcg in 24 hours, this action is similar to the action of oral contraceptives). The Mirena intrauterine device reviews are positive, there are no “punctures” due to its double action. Read more women's opinions and discussions in the comments at the bottom of this page.

It is recommended to install intrauterine contraceptives for women who have one healthy partner, since they do not protect against sexually transmitted infections. And in case of infection, they can become a catalyst for the inflammatory process in the uterus.

Types of intrauterine devices

There are several types of intrauterine systems. They differ from each other in the material from which they are made, in size and shape. Only a doctor can choose the right intrauterine device. The most popular intrauterine devices: Nova T, Multiload, Juno, Mirena.

But talking about which of these intrauterine devices is the best is wrong. Each of them has its pros and cons. In addition, the IUD should be selected individually for each woman. You can buy an intrauterine device in almost any pharmacy. But before buying, we would recommend calling several pharmacies at once to find out their price, as it can vary greatly.

The Nova T spiral (price is about 2500 rubles) has a T-shaped appearance. Its horizontal branches are very elastic, which makes the insertion of the IUD easier and less traumatic. This coil can stay in the uterus for up to 5 years.

Intrauterine device Multiload (price
- about 3500 rubles) has the shape of a semi-oval, at the ends of its branches there are spike-like protrusions that allow the spiral to better fix on the walls of the uterus. This feature reduces the risk of spontaneous prolapse (expulsion) of the IUD.

The Mirena IUD is considered one of the most effective, but also expensive IUDs. The cost of this intrauterine device is about 7000-10000 rubles. Mirena is valid for 5 years. Installing a Mirena coil for small fibroids is also acceptable, and some experts even believe that this “hormonal coil” can slow down the growth of this benign neoplasm.
The big advantage of expensive IUDs is that the materials that are included in their composition (gold, silver, copper) have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Juno Bio

Spirals "Juno" appeared in Russia more than 20 years ago. They were invented by Belarusian doctors. Copper-containing IUDs have become a real breakthrough in the field of contraception. Now in pharmacies you can find several varieties of this contraceptive - both for women who have given birth and for those who have not given birth.

The most budget option. Its cost is about 250 rubles. This is a T-shaped spiral, shaped like an anchor. It is made of inert material and covered with very thin copper wire. Copper has an additional contraceptive effect. Shelf life - 5 years.

Juno Bio-T Super

The approximate cost is 300 rubles. Its difference from the previous model is a special antimicrobial composition, which treated the spiral. This composition includes propolis. According to the manufacturer, this serves as a prevention of endometritis and inflammation of the ovaries - frequent complications when using the IUD. The term of use is 5 years.

Juno Bio-T Ag with silver

The price is about 450 rubles. Silver is part of the "winding" of the spiral leg, along with copper. This precious metal prevents copper from oxidizing and thus improves its efficiency. Can be in the uterus up to 7 years.

The price is about 550 rubles, with copper. It is f-shaped, has jagged edges, and is slightly larger than previously described IUDs. Therefore, this IUD should be used by mothers with many children, women who have had several abortions, as well as those who have already had cases of intrauterine contraceptive prolapse from the uterus. Service life - 5 years.

It costs about 800 rubles. The composition includes not only copper, but also silver. Shown to the same women as Juno Bio Multi. But the service life is longer - 7 years.

Ring-shaped Juno Bio-T

The approximate cost is 300 rubles. This is the only coil that can be recommended for nulliparous women. It has a relatively small size (18 mm) and a shape that minimizes the risk of perforation of the uterine wall by the spiral. The second type of spiral has a slightly larger size - 24 mm. It is recommended for women who have given birth, but for those who, for some reason, cannot use the classic T-shaped IUD. If after its installation there were severe bleeding, pain, etc. It can be in the uterus for up to 5 years. Contains copper.

Ring-shaped Juno Bio-T AG

It costs about 450 rubles. The properties are the same, but contains silver. Established for up to 7 years.

This is an expensive spiral with gold, it costs about 5,000 rubles. Has a T-shape. This coil is used by those who have an allergic reaction to copper. It can lead to rejection of the contraceptive and its loss. The spiral with gold is much less likely to have side effects, since it has an anti-inflammatory effect, even more than silver. Validity - 7 years. The appearance is exactly like that of a regular Juno Bio-T.

By the way, in our market there is an IUD that is more expensive, for example, T de Oro 375 Gold - a spiral with a gold core, its cost is more than 10,000 rubles. Producer - Spain.

Installation of an intrauterine device

Before installing the intrauterine device, you need to undergo a gynecological examination and pass smears. The spiral is installed only by healthy, more often giving birth to women who, at the time of the installation of the IUD, do not have inflammatory processes of the reproductive system. It is also recommended to do an ultrasound to detect possible contraindications to this type of contraception.

The installation of the intrauterine device is carried out on the 5-7th day from the beginning of the menstrual cycle, when the cervical canal is slightly ajar, this will facilitate the whole process. A contraceptive can also be installed immediately after an abortion, 5-6 weeks after childbirth (if the uterus has contracted by that time, and even if the menstrual cycle has not yet recovered) and within 3-4 days after unprotected intercourse for the purpose of postcoital contraception.

Before installing the spiral, the gynecologist conducts a gynecological examination, measures the length of the uterus using special tools. The installation itself lasts no more than 5-7 minutes, or even less. At this time, a woman may experience unpleasant pulling sensations in the lower abdomen.

Schematically, the installation of an intrauterine contraceptive looks like this.

Immediately after installation and within 7-10 days, mild pain may persist. As well as spotting spotting. If they do not cause you much discomfort, then this is within the normal range. It is possible, if necessary, to take painkillers (ibuprofen, paracetamol, etc.) or antispasmodics (No-shpa).

After 8-10 days, you can resume sexual activity, no longer afraid of pregnancy. But before this time it is better to take care. You should also avoid heavy physical exertion, these include not only lifting weights, but also long walking. Postpone sports and visiting a bath or sauna for a couple of weeks.

10 days after the installation of an intrauterine contraceptive, you should visit a doctor and it is advisable to undergo a control ultrasound if it was not done immediately on the day of the procedure. Visits to the gynecologist should also be scheduled in 1, 3, 6 months, and then go for examinations 2 times a year.

What women who have an IUD should always remember

1. It is necessary to periodically independently check for the presence of spiral threads protruding from the cervix. Their length should remain unchanged. If you do not feel the threads, they have become too long, or vice versa - short, then you need to urgently see a doctor, this means that the IUD has moved from its place. And if there are no threads, then it is quite possible that an expulsion has occurred - a spontaneous prolapse of the IUD or the spiral has been lost somewhere in the uterine cavity.

2. Even if everything is in order, it is necessary to go to the gynecologist once every six months.

3. In no case do not walk with a spiral longer than the recommended period, since the IUD can "grow" into the uterine cavity and it will be possible to get it out of there only by surgery. Usually, doctors recommend removing the intrauterine device a few months before its expiration date to avoid complications.

4. Unfortunately, even the IUD does not guarantee 100% non-pregnancy. On average, out of 100 women with an IUD installed, 1 becomes pregnant. Therefore, you need to monitor your menstrual cycle as carefully as before installing the spiral.

5. If you have severe abdominal pain, an unpleasant smell from the genitals, sudden weakness or bleeding - immediately go to the doctor or call an ambulance.

6. If you are planning a pregnancy, then the removal of the IUD is mandatory. It (removal), as well as the introduction of an intrauterine device, is performed only by a gynecologist.

Indications and contraindications to the IUD, advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons

1. The IUD is shown to women who have given birth as a reliable means of contraception.

2. The reliability of the IUD does not exceed 98%.

3. There is a risk (albeit low) of perforation of the uterine wall both during and after installation, loss (expulsion) of the spiral.

4. More abundant menstruation, intermenstrual bleeding is possible and, as a result, anemia. When using Mirena, this is practically impossible.

5. The IUD cannot be installed in women with inflammatory, infectious diseases of the external and internal genital organs, neoplasms in the uterus that deform its cavity, anemia (hemoglobin below 90 g / l). A relative contraindication is a history of ectopic pregnancy, since its risk is always increased in women using this type of contraception.

6. Despite all these shortcomings, intrauterine devices also have undoubted advantages - this is one of the most reliable methods of modern contraception (along with condoms and oral contraceptives), a long period of action (up to 7 years).

Pregnancy and the intrauterine contraceptive

If pregnancy nevertheless occurred when using an intrauterine contraceptive, then the woman has two options - either try to save the child, or have an abortion. In most cases, the child can be saved. There are many women who carried and gave birth to healthy children conceived using this type of contraception.

If a woman chooses an abortion, then the method of its implementation will depend only on the duration of her pregnancy, her desire and financial capabilities. First, the doctor removes the spiral from the uterus, pulls it out by the antennae, then expands the cervical canal and removes its contents either with a curette or a vacuum aspirator.

If the pregnancy needs to be saved, then the doctor weighs the pros and cons and decides that it will be safer to immediately remove the IUD or leave it until the very birth. Of great importance is the specific place where the egg is implanted. Removing the coil can cause a spontaneous miscarriage. A foreign body in the uterus can always become a source of inflammation.

If it is decided to leave the IUD, then it will be “born” along with the afterbirth (placenta) or will be removed from the uterus during a caesarean section.

Discussion: 414 comments

    Girls, remember: ANY contraception is irreparable harm to your body. And not only yours.
    I will share with you my bitter personal experience, and if it helps at least one of you to “decide on the choice of contraception”, then my review was not in vain. My first pregnancy was unplanned, I gave birth to a child at a fairly young age. My gynecologist advised me to put in a coil immediately after giving birth, because. "The low position of your uterus is conducive to pregnancy." I considered the spiral to be an ideal contraceptive option, because. I didn't have to take pills, rubbish, etc. In operation, my spiral was also convenient, I had no problems with it, except for heavy periods. I was happy! Especially from the fact that I don’t kill anyone + that I will get pregnant when I want to! .. After the first spiral, I put the second one without hesitation. As a result, I had two spirals of 5 years each. Now about health. This is my second marriage and, of course, my husband and I wanted to have a common child / children. We have been married for 9 years, and we still do not have children in common. During these 9 years, I had an ectopic twice and that's it. Both were examined, no pathologies were found in anyone, anatomically, everything is fine in both. A couple of years ago, my husband at work in his free time began to translate into German a book about abortion, The Right to Life, we live in Germany. Once I got a call from him: “Did you put a spiral for yourself, you say? How long have you had her? Five years??? That's a lot!.. I'll bring a book - read it.. "I then lied to him. I couldn’t admit that I had two 5 years each .. It turns out that a lot of things are simply HID from us - especially information about the consequences, about how conceived embryos die ... The worst thing is from ignorance. From ignorance of exactly how many souls I have ruined with my coils.. After rereading the truthful literature about the intrauterine device, I realized my terrible mistake .. I am writing to you because not a single “medical” institution will tell you such consequences of the intrauterine device as pathology of ectopic pregnancy and infertility. Regarding infertility from spirals: there are a lot of infertile couples among young people now, and there is already an opinion among the people that French spirals for export are saturated with some kind of substance that leads to infertility ..
    In conclusion, I want to remind women who have an unplanned pregnancy my favorite saying: “God gave a child, he will give a child!” And this is not even a saying, but the physical law of life, which works 100%, believe me!..

    They offered me a choice of 2 spirals, Nova for 4700r and Juno for 1500r. The gynecologist says that there is no difference, why then the price is 3 times more? Maybe someone knows?

    Hello. I also want to add a spiral. The doctor advised copper. Hormonal pills are not very. I feel bad when taking them. I do not want sexual intercourse and depression.

    Natalya, have you ever tried birth control pills? The ones for regular contraception? If so, how was the weight then?
    And I didn’t understand, Mirena is prescribed for the purpose of contraception or for what?

    Girls, the gynecologist advised me to put a mirena, but I read so much about the side effects - it's terrible, and weight gain, and baldness, and wild mood swings (like depression) ... I just cured my hair, in 2010 I threw off 35 kg, I'm holding on I am still at this weight, I got married and I don’t want to hysteria with my husband, my character is not angelic anyway, and I don’t need protection. And what to do? How to make the right decision?

    Eva, yes, no one will pick up a spiral better than a gynecologist.

    I drew attention to the Juno Bio-T AG spiral. Please tell me if it will suit me if I did not give birth, but there was one abortion at the 11th week of pregnancy? And what about the size of the spiral: in this case, is it better to set 18/24 mm or is it individual and should you consult a gynecologist?

    You know, I am a mother of four children, all hope was for a spiral, but alas, I stood for 6 months and the pregnancy did not dare to give birth. The children are small, well, as much as possible, it’s hard, of course, I’m sorry. What now, how to be ...

    There are several types of Juno (see the article for information). The shelf life of spirals is 5-7 years, this is the maximum period for how long they can be kept without changing. But the doctor can remove the IUD at your first request.
    According to statistics, out of 100 women using the IUD, 3 become pregnant. If you look at the comparison, the number of unplanned pregnancies is higher when using a condom and lower when using.

An intrauterine device is a contraceptive device that is installed directly into the uterine cavity. The drug mechanically prevents the spermatozoa from going their way and meeting the egg, and also prevents the implantation of the fetal egg, if conception does occur. Today, hormonal intrauterine systems (Mirena) are very popular. Such a contraceptive, among other effects, partially suppresses ovulation, thereby significantly reducing the likelihood of an unwanted pregnancy.

So, here are the most frequently asked questions about - everything you wanted to know from the doctor, but still did not dare to ask.

Which spiral is better: hormonal or non-hormonal?

Today they are considered much more effective and reliable means. The Pearl Index of the Mirena intrauterine system is less than 1, while for copper-containing IUDs it is up to 3. The final choice of the spiral is carried out together with the attending physician, taking into account all possible indications and contraindications.

Benefits of hormonal coils:

  • Provide reliable protection against unwanted pregnancy (Pearl index is less than 1, while for copper-containing IUDs - up to 3).
  • Change the menstrual cycle: menstruation becomes scarce and painless. Perhaps the development of amenorrhea, when menstruation completely stops. This improves the general condition of the woman and reduces the risk of anemia.
  • They have a therapeutic effect, are used for some gynecological diseases.

Advantages of non-hormonal spirals:

  • They do not contain progesterone in their composition, which means that undesirable effects associated with its effect on the body are excluded.
  • They are cheaper than hormonal intrauterine systems.

What is Mirena?

Does the intrauterine device have an abortive effect?

The main mechanism of protection against unwanted pregnancy is an obstacle to the movement of spermatozoa (and inhibition of ovulation for the Mirena system). If conception does occur, the fertilized egg will most likely not be able to attach to the thinned endometrium, and a miscarriage will occur at a very early date. In this scenario, the intrauterine device can be considered an abortive system, but in practice, such an outcome is extremely rare. The effectiveness of the IUD is quite high, and in most cases, the conception of a child does not occur.

Is it possible to get pregnant with a spiral?

Yes, it happens. In rare cases, such a pregnancy goes well, and the woman manages to carry the child to the due date. The expectant mother should be observed by a gynecologist, monitor the condition of the fetus and monitor her own feelings. Quite often ends in miscarriage in the first trimester. This statement is true for both Mirena and non-hormonal IUDs.

Can there be an ectopic pregnancy against the background of a spiral?

The spiral, located in the uterine cavity, increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy. The following symptoms indicate the location of the fetal egg outside the uterus:

  • delayed menstruation;
  • pain in the lower abdomen (usually on the side of the affected tube);
  • bloody discharge from the genital tract.

Ultrasound will help to make an accurate diagnosis.

Does the partner feel the spiral during sex?

With the correct installation of the intrauterine device, it is not felt in any way during intimacy. In rare cases, the partner may notice the tendrils of the IUD. In this case, you need to see a doctor. The doctor will carefully trim the long antennae, and the problem will be solved.

How to properly check the spiral?

After the end of menstruation, gently insert two fingers into the vagina and try to feel the antennae of the spiral. Thin threads are deep in the vagina, but usually a woman can find them inside. If the antennae are not determined, you need to see a doctor.

What if the tendrils of the helix are not palpable or visible in the vagina?

The tendrils of the spiral must be accessible to the woman for self-recognition. If the antennae cannot be felt with your fingers, you should immediately consult a doctor. At the appointment, the doctor will find out if the spiral is in place and, if necessary, correct its location in the uterus.

Who should install and remove the spiral?

Only an obstetrician-gynecologist should insert and remove the intrauterine device. Independent insertion or removal of the IUD is prohibited!

The introduction of an intrauterine device is carried out in the first days of the cycle. At this time, the cervix is ​​​​slightly ajar, and the contraceptive easily passes into the uterine cavity. Removal of the IUD is carried out after 5 years or more (depending on the type of spiral). With the development of complications, the contraceptive can be removed at any time directly at the doctor's appointment.

Is it possible to put a spiral on nulliparous women?

For women who have not experienced the joy of motherhood, an intrauterine device is not placed. The exception is Mirena. The hormonal system can only be installed for therapeutic purposes and according to strict indications, when other methods are ineffective or unavailable. The fact is that the intrauterine device naturally leads to the development of aseptic inflammation, which is highly undesirable before the first pregnancy.

Is it possible to put the Mirena hormonal coil in diabetes mellitus?

Yes it is possible. Diabetes mellitus is not a contraindication to the installation of a spiral. Before using the IUD, it would be useful to consult an endocrinologist and undergo the necessary examination.

Is it possible to put a spiral with uterine myoma?

The intrauterine system can be installed with a subserous tumor or interstitial myoma, located entirely in the muscle layer. In the case of a submucosal node that deforms the uterine cavity, its preliminary removal is indicated. Before installing the IUD, it is necessary to undergo ultrasound and other examinations. the hormonal system Mirena is usually introduced.

Is it possible to put Mirena with submucous myoma?

Submucosal, or submucosal, fibroids are located close to the endometrium or even extend into the uterine cavity. With this localization of the node, the spiral is not placed. Installation of Mirena is possible after removal of fibroids.

For how long is the spiral inserted and what will happen if it is not removed on time?

The intrauterine device is usually placed for a period of 5 years. After this time, it is necessary to remove the IUD, otherwise complications may develop:

  • inflammation of the uterus and appendages;
  • damage to the cervix;
  • infertility.

With a long stay in the uterine cavity, the spiral can grow into the walls of the organ, and it will be possible to get rid of the IUD only by surgery.

Long-term use of Mirena is also not recommended. After the expiration date, the hormone levonorgestrel ceases to be secreted, and the contraceptive effect ends. An unwanted pregnancy is possible. All other risks associated with long-term use of the spiral also remain.

Can I use an intrauterine device for emergency contraception?

Yes it is possible. The IUD is inserted within 5 days after unprotected intercourse according to the standard scheme. Since the installation of the spiral requires a complete examination of the patient, this method has not found wide application.Used as postcoital drugs .

The IUD is not used as an emergency contraceptive:

  • in nulliparous women;
  • with inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • during unprotected intercourse with a high risk of contracting STIs.

Is it possible to put the Mirena spiral to a nursing mother (during lactation)?

Yes it is possible. The spiral does not affect lactation, the hormone levonorgestrel does not penetrate into breast milk. The selected method of contraception is not dangerous for the child. Before installing the spiral, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

When can I put an intrauterine device after childbirth, caesarean section, abortion?

The term for installing the spiral or the Mirena hormonal system:

  • After - after 6 weeks.
  • After caesarean section - after 3-6 months.
  • After an abortion - on the day of termination of pregnancy.

On what day of the cycle is the intrauterine device placed?

The IUD is inserted on the 5th-7th day of the menstrual cycle. At this time, the cervix is ​​slightly open, which facilitates the introduction of the spiral. In addition, during this period, the risk of unwanted pregnancy is minimal.

Does it hurt to put an intrauterine device?

With the introduction of the IUD, there may be slight pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which disappear within half an hour. No special treatment is required. If the pain persists or worsens, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Does it hurt to remove an intrauterine device?

Removing the IUD from the uterus is a somewhat unpleasant, but not at all painful process. The procedure takes a few minutes and does not cause discomfort to the woman. Anesthesia is not required. After removing the spiral, moderate pulling pains in the lower abdomen may be felt, which disappear within a day.

How does the menstrual cycle change after the introduction of the spiral?

After insertion of a copper-containing IUD, the amount of discharge during menstruation may increase slightly. Conversely, the use of the Mirena hormonal system reduces the intensity of bleeding. Perhaps the onset of amenorrhea - the complete absence of menstruation, and this is a variant of the norm.

Is it possible to use tampons if there is a spiral?

In the first month after the insertion of the IUD, it is better to use sanitary pads. In the future, you can safely enter tampons during menstruation. The coil is in the uterus, the tampon is in the vagina, and these two devices do not touch. Even if the tampon touches the antennae of the contraceptive, this does not threaten the woman with anything dangerous.

What to do if menstruation did not come against the background of the spiral (Mirena)?

When using the Mirena system, some women experience amenorrhea - the complete absence of menstruation for a long time. This is normal, and after the coil is removed, the menstrual cycle will be restored. Treatment is not required.

In certain cases, the absence of menstruation may indicate pregnancy. It is recommended to do a test or donate blood for hCG.

Can I play sports with an IUD?

Yes, the intrauterine device does not interfere with physical activity, training in the gym, visiting the pool and playing sports. Restrictions are imposed only in the first month after the installation of the IUD. During this period, it is recommended to refrain from physical activity. In the future, you can lead a normal life without restrictions.

Can intrauterine contraception lead to cancer?

To date, there is no evidence that the IUD (including Mirena) provokes the development of malignant tumors of the uterus or appendages. With existing neoplasms of the reproductive organs, the spiral is not placed.

Is Mirena compatible with other medicines?

It is known that some drugs (antibiotics, aspirin) reduce the contraceptive effect of the IUD. Consultation of the attending physician is necessary. If a long course of taking a potentially dangerous drug is required, it is recommended to additionally use condoms or spermicides during treatment.

Do I need to take a break from using an intrauterine device?

With good tolerance and the absence of contraindications, a break is not made. A new spiral can be introduced on the day the previous one is removed. According to indications, the doctor may recommend taking a break (for example, with the development of inflammatory processes in the uterus or vagina).

When can I have sex after installing an intrauterine device?

In the first seven days, it is recommended to refrain from intimacy or use a condom. Unprotected contact during this time can lead to unwanted pregnancy. In the future, there are no restrictions on sexual activity.

How much does it cost to install a spiral?

The cost of an intrauterine device is from 500 to 10 thousand rubles (for Mirena).

In contact with

In women after 25-30 years. This popularity is due, first of all, to ease of use (placed in the uterine cavity).

Modern IUDs are made of inert plastic wrapped with the finest copper wire, which increases the efficiency and duration of the coil. In addition, the spiral may contain silver, gold, other additives (for example, propolis). Their purpose is to reduce the risk of developing inflammatory diseases of the uterus when using the IUD, but, according to some reports, they also reduce the effectiveness of contraception. Hormone-containing spirals are a separate item, we will talk about them a little lower.

The contraceptive effect of the IUD is that the spiral makes it difficult for the sperm to move towards the egg and, consequently, its fertilization. In addition, the IUD prevents the implantation of the fetal egg due to its accelerated flow from the fallopian tubes and the lack of a full-fledged secretory transformation of the endometrium.

Pros of using copper containing IUDs quite significant:

  • no other contraceptive, with the exception of surgical sterilization, allows you to forget about this problem for such a long time, the average period of using the IUD is 3-5 years;
  • one of the cheapest methods of contraception, from $ 2 to 30 for 3-5 years for copper-containing spirals;
  • reliable way, efficiency 97-98%;
  • possible use in various therapeutic diseases, excluding diseases of the blood system;
  • unlike sterilization, the method is reversible; the ability to conceive is normally restored within 3 months after the removal of the IUD.
  • However, this method of contraception also has the largest number of contraindications and side effects, which significantly limits the range of its application. Once again, the proverb "not all that glitters is gold" is justified.

    To side effects include:

  • Long-term presence of a foreign body in the uterine cavity contributes to the occurrence of an inflammatory process (endometritis), which, in combination with any STD, gives a very difficult clinic. Changes persist for a long time in the inner layer of the uterus after removal of the IUD and can be the cause of miscarriage and infertility.
  • Violation of the function of the fallopian tubes, induced by a foreign body to anti-peristaltic contractions. This circumstance is associated with an increase in the number of cases of ectopic pregnancy when using the IUD.
  • The long-term presence of IUD conductors in the cervical canal contributes to the upward spread of the vaginal microflora with the development of an infectious process in the mucous membrane of the cervix, the formation of cervical polyps. Especially unfavorable is the combination of the IUD with cervical erosion.
  • With regular sexual activity, women using the IUD periodically still conceive, followed by spontaneous abortion in the first week of its development. Such spontaneous mini-abortions have an erased clinical picture, which is manifested by profuse, irregular and painful periods. Therefore, this method of contraception is categorically unacceptable for believers.
  • The use of the IUD is associated with surgical manipulation in the uterine cavity during the installation and removal of the IUD. Rare cases of perforation of the uterus are associated with this, which requires abdominal surgery.
  • Spontaneous prolapse (expulsion) of the IUD is possible, which is especially common when using this method by women with cervical ruptures.
  • If pregnancy still occurs when using this method, then it is not always possible to save it, as the number of spontaneous miscarriages increases.
  • These complications define a wide range of contraindications to the use of the IUD:

  • allergic to copper;
  • various inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • the presence or risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease;
  • postpartum trauma, as well as other diseases of the cervix (erosion, dysplasia, polyps);
  • benign and malignant tumors of the genital organs;
  • endometriosis, fibroids, hyperplasia, endometrium;
  • malformations of the uterus;
  • menstrual disorders, heavy or painful menstruation;
  • anemia and disorders of the blood coagulation system.
  • If we take into account that gynecologists do not recommend the use of IUDs for nulliparous women, then the circle of patients who, without any particular fear, can be introduced into the uterine cavity for a long time to prevent implantation of the ovum, is very limited.

    Let's summarize: this method of contraception is suitable for absolutely gynecologically healthy women with light, regular, painless periods, having a child and one sexual partner and not guided by the conventions associated with religion.

    A few words about hormonal IUDs

    Available on the pharmacy market hormonal intrauterine system "Mirena". It occupies an intermediate position between the IUD and oral contraceptives. Around the vertical rod of the IUD is a cylindrical reservoir containing gestogen, which is released into the uterine cavity in microdoses and enters the inner layer of the uterus and blood. At the same time, a constant concentration of this hormone is maintained in the blood plasma at a level of 1/3 or 2/3 of the level of hormones when using conventional oral contraceptives. Mirena, combining the advantages of the IUD and oral contraceptives, does not have the disadvantages inherent in them separately.

    pros Minuses Anti-
    poured for 5 years.
    Pretty high price
    (about $250 for 5 years)
    Acute or exacerbation of chronic
    telny ill-
    genital organs
    up to 98%
    It is possible to use
    treatment with heavy, painful menstruation, while the system has a therapeutic effect - menstruation becomes scarce and painless;
    the scope of manipulation in the uterine cavity
    venous tumors of the uterus or cervix
    Does not increase the number of ectopic pregnancies
    news and
    body diseases
    The presence of side effects associated with gestagens (depression, headache, minor
    significant change in body weight, engorgement of the mammary glands); usually these phenomena disappear after 3-6 months from the installation of the system
    Uterine bleeding
    from the genital tract unidentified
    lenny etiology
    Can be used for therapeutic purposes in women with fibroids, endometriosis
    rhiosis, adenomyosis, premenopausal
    striatal syndrome.
    Some women experience a complete cessation
    menstruation during the first year of use
    zation, in the future, the cycle of restoring
    pouring; there are also spotting non-cyclic
    cal secretions.
    Anomalies in the development of the uterus that interfere with the introduction of the spiral
    Due to the very low concentration of the hormone, it is possible to use the system in women with a general pathology, when conventional hormonal contraceptives are contraindicated.
    Acute hepatitis
    Reversible method - the ability to conceive by restoring
    poured within a year after extraction
    Acute thrombo-
    phlebitis or thromboembolism
    pain disorders

    How is the introduction and removal of the intrauterine device.

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