Better spiral or. And these are shortcomings. Insertion of an intrauterine contraceptive

For every sexually mature woman, the issue of contraception is decided by her comfort. Without good protection, it is impossible to concentrate on the intimate process, because they will climb into the head intrusive thoughts about unwanted pregnancy. Today, the choice of contraceptives is huge: from standard condoms to intrauterine systems implanted surgically.

Before choosing, it is important to know all aspects of a particular type of protection.

Oral contraceptives have an effect due to the content female hormones. Their reception is responsible for the onset or non-pregnancy, inhibiting ovulation. Tablets thicken uterine mucus, which prevents active movement spermatozoa inside. When the spermatozoon reaches the fallopian tube, pregnancy still does not occur, since the embryo will not be able to gain a foothold.

Hormonal pills are divided into two types: combined and gestagenic. The former contain the hormones progestin and estrogen. They are appointed different categories women. There are micro-low- and high-dose varieties. Low-dose tablets are suitable for both nulliparous and women who have given birth. High-dose are prescribed to correct hormonal disorders.

Progestogen contraceptives are prescribed in case of intolerance combined drugs. Ensure safety of use during breastfeeding.


  1. High protection against unwanted pregnancy - 99%
  2. Versatility. Tablets can be selected for any age and health condition
  3. Cycle stabilization, absence of menstrual pain
  4. Improvement appearance hair and skin
  5. Risk reduction gynecological diseases including tumors and endometriosis
  6. Does not affect the possibility of conception after refusal to take


The coil is placed surgically. Its action is based on the prevention of egg implantation. The uterine tissue thickens and the introduction of the uterine egg becomes impossible. Modern spirals contain hormones that thicken the uterine mucus. This leads to difficulty in the movement of spermatozoa.


  1. High efficiency.
  2. The effect lasts for 3-5 years.
  3. Does not affect reproductive function.

What is common between a spiral and tablets

  • High efficiency. The chance of getting pregnant is reduced by 97-99%.
  • When removing the spiral or canceling the pills reproductive function normalizes.
  • Use does not protect against contracting sexually transmitted infections.
  • Ideal for contraception with a regular partner.

Differences between them

  1. Indications for use. Tablets are taken by both women who have given birth and who have not given birth. The spiral is installed only after childbirth.
  2. Expenses. Installing a spiral is cheaper than permanent reception tablets
  3. Possible Complications. Oral contraceptives eliminate the risk ectopic pregnancy, with a spiral there is such a chance. Tablets at the first time of taking can cause headaches, apathy, bleeding in the middle of a cycle.
  4. Convenience. Pills are taken at strictly allotted hours, with a broken schedule, the likelihood of conception increases. The spiral "works" by itself from three to five years.
  5. action in the body. The effectiveness of the tablets may decrease with the use of certain medications, such as antibiotics. The spiral is effective regardless of the processes in the body.

What and for whom is better to choose

When choosing contraception, they are guided by such indicators as:

  • Health status.
  • Contraindications.
  • Age.
  • The presence, absence of childbirth in the anamnesis of life.

The spiral is relevant for women who have given birth at least once. Doctors do not recommend putting it before the first birth, arguing the possibility of infertility due to a change in the shape of the uterus. The spiral is convenient for those who lead active image life and simply forgets to take pills.

It is also chosen if there are contraindications to oral contraceptives, including: liver and kidney disease, heart problems and high pressure, tobacco addiction, taking medications for permanent basis that reduce the effectiveness of hormones. Spirals should be preferred if the girl does not control her appetite, since oral contraceptives greatly increase it.

The installation of the spiral occurs only in the hospital, but even this does not guarantee that it will not be rejected by the body. Signs that the operation was unsuccessful - an inflammatory process and frequent bleeding. Some women develop a pronounced pain syndrome, there is a violation of the cycle.

The spiral has contraindications for installation: diseases of the pelvic organs, benign tumors, vaginal discharge obscure origin. The IUD is displaced, its position is corrected by the threads on its own, otherwise the effect of contraception decreases.

Oral contraceptives are suitable for girls and women due to their versatility. different ages with or without childbirth behind them. Tablets are prescribed to women for the prevention of gynecological diseases, to restore the cycle and relieve menstrual pain.

Such contraceptives are indicated for women with PMS. Not suitable for those who take medications that reduce the effectiveness of hormones, who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The range of oral contraceptives, despite the general restrictions in admission, allows you to choose the safest and most comfortable drug for a particular patient. The risk of complications and side effects is reduced.

Family planning is one of the fastest growing industries modern medicine. This issue is given Special attention, as a large number of babies are brought up in orphanages or in dysfunctional families. To reduce their number, actively promoted various methods contraception. Currently, there are a lot of ways to avoid unwanted pregnancy. One of the means of protection is the contraceptive spiral. A lot of time has passed since its invention, but this species contraceptives are still being improved. The intrauterine device is chosen by many women, since with its help you can not worry about an unwanted pregnancy for several years. In addition, it does not affect the sensations received during sexual intimacy.

When is the contraceptive spiral used?

This means of contraception refers to intrauterine contraceptives. The dimensions of the spiral correspond to the length of the cervical canal and the width of the base reproductive organ. IUD is inserted in the gynecological office an experienced specialist. Conditions for the introduction of a spiral - a condition after childbirth or menstruation. At this time, the uterus is more pliable, the entrance to it is ajar. IUDs can be used by all women who have given birth in the absence of inflammatory processes. It should be remembered that one of the most effective methods contraception is the contraceptive spiral. Photos of the IUD can be seen in this article, in the specialized literature, as well as in some gynecological rooms.

Varieties of intrauterine devices

The contraceptive spiral is of several types. Depending on the shape, T-shaped, ring-shaped and other IUDs are distinguished. In addition, they can differ in elasticity and rigidity. It depends on the material from which the spiral is made. The Navy is divided into 2 large groups: plastic and metal intrauterine devices. The former cause only an immune response of the endometrium and block implantation. The latter have a spermicidal effect. The metal most commonly used is copper. In addition, there are hormonal IUDs that contain progesterone. This substance prevents the onset of ovulation, and also reduces pain during menstruation.

How does the contraceptive spiral work?

The mechanism of action of the IUD is based on the creation inflammatory process in the endometrium, as a result of which the uterine tissue thickens and becomes unable to accept the fetal egg. The consequence of this is that the embryo does not have the opportunity to go through the phase of implantation, that is, attachment and implementation. This is the basic mechanism of all intrauterine contraceptives. With the development of gynecology, a more advanced contraceptive spiral was invented, which includes copper. Under the action of this metal, a spermicidal effect is created in the endometrium. The advantage of IUDs containing copper is that fertilization is suppressed immediately after intercourse. Currently, various metals are used in the manufacture of intrauterine devices, including silver and gold. The difference between modern IUDs is that hormonal preparations are added to their composition, which are consumed gradually over several years. As a result, the contraceptive effect is enhanced.

Tablets or spiral - which is better?

With the advent a large number oral contraceptives, many women began to wonder: what is better - a spiral or birth control pills. In this case, there is no unequivocal opinion, since the method of protection against unwanted pregnancy is selected individually for each lady. First of all, it should be remembered that the IUD is recommended for women who have given birth. For this reason, girls who have not yet become mothers should give preference to pills. The advantage of the spiral over oral contraceptives is that it is installed for several years, while hormonal agents applied daily. Another advantage of the IUD is that, compared to pills, they do not cause such adverse reactions, like nausea, stomach pain, etc. It follows that women who are prone to developing gastrointestinal diseases, and who do not want to constantly think about taking contraceptives, should prefer a spiral. Nevertheless, do not forget that IUDs have their own contraindications, so before choosing a method of protection, you should consult a gynecologist.

Advantages of intrauterine contraception

Application intrauterine contraception chosen by many women all over the world. Why is the contraceptive coil so widely used? Price is one of the criteria by which women choose a contraceptive. The IUD is one of the cheapest methods of contraception. Other advantages of intrauterine devices include:

  1. Ease of use. The IUD is completely invisible not only to the partner, but also to the woman herself, so she does not remind herself of herself for several years. In addition, if you want to have a baby, the spiral can be removed at any time.
  2. Reliability - modern IUDs have several mechanisms at once that have a contraceptive effect.
  3. Long lasting action.
  4. No side effects that are inevitable when taking hormonal drugs.

Disadvantages of the contraceptive coil

Like all contraceptives, the use of the IUD has its own negative sides. First of all, the spiral cannot protect a woman from various infectious diseases that can be obtained during intercourse. In addition, it is an intrauterine device, which means that its effect is carried out only within the endometrium. For this reason, the IUD does not provide 100% protection against ectopic pregnancy. contraceptive coil cannot be used if available benign formations in the uterine cavity, as well as women who have not given birth. In addition, the IUD is not suitable for all women; for some, it does not occupy a stable position in the endometrium, as a result of which its contraceptive effect is reduced. Also, some women note periodic bleeding from the genital tract and menstrual irregularities. These symptoms indicate that the coil needs to be removed.

Navy of the new generation "Mirena"

At present, an improved form of the IUD has been invented - the Mirena contraceptive spiral. This type refers to hormonal intrauterine contraceptives. In addition to the contraceptive effect, the Mirena spiral controls the menstrual cycle, helps to reduce pain and a decrease in the amount of blood released. In addition, this type of IUD has such effects as normalization of body weight (weight loss), reduction hairline on the face. Also, one of its advantages is that it is used in benign neoplasms and in some cases contributes to their treatment.

Contraceptive spiral: reviews of women

Intrauterine contraception is very popular among women after 25-30 years. Due to its effects, it occupies one of the leading places among the methods of preventing unwanted pregnancies. Most women note the ease of use and availability of the intrauterine device. Nevertheless, some of them refuse the IUD after a single use. It should be remembered that the choice of contraceptive method should be determined by the gynecologist individually for each patient.

When a woman chooses between using birth control pills and the intrauterine device (IUD), it needs to take into account several important factors. Certain methods of contraception are better suited to certain categories of women, and the transition from one method to another requires compliance with certain rules.

Every fifth woman aged 15 to 44 uses contraception, so important issue it remains correct to use them. In the current article, you can find out which contraceptive is best for you.

Coils may not work properly in women with uterine anatomy.

Women who are prone to infections and are allergic to copper should also not opt ​​for an IUD. With such problems, it is better to use birth control pills.

How to safely switch from one contraceptive method to another?

When changing contraceptive methods, it is important not to interrupt the use of the old and new methods. Otherwise, the chances of pregnancy may increase. When switching from an intrauterine device to oral contraceptives, you should start taking pills 7 days before removing the device.

Proper and conscious contraception can not only preserve a woman's health, but also protect her from many sexually transmitted diseases. For a long time there is a dispute even between doctors, which is better - intrauterine device or tablets? Each woman has the right to determine for herself how to protect herself, choosing a spiral or birth control pills while listening to the doctor's recommendations. Let's consider each of the methods separately in more detail.

Intrauterine device - effectiveness

The intrauterine device is considered sufficient effective tool contraception. Doctors advise putting it in a period when a woman has already given birth to her first child and does not yet plan to have a second one. Its advantages are that it is not necessary to rebuild the body with the help of drugs, it is installed quite easily. The disadvantage is that this foreign body in female body, which can cause unpredictable consequences, and only a qualified doctor can put such a contraceptive device. If a woman decides to have a baby, then this contraceptive can be removed without harm to health. It should be borne in mind that with this method there is no protection against sexually transmitted diseases.

Pills are hormonal

These medications not only badly affect the liver, kidneys and the whole gastric tract, their main drawback may be the hormonal imbalance caused. Hormone imbalance leads to obesity and infertility. You need to drink them constantly, skipping one of the doses you can get pregnant, and they also do not protect against diseases. If you make a choice between a spiral or hormonal pills, then it is better to stop at the first option.

Vaginal tablets and suppositories

Such funds are very popular, as they are applied topically, do not affect the body as a whole, and also have high efficiency. They are used not only for the purpose of contraception, but also to protect against genital infections.

Choosing a spiral or pills, a woman takes care of her body, although all these methods have big drawbacks and pernicious influence on health. It is best to protect yourself with a condom that does not harm the health of both partners. An excellent option would be to use a condom in conjunction with vaginal preparations.

So that better spiral or tablets? There is no single answer to this question, everything is very individual. And if you are a woman who cares about herself and future offspring, then asking a similar question, go for advice only to a doctor.

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When women appear in life serious relationship and a reliable partner, and the birth of a child is not planned in the near future, the question arises of safe and reliable contraception.

Among modern methods The most effective contraceptives are hormonal contraceptive pills and intrauterine system (spiral). So, let's look at the characteristics of these methods and try to figure out which is better, birth control pills or a spiral.

How contraceptive methods work

Contraceptive effect hormonal pills It is based on the prevention of ovulation, due to which the maturation of the egg does not stop, and pregnancy does not occur. Cervical mucus also thickens, and this prevents spermatozoa from penetrating into its cavity.

The spiral, being inside the uterus, causes a reaction of its inner layer, which consists in the rejection of a fertilized egg. This changes peristalsis. fallopian tubes and the ability of spermatozoa to pass through the uterine cavity.

Advantages and disadvantages of contraceptives

Benefits of using hormonal birth control

  • Protect against pregnancy by 98-99.7%.
  • Regulate menstrual cycle, making critical days painless and with less blood loss.
  • The start of using the method does not require medical intervention.
  • You can stop using the method at any time.
  • The duration of the use of tablets is not limited.
  • Improve skin condition.
  • Reduce the risk of endometriosis and cancer of the genital area.
  • Prevent ectopic pregnancy.

Spiral Benefits

  • Contraceptive efficiency 99.4%.
  • Long-term prevention of unwanted pregnancy (up to 5 years).
  • Does not interact with drugs.
  • There is no systemic effect on the body.
  • No need to buy every month.
  • Relative cheapness.

Negative aspects of the use of hormonal contraceptives

  • The need to take daily pills.
  • Possibility of temporary side effects (nausea, heaviness in mammary glands, smearing discharge), which disappear after 60-90 days.
  • Increased risk of thrombosis and complications associated with this pathology.
  • Changes in mood and sex drive.
  • fluctuations in body weight.

Disadvantages of using a spiral

  • Only a doctor in a medical institution can administer and remove the drug.
  • Every month you need to independently control the threads of the spiral.
  • During the first months of use, menstrual bleeding may increase.
  • The spiral can fall out on its own.
  • The risk of ectopic pregnancy and complications in case of infection with sexually transmitted infections increases.

Contraindications to the use of methods

Hormonal contraceptives cannot be used by nursing mothers, women with bleeding disorders, thrombosis, severe liver disease, breast cancer.

The spiral should not be placed in women with genital tract infections, congenital anomalies or benign tumors uterus, with tuberculosis of the pelvic organs and with diseases of the heart valves in the active phase.

Who can use

Contraceptives with hormones can be used by all women reproductive age. More often, doctors prescribe them to young nulliparous women.

Rules for the use of contraceptives

The spiral is introduced only by a doctor, you only need to periodically monitor the position of its threads and do not forget to come to a specialist at the end of the contraceptive's validity. On the issue of the introduction of a spiral, you need to contact a gynecologist in the first 12 days after the start of menstruation. It is also possible to start using the remedy on any day of the cycle that is convenient for you, if it is known for sure that you are not pregnant.

The effectiveness of birth control pills directly depends on their regular use. You will need to take one tablet at approximately the same time each day. Forgetfulness in this case can threaten the appearance of an unwanted pregnancy.

The first tablet of a package containing 21 tablets is taken on the first day of menstruation and continued until the end of the blister. Then they take a week break, during which is menstruating, and start the next pack. If there are 28 tablets in the blister, then after it ends, immediately start a new one.

Which method of contraception to choose

First, address this question to a competent gynecologist. The doctor knows what features of the use of contraceptives should be paid attention to in your case. It would be useful to undergo an examination before using the method.

Secondly, according to the reviews of women who have tried and hormonal way contraception, and the spiral, there is no unambiguous opinion about which method turned out to be the best. Supporters of hormonal pills are not satisfied with the abortive mechanism of action intrauterine system and the very fact of having foreign body in the uterus.

And women who use a spiral are worried about possible side effects from hormones and relatively high price tablets. This proves once again that the best method is the one that suits you.

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