The strongest boys in the world. The strongest boy on the planet - Russian Bruce Khlebnikov

The Guinness Book of Records has been replenished with the Russian surname Khlebnikov. In August 2001 Bruce Khlebnikov recognized as the strongest boy on the planet.

What this thin twelve-year-old child does is not only beyond the power of any strong man in the world, but seems to be beyond human capabilities.

“Impossible, unreal, unbelievable,” say everyone who has seen his performances or video.

Yes, no one but him can do this.

Nelli Alexandrovna, Bruce's mother, turns on the video recording of records. And Bruce's grandmother immediately runs out of the room. Her blood pressure rises.

“I can’t,” Grandma Rosa says. - Oh, I can't see... How it hurts, how hard it is... And, clutching his heart, he leaves. In order not to see how a fragile child with a delicate face shifts a four-ton fighter attached to his hair by one and a half meters. Hair, by the way, is also an achievement in the book of records - he has the longest male hair in the world, 1 meter 10 centimeters, which is certified in a special diploma.

Nelli Alexandrovna is more calm, because “It’s better not to disturb Bruce,” but, of course, she is also worried. Shows us a recording of an experiment that took place on July 27, 2001 in Zhukovsky, during which Bruce moved the fighter by 148 cm. After that, a twelve-ton bomber (three times heavier) appeared on the runway. Bruce moved him too - 68 centimeters.

For the umpteenth time, reviewing the footage of her son moving the bomber, Nelli Aleksandrovna adds: But he did move it! Proud of his son.

On August 29 last year, Bruce set his next record - without rest, he tore 365 wall calendars with his hands.

On this day, Bruce will set a new world record. In the premises of the editorial office of "Arguments and Facts" in the state of hanging twine, he will hold a weight of 230 kilograms.

In addition, Bruce plans to break the American record for inflating heating pads. Everyone, of course, remembers the density of this rubber, imagine that Bruce inflates thick rubber heating pads like balloons, which then burst. But there is one American - a grown man who inflated four heating pads in ten minutes. Bruce decided to inflate four heating pads in five minutes to break the American record. Mom thinks he gave himself five minutes, just in case. Maybe it will be faster.

A little later, in mid-June, Bruce will pull a thirty-ton aircraft at one of the Moscow airfields.

The plans are to pull a barge or a ship. Nelli Alexandrovna says that all of Bruce's plans are coming true. If he feels he will do it, then he plans to do it.

Now a special show is being prepared for him at the Olimpiysky sports complex, where tens of thousands will be able to see the unique boy with their own eyes. But what will happen there is still a trade secret.

How it all began

Nelli Alexandrovna was very fond of watching films with Bruce Lee. They lived in Baku, and her pregnancy fell at the height of interethnic hostility. It was very difficult and scary. And in order not to remember what is happening in real life, the expectant mother watched a movie. Entering the world of Bruce Lee.

If there is a son, she said, I will call him Bruce. No matter what.

It became impossible to stay in Baku closer to the due date. And the family became refugees. Bruce was born on a train from Tula to Moscow. Bruce took his first steps at the Sayany Hotel in Moscow. All the staff loved the smiling, cute child, pampered him as best they could, admired him also from the bottom of his heart. Real miracles began to happen much later - when Bruce was three years old.

The fact that her child was unusual, Nelly Alexandrovna realized as soon as he was born - "Bruce was born bald, with small narrow eyes - a real Chinese Shaolin monk." And when the child's hair began to grow, the mother, by some instinct, decided not to cut the boy's hair - at least before school. At school, teachers also allowed Bruce to walk "out of shape." So they didn't cut it. Recently, the famous astrologer Pavel Globa, having met with Bruce, said that a child should not have a haircut. Mowgli - everyone talks about Bruce when he enters the arena for a performance.

Like a bird flying on the sofas, - says the grandmother. And my mother recalls that from early in the morning Bruce went to the room where the VCR stood and began to play with cassettes, or watch films - of course, with the participation of Bruce Lee and Van Damme ... And imitate them. At the age of five, Bruce demonstrated at a Van Damme press conference, where he was brought to show a celebrity, such a stretch that Van Damme himself was amazed.

At the age of four, the mother took the child to the karate section. The coach was shocked by such impudence: “What three years, we accept children from the age of 12.” But my mother persuaded me to look ... "If you don't like it, we'll leave." Liked. And Bruce began to train.

For an hour and a half. At the first meditation in his life, the child fell asleep. He was only four years old, after all.

At the age of five, the boy was already walking on nails and on glass. At the age of five, a child was burned with fire. At the age of five, he was first filmed by television and at the same time publications began in the press about an unusual child.

At the age of seven, Bruce becomes the winner of the Moscow Wushu Championship. He was awarded only third place, but he competed with juniors much older than himself.

By the age of 12, the champion lost interest in wushu and became interested in martial arts.

Who is the strongest boy on the planet training with?

With adults. With European karate champions.

To the stars. Through Russian thorns.

The records set by Bruce and recorded in the Guinness Book of Records are planned by him. He declares that he will be able to take a certain line, and his relatives will not contradict him in this. "He decides what to do, and it is impossible to dissuade him," says Nelli Aleksandrovna.

She is so confident in her son that she is almost calm about a child performing dangerous stunts. "He knows what he needs."

And Bruce, before the next world record, as an adult, tells his mother - there is no need to stand here and worry. Go mom. Take a walk somewhere, I can handle it.

And are you walking?

No, I'm on the sidelines. Look.

- Scary?

Already used to it. It used to be very scary. I have always understood that what Bruce has is from God. He is first the son of the Mother of God, and then - my child. The main thing is not to interfere in what he is doing, not to harm, but to the best of his ability - to help Bruce go his own way.

Bruce Khlebnikov at school and at home

Does Bruce go to school?

No. He is homeschooled. This is better, and the headmaster agrees with this. On the one hand, it is difficult for him to combine the mode in which it is best for him to engage in classes - he goes to bed late and gets up late. On the other hand, I'm afraid of millet for him, - says the mother.

Are you afraid?

Of course. He's a child. There will definitely be some skirmishes, someone will definitely say something offensive - Bruce and I understood very well what envy is - even on the part of adults. What if the child doesn't hold back? What then? After all, the force of Bruce's fist is 400 kilograms.

He manages to study at home, additionally studying English. He has an unusual way of receiving and transmitting information, not like ours. For example, Bruce doesn't have the patience to read a book. And he asks me to read. As soon as I pick up a book and start reading, the information is assimilated by him instantly.

Sometimes he can put a book in front of him and start copying sheet by sheet. Often at night, Bruce composes music on a laptop. Or think about something else. If a child is unusual, he is unusual in everything.

Like all kids, Bruce had colds. If he was really bad, and he could not go to training, he was terribly worried. But basically - he walked, and he overcame his illness. In training and without drugs.

Nelli Alexandrovna, what does your unusual child eat?

And here he is almost the same as all the children. You have to persuade him to eat something. He digs twice and gets up from the table. Soup eats in general very rarely - only broth - I specially filter it. And, both at home and at performances.

When we went to demonstrate the capabilities of Bruce in Kemerovo and lived in the residence of Aman Tuleev, we specially cooked for Bruce, served him meat delicacies, but it was the same story with them ...

Aren't you sorry that a child's childhood ended so early?

He has an unusual childhood and his own path. He goes the way he has to go.

Of course, Bruce plays with the kids. More recently, he played like a child, with toys. But lately he has been talking mostly with adults. That makes him more interesting.

First of all, first of all - planes

It is difficult to walk with Bruce, - says Nelli Alexandrovna. They recognize him, pay attention, ask for autographs. Once he wanted to ride the subway, and we went - we immediately recognized and asked for an autograph. And he - does not see anything, does not hear - is always all in himself.

Letters are written to him. Girls write! But he does not answer anyone - he does not like to write letters. He says I'd better call.

We have very good relations with Vyacheslav Fetisov. And Bruce is friendly with his daughter. And the girl is very proud of her friend. This was especially evident in America - "Do you know what kind of friend I have in Russia?"

Children have a pure consciousness, so they immediately grasp the truth, says Bruce Khlebnikov's producer Seyran Muradyan. - After all, we should be proud that the strongest boy on the planet lives in Russia, in our country.

Elena Kiseleva


Photo from the personal archive of the Khlebnikov family

Peter gave his favorite at the disposal of the upper tier of the Sukharev Tower, where Bruce equipped the observatory. He was seriously interested in astronomy, carried a telescope and astronomical aids with him everywhere, even taught the king himself to navigate the sky, predict solar eclipses. Bruce was engaged in observations at night and at the same time wrote down his calculations, drew maps ...
But popular rumor said that at night the Scot did dirty deeds in the Sukharev Tower: for example, he let out “iron birds with human heads” from its windows, and sometimes he himself flew over Moscow, turning into a crow ...
Another rumor concerned the figurine of a double-headed eagle on the spire of the tower. The bird was said to be able to foresee the future. And this seemed to be confirmed. So, before the war with Napoleon, a tangled hawk was seen between the paws of an eagle. Many considered this an omen of a Russian victory over the French.
The tower basement was also provided to Bruce. In it, the count set up a laboratory, where, again, according to rumors, he conducted alchemical experiments. And they also claimed that the Scot kept in that basement the Black Book, the author of which was supposedly Satan himself. And whoever takes possession of this book will be able to open any locks and any treasures will be opened to him ... According to legend, feeling his imminent death, the count walled up the book in the wall of the tower.
In 1934, Stalin ordered the demolition of the Sukharev Tower because it allegedly interfered with traffic. For some reason, instead of blowing it up, they began to take it apart brick by brick. There were rumors that they were trying to find Bryusov's Black Book, but the search was unsuccessful.
But the most surprising was the legend of living and dead water. As if Bruce owned the secret of water that could heal wounds and revive the dead. And that's how he died. Bruce decided to conduct an experiment, called a Turkish servant and ordered him to cut his body with a sword into four parts. After that, the servant, on the orders of the owner, buried the remains in the garden and for three days and three nights watered the place from the bottle that Bruce had given him before his death. On the fourth day, he was ordered to dig a hole. But everything went wrong. On the third day, for some reason, they began to search for Bruce by order of the king. In the end, the Turk "split" and told what had happened. Peter ordered to dig a hole with the remains. The sorcerer's body turned out to be intact, and he himself was alive, only sleeping. Nevertheless, the emperor considered this "an unclean affair", ordered the count to be cut into pieces again and buried.
On the facade of house No. 2 on Spartakovskaya Street, formerly known as the "House on Razgulay", you can see the remains of a sundial with numbers, astrological symbols and other signs. And it was like that was the case. Count Musin-Pushkin ordered the warlock Bruce a magic clock capable of predicting the future and pointing to treasures. However, even before the order was completed, Musin-Pushkin gave his soul to God. Bruce took the product to the heirs, and they refused to pay for it. Then Bruce left the watch to them, but at the same time he uttered the following phrase: “May this watch be cursed, and let it only show bad things!”
They say that before the revolution, the First and Second World Wars, the stone clock board took on a blood-red color. And from time to time a white cross appeared on its surface. And its top indicated where to look for treasures. But everyone who found them soon died a terrible death ...
In the 20s of the last century, members of the Old Moscow society found out that the sundial was placed on the facade of the building by Abbot Syuryug, the teacher of the Musin-Pushkin children, a highly educated person, the author of works on history, mythology and literature. But they seemed to have nothing to do with Jacob Bruce.

There are people who are born to be creative, to perform on stage. Studying biographies, we can conclude that some are born in order to play sports professionally. Bruce Khlebnikov is famous for his records and achievements. Today he is considered one of the most powerful people on our planet. Many of his records are listed in the Guinness Book.


The future record holder was born on October 21, 1989. He was born on the Tula-Moscow train. His mother, Nelly, moved from Armenia. He owes his unusual name to the Chinese athlete Bruce Lee. His closest relatives are no less famous. Ivan Khlebnikov, a hero of the Great Patriotic War, became famous for saving almost fifty people during a fire at an oil plant in Baku. A monument was erected in his honor in the capital of Azerbaijan. The biography of Bruce Khlebnikov is quite interesting. The boy from childhood loved karate and wushu. One of his favorite characters was his famous namesake, Bruce Lee.

The future champion already in early childhood showed the ability to martial arts. Noticing her son's abilities, her mother brought him for a consultation with Alexei Artyukhov, who headed the Wushu Federation. At that time, Bruce was four years old. After a year of wushu training, he received a yellow belt.

Bruce's sports career developed very rapidly. His incredible achievements in sports made a lasting impression. Gradually, the fame of him stepped over the boundaries of Moscow.

For the first time, his record got into the Guinness Book when he moved the Volga car. The boy's sports career also went uphill. At the age of nine, Bruce already had a red belt in the ear. And a couple of years later he set another record. He managed to budge a military fighter that weighs twelve tons. And besides that, he managed to tear several thick books in half. In total, more than thirty records are recorded in the Book of Records.

How is the family life of this talented person?

Outwardly, Bruce is a very attractive young man. Bruce Khlebnikov's height and weight are not large 178 cm and 76 kg, respectively. But, despite this, he can be compared with one of the popular heroes of Armenian legends, David of Sasun. Not every person is able to perform practically miracles. Bruce Khlebnikov is very young. But he has great willpower and is incredibly hardworking. He just turned 25 years old. He is full of energy and optimism.

Today it is very difficult to find a person who would not have heard anything about Bruce Khlebnikov. He is on excellent terms with the famous karateka Van Damme. His abilities are legendary, and yet he is so young. It seems that at twenty-five, Bruce has reached such heights that even older people do not always achieve. According to the press, this record holder often participates in charity. Thus, the young man tries to attract as many people as possible.

Bruce is very slender, he has such a slightly oriental appearance. Not all men have long hair. But they adorn Bruce. Bruce's family consists of two people. He and his mom. Whether he plans to start his own family is still unknown. Bruce Khlebnikov and his wife is a very closed topic to the general public. Bruce's small family lives in Moscow. But they are not the natives of the capital, but refugees. Previously, his mother lived in Baku. But by coincidence, she was forced to leave for Moscow. Nothing is known about the father either. Bruce was raised by his mother alone. It was she who drew attention to the unusual abilities of her son. Perhaps there is a kind of mysticism in the fact that Bruce bears the name of the famous Chinese karateka. After all, he looks a bit like a Chinese, and he is also professionally engaged in wushu.

By the way, Van Damme himself appreciated Bruce's excellent stretching at a conference where his mother brought him. Gradually, the little strongman became famous throughout Moscow. Tatyana Pikalova invited him to compete.

Bruce's first records

The first record that glorified Bruce was made by accident. Although the boy showed absolutely incredible perseverance and diligence. Tatyana Pikalova, who is famous as a power actress, invited Nelly to watch the performance. All that was required of Bruce was to sit behind the wheel of the Volga. But everything went completely differently. Instead of sitting quietly in the driver's seat, the child quite seriously asked permission to move the car. At that time he was only six years old. Adults only laughed at such a request. Then Bruce put a strong plump man into the Volga, and harnessed himself. And the car moved. For some reason, the room became quiet. And the boy really liked this game. Gradually, he began to move buses, planes, boats.

Instead of belts, he very often uses his own hair or teeth. Success in the sports field caused envy not only among classmates, but also among adults. Fearing the consequences of some fight, my mother transferred Bruce to home schooling. Videos featuring Bruce Khlebnikov can be viewed on social networks or on the Internet. So, at 10 years old, Bruce's records were even more impressive. At this age, he managed to hold a man who weighed 160 kg between two chairs. A year later, he could hold a weight of 240 kg. And at the age of 12, the Albatross L-39 plane could budge, this car weighed 4 tons. He used his hair as belts. A rope was tied to them, on which he dragged the plane almost one and a half meters.

Records that glorified Bruce Khlebnikov

Gradually, Bruce Khlebnikov's records became known, he got into the Guinness book. This happened after a young strong man moved a fighter that weighed 12 tons. Bruce dragged him along the runway for almost 70 cm. This time the rope was fastened with straps. But in 2002, he was back in the Book. This time he tied it to his hair and moved the Zarnitsa steamer, which weighed 22 tons. There were also passengers on board. Together with them, he dragged the ship 10 meters against the current.

Many records are listed in the Guinness Book, for example, Bruce was able to hold two cars. They failed to leave. Bruce himself plans his achievements. Mom does not interfere in his affairs. She believes that he knows his limit.

Communication with Jackie Chan

Sports achievements do not replace knowledge for Bruce. Most recently, Bruce entered the Academy of National Security and Law Enforcement. Bruce's abilities were also appreciated by another equally famous karateka - Jackie Chan. They met in 2000 at the premiere of Shanghai Noon. Jackie Chan was surprised at the abilities of the young strong man no less than Van Damme. Today he is friends with both actors and often visits them. By the way, Bruce will also star in one of the films along with Jackie Chan.

Therefore, do not be surprised to see a photo of Bruce Khlebnikov together with Jackie Chan. Hair is Bruce's pride. For them, he received the nickname "Mowgli". However, they also made it into the Guinness Book of Records as the longest male hair. Bruce's hair length is 110 cm.

There is no doubt that Bruce is incredibly talented. This young strong man and actor is already known all over the world. Sometimes it seems that no one knows how else to use such an incredible talent.

What is the secret of Bruce Khlebnikov's success

To date, Bruce Khlebnikov holds more than 30 records, many of which are listed in the Guinness Book. All of them are very complex. It's no secret that in order to achieve such a result, you need to show inhuman willpower. In addition, you need to set a goal and steadily achieve it. Bruce has it all. According to his mother, he is very hardworking.

Few people know that at the age of 12, Bruce already received the title of Champion of Russia in martial arts. He often travels to colonies where juvenile delinquents are brought up. They become witnesses of many records. So on one of the trips, he moved the Gazelle. According to the strong man, this is an excellent example of what to strive for. This is understandable, if you direct all your energy in the right direction, you can reach incredible heights.

If you read the biographies of famous people, you can clearly understand that at the cost of a lot of work, they achieve their results. Bruce is no exception. He began to work on himself at an early age. Of course, without the attention and help of my mother, it was not done here. But it was hard work that helped the athlete get into the Wushu Federation, where children were accepted only from the age of 12. Bruce was only four.

You can be an incredibly talented person, but if you do not add work to this, then success is extremely difficult to achieve.

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Born October 21, 1989. His abilities began to manifest themselves already in early childhood and largely thanks to his mother. Named after the famous Bruce Lee.

As a child, Bruce was stronger than all the boys in the yard, so his mother sent him to a karate group. At the age of 5, Bruce became the champion of Russia in wushu, and at 6 he won the gladiator show: there he had to drag the Volga to speed.

At the age of 8, Bruce lifted an 8-kilogram weight 300 times. He held two people (80 kg) on ​​his shoulders for 10 minutes, sitting on a twine on two pushed apart chairs. He broke 15 tiles put together with one blow (the strength of his small fist is 300 kg). Tears wall calendars (400 pages) and books (up to 700 pages). And he squatted 2,000 times in an hour.

At the age of 11, he dragged a fighter-bomber, lifted 240 tons on a hanging twine, moved a 38-ton crane ten centimeters, tied to it with his long hair.

In June 2001, at the airfield of the Flight Test Institute in Zhukovsky, he moved the Albatross L-39 aircraft weighing 4 tons to a distance of about one and a half meters. The plane was tied to Bruce's hair.

On July 27, 2001, on the runway of the Zhukovsky military airfield, Bruce Khlebnikov sets a Guinness record by moving two combat aircraft (a 4-ton fighter moved his hair by 142 cm, a bomber weighing 12 tons by 68 cm, fastened with shoulder straps).

On August 29, 2001, Bruce tore through 365 tear-off calendars in 1 hour and 29 minutes. The weight of each calendar is 166 grams, the volume is approximately 365 pages.

On August 6, 2002, in Samara, Bruce pulled the Zarnitsa steamer (22 tons) along with passengers over a distance of more than 10 meters with his hair.

On September 22, 2002, in Batumi (Georgia), Bruce dragged a pleasure boat (105 tons) for a distance of 15 meters, tying it with a rope to his hair.

On April 19, 2004, 14-year-old Bruce Khlebnikov moved two tramcars with his hair and dragged them a little more than three meters.

July 25, 2004 in Yakutsk, Bruce moves a truck crane with a total weight of 38.5 tons with his hair.

2005 in Kemerovo, Bruce dragged a 17-ton bus with his hair.

Bruce Khlebnikov set his 30th record on January 31, 2006. With his bare hands, he tore through 500 tear-off calendars in 38 minutes.

STRANGE BIOGRAPHY: The direct heir to the Scottish throne (his ancestors fled Britain from the Cromwellian terror) Count Yakov Vilimovich Bruce was an engineer, mathematician, astronomer, healer, topographer, military man, politician, diplomat. And, according to contemporaries - a sorcerer. There are no records of when the offspring of the royal family was born in Moscow. Two dates are given: 1669 or 1670. At the age of 14, he spoke three languages, knew mathematics and astronomy. At the age of 16, Bruce signed up for the amusing troops that Peter the Great created. The young sovereign, eager for knowledge, singled out an enlightened Scot. Having entered the service of Peter, Bruce rapidly climbed the career ladder. He led the entire Russian artillery, at the age of thirty he received the rank of Feldzeugmeister General, participated in all the military campaigns of the tsar. Peter took an enlightened foreigner to important diplomatic negotiations. Jacob Bruce became the first holder of the main award of the empire - the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called.

SUKHAREVA TOWER: Under Bruce, the tower was a barracks, part of Colonel Sukharev. Yakov Bruce also settled there and organized, at the behest of the tsar, a school of mathematical and navigational sciences, and on the top floor he set up an observatory. Under Stalin, the tower was dismantled, but today they want to restore it. But something seems to be interfering: for many years, the Moscow government either supports the idea of ​​​​recreation, or rejects it.

BRUCE'S BOOK: In gratitude for the royal honors, Peter asked the count to let him read his magic book, which, according to rumors, once belonged to King Solomon himself (photo, 12th century). “Bruce had such a book that revealed all the secrets to him, and through this book he could find out what was in any place in the earth, he could tell who had what hidden where ... You can’t get this book: it’s not in anyone’s hands is given and located in a mysterious room in the Sukharev Tower, where no one dares to enter, ”the novelist Bogatyrev described one of the main mysteries of Yakov Bruce. Bruce replied that he did not have any mysterious books, except for the Philosophy of Mysticism. In 1735, the sorcerer died, and Catherine I tried to find the book. She searched the observatory and turned over his scientific archive, which was stored in the Academy of Sciences. But the magic book was nowhere to be found. The Empress believed in the existence of the book, so that no one else could find it, she placed a guard at the tower. At first, even the Bolsheviks did not dare to remove this guard. Only in 1924, the post at the Sukharev Tower was disbanded, and a museum of public services was opened in the Bruce Observatory. The Sukharev Tower, unlike other architectural monuments, was destroyed for a long time and painstakingly. Stalin was fond of mysticism and wanted to find Bruce's book. He ordered the tower to be dismantled brick by brick under strict control. But the book was never found. Lazar Kaganovich, who was present at the destruction of the tower, later told Stalin that he saw a tall, thin man in a wig in the crowd, who shook his finger at him, and then disappeared. But many of the works of Bruce Stalin found and used them in the construction of modern Moscow.

THE SPIRIT OF BRUCE: After Bruce's death, when the body was already buried in the crypt at the Lutheran Church of St. Michael in the Nemetskaya Sloboda, every night the light was still on in the observatory. Muscovites said that it was the spirit of the sorcerer guarding his magic book. After the demolition of the tower, the spirit was seen in Bruce's estate near Moscow

edited news fox cub - 11-12-2012, 06:33

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