Raw food diet - the path to recovery or life from hand to mouth? “Athletes look better than raw foodists

Since all the myths about the raw food diet are conditionally divided into two categories: the harm of a raw food diet and the benefits of a raw food diet, in this article we will examine in more detail the existing ideas about the benefits of a raw food diet. Why hide it, if among the supporters of such nutrition there are opinions that suggest far-fetched or exaggerated advantages of a raw food diet?

In the raw food diet as an idea, there are also certain prejudices and misconceptions. Many people are imbued with the idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle, looking for the most suitable options for themselves. However, whole layers of ideologies have formed in the raw food diet, which have either a logical or purely subjective justification. Since most of the Internet resources about the raw food diet contain some prejudices and misconceptions, it is extremely important to study them at the stage of acquaintance with this way of life in order not to be disappointed in this style of eating and avoid unnecessary mistakes.

Myth #1. Does a raw food diet lead to perfect health and does it help to achieve a perfect body?

The raw foodist feels better on the raw food diet, but constantly feels aggression towards other people due to the rejection of their food. Man with traditional meat nutrition good-natured, calmly eats his usual food, sleep-spirit does not know about raw foodists. He does not complain about anything in terms of his general condition.

Which of these two representatives of different eating styles is healthier? One could immediately answer unambiguously: “Syroed! But how else? After all, he eats live food!” However, a person with a traditional meat diet does not hold good nature. And if we are talking about a healthy psyche, then it is better to sacrifice physical health than mental health. It is better to let the body be imperfect than to damage the soul.

Therefore, it is incorrect to talk about impeccable health, since health itself is diverse. Man is a symbiosis of the physical body, spirit and soul. The raw food diet involves a multifaceted effect on different levels person. In terms of the physical body, improvements are possible in various organs of the body, weight loss, etc. In the spiritual aspect, different ideological attitudes arise: raw foodists are always healthy; raw food - very good; to be a raw foodist is to be a real person, etc. But spiritual distortions and excessive expectations of miracles on a raw food diet can injure the soul. As a result, it is too early to talk about impeccable health.

Apparently better people to tell what exactly has improved on a raw food diet general well-being. Exactly good health as the main guarantee of inner harmony. In addition, it is difficult to remain cheerful and optimistic if the body is undermining some kind of ailment. It can be said that old diseases have been cured, but one should not rush to evaluate general state health as impeccable.

Impeccability of the body on a raw food diet is also not to be expected as manna from heaven. Without certain systematic physical exercises, the body will not become perfect. However, many raw foodists with experience in such nutrition, involved in sports, note an increase in the desire to exercise and improved results on a raw food diet.

Myth #2. Will raw foodists live longer than people on traditional food?

This opinion attracts many newcomers to the raw food diet. But over time, each of them understands that so far no one can name at least one specific raw foodist who has been living for more than 100 years.

No one rules out that such people exist, but concrete examples, Unfortunately no. Therefore, long-lived raw foodists are still in question.

Rather, it would be better to say that on a raw food diet, not the ability to live longer increases significantly, but the quality of life changes. Even if a raw foodist is 60 years old, he feels much better in comparison with his peers on a traditional diet. In addition, he does not worry about medicines, trips to doctors, whether his pension is enough for all this ...

Myth #3. Can a raw food diet cure or prevent any disease?

Modern raw foodists are cured of chronic diseases. The mechanism is very simple: by switching to a raw food diet, a person changes not only in terms of habits in relation to food. He revises questions regarding communication with friends, sports, sex, hardening, temporary abstinence from food. Many raw foodists generally move to live on their own land. And all this triggers the mechanism of detachment from the usual pleasures. Provided that there is no fanatical adherence to the examples of the raw food diet and its idealization, a person switches to a qualitatively new level life. It changes the mind and soul of a person. Therefore, diseases at this level can disappear.

At the same time, raw foodists often comment that animals in the wild, thanks to natural and raw food, never get sick. Again, animals in the wild live at a higher quality level, because they live in natural conditions, eat raw food, are physically active and constantly take care of their survival (and if they get sick, then at the reflex level they begin to look for different herbs, starve). Unlike people living in smoky and gray cities, permeated with artificially created electromagnetic radiation, huddling in small stuffy boxes called “apartment” and eating food whose main ingredient no one sees (artificial colors, sweeteners, flavor enhancers, etc.) .

Myth No. 4. Does a raw food diet help develop spiritually?

This is a sect... Here is an example. “I used to think that most people can't be wrong about nutrition. But when I switched to a raw food diet, do you understand what I felt and suddenly understood? I began to be surrounded by people of a different worldview! At home, on the street, in the subway, on TV, at work - self-satisfied, fat faces of people. Well, how can you be calm when they say that I will be allergic to tangerines? And this is despite the fact that I have been eating them 5 kilograms a day for the second week!

How can you be calm while watching a chlorinated chicken carcass boil in the kitchen? Or when “friends” convince you to drink beer with fish? Or when they mockingly ask: “When will you return to normal nutrition? Where does raw food calcium come from?

I don't know what capital letters to express all that anger, fear, complacency, love, purity, all this indescribable range of emotions that I experienced?! Until one day I realized that the world absolutely does not care! I could not convince a single person of the benefits of raw food! And even if it succeeds, the effort will not be worth the result.”

Therefore, it can be summarized that it is precisely on a raw food diet that a sufficiently strong incentive and need arises for spiritual development. But to say that actually raw plant food helps to develop - this is already clean water delusion.

Myth number 5. Are juices food for a raw foodist?

Regarding juices on a raw food diet, there are different opinions and even options for using juices as food. There are adherents of eating fruits and vegetables in natural form without additional processing, including juice push-ups.

One kilogram of apples can squeeze out about a liter of juice. Drinking a liter of juice is easier than eating a kilogram of apples. In addition, the juice often does not contain the fiber that is found in the fruit in its original form.

Myth number 6. Is the raw food diet best style nutrition for all people??

The assertion that there is a certain version of the ideal diet for all people, without exception, is very alarming. Based on this approach, any person can be a raw foodist and this will help him to be healthy and happy. However, why then do most people eat the traditional way?

First of all, all people are different and each person lives according to certain characteristics of his life. life path. In addition, there is no universal option for the most optimal nutrition for every person. Among long-lived people there are lovers of meat in its various cooking options. There are people who eat raw food in general, but eat fish. Also among the centenarians there are representatives of those who like to smoke and drink. There are physically active people, yogis. And so on. Clearly determine the cause of longevity due to some factors influencing physical body a person is very difficult.

Myth number 7. Animals in the wild never get sick because they eat natural, raw food.
This myth is repeated in recently published books on the raw food diet. Note: Animals can get sick, and they do get sick, which is main reason of death. The study of animal diseases is a whole branch of biology. Anyone can go to a good university library and find a lot of doodles on this issue. Besides, there is such a thing as veterinary medicine that wouldn't exist if animals didn't get sick. People who refer to this myth, in my opinion, are simply trying to get you to believe it through frequent repetition.
A few examples of animal diseases are hoof and herd diseases that kill bison in the US, wildebeest in Africa, bubonic plague among rodents, fever among deer and antelopes, and others.
Now to the first myth: if animals wildlife consuming natural food die or get sick, why shouldn't raw food people? Our diet, even if it is raw, is less "natural" than that of animals (they eat wild plants, we are cultivated.) Also, there is evidence that raw foodists can and do get sick. I have seen many raw foodists suffering from diseases...

Myth number 8. Monkeys that eat meat are perverts
Perversion is a human concept; nature simply exists, as does the behavior of wild animals. We can accept reality, or we can live in its denial. So, I would say that monkeys that eat animals or meat are just following their instincts. What's perverted, in my opinion, is the apparent denial of reality by the Fruitarians.

Myth number 9. All health problems that occur when eating raw food are caused by poisoning with accumulated poisons.

This is a dangerous misconception that can cause you serious harm. These disorders are caused by the side effects of detoxification, when they should pass over time, and the poisoning process continues. This does not occur when the disorders and poisoning are unrelated, and may be a deficiency or an actual disease. Also, I strongly recommend that anyone with serious health problems (especially in the acute stage) consult (as soon as possible) with a qualified doctor. Don't count on detox, don't sacrifice your health for raw food dogma!

Myth number 10. Fasting can cure all/any disease.
Starvation may be powerful tool treatment and cleansing. But it doesn't cure everything. It cannot cure anorexia, diseases caused by excessive fasting. Fasting can normalize metabolism, but it will not cure chronic or long-term diseases, deficiencies.
Fasting can cause a psychological feeling of deprivation, which in turn causes overeating. This can lead to a cycle of fasting-overeating. If this becomes a habit, then this is a form of bulimia. Fasting can worsen other eating disorders.
Moderate fasting can improve digestion, a boon for some and a serious problem for others. Improper fasting will not remove toxins, but will only drive them deeper into the tissues.
Starvation - powerful medicine, it must be taken in the correct dosage. However, it should be noted that most (not all) people can go on short-term hunger strikes (one-day fasts) without any problems.

Myth number 11. You must eat the food that you can pick up with your bare hands.
Problem: This myth is a denial of reality, and a denial of nature. Man is an intellectual being who uses improvised means. Those who propagate this myth deny the use of improvised means, and deny intellectual potential they literally trample on our nature. To deny the use of improvised means is to lower man below chimpanzees (who pick out termites with sticks to eat them).
Some may argue that people have too much money. However, the use of the simplest of them is suitable for the extraction of food (for example, stones). So this myth offends humanity, or denies human nature in a certain sense.

You can find raw foodists spreading these myths on computer networks. How would naked monkeys (without improvised means) make computers?
This myth is often used to justify fruit as a natural diet. However, modern fruitarians don't eat wild fruits - they eat grafted, cloned fruits. I would like to see a naked monkey without improvised means cultivating plants. Of course, this cannot be, this illustrates hypocrisy.
Unless you have experience in fruit picking, both wild and cultivated, I find the idea of ​​naked people picking fruit unrealistic and preposterous. I would like to see naked people, without improvised means, in a clearing with wild berries, thorns, fire ants, overgrown with poison ivy. Picking fruit is hard work, especially if it's wild fruit, and requires protective clothing and tools if you want to be successful at it.
Myth number 12. Raw is the law of nature
Cute, but false and meaningless slogan. The idea that animals never eat processed food is a lie.
Animals are killed and roasted in forest fires, volcanic eruptions, geysers, lightning strikes, and their roasted remains are quickly eaten by other animals - both predators and omnivores.
Naturally, wild animals will go to landfills and eat processed, rotting food. This shows that animals take advantage of every opportunity and do not follow dogma.
Of course, landfills are not a natural phenomenon, but the animals that feed on them are quite natural. They follow their instincts and eat whatever food is available. No "raw as the law of nature" for wild animals! It's so arrogant - to declare that what man has come up with is the law of nature!

An interesting scientific argument is that we and our prehistoric ancestors used fire long enough that our genes allow us to take processed food. In other words, eating processed food can be natural, according to the compelling definition of natural, as defined by evolution.
Note: Some raw foodists misinterpret fossil images and claim that we are evolutionarily destined to be frugivorous or vegan. However, fossil images do not support this view, and such claims are not included in serious scientific discussions. Please note that this is not a criticism of the traditional Christian belief in the creation of the world.

Myth number 13. All raw foods are easier to digest than cooked foods and contain enzymes that are destroyed by cooking.
Some processed foods are easier to digest than raw foods. Foods containing starch are represented mainly by potatoes and rice. Heat treatment destroys crystal structure starch, making foods more digestible. Raw starch is hard to digest but won't harm you as long as you don't take it in threatening amounts. Starch, processed or raw, is non-toxic. At least 70% of the world's population base their diet on starch - processed. If it were truly toxic, there would be fewer people on the planet!
Some foods contain indigestible toxins and/or taste worse raw, but are digestible and edible cooked: beans, especially kidney beans. Other raw food has negative side effects, for example, strong gas formation: raw zucchini, Lentil Sprouts. The preparation of such products the only way avoid/reduce side effects. Other ways to avoid them are the use of spices and fermentation.
So, while many foods are best eaten raw, there are some that are difficult or impossible to eat raw.

A raw food diet is a fashionable way of eating today, preaching the idea that food becomes dead when it is processed at high temperatures.

This means that raw foodists are the only category of people who fully enrich their body with useful substances by eating properly, in accordance with human nature.

Raw food basics for beginners

In traditional cooking, there are many ways to cook food without the use of heat treatment by boiling, frying or baking. From ancient times, harvesting fruits, berries and mushrooms for the winter was carried out by pickling, pickling, and drying. Dried fish, salted balyk, balyk, sauerkraut and cucumbers are popular foods ordinary person, which will not disdain omnivorous raw foodists. Raw food diet is also vegetarian, G. Carringston for the first time on scientific level proved the benefits of nutrition exclusively raw foods agriculture.

Raw food - products

Raw food diet - special way nutrition, in which the use of products occurs:

  • NOT boiled.
  • NOT fried.
  • NOT smoked.
  • NOT baked.

At the same time, cold heat treatment is allowed, dried, dried and other non-hot cooking methods are also allowed.

There is possible:

  • raw fruits and vegetables;
  • dried fruits, nuts, seeds and grains;
  • other products, depending on the form of the raw food diet.

There is an opinion that a raw food diet is one of the rigid forms of vegetarianism. This is an erroneous judgment, because there are different forms raw food diet.

Steps of a raw food diet

There are different stages (forms) of a raw food diet:

  • Omnivorous. Wide spectrum foodstuffs are acceptable with a raw food diet of an omnivorous form. The diet consists of vegetables and fruits. You can eat meat, fish, milk, eggs and seafood. Among the cooking methods, drying is appropriate.
  • Vegetarian. In addition to vegetables and fruits, vegetarian raw foodists can afford to drink eggs and milk, yogurt and other dairy products, the preparation of which does not require heat treatment. Meat and fish cannot be eaten.
  • Vegan. Vegans are people who eat absolutely nothing that concerns the animal kingdom. Milk is not allowed - a calf could drink it. An egg is not allowed - a chicken could hatch from every drunk egg. Meat and fish are the flesh of the same living beings as we are. You can't eat them either.
  • Carnivorous. This form, on the contrary, recreates the way cavemen eat. The basis of a carnivorous raw food diet is animal products, especially meat, fish and seafood. At the same time, vegetables are allowed, but are not predominant in the diet. This form of raw food diet does exist, but is not as popular as the vegetarian diet.

  • Fruitarian. Raw foodists practicing this form nutrition, do not even eat vegetables, not to mention animal products. raw fruits- the basis and the only component of their diet.

Raw food: where to start?

Wake up with the decision to become a raw foodist and abruptly switch to special treatment nutrition - shock therapy for the body, which may have backfire. Before switching to a raw food diet, ask yourself: “Why do I need this?” Answer options:

  1. For the company with a girlfriend / friend, so that there are more common topics.
  2. Many say it's great.
  3. Raw food is in trend.
  4. I don’t understand why you need to cook food, because you can not cook at all, but eat everything raw.
  5. I need a raw food diet - this is what my body wants.

All answers except the last one point to the wrong approach. Give up the idea of ​​becoming a raw foodist - this is not yours. And even if the answer "5" fully reflects your thoughts and state of mind, you should repeatedly weigh the pros and cons. The transition to a raw food diet should not be carried out on your own without a medical opinion: not every person is able to survive the transition to a raw food diet and this lifestyle.

Contraindications to the transition to a raw food diet

You can not be raw foodists:

  1. People who in the near or distant future want to become parents. Raw food will not give good nutrition reproductive cells, which is fraught with infertility.
  2. Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers whose milk reflects what they eat. The baby should receive all possible useful substances with milk, and the mother should help him in this.
  3. Children and adolescents are growing organisms whose nutrition must be balanced. Raw food causes developmental delays, failures endocrine system and energy depletion.
  4. Old people. The metabolism of older people is slowed down, so it will be difficult for their body to synthesize useful substances from exclusively raw foods.
  5. Patients with stomach problems (gastritis, colitis, whose digestion is difficult).
  6. Tuberculosis patients, whose body should receive maximum amount wholesome and healthy food, especially protein-containing foods: meat, fish, seafood, milk.

A raw food diet is indicated for people over 40 who have a high arterial pressure, overweight or gout. They are assigned a special short-term raw food diet.

How to switch to a raw food diet from a regular diet?

  • Become a raw foodist long term- a serious choice for which the body needs to be prepared. For a very long time and smoothly - at least one year - the body of an average person should switch to a raw food diet. This time will be needed by the body in order to fully adapt to nutrition from a new source of energy - raw food. The most difficult period for a raw foodist is the first winter, so try to start preparing for a raw food diet in the spring, and start a new way of eating next summer, when a raw food diet will be a pleasant pleasure due to the abundance of vegetables and fruits.
  • Gradually from daily menu you need to remove smoked meats, meat and fish products, canned food and semi-finished products. After - it is worth limiting yourself in flour and sweets, tea, coffee, alcohol, smoothly removing these products from the diet.
  • Drink plenty of water. 2 liters is the minimum amount of liquid allowed when switching to a raw food diet. Do not overeat fruits and vegetables containing fiber - the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract should be gradually accustomed to eating raw vegetables and fruits.
  • Instead of the usual cereals, you can eat cereals and nuts, soaking them overnight in water. For example, oatmeal - left for 8 hours in water, in company with dried fruits - is quite a worthy breakfast of a raw foodist, not much different from everyday food. fruit and vegetable salads- why not tasty, familiar and healthy, from the point of view of a raw food diet, food? A lot of raw food dishes arouse the interest of the average person.

With a raw food diet, it is important to remember that the body, in addition to the vitamin-mineral complex, must receive sufficient, balanced amounts of proteins and carbohydrates. Meals per day can be from 2 to 6, depending on the individual needs of the body and the energy value of the products.

Switching to a raw food diet - possible consequences

There is no consensus on the raw food diet in science or the public. On the one hand, this is a natural (not distorted by civilization) way of human nutrition, as a biological unit, which cures many diseases, helps to improve the figure. On the other hand, it is a debilitating mockery of the body that can cause health problems.

Is raw food healthy? Is it harmful? It should be understood from the experience of practicing raw foodists and medical experts.

The benefits of a raw food diet

The raw food diet is called for for two reasons: it is natural and it is healthy. A raw food diet is inherent in a person, but not everyone is ready to decide on such a way of eating, losing in many ways, compared with a raw foodist.

  • Raw food treatment. People often become raw foodists, once switching to a similar diet in the fight against diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous or digestive systems. Taras Gavur, a practicing raw foodist from Kyiv, has been switching to a similar diet for at least five years. This was prompted by problems with gastrointestinal tract. He was disturbed sharp pains radiating to the spine. On the recommendation of doctors, he paid attention to the way of eating and completely abandoned fried foods, and within five years he became a raw foodist. Reason for choosing a diet young man became his wife. The girl got rid of asthma by practicing a raw food diet.

  • Charging a human battery. Raw Foodists Admit They Have Abundance energy resources. They are ready not only to work actively, but are also able to anticipate certain life events. According to Artem Voloshchuk, a chef at a specific cafe for creative vegetarians, the feeling of a surge of energy does not evaporate even after a hard day's work. According to statistics, raw foodists sleep less than the average person by 2-4 hours a day. A short six (or less) hours is enough for full recovery human bioresources. The raw foodist is full of energy and ready for work after a deep restful short sleep. A raw food diet refreshes the mind, that is, it makes the nervous system work more intensively and more productively: thoughts are clear, the mind is enlightened and ready to make the right decisions.
  • Raw food diet for weight loss. The transition to a raw food diet causes a sharp decline weight due to a decrease in the amount of energy valuable products. Raw foodists cannot eat bread, cereals can only be infused in cold water, meat and fish can only be raw or dried (which not everyone can eat). So, there is very little left in the diet high-calorie foods, which leads to the use of reserve resources (stored fat) for energy for the day. For this reason, a raw food diet is sometimes prescribed in medicinal purposes as a temporary type of food - a diet. A constant raw food diet can become a habit for the body, which subsequently leads to weight recovery.

Harm of a raw food diet

The picture of the raw food lifestyle would be more rosy if it did not cause health problems. Opponents of the raw food diet warn of irreversible negative consequences this method nutrition.

Raw food diet - the results of the experiment of a novice raw foodist

  • Avitaminosis. The period of transition to a special diet of raw foods is the most vulnerable to beriberi. An imbalance in nutrition causes insufficient intake of the vitamin-mineral complex. The first symptoms of this are a feeling of numbness in the arms and legs, a weak ability of the body to heal wounds. Raw foodist Yuri Volkov shares his impressions of the 3-month painful transition to raw food. Stomach ache, permanent decline strength and weakness, exacerbated allergic reactions- all this man suffered in a crisis transitional period.
  • Poisoning. With the wrong combination of raw foods, food can, in principle, not be digested. Try to follow the rules of nutrition so that everything is in order with digestion. The second cause of poisoning are substances and microorganisms found in products. Meat or fish can be with worm larvae, raw legumes themselves are capable of releasing toxic substances in the stomach. vegetable protein found in many foods that can cause allergic reactions.
  • Aggression . The transition period to a raw food diet can result in a lack of multivitamins of group B. This is a consequence of a vegetarian or vegan raw food diet, in which meat and other animal products are not eaten. B-vitamins are responsible for the ability to control oneself - mental calmness. Unbalance in raw foodists often manifests itself to those people who lead the opposite way of life.

Raw food diet - reviews of practicing raw foodists

  • Forced persistence. The diet of a raw foodist is very strict. This is not possible, this is not possible. What if someone sees? My conscience will torment me! This is especially true for those who are surrounded by people practicing this lifestyle. Here plays an important role public opinion. But it is important to remember that you became a raw foodist at the call of the body, and if, at the call of the same organism, you want to turn a little off the intended path, then you need it. You will come to your senses, recognize it as a sin and return to a raw food diet. Voloshchuk Artem, the raw foodist we mentioned earlier, candidly says that it's everyone's personal choice what he eats. And you are engaged in a raw food diet exclusively for yourself - do not care what others think. Even if you call yourself a raw foodist and adhere to a certain way of eating, no one has the right to reproach you for eating a sushi roll or a piece of barbecue. First of all, it is important to listen to your body, and not other people's words.
  • High cost. This criterion does not hit the body, but the wallet. For a city dweller shopping in a supermarket, purchases for a month of a raw food diet cost as much as 2 or 3 purchases for 30 days of regular food. Owners are an exception. land plots, who always have vegetables and fruits at hand - it is cheaper for them to eat a raw food diet than to spend money on meat. Eating in a restaurant for a raw foodist is an unaffordable luxury. It's not even about prices, but about the availability of establishments, which are very few even in the capital.

Raw food diet - menu

We found out how useful it is to be a raw foodist and how harmful it is to become them. It remains to try to cook something from the cuisine of a raw foodist in order to experience the taste of dishes prepared without hot heat treatment.

Raw food diet: menu schedule for the week

There is no strict schedule for a raw foodist. This is a way of life to which they go for several years and live it all the time. Try not to forget about the necessary intake of calories and vitamins in the body. To this end, you need to be able to properly combine products with a raw food diet. There are several rules for this:

  1. You can not eat fat-containing foods (nuts, avocados, coconut) with sweet berries, dried fruits or fruits. An ill-considered combination of fat and sugar will result in fermentation in the stomach, minimizing the benefits of the foods eaten.
  2. But sour fruit(orange) is an exception to the previous rule. Acid contributes to the breakdown of fat, and fructose in such fruits is less than others.
  3. In turn, sour (tomato, orange) should not be eaten with starchy foods (potatoes, bananas). The carbohydrates that make up starch cannot be synthesized by saliva, which contains a lot of acid. It is better to refuse the use of potatoes with a tomato, and eat a banana in the company of sweet fruits (mango, apples).
  4. Too much fat can lead to digestive problems. Do not eat fatty with fatty - avoid combinations of any of the listed products (walnut, coconut, avocado, vegetable oil).
  5. Eat everything with greens - it is ready to be combined with any other food.
  6. Fruits eat sweet with sweet, sour with sour.
  7. Eat vegetables only with vegetables.
  8. Sprouts of cereals or legumes, nuts soaked in water should be eaten as independent dishes, not combined with anything.

Knowing the simple basics of combining products, you can make your own recipes.

Raw food, recipes

The raw food diet is interesting with inventive varieties of dishes. If you use chopping kitchen appliances, you can cook very tasty nutritional benefits.

Raw food diet - simple recipes for the first and second

  • Borsch. Even such a dish can be eaten by raw foodists, but it is prepared in a slightly different way than we imagine. Grind carrots and beets partially on a grater, partially - interrupt in a blender. Celery and greens - cut as we like. We mix everything, add salt (not table salt), spices and water. The first dish is ready. Keep in mind that just enough water is needed to turn a thick slurry from a blender and coarsely chopped food into a slightly liquid dish, but not into slop.
  • As for the second courses, non-standard porridges prevail: cereals soaked in water, sprouted green cereal sprouts and many other satisfying products. Vegetables, oils, herbs are added to grains, turning them into worthy dishes that are pleasant to eat. For example, a salad of sprouted green buckwheat with cucumber, bell pepper and dill - varied, healthy and satisfying.

Raw food recipes for a snack

  • Almond cheese. almond nuts in a volume of 2 glasses, pour plenty of water and leave for 8 hours. After that, the swollen nuts are ground in a food processor, adding a little mineral water(no more than 2 glasses). Lemon juice, crushed garlic and other seasonings are added to the mixture for taste. In a deep plate spread gauze folded in 3 layers. They pour out the gruel, tie a gauze scroll with a rope and hang it up, just like cheese. The bundle can hang indoors or outdoors at a moderate air temperature of about 23 ° C.
  • Champignon mushrooms, which can be eaten even raw, can be marinated with green onions in lemon juice, salt and oil. The dish is ready within 2 hours.

Raw food diet - sweets for every day and holidays

Desserts are often based on nuts, dried fruits, bananas and other delicious food. They are crushed, dried with dehydrate, stacked in layers, mixed or frozen. As a result, wonderful sweets come out: cakes, rolls, ice cream and other desserts.

Rafaelki. For 300 g cores walnut take 250 g of liquid honey, 3 tsp lemon juice and 1 tsp. ground cinnamon (or nutmeg, ginger - as you like). Crush the nuts in a blender, mix with the rest of the ingredients. Roll in sesame seeds or coconut flakes. It turns out energetically rich dish, which contains proteins and fats, which is important for maintaining the vital activity of the body.


Prepare drinks by mixing vegetables or fruits with a blender. For example, pumpkin, beets and an apple in equal proportions or celery with a banana are very tasty. It's easy to come up with your own drink recipe. If the juice or gruel is thick or concentrated, the mix is ​​diluted with water.

Fresh fruits and berries are very tasty and healthy.

Raw food: before and after

Becoming a raw foodist is a personal choice of a person. This is not to say that it is irreversible, but often it happens. Raw food is becoming not only a way of eating, but also a way of life.

The worst thing about a raw food diet is the transition to a way of eating that can destroy the body. Therefore, you need to change the menu very slowly and unobtrusively. Adaptation of the body should occur from 1 to 5 years, so as not to cause complications.

When eaten in the correct sequence and with the right energy value, a raw food diet will not turn you into a living skeleton. A raw food diet is able to maintain a normal weight of a person and enrich it with the necessary substances.

The choice is yours.

Hello dear readers and visitors of the site!

In this article, I decided to raise the issue of switching to live food. Why do people switch to a raw food diet and what it can give in the end.

Firstly, I’ll say right away that raw foodists become people who are interested in in a healthy way life (HLS). Before continuing this topic, let's look at what a raw food diet is, in a way that not everyone knows. People who eat regular food(meat, soups, bread, etc.) they don’t even want to hear about vegetarianism, and then there’s some kind of raw food diet.

What is a raw food diet

90% of all people are accustomed to eating cereals, soups, dumplings and other similar products. This is accepted in our society, this is how parents teach us from childhood, and this is how “everyone” eats.

However, few people think that such a diet can lead to serious illnesses and even to death. Within the framework of this article, I will not explain why this happens, there will be other articles on this topic, I will only say that this is due to biochemical processes in the body.

Most of the food that we eat is not digested at all in the body, and then rots in the intestines, releasing toxins. In addition, most of the products of the average person contribute to the development of the so-called "bad microflora in the intestines", i.e. "bad" bacteria that poison the body with various toxins.

Vegetarians differ in that they do not eat animal products (meat, eggs, milk, etc.). Some of them may consume, for example, dairy products, fish, it all depends on personal preferences and the type of vegetarianism.

I read a lot of various studies in terms of comparing the health of ordinary people and vegetarians, the difference is minimal. In vegetarianism, plant foods are mainly used, including those that have undergone heat treatment. The meaning of the raw food diet is that all food should be consumed in its raw form, which contributes to the preservation of its nutritional value for the body.

In addition, in our digestive system digestive enzymes are actively involved. These substances are vital to man, they provide normal digestion and absorption of nutrients in the body. They also perform many other functions. In general, we can say that enzymes are LIFE!

However, enzymes are found only in raw foods that have not been exposed to heat treatment. Roasting, jam, the guy kills the enzymes. Of course, enzymes can be produced in the body, but this will not be enough. As I said, enzymes help digestion and assimilation of food. Without them, food is very poorly digested and absorbed by the body. Moreover, if there are no enzymes in the food, then the functions of digestion fall on the internal organs (pancreas, stomach, liver, intestines, etc.), thereby creating an enormous burden on them. Overloaded organs wear out quickly, as a result, various diseases of the digestive system appear.

Poorly digested food entering the intestines begins to decompose and rot there, as a result of which toxins are formed in the intestines and excellent conditions for the development of putrefactive bacteria, which also, in the course of their life, release toxins. Also, as a result of rotting food, mucus is formed, which enters the blood and spreads to all internal organs. Mucus and toxins accumulate in the organs, which leads to various diseases.

Renowned nutritionist and therapeutic fasting Arnold Ehret argued that all diseases are associated with mucus, which must be removed from the body.

In general, all thermally processed food is dead food, which in most cases is not completely digested and decomposes, releasing toxins and mucus, which leads to various diseases of the internal organs.

Considering that the “varenka” is far from being completely digested and absorbed by the body, and even poisons it, one can generally question its necessity for the human body. I know many people who have refused to eat such food at all and live normally. In addition, earlier people did not have fire and the ability to cook food. That is, mankind consumed all products in its raw form. And animals also do not cook it, unlike humans.

Reasons for switching to a raw food diet

1. Better health

This is the most important reason transition to a raw food diet, at least for me. As I wrote above, boiled food pollutes and poisons the body, as a result, a person gets a whole bunch of various diseases.

Fresh, raw vegetables and fruits, on the other hand, are easy to digest and absorb. In addition, they contain everything you need to normal activities body, nutrients and vitamins, provided, of course, a balanced, varied diet.

When eating raw vegetables and fruits the body does not slagging, but on the contrary, the body is gradually cleansed of mucus and toxins that have accumulated in the body over the years of eating meat and boiled food.

Many raw foodists note an improvement in their well-being, lightness, reduced fatigue, and even relief from certain chronic diseases after switching to a raw food diet. These are facts.

2. Weight normalization

Eating regular food people often overeat. Such nutrition is usually not balanced. As a result…

Eating raw foods people stop eating flour products, fatty foods and other foods that lead to weight gain. When switching to a raw food diet, there is an intensive loss of excess weight, mainly these are toxins, from which the body is cleansed. By the way, cleansing the body of toxins is also a reason to switch to a raw food diet.

3. Appearance

It mostly refers to the female gender. When the body gets everything necessary substances and cleansed of toxins, the person looks better. Skin, hair, nails - everything is updated. The teeth become white, because nothing rots in the mouth.

4. Aesthetic reasons

When a person eats "dead" food, which rots and decomposes in the intestines, he does not feel very well. Often, gases are formed in the intestines that need to be released, and this can create such a stink!

After visiting the toilet in a big way, the apartment also has a bad smell of rotten food.

From the consumption of meat and thermally processed food from mouth goes stench, as a result of putrefaction of food particles accumulated there.

Anyway, eating animals is somehow not aesthetically pleasing.

In addition to the above reasons for switching to a raw food diet, you can get a lot of positive things. For example, new relationships and connections, improvement of the material component, travel and recreation, etc.

Think for yourself - how many benefits a person can get if he is healthy, beautiful and energetic.

Of course, not everything is so simple. Take and switch to a raw food diet in one day will not work! You need to carefully prepare for the transition and do everything right. If this is not done, then you can get huge health problems. In addition, on early stages A raw food diet can cause various problems and troubles associated with cleansing the body (the so-called “Crises”), which you also need to be able to deal with correctly.

I will talk about how to switch to a raw food diet in the following publications. And that's all I have, I hope the article was useful to you!

Sincerely, Alexander
© Master of Life

21.04.2015 Vladimir Zuykov Save:

Hello, friends! Vladimir Zuykov is with you. Today there will be an interesting article for people who are not yet very experienced in living food, but who want to know why they become raw foodists. Indeed, what are the reasons for the transition to a raw food diet?

Beginners ask me all the time: what does eating raw plant foods do? Dear readers, I think it will be interesting for you to know the answer to this question, my personal opinion. Read on to find out! There is a lot objective reasons why thousands of people are radically changing their way of eating and living. Let's figure it out together!

Why do people switch to a raw food diet?

To begin with, the transition to a raw food diet is not just a superficial change in diet. This decision to start a radically new life, eating naturally, as Nature herself intended, and not food industry based on the general race for profit.

In general, there are a lot of reasons for switching to a raw food diet and everyone has their own, but as I see it, they can be combined into 6 large groups:

  1. health problems, usually very serious;
  2. preservation of beauty and health;
  3. ethical and moral considerations;
  4. weight loss and figure improvement;
  5. spiritual development through cleansing the body and consciousness with living food;
  6. the desire to be forever young and live a long life.

Now consider all these reasons in more detail and with examples.

1. Serious health problems

It happens that official medicine makes a person a very terrible incurable diagnosis. Often she is powerless, so bluntly and says that we can’t do anything and the person has only a few months left to live. Pity the man, he wants to live! Therefore, he grabs for everything that can help him return to life.

Of course, such people often find recommendations for a radical improvement in nutrition. Whoever has a thirst for life, he decides and switches to a raw food diet. And it helps, heals most diseases, that's a fact. For example, in Holland, a raw food diet since 1987 - official way cancer treatment. We are still in the tank.

The benefits of a raw food diet are obvious to anyone who is willing to try it. It cures many ailments, even officially incurable ones (cancer, diabetes, obesity, heart problems).

Of course, it’s not even so much the raw food diet that heals, but the fact that they stopped stuffing all sorts of filth into the body and began to actively supply the cells with the missing substances: vitamins, minerals, oxygen, clean water.

On a raw food diet, the body is very quickly cleared of dirt, mucus, and the load on the digestive and other organs is also significantly reduced. It is understandable, living food transfers its life energy to a person, dead unhealthy food- suffering and degradation.

2. Beauty and health

There are no comments here. As you understand, a raw food diet gives both beauty and health. I note that if your main reason for switching to a raw food diet is health, you are probably a very pleasant conversationalist, without raw food problems and fanaticism.

Perhaps you are one of the doctors or medical workers who understood pernicious influence most official medicine. You just want to be healthy.

For us Pelagia, health was the main primary reason for switching to live food. I do not hide, we like to be healthy, active and beautiful. Everything else comes after that. A healthy person strives for more and achieves it.

We do not care what lies on the plate of the person who sits next to us at the same table. We eat and hang out with old friends as much as we want and everything is okay.

Of course, we are always happy to help anyone who is sincerely interested in our food and wants to try it. For this, we also have raw food consultations.

3. Ethical and moral question

Some people, especially vegetarians and vegans, switch to a vegan raw food diet for ethical reasons. They want to protect nature from pollution by growing industrial food, and animals from suffering and unjustified death.

We fully agree and support these guys. You are right, friends. We, too, do not turn our hands to do nasty things to wildlife.

The raw food diet brings Life and prosperity to our planet, if it is alive and natural. But as practice shows, most (but not all) simply suffer from obscurantism. They want to stand out, to show that they are not like everyone else. Or imitate celebrities.

It's like dyeing your hair green. In such people, arrogance quickly goes astray, they return to their usual diet after a few months.

People become raw foodists also because of moral and religious beliefs. For example, in the original scriptures of the Bible it is directly said: eat living food - it brings life, do not eat meat and boiled food - there is death and destruction in it. Well, it's so obvious.

Of course, few people know this, the Bible was copied many times at the request of politicians and merchants. But some pages that look like truth have survived to this day. If you are a believer who wants to know the truth, read Gospel of the Essenes(133 kb).

4. Overweight and obesity

Obesity is the scourge not only of the modern United States, but of the entire "civilized" world, including us. The fact is that now most people have a sedentary, motionless lifestyle, eating supermarket food and fast food (do not flatter yourself, fried pies are the same fast food, only of lower quality).

Friends, people eat a lot, fill their stomachs more and more. All this greatly spoils the figure and health. Fatty food, premium white flour, refined sugar, food fast food, all with flavors, dyes and other chemicals.

Calories are not consumed, the body grows fat before our eyes, and the body becomes obese and ugly. But how many popular diets have appeared! Just look around: in fashion magazines, in zombies, on the Internet. But are they effective? Did they help for a long time and without damage to health?

All these chemical additives lead to completeness and rapid aging. AND The best way to reverse this process - proper nutrition and proper physical. loads. Raw food diet helps to overcome addiction junk food.

Raw vegetables and fruits are very low in calories and high in fiber. With the right raw food diet, the body starts the process of cleansing and removing excess body fat.

Is it possible to lose weight with a raw food diet quickly? This has not been a question for a long time. The question is how much. For example, I personally lost 18 kg. Yes, I confess, there was still that boar - 85 kg! Therefore, I can say with confidence: a raw food diet is the best way to quickly lose weight and put your body in order.

5. Spiritual growth and development

Many people, after reading books about managing their lives and spiritual development, switch to a raw food diet. What's so amazing about that? After all, managing your world is possible only if you have more energy.

In this scenario, a person has a better standard of living and achieves best results. After all, a clean body = great opportunities for spiritual growth.

6. Youth and longevity

When you already have a decent amount of knowledge and experience in nutrition raw food, I want to be not only healthy, fit, smart, but also live a long happy life.

Longevity and youth is one of the advantages of a raw food diet. The body ages much more slowly, gets sick much less, has more energy. In this scenario, you want to live a happy life as long as possible. There are resources for this. And even more - for the conception and birth of HEALTHY children.

Okay, I'll finish for today. Now you know the main reasons for switching to a raw food diet, why people become raw foodists, what pushes an ordinary person to this.

What do raw foodists get as a result? Good health, beautiful figure, preservation of our planet, personal and spiritual growth, youth and longevity. Not a little. And it's all real, friends!

What do you think, dear reader, are the reasons worthwhile? Is it worth it now to think about your life and nutrition, taking the first step towards yourself and your health?

Of course, everyone chooses for himself. Eat alive, develop and enjoy life for a long time. Or eat chemistry, get sick and degrade watching the news, ending your life at 60. Another empty life...

No need to think "it won't affect me". The statistics of diseases speaks volumes, although they are shamelessly underestimated. Yes, you yourself see everything from others and acquaintances. Are there many healthy and happy people among them? Think why.

Dear reader, and now I have a question for you: what would you like to get from a raw food diet, why do you need it? Please answer in the comments below, write your reasons for switching to live food.

P.S. In the following articles, we will consider the pros and cons of a raw food diet, and not some abstract and theoretical ones, as is customary on the Internet, but those that specifically touched Pelagia and me. Subscribe to news and stay on the blog - it will be hot as always!

Z.Y. Subscribe to blog updates– there is still a lot of interesting things ahead!

This post will be of interest to those raw foodists who are going to relax or move to Southeast Asia for permanent residence. I am writing this article, of course, from the point of view of a practicing raw foodist).

Consider these 3 countries in which I have lived and have been living since the beginning of 2014. Consider the pros and cons.

Let's start with Tai.


Ideal in almost all respects for raw foodists and beginner raw foodists, if you solve the issues with the minuses (see below).

Where is it better to live / relax raw foodists in Thailand:

Consider the 6 main places to relax and live in Thailand:

I will immediately describe the situation with fruit prices. In these countries, and probably in all Asian countries, there are 2 absolutely different prices on fruits. These are prices for whites, and therefore, by default, very rich (as Asians often consider us) farangs (this is what they call us among themselves in Thailand). The white farang is rich and can pay a good price! they think). Accordingly, the markets in these countries are usually divided into markets for farangs and ... for their own!)

Of course, if a Thai avocado, for example, in Tomsk in hypermarkets costs 500 rubles. per kilogram, then even in the farang market, a farang who has recently arrived and does not know all the subtleties will be very pleased with the price of mango “only” 80-150 rubles per kilo, at first I ate like that, until one day I got to the markets, which is called “for my "- these are markets where Thais sell to Thais at NORMAL) prices, which are at least 2 or even 3 times lower than prices in the markets for farangs. So, for example, when mangoes were sold everywhere for 80 rubles. per kilo, in that market it cost 20 rubles), and it was not yet the season!

I was shocked by the prices, or rather, I would call these prices 3 kopecks or almost for nothing, they will pay a little more, if only I took something with me - I thought walking around the market

Where is this "secret" big cheapest market of Pattaya "for your own"?)

Here, right behind the railway crossing (the main street of Pattaya goes from the sea):

Comrade people! Here's what I want to say after living in Asia for almost half a year: to think about Russian prices and now I’m even scared of the quality)), for example, now I buy cool tasty tomatoes for 12 rubles per kilo, but in our city where I was born they cost 115 rubles per kilo, and in winter they stay at the level of 150 rubles for quite a long time.- about 200 r. for the same kilo.

Thus, my food expenses in Asia are close to zero, while you get the freshest fruits that just melt on the tongue, and from our hotel room almost every morning you hear a loud moo, but not a cow))), but a moo from savoring the taste of another fruit - here in Vietnam they are perfect, but ... more on that below, although I practically don’t mumble, I just enjoy internally)).

Prior to this, every month for 4 years of my CE at the time of moving to Asia, I spent 18 tr monthly. only for raw food (here, with this money from the belly, you can eat a whole huge raw food family!


Lived for several months in almost all corners of Pattaya.


The infrastructure is very developed, there is everything, even international-level hospitals, fast Internet, a lot of entertainment, a wide variety of excursions, housing for any budget.


There is little greenery and Pattaya is generally a big noisy paved anthill, also the capital of sex tourism with all the consequences that personally do not suit me for life, since I love silence, harmony and nature. Yes, there is a sea, it is quite possible to swim, but it is not very clean and transparent there. Also, sometimes you have to feel uncomfortable for uncultured and shameless compatriots like "tagil" who talk in an uncultured manner with always courteous, smiling and friendly Thais.

Prices (for convenience, I will give all prices in rubles and they, of course, depend on the season for this fruit, average values ​​are given):

Correct prices (per kilogram) for basic fruits (in Thai markets):



Avocado in Thailand is very expensive - from 60 rubles. little thing, this is the only exception to expensive fruit.

Tomatoes - 20 rub.


Greens (15 species!) - pennies.

Housing prices:

For example, you can rent a good condo in Jomtien or Sukhumvit from 4,000 baht (approximately equal to a ruble) per month if you look + electricity (it can well wind up the meter to several thousand if you actively use air conditioning).


A stunning city with many faces, I used to imagine it as skyscrapers, skyscrapers, but there are a large number of completely diverse and interesting areas here.

We did not live there for a long time, but from the minuses we can immediately distinguish that there are far from fruit at every turn, as everywhere in Thailand), you need to look for it! Hungry though!)


I have not been to Phuket yet, but I will describe what I heard from my friends: beautiful, many tourists, but noisy and expensive.


Ideal for a long-term stay, which is especially important for me, the most beautiful nature and a lot of houses for rent for every taste. Many people live on the island interesting people and my friends and acquaintances, have also not yet been there, but it is listed in the accommodation plan later. The prices are acceptable. There is no tsunami danger.


The most "natural" island with minimal invasion of barbarian civilization. According to reviews, there is simply a paradise for raw foodists, yogis and similar subjects, where they are concentrated in the very in large numbers per unit area, which is very cool). Enrolled in the visiting plan. Prices are higher than in Pattaya, but quite good. Theoretically, tsunamis are possible.


This province is also included in the schedule of visiting and possibly living. Stunning nature, many places to visit, sights and other interesting things. The prices are low.

In general, the main problem or problem in Thailand (for some) was the tightening of checks on tourists, especially those who have been living in the country for a long time for illegal work. Because of this, new, more stringent rules for living in Thailand will come into effect from August, making living by the method of visarans (one-day border crossings with another country) and thus extending the time of stay in Thailand impossible - only to receive any visa, which is received several times in a row also has its limitations.


I spent enough time in Laos to get to know this country.

Van Vieng:

I wrote about this beautiful village earlier

Let's go straight to the pros and cons:


Fantastic views, nature and mountains, interesting entertainment, peace and quiet, who wants to heal and soothe a wounded soul - you are here). Very cheap accommodation. Delicious juice sugar cane every 500m.

The assortment of fruits is a small third of the Thai, but there is the most basic - the basis of the diet of a standard raw foodist) - watermelons, durians, mangoes, bananas. Fruit prices are 25% higher. MTS and Beeline are not caught (even in the capital), which I need for work, which was one of the reasons for my departure from there.


Now I live here. Rather, I will describe the pros and cons.

Not for me - an anthill of level 84, tens of thousands of motorbikes and the bustle of people from 5 to 22, in this one of the most northern cities, we almost died from the heat standing here)), the temperature rose to 43 degrees, the asphalt almost melted, I have never seen such heat anywhere else, we came to the North of Vietnam).


This is my favorite - a picturesque village on the river where everything is simple), good prices for housing for Vietnam (a good hotel with air conditioning 420 rubles per day), for a month, of course, there will be a different price.
I would have lived here longer, but I had to move further, mainly because of the desire to see what I had not seen yet).


Low prices for fruits, clothes, bike and motorbike rentals, a lot of greenery that allows you to walk along the streets in any heat, blocking the sky. The absence of compatriots like "tagil", and indeed even a European there is very difficult to meet). Very nice, quiet and measured, I didn’t want to leave there).


Of the minuses - perhaps only the absence of the sea).

Hoi An:

A more "combed" town, tailored to the needs of tourists. Many beautiful streets, temples, old houses, a lot of Chinese culture mixed up, many streets decorated with beautiful Chinese lanterns. Prices are noticeably higher, they are not traded on the markets, prices are not reduced. I highly recommend seeing it, but personally I wouldn’t stay there for a long time - there are a lot of tourists and their fuss. Of the minuses is also the absence of the sea. Housing prices are also higher.

Nya Chang!):

Now I live in this village, and I really, really like it.


Sea! The city is much cleaner and more transparent than in Pattaya. The cheapest fruit from the places where I was, a large central market where, on the contrary, unlike Haiyan, sellers willingly reduce the already obscenely low prices). The market has everything for the most demanding raw food nature from 05-00 until late in the evening all year round!

Cool climate, we came south from northern Hanoi, having traveled all over the country, and here ... it’s cooler!)

Hassle-free and inexpensive (3 times cheaper) than in Thailand obtaining a visa that is easy to extend and no one will nightmare you with addiction, which is now actively practiced in Thailand, judging by the reviews on the forums: what are you doing in the country and whether you work it's illegal here :-).


Current prices for the month of June at which I buy per kg:

Durian! - it is divine, I have never eaten such delicious durians). — 40r.

Lychee - 32 rub. (very tasty)

Rambutans - 32 rub. (very tasty)

Avocado! - 32r \ kilo. (often divine)

Tomatoes - 13 rub. (very tasty)

Cucumbers - 11 rub. (delicious)

Watermelons - 12 rubles. (divine, much tastier than Thai)

Dozens of types of greens - a penny.

Freshly squeezed sugarcane juice with lime, 1 glass - 16r. (very very!)

But I haven’t eaten mango for 3 months already - can you imagine, it doesn’t pull!))

And how much do these fruits cost in your city? Write in the comments!

When asked where fruits are tastier - in Vietnam or Thailand, the answer is: in Vietnam!)) Firstly, there are still more of them here, and sometimes they are much, sometimes not much, but TASTIER!

Housing prices: a good hotel room $250/month.


The only minus and it concerns the whole of Vietnam - there are quite a few houses for rent, which I love very much, you can find, but far from the same as in Thailand, where the house sits on the house and drives the house). Otherwise, for raw foodists, this town is a real find, unless you are a complete hermit of course).

I hope now it will be much easier for you, from the point of view of a raw foodist, to understand where it is better to spend your vacation, rest, and maybe your whole life)).

Have the best vacation this summer and a highly effective raw food diet!

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