Cheap analogue of "duspatalin", comparison of drugs and reviews. Duspatalin® - price, cheaper analogues, list of Russian and imported substitutes

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract lead to disruption of all body systems. Positive feedback from experts has earned Duspatalin, and its analogues are also used for therapeutic purposes.

Features of Duspatalin

The drug Duspatalin is included in the drug group of antispasmodics of a new generation. A modern drug developed for the symptomatic treatment of pathologies of the stomach and intestines.

Duspatalin is produced in capsule and tablet form containing mebeverine hydrochloride (active ingredient).

Direct indications for Duspatalin are:

  • spasmodic attacks in diseases of the intestines, as well as the stomach;
  • spasms and pain in the occurrence of irritable bowel syndrome.

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy, in childhood (up to 18 years), with increased sensitivity of the body to constituent substances and during breastfeeding.

An adverse reaction to the use of Duspatalin is possible:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • dizziness/migraine;
  • allergic reaction;
  • loose stools or constipation.

You can buy it at an average price of 500 - 600 rubles.


Despite the fact that Duspatalin has mostly positive reviews from patients and doctors, it often becomes necessary to select an analogue. The reason in most cases is the high cost of a foreign medicine. Also, the need to replace the drug may arise due to the presence of contraindications in the patient or the occurrence of an adverse reaction.

Cheap Russian analogues of the drug:

  • Sparex;
  • Trimedat;
  • Mebeverine.

Foreign substitutes are cheaper than Duspatalin:

  • Niaspam;
  • Odeston;
  • Buscopan;
  • No-shpa;
  • Dicetel.

To choose a good analogue, you should focus on the instructions for the drug, as well as reviews of patients and specialists about the effectiveness and safety of the medication.


The Russian drug Sparex is prescribed to eliminate muscle spasms of the intestines and eliminate other symptoms of pathologies of the intestines, pancreas and stomach.

The release form of a cheap analogue of Duspatalin is capsules that have a prolonged effect. Each capsule of Sparex contains 200 mg. mebeverine hydrochloride and additional substances.

  • attacks of intestinal colic;
  • spasmolytic syndrome of the gallbladder;
  • intestinal irritation.

For children from 12 years of age, Sparex can be prescribed to eliminate pain in the epigastric region and for intestinal disorders.

A cheap analogue of the original, Sparex, has a number of contraindications:

  • the age of the child is less than 12 years;
  • sensitivity to one or more substances included in the preparation.

The manifestation of signs of side effects on the analogue of Duspatalin - Sparex, occur in an exceptional case.

Side effect symptoms of Sparex:

  • anaphylactic reaction;
  • short-term headache;
  • mild dizziness;
  • stagnation of feces;
  • diarrhea.

Unlike Duspatalin, the price of an analogue of Sparex is a cheaper drug. Prices for one package of funds are 300 - 350 rubles.


Substitute for Duspatalin - Trimedat, as well as Sparex and other cheap analogues, are classified as antispasmodic drugs designed to eliminate the symptoms of a violation of the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract.

The country of production of Trimedat is Russia. The release form of the domestic analogue is capsule. The composition of a cheap drug is based on the active ingredient - trimedat.

A cheap substitute for the original drug has a wider list of indications, so patients are often interested in a specialist: Trimedat or Duspatalin, which works better for pathologies of the stomach and intestines.

Both drugs are considered effective, in this regard, if there is a choice between the antispasmodics Duspatalin and Trimedat, which is better, it is advisable to determine, focusing on the overall clinical picture.

Indication for taking analogue Trimedat:

  • intestinal dispersion;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • severe vomiting;
  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • disturbed digestion;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • spasms of the intestines.

When choosing: Duspatalin or Trimedat, you should pay attention to contraindications. A cheap analogue of Trimedat is not recommended for children under the age of three. The instruction also warns of the undesirable use of the drug Trimedat in the first trimester of pregnancy and during the period of breastfeeding. It is not desirable to treat with a drug in case of sensitivity to trimedate or other components.

Reviews about the drug Trimedat indicate rare adverse reactions in the form of allergies.

The cost of an analogue is on average 450 rubles.


A drug with an antispasmodic effect - Mebeverine, has been used in medicine for many years in the treatment of diseases of the biliary tract, as well as the intestines.

The cheap analogue of Duspatalin contains a substance whose name corresponds to the name of the drug - mebeverine.

Mebeverine is produced in capsules with a prolonged action.

The specialist prescribes Mebeverine to eliminate the symptoms of gastrointestinal pathologies in the form of:

  • spasmodic attacks, general discomfort and pain in the intestinal area;
  • pain and spasms in the epigastric region;
  • feeling of nausea, heartburn or vomiting in pancreatitis.

Contraindications to this analogue:

  • sensitivity to the components of Mebeverin;
  • the patient's age is less than 18 years;
  • breastfeeding/pregnancy.

Despite the fact that Mebeverine is a cheap substitute for Duspatalin, it does not cause significant side effects. The reaction of the body to mebeverine or additional substances of the composition may manifest itself in the form of an allergy to the skin.

The cost of cheap Mebeverin capsules is from 350 rubles.


The cheap analogues of Duspatalin, in addition to Mebeverin, Sparex and other medicines, also include a myotropic drug - Niaspam.

Cheap antispasmodic Niaspam is produced in the form of prolonging capsules, which contain mebeverine hydrochloride.

An indication for treatment with Niaspam is the constant occurrence of spasms of the muscles of the walls of the intestine or stomach, as well as a chronic form of dysfunction of the rectum. Can be taken for biliary/intestinal colic.

Niaspam or Duspatalin, which is better for children with gastrointestinal disorders? Considering that the original remedy is rarely prescribed in childhood, Niaspam is recommended for a child over 12 years old.


  • age category of children under 12;
  • intolerance to the organisms of mebeverine, or additional components of the drug.

A drug to reduce the intensity of symptoms of pathologies of the intestines and the gastrointestinal tract as a whole, can cause a temporary allergic reaction.

You can buy Niaspam in pharmacies. The average cost is 380 rubles.


When choosing cheap analogues of Duspatalin, you can also pay attention to the choleretic agent - Odeston. Reviews of the drug confirm its effectiveness as a selective drug with an antispasmodic effect.

The drug is produced in tablets, the basis of which is gimecromon.


  • uneven secretion of bile;
  • cholangitis, cholecystitis or cholelithiasis;
  • dyskinesia of the bile ducts and sphincter;
  • postoperative period when exposed to the area of ​​the gallbladder.

Before replacing Duspatalin with an analogue, you should study the list of contraindications to Odeston:

  • obstruction of the gallbladder tract;
  • Korn's disease;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • kidney or liver disease;
  • childhood;
  • hemophilia;
  • allergy to the components of the composition of the drug.

An adverse reaction is observed from the gastrointestinal tract (disorder of functionality), as well as in the form of allergies and migraines.

The price for Odeston is 350 rubles.


The drug of the m-anticholinergic group - Buscopan helps prevent spasms of the muscles of the intestines, bile and stomach.

Comparing analogues of Duspatalin, it can be noted that Buscopan is the only one of the listed antispasmodics, produced not only in tablets, but also in the form of rectal suppositories. Each form of the drug contains hyoscine butylbromide as an active ingredient.


  • bouts of colic in the intestines / kidneys / liver;
  • muscle spasms of the stomach with pancreatitis;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • cholecystitis;
  • ulcers on the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cardiospasm or pylorospasm;
  • painful menstruation.

The use of Buscopan is not performed in case of sensitivity to constituent substances, pulmonary edema, glaucoma, megacolon, myasthenia gravis or cerebral atherosclerosis.

Side reaction:

  • severe drowsiness;
  • tachycardia;
  • feeling of dryness in the mouth;
  • allergy.

The price of Buscopan is 350 rubles.


A popular drug against spasmodic attacks of various etiologies is No-shpa. Despite the fact that No-shpa, as a cheap analogue, does not belong to domestic remedies, in Russia the drug has earned many positive reviews and has been used for a long time.

Since the effectiveness of the drug has been tested, patients often have the question, which is better Duspatalin or No-shpa? The specialist cannot give an exact answer, since the effect of the drug on the body is individual. However, if we are talking about cheap generics of the original, then in most cases, when replacing the original, No-shpe is preferred.

The drug No-shpa refers to medicines with a wide spectrum of action. No-shpa is produced in tablets, as well as a solution for intramuscular injection. The composition of No-shpa includes drotaverine, which has the main anti-spasmodic effect on the intestines and other organs.

  • intestines;
  • blood vessels;
  • stomach;
  • gall;
  • kidneys.

It is possible to take No-shpa during pregnancy in order to prevent self-abortion and premature birth. No-shpu is also prescribed for pain during menstruation.

Contraindications to the therapeutic use of No-shpa:

  • violation of the functions of the heart, kidneys, or liver;
  • intolerance to any constituent component;
  • the age of the child is up to 6 years;
  • breast-feeding.

A negative reaction of the body to No-shpu is extremely rare (tachycardia, decreased pressure, migraine, sleep disturbance, stool disorder, allergies).

The average cost of No-shpa in tablets is 150 rubles, and in ampoules - 250 rubles.

Most experts believe that No-shpa is the most effective and cheapest analogue of Duspatalin.


Comparing cheap analogues of Duspatalin, experts advise, in addition to Sparex, No-shpa, Trimedat and other substitutes, to isolate the drug Ditsetel. The foreign-made medication has positive reviews regarding the elimination of spasms of internal organs.

Release form - prolonging tablets containing pinaverium bromide.

There is no significant difference between the drugs Duspatalin or Ditsetel. A cheaper analogue is prescribed for admission in the same way as the original drug for symptoms of gastrointestinal pathologies:

  • painful sensations;
  • spasms;
  • dysfunction.


  • childhood;
  • allergy to medicinal substances of the composition;
  • lactation.

A cheap substitute for the original sometimes causes side effects such as intestinal/stomach upset or allergies.

The cost of a cheaper analogue is 450 rubles.

Duspatalin, as well as its analogues, can be used with the permission of a doctor. Antispasmodic drugs should not be used alone. Despite a small list of side effects, they can provoke an exacerbation of concomitant diseases.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract break the record in terms of frequency of occurrence. And the first symptom that accompanies them is pain. It can be dull or sharp, cramping or aching, but in any case, living with pain is quite difficult. Very often, doctors in this case prescribe "Duspatalin". The drug is very effective, helps to relieve even severe spasms and in a matter of minutes will alleviate the condition. However, it has one significant drawback - its price. Today we will consider the range of its application, as well as analogues existing on the market.

Patient reviews

Before looking for a cheaper analogue of Duspatalin, it is necessary to consider whether it is popular and whether it is in demand. Numerous responses indicate a positive assessment of the drug by the end user. However, due to its price, many ask doctors questions about whether it is possible to find a drug that is equally effective, but more affordable. Therefore, today we will try to consider all medicines available on the modern market that are synonyms, analogues or generics.

Application area

According to its properties, "Duspatalin" is a strong antispasmodic. It is used for any pain and discomfort in the intestines. However, it has a serious difference from other antispasmodics. This is primarily expressed in the fact that it acts only on the muscles of the intestine, has a more directed effect. That is why it is considered more careful and safe. Many gastroenterologists today have abandoned drugs of an earlier generation and prescribe only Duspatalin for any pain in the intestinal region. Do not forget that prolonged and severe pain may indicate serious illness, so painkillers should be used only as a last resort, and then go for a consultation with a doctor.

Instructions for use

Before we go any further, we would like to consider how Duspatalin is used. Instructions for use (analogues, the composition will be considered in the course of the article) suggests using capsules exclusively by prescription. In this case, the usual dosage is one piece 2 times a day, after meals. Be sure to drink plenty of water. Carefully need to prescribe the drug to persons with high sensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as those under 18 years of age. We got an idea of ​​what this drug is, now we need to find a cheap analogue of Duspatalin.

The difference between synonyms and analogues

Since we have already mentioned this terminology, the meaning should be explained to the reader. This is necessary so that you know exactly which group to look for a cheap analogue of Duspatalin. So, these are drugs that have the same substance as the original as the active ingredient. Now we look at the instructions, which component is the main one here? The drug "Duspatalin" has its effect due to mebeverine. So, drugs-synonyms must contain the same substance.

But if we consider analogues, then they can be a drug that has a similar effect, but at the expense of other active substances. Now we figured out the terminology, we begin to look for a cheap analogue of Duspatalin.

Drug-synonymous "Niaspam"

It is more attractive to the end user than Duspatalin. will be considered in descending order of cost) of the original drug 536 rubles, and Niaspam 382 rubles. The benefit is obvious. So, the composition is exactly the same. Each capsule contains 200 mg mebeverine. At the same time, indications are preserved exactly: spasms of the digestive tract, intestinal and biliary colic. Contraindications are also identical, these are children under 12 years of age, as well as hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. It is available in the form of long-acting capsules. Judging by the reviews, the action is no different from the one that has more

The drug "Sparex"

This is another great synonym, but the price is especially important for Duspatalin buyers. Cheap analogs are becoming very important in today's times of crisis, when savings come to the fore. So let's see how much you have to pay for it in pharmacies. Different forms of the drug cost from 249 to 350 rubles. The indications also include spasm of the digestive tract. The tablet form contains 135 mg of the active substance, they are taken 3 times a day. Capsules contain 200 mg of the active substance. It is recommended to take them 2 times a day, one at a time, preferably 20 minutes before meals.

mebeverine hydrochloride

This is not just a synonym, but in its pure form, the active substance of the drug "Duspatalin" Instructions for use, analogues, reviews - all this material confirms that it is mebeverine that is by far the most progressive and effective remedy for combating pain in the intestinal region. In pharmacies, mebeverine hydrochloride is not found so often, so you need to look for this drug only in central outlets. The release form is a substance-powder packaged in plastic bags. Already directly in the pharmacy chain, it is laid out in portioned sachets. Take it in 200 mg, dissolving in water.

The popularity of the described synonyms

So, what is the best way to replace Duspatalin? Analogues of the drug, cheaper than those that we have already considered, we will present to your attention a little lower, but for now a few words about which one is more in demand. According to numerous reviews, it is "Sparex". This is essentially the same drug, but it is much cheaper, in addition, it is almost always available in pharmacies. In second place is Niaspam.

Analogues of the drug "Duspatalin"

Among this group, drugs for intramuscular administration should be noted. This is for example Trigan, a combined pain reliever. In this case, the analgesic effect is manifested with spasms of the intestinal muscles. The active ingredient is dicyclamine hydrochloride, recently a tablet form has also appeared, it additionally contains paracetamol. It can be used for pain in the abdomen, irritable bowel syndrome. It is usually prescribed 2 ml 4 times a day. The price is 121 rubles per pack. Judging by the reviews of patients, not in all cases it can replace Duspatalin. Therefore, do not guess for yourself, but seek the advice of a doctor.

The drug "Trimedat"

Another drug that can replace Duspatalin. A cheaper analogue is a salvation for gastritis and motor (pain, nausea, vomiting, bloating). The list of indications includes irritable bowel syndrome with pain and colic, as well as postoperative intestinal obstruction. The cost is low, 222 rubles per pack. The package contains 10 tablets, each of which contains 200 mg Take the drug 100-200 mg 3 times a day. Reviews about him are very good. It has not only an antispasmodic, but also a regulatory effect, allows you to establish normal peristalsis, and eliminates impaired motility of the gastrointestinal tract.


This antispasmodic has been known to all of us for a long time. Under this trade name, it can be bought at any pharmacy for a minimal price (about 20 rubles per pack). However, many continue to take the more advertised and expensive No-shpu. Its cost is about 120 rubles for the same package of 10 tablets. The active substance is the same, the pharmacological action is antispasmodic, myotropic, vasodilating and hypotensive. Effectively relieves spasm of smooth muscles of internal organs, eliminates various colic. Unlike Duspatalin, it does not act selectively on the intestinal muscles, but on the entire body, so a higher dosage may be required. So for adults, it is recommended to take 0.04-0.08 g 2-5 times a day. The cheapest drug, it can come to the rescue in a number of situations. It can only be partly called an analogue of "Duspatalin", since it does not have a directed action, however, it can significantly alleviate the patient's condition.

Duspatalin: what helps this drug? It is a reasonable question with all the variety of medicines that modern pharmacology offers. First of all, you need to learn that Duspatalin, like most medications, should be used only in consultation with your doctor. This medicine is very effective, but it has contraindications and certain side effects. Before taking the remedy, you must read the instructions and strictly follow the instructions of the doctor.

1 Essence of medicine

Duspatalin is an antispasmodic drug of the myotropic type. Its action is aimed at eliminating spasm and reducing the tone of intestinal smooth muscles, which provides an analgesic effect, while not affecting intestinal motility, that is, a positive result is achieved without inhibiting the movement of food flow through the digestive tract.

The selective nature of the agent provides a direct effect on the smooth intestinal muscles for their relaxation. The main localization of such muscles is the large intestine. It is in this section of the digestive system that the main action of Duspatalin occurs. Removal of spasm allows you to eliminate the associated pain syndrome. In addition, the drug has a relaxing effect on the sphincter of Oddi, which has a positive effect on the bile outflow and helps relieve pain of this nature (biliary colic).

When taking the medicine, its active substances are sent to the intestines and absorbed into the blood. Through the hematogenous route, they enter the liver and, as a result of biochemical reactions, are decomposed into metabolites. These decay products are easily excreted from the body during urination. Modern forms in the form of capsules provide a slow release of the active ingredient, which provides a prolonged action (up to 15-18 hours) after a single dose of the drug.

2 Features of the composition

Duspatalin is developed and manufactured by the Dutch pharmaceutical company Abbot Healthcare Products, B.V. The drug is sold in two forms: Duspatalin tablets (135 mg of the active substance) and Duspatalin Retard capsules (200 mg). The capsule version has a prolonged action, which is indicated by the addition in the title. Sometimes the capsule preparation has the designation Duspatalin 200, which indicates the amount of the active composition. Tablets are white in color and are sold in packages with different quantities - from 10 to 120 pieces. Capsules are covered with a hard shell of white gelatin and are sold in packs containing from 10 to 90 pieces.

The basis of the drug is mebeverine hydrochloride. Additional ingredients are added to increase efficiency and digestibility. The tablets contain magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate, methyl methacrylate copolymer, potato starch, ethyl acrylate, povidone, talc. In capsules, magnesium stearate, a derivative of methacrylic acid, talc, hypromellose, a copolymer of methacrylic and ethacrylic acid, glycerol triacetate are used as an auxiliary substance. The capsule shell is made from gelatin with the addition of titanium dioxide.

Mebeverine hydrochloride is rapidly and completely absorbed after administration. It is completely broken down into veratric acid and alcohol. The main component - acid - circulates in plasma for 5.5-5.8 hours. A positive property of mebeverine is its complete excretion from the body in the form of metabolic products through the kidneys.

3 Prescribing pills

Given the properties of Duspatalin, indications for use are associated with the elimination of antispasmodic problems and pain in the gastrointestinal system.

The main indications for the use of the drug: irritable bowel syndrome, dysfunction of the gallbladder. Duspatalin is recommended for any primary or secondary gastrointestinal spasm, to relieve a variety of gastrointestinal disorders and abdominal discomfort. Significant positive results are observed with secondary spasms caused by pancreatitis and cholecystitis.

Pancreatitis, both acute and chronic, is accompanied by significant pain and a violation of the outflow of pancreatic juice into the intestine. If Duspatalin is used for pancreatitis, it eliminates pain and relaxes the sphincter of Oddi, which normalizes the secretion of gland juice. The drug is recommended to be used at the stage of remission of chronic pathology to eliminate relapses. It helps with an exacerbation of moderate severity. Typically, the course of such treatment is 14-15 days with a two-time daily intake.

A contraindication to prescribing the drug may be hypersensitivity to any of the components of the composition, which can cause an allergic reaction. The presence of the following diagnoses can be considered a contraindication: allergic dermatitis, whooping cough, croup, treatment of childhood urinary incontinence. Particular care should be taken when prescribing the drug to pregnant women and children under the age of 16 years.

4 Features of reception

When taking Duspatalin, you must strictly follow the instructions to avoid overdose and unwanted effects. Taking medication in different forms is different from each other. The drug in the form of tablets is taken before meals, 30 minutes before meals. The tablet is not recommended to be chewed, it should be swallowed whole with water. The standard therapy regimen includes a three-time daily intake of 1 tablet of the drug. The course of treatment is determined by a positive result, however, after the symptoms have been eliminated, it is still recommended to take the tablets for 20-30 days with a gradual decrease in the daily dose (the last 5-6 days - 1 tablet in the morning).

In capsule form, the medicine is taken before meals (20 minutes before meals) 2 times a day (morning and evening). The course of treatment is carried out similarly to the tablet form. Upon reaching a positive effect, in order to avoid the withdrawal syndrome, it is necessary to take 2 capsules for another 7 days, and then, for 10-15 days, only 1 capsule in the morning.

An overdose of Duspatalin should not be allowed. In excessive doses, the drug affects the central nervous system, causing increased excitability. If such signs appear, the stomach should be washed and a sorbent (for example, activated charcoal) should be introduced. The incompatibility of Duspatalin with other drugs has not been identified.

5 Dosage for children

For the treatment of children, the drug is used from 12 years. With a clear manifestation of signs of the disease, the medication is taken similarly to the treatment of an adult with a preference for the capsule form. In case of functional intestinal disorders in adolescents (excitement, excess of carbonated liquids, etc.), Duspatalin is prescribed 1 capsule per day, in the morning before breakfast.

Duspatalin is used during pregnancy, due to the selectivity of the action of the substance. It reduces the tension of the smooth digestive muscles and the sphincter of Oddi, but does not affect the muscles of the uterus and the vascular system. In this case, No-shpa is used to relieve uterine spasms, but Duspatalin can be successfully used to treat gastrointestinal anomalies. At the same time, a positive effect on the sphincter of Oddi makes it possible to normalize the release of bile and pancreatic juice into the duodenum. At the same time, taking the drug must be agreed with the doctor, since the question of its effect on the fetus has not been fully studied, and the degree of risk is assessed in each case separately. If, nevertheless, it is decided to use Duspatalin during pregnancy, the instruction allows taking it only in the form of capsules. The tablets of this drug are not allowed.

6 Side effects on the body

An important condition for taking the drug: Duspatalin is absolutely incompatible with alcohol. Alcohol and mebeverine act in opposite directions, which means that when drinking alcoholic beverages, the therapeutic effect of the drug will be significantly reduced or even reduced to zero.

Side effects when using Duspatalin are extremely rare and can only be caused by hypertrophied sensitivity of the body to the ingredients of the composition. The drug is referred by experts to one of the leaders in the absence of complications. At the same time, one can theoretically fear allergic reactions, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea or constipation. An allergic reaction can manifest itself from skin pathologies in the form of urticaria, exanthema, angioedema, and from the immune system: anaphylactic reactions.

7 Analogues

When Duspatalin is prescribed, analogues (including domestic production) can be used with no less effect. Myotropic antispasmodics have a different active ingredient, but the principle of their action is similar. Analogues include the following drugs:

  1. Capsules with prolonged action: Niaspam, Spareks.
  2. Tablets: Mebeverin, Trigan, Trimedat, Buscopan, Dibazol, Bendazol, Ditsetel, No-shpa, Drotaverin, Papaverin.
  3. Homeopathic remedies: Spascuprel tablets; Bebinos drops.
  4. Solutions for injections: Trigan.

Some folk remedies can also be considered as analogues in terms of effects. A similar effect can be achieved with infusions and decoctions of cumin fruits, chamomile flowers, and peppermint. Such substitutions are especially important for treatment in childhood.

In general, the use of Duspatalin for gastrointestinal disorders has shown high efficiency. Excellent reviews are coming in with this drug.

This article provides an overview on the topic - duspatalin, duspatalin analogues and synonyms, instructions for using the drug. Indications for the use of duspatalin and contraindications. Duspatalin for pancreatitis and other diseases.

Duspatalin is a modern myotropic antispasmodic

Active ingredient - Mebeverine* (Mebeverine*)
The manufacturer is Solvay Pharmaceuticals B.V., the Netherlands.

Duspatalin is a modern myotropic antispasmodic, the action of which is aimed at eliminating spastic (spasm) and motor (motor) activity of the smooth muscles of the digestive system. Duspatalin does not suppress the activity of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, working without pathology.

The main focus of the antispasmodic action of duspatalin is the digestive organs.

What distinguishes duspatalin from other antispasmodics (No-shpa, papaverine, etc.)

  • non-toxic;
  • highly efficient;
  • selectivity, direction of action;
  • duration of action;
  • no serious side effects.

Duspatalin is available in two forms:

  • in the form of coated tablets. Each tablet contains 125 mg of the active substance - mebeveline;
  • in the form of capsules of prolonged (long) action. Each capsule contains 200 mg of the active substance - mebeveline;

Reception: Since the capsules have a prolonged action, this allows you to take capsules 2 r / day, while tablets are taken before meals - 3 r / day

A course of treatment: 1-2 weeks. Depending on the disease, the course of treatment may be more or less.

Duspatalin Indications for use

General provisions The main focus of the spastic (antispasmodic) action of duspatalin is the digestive organs. As a result of exposure to the drug, the following occurs:

  • relaxation of the smooth muscles of the digestive organs;
  • pain symptoms caused by compression of nerve endings (spasm) are eliminated;
  • improves, disturbed by spasm, the blood supply to the diseased organ, i.e. organ nutrition is restored.

What diseases does duspatalin treat:

The most effective use of duspatalin in the treatment of the digestive system is

stomach, intestines, pancreas, biliary tract, especially the lower gastrointestinal tract.

With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, with gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, ulcers, etc. inflammation and damage to the mucosa are accompanied by spasms of the smooth muscles of diseased organs, which causes pain. No-shpa is usually used to relieve pain. However, in this case, it is better to use duspatalin, which has a focus - relieving spasms in the area of ​​​​the digestive organs.

  1. IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), chronic colitis, dysbacteriosis. The most effective effect of duspatalin is on the muscles of the colon, and the natural intestinal motility is not suppressed and, therefore, flatulence, constipation or other unpleasant consequences are not caused.
  2. Chronic gastritis, ulcers and tumors of the stomach and duodenum. As described above, the removal of spasm eliminates the pain caused by compression of the nerve endings, and the blood supply to the diseased organ improves.
  3. Chronic pancreatitis. As a result of the removal of spasms of the pancreatic ducts, stagnation is eliminated and the outflow of pancreatic juice occurs, which avoids the occurrence of pancreatic necrosis (self-digestion of the organ). Read more about this in the next post >>
  4. Diseases of the biliary tract - chronic cholecystitis and cholangitis. As a result of the removal of spasms in the bile ducts, stagnation is eliminated and an outflow of bile occurs, which helps to avoid exacerbations of cholecystitis and cholangitis.

Duspatalin has few contraindications:

  • allergic reactions;
  • Individual intolerance;
  • Children under 18 years of age (the reason is that there are no sufficient clinical trials for this category of patients)
  • Pregnant women (capsules have no obvious contraindications, but should be taken only with a strict doctor's prescription for vital indications);
  • Lactating women (no data, if the drug is vital, then feeding should be stopped).

Side effects caused by taking dispatalin:

  • Duspatalin has few contraindications and side effects.
  • Duspatalin (capsules) have fewer contraindications than duspatalin (tablets)

# Duspatalin (capsules)- an individual reaction to the drug, an allergy is possible.

# Duspatalin (tablets)- an individual reaction to the drug, allergies, nausea, headaches and dizziness is possible.

During the period of treatment, care should be taken during activities that require an increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions: driving vehicles, working at height and other hazardous activities.

Duspatalin Duspatalin price

Duspatalin belongs to the drugs of the middle price category.

Below is the average price of duspatalin and the price of duspatalin-synonyms, i.e. preparations containing the active active substance - mebeveline.

Estimated cost:

  • NO-SHPA TAB.40MG No. 30 - 178.75 r (data for price comparison: no-shpa and duspatalin)
  • NIASPAM 0.2 N30 CAPS PROLONG - 326 r
  • SPAREX CAPS. PROLONG. ACTION 200MG №30 - 364 r
  • TRIGAN-D TAB. №20 - 79.31 rubles

Average drug prices are given as an example and correspond to the period of time and place of purchase - November 2013, Moscow

Information about average prices is updated daily. The exact price can be found by calling a pharmacy or medical institution in your city.

Duspatalin analogues

Duspatalin has analogues and synonyms.

  • Synonymous preparations contain the same active ingredient. In the case of duspataline, it is mebeveline.
  • Analogous drugs have other active ingredients in their composition, but the medicinal properties of analogous drugs are similar.

In this way:

# If you want to buy medicines with medicinal properties closer to duspatalin, in which the medicinal property is realized with the help of mebevelin, then buy duspatalin synomyme preparations.

Duspatalin-synonyms are cheaper than duspatan:

  • Niaspam,
  • sparex,
  • Mebeverine.

(Niaspam, Sparex are long-acting capsules, Mebeverine are tablets)

Since synonymous preparations contain one active substance, they are interchangeable. That is, if the doctor has prescribed one drug for you, then you can buy another drug - a synonym. (Everyone has their own reasons for replacing - this is the lack of a drug in a pharmacy or material problems)

# If you want to buy a drug with medicinal properties close to duspatalin, but choose the presence of another active ingredient, then buy duspatalin analogues.

Duspatalin analogues are cheaper than duspatan:

  • Bendazole (tablets);
  • Buscopan (tablets);
  • Dibazol (tablets);
  • Dicetel (tablets);
  • Drotaverine hydrochloride (tablets);
  • No-shpa (tablets);
  • Papaverine (tablets);
  • Spascuprel (homeopathic tablets);
  • Trigan (tablets and solution for intramuscular injections);
  • Trigan-D;
  • Trimedat (tablets).

If you can choose the synonyms of duspatalin yourself, then it is more difficult to choose analogs of duspatalin. Let me remind you that duspatalin analogues do not contain mebeveline, but contain another active component (components), but the effect of duspatalin analogues on the body is similar to the action of duspatalin.

For the correct choice of an analogue of the drug, the help of a doctor is necessary!

Duspatalin instructions for use
(official abstract)

Instructions for use included in each package duspatalina.

Attention! The information on this page is for informational purposes only and should not be used for self-treatment. Medications must be prescribed by a doctor. If you have found a contraindication for your state of health with the help of the annotation to the drug, then you should discuss this with your doctor. No websites or online advice will replace face-to-face consultation with a specialist.

What inexpensive and effective substitutes for Duspatalin can be purchased

Duspataline is a French antispasmodic. The drug stabilizes the digestive system, relieving pain of various origins. The cost of the medicine is quite high, so it is advisable to consider cheaper Duspatalin substitutes similar in action or substance and find out their price in pharmacies.

Release form and composition of the antispasmodic

The manufacturer produces the product in the form of capsules (200 mg) and tablets (135 mg). There are 30 and 50 of them in the package, respectively.

The active substance is mebeverine, which is an effective antispasmodic.

When the drug is indicated for use

  • People with pain, cramps and colic in the abdomen;
  • Patients who have gallbladder dysfunction.

Do not prescribe medication

  • In the presence of intolerance to mebeverine (active ingredient) and other excipients that make up its composition;
  • Patients under 18 years of age.

Pregnant women taking this drug is not recommended.

Side effects during drug therapy

Concomitant reactions that are negative in nature are rare. Most often, minor allergic reactions occur in the form of a skin rash, urticaria and swelling.

It is worth noting that this antispasmodic is quite safe. It does not affect the reaction of vehicle drivers and those operating mechanisms where there are conditions of increased responsibility.

How to take? Dosage, method of application

The rules for taking this medication depend on its dosage form. Tablets should be taken half an hour before meals. The daily norm is 3 pills per day.

The peculiarity of taking capsules lies in its whole use with the prevention of destruction. In addition, the remedy in this form must be washed down with a sufficient amount of water. Most often, Duspatalin capsules are prescribed no more than 2 times a day. The first dose - 20 minutes before the first meal and the second - 20 minutes before the last meal.

The duration of treatment is determined by determining the improvement or deterioration of the general condition or as prescribed by the attending physician. It is very important when taking this medication to achieve a complete cessation of any pain syndromes. This suggests that it is impossible to stop treatment at the first relief of pain.

How much does Duspatalin cost? Medication price

The cost of an antispasmodic in Russian pharmacies ranges from 530 to 650 rubles. The cost differs depending on the region and the pharmacy chain.

List of inexpensive analogues-substitutes for Duspatalin and their price in online pharmacies

Price in online pharmacies in Moscow and St. Petersburg:

Having compiled a comparative table of prices in well-known online pharmacies, you can answer the question - "where to buy an inexpensive analogue of the drug Duspatalin?" This can be done by ordering it on the website of the city of St. Petersburg.

Sparex - (Russian analogue of Duspatalin)

The peculiarity of this domestic antispasmodic is that it can be taken by patients not younger than 12 years old. The main indications of Sparex are the presence of spasms of the digestive system, biliary or intestinal colic.

The medication is contraindicated, as mentioned earlier for children under 12 years of age and pregnant women. For young mothers who are breastfeeding, Sparex treatment is not recommended.

Side effects may include diarrhea and headaches. In addition, with increased sensitivity to the components that make up Sparex, an allergy is likely - urticaria and swelling.

Trimedat - (Russia)

Another inexpensive Russian replacement alternative. The tool has a wide range of indications. Trimedat copes well with abdominal pain, colic, flatulence, which are accompanied by gag reflexes, constipation or diarrhea.

It is not prescribed for patients with intolerance to the constituent elements, children under 3 years old, as well as women who are expecting a baby or are breastfeeding.

Side effects when taken are rare. In most cases, this medicine is well tolerated. However, mild skin reactions have been reported.

Niaspam - (India)

Niaspam - has an identical active ingredient and is a good inexpensive replacement for Duspatalin.

An antispasmodic can help with pain, spasms, and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

This medication should not be taken by people with hypersensitivity to any of its constituent elements, patients under 18 years of age, as well as pregnant and lactating women, as there is no evidence of a possible negative effect on the fetus or child.

When taken, an allergy manifested on the skin may occur.

Papaverine - (domestic analogue-substitute)

This drug acts as the cheapest antispasmodic from the proposed list of substitutes. This drug has the same active substance. It is able to provide relief from spasms of the abdominal organs in various diseases. In addition, Papaverine relieves pain caused by spasm of cerebral vessels. The list of indications also includes angina pectoris and bronchospasm.

It is forbidden to take this antispasmodic in the presence of glaucoma, severe liver disease and children under 6 months of age.

During therapy, adverse reactions in the form of allergies, a decrease in blood pressure and a state of general weakness and drowsiness are not excluded.

Conclusions on inexpensive analogues of the drug Duspatalin

Duspatalin is a drug that has a sufficient number of alternative drugs from a number of pharmaceutical manufacturers that can replace it. These companies, including domestic (Russian), produce their own, more affordable antispasmodic medicines, which are at the same time no less effective and of high quality. But do not forget that before you buy one or another analogue of the drug, you should undergo a medical consultation.

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