Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary. Poems about the alphabet, alphabet and letters Russian alphabet of capital and capital letters: photo, print

Project "Alphabet" from "A" to "E"

Completed by: Kolosova N. N.


Letter A for the first desk
They sat in front of the map
And on the map the whole earth -
Rivers, mountains and fields.
And they asked who she was
Become dreaming, letter A?
- I want to be an agronomist,
I can be an astronomer
Architect, artist
And a scuba diver!
What words are you
Do you know the letter A?

Where can I find the letter B?
Maybe she is in the pipe?
Well, maybe at work
And will appear by Saturday?
Or hiding in a hut?
Or rides on an arBa?
Who, guys, will tell me
Where can I find the letter B?

Manjos N.

The letter B was looking for a long time,
Hour spent and nothing more!
They say it fell into the grass...
The yard was checked first -
Not in the sand, not on the swing
They didn't find it, no matter how hard they puffed.
Lena is convinced
What did she leave
By car or tram
Together with Vovoy and Valya.

Garg T.

A dove flies to us from the sky,

The dove asks for a crust of bread:

Give me bread! I am hungry...

Or I won't come to you!

Tadpole, tadpole:

Head to head...

The year goes by. Tadpole

Don't say "Hi!" -

Gordor will tell you "Kwa-kva!".

Usachov A.

Wherever you go, everywhere
The letter D will catch up with you.
In the village, in the house and in the garden,
In the attic, in the hollow, in the pond.
On a long road, in the rain,
Catch up, panting, during the day,
Give good to a good man
And fool the fool

Ischuk I.

Past the pines, past the firs

Everyone ran and flew!

A raccoon hurries ahead,

On the back of the hedgehog carries

Sighing quietly behind the Hedgehog,

Blackberry Ezhikha.

Who is running, who is Barely

Go forward to the cherished goal!

Ruff in the river waved his tail,

A goose shouted from the Christmas tree: - Let's go!

(alphabet) - a set of graphic characters - letters in the established sequence, which create the written and printed form of the national Russian language. Includes 33 letters: a, b, c, d, e, e, e, f, h, i, d, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, t, y, f, x, c, h, w, u, b, s, b, e, u, i. Most letters in writing are graphically different from printed ones. Except for ъ, ы, ь, all letters are used in two versions: uppercase and lowercase. In printed form, the variants of most letters are graphically identical (they differ only in size; compare, however, B and b), in writing, in many cases, the spelling of uppercase and lowercase letters differ from each other (A and a, T and t, etc.).

The Russian alphabet conveys the phonemic and sound composition of Russian speech: 20 letters convey consonant sounds (b, p, c, f, e, t, s, s, g, w, h, c, u, g, k, x, m, n, l, p), 10 letters - vowels, of which a, e, o, s, and, y are only vowels, i, e, e, u - the softness of the previous consonant + a, e, o, y or combinations j + vowel ("five", "forest", "ice", "hatch"; "pit", "ride", "tree", "young"); the letter "y" conveys "and non-syllable" ("battle") and in some cases the consonant j ("yogi"). Two letters: "b" (hard sign) and "b" (soft sign) do not denote separate independent sounds. The letter "b" serves to denote the softness of the preceding consonants, paired in hardness - softness ("mayor" - "mole"), after the letters of hissing "b" is an indicator of some grammatical forms in writing (3rd declension of nouns - "daughter", but “brick”, imperative mood - “cut”, etc.). The letters "b" and "b" also act as a separator sign ("rise", "beat").

The modern Russian alphabet, in its composition and basic letter styles, goes back to the ancient Cyrillic alphabet, whose alphabetic characters have been from the 11th century. changed in form and composition. The Russian alphabet in its modern form was introduced by the reforms of Peter I (1708-1710) and the Academy of Sciences (1735, 1738 and 1758), the result of which was the simplification of letter styles and the exclusion of some obsolete characters from the alphabet. So, the letters Ѡ (“omega”), Ꙋ (“uk”), Ꙗ, Ѥ (iotized a, e), Ѯ (“xi”), Ѱ (“psi”), digraphs Ѿ (“from”) were excluded. , OU (“y”), signs of stress and aspiration (strength), abbreviation signs (titles), etc. New letters were introduced: i (instead of Ꙗ and Ѧ), e, y. Later, N. M. Karamzin introduced the letter "e" (1797). These changes served to transform the old Church Slavonic seal for secular publications (hence later the name of the printed font - "civilian"). Some excluded letters were subsequently restored and excluded again, some of the extra letters continued to be used in Russian writing and printing until 1917, when by a decree of the People's Commissariat of Education of December 23, 1917, confirmed by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of October 10, 1918, the letters were excluded from the alphabet Ѣ, Ѳ, І (“yat”, “fita”, “i decimal”). The use of the letter "ё" in print is not strictly required, it is used mainly in dictionaries and educational literature.

The Russian "civilian" alphabet served as the basis for most of the writing systems of the peoples of the USSR, as well as for some other languages ​​written on the basis of the Cyrillic alphabet.

Modern Russian alphabet
Ah[a] Kk[ka] xx[Ha]
bb[be] Ll[el] ts[ce]
Vv[ve] Mm[Em] hh[che]
Gg[ge] Hn[en] shh[sha]
dd[de] Oo[about] Shch[sha]
Her[e] Pp[pe] bj[hard sign, old. ep]
Her[yo] RR[er] Yy[s]
Learn[ge] ss[es] b[soft sign, old. er]
Zz[ze] Tt[te] uh[e reverse]
ii[and] woo[y] Yuyu[Yu]
yy[and short] FF[ef] Yaya[I]
  • Bylinskiy K.I., Kryuchkov S. E., Svetlaev M. V., The use of the letter ё. Handbook, M., 1943;
  • Deeringer D., Alphabet, translated from English., M., 1963;
  • Istrin V. A., The emergence and development of writing, M., 1965;
  • Musaev K. M., Alphabets of the languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR, M., 1965;
  • Ivanova VF, Modern Russian language. Graphics and spelling, 2nd ed., M., 1976;
  • Moiseev A. I., Modern Russian alphabet and alphabets of other peoples of the USSR, RYaSh, 1982, No. 6;
  • see also the literature under the article

Vitamins Alfavit is a dietary supplement, a complex of minerals and vitamins.

Release form and composition

Vitamins Alphabet are available in the form of tablets for oral administration.

Multi-colored tablets in the amount of 120 or 210 pieces are packed in plastic jars, in the amount of 60 pieces - in blisters and a cardboard box.

Each package contains three types of tablets: white, blue and pink, their composition is individual and is given below.

The composition of the white tablet includes:

  • 1 mg copper;
  • 14 mg iron;
  • 1.5 mg of vitamin B1;
  • 35 mg vitamin C;
  • 0.5 mg vitamin A;
  • Folic acid - 0.1 mg.

Blue tablets contain:

  • 10 mg vitamin E;
  • 20 mg of vitamin B3;
  • 1.8 mg of vitamin B2;
  • 35 mg vitamin C;
  • 2 mg of vitamin B6;
  • 0.5 mg vitamin A;
  • 15 mg zinc;
  • 2 mg manganese;
  • 70 micrograms of selenium;
  • 0.15 mg iodine;
  • 50 mg magnesium.

Useful elements contained in pink tablets:

  • 0.05 mg biotin;
  • 5 mg vitamin B5;
  • 0.03 mg vitamin B12;
  • 0.12 mg vitamin K1;
  • 0.005 mg vitamin D;
  • 0.1 mg folic acid;
  • 0.05 mg chromium;
  • 100 mg calcium.

In addition, each capsule contains auxiliary components: aerosil, refined sugar, colidone, pharmaceutical talc, calcium stearate monohydrate, magnesium oxide, gum arabic, shellac, carnauba wax, 2 types of dyes (brilliant blue, E124), gelatin, wheat flour, vaseline oil.

Under the brand of vitamins Alfavit, vitamin and mineral complexes are also produced, designed for more specific applications. In particular, there are Alphabets: Kindergarten, Schoolchild, In the season of colds, Our baby, Mom's health, Teenager, Biorhythm, Opticum, For men, Energy, 50+, Diet, Beautician, etc.

Indications for the use of vitamins Alphabet

Vitamin-mineral complex Alfavit is recommended for use during periods of increased need for vitamins and microelements, including during high-intensity physical exertion, mental stress, during long-term antibiotic treatment, chemotherapy, infectious diseases and in the postoperative period. In addition, the drug is prescribed to pregnant women and persons whose nutrition is inadequate and insufficient. Also, Alphabet vitamins are effective as a prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis and micronutrient deficiencies.


In the instructions for vitamins Alphabet, as contraindications, an excessive content in the body of minerals that make up the vitamin-mineral complex, as well as hypervitaminosis, is indicated. In addition, tablets should not be given to children whose age is less than one year and to persons with thyrotoxicosis.

Method of application and dosage of vitamins Alphabet

Tablets should be taken orally, at the same time as meals, with the necessary amount of liquid.

For ease of use of vitamins Alphabet tablets are divided into three colors, which indicates the need for their separate intake. Each tablet of a certain color contains a daily set of essential vitamins and minerals. You need to take them in turn, observing the interval between doses of 4 hours. It is important to keep in mind that violation of the recommended intervals may lead to a decrease in the therapeutic effect.

Most often, the duration of the course of using vitamins Alphabet is 30 days, after which it is recommended to take a 14-day break, then repeat the course of treatment.

Some complexes from the range of vitamins Alphabet should be taken only after consultation with your doctor. For example, Alphabet Mom's health.

Side effects of vitamins Alphabet

According to the instructions for vitamins Alphabet, against the background of the use of tablets, allergic reactions to any component of the drug may occur.

special instructions

The drug is approved for use by women during pregnancy, but before taking it, you should consult your doctor.

With prolonged use of vitamins Alphabet or in case of taking doses exceeding the recommended ones, an overdose of the drug may occur. It manifests itself in the form of acute poisoning or hypervitaminosis and hypermetallosis. In case of poisoning, forced diuresis should be carried out, gastric lavage, laxatives should be taken and then act on the basis of symptoms. In the case of hypervitaminosis or hypermetallosis, you should stop taking the drug, conducting therapy that helps to remove excess vitamins or minerals from the body.

It should be borne in mind that during the use of vitamins Alphabet, the absorption of tetracycline and fluoroquinolone derivatives is difficult. Alphabet also enhances the side effects and therapeutic effect of sulfonamides. The joint use of the white tablet of the Alphabet and preparations containing magnesium, calcium, aluminum helps to reduce the absorption of iron, and with the simultaneous use of the pink tablet and diuretics, hypercalcemia may occur.

Poems for children about the alphabet and the alphabet, which are collected on our page, will be useful to teachers, educators of the extended day group, kindergarten teachers and parents who seek to give their children more knowledge and ideas about the world around them.

A short verse about the alphabet

What is an alphabet?
You guys know him.
The letter is always in it
In your special place.
We learn, we learn by heart
We are together alphabet
To help him find
In dictionaries where necessary.


What happened? What happened?
The alphabet fell off the stove!

Painfully sprained leg
Cursive letter M,
G hit a little
AND fell apart completely!

Lost a letter YU
Your crossbar!
Feeling on the floor
Broke ponytail At.

F, poor thing, so bloated -
Don't read it!
letter P turned over -
Turned into a soft sign!

Letter FROM completely closed -
turned into a letter O.
Letter BUT when I woke up
Didn't recognize anyone!
Y. Tuwim

Alphabet song

Thirty-three sisters
written beauties,
Live on the same page
And they are famous everywhere!
They are on their way to you now.
Glorious sisters -
We ask all the guys
Befriend them!
They rolled us a hedgehog!
Together they climbed out the window!
Ride the rooster!
That's all, friends!
Meet them kids!
Here they are, standing side by side.
It's very bad to live in the world
For those who don't know them!

Poems for memorizing the alphabet

A, b, c, d, e, e, e -
We wash clothes.
F, h, i, d, k, l, m -
Eat an orange quickly.
N, o, p, r, s, t, y -
Let's walk on the bridge.
F, x, c, h, w, u -
Ah, what a bowl!
b, s, b -
They won't be remembered at all.
E, yu, I -
That's all, my friends.


Know your place!
Remember who is behind whom!
Stand together all in a row!
F X C W W i W
Settle in quickly!
b y b
Stay close, like this!
Hurry, E Yu Ya!
Here is the family in the collection of letters!
S.F. Zhuikov, M.M. Zelenina, E.G. Carlson

You learn these letters.
There are more than three dozen of them
And for you they are the keys
To all good books.

Don't forget to take it on the road
Magic bunch of keys.
In any story you will find a way
You will enter any fairy tale.

Read books about animals
Plants and cars.
You will visit the seas
And on the gray peaks...
You have wonderful lands
Will open the way from BUT" before " I».

Forest Academy

One summer, on the lawn,
Very smart cockchafer
Founded for insects
Academy of Sciences.

Academy is open!
From dawn to dawn
forest insects
Learn alphabets:

At the feast at the mole

Between themselves for centuries
Living in harmony "G" and "TO",
And "K" does not get offended,
When it is replaced by "G",
What is similar to a heron in appearance
And stands on one leg.

Once opened the MOLE
There is a huge grotto in the garden.
Got a bag of BONES
And invited guests.
JACKAL from afar
CHAGALL to his feast.
Toptygin took off his hat -
The jackal DISAPPEARED from fear.
And the crab Fight the CRAB
Come on in the shade under the HORNBEAM.
The hedgehog curled up into a ball,
His sleep became DEEP.
And, having a bite of BARK,
Bunny under the MOUNTAIN,
To excel in GAMES,
Danced to the pain in the calves.

naughty letters

Sparrow jumped -
Somewhere found crumbs.
He ate one right now.
Right on the track
The rest didn't make it:
The CATS interfered.

"TO" into the fitter's pocket - jump! —
And in the pocket - ROLLERS.
From your pocket at the same time
The RABBITS have popped up!

Somehow the gazelles thought
with a letter "G" play games,
And almost got eaten for it
Their ruthless TIGERS!

Here's a laugh:
"R" fell on the CAT!
The cat is not a cat now, but a MOLE,
He digs an underground passage.

How letters get married

How lonely the poor man M,
He dried up completely from longing,
Like a May bug in a box.
And here is the beauty of the letter At
Once I met him
On the alphabet path.
And poor M said pleadingly:
-Let's get married.
But he was met harshly:
-You M, I At, and together MU?
All my life I don't need to moo.
Farewell, I'm not a cow.
Our M was terribly offended.
But the letter S he engaged.
And she agreed.
She told him: We
Let's make a word together WE,
And it's so wonderful.
Y. Vronsky

Poems are funny, dynamic with funny stories, will certainly appeal to adults and children. From them, the guys learn that there are 33 sister letters in the Russian language. That they are in a certain order. With the help of verses, you can easily learn the alphabet.

It is advisable to explain to children that the language has letters - this is what we write and read, and sounds - we pronounce and hear. It is desirable that children clearly differentiate these concepts. Because consonants and sounds have different sounds. For example, "rrrr" is a sound, but "er" is a letter. At first, it is difficult for children to understand and assimilate, but over time they will understand this and their knowledge is systematized.

Start small and soon great things will come to you and your children!


Look around -

Letters here and letters there.

One, two, three, four, five!

We go out to look for them.


Are you familiar with the letter "A"?

There she is on the roof of the house.

The letter "A" is walking,

Tightened with a strap.

And in the hospital the letter "Be"

He rides everyone.

If someone cannot walk -

The letter "Be" will help him.


The letter "V" floats

On the waves, on the blue.

Do not catch up with her - sped off -

Not a dolphin, not a whale.

Maybe she met

Are you in any port?

Lifting crane - letter "Ge" -

Standing on one leg

And with one hand

Lifts up like this

What can not be lifted by another -

A wall weighing five tons.


The letter "De" on chicken legs.

Whose hut? Whose guard?

This is the house of grandfather Petya.

Come visit, kids!

So similar "E" to the pitchfork,

That once the letter "E"

Hay wagon unloaded itself

And put it aside.


Everyone knows for sure

"J" looks like a beetle.

To us once on a goat

The letter "Ze" jumped up.

The letter "Ze" fed the goat,

The letter "Ze" watered the goat,

The udder was washed with water.

The goat has a large milk yield.

The jar is ready

Steam milk.


Trainer with the letter "I"

In the circus arena.

This letter, look

I got on my knees.

The hall clapped for a long, long time.

And to the sound of applause

The trainer ordered:

Gotta get up!

"I" said:

I don't need to clap.

I don't want anything

Except for the refinery.

"I" stood under the lantern,

We don't recognize him.

Changed - look

Stealthily at him.

It used to be just "and"

And now "And short".


The letter "K" reads a book

About the kitten and about the mouse,

About the goat and about the kids

And about all the animals in a row.

Spruce leaned against the spruce -

It turned out the letter "el".


The letter "Em", they told me

On a camel's back.

And the cow lows: "Moo!

I'll take the letter "Em" for myself.

If there are two tents

In the field side by side,

Write in your notebook:

This letter is the letter "Em".

Letter "en", I know you.

The letter is strong, steel.

You are huge

And not the letter you, but the bridge.

Cars run over you

A river runs under you

With big ships.

There are clouds above you.


Bagel is the letter "O" -

You will remember easily.

Right next to our house

The letter "Pe" is a large horizontal bar.

I'm with such a projectile

Not used to driving.

I'll grow up a little

I'll take that letter.


"er" - a tourist, goes on a hike,

He carries a backpack on his back.

At night, look at the sky yourself -

"ES" The moon hangs over you.

We divide the bagel in half -

There will be "ES" for both me and you.


"Te" and in the rain and in the heat

Covers the kids.

"U" looks like a slingshot -

Just put on a rubber band!

But please guys

Please do not shoot the birds!


Fedya is not a burden in the house.

Fedya is a cook, Fedya is a chef.

I took two watermelons under my arms -

It turned out the letter "EF".

"Ha" looks like scissors

"Ha" paper can cut,

Can cut out his pants

Sundress for the home.

With this letter we are friendly,

We know her.


The letter "Pe" started to dance

And danced for an hour.

The letter "Pe" returned home,

One two Three! turned over

Jump and jump on a stool.

Where's she? Was and no!

Turned into the letter "Tse"

With a small foot at the end.

The chair is upside down

It turned out the letter "Che".

"Che" just like our mother

With a little brother on my shoulder.


Got three pencils

On the line - this is "Sha".

Looking for different letters,

Don't forget about the letter "ShA".

Three pipes and a faucet on the side -

Have a glass of juice!

Letter "ShA" for birthday

Everyone prepares a meal.


Everyone has known this for a long time -

The soft sign is like a chair.

Alyonushka is sitting in it,

Teaching the alphabet with mom.

There was a floor lamp opposite the chair.

What happened, I wonder?

Draw and write

It turned out the letter "Y".


This is who on the water surface

Is it floating there without looking at us?

Swims with a cry of "quack"?

Really "Solid sign"?

He used to be in the alphabet

Hey, hurry up and catch him!

Solid sign, let's play!

Come back to our notebook!

The letter "E" goes along the beach,

The letter "E" towards her.

Languages ​​say to each other -

There is no stupid job.

"E" always looks ahead,

"E" is quite the opposite.

"E" backs away

Like cuttlefish.


If you haven't eaten a bagel,

If he is still with you

That's in one good deed

It will come in handy now.

Let's play with him a little.

Side - fork,

Next to it is a spoon.

Write in your notebook -

This letter is the letter "U".

Letter I, letter I

Looks very important

The fat belly bulges

The leg will be put forward.

But the other day I found out

That she is the last.

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