Movie Star Diet. Celebrity Diets: What Do Celebrities Really Eat? Ksenia Sobchak: sushi from Japanese restaurants

Any modern girl dreams of looking like a Hollywood star, having wasp waist and ideal body proportions. Sometimes, it is very difficult to achieve such impressive results, because a diet is not a seasonal hobby, but a way of life. It is not enough just to follow a strict diet, you must also supplement the diet with various physical exercises that burn fat best. Many celebrity diets are based on exercise. For example, Gwyneth Paltrow, preparing for a role in the film " iron Man» adhered to next diet: She did thirty minutes of exercise for the arms and legs every day, and also devoted forty-five minutes to cardio training.

  • Breakfast: protein shake or bar alternative.
  • Lunch: Grilled chicken with fresh vegetables.
  • Dinner: soup with turkey and cabbage, as well as a salad dressed with sour cream.
  • After training: a glass of cabbage juice.

As seen, effective diet has two fundamental bases: regular physical exercise and strict diet. This is the only way to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time.

Diets of Russian stars

The diet from Larisa Dolina is very popular, it allows you to lose up to seven kilograms in just seven days. However, before starting, it is better to consult with your nutritionist, as the diet is very strict and causes some damage to the body.

  1. Boiled potatoes in their skins (no more than five pieces) and four to five glasses of one percent kefir.
  2. Three hundred grams of sour cream and three glasses of fresh kefir.
  3. Two hundred grams of cottage cheese and a few glasses of kefir.
  4. Half a kilo of boiled chicken fillet without spices and salt. Five glasses of kefir.
  5. A kilogram of fresh apples and half a liter of kefir.
  6. Seven glasses of kefir.
  7. One and a half liters of mineral water.

Diet from Valeria

Less effective diet Russian singer Valeria. She has already given birth to three children, so she knows firsthand about extra pounds. During this time, she developed her own personal diet, which allows her to keep her weight within the indicated limits.

  • Morning: any porridge cooked in water.
  • Lunch: dietary vegetable soup, lean meat with vegetables twice a week.
  • Dinner: various vegetable salads dressed with sour cream.

In this case, the size of one serving should not exceed three hundred grams. Once every two weeks, the singer eats whatever she wants for one day. In restaurants, Valeria prefers French serving and Japanese cuisine.

Diet of Nikolai Baskov

The first three days are allowed to eat only rice. Salt and pepper it is prohibited. Cooked rice can be eaten large quantities. For the next three days, only boiled potatoes are allowed. At the end, the final three days of the diet, you should eat various stewed vegetables and drink great amount liquids and green tea. It is undesirable to eat after six o'clock.

The best star diets: 7 kg per week

Megan Fox's Pasternak diet allowed her to lose almost seven kilograms in one week. The essence of the diet is extremely simple, in one day you need to eat no more than five times, while regular portion must be divided by three.

And the most important rule of Megan Fox - complete failure from dairy products. She does not drink milk at all, does not eat sour cream and cottage cheese.

Diet Angelina Jolie

The essence of the Hollywood actress diet is to eat raw foods. She thinks that heat treatment food kills everything nutrients in food. Thus, the emphasis is on a variety of fruits and vegetables. These are dried fruits, and greens, and nuts, and seeds, and herbs, and sprouted grains.

  • Morning: buckwheat or barley porridge on the water. Do not add sugar or honey. The same goes for salt and oil.
  • Lunch: cottage cheese or low-fat yogurt, fresh fish, steamed, white meat chicken three times a week.
  • Dinner: After one day, hunger strike. Eating a variety of seafood in small quantities.

Model diets

Model diets are known throughout the world for their speed and effectiveness. It is worth using them only in critical situations, since most of them harm the body.

Method one

  • Breakfast: one soft-boiled egg, no salt.
  • Second breakfast: in two or three hours, one hundred and thirty grams fat-free cottage cheese and a cup of strong tea.
  • Lunch: three hours after the second breakfast. A similar amount of cottage cheese and a cup of tea.

You will have to refrain from dinner. But such sacrifices are by no means in vain. This diet for models allows you to lose three kilograms in three days.

Method two

This method works on the principle of a thousand calories. In one day, you can not eat more than one thousand calories, while you need to drink as much as possible, giving preference to hot tea or hot water. Eating sugar is strictly prohibited.

  • Breakfast: fifty grams of lean meat or a few soft-boiled eggs, a small slice of bread with thin layer oils. Wash it all down hot water or tea.
  • Second breakfast: water or tea.
  • Lunch: fresh grilled fish or fresh fat-free meat (more than one hundred grams), three hundred grams of salad (spinach, lettuce, beans, peas), tea or hot water.
  • Afternoon snack: tea or hot water.
  • Dinner: three hundred grams of vegetables, tea and fruits.

Method three

This is the diet of the famous model Miranda Kerr. She prefers fish and berries, excluding daily diet meat.

  • Breakfast: fruit slices, toast with eggs from whole grain bread, tea with ginger and avocado.
  • Second breakfast: green hour with a small handful of nuts.
  • Lunch: wholemeal bread, fish salad and tea.
  • Dinner: fresh salad from vegetables, fish cooked without oil on the grill and pumpkin, also cooked on the grill.

Star diets before and after

Renee Zellweger was able to lose as much as fifteen kilograms. To do this, she kept elementary rules food and went to the gym, as well as swimming. Her secret is to drink grapefruit juice right after a meal. The star claims that he is able to burn fat.

  • Exclude sweet, floury, fatty. You can eat one teaspoon of honey per day.
  • Eat a grapefruit before every meal.
  • The daily diet should consist of fish, vegetables, meat, fruits.
  • You need to eat as many greens as possible.

Stage one

The first stage is gentle and more suitable for weight control. In particular, Renee ate salads without oil and salt, lean turkey, rice, tuna and vegetables. Every day she drank more than two liters of pure water.

Second phase

After the first stage, Zellweger became more rigid about diets, she chose several mono-diets and stuck to them, constantly consulting with her nutritionist. Twice a week she arranged fasting days. Special attention focused on fitness and going to the gym. The actress went swimming three times a week. At the same time, Renee Zellweger herself notes that she was able to achieve real success only after she stopped thinking about losing weight and made diet a part of her life.

20.04.2018 |

Tours, irregular working hours - required attributes life of any celebrity, but they tend to take food seriously. Someone cannot imagine their life without fish and seafood, others serve buns and freshly squeezed juices.

1. Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin: vegetable salads and fresh juices

The star family loves berries, freshly squeezed juices. Maxim Galkin assures that he is unpretentious in food. He likes pancakes, apple pancakes, soups on chicken broth. A glass of orange juice for breakfast is sacred.

The family loves berries and juices

Pugacheva loves flounder. In her opinion, this fish contains a lot of vitamins and needed by the body trace elements.

Other favorite dishes of the singer are vegetable salads, chicken chops. Over the past few years, Alla Borisovna has lost a lot of weight.

2. Philip Kirkorov: homemade food + Coca-Cola

The king of the Russian stage, according to his housekeeper Lucy, is not too picky about food. He likes homemade food. Kirkorov loves macaroni and cheese, baked potatoes with green onion, cereals with fruits.

Philip loves homemade food

The only “weakness” of the artist is the carbonated drink Coca-Cola.

The main requirement is that there should be little food. The singer is inclined to be overweight, but now he keeps himself in shape, at his last performances he pleased his fans.

3. Valeria: fruit salads and seafood

Valeria stands exclusively for healthy healthy food. She taught her husband Joseph Prigogine the same.

There are no harmful smoked meats in their refrigerator, butter, fast food, packaged juices. The family has not eaten meat for several years.

“I don’t waste a second on lunch breaks”

The singer is not against restaurant dishes. Fruit salad dressings natural yogurt, arugula with tomatoes, baked seafood - the favorite food of the famous artist. True, fans believe that recently.

4. Timati: pasta and burgers

The famous rapper does not adhere to the rules of healthy eating too much. He admits that at night he eats pasta with parmesan, drinks beer with chips. He can not pass by the muffin.

Photo: Instagram @timatiofficial

Timati is the owner of a chain of eateries. Fans say that over the past 2 years, but Timati is not embarrassed.

“I feel good. And I don’t give a damn about your diets)))”

He continues to eat his burgers, pasties, hot dogs, and does not worry about being overweight.

5. Alena Shishkova: fish and legumes

The ex-girlfriend of Timati and the mother of his daughter Alice, on the contrary, is preoccupied with her appearance. The girl, according to fans,.

Shishkova assures that she eats regularly, she simply prefers healthy and healthy foods.

Just healthy food

Alena loves fish, legumes, baked vegetables. The girl does not refuse alcoholic beverages in moderation.

6. Alena Vodonaeva: onion soup and ice cream

Former member of "House-2" Alena Vodonaeva stands for taste experiments. In her travels, the girl always tries local dishes and drinks.

Photo: Instagram @alenavodonaeva

He tells his followers on Instagram about his feelings.

What does Alena Vodonaeva like

Vodonaeva loves onion soup with croutons, potatoes with cheese, homemade ice cream. From drinks prefers champagne, coffee and green tea.

7. Olga Buzova: seafood is the best

Most famous person on Instagram Olga Buzova loves seafood. They can be eaten in almost unlimited quantities, but the figure will not suffer.

Seafood in any quantity

By the way, for their appearance famous singer and the TV presenter watches carefully: "Perhaps I'm not beautiful, but."

Olga knows how to cook. When she was married to football player Dmitry Tarasov, she often made him buns and pies. Although some followers strongly doubt this.

8. Ksenia Borodina: Shrimp and Avocado Salad

The star of "House-2" says that their family has a favorite salad. It consists of shrimp, avocado, cucumber and celery.

A tasty and nutritious dish to the liking of the children of the famous TV presenter.

Ksenia's children love her salads

Ksenia claims that she loves to cook, but due to her busy work schedule, she rarely succeeds. From time to time, she spoils the family with “quick” cupcakes, spaghetti with herbs, curry chicken.

9. Ksenia Sobchak: sushi from Japanese restaurants

The politician and TV presenter loves sushi. According to her, this is the healthiest food in the world.

"My weakness is Japanese food"

The celebrity does not cook them with his own hands, he prefers to order them in Japanese restaurants.

Sobchak does not refuse flour. Favorite dessert for tea is croissants.

10. Victoria Bonya: fish from Japan

The celebrity travels a lot. When she is in Japan, she makes sure to visit local restaurants and order fish.

Victoria is sure that the most delicious fish on the planet is only there.

"Not tastier than fish on the planet than in Japan

Bonya has recently become a vegetarian. She loves vegetables and fruit salads, oysters, berries. Be sure to drink fresh juices, coffee.

11. Anfisa Chekhova: plant food

The famous TV presenter, who could, now eats only healthy plant foods.

When she was married to a Georgian businessman, Anfisa often visited his homeland.

Anfisa lost weight thanks to diets

This country has very hospitable people, and it is simply impossible to stay hungry. Chekhova enjoyed barbecue, honey pastries.

12. Elena Volatile: coffee and black caviar

The famous "Revizorro" used to approach the choice of food thoroughly. She will not dine in a restaurant if the quality of the food does not suit her.

Elena used to eat oatmeal with berries in the morning, drink green tea or juice.

Coffee, tea and juices

The girl admits that she loves black caviar and coffee. The delicacy in her refrigerator is often, and not just on holidays.

13. Nikolai Baskov: cake and barbecue

"Natural blonde" tends to be overweight. Long years he had to follow a strict diet. for the sake of slim figure have to be eaten more vegetables, cereals, low-fat dairy products, but without fanaticism.

Basque loves sweets. Cake, pastries, homemade pies are his favorite “additives” to tea. You can’t feast on this every day, but from time to time the artist allows himself a small portion.

Nicholas loves cakes

Nikolai does not refuse meat dishes. The famous singer uses shish kebab, baked ribs, jellied tongue, but only in very limited quantities. “A real man needs to eat meat! Otherwise, where to get the strength?

14. Victoria Lopyreva: croissant + mango

The “eternal bride” of Nikolai Baskov sometimes discusses his favorite dishes with Instagram subscribers: “I love miso soup, barbecue, fresh croissants, buns and coffee.”

The girl is sure that you do not need to limit your diet. Extra calories will go away during a concert or corporate party.

Vika loves Exotic fruits

Lopyreva loves exotic fruits - mango, papaya, coconut.

15. Irina Dubtsova: soup with celery and vegetable juices

The singer does not deny that for many years she suffered from excess weight. She could not control herself and ate harmful products: fast food, sweets, fatty meat.

Photo: Instagram @dubtsova_official

A slender figure was given to her with great difficulty, and Irina now watches what she eats. Favorite dishes - soup with celery, seafood, fresh fruits and berries. Sometimes he allows himself forbidden sweets - honey or jam. Loves coffee and fresh vegetable juices.

Irina loves fresh juices

Celebrities can afford a variety of delicacies, but most of them prefer simple homemade food. Public life obliges to look perfect, and the stars Russian show business understand it.

The next time you watch a movie or program, you involuntarily begin to notice that almost all show business stars look equally attractive. Based on these observations, many people seriously think about what celebrities eat and how they manage to maintain their youth and beauty for such a long time.

It is generally accepted that the secret of the eternal attractiveness of the stars of the big screen lies in their constant movement and regular physical activities. However, in order to achieve perfect figure and beautiful face it's not enough just to visit gym. After all, many people know that the color, elasticity and structure of the skin surface depends entirely on what celebrities eat.

"Star" life without carbohydrates

The first food secret of popular people lies in the fact that they are trying to free their menu as much as possible from simple carbohydrates. In other words, those celebrities who have a refined figure and smooth, even skin do not consume all kinds of pastries, bakery and pasta products, as well as confectionery.

It is also worth noting that such a rejection of sweets is often not temporary, but lifelong. After all, the stars of the television screen need to look stunning 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

However, for the full functioning of the body, he still needs to consume carbohydrates, but only in the form of potatoes, meat, nuts, grains and legumes.

A minimum of animal products or "star" vegetarianism

Recently, it has become very fashionable among celebrities to adhere to a vegetarian way of eating. As you know, such a diet excludes any products of animal origin. These include: meat, fish and poultry, and in some cases even milk and eggs.

Of course, such nutrition greatly affects the appearance of the stars. However, it is worth noting that the menu without the inclusion of animal protein and other useful substances should be accompanied additional reception vitamin complexes.

Maximum raw fruits and vegetables

Surely many people know that the main problem of mankind, including the "star" composition, is the excessive absorption of fried and fatty foods. After all, it is this processing of products that affects our body in the worst possible way.

In this regard, many popular people have long abandoned the use of dishes that were cooked in a pan with the use of additional fats. After all, the best human body digests natural and natural food, which was created using only sunlight and pure water. This is exactly what raw vegetables and fruits have.

As practice shows, almost all modern stars adhere to the following nutritional formula: daily food= 30% boiled (steamed) foods + 70% fresh vegetables, fruits and juices. Observing this principle of nutrition all his life, any person, just like the star of the television screen, is able to remain beautiful and slim for as long as possible.

Exceptions to the rules

There are celebrities who never give a damn about how they look. After all, their main trump card is not a sophisticated figure, but, for example, a beautiful voice, perfect acting, rare humor, interesting facial expressions, etc. In this regard, such popular people almost never choose special diet foods food, but they use everything that is deliciously cooked and beautifully laid.

As practice shows, these stars feel much freer than those celebrities who every day think about how not to harm their figure.

Representatives of show business and cinema should always look good. And it's difficult. For example, Jennifer Lopez gained more than 20 kilograms during pregnancy. But after giving birth, JLo got rid of them in an instant. How? The star talks about diets and sports, and the list of her requirements for Moscow concerts (recently published in Trud) refutes everything. There are chips, and seeds, and chocolate chip cookie. Maybe celebrities don't always tell the truth about their diets?


But Barbra Streisand prefers to exclude from her menu most carbohydrates: all sweet, starchy foods and potatoes. Salt actress replaces curry and drinks a lot boiled water. Moreover, Barbra sits on such a diet for only 13 days to cleanse the body of harmful substances. Britney Spears also joins Streisand (pictured). True, in Last year the scandalous singer is not up to the figure, but until recently Britney looked great: she avoided refined sugar and complex carbohydrates(pasta, bread and other products that, when decomposed, form natural sugar). Britney also did not eat after eight in the evening. The girl thought that dinner was the right way To gain weight.

Diet really helps get rid of extra pounds However, doctors warn that the cost of losing weight may be too high. Excessive protein intake can pose a threat to the body in general and to the heart and kidneys in particular. Yes, and Britney herself, advertising own body, you can’t trust it - too often her weight loss was associated with an operation to pump out fat.


Angelina Jolie is of the opinion that for a good figure it is enough to exclude one of the three components of food. That is, of Angie's carbohydrates, proteins and fats, it is fats that seem superfluous. They are essential for our body smallest quantities, which cannot be said about carbohydrates - they provide energy for exercise and nourish the brain - and proteins - increase the amount of muscle tissue. Moreover, Jolie eats at least five times a day, distributing all the food in small portions. True, not so long ago this food played with her bad joke: she lost so much weight that she was suspected of anorexia. And after a while there were rumors that the doctors were worried about Angie's future children - the consequences of the diet, and in general, the mother's nutrition did not benefit them either.


The 'Friends' star prefers the oddly named 'zone' diet. A star meal consists of three types of foods, each of which helps a different area. For example, for breakfast: raisins, scrambled eggs, bread. Lunch: seafood, salad, bread. Dinner: fresh berries, turkey or ham and nuts. True, more recently, when she was married to Brad Pitt, Aniston said that she did not eat carbohydrates. We change the husband - we change a diet?


Nikolai Baskov prefers a watermelon diet to keep fit. That is, the artist eats up to 500 grams of watermelon pulp in five doses per day. But if the Basque wants to lose a lot of weight, then the amount of pulp increases to two kilograms per day. The watermelon diet, like most mono-diets, is not recommended to continue for more than five days. This time will be enough to thoroughly get rid of toxins, excess water in the body, as well as unwanted salts. After all, watermelon is an excellent diuretic. On average, Nikolai loses up to three kilograms of weight in five diet days.


Do you think that Demi Moore, Zhanna Friske (pictured) and Uma Thurman have nothing in common? You are wrong. They have general diet. Girls prefer a raw food diet. Moreover, the diet includes raw meat. After all, it is believed that raw foods contain live enzymes that give strength. True, Jeanne for eating raw meat hasn't been seen yet.


Julia Roberts favors Dr. Perricone's skin-tightening diet. The main dish for breakfast, lunch and dinner is salmon. Perricone believes that such nutrition helps to get rid of wrinkles. And for weight loss, you need to eliminate sugar and fats from your diet and drink plenty of water. However, when Julia came to the Oscars pregnant with two kids, many noticed that her skin was skin, but the weight of the star clearly suited her. And do not once again limit yourself to food.


Alla Pugacheva herself invented this diet when she needed to quickly lose weight. The main thing is not to sit on herbal food for a long time. Three or four days is enough. The basis of the diet is a kefir cocktail with cucumbers and various herbs. Each serving must be fresh. The greens should be finely chopped, cucumbers rubbed on a coarse grater, pour it all with kefir and beat in a blender. The drink is very satisfying.


Kylie Minogue is also watching her weight. And in order not to score overweight, before each meal eats half a grapefruit - it contains enzymes that burn fat. For three weeks of a grapefruit diet, you can lose up to 10 kilograms. On the one hand, grapefruit is rich in vitamin C, and pink grapefruit is also rich in beta-carotene, which is very beneficial for the body. On the other hand, this low calorie diet. And therefore, it is very harmful. In addition, such diets force the body to break down not fat, but muscle tissue responsible for metabolism.


Anya Semenovich claims that she prefers low-calorie foods. But recently, the paparazzi caught Anya eating a snack - she was eating french fries. Here is such an apple-shrimp diet that Semenovich developed herself. Young, but suffering from a penchant for fullness, Yulia Savicheva, behind the scenes before the concert, periodically indulges herself with cotton candy. And in public, she eats exclusively food with a minimum of calories. Another ardent supporter of diets, but already overseas - Britney Spears. When no one is looking, she eats popsicle ice cream on a stick by both cheeks. The legendary Oleg Tabakov (pictured), who was banned from eating fatty foods a long time ago, enjoys eating fried pies. The only star who has never hidden her love for fast food is Anna Mikhalkova. The daughter of a famous director can be found at the cinema with a large portion of popcorn.

Earning enough money to afford dinner at the most luxurious restaurant, however, the favorites of the public are by no means always distinguished by gourmet tastes and often indulge themselves with a completely obscene hamburger.

Mariah Carey, for example, does not hide her love for the most famous Italian dish - pizza. True, the singer, who recently married rapper Nick Cannon, nevertheless admits that she is forced to limit herself and give up her favorite pizza in order to save her figure.

Actress Kate Bosworth prefers the classic, home cooking, and names as a favorite dish different types pastes. Special place Spaghetti with bolognese sauce occupies Kate Bosworth's list of favorite dishes, reminding the actress of her childhood. In addition, Kate has repeatedly confessed her love for french fries - despite the need, like most Hollywood stars, to constantly keep an eye on her figure, Bosworth cannot resist the sight of french fries in her favorite cafe on Sunset Boulevard.

Angelina Jolie also shares Kate's love for french fries - however, the actress likes the way french fries are cooked in an ordinary McDonald's most of all. It is fast food that Angelina calls her favorite food, and paparazzi caught Jolie more than once eating french fries. Not too worried about unhealthy food and Brad Pitt - he, like Mariah Carey, loves pizza and shares Jolie's passion for hamburgers and fries.

Actress Eva Mendes does not deny herself fast food - in an interview she repeatedly admitted that she prefers burgers with fried chicken from Burger King and french fries. Mendez drinks all this with a chocolate cocktail.

Most supermodels are forced to live on a very modest diet, eating rice with greens and washing it down with plain water. But the girlfriend of actor Orlando Bloom, model Miranda Kerr, does not hide her addiction to fatty fried foods, which is so dangerous for a supermodel's figure. Despite the fact that Miranda's past mixed Serbian, Japanese, Turkish, Filipino and Indian roots, Kerr herself prefers the classic South American dish - fried chicken, which she cooks according to her own recipe.

Singer Lily Allen, who in the past struggled desperately with extra pounds, finally found a way to stay in shape without giving up her favorite food. Lily's secret was sushi - according to the singer herself, they can eat well and not gain a single gram in weight. Allen's favorite combination of fish and rice made the singer much more slender than mashed potatoes, which Lily declared her favorite dish in 2007.

Britney Spears, despite her status as one of the most popular pop singers, has not cared too much about her figure in the past few years and constantly ate her favorite hot dogs and ice cream. As a result, the extra pounds acquired by Spears at the MTV Video Music Awards in September 2007 could be appreciated by everyone when the singer appeared on stage in a revealing stage costume. Since then, Spears has revised her culinary habits - now she admits that she prefers pasta and dishes prepared by her mother to fast food.

Tom Cruise is a great lover and connoisseur of Italian cuisine; among the favorite dishes of the actor are pasta and ravioli. There are rumors that for special occasions Cruz has almost a personal chef specializing in Italian cuisine. However, Tom's wife, Katie Holmes, denies these rumors - according to her, Cruise cooks excellent carbonara pasta with his own hands. Even at his own wedding, Tom Cruise remained true to his habits: the menu of the wedding dinner included classic Italian dishes - including, of course, pasta.

Jennifer Connelly is a vegetarian and her favorite dish vegetable casserole.

Nicole Kidman loves salads, pineapples and seafood. "I eat a lot of fish because it is rich in healthy nutrients, and quite calmly I can eat boiled flounder for breakfast, crab salad for lunch, and baked salmon for dinner.
Nicole also has a soft spot for donuts and buns, and has been spotted at parties eating baked potatoes. She loves to cook, perceiving this activity as a way to get rid of stress. "Cooking for my family, I relax," she says. Sometimes instead ordinary food Nicole consumes vegetable juices and purees.
Yummy for NICOLE: The actress's favorite treat is chocolate cheesecake. By nature, Nicole is not inclined to be overweight, so she regularly prepares this dessert for herself and her children according to her mother's recipe. According to her, it helps her stay alert during the day and improves her mood. Lucky!

Salma Hayek's daily diet is small portions of vegetables, chicken breast, fish and brown rice. The once overweight actress was told she would have more roles if she lost some weight. But not naturally skinny, Salma decided that being a little plump meant being feminine and sexy. She loves hot chocolate and Mexican cuisine, as well as the traditional American roast turkey feast. “I love to eat,” she laughs, “and usually I don’t deny myself what I love, because food is a pleasure that I don’t want to deprive myself of.”
Yummy for SALMA: Hamburgers! And in in large numbers. And sometimes - "Margarita" - the famous alcoholic cocktail.

"Legally Blonde" prefers homemade food, loves vegetable and meat casseroles and stews, but understands that she can eat her favorite food only if she is actively engaged in fitness. Reese Witherspoon loves traditional American cuisine and believes that having lunch and dinner together is a great way to bring the family together. "For Christmas, my husband and I cook all sorts of things, set a large table, and then eat ourselves to satiety!" - says the actress.
Yummy for Reese: fried chicken with mashed potatoes. She also loves gourmet chocolate. "My favorite chocolate candies are called "Touche". They are made in Switzerland. These are champagne truffles. Mmm! Yummy!

The star of the series "Desperate Housewives" Felicity Huffman in her youth and early youth suffered first from bulimia and then from anorexia, at the age of twenty she weighed only forty kilograms and could not eat normally. But now, at forty-three, she has finally accepted herself for who she is. “It seems to me that I have always had a forty-year-old body, and now that I have finally lived to this age, I think:“ But I look good. Now I like my figure."
On the set, Desperate Housewives fortify themselves with vegetables, fish and chicken. Felicity prefers balanced diet- for the benefit of the family and the beauty of the figure. "We try to eat right. I insist on it," she says.
A treat for FELICY: She loves pizza and ice cream, as well as homemade cookies that her friend and TV series contestant Teri Hatcher bakes and brings to the set. "Everyone loves it when she brings something tasty, and I must say, she does it quite often," says the actress.

Being a recent fan macrobiotic diet(the main components of which are dishes from whole grain and vegetables), Gwyneth Paltrow star still prefers oatmeal and lentils and chooses only organic products for her family. "I love fresh vegetables and fruit for the season, and I try not to eat a lot of sugar. "However, recently the actress has somewhat departed from her principles. "I do not drink milk and do not eat butter, because these products do not bring benefits, but now I treat myself differently strictly as before. I used to always eat oatmeal for breakfast and rice soup for lunch, but now I can afford some of the things that I really want, and sometimes I can even have a glass of wine with dinner or quench my thirst with light beer.
Yummy for GWYNET: Like many of us, the actress enjoys baking from time to time. "I really love chocolate cake, and I also can't resist cheese. If I'm having dinner at a restaurant, I always order parmesan."

By her own admission, Drew Barrymore is just a disgusting cook, so she loves to eat in cafes and restaurants. "I love all kinds of cuisines: Mexican, Chinese, Japanese, Indian and Italian."
In her youth, the actress was an absolute vegetarian. “I ate only carbohydrates,” she says. “Now I eat more proteins, I don’t eat a lot of meat, but if I feel that my body needs it, I eat a piece.” The actress also eats a lot of organic fruits and vegetables, trying to eat three times a week. A party lover, Drew might skip a glass or two of wine.
Yummy for DREW: Pasta with butter and cream. "I love pasta. Yes! You heard right! With cream! And what's for sweet? Of course, my favorite fruit jelly!"

The usual diet of Charlize Theron consists of raw vegetables and fruits, which allow the actress to get the maximum of vitamins and minerals beneficial to the body. However, she does not focus on healthy eating, and often allows herself what she likes. "I love red meat. For example, I eat steak and eggs for breakfast." Due to her South African origin, the actress is unpretentious in her choice of food. “I can live comfortably on potato chips without worrying too much about keeping my figure in shape. By nature, I am incomplete and not thin, and I like it. Even if I gain a few kilograms, I don’t worry about it at all. I love cheese, meat, pizza, fried potatoes. True, now I try to find a middle ground between what is tasty and what is healthy.
Yummy for CHARLISE: "My favorite dish is the traditional South African braai - a stew of sausages, lamb and baked potatoes with green salad and vegetables cooked over an open fire."

Recently, Jennifer Aniston admitted that she once got too carried away with a diet, removing all carbohydrates from her diet, which turned out to be unsafe for the body. In the past, a fan of the Atkins diet, today she has replaced all fashionable diets with a simple and healthy food. The actress combines carbohydrates with chicken or fish, and also consumes healthy fats contained in nuts and olive oil. Instead of fried ones, Jennifer prefers grilled dishes and tries to eat small portions, at the same time, indulging herself in vegetable salads. Now, when she often shares a meal with her new lover, she had to move away from her traditions. "Now I eat a lot," she smiles, "and whatever I want - of course, within reasonable aisles. To keep fit, I do fitness, and to look good and have healthy skin I drink a lot of water. In addition, I do not drink coffee and alcoholic beverages at all.
Yummy for JENNIFER: "The habit is my second nature. I just love Italian and Mexican cuisine. And also cheese. Especially pecorino, which is made from goat's milk."

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