Lama Safonova, a cancer patient, dreams of having children. Ex-lover of Vinnie Jones Lama Safonova: I have cancer - they will remove my uterus Famous Russian singer lama has cancer

She announced the terrible news. The artist fell ill with a deadly disease, but she is not going to give up ..

While Lama is raising funds for further complex treatment, Andrey stepped in. Kovalev said that he did not believe Safonova, accusing her of lying. Allegedly, the singer has not yet presented official documents to her fans, and this is direct evidence of her deception.

The artist, on the contrary, demonstrates all the pain she endured with all her public actions, shows the scar on her stomach after the operation, tells how hard it is for her and what she still has to go through on the way to recovery. She is actively raising money for treatment, trying to account for every step.

It is known that Lama has much-discussed chemotherapy ahead, which is indispensable in this situation.

Despite all the publications that are “obvious” show the life that Lama lives now, Kovalev suspected something was wrong. He noticed that in absolutely every publication Safonova asks for help, that is, for the transfer of funds for treatment. Then the millionaire decided to do his own investigation.

“I offered Lama to pay for her treatment if the diagnosis was confirmed at the oncology hospital, but I was sent to hell,” Andrey told RosSMI journalists. Moreover, he turned to his influential acquaintances to get him a certificate-extract from Safonova. However, she worried him a little:

“Help raises many questions, although the diagnosis is serious. Such forms are used in the outpatient department. After operations, especially such serious ones, printed extracts of A4 format are issued with the signature of the attending physician and the head of the histology department. It feels like it's fake."

Video of the first of six chemotherapy treatments

JoInfoMedia journalist Nastya Art recalls that on Instagram there are photos of references, however, in the form of a collage, where it is almost impossible to see anything. In order for people to understand everything that is happening, she described her diagnosis: “For those who clarify the diagnosis: ADENOCARCENOMA. Extensive endometrioid cancer of the body of the uterus 3-4 degree, with metastases in the lymph nodes.

After talking with reporters, the singer explained why Kovalev is trying to denigrate her in the eyes of society, trying to create a scandal:

“I am seriously ill. Andrey Kovalev is promoting on my illness. He told me that he would only apologize when I left this world for medical reasons. The fact is that he could not get me in 2012 and now he began to openly wish me death through social networks. Kovalev didn't offer me any help."

As for the fans and others who are not indifferent to this situation, opinions are divided here. Many continued to support Lama, believing that she is not lying, and indeed, she needs the help of people with a heart. Moreover, at one time Zhanna Friske was also accused of lies and black PR, but how it all ended is known to the whole world.

Russian singer Lama Safonova (LAMA) announced her terrible diagnosis a month ago. A neglected disease, stage 3 cancer, organ removal - the 30-year-old artist continues to struggle with all this, despite the excruciating pain.

Lama tries to share with followers on Instagram, reporting what doctors say and how her treatment is going. She even asked for help from fans who did not remain indifferent to her grief, so that they would send funds for her treatment. The singer's colleagues organized a charity concert, all the proceeds of which will help Safonova in her trouble.

Metastases in Lama are already in the lymph nodes, which means that the girl needs to urgently undergo chemotherapy. But it will become a real torment, because her body, due to intolerance to medicines, will perceive this treatment as the strongest poison. The singer shared her fears with subscribers and explained what awaits her after chemotherapy.

“I will lie under a chemo-dropper for 6 hours and move on to the next milestone. YOUR PRAYERS ARE VERY HELPING ME AND VERY NEEDED! A HEAVENLY SHIELD ABOVE ME! The rite of confession, communion and unction has already been passed by me. With an open heart I go to the test. Half a year (6 courses) will be a hard etching of the body. What is chemistry? For those who are unfamiliar, I will explain - this is the chemical killing of cancer cells with the strongest poison, which indiscriminately also extinguishes healthy cells - they will destroy everything. Therefore, this is a wild method of treating cancer, like an “atomic bomb” thrown into the body, which burns out all life. Some people endure and some don't. The statistics are monstrous.

Although, for some reason, many people think, what's wrong with that. It is amazing: people fly into space, but there is no simple recognized official treatment for cancer. Which of the doctors prophesies the end, who says there will be severe torment (vomiting, fever, daily bone twisting, complications, bleeding, etc.), who reassures that how I tune in and it might be easier. I dont know. Everything is in the power of our Lord. I accept the Fight with humility and a cool head. Thousands of people like me look at me on my pages, people who are in the same trouble. And they are fighting for their lives. Only no one hears them. I just want to tell them not to dare give up.” (Author's punctuation, style and spelling preserved - ed.)

The actress spoke frankly about how she feels after a major operation. According to the performer, her life turned into hell. Nevertheless, Lama Safonova does not intend to give up. The singer is set for a serious fight.

Lama Safonova // Photo: Instagram

Not so long ago it became known that the singer Lama Safonova was given a terrible diagnosis. The artist was diagnosed with cancer. In her Instagram, Safonova announced that she would have a long and expensive treatment. Recently, the blonde shared the details of the fight against the disease. Judging by the publication of Lama, she is serious and does not intend to give up. The other day, the performer underwent a difficult operation, for which she had been preparing for several days.

Singer Lama Safonova announced a terrible diagnosis

"January 17. Alive. I am sending the first message. Return from hell. Chapter 1: "Open your eyes" Now I know that hell exists. I am so exhausted by inhuman pain that I even breathe through time. Thanks for the love. That's what keeps me going. Heavenly shield with me. Ahead is the next stage, no less difficult and cruel. Thank you to those who didn’t quit, ”the singer said, adding to her post such hashtags as“ mortal combat ”,“ attacked the wrong one ”and“ I’ll be back, no matter what it takes.

Lama's followers supported her and advised her to hold on. “You are a hero”, “Get well soon, smart and beautiful”, “Health and health again”, “We are with you! We pray for you”, “Fight, you can”, “Darling, you are so smart. I hug you tightly”, “Strength to you, faith and love”, “Everything will be fine!” - wrote in the comments to the recording of the artist.

Earlier, Safonova shared the details of her treatment. The artist is going through a very difficult period. Lama frankly admitted that she needed help.

“I did an MRI today ... Well, the third stage, plus the lymph nodes are completely affected ... Cancer is an insidious thing ... It’s scary, painful, hard to say, and even more so to admit ... When you are considered strong, successful, blooming and what can be questions. Trouble came to my family on New Year's Eve... There are no guarantees and there is no time, but I can say one thing: I intend to fight. The operation is urgent, difficult, several organs will be cut out. In Moscow. The complexity of its outcome is added by my intolerance to a wide range of drugs (anesthesia, anesthesia, antibiotics, etc.), which happened after the attack on me in 2012 and all previous troubles. To say how I feel right now is an understatement. I can’t cope alone, ”said the singer.

Show business stars supported Safonova in her fight against a terrible disease. They organized a charity concert at the Volta club in the capital. The event, which will take place on January 22, will be attended by Natalia Gulkina, Vladimir Levkin, Pierre Narcisse, Dmitry Nesterov, Anna Kalashnikova, Zhenya Rasskazova, Aphrodite and many others. The hosts of the evening will be Ekaterina Kirmel and Vladimir Brilev.

At the end of December, singer Lama Safonova announced to her fans that she had been diagnosed with a terrible disease - cancer. Despite the cry for help, the artist does not tell what exactly is affected by the tumor in her body. She only said that, in her opinion, several organs could be removed during the operation. Now Safonova spoke about what could cause health problems. She blames everything on the loneliness that she had to face when solving difficult life situations.

“I don’t ask the question “why and for what”, because I clearly understand that these terrible three letters “cancer” are too natural and logical reaction of the body to the fact that in all troubles I was alone, I alone resisted everything that rained down on my head (attacks, physical injuries), was completely unprotected and knew how to ask only for others, but not for herself. I drove my pain inside, I single-handedly got back on my feet and was always alone with this confrontation. I was saved by forgiveness, harmony with nature, with life itself and with what fate gave me, ”Safonova shared her thoughts.

Fans are watching with sympathy the rehabilitation period of the artist after a complex operation. Lama tries to keep loyal fans up to date with everything that happens to her health, because caring people transferred money for her treatment. Safonova admitted that it was not easy for her to muster up the courage and seek help.

“There are only a few days left before the decision on chemotherapy is made. Everything is too serious and uncertain. All the forces of the body are mobilized so that at least everything begins to heal after the operation without antibiotics. Thanks to all those who are trying to help me in my trouble. I am holding on thanks to your love, ”Safonova says on her microblog page.

Fans of the artist are worried about her state of health and dream that she would return to her previous work activity as soon as possible. They expect new songs and various projects from her, so they are ready to provide all possible assistance for the sake of salvation. “Health to you! I really believe that you will get better. Strength to you and patience”, “But even the small amount that we sent. Maybe it will help somehow. May everything be fine with you. I will help you, just believe in it”, “Light bulb! Hold on! You are a great man. I've never seen such kindness and perseverance. You are strong and smart. Everything will be fine! You have wonderful family. You must live for them and for yourself!” - wrote caring fans.

The graceful and charming soloist of the Lama group Natalia Dzenkiv was born on December 14 1975 years in Ivano-Frankivsk. Natasha's parents - artists of the Hutsul Song and Dance Ensemble (mother dances, father professionally sings and plays cymbals and drums) - often took their daughter with them on tour (then state concerts in Moscow were popular). From childhood, Natalya was at a concert, was present backstage and dreamed of becoming a great artist. Returning from such trips, in class Natalya talked about what she saw "live" behind the scenes, Kirkorov ... However, classmates did not believe her, they said that this was fiction.

The mother wanted her daughter to follow in her footsteps - she became a ballet dancer. Therefore, Natalia was first sent to ballet, then to ballroom dancing. But fate was decided by chance: once the accompanist saw Natalya playing a simple melody on the piano and explained to her grandmother that it was better to send the child to a music school. And then it began - a music school, a music school - and all in the piano class. AT 1990 In the year Natalia visited relatives in Germany, where the Bon Jovi concert made a strong impression on her. From the first minute of the concert, Natalia realized that she wanted to sing! (And her German grandparents gave her a big synthesizer and a lot of cassettes).

AT 1993 In the year Natalia, together with her classmate, decided to create their own group "Magic". Natalia wrote the music, and her classmate wrote the words. Thus, the first song was written, on which a professional soundtrack was recorded. With this song, they turned to Vitaly Telezin (by that time he was a radio DJ), who immediately launched the song on the radio. Over time ( 1997 -1998 gg.) They recorded the album "Light and Shadow" (songs "Dawns", "Light and Shadow", "Write me, fate, letters"), which was a resounding success, and the Magic group became almost the most popular in Western Ukraine and a welcome guest at festivals. This went on for three years, until Vitaly was invited to work in Kyiv (at that time Natasha was in a civil marriage with him). Natalia stayed in Ivano-Frankivsk, toured with "Magiya", the further the more realizing that this was a dead end: they worked and worked, but there was no financial return.

Natalia moves to Vitaly in Kyiv ( 2000 G.). They lived on the money that Vitalik earned (he recorded Zemfira, Irina produced "Okean Elzy"), were content with little, and in return accumulated invaluable experience. Natalya wrote songs on a turnkey basis, learned how to create lyrics, music was gradually born (the period was long, difficult.

Once Natalie dreamed of a Tibetan monk who repeated the same word: "Lama, lama ...", she woke up in a cold sweat, because shortly before that she herself came up with the name of the group - "Lama" (just like that, without any basis, the word I liked it, however, in Sumero-Akkadian mythology, Lama is a kind patron goddess). And 2005 year, when the song "I so need it" finally appeared, Lama started and immediately became a breakthrough and discovery. From the very beginning it was planned that it would be a group. But the group is very difficult to assemble. First there were Natalia, Vitalik, and the team that worked with them in management. In the first clips, Natalya was presented as a singer (because circumstances arose), but later they found guys who can play and look beautiful. And now they are not only a team, a group on stage, they are friends in life, even a family. Now they make it clear to everyone that Lama is not just a singer, it is a whole team.

At the end of October 2006 year, the group released their long-awaited debut album "I Need It So Much" (which included 12 songs, in particular, "I Need It So Much", "Heart" and "Airplane", by the way, the video clip for the song "I Need It So Much" was filmed 2005 in Berlin). The public presentation of the album "I need it so much" took place on November 7 in the Kiev club "Kvartira Babuin". A week after the release of the album, about 20 thousand copies of the discs were sold.

2007 of the year at the "MTV Europe Music Awards" ceremony, held in the Munich "OlimpiaHalle", Lama received the "Best Ukrainian Act" award (the best Ukrainian performer). May 2008 the second album "Light and Shadow" is released, and the song "You know how to hurt" became the soundtrack to the successful Ukrainian-American film "Safo". December 4 2008 a star in the constellation Ursa Major was named after Natalie Dzenkiv.

In general, Natalia believes that the best vacation is in the mountains, the main thing is to gain positive energy from nature. By nature, he has a sharp intuition, feels both people and events. He loves housework very much (he loves to wash dishes - it is very calming), he likes to go to the market. And happiness for her is such a moment, about the appearance and disappearance of which you do not even know. These are the moments when you enjoy. But there is happiness that is eternal. For Natalia, these are her parents, a loved one. She will do everything to make them happy. Happiness is a fluctuation of emotions. Prefers Hutsul aesthetics. In music, he combines Hutsul, Slavic, European, Eastern motifs.

AT 2011 took part in the show "Star + Star-2" in tandem with Denis Rozhkov.

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