How to do wasp waist exercises. How to make the waist thin and remove the stomach at home

The abdomen is one of the most problematic areas for girls. However, you can find the perfect waist at home. All you need is motivation, some free space and the regular implementation of the presented set of effective exercises for a thin waist.

The best exercises for a thin waist at home

Thinking about how to make the waist thinner and quickly remove the stomach? Looking for an effective set of exercises that you can perform at home? In this article, you will find the best workout program to do at home.
Many believe that crunches, ab exercises, and bending are enough to reduce waist size. It should be remembered that the wrong execution technique can only increase the sides. Follow the recommendations of a professional trainer and stick to the program below.

Take some time to warm up before starting your workout. Do side bends, jumps, and run in place for 5 minutes before your workout.

How to make the waist thinner: a set of exercises at home

Exercises Sets Reps/Time
2 1 minute
2 10
2 10
Exercise "Cat" 6 15 sec.
2 1 minute
"Bicycle" for a thin waist 3 1 minute
3 15
"Swimming" for a thin waist 2 15
3 30 minutes
5 1 minute


  1. Take an emphasis lying down. Use your forearms as a support. The whole body should form a single straight line. Tighten your buttocks. Make sure your hips don't drop.
  2. Fix the achieved position for a minute.

This exercise activates the lateral abdominal muscles. Only your stretching can facilitate the task.


  1. Lie on a flat surface with your stomach up. Lower your arms along your body. Raise your legs up, forming a right angle. Hips and feet form one line.
  2. Raise your buttocks. Stretch your feet up. The legs should be straight throughout the exercise. Avoid swaying.
  3. Return to starting position. Do 2 sets of 10 reps.


  1. Lie on your back. The body and buttocks are firmly pressed to the floor. Bend your legs at the knee joints. Place them near the sternum.
  2. Turn your bent legs to one side. You should not touch the floor. Then return to the original position. Do the same twist for the other side. For each side, do 10 reps for 2 sets.

The movement engages the transverse abdominal muscles.


  1. Get on all fours. Breathe out. Try to pull in your stomach as much as possible. Look only ahead. Don't tilt your head.
  2. Stay in this position for 15 seconds. Repeat the exercise 6 more times.

The exercise involves all the muscles of the press.


  1. Lie on one side. Get into a plank position using your forearms and feet as support. Look only ahead. Keep your back straight.
  2. Stay in this position for a minute. Do 2 times with a break of 1 minute.


  1. Lie flat on your back. Lock your hands behind your head.
  2. Bend your knees alternately. At the same time, turn your torso first in one direction, then in the other direction. Practice for a minute. Do 3 sets.

Press involved. An important role is played by its rotational function. It also trains balance and coordination. Do 15 jumps in 3 sets for each side.


  1. Stand straight, keep your hands in front of you.
  2. Jump up so that the feet are pressed against each other. Turn to one side as you jump. In the next jump, rotate the body to the other side.

Exercise "Swimming" for a thin waist


  1. Lie on the floor with your back up. The hips should be pressed against a flat surface. The distance between the feet should correspond to the width of the shoulders. Extend your arms in front of you. Look ahead. Don't lift your head up.
  2. Bend your elbows, placing your palms near the sternum. Bring your shoulder blades together.
  3. Return to starting position. Repeat the exercise 2 sets of 15 times.

Get serious about the choice of sports equipment. The hoop must weigh more than 2 kg. Exercise with a hoop can provide you with a thin waist and the loss of a few extra pounds. If this is your first time doing the hoop exercise, don't overdo it. Let the body gradually get used to this kind of load.


Control tension in the abdomen. Rotate the hoop for an hour and a half. It is permissible to take only 2 breaks of 2 minutes each.

With the help of a skipping rope, girls will improve metabolism, work out the muscles of the press. During the jump itself, turn the body to the right, then to the left. Over time, this movement will become quite simple to perform. Jump fast, make as few pauses as possible. After a minute of continuous jumping, take a break of 20 seconds. Do 5 sets.

Training frequency

Train so that your muscles have time to recover. Engage in approximately 3 times a week. Between training days, leave 1 day of rest. Muscles will get used to the load gradually.

Perform a complex for a thin waist when you are most comfortable. Usually girls prefer to warm up and stretch in the morning. Thus, the body quickly gets to work. Basic exercises can be played in the late afternoon.

How to make your waist thin quickly in a week: useful tips for exercising

  1. Do the exercises smoothly. Avoid sudden movements. Rest no more than a minute between sets.
  2. Follow your breathing technique. Breathe in as you relax. Make an effort on the exhale.
  3. Don't tuck your chin into your chest. Keep your neck straight.
  4. Control your posture. The loin should not come off the floor. Don't overload your spine.
  5. Ventilate the room before each workout.
  6. Stretch at the end of the session. This will help the muscles relax.
  7. Lead an active lifestyle. Go for a run, do yoga, ride a bike.

What determines the thinness of the waist?

Subtract 1 m from your height to determine what waist size will be most suitable for you.

  • Heredity. People who are not predisposed to be overweight achieve noticeable results in sports much faster. It is hard for girls who have a small distance between the ribs and the pelvic bone.
  • Hormonal background. The waist will be thin if estrogen is present in excess. If the female hormone in the body is not enough, the figure will look the opposite.
  • Level of sports training. The thinness of the waist depends on the amount of subcutaneous fat. Regular exercise will help you get a thin waist.


Eliminate simple carbohydrates from your diet. Such foods include confectionery, sugar, carbonated drinks. All of the above food turns into fat. Choose foods that contain protein. For meat, prefer chicken breast. Eat fresh vegetables, fruits. Drink as much water as possible. Eat often, but in small portions. You must stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

A graceful slender waist is the pride of any woman.

It is no coincidence that the ladies of the court pulled her into corsets, trying to visually reduce the volume.

Few can boast of a wasp waist, so you need to constantly work on it.

Thin waist at home: the main difficulties

First of all, you need to understand that the presence of a waist largely depends on the type of figure. In some, it is very weakly expressed, and this is due to the structural features of the skeleton. If the distance from the pelvic bone to the ribs is too small, it is almost impossible to get a thin waist at home. It is also influenced by the individual characteristics of the organism. In some women, fat deposits form mainly on the arms or legs, while someone is less fortunate and, first of all, the sides begin to increase in volume, which means that the waist also disappears.

After 30, this may be due to changes in hormonal levels. The female sex hormones produced in the body, including estradiol, affect the appearance, adding to the figure of femininity. With age, their number decreases, the metabolism slows down, the amount of muscle tissue decreases, and instead of it, fatty tissue begins to be deposited. As a result, the figure becomes not so slender, and the waist is less pronounced.

However, such age-related changes can and should be combated with the help of regular physical activity, for example, daily morning exercises, and proper nutrition. This will allow you to control weight gain due to adipose tissue, maintain muscle and get a thin waist at home. The main thing is to start forming good habits in time: eat often and in small portions, thus maintaining a fast metabolism, give up harmful foods and, if possible, move as much as possible, play sports.

How to make a waist at home?


Very often, the absence of a waist is caused by the presence of extra pounds deposited on the sides. To control your weight, you need to constantly monitor nutrition. This applies not only to the products included in the diet, but also to general principles. Meals should be 5-6 per day, and portions should be small. Overeating is one of the most common causes of weight gain and the development of various diseases. Before eating, be sure to drink a glass of water, and also consume more fluids throughout the day.

Diet should not be a temporary measure, but a permanent means to achieve and maintain a slim figure.. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a balanced diet for yourself, which would include tasty and healthy foods: meat, vegetables and fruits, cereals, dairy products, fish. Answering the question of how to make a waist at home, nutritionists note that it is often enough to reduce the volume of portions and give up sweets, flour and fatty foods to get rid of excess weight. Meat baked in the oven is no less tasty than fried in butter, while it will not harm your health and figure.

Important start the day with a hearty breakfast such as porridge or scrambled eggs. A morning meal will save you from snacking on the run with fast food, buns and other tasty, but high-calorie foods. When you really want to eat, but the time for lunch or dinner has not yet come, it is better to give preference to fruits and nuts.

If breakfast should be high-calorie and dense, then dinner, on the contrary, is light. In the evening it is better to eat protein foods: meat, fish or cottage cheese. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir.


A thin waist at home is also the result of physical exertion, for which, with the modern rhythm of life, many do not have enough time. In this case, you need to use every opportunity to lead an active lifestyle: walk more, refuse to use the elevator, take walks. However, most often, even with a lot of work, you can devote several hours a week to sports. The main thing is to choose the type of activity that will bring pleasure. Then training will become an additional source of energy and good mood, bringing even greater benefits to health and figure.

How to make a waist at home without monotonous and monotonous exercises? For example, through dancing. They allow you to improvise to your favorite music, teach you to feel your body better. The most effective direction will be belly dancing, which helps to strengthen the oblique, transverse and rectus abdominis muscles. As a result, curved vertical lines appear on it, due to which the waist looks thinner. Thanks to the belly dance, you will also develop the habit of keeping your posture, and the constant rotation of the pelvis will give the hips a seductive outline.


Wraps can be used as an aid in addition to proper nutrition and exercises for the waist at home. They allow you to achieve a drainage effect, accelerate the removal of excess fluid, improve the quality of the skin, keeping it in good shape. Before you begin to apply the composition for wrapping, you should prepare the skin by taking a shower and clean the layer of dead cells with a scrub. After that, you can proceed to the main stage of the procedure. The skin is covered with a dense layer of the mixture, and a layer of cling film is fixed on top. Thus, it will be possible to achieve less heat transfer and enhance the wrapping effect. After the procedure, rinse the composition under the shower, and apply a moisturizer to the skin.

There are a large number of wrap mixes to help you get a slim waist at home. One of the most viable options is composition of ground coffee and olive oil. Take both ingredients in arbitrary proportions, keep the mixture for no more than 2 hours.

Has a warming effect mustard and honey wrap. It is easy to make a mixture for him at home, but it is important to follow the technology for preparing the composition. Melt honey in a water bath. Separately mix ground mustard seeds (2 tablespoons) with sugar (2 teaspoons), salt, vinegar (0.5 teaspoons), olive oil (0.5 tablespoons), and then add some water there. Combine the resulting composition with honey and leave to infuse for a day. After that, apply the mixture on the skin in the waist area for 10-15 minutes. With each procedure, the duration of the session can be increased. However, even in the absence of discomfort, it should not exceed 30 minutes.

The video shows one of the options for performing a honey-mustard wrap

The greatest effect can be achieved if wraps are done in a course of 6-10 procedures. But not everyone is suitable for this method of accelerating the process of losing weight. It is contraindicated in women with hypertension, skin and cardiovascular diseases, tumors. Before performing the procedure, you need to apply the composition to a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, thus checking the absence of an allergic reaction of the body to the components of the mixture.


Like wraps, massage is an aid in weight loss. You can do it on your own every day. This will not take much time, but due to the regularity of execution, it will allow you to quickly reduce the waist. Before the massage, you should take a hot bath, and after it, apply an anti-cellulite moisturizer or oil to the body.

During the procedure, you need to sit comfortably on your back and grab the skin around the navel with pinch movements. Similarly, you should work out the area of ​​the sides, moving from them to the center of the abdomen, and vice versa. At the end, pinch movements should be performed in the lower part of the waist, moving up and then down. In total, the massage should take no more than half an hour. Perform it daily on an empty stomach, do not eat for another hour after the session, so it is ideal to devote time to it before going to bed. The procedure should not bring pain. You should not grab the skin on the abdomen too tightly so that there are no bruises. Much more important is the regularity of the massage.

Waist exercises at home

Charging is the best way to get rid of extra pounds and keep your figure in good shape. Its big plus is that it does not require special equipment and a lot of space, it takes a little time. Images will help to master the technique of exercises for the waist at home. Before proceeding with their implementation, it is necessary to warm up well: tilt your head, swing your arms, squat, walk on the spot. After that, proceed to the main complex, which can include the following exercises:

1) Plank;

This is a static exercise in which the muscles of the whole body are worked out. The press is actively involved in it, so it helps to form a beautiful waist. Without rounding or arching your back, you should stand so that the body is a straight line. The legs should be tense, and the elbows should be located under the shoulders. You need to stand in the bar as long as you have the strength. Perform the exercise in 3-4 approaches with breaks for rest, while gradually increasing the time of each of them. It is important to do the bar every day at the same time so that the muscles have time to recover.

Plank exercise

2) Side plank;

Another type of plank, which also involves the muscles of the press. The execution technique is similar to the classic version. It is important to keep the elbow strictly under the shoulder.

Exercise "Side Plank"

3) Twisting;

This exercise for the waist at home allows you to work out all the muscles of the press. It should be done in several approaches with a break between them of no more than 30 s.

Exercise "Twisting"

Slim waist at home: the secrets of success

1. Proper nutrition;

Restrictions on junk and high-calorie foods will allow you to remove deposits of adipose tissue, which often hide a graceful waist. In addition, a balanced diet will not only help maintain a slim figure, but also improve health, prevent the development of various diseases;

2. Charging for the waist at home;

A set of three exercises, performed daily with high quality, will be enough to strengthen the muscles and keep the body in good shape. The main thing is not to forget to do them constantly at the same time;

3. Wraps and massage.

These are additional means that act on the skin, accelerating the process of losing weight and getting rid of cellulite on the stomach. Using a combination of all these methods, you can achieve a slender waist. However, on the way to your ideal, you must not forget about the individual characteristics of your body and figure.

It is difficult to imagine the owners of the fair sex who would not dream of a thin, perfect waist. Fashion for the body is changing, once curvy shapes were in fashion, then thin, model standards became fashionable.

But at any time, the beauty and femininity of the body could be judged by the presence of a waist. The hourglass shape will probably never go out of style.

Many have long heard that among the people the ideal parameters of the body is the size of the circles 90-60-90. But is this so, perhaps, for each type of figure structure, height, weight, other parameters of an ideal figure correspond.

In fact, this is quite individual and a waist size of sixty centimeters for one will be too small, and for another too much.

Scientifically, with the help of formulas and calculations, the ideal parameters of a modern girl are compiled. They can be considered in the table and decide for yourself how far these calculations are from reality.

Height, cm Waist circumference, cm
149-150 55
151-152 56
153-154 57
155-156 58
157-158 59
159-160 60
161-162 61
163-164 62
165-166 63
167-168 64
169-170 65
171-172 66
173-174 67
175-176 68
177-178 69
179-180 70
181-182 71
183-184 72
185-186 73

Here you can see that the waist grows in direct proportion to weight, so with a height of 175 cm, you do not need to strive for parameters 90-60-90. It is not necessary to achieve the waist size indicated in the table.

Remember, it is important to be feminine and neat, and not frantically achieve fifty centimeters in volume and look exhausted. It may not be physiologically possible to do so. There are always ways to become slimmer, the main thing is to understand what you need to do and try hard.

How to make your waist thin fast

It is quite possible to make the waist thinner. Be patient, because nothing happens quickly and does not fall from the sky, especially a thin waist. Subcutaneous fat with an inactive lifestyle and overeating, unfortunately, does not go away quickly.

After all, it is he who becomes a good camouflage for our wasp waist. Here is the answer to the popular question - is it possible to quickly make the waist thin?

Subcutaneous fat serves to protect the body from temperature changes, protect internal organs and store energy in the event of hunger. One gram of fat contains nine calories, so you can calculate how much energy you need to expend to burn a few kilograms of fat.

Thus, to burn a kilogram of fat, you need to spend 9 thousand calories, given that one effective cardio workout (for example, running) burns from 500 to 800 calories. This is labor-intensive work that requires a certain investment of time and effort. Everything depends on you.

Suppose the body has been starving all day, and even received physical activity, and in the evening it accepted an incentive prize as a bun, then in this case you should not expect a positive result.

The fact is that the body does not give up fat during starvation, as it leaves it in reserve, for a rainy day.

When food enters a hungry body, especially sugar (flour, sweet), it is immediately deposited in the form of fat in problem areas.

Hunger slows down the metabolism. Therefore, you need to eat several times a day and be sure to only eat the right food. The sooner you begin to comply with all measures, the faster you will achieve results.

To obtain the required volume of waist circumference, it is necessary to apply a set of certain measures. Consider the main principles of how to make the waist thin.

Slimming exercises at home

To form a thin waist and a beautiful toned belly, it is not necessary to go to the gym and spend money. There are many waist exercises that you can do at home or at your local park. So, how to make the waist thinner and remove the stomach? Helpful Exercises!

You should know that fat is not burned locally, exactly in the desired place, it burns evenly throughout the body. This means that in order to lose fat from the abdomen, you need to work on all muscle groups. Pay special attention to loads that consume the most energy.

These are cardio loads, such loads train the heart muscle by increasing the pulse and blood circulation. These include: running, cycling, jumping rope, special cardio equipment. You can run in the park, you can jump rope at home. There are many options, the main thing is to start.

Lying burning

Quite simple to perform, but very effective exercise. It is performed with springy movements that will help burn excess fat due to the large number of repetitions.

Lying on the floor, hands behind your head, chin looking up, legs bent at the knees. With an exhalation, we tear off the shoulder blades from the floor to the height of a matchbox, we lower them while inhaling, feeling the work of the rectus abdominis muscle, especially its upper part, leading to a burning sensation in the muscle.

The main thing is to breathe correctly, not to make the throat lock by holding the breath.

The exercise can be performed for 30-60 seconds. If necessary, repeat three approaches. It is important not to overdo it and leave strength.

The peculiarities of performing the technique of this exercise are that the deep transverse abdominal muscle, which is located in the inner layer of the abdominal muscles and performs a stabilizing, that is, supporting function, is included in its work. Pulling up to the spine, the muscle will make the stomach flatter.

Lying on your stomach, with your feet resting on the floor, we begin slow torso lifts, vertebra by vertebra up, feeling the work of the abdominal muscles. Hands in front of you or on your shoulders. The main thing is not to make jerks. We also descend slowly and gradually.

It is important to breathe correctly. We take a breath and with an exhalation we begin to rise, we again take a breath at the top and as we exhale we go down, without holding our breath. The number of repetitions is from 20-30 times, until the sensation of burning muscles in 2-4 approaches, taking into account physical fitness.

Leg raise

This exercise is aimed at working out the rectus abdominis muscle, a large load is directed to its lower part.

This technique will help strengthen the muscle, tighten the lower abdomen, burning fat.

According to the female type, fat is deposited precisely in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen and on the sides. Therefore, the exercise is worth mastering.

Lying on your back, palms under the buttocks, to prevent stress on the lower back. The lumbar region is firmly pressed to the floor. We keep our legs straight below, and with an exhalation we raise both legs at an angle of 90 degrees, and lower them on an inhale. We perform 20-30 repetitions for 3-4 sets.

Side crunches

This exercise is aimed at working out the oblique and intercostal muscles of the abdomen, it will help to reduce the waist. Exercise must be performed with your own weight, since excessive force load can increase the thickness of the muscles, this will only expand the waist. For example, block twisting machines for oblique muscles contribute to a set of muscle mass, so avoid large weights.

So, lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, feet shoulder-width apart, rest on the floor. We put the right palm behind the head and tearing off the right shoulder blade from the floor, we stretch our elbow to the opposite knee in a diagonal. 20-30 repetitions on one side, then on the other.


An excellent exercise that involves absolutely all muscle groups. In particular, both the outer and inner layers of the abdominal muscles are well included in the work. The exercise is static, that is, it is performed by holding this position for a certain time.

We put our palms on the floor, at shoulder level, put our legs across the width of the pelvis, tear off our knees from the floor and take an even position of the whole body parallel to the floor. It is important that the press is included in the work, because its work will not only strengthen the muscles, but also eliminate the load on the spine, prevent sagging of the lower back.

We maintain the position for 30-60 seconds as far as possible.

The usual name is a hoop for the waist. To outline the waist area and break up fat deposits, after training the press, finish the complex with a hula-hoop rotation.

But here you need to be careful, with problems with the lumbar region and inflammation of the internal organs, the exercise is prohibited, as it can aggravate the disease. Rotation accelerates blood circulation and increases the heart rate, so it can rightfully be considered a fat-burning training method.

To begin with, 5-10 minutes will be enough, then the time can be increased.

Nutrition for a thin waist

As already mentioned, nutrition is one of the main ways to get a wasp waist. The importance of nutrition is 70-80% of success. Of course, there are factors that prevent you from getting the desired result.

For example, a genetic predisposition to be overweight, a hormonal imbalance, a lack of digestive enzymes that digest fat and carbohydrates. In this case, you will need the help of doctors.

If the body is completely healthy, and excess weight is still present, you are more likely to overeat or eat improperly.

No need to go on diets, as this is a temporary effect, forget about them. Make it a habit to eat right.

The main principles of proper nutrition:

  • less carbs, more protein. Carbohydrates (cereals, fruits, flour, sweets) are necessary to maintain energy in the body for life. Therefore, they are not recommended to be included in the diet in the afternoon, since unspent energy in the form of carbohydrates will turn into fat deposits in the waist and hips. For the evening we leave protein - meat, fish, dairy products and vegetables;
  • remove simple carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are simple and complex. For weight loss, it is preferable to choose complex carbohydrates, cereals. These carbohydrates, unlike fast, easily digestible ones (fructose, glucose), do not increase the level of insulin, which adds excess weight. Therefore, remove them from the diet, and leave cereals and fruits for the first half of the day;
  • Don't starve, eat often. Hunger promotes fat retention to keep the body alive. This is his protective function. If you eat often, in small portions, then the SOS signal does not enter the brain, and fat is given away for processing into energy without any problems;
  • we don't overeat. Although you need to eat often, this does not mean that you need to eat half the daily allowance for breakfast. Servings should be small and contain less variety of foods per serving, as it will be very difficult for the enzymes to digest all the ingredients. Thus, the metabolism may slow down;
  • Drink water on an empty stomach and between meals. Water will not only remove protein breakdown products (ammonia) from the body, but also remove the false feeling of hunger, removing it for a while.

Another way to get a very thin waist

This includes a pleasant and useful way - massage of the abdomen. You can do both self-massage and with the help of a specialist. Massage affects the improvement of metabolism, improves blood circulation, breaks down fat deposits, tightens and improves skin elasticity.

And also, massage will help restore strength after a set of exercises.

It is advisable to do self-massage on clean skin with the addition of cosmetic oil for massage. Capturing the fat fold, as if with rolling movements, we stretch the skin up and down. We do not bring to pain and bruising.

How to get a thin waist and a flat stomach in a week? Consider the most effective measures. Adhering to this complex, the waist will noticeably decrease in volume in just one week.

  1. We start running in the morning on an empty stomach. Energy will be taken from the fat depot immediately, this will lead to fat burning faster;
  2. We remove sweets. We do not litter the body with excess calories, we observe proper nutrition;
  3. Eat more vegetables and proteins. They have the fewest calories, and the portions look more impressive, so they are quite satiating;
  4. Drink linseed or olive oil before breakfast. Surprisingly, the consumption of unsaturated fats leads to weight loss, as their molecular compounds are able to capture free fat from the body and remove it in more quantities than it was received.
  5. We consume less salt, but do not exclude. Excessive salt intake retains water and leads to edema, which adds extra inches to the waist.

How to make the waist thinner: reviews

A set of five effective measures helped me a lot to achieve the result. I started running in the morning on an empty stomach, removed sweets, ate more vegetables with the addition of olive oil. I got minus 5 centimeters in the waist. The result is available in just a week!

Inga, 26 years old, Syktyvkar

I really liked the set of exercises at home. Exercise really helps to reduce waist size. I practiced every day for 15-20 minutes. First, I jumped on a rope for 5-10 minutes to warm up the muscles, then twists, leg raises, plank, side twists. I performed the complex in three sets, finished the workout by rotating the hoop with special massage balls to break fat for 5-10 minutes. The complex does not take much time, and the effect is obvious - minus five centimeters at the waist in two weeks and minus three kilograms of total weight.

Oksana, 30 years old, Moscow


To achieve the goal of having a thin waist, it’s not enough to train for 15 minutes alone, there should be strong-willed work on yourself every hour, day and night.

Being healthy and beautiful is the dream of every girl. Applying all the tips in practice, it will not be difficult to do this. Don't forget the main principles:

  1. Proper nutrition;
  2. Physical exercise;
  3. Rest and sleep.

All this in a complex will quickly lead to the final result. It is quite possible to have a perfect waist, the main thing is just to want and go forward to your dream.

There are a few more exercises for a thin waist in this video.

A thin waist has always been a sign feminine and beautiful figure. Many of the fair sex strive for smooth curves and a graceful transition from the chest to the hips. How can I reduce the waist and what to do if the waist does not decrease? What waist exercises can and cannot be done?

The whole truth about how to reduce the waist

The waist is one of the most problematic areas of the body for girls, where fat accumulates very easily and there is an increase in volume. With an increase in weight, it is often the waist that begins to "float" one of the first, the sides and the so-called "ears" appear. Of course, there are girls who keep their waist even when they get better. Usually these are the owners of the figure « pears" and "hourglass"(or magic photoshop):

But most often, with an increase in the percentage of fat in the body, the waist increases greatly in volume, and beautiful curves disappear:

Therefore, the first rule for those who want to get a narrow waist is reduce overall body fat percentage. How to do it? Very simple. Start eating a balanced diet, reduce the amount of fast carbohydrates and fast food, increase activity and physical activity. In other words, make the body burn fat instead of storing it.

But how to make the body begin to lose weight specifically in the waist area? It is very difficult to burn fat reserves in a certain “problem” zone. Whatever exercises you do, get ready for the fact that the body will lose weight entirely. Fat will melt gradually all over your body, somewhere slower, somewhere faster. It is almost impossible to force the body to reduce the waist zone.

So, how to reduce the waist and remove the sides?

  • Eat in a calorie deficit so that the body begins to break down fat.
  • Do cardio exercises to speed up fat burning.
  • Perform exercises for the cortex (muscle corset) to tighten muscles and model beautiful lines of the body.

But for most people, this approach to reducing the waist may seem too banal. Especially when the Internet is replete with such handy tips as: "magic waist corset - just wear and lose weight", "special diet for the waist for 10 days", "twist the hoop for 5 minutes a day, and in a week you will reduce your waist by 10 cm" . But we will immediately stipulate, no magical methods and magic exercises for the waist does not exist. Most of the methods that are offered on the Internet are absolutely useless in terms of reducing the waist and eliminating the sides.

What methods will NOT help in reducing the waist:

1. Wraps and massages. They will not help you to reduce the waist. This is a useless event that does not affect the fat burning process, so you should not waste time on this. Better take 30 minutes of walking or walking at homeif you want to speed up the process of burning fat.

Contrary to popular misconception, the hoop is not very effective if you want to remove the sides and reduce the waist. Of course, spinning the hoop is better than doing nothing and lying on the couch. But if you have a little time for sports, then it is better to do a quality cardio workout than to twist the hoop.

3. Corsets and waistbands. Another useless thing that not only will not help you reduce your waist, but will also be harmful to your health. Corsets and belts restrict breathing, reduce blood flow to the heart, put pressure on the intestines, and worsen digestion. At the same time, you will not reduce the waist with the help of a corset, only in clothes you will visually hide the flaws.

4. Special diets to reduce the waist. There are no special diets, magic foods and drinks to reduce the waist. If you read about some unique combination of products, thanks to which you can reduce your waist, then remember - this is not true.

5. Wraps with films and thermal belts during cardio training. This is another unhealthy thing and absolutely useless activity for those who reduce the waist. You won’t lose weight, but you can get dehydrated and seriously strain your heart.

6. Special exercises for the waist. As such, exercises for the waist do not exist. There are exercises that help to work out the oblique abdominal muscles and strengthen the muscle corset. And there are cardio exercises that help speed up fat burning. Together, they can give the desired result. But it does not work in such a way that you do conditional bending and twisting for a week and thereby reduce the waist.

Although we can still recommend one easy way to visually reduce the waist. It's shapewear. It will not reduce body fat and waist size, but it will help to hide imperfections when you are in clothes. True, on the beach this method will not work.

Why can't you shrink your waist?

But even proper nutrition and regular exercise may not help to reduce the waist. Why is this happening? Let's look at all the possible reasons why you can't reduce your waist.

1. Your body type - rectangle. With this type of figure, the waist is either not at all, or it is barely pronounced. Body type is determined by genetic factors and is almost impossible to change. The most pronounced waist "hourglass" and "pears". less fortunate "apple" and "reverse triangle" .

2. You don't comply diet. Even regular exercise will not help you burn off your fat stores. The process of fat burning occurs only with a calorie deficit, when you eat less than the body can process into energy. Everything that is not spent is deposited in fat, which hides your waist.

3. Do you diastasis rectus abdominis which often happens after childbirth. As a result, the waist area may “float” a little. With diastasis, it is useful to practice the vacuum exercise, which helps to eliminate muscle divergence.

4. The reason may be feature of the shape of the chest, which makes the waist a little voluminous. Regular exercise and proper nutrition will improve your body composition, but not the fact that the waist will end up being thin.

5. You pay a lot of attention oblique abdominal muscles. Planks, twists, bends, turns without weights will not negatively affect your waistline and will not increase muscle volume. (of course, if you do not do these exercises every day for an hour) . But tilts and turns with dumbbells, barbells, pancakes can tone your muscles and add volume to your waist.

6. You are engaged strength training with big weights. Even if you don't exercise specifically for the obliques, they are involved in many strength exercises for the arms, back, legs, buttocks. Regular strength training keeps your body fit and athletic, but your waist can suffer.

Each person has their own special unique shapes . And there are no such people who would be 100% satisfied with their body. If you are not given a narrow waist by nature, it's okay. To improve contours and achieve feminine hourglass shapes, you can work on the muscles of the shoulders, hips, and buttocks. This will help improve body composition.

Waist Exercises: Ready Workout Plan

We offer you a ready-made set of exercises for the waist, thanks to which you can effectively work on the abdomen and remove the sides. But get ready to train very intensively, and not just do crunches on the mat. The purpose of this set of exercises for the waist is not just to strengthen the muscles and tighten the waist, but also burn fat layer.

Of course, it is very difficult to achieve local weight loss in a certain area of ​​the body. However, when we do exercises on the “problem area”, we increase blood circulation in this area and, as a result, accelerate fat burning. But it is achieved only when performing interval cardio exercises, due to which an increase in hormones with lipolytic ability occurs in the body. And of course, the overall process of fat burning throughout the body is important, i.e. maintaining a calorie deficit.

We offer you such waist workout plan : 4 rounds in which cardio exercises and exercises for the muscular corset alternate. It is this approach to training that will help you work on your stomach and waist most effectively. Moreover, it is important to work not only on the rectus abdominis and oblique muscles, but also on the muscles of the back, i.e. over the entire muscular corset as a whole.

Perform the proposed set of exercises for the waist only in sneakers and always start the session with a warm-up and a hitch (5-10 minutes before the start and before the end of the lesson) . Be sure to check out:

First, an execution scheme for different levels of training will be given: for beginners, intermediate and advanced. Then we will list the general composition of exercises for the waist in each circle. You can increase or decrease the duration of the workout by changing the composition and duration of the exercises for the waist.

Plan for a set of exercises for the waist

The suggested exercises for the waist must be performed for a certain time, so prepare a timer (use mobile phone for example). Choose an exercise plan for the waist, depending on your level of training. If you don't know your readiness level, start with the beginner's option.

Beginner Workout:

  • First and third round: we perform each exercise for 20 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds, the round is repeated 1 time.
  • Second and fourth round: we perform each exercise for 30 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds, the round is repeated 1 time.
  • Rest 1 minute between rounds.
  • Total workout time: about 20 minutes
  • If you find it difficult to complete all 4 rounds, you can only complete the first and second rounds.

Intermediate training:

  • First and third round: we perform each exercise for 40 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds, the round is repeated 1 time.
  • Second and fourth round: we perform each exercise for 40 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds, the round is repeated in 1 circle.
  • Rest 1 minute between rounds
  • Total workout time 25 minutes

Advanced level workout:

  • First and third round: we perform each exercise for 40 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds, the round is repeated in 2 circles.
  • Second and fourth round: we perform each exercise for 50 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds, the round is repeated in 1 circle.
  • Rest 1 minute between rounds
  • Total workout time 35 minutes

* Do not forget to do exercises on the right and left side as needed.

A set of exercises for the waist

Round one: cardio

Second round: floor exercises for the core

Third round: cardio exercises

Fourth round: floor exercises for the core . Remember that doing waist exercises on the floor without cardio will be ineffective if you want to reduce your waist and sides.

Conclusions on how to reduce the waist

Let's summarize, and once again note the main theses on how to reduce the waist:

  • Eat in a calorie deficit (eat less than your body can use) and try to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.
  • Do cardio workouts to increase calorie expenditure and increase fat burning.
  • Strengthen the muscle corset, but do not get carried away with exercises for oblique muscles (especially with dumbbells and a barbell).
  • Do not waste time on useless "tricks" (corsets, massages, body wraps, films, etc.), it is better to direct your energy towards increasing physical activity.
  • Instead of a hoop, do a cardio workout, walk, or any other activity.

A thin waist is the desire of any girl. She emphasizes the figure, adds sexuality and self-confidence. A couple of centuries ago, beautiful ladies made any sacrifice to make the outlines of the figure graceful and the waist thin. The uncomfortable corsets worn by women had a very strong effect on health: they squeezed the internal organs and prevented breathing. Only high-status ladies attending balls and social events wore such clothes.

Nowadays, to make a thin waist, you need to work on yourself. Not all methods and exercises effectively affect this part of the body. To make a sophisticated figure, you need to figure out what affects the size of the waist and why it "gets fat".

Ineffective ways to correct the waist

Among the many methods for reducing the waist that Internet resources offer, not all work. Quickly make a thin waist will not help:

  1. Corset and slimming underwear, polyethylene wraps. By creating a shell on the body, a person prevents heat transfer processes. When exercising, sweat performs a cooling function. Due to this, the human body constantly maintains one temperature. When exercising with a wrap, fluid disappears from the body; in one workout, you can lose 3-4 kg. But as soon as the same amount of water is drunk, the body will make up for the lack. Corsets and underwear are an ineffective method in the fight against fat.
  2. Hula hoop (hoop). It is impossible to lose weight only in the waist area. To make a slim figure, you need to practice more energy-intensive exercises. Hoop training is accompanied by minimal energy consumption. Stores offer a variety of devices for the lazy, thanks to which fat will go away if a person, relaxing, lies on the couch. This is a myth - without spending energy, fat remains in the body.
  3. Point exercises. Many exercises are aimed at losing weight in the abdomen. It is impossible that the waist becomes thin, and other parts of the body do not lose fat.

Causes of a fat waist

A voluminous waist may not actually be thick. Sometimes, visually, a part of the body is disproportionate to the shoulders and hips, and there is a feeling that the woman does not have a pronounced waist. Also common reasons are:

  1. Percentage of body fat. Due to malnutrition or a sedentary lifestyle, the body accumulates excess weight. In women with a flat tummy, fat is 12-14%. You cannot completely get rid of it, since it plays a role in life processes.
  2. Protruding belly. This phenomenon is common among males. It is less common in women. There is a waist, but it does not stand out due to the protruding belly.
  3. Problems with posture and spine. Scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis affect the harmony of the figure. A stooped person does not visually highlight the waist.
  4. Body structure. The width of the shoulders does not match the hips. The waist seems wider against the background of the overall figure.
  5. The age of the woman. After the age of 45, hormonal processes in the body change. Estrogen, which previously regulated the menstrual cycle, during menopause helps convert calories into fat. A drop in testosterone levels does not allow the body to expend energy - fats are hard to lose.

Effective methods for a thin waist

A thin waist is the result of proper nutrition and training.

Products that contribute to the achievement of results:

  • raspberry;
  • grapefruit;
  • avocado;
  • olive oil.

Nutritionists advise eating less flour and confectionery products. The diet should include proteins and fiber. Breakfast should be regular and complete. A healthy diet helps to eliminate toxins and toxins from the body. But if the goal is a thin waist, then it is necessary to connect physical exercises.

Scientists have proven that smokers have a wider waist than non-smokers. Conclusion: smoking cessation to achieve the intended goal.

Breathing exercises, yoga and meditation help to tune yourself and strengthen the muscles of the body. Exercises for a thin waist consist of complex exercises aimed at overall weight loss.

Exercises for a thin waist

Physical activity for the body can be of different types:

  1. classes in the gym on simulators;
  2. gymnastic exercises;

A person can choose the appropriate options for his body, according to age, health and medical indications.

Before any exercise, you should warm up the muscles, and then proceed to strength training.

Effective exercises for the gym:

  1. For the development of the shoulder girdle.
  2. For buttocks and thighs.

These exercises help visually make the waist thinner, and also develop many muscle groups of the body.

Shoulder exercises:

  • bench press sitting or;
  • barbell pull to the chin;
  • breeding dumbbells on the sides;

Exercises for the thighs and buttocks:

  • squats;
  • dead thrust;
  • lunges;
  • leg press;
  • hyperextension.

Home workouts include:

  • slopes on the sides;
  • exercise "mill";
  • circular rotation of the body;
  • knee squats;
  • lying exercises aimed at the abdominal muscles;

Running plays a big role in burning fat. If intensive running is changed to slow, then the body, after a half-hour workout, burns fats by inertia during the day.

It is not difficult to make yourself a thin waist, the main thing is to have willpower, eat right and exercise. The body of each person is individual, the results of efforts are manifested in different periods of time.

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