Feed neutered cats homemade food. How to feed a neutered cat: a list of allowed and prohibited foods

Sooner or later, the owners of cats come to the conclusion that the pet is castrated for various reasons. At the very moment when everything happened, the cat's life is divided into "before" and "after". And let the owner be tormented by conscience, but he does not regret his decision at all. Only he thinks about how to feed a castrated cat in order to make his life as healthy as possible.

Some nutritional features of a neutered pet

Some time after castration, changes occur in the hormonal background of the pet, leading to obesity. This applies to absolutely all castrated animals. In order not to subsequently treat the cat's obesity, it is necessary to stabilize the hormonal background. For example, the nutrition of an animal should include special herbal preparations necessary to speed up metabolism (increased fat burning). Of course, nutrition should also be balanced and healthy.

Hormonal failure can lead to deviations in the functioning of the kidneys and the urinary system as a whole. How to feed a neutered cat at home, so as not to worsen his health?

What should not be on the pet's menu?

It turns out that it is absolutely impossible to feed a freshly castrated pet with fish. This is especially true for the raw product. Due to the high content of phosphorus in fish, irreparable harm will be done to the animal. It is necessary to refuse feeding with industrial feed, if there is no mark "special purpose" on the package.

It is also impossible to feed smoked, semi-finished products, pickles at home. From the pet menu, such products should disappear.

So, here are the tips of a qualified veterinarian to help you correctly compose the menu and make it as balanced as possible.

  • You can feed a neutered cat with natural water. Lean meat of chicken, beef, rabbit, turkey is suitable here.
  • Without cereals, the diet of a sterilized pet is not considered complete and balanced. Rice, wheat, oatmeal, corn, semolina types of cereals are suitable for a pet. To make your pet more willing to eat natural food at home, porridge may contain pieces of meat.
  • No more than 3 times a week offal should be present in the diet.
  • You need to feed castrates with food containing ground raw vegetables: cucumber, carrots, cauliflower.
  • It is acceptable to use cottage cheese, sour cream and kefir.
  • The food of a castrated animal should be healthy, so when using canned cat food, vegetables, cereals, etc. should be on the menu (in any case!).
  • Feeding castrates is easy. But keep in mind that green grass must be in the diet of a sterilized pet. If the owner lives with a pet in a private house, then the animal has the opportunity to choose on its own which grass to eat. If - in the apartment, then you need to buy and germinate the seeds of barley, oats, wheat.
  • A neutered cat needs to be fed a special premium food. Among the best foods, Royal Canin stands out. You need to understand that such food is not very cheap, but it will not harm the pet. As our veterinarian said, economy class feeds cause irreparable harm to the health of the animal, therefore it is absolutely necessary to exclude various Kitekat, Whiskas, Friskies, Felix, Gourmet. According to the expert veterinarian, cheap by-products are used for the manufacture of these grades of industrial pellets. The quality of the feed also depends on the protein content. In cheap granules, the amount of protein is negligible (usually cereals predominate), so the cat eats much more food.
  • And the last, most important rule! Near the bowl of food there should always (!) Be a bowl with clean, filtered water. You need to change the water every day. You can use broth from lean meats for these purposes.

A small digression. When we first came to buy food for our Scottish baby, we were asked by the veterinarian at the clinic about the quality of the water. Despite the fact that the kitten is not neutered. You can not give water from the tap, I emphasize - you can not! Due to the abundance of bleach, a high degree of calcareous water (at least for us), a pet may develop urolithiasis. And to treat her, oh, how difficult. Almost every home has a water filter. Pour the liquid from the filter into a bowl for your pet: it’s good for him and it’s easy for you to fight various diseases and save the life of a younger family member.

Dilemma. What to use: natural or feed?

If the owner finds it difficult to answer the question of how to properly feed a neutered cat: industrial food or natural food, then it is possible to give advice here, but it is not necessary. I explain. Each cat has an individual reaction to a particular food, so an outsider should not insist on any decision. In the best case, the pet owner should consult with a doctor on this issue, perhaps take tests, check the general health of the animal, and only then make a decision.

If the owner has decided to buy ready-made pellets of industrial production, then he should choose the right manufacturer. The package should be marked "For neutered cats." Otherwise, no matter how good the option is, you should not buy it. We emphasize that the food for the sterilized animal must be of high quality, so you should choose premium or super-premium pellets. The first ones include:

  • sheba;
  • perfect fit;
  • Purina one;
  • Organix;
  • Prevital, etc.

Super-premium cash register feeds include:

  • Royal Canine/Royal Canin;
  • Hills/Hills;
  • ProPlan / ProPlan;
  • Orijen/Origin;
  • Schesir/Shezir, etc.

Some give advice on feeding: the nutrition of a sterilized animal should be varied. It is best if dry granules alternate with canned cat food.

If natural food is a priority for castrates, then the owner needs to take care of a balanced menu. As a rule, it is difficult to foresee all the moments of the pet's nutrition due to the owner's active lifestyle. Therefore, industrial granulated food is preferable. Each owner makes his own decision.

Avoid urolithiasis: is it real?

It must be remembered that the health of castrates will depend on the quality of nutrition. Food should not contain phosphorus, magnesium, calcium. These trace elements can lead to the formation of kidney stones in the animal.

Why is this happening? After castration, the urinary canal is greatly narrowed. Because of this, small stones and the so-called "sand" cannot come out on their own. Naturally, all this "disgrace" accumulates in the pet's urinary tract. At some point, the cat will need surgery to remove stones and sand. Such an operation will "contribute" to a long recovery and rehabilitation. Food, namely its quality, together with the right lifestyle, can prevent this situation.

The choice of industrial feed

  1. The composition of such food should be at least 50% protein. Excessive amounts of carbohydrates can lead to diseases and health problems in your pet.
  2. Among the various indicators of industrial pellets, there is such an indicator as ash content (amount of minerals). So its level should not exceed 7%.
  3. If the animal is inclined to be overweight, then it is necessary to choose a package on which, in addition to the mark “For neutered / sterilized cats”, there is also the inscription “Light”.
  4. How industrial pellets affect pet health can be determined after 2-3 weeks. It is not necessary that the first option chosen will definitely suit your pet.

You should not adhere to the principle: the more expensive, the better; you need to buy quality food and feed it to a neutered cat. Having decided on a specific brand of "feeding", the owner should not subsequently change it. You can study the lists of dry and wet cat food, evaluate the quality of each brand and then make a decision.

So that the owner does not blame himself for spaying the cat, we present good news: a castrated pet has a higher life expectancy. Therefore, you need to take into account several points: properly selected food, quality of life, games for neutered cats, and then the pet will recklessly love his owner and delight with his health.

So, the castration operation is over, the cat has safely emerged from anesthesia. From now on, his whole life will go a little differently, and a loving owner should seriously think about how to feed a neutered cat and how to generally help the pet get used to the new “status”.

The importance of proper nutrition is undeniable here, because the health of the animal and the further quality of its life as a whole directly depend on it. Castration does not pass without a trace for any cat: the pet ceases to be interested in cats, becomes more calm, passive, stops marking. The reactions of the body to certain foods during feeding become different, and taste preferences may also change radically.

Ignoring these changes means deliberately harming the pet. And only proper care and a well-designed new diet will be the key to the health of the animal after castration.

Changes after castration

Any surgical intervention introduces its own changes in the functioning of the body. This happens not only in humans, but also in animals.

In cats, after castration, the hormonal background changes significantly, and this failure can lead to the following consequences, which it is important for every owner to know about:

  • Sometimes a fluffy castrato in the first months after the operation feels an irresistible need for food, trying to compensate for the lost “strength” with additional nutrition. Sympathetic hosts often go along with the pitifully meowing sufferer begging for a supplement, and very in vain. It is necessary to feed a neutered cat in moderation, because excessively abundant feeding will very quickly turn a once active animal into a clumsy bumpkin.
  • Often castrated cats lose all desire for movement and begin to lead a "lying" lifestyle. Their playfulness is less and less manifested, and it all depends on how much time the owner is willing to devote to his cat. Offers to take a walk or play should now be more frequent, and it is advisable to periodically buy new toys for the pet, because after castration it is important to maintain the animal's motor activity.
  • After castration, pets are more susceptible to diseases such as KSD and obesity. Obesity is “earned” due to low mobility with abundant feeding and entails problems with the cardiovascular system. Urolithiasis in castrated cats develops due to feeding foods high in magnesium, phosphorus and calcium, resulting in the formation of sand and stones in the urinary organs. In castrates, the urethra is somewhat narrower compared to their non-castrated relatives, so the removal of stones in operated cats is very difficult.

One way or another, but all health problems in "sterile" male felines are directly related to their diet. And how correctly the owner will feed the cat after castration depends not only on health, but sometimes the life of the pet.

Basic feeding rules

It will hardly be a burden for a responsible owner to fulfill just a few basic conditions regarding feeding, thanks to which a furry pet will remain healthy and happy for life. It is no less important to learn these rules than just remembering the list of products allowed and prohibited after the operation.

How to properly feed a neutered cat:

  • reduce your usual diet by a quarter a day;
  • invite "to the table" 5-6 times a day (portions should be somewhat smaller than before the operation);
  • food at the time of feeding should not be cold or hot (the norm is room temperature);
  • when eating at home, food should be fresh;
  • always keep a drinking bowl with fresh drinking water near the food bowl (this is especially important for a castrated animal).

Regardless of what kind of feeding the cat is on (homemade or ready-made industrial), following these few simple rules will help keep your pet healthy for a long time.

Advice: a smooth transfer of a cat to "moderate" feeding can be started about a month before castration, so that the animal does not experience double stress - from its own "inferiority" that has suddenly arisen and the lack of the usual amount of food.

Allowed home food

Despite the not so large list of foods allowed for food, a neutered cat can be fed quite diversely. In this case, the products used must be alternated with each other, mixed, come up with your own recipes for cat cuisine and boldly experiment with acceptable ingredients.

To fully obtain all the necessary vitamins and minerals after castration, the pet's diet should include:

  • fermented milk products (low-fat cottage cheese, cream, sour cream, sometimes kefir), but at the same time completely exclude milk feeding;
  • self-sprouted or bought at a pet store greens of barley, wheat or oats;
  • vegetables, especially carrots, cauliflower, cucumbers (raw grated or boiled), but exclude nightshade, garlic and onions in any form from the diet;
  • cereals (wheat, oatmeal, corn, rice plus semolina and buckwheat);
  • liver, heart, kidneys, stomachs - not daily, but with a certain frequency (for example, feeding the liver - once every 1-2 weeks);
  • lean meat, cut into pieces (veal, beef, chicken, turkey), which has been frozen before feeding.

Yes, neutered cats can eat not so much (in terms of nutritional diversity), and they do not eat every product listed with pleasure. For example, porridge in its pure form is unlikely to cause delight in the animal. Therefore, it is better to approach the issue of feeding creatively and come up with interesting options on the topic “My cat's menu”.

How to make the right and varied menu

The diet of a neutered cat should in no case include food from the owner's table. Few people eat absolutely unsalted food, and a rare person deprives himself of smoked meats, fatty foods, sweets and other “harmful things” for a cat after castration.

This implies the first and indisputable rule: the nutrition of the animal must be individual!

But at the same time, as already mentioned, it is possible and necessary to feed a neutered cat at home in a variety of ways in order to saturate his body with everything necessary. What options for dishes can be offered to a fluffy pet:

  • Vegetables with meat. A rare cat will agree to gnaw carrots separately, so grated allowed vegetables will perfectly complement a meat dish. If you mix them, you get a healthy and tasty meat and vegetable stew.
  • Greens. As needed, the cat himself will come up and “pinch” the grass growing on the windowsill. But it is possible and ready to offer the pet chopped greens, mixing it with the same meat and vegetables.
  • Kashi. Not the most favorite food of cats, so you need to be able to cook it. It is better to cook cereals in meat broths, you can mix cereals with meat pieces. And if you add some vegetables here, such feeding will be triple useful.
  • Meat. It can be given as you like: with vegetables, cereals or separately. If you offer pure meat to castrated cats, it is better to serve it with broth: the juicier and thinner the food, the easier the liquid is washed out of the narrowed urinary tract of the castrato.
  • Milk. Here, there are fewer options regarding the variety of food. But some cats are happy to eat cottage cheese mixed with herbs. The main thing is that fermented milk products are not sweet and do not contain extraneous additives.
  • by-products. Feed them according to the same principle as meat: mix with vegetables and cereals. But you should not give them to a cat after castration more than once every 1-2 weeks.
  • Fish. For neutered pets, this is a prohibited product and it is impossible to give it in the system, but it is allowed to pamper your pet with a small portion once every 2 months. But in order to deliver even less harm to the cat, you can cook porridge in fish broth, and there the smell of fish adored by all cats will do its job.

Proper feeding of a cat after castration and making a diet from homemade products is a simple matter, there would be fantasy and some time for cooking. But with industrial feed, the situation is much simpler, although such nutrition has its own nuances.

Ready feed

Store shelves are now literally full of a variety of ready-made cat food. It would seem that choose any one at a suitable price, pour it into a bowl for a cat, and on this all nutritional problems are solved. However, most of the finished products presented are not only useless, but also harmful to cats, and even more so for neutered cats.

Cheap feed is, in fact, compressed waste with a high content of fat and protein and harmful slag.

Their composition can be dangerous for castrati. If the owner still opts for ready-made food, he should know that a neutered cat can be fed with holistic, premium or super-premium food, although this is very costly. But here the question already arises with an edge: either savings, or the health of the pet.

How to choose food

If finances allow the cat to be fed properly, the owner still needs to remember the importance of several rules regarding the choice of ready-made foods:

  • decide on the manufacturer and in the future purchase only its products (if it is planned to transfer to another food, this should be done gradually and having previously studied the composition of the new food);
  • buy only food marked “for neutered cats”, “sterilized cats and cats”;
  • for a cat already gaining weight after castration, it is advisable to buy ready-made food marked “light” (they contain even fewer carbohydrates and fats);
  • when buying, pay attention to the composition: the amount of proteins should be in the range of 30 - 50%, no less and no more;
  • The “ash content” of the feed should be a maximum of 7%, if more, the risk of developing KSD will increase;

When the ideal food for the pet is selected and purchased, the owner must definitely monitor the availability of water for the cat. From dry food, thirst develops more strongly, and a neutered pet should not endure this.

A good owner will always remember one simple truth: the right food = a healthy cat.

To make your cat's nutrition completely ideal, you can not neglect a few more recommendations:

  • If a castrated pet eats “drying” and begins to drink little, this is a signal to transfer the animal to natural (wetter) food;
  • A fattening pet needs to arrange a “hungry” day (once every 2 weeks), but at the same time it should not be limited in water;
  • A pet “sitting” on natural food additionally needs special vitamins (with a perfectly matched ready-made food, this is not necessary);
  • Do not mix homemade food and prepared food;
  • You should not grind the meat into minced meat: pieces of food (dry food - especially) clean the cat's teeth well when chewing;
  • Cats after castration may begin to urinate less often: this is not scary, you just need to give him more to drink and cook more liquid food;
  • Be sure to control the weight of the pet (each breed may have its own age norms) so as not to miss the possible onset of obesity.

If you follow these rules, soon the pet's health will itself show how the owner is doing everything right.

Signs of cat health

There may be less reason to worry about the health of a neutered furry friend if there is:

  • good appetite, lack of indifference to food;
  • shiny silky coat (does not fall out, does not fade);
  • playful mood, interest in surrounding objects and territory;
  • normal digestion (regular shaped stool);
  • diuresis in the norm inherent in the castrato.

These signs clearly indicate the well-being of the pet, but periodic visits to the veterinarian for a more detailed examination are still required: the timeliness of the tests taken will help to exclude or recognize the still latent form of possible incipient diseases.

The testicles of a cat secrete male sex hormones into the blood, which greatly affect the metabolism. After parting with this organ, the cat may develop a tendency to become obese, and in the absence of such an important stimulus as the sexual instinct, the pet becomes more interested in food than before. How to properly feed a neutered cat?

The simplest solution is to trust the manufacturers of ready-made rations that produce food for sterilized animals. The difference between such diets and conventional products most often consists in the following:

  • calorie reduction by reducing the amount of fat;
  • a decrease in the amount of carbohydrates, which is observed less often;
  • increase in the amount of dietary fiber;
  • maintaining optimal urine pH for the prevention of urolithiasis.

Unfortunately, not all manufacturers take a responsible approach to the development of such feeds, often ignoring the fact that even a neutered cat remains a predator with strictly defined biological needs.

Some overdo it with the amount of carbohydrates, others replace almost all animal protein with vegetable protein, apparently counting on the low digestibility of these components in carnivores, which will prevent the deposition of fat.

Still others overload the diet with ballast substances, indigestible fiber, in order to reduce the animal's appetite. All this definitely does not benefit the health of cats, therefore, to the question of how to properly feed a sterilized cat, there is only one answer: the diet should be of high quality, high in meat, but feeding rates must be reduced.

How to feed a neutered cat with dry food?

The daily dose of feed for animals that have undergone sterilization must be determined according to the lower limit of the norm. At least start with this, and then look at the state of the animal and the change in its behavior. Some cats become calmer after the operation, move and play less, others remain as active as before.

Accordingly, the former require less food than the latter, but this can only be determined experimentally. And it’s better, we repeat, if necessary, to increase the rate than to start reducing it when the pet has already gained weight.

Dry food is poured into a bowl once or twice a day, that is, either once a day we give the full rate, or twice half. Remember that the cat's eating behavior may change - if earlier he "ate to live", and had other interests dictated by hormones, now he may well begin to "live to eat".

If you start to encourage plaintive meowing with treats and tasty pieces, then this can become a habit, and the cat will inevitably start to overeat. Weight must be constantly monitored, not relying on your visual impressions, but trusting only the readings of the device, that is, electronic scales.

Attention to the water!

Another point when feeding dry food is sufficient water intake by the pet. Drinking is very important for all cats as a prevention of kidney stones, because they have very concentrated urine, and with a low fluid intake, crystals form in it faster. This is especially true for neutered animals.

The amount of moisture in dry food can be only 8-10%, so it will be possible to feed a neutered cat with dry food correctly only with increased control over the mustachioed drinking regimen.

To help your cat drink more, place several large bowls of water in different places around the house and periodically remind the animal to drink by bringing it to the water with its muzzle. If your cat loves to drink from the tap, give her that opportunity. In extreme cases, you can solder your pet from a syringe without a needle.

Why is prevention of urolithiasis necessary after castration?

Many have heard that it is harmful to feed castrated cats with ready-made food due to the development of urolithiasis, or that castration itself greatly affects the formation of crystals in the urine. In fact, the topic is quite subtle. Let's try to figure out how to properly feed a cat after castration in order to protect it from the development of a dangerous disease.

The formation of crystals and stones in the urine of cats is very common. The reason for this is the imbalance of the diet due to the high content of minerals, especially magnesium and phosphorus, as well as the low content of meat and the high content of vegetable fiber.

In herbivores, during the digestion of fiber, substances are formed that provide a slightly alkaline reaction of secretions, and in predators - a slightly acidic one. An unbalanced diet, which is low in meat, leads to alkalization of the cat's urine. The pH value of the urine shifts, and a precipitate forms in the form of salt crystals, which can later form stones of various sizes.

How does castration affect this? The urethra in cats is narrower, longer and more curved than in cats. After castration, especially at an early age, it can become even narrower, and even a small amount of sediment in the urine forms a plug at the bend, which prevents the animal from going to the toilet normally. Obesity and a sedentary lifestyle only exacerbate the condition.

Therefore, take the most responsible approach to the choice of pet food, the basis of which should be meat, not grain, do not overfeed the cat and take a general urine test every six months. Based on the result of the analysis, the veterinarian can prescribe a therapeutic diet and medications that will correct the condition of the animal, if indicated.

Does this mean that castration is dangerous? No. As we already wrote, the point is in feeding the pet. An uncastrated cat can also get sick with urolithiasis or crystalluria if it eats poor-quality food.

Does the diet of a neutered cat depend on breed and age?

Despite the prevailing stereotype, castration does not significantly affect the temperament of the animal. If the cat is not overfed and not allowed to develop obesity, he can remain mobile and playful for many years.

But there are some features associated with other factors, such as the breed of the animal and its age. It is no secret that different breeds of cats have certain characteristics. For example, Orientals are naturally more energetic than Persians.

The owner must take into account the breed characteristics of his pet. For example, in order to understand how to properly feed a neutered British cat, one should remember the tendency of this breed to gain weight. Perhaps such a cat will need to cut the daily ration to a minimum.

The same goes for older animals. With age, the metabolism slows down even more, and the body needs special support. Owners of cats older than 7-8 years old should already think about how to properly feed an old neutered cat.

Perhaps you should switch to a diet for older sterilized animals or reduce the daily dosage of food, add special vitamins or chondroprotectors to the diet - you should discuss such points with your veterinarian.

A balanced diet and its correct adjustment throughout life will allow the cat after castration to remain as active as before and live a long happy life, which the operation itself only contributes to.

The nutrition of a neutered cat requires special attention. After the operation, the hormonal background of the pet changes. The animal moves less, and there is a threat of obesity and urolithiasis. Today we will talk about what to feed a neutered cat to keep him healthy.

Many owners, in order to avoid the March serenades, decide to castrate the fluffy "cavalier". The operation is easily tolerated by pets, and after it they feel good, and absolutely do not pay attention to fluffy beauties. Animals become calm and balanced.

Now all the interests of a pet are focused on food, because it turns into the only source of joy. If the animal does not put restrictions and does not organize proper nutrition, then it will soon become fat and lazy. After the operation, the cat's metabolism is disturbed, metabolic processes slow down.

In addition, the hormonal background is disturbed. Now he can no longer be fed, as before. Even before the operation, in order to avoid stress, the old diet must be replaced with a new one. But this does not mean that it is being radically changed - just portions become smaller, and the number of meals increases, food becomes less high-calorie.

Many people wonder how to feed a domestic cat after castration. Now the pet will need much less food. Be sure to periodically weigh the murchik. As soon as you notice that the animal is gaining weight, take action immediately. Obesity should not be allowed, as the heart, liver, kidneys suffer. Diabetes mellitus may also develop.

Video "How to feed a neutered cat"

From this video you will learn how to feed a neutered cat.

What to feed in the early days

Immediately after surgery, the pet begins to experience a constant craving for food. For the first three months, the cat constantly wants to eat. He will not move away from the bowl as long as there is food in it. This does not mean that he is hungry, he just does not feel full and does not understand when to stop eating. Therefore, the portion should be normalized.

Immediately you should decide on the type of food. When eating industrial feed, dry food in the diet should be about 70%, the rest - wet canned food, and of the same brand. And of course, don't forget the water. During the rehabilitation period, there should be a lot of it, and it should stand near the sleeping place of the animal. If the food is natural, then at first give preference to liquid food (broths, sour-milk products). Another condition: food should not be fatty.

Features of feeding with ready-made feeds

Which method of nutrition to choose - natural or ready-made feed - each owner of the animal decides at his own discretion. If you decide to give preference to food made in industrial conditions, then you need to choose high-quality professional food of the same brand. In addition, special food should be marked "for neutered cats."

Such a diet should be chosen correctly. The pet should have a varied menu. In the cat food market, food is presented in an assortment. But even the mark "for neutered cats" does not mean that the food is ideal for your pet. Only after 2-3 weeks you will be able to draw a conclusion.

You can choose food that is marked Light, which indicates that the diet is light, contains fewer carbohydrates, which means that it will not make your purr fat. When choosing food, be sure to study the composition. Good food should be high in protein and low in carbohydrates. A diet rich in carbohydrates can lead to disease. A regular diet for a neutered cat should contain at least 50% protein.

The food must be of excellent quality. It is worth buying premium, super-premium or holistic cat food.

Make sure you always have water in the bowl. Now its rate should be increased by 3 times.

Requirements for natural food

There are a number of natural products that are indicated in feeding a castrated cat. His diet should still be dominated by protein foods. Choose lean meat. Perfect turkey, chicken and rabbit meat.

You should also observe the diet so that the pet does not get obese.

Feed little by little, but often. Once a week, you should arrange a fasting day. Do not succumb to "provocations" when a pet begs for a treat.

Be sure to include cereals (rice, buckwheat) in the diet. Vegetables are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, so make sure that the purring menu includes zucchini, carrots, beets, cabbage, pumpkin, and some fruit. Fiber is essential for normal intestinal motility. If there is not enough of it in the body, then the pet will have problems with stool.

You can and should feed a neutered cat with fermented milk products. Feel free to introduce cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt into the diet. They supply beneficial bacteria to the body, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

After the operation, cats urinate less often, so they should be given liquid and nutritious food, and, of course, there should always be fresh water in the bowl. You can add a small amount of a special additive "Sera" for animals, which is a source of vitamins and microelements, to food.

If you decide to feed with natural food, then you should not give dry industrial food at the same time.

What to exclude from the diet

After castration, in no case should you feed the cat with fish. This product contains a large amount of phosphorus, which will not bring benefits to the body, but will only harm. We should not even talk about raw fish.

Foods containing magnesium, phosphorus and calcium should be avoided. Their increased concentration in the body can lead to urolithiasis. After surgery in cats, the urinary canal is greatly narrowed, and even small stones do not come out naturally. At some point, the fluffy may need surgery, and after it the animal will have a long period of rehabilitation. Therefore, it is better not to allow such extremes, but proper feeding will help in this.

Smoked meats, semi-finished products, sweet and starchy foods are also prohibited. Cat food should be unsalted. You should also not feed dry food, unless it is specifically intended for cats after castration.

Some breeds have contraindications for the use of certain products. Carrots and potatoes should be removed from the menu of the Persian, the sphinx should not eat chicken, the British should not eat canned food, and the Scottish fold should not be given beans.

Not so long ago, there was a publication on our website dedicated to the topic of castration of cats - look for it. It would seem that the decision has been made, the operation solves all your problems (or almost all), and helps you continue to live peacefully with your pet under one roof. However, an operation, whatever its degree of complexity, is always an operation. And, after it, your pet will need special care, a special diet...

In principle, your veterinarian will have to tell you about all this, but in case he forgets to do this, our publication will help you properly care for your cat after castration ...

Features of the life of neutered cats

In principle, castrated cats differ from ordinary alpha meowing males only in that they move little, lead a somewhat passive lifestyle, and they are not at all interested in persons of the opposite sex - charming cats. And, in order to somehow fill the void in their lives, in most cases, they turn into real gluttons. Well, the owner, subconsciously feeling guilty for having subjected his pet to such torment and abuse, tries to compensate for his act by constantly striving to treat his pet with something tasty. The feeding schedule is shifting, the cat begins to eat often and a lot ...

As a result of the fact that he leads a sedentary lifestyle and prefers to sleep more, very soon the animal becomes not just large, he has all the signs of obesity. And, in fact, overweight in a neutered cat is not evidence of the great love of its owner, but the result of improper care of the animal.

In order to prevent all of the above phenomena, it is necessary to properly feed neutered cats, properly care for them and know about the characteristics of their health - which diseases they are more vulnerable to. We will dwell on each of these points in our publication ...

Nutrition for neutered cats

So, neutered cats are constantly asking for food. But, to follow the lead of your pet means to harm him. Therefore, you must, firstly, do not overfeed the animal, adhere to a strict feeding regimen (no snacks), and also, observe the daily intake of food for your pet and not exceed it. As a rule, any ready-made food contains such recommendations, and you will just need to follow them.

It is very important that the food that you are going to feed your neuter cat is intended for feeding neutered cats. Ordinary and standard feed options are not suitable for you due to their high mineral content. In particular, due to an excess of magnesium and phosphorus.

In parallel with access to food, the cat must have constant access to water, especially for those animals that are fed dry food. By the way, as an option, you can soften dry food with water in advance, however, not all cats are ready to use it in this form.

As for the preferred diet, it can be both canned and dry food or homemade food. However, please note - in no case should you mix different types of food ...

What to feed neutered cats

You can make up a diet for feeding a castrated pet from the following products:

  • Boneless beef, previously aged in the freezer for a day, and finely chopped (not minced meat).
  • Poultry meat - boiled, but without skin and bones.
  • Liver, chicken ventricles, beef heart, boiled veal heart.

What not to feed neutered cats

Castrated pets are prohibited from including the following foods in their diet:

  • Pork and lamb.
  • Dairy.
  • Smoked, fried, spicy and salty foods.
  • Raw bird.
  • Sweet and candy.
  • Fish - neither boiled, nor raw, neither sea nor river, it should not be in the diet of your castrated cat (due to the high content of phosphorus and magnesium in fish).

Caring for neutered cats

Since neutered cats, as we wrote above, are not much different from ordinary cats - the principles of caring for them are similar to the principles of caring for a full-fledged male - read more about how to care for a cat.

It’s just worth understanding that if normal cats can stand up for themselves, then neutered pets are completely devoid of aggression, therefore, if they find themselves in extreme street conditions, they are unlikely to be able to stand up for themselves.

Given their specific passive lifestyle - Oblomov in cat form, the owner of the pet should still encourage him to actively spend time - invite him to play (you can find options for such games with a cat

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