If there is not enough vitamin. Symptoms of beriberi, lack of vitamins in the body. Start with diet

Vitamin deficiency can cause serious harm to health, disrupt the immune system, and provoke the development of serious diseases. In order to determine in time which vitamins a woman’s body lacks, one should undergo a comprehensive examination in a medical institution with mandatory testing. To diagnose the deficiency of each of the substances, the necessary equipment is present only in some private clinics. For this reason, it is important to be able to recognize the symptoms of beriberi on your own.

The most important vitamins for women

Avitaminosis has a negative impact on the functioning of the organs and systems of the body of each person. However, for a woman, the shortage is especially acute, as it leads to a deterioration in the condition of hair, nails and skin, and contributes to the development of obesity.

The appearance of the fair sex is radically affected by a deficiency of vitamins:

  • group B.

In women after 45-50 years, the production of anabolic hormones (testosterone, estrogens, somatropin) begins to decrease sharply, which leads to a deterioration in the absorption of vitamins from food. In this regard, it is not always possible to make up for their deficiency by increasing the volume of fruits and vegetables in the diet. In this situation, it is recommended to use special vitamin complexes for mature women.

Symptoms and signs of vitamin deficiency

Deficiency of each vitamin is manifested by specific signs. By adjusting the intake of vitamin preparations and (or) making changes to the diet, it is possible to quickly eliminate vitamin deficiency and establish the normal functioning of the body.

It should be borne in mind that excess (hypervitaminosis) can cause harm to the body no less than their lack. For this reason, it is recommended to consult a doctor before taking the medication.

Vitamin A

Deficiency of a substance in the body leads to the development of night blindness - a condition in which the dark adaptation of the organs of vision deteriorates sharply. There are skin lesions (seborrhea, dermatitis), inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, disorders in the functioning of the pulmonary and genitourinary systems.

The lack of retinol reduces the protective functions of the body, making it more susceptible to infectious diseases.

The daily norm for adult women is 700 mcg per day.

B vitamins

Deficiency leads to malfunction of almost all organs and systems of the body. Specific symptoms for each B vitamin subgroup are as follows:

  • B1 - obesity and decreased performance;
  • B2 - dizziness, weakness, skin diseases, decreased visual acuity;
  • B3, PP (nicotinic acid) - indigestion, rapid change in body weight;
  • B6 - increased fatigue, sleep disturbance;
  • B9 (folic acid) - a decrease in the protective properties of the body (frequent development of colds, the appearance of nail fungus), pale complexion;
  • B12 - irritability, pressure surges, decreased performance and pallor of the skin.

Vitamin C

The lack of ascorbic acid is expressed by a weakening of the immune system, bleeding gums, pallor and dry skin, prolonged healing of cuts and punctures of the skin.

Women with a deficiency of ascorbic acid in the body suffer from increased fatigue, a decrease in muscle strength and endurance, their teeth may loosen and fall out, and spider veins appear on their faces.

The established intake of the substance for women is 75 mg per day.

Vitamin D

An insufficient amount of a substance in the body can lead to increased bone fragility and osteoporosis, decreased immunity, and muscle pain. It has been established that insomnia and a decrease in mental abilities are associated with a lack of a substance.

The average daily dose for a woman is 600 IU.

Vitamin P

Deficiency of a substance is manifested by a decrease in metabolic rate, an increase in blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and jumps in blood pressure.

Vitamin P is absorbed only together with ascorbic acid. The daily dosage for an adult woman is 40-50 mg.

Vitamin E

The lack of a substance is most often manifested in women living in areas contaminated with radioactive substances, and those whose work is associated with regular contact with poisons and toxins. The main signs of beriberi: increased fatigue, muscular dystrophy, infertility, disruption of the brain and liver.

The consumption rate depends on the region of residence and can range from 12 to 25 mg per day.

How to determine that the body lacks vitamins

The only reliable way to determine vitamin deficiency is to take tests. Blood, hair, nails, urine can be used as a biomaterial for research. If the analysis is carried out by blood, it must be taken in the morning on an empty stomach - at least 10 hours should pass from the last meal. The result of the study will be ready within a day.

Doctors advise regularly screening for vitamin deficiency for women living in unfavorable environmental zones, working in heavy or hazardous industries, during a long diet.

It is mandatory to pass these tests to women planning a pregnancy.

Symptoms of beriberi can often be similar to signs of infectious and functional diseases of organs and body systems. Therefore, all negative changes in appearance should not be attributed to a lack of vitamins - the reason can be much more serious. To establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment, you should undergo a complete medical examination.

It is easy to determine if you learn to listen to your body. Everyone knows that if you do not take care of your health in time, the risk of complications increases over time, but how to determine which vitamins the body lacks, how to learn to recognize signals? That is what we will talk about in today's article.

Be sure to carefully study all the information provided and analyze the state of your health and the health of your loved ones.

The effect of vitamins on the emotional state and sleep

First of all, vitamin deficiency, or, as they often say, beriberi, manifests itself externally - it is dry skin of the face and hands, brittle nails and hair, rashes on the face, brittle teeth, decreased vision and fatigue.

Magnesium and vitamin K

Poor sleep and irritability are clear evidence of a lack of magnesium and vitamin K in the body. If such symptoms appear, action should be taken. First of all, it does not hurt to make sure that the daily menu includes the following products: prunes, dried apricots, bananas.

Few people know, but zucchini, mustard greens, kale, spinach, and soybeans are very rich in vitamin K.

B vitamins

Lack of thiamine (vitamin B1) can also cause sleep disturbances. To sleep well and not be nervous, you need to include wholemeal bread, rice bran, asparagus, raisins in your diet. It's as simple as not drinking a bunch of sleeping pills and antidepressants, but just introducing a little variety into your diet.

Vitamin C

If you want to sleep, and also the gums began to bleed periodically - this is one of the obvious symptoms of a catastrophic lack of vitamin C in the body. This leads to fatigue, drowsiness throughout the day, problems with the gums and even to fullness.

To make up for the right amount of this vitamin, it is not necessary to lean on citrus fruits. After all, if you eat a lot of them, there is a chance to provoke an allergy and, in addition, get stomach irritation. Vitamin C is found in spinach, kiwi, lettuce, berries, and any type of cabbage. An infusion of wild rose and a decoction of pine needles are a good substitute for expensive fruits, and an alcohol infusion of calamus and propolis normalizes the condition of the gums.

Skin and hair problems. What is the reason?

Vitamins A and C

If the skin is peeling, especially on the elbows, this is a signal that there is a lack of vitamin A and C in the body. You can normalize the balance of vitamin A by introducing fat-containing foods - butter and vegetable oils into the diet. It is useless to eat carrots rich in vitamin A, if you do not first season them well with oil. The deficiency of a vitamin useful for the skin and necessary for normal vision will be replenished by dishes from fatty fish, orange fruits and vegetables, milk, egg yolks.

Vitamin E

Dry skin and cracks, including on the heels, are a clear sign of a lack of vitamin E, which protects skin cells from destruction and gives it elasticity. It is found in large quantities in sunflower oil, seeds, nuts, almonds and oily fish meat.

B vitamins

If hair falls out, this is primarily a consequence of the low content of B vitamins in the body. To quickly bring the hair structure back to normal, it is not necessary to buy expensive shampoos, you need to eat meat, liver, cereals from wheat, oatmeal and buckwheat every day. If you do not disdain fish oil and drink it in a course for a month, your hair will gain a healthy shine and stop falling out.


Healthy hair and nails also depend on calcium, which is found in foods such as:

  • broccoli, spinach, beans;
  • all dairy products;
  • oatmeal and buckwheat;
  • egg yolk, fish, shrimp;
  • beans, hazelnuts and soybeans.

If you correctly compose the menu for the week and skillfully alternate these products, very soon the condition of the hairstyle will please you with a healthy appearance, and hair will not remain on the pillow and comb.


What to do if hair splits? This problem usually occurs due to a deficiency of a mineral such as zinc, which strengthens the hair shaft and restores its integrity. You can either take zinc in vitamins or consume it with food. It is enough to include oysters, pumpkin seeds and garlic in your diet.

Vitamin deficiency can lead to serious health problems. How to prevent the development of diseases against the background of vitamin deficiency, how to determine in time which vitamins the body lacks? Leading expert in balanced nutrition, American professor Earl Mindell advises to listen carefully to your body. The fact is that some painful symptoms and even eating habits may indicate what substances the body lacks. This is the addiction established by an American nutritionist.

If even after mild bruises, hematomas occur and do not go away for a long time, it can be assumed that the body does not receive enough vitamins C and P. In this case, you need to eat more citrus fruits, cabbage, tomatoes, green peppers. It is necessary to make it a rule after eating at least one peel of an orange, tangerine or lemon. Additionally, you can take vitamin preparations: in the morning and in the evening - 1 g of vitamin C and a tablet of rutin.

Frequent dizziness and tinnitus may arise from lack vitamins B3 and E, as well as minerals such as manganese and potassium. You can replenish the stocks of missing substances with the help of nuts, green leafy vegetables, beets, green peas, egg yolks, citrus fruits, bananas, sunflower seeds. Additionally, it is recommended to take 50-100 mg of vitamin B3 3 times a day and 400 IU of vitamin E 1-3 times a day.

Frequent inflammation of the eyes, burning sensation in the eyes, night blindness, inability to quickly adapt in the dark, the appearance of styes may be associated with deficiency vitamins A and B2. Their sources are fish, liver, egg yolk, butter, green leafy or yellow vegetables, milk, cheese, yeast. In this case, an additional intake of vitamin preparations is also prescribed: 10,000 IU of vitamin A 1-3 times a day, 100 mg of B-complex vitamins in the morning and evening, and 500 mg of vitamin C.

The appearance of dandruff vitamins B12, B6, F and selenium. Sources of vitamin B12 are vegetable oil, peanuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds; B6 - brewer's yeast, whole grains, pork, pork liver, nuts, legumes, potatoes, whole grains, sea fish; vitamin F - bran, broccoli, onions, tomatoes, sprouted cereals, tuna meat; selenium - liver, beef, pork, milk and dairy products.

— For early detection of deficiency vitamin B6 Earl Mindell advises doing the following test: with your arms extended forward, palms up, you need to simultaneously bend the last two knuckles of four fingers on both hands until the fingertips touch the palm (the hand does not need to be bent into a fist). If you can't touch your palm with your fingertips, you may be deficient in vitamin B6.

Dull, brittle, quickly graying hair may be the result of a lack B-complex vitamins, vitamin F and iodine. To replenish the supply of these substances, you need to eat more seafood, dairy products, and also use iodized salt, which is now sold in grocery stores.

Hair loss can be caused by a deficiency in the body not only vitamins of group B, but also vitamins C, H(biotin), vitamin B9(folic acid - BC), inositol(vitamin-like substance belonging to group B vitamins). Vitamin H
found in nuts, beef liver, kidney, brown rice and brewer's yeast. Folic acid can be replenished with green vegetables, fruits, dried nutritional yeast, and liver. Liver, whole grains, citrus fruits, brewer's yeast are rich in inositol.

High susceptibility to infections may indicate a lack vitamins A and B5. Carrots, fish, liver, egg yolks, butter, sour cream, leafy greens, yellow-orange vegetables will help replenish vitamin A, and regular brewer's yeast, legumes and melons will supply vitamin B5. In addition, during epidemics, it is recommended to take additional vitamin A - up to 10,000 IU every other day and 2-5 g of vitamin C.

Insomnia can occur not only from nervous overload, but also from insufficient intake into the body B complex vitamins, vitamin H, potassium, calcium. In this case, you need to increase the consumption of foods such as leafy greens, citrus fruits, bananas, sunflower seeds, brewer's yeast, beans, raisins, dried and fresh melons, beef liver, kidneys, brown rice, milk and dairy products, fish, eggs, cereals. products.

Muscle weakness, soreness in the legs, night cramps are often the result of a lack vitamins B1 and B6. Sources of these vitamins are brewer's yeast, brown grains, pork, pork liver, nuts, legumes, potatoes, whole grains, sea fish.

Frequent nosebleeds are also an alarming signal that speaks of a lack vitamins C, K and P. To replenish their reserves, you need to include in the diet citrus fruits, tomatoes, cabbage, green peppers, currants (vitamin C), yogurt, fish oil, fresh alfalfa leaves (vitamin K), peels of oranges, lemons and tangerines (vitamin P).

Acne and red spots on the face- these seemingly cosmetic problems often become a manifestation of serious disorders in the body, in particular, they can indicate a lack B vitamins and vitamin A. Liver, butter, fish, cream, green and yellow vegetables, dried fruits, raisins and brewer's yeast will help fill the deficiency of these vitamins.

Various dermatitis may develop due to deficiency vitamins B2(it is abundant in milk, liver, kidneys, cheese, fish, eggs, yeast), B3 and B6(sources include liver, meat, legumes, whole grains, fish, nutritional yeast powder) and vitamin H(they are rich in brewer's yeast, nuts, liver, kidneys, brown rice).

Long lasting eczema can be cured by eating foods rich in vitamins group B and vitamin A. In addition, it is necessary to replenish iodine reserves in the body. This can be done at the expense of seafood and iodized salt.

Long non-healing wounds and fractures require additional income vitamin C(His sources have already been mentioned above).

Osteoporosis and tooth decay indicate a lack vitamin D. The supply of this vitamin can be replenished with fish oil, butter, egg yolk and liver, as well as calcified foods: milk and dairy products, fish, cheeses, soybeans, leafy greens, peanuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds.

Bad breath may appear when there is a shortage vitamin B3(although it does not exclude the presence of diseased teeth). To replenish vitamin B3, it is necessary to include in the diet foods such as poultry meat, beef, liver, sea fish, legumes, wheat germ.

Chronic constipation can also be due to a lack of vitamins in the body group B(recall that the sources of these vitamins are liver, beef, cheese, pork, kidneys, eggs, yeast).

The lack of vitamins and minerals can also be judged by eating habits (we are not talking about taste preferences, but about a sudden strong need for any product). Here are some examples.

Strong craving for bananas can be caused by a deficiency in the body potassium(one medium banana contains 555 mg of potassium). Keep in mind that potassium deficiency can occur in people who regularly take diuretics, which flush potassium out of the body.

love for melon may also indicate a deficiency potassium and vitamin A(one quarter of a medium melon contains 3400 IU of vitamin A).
How to determine which vitamins the body lacks» src=»http://natural-medicine.ru/uploads/posts/2015-12/medium/1451387251_190894554_w640_h640_edam.jpg» alt=»How to determine which vitamins the body lacks.

craving for cheese may indicate a lack calcium and phosphorus. They are found not only in cheese, but also in broccoli.

Passion for milk may indicate a lack calcium in the body. It is also possible that it is caused by the need for amino acids such as tryptophan, lycine and lysine.

Salty lovers are clearly lacking sodium

Often, doctors with a lack of certain vitamins in patients additionally prescribe vitamin preparations (most often multivitamins, where all the necessary proportions and doses are met). But still, it is better when the necessary vitamins and minerals enter the body not in the form of tablets, but with quality food.

Vitamin deficiency can lead to serious health problems. How to prevent the development of diseases against the background of vitamin deficiency, how to determine in time which vitamins the body lacks? Leading expert in balanced nutrition, American professor Earl Mindell advises to listen carefully to your body. The fact is that some painful symptoms and even eating habits may indicate what substances the body lacks. This is the addiction established by an American nutritionist.

If even after mild bruises, hematomas occur and do not go away for a long time, it can be assumed that the body does not receive enough vitamins C and P. In this case, you need to eat more citrus fruits, cabbage, tomatoes, green peppers. It is necessary to make it a rule after eating at least one peel of an orange, tangerine or lemon. Additionally, you can take vitamin preparations: in the morning and in the evening - 1 g of vitamin C and a tablet of rutin.

Frequent dizziness and tinnitus may arise from lack vitamins B3 and E, as well as minerals such as manganese and potassium. You can replenish the stocks of missing substances with the help of nuts, green leafy vegetables, beets, green peas, egg yolks, citrus fruits, bananas, sunflower seeds. Additionally, it is recommended to take 50-100 mg of vitamin B3 3 times a day and 400 IU of vitamin E 1-3 times a day.

- Frequent inflammation of the eyes, burning sensation in the eyes, night blindness, inability to quickly adapt in the dark, the appearance of styes may be associated with deficiency vitamins A and B2. Their sources are fish, liver, egg yolk, butter, green leafy or yellow vegetables, milk, cheese, yeast. In this case, an additional intake of vitamin preparations is also prescribed: 10,000 IU of vitamin A 1-3 times a day, 100 mg of B-complex vitamins in the morning and evening, and 500 mg of vitamin C.

The appearance of dandruff vitamins B12, B6, F and selenium. Sources of vitamin B12 are vegetable oil, peanuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds; B6 - brewer's yeast, whole grains, pork, pork liver, nuts, legumes, potatoes, whole grains, sea fish; vitamin F - bran, broccoli, onions, tomatoes, sprouted cereals, tuna meat; selenium - liver, beef, pork, milk and dairy products.

— For early detection of deficiency vitamin B6 Earl Mindell advises doing the following test: with your arms extended forward, palms up, you need to simultaneously bend the last two knuckles of four fingers on both hands until the fingertips touch the palm (the hand does not need to be bent into a fist). If you can't touch your palm with your fingertips, you may be deficient in vitamin B6.

Dull, brittle, quickly graying hair may be the result of a lack B-complex vitamins, vitamin F and iodine. To replenish the supply of these substances, you need to eat more seafood, dairy products, and also use iodized salt, which is now sold in grocery stores.

Hair loss can be caused by a deficiency in the body not only vitamins of group B, but also vitamins C, H(biotin), vitamin B9(folic acid - BC), inositol(vitamin-like substance belonging to group B vitamins). Vitamin H
found in nuts, beef liver, kidney, brown rice and brewer's yeast. Folic acid can be replenished with green vegetables, fruits, dried nutritional yeast, and liver. Liver, whole grains, citrus fruits, brewer's yeast are rich in inositol.

High susceptibility to infections may indicate a lack vitamins A and B5. Carrots, fish, liver, egg yolks, butter, sour cream, leafy greens, yellow-orange vegetables will help replenish vitamin A, and regular brewer's yeast, legumes and melons will supply vitamin B5. In addition, during epidemics, it is recommended to take additional vitamin A - up to 10,000 IU every other day and 2-5 g of vitamin C.

Insomnia can occur not only from nervous overload, but also from insufficient intake into the body B complex vitamins, vitamin H, potassium, calcium. In this case, you need to increase the consumption of foods such as leafy greens, citrus fruits, bananas, sunflower seeds, brewer's yeast, beans, raisins, dried and fresh melons, beef liver, kidneys, brown rice, milk and dairy products, fish, eggs, cereals. products.

Muscle weakness, soreness in the legs, night cramps are often the result of a lack vitamins B1 and B6. Sources of these vitamins are brewer's yeast, brown grains, pork, pork liver, nuts, legumes, potatoes, whole grains, sea fish.

Frequent nosebleeds are also an alarming signal that speaks of a lack vitamins C, K and P. To replenish their reserves, you need to include in the diet citrus fruits, tomatoes, cabbage, green peppers, currants (vitamin C), yogurt, fish oil, fresh alfalfa leaves (vitamin K), peels of oranges, lemons and tangerines (vitamin P).

Acne and red spots on the face- these seemingly cosmetic problems often become a manifestation of serious disorders in the body, in particular, they can indicate a lack B vitamins and vitamin A. Liver, butter, fish, cream, green and yellow vegetables, dried fruits, raisins and brewer's yeast will help fill the deficiency of these vitamins.

Various dermatitis may develop due to deficiency vitamins B2(it is abundant in milk, liver, kidneys, cheese, fish, eggs, yeast), B3 and B6(sources include liver, meat, legumes, whole grains, fish, nutritional yeast powder) and vitamin H(they are rich in brewer's yeast, nuts, liver, kidneys, brown rice).

Long lasting eczema can be cured by eating foods rich in vitamins group B and vitamin A. In addition, it is necessary to replenish iodine reserves in the body. This can be done at the expense of seafood and iodized salt.

Long non-healing wounds and fractures require additional income vitamin C(His sources have already been mentioned above).

Osteoporosis and tooth decay indicate a lack vitamin D. The supply of this vitamin can be replenished with fish oil, butter, egg yolk and liver, as well as calcified foods: milk and dairy products, fish, cheeses, soybeans, leafy greens, peanuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds.

Bad breath may appear when there is a shortage vitamin B3(although it does not exclude the presence of diseased teeth). To replenish vitamin B3, it is necessary to include in the diet foods such as poultry meat, beef, liver, sea fish, legumes, wheat germ.

Chronic constipation can also be due to a lack of vitamins in the body group B(recall that the sources of these vitamins are liver, beef, cheese, pork, kidneys, eggs, yeast).

The lack of vitamins and minerals can also be judged by eating habits (we are not talking about taste preferences, but about a sudden strong need for any product). Here are some examples.

Strong craving for bananas can be caused by a deficiency in the body potassium(one medium banana contains 555 mg of potassium). Keep in mind that potassium deficiency can occur in people who regularly take diuretics, which flush potassium out of the body.

love for melon may also indicate a deficiency potassium and vitamin A(one quarter of a medium melon contains 3400 IU of vitamin A).

craving for cheese may indicate a lack calcium and phosphorus. They are found not only in cheese, but also in broccoli.

Passion for milk may indicate a lack calcium in the body. It is also possible that it is caused by the need for amino acids such as tryptophan, lycine and lysine.

Salty lovers are clearly lacking sodium.

Often, doctors with a lack of certain vitamins in patients additionally prescribe vitamin preparations (most often multivitamins, where all the necessary proportions and doses are met). But still, it is better when the necessary vitamins and minerals enter the body not in the form of tablets, but with quality food.

Often, poor health and appearance signals a vitamin deficiency, today how to find out which vitamins are missing body.

Feeling unwell, weakness, fatigue can be associated with vitamin deficiency, especially in the spring, beriberi appears, as well as after illnesses, especially chronic ones. Stress, increased physical, mental, emotional stress leads to a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. The fact is that when the body works with overloads, more energy and vitamins are consumed, add here incomplete or improper nutrition and again you will get a lack of vitamins in the body. With all the desire to eat properly and fully, it is very difficult to resist the temptations that are usually found on the tables in every family - mayonnaise, sausage, sweets, alcohol, etc., these products do not replenish the body with vitamins, however, their digestion is spent energy and supply of useful substances of the body.

There is a direct connection between the lack of vitamins in the body and appearance, as well as poor health. one follows from the other. For example, some cosmetic problems cannot be eliminated using special masks, shampoos and even medical cosmetics. including cosmetic defects, the body signals us about its problems and that it lacks proper nutrition.

It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that there are cases of metabolic disorders, or in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, useful substances are not fully absorbed by the body, despite the fact that a person eats properly and fully.

What is inside, so is outside, the causes and solutions of problems from the outside must be sought inside.

Some health problems may indicate not a disease at all, but a lack of vitamins. It is very easy to solve a problem if you know its source. Signs by which you can find out which vitamins are lacking lie on the surface, you should pay attention to yourself.

If there are not enough vitamins:

  1. Vitamin B3- bad breath can be not only a reason to visit a dentist and a gastroenterologist, but a reason to adjust your diet.
  2. Vitamin C- this can manifest itself in bruises that do not pass for a long time, even small bruises leave their marks on the body for a long time.
  3. Vitamins of group B- their deficiency can be manifested by frequent constipation.
  4. vitamins B3 and E, as well as manganese and potassium in deficiency are responsible for weakness, dizziness and tinnitus.
  5. The redness of the eyes, especially for women, is a tragedy, because this disadvantage adds several years. And if you are prone to frequent formation of barley and have trouble seeing in the dark, restock vitamins A and B2.
  6. Without vitamins B12, B6, F and selenium Dandruff cannot be defeated by any shampoos and hair masks.
  7. Flaw vitamins B, F and iodine will lead to unpleasant consequences - dull and brittle hair.
  8. Vitamins B9, C, H, inositol very necessary for the beauty of the hair with their lack of hair can begin to fall out.
  9. If no tips to eliminate insomnia help, then this may be due to a vitamin deficiency. group B, potassium and calcium.
  10. Frequent nosebleeds are caused by a lack of vitamins C, K and B3, the drug askorutin (vitamin C and rutin) helps perfectly
  11. Vitamins A and B- a pledge of clean, healthy skin without rashes, peeling and cosmetic defects .

However, it would not be correct to believe that vitamins can cure diseases,

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