The famous Russian singer lama is sick with cancer. "I'm dying of pain!": A cancer-stricken Russian singer is in agony. Singing career and other activities

October 14, 2012, 03:09 PM

While reading The Sun, I came across a note that Vinnie Jones' wife kicked him out of the house after she found out about his affair with a Russian singer. For details, I went to the Lifeshowbiz website that The Sun referred to. This is how the Russian site presented the news: Jones, who has been filming a documentary in Moscow for a week, found a lady of the heart in the capital. She turned out to be the 26-year-old Russian singer Lama Safonova. Despite the busy filming schedule, Vinnie finds time every day to meet with his beloved. Recently, the actor invited the girl on a date. After spending several hours in the studio, the lovers went outside and began to kiss passionately. “Vinnie offered me to play one of the roles in the film, which he will start filming in January with Mickey Rourke,” Lama shared with Life Showbiz. - I have not yet given my answer, because my level of English is not high enough to act in a Hollywood film. But I will do my best to bring my foreign language up to the level, besides, Vinnie helps me a lot with this. The stern hero of the film "Bone Breaker" next to his beloved looked happy and carefree. Despite the fact that Winnie is waiting for his wife and two children at home, he could not tear himself away from the girl. As it became known to Life Showbiz, in October, Jones is again going to return to Russia. True, this time the shooting will take place not in the capital, but 400 km from Moscow. As soon as the sexy singer expressed the idea that she would not be able to travel such distances every day to visit the actor, Winnie immediately asked the producer to add a helicopter to his rider so that Lama could quickly get to him at any time. The actor also promised to come to the birthday of his beloved, the celebration of which she wants to combine with the release of her new album. The Hollywood guest caught an ordinary taxi driver on the street and went with his girlfriend to the hotel. According to the singer herself, the character of the actor is not at all as brutal and serious as he is used to seeing in Hollywood films. Lama admits that she has not yet met men who know how to take care of a girl so carefully and carefully. Vinnie Jones walks around Moscow without security and pays the taxi drivers himself - Despite the harsh appearance, Vinnie is very gentle and kind, - the star's beloved told us. - He listens to absolutely all my wishes and respects any of my decisions. After a walk around Moscow, the lovers went to the hotel In the English newspaper, everything is described not so sugary. The actor himself said that he regrets what happened. "I am very embarrassed and upset, it was completely planned when I left the party at 2 am. I love my wife Tanya and children more than anything in the world." Friends of the former footballer-turned-actor claim the kiss and hug was staged after Winnie got drunk by the singer and her three girlfriends. "They drunk him unconscious. Vinnie just didn't know what he was doing. The llama was very persistent, and given his condition, he simply succumbed to the temptation" With this, of course, the fact that a couple of weeks before this event, Lana posted a joint photo with an actor on Facebook, where Vinnie hugs a girl, does not fit in a little. The actor has known his 46-year-old wife Tanya for more than 34 years. Tanya has a 25-year-old daughter from her first marriage and a 20-year-old son with Vinnie Jones. The couple have been married for 18 years. Vinnie Jones with his wife Tanya For those who, like me, do not know who the singer Lama is, a couple of photos from her website: Video with a kiss is not inserted. Those interested can look here:

official comments and frank interview of the Russian singer, composer and producer LAMA about the appearance on the network of a spicy video with Vinnie Jones, which spread all over the world and caused an active reaction from the press in different countries of the world.

Of course, I am shocked that the discussed video frames (, filmed by the paparazzi in the center of Moscow, have become the property of the world community. In my opinion, the personal should always remain personal, and now it is very difficult for me that my personal life is discussed on such a scale.
I am from a family where family values ​​are very respected. My father is an officer, my mother is a teacher. I am a musician, composer and producer of my music brand LAMA. The meaning of my life is filled only with music and creativity. I work a lot, read Eastern philosophy and parables, I have many international awards (“The Best Women of Russia”, “The Most Unique Musical Project”, “Fashion Composer of the Year”, “Award from the Presidential Regiment for Performance in the Kremlin”, etc. ). On my forehead, a temporary tattoo is an exclusive style of my corporate identity - mystical ancient runes encoded with positive information. I actively tour the world with my concerts. On one of which I met Winnie. But more on that later.

The name LAMA was given to me by my parents.

I was born in Kazakhstan. All childhood was spent in Moscow. But since my dad was a military man, we moved a lot from city to city. The name LAMA was given to me by my parents. When my mother was pregnant with me, she flew on an airplane and a Tibetan monk sat next to her, who predicted that a girl would be born, to be born absolutely without a sound, but she would sing all her life (further very personal information) and so on ... And so it happened - when I was born, then I really didn’t cry at all in the first seconds. And all the predictions began to come true already in the first hours of my birth. And my parents decided to call me LAMA for good luck (the name is written in the birth certificate). Today this name has turned into a music brand officially registered by me in several countries. My first solo album took place in 1991. I even have illegal clones and copycats, but the LAMA brand officially belongs to me alone.
When I was 13 years old - my mother shared with me the philosophy of Chanel - not to answer the question "how old are you", because. explained to me that a girl is always exactly as old as she looks, this is a fair credo, whether she is 17 or 55. And everyone has a voluntary decision - how old to give her - it's fair.

Acquaintance with Vinnie

We have known Vinnie for more than one day. We met at one of the private concerts not in Russia. He was always very polite and patient. He is a wonderful person, and if now, after his comments, everyone expects me to trample him into the dirt, this will not happen. I don't want to harm him. And especially I have no purpose to harm his family. I really want his family to survive. And in no case does she intend to violate the confidential and personal boundaries of his close people.
I officially declare that I have nothing to do with the organization of that video filming of the paparazzi and I myself am upset by this fact of the appearance of such a video on the network. I had many opportunities much earlier to take advantage of our relationship, but I never took advantage of it.

Moreover, at that party in the studio, after which the video under discussion appeared, there were people who saw us then for the first time together and could well organize this filming of the paparazzi, with the help of which they are now doing dishonest PR to themselves, inflating this scandal. And now I'm trying to understand who benefited from it. And I already have some suspicions.
If I had known before that he had a wife and two children, I would never have allowed our relationship. We never talked about it. Moreover, I consider it unacceptable for me to date a married man, and the fact that I allowed this kiss was the result of my being in the dark. But I'm just a girl. And he is a brutal, attentive, experienced man who is older than me. Moreover, it was he who initiated our relationship. At some point, we lost control of ourselves when we were walking down the street before going to the hotel. But I refute the version that alcohol was to blame and that everything was rigged. Moreover, no lover (or boyfriend, which was mentioned in a number of publications) named Olive, I personally never had and never have. The video clearly shows that Vinnie is very sane, quite firmly on his feet, in a good mood, he leads me by the hand (and I don’t lead him), loudly says compliments to me, calling my name, putting his hand to his heart, the kiss was absolutely mutual, he himself negotiates with taxi drivers about the route, he opens the car door in front of me, behaves like a gentleman. And would your heart really have remained indifferent and would not have melted like mine melted? ..
“Setup” is when people are suddenly caught on camera in some places inaccessible to prying eyes - in the back seat of a car, in a hotel room, in a dark corner of a club, in a toilet room, in general, anywhere, where people think that inaccessible to the eyes of others. And when the mutual action of two people takes place in the center of the city on the central square in a lit place with a large number of people - this is called "loss of control over the senses." And talking about a “setup” is ridiculous when Vinnie has a huge experience behind him, having the status of a world star (and I have the status of a Russian celebrity) - and if he didn’t want someone to see us, he wouldn’t behave so openly - it is clear to everyone.

Dating history

So, back to the history of dating. I have a unique show with two-meter fans - when I sing, I twist them according to the martial arts technique, they look like big wings. When Vinnie saw this, he was impressed. When we met, he showed me his tattoo on his arm (there is a girl with wings). He said that I look like her. We began to communicate, but it was difficult, because. I don't know English well, but he doesn't know Russian. But we still started to understand each other. In addition, a translator helped us. I am a distrustful person and Winnie spent a lot of effort and tact so that I eventually began to trust him. He said that he was going to shoot a film in Russia and would like to visit my show in Moscow. We didn’t manage to see each other very often - both he and I have a tough tour schedule. But he always made it clear that he thought of me. We have a pure romantic story. And he, as promised, flew to Russia to shoot a film. Moreover, he told me that in January he was going to shoot a film in London with Mickey Rourke. And if I pulled up my English to a high level, I could star there. But I live in Russia and I have no special grandiose plans to conquer Europe and Hollywood, given that I periodically receive interesting offers from the West. And Winnie's proposal was certainly interesting and I thought about it.
He asked me if we could see him when he flew back to Russia in October. Filming will take place not in Moscow, but 400 km from it, to which I replied that it is difficult for me to overcome such distances. And then he had the idea that I would not travel by car, but by helicopter, so that the road would take a minimum of time. Despite his brutal and tough image in the movies, in life he turned out to be a very kind and attentive person. This surprised me. No one has ever treated me this way. He is much older than me, but the age difference was not felt. When we were at a party, we even drank water from the same glass (this is our original feature) to show each other trust. After all, there is a mystical legend: when people drink water from one glass, they know each other's thoughts. Winnie further gained my confidence in himself by calling me "My Russian Angel" and often holding my hand. We did not advertise mutual sympathy in public, avoiding the press. PR was useless to us. And if I pursued this goal, then I would have a thousand opportunities to make our mutual sympathy known to everyone much earlier. But, to my horror, the video, on which we were unexpectedly filmed by the paparazzi, got into the press. I was upset by this fact. Someone seems to benefit from this scandal.

LAMA Safonova: "I don't want to ruin Vinnie's family and I tell the scandal Stop."

My parents gave me such an upbringing that I never take the initiative to sympathize with a man. I can only respond or not respond to the male initiative. But it was Vinnie who initiated our relationship (communication), and he was always surprised that I was very shy in life - after all, I am from show business and logically should be more frank .. But I kept our relationship within the bounds of decency.

Former darling of "bone-breaker" Vinnie Jones prepares for the most difficult operation. girl diagnosed with uterine cancer. According to the artist, she learned about the disease in the summer. However, now the singer does not know exactly at what stage she is. The operation to remove the uterus, appendages, and ovaries is scheduled for January 9th. In an exclusive interview with Life, Lama Safonova spoke about how she is fighting cancer, despite the fact that many doctors refused her treatment, predicting a fatal outcome.

When did you find out about the disease?

This year has become successful for me only in terms of work, I was not lucky with my health. For several months I felt that something was wrong with me, it was physically bad. Coming home, I always felt unwell, my heart ached, but I attributed the malaise to workload and accumulated fatigue. And in the summer the first bell rang, and I urgently had to be examined. Then I knew everything. The diagnosis does not sound very comforting - it is uterine cancer.

What stage are you in right now?

Now I have exactly the second stage, but it may be close to the third. I dream of stopping on the second. I'm determined to beat cancer, I won't give up. A major operation is ahead. This involves the removal of many organs: amputation of the uterus, ovaries, appendages and lymph nodes. I'm really scared. I have an intolerance to many drugs, including anesthesia. I don't know how I'm going to get through the operation. Anything can happen. In my case, it's Russian roulette. The result of all this: I will not be able to have children. I will try to save the egg so that I can take advantage of surrogacy, but I have little chance of getting out of this whole story. I have already been refused in many hospitals, because they said that without antibiotics they would not get me out and I could die. But I intend to win!

Who supports you during difficult times?

Mom and husband. They will be in touch with everyone when I am already in intensive care. I am also extremely grateful absolutely everyone who connected to my trouble on the Web. Instagram even has the hashtag #LamaSafonovaPobedit. Thanks a lot to the author, I hope you see it. You know, I gave many charity concerts in support of cancer patients and never thought that I myself would be among them. I am very grateful to fate that she sent me just such a type of cancer, because outwardly it does not manifest itself in any way. Close friends forced me to talk about my illness so that I would not experience it alone. Jeanne, too, was going to experience this alone at one time. By the time people found out, it was already too late. I am determined to beat cancer.

Does Vinnie Jones know about your illness?

No, as I promised the British press, a few years ago I cut off all contact with him. By the way, he also fought cancer, I don’t know if he won it in the end or not.

Russian singer Lama Safonova (LAMA) announced her terrible diagnosis a month ago. A neglected disease, stage 3 cancer, organ removal - the 30-year-old artist continues to struggle with all this, despite the excruciating pain.

Lama tries to share with followers on Instagram, reporting what doctors say and how her treatment is going. She even asked for help from fans who did not remain indifferent to her grief, so that they would send funds for her treatment. The singer's colleagues organized a charity concert, all the proceeds of which will help Safonova in her trouble.

Metastases in Lama are already in the lymph nodes, which means that the girl needs to urgently undergo chemotherapy. But it will become a real torment, because her body, due to intolerance to medicines, will perceive this treatment as the strongest poison. The singer shared her fears with subscribers and explained what awaits her after chemotherapy.

“I will lie under a chemo-dropper for 6 hours and move on to the next milestone. YOUR PRAYERS ARE VERY HELPING ME AND VERY NEEDED! A HEAVENLY SHIELD ABOVE ME! The rite of confession, communion and unction has already been passed by me. With an open heart I go to the test. Half a year (6 courses) will be a hard etching of the body. What is chemistry? For those who are unfamiliar, I will explain - this is the chemical killing of cancer cells with the strongest poison, which indiscriminately also extinguishes healthy cells - they will destroy everything. Therefore, this is a wild method of treating cancer, like an “atomic bomb” thrown into the body, which burns out all life. Some people endure and some don't. The statistics are monstrous.

Although, for some reason, many people think, what's wrong with that. It is amazing: people fly into space, but there is no simple recognized official treatment for cancer. Which of the doctors prophesies the end, who says there will be severe torment (vomiting, fever, daily bone twisting, complications, bleeding, etc.), who reassures that how I tune in and it might be easier. I dont know. Everything is in the power of our Lord. I accept the Fight with humility and a cool head. Thousands of people like me look at me on my pages, people who are in the same trouble. And they are fighting for their lives. Only no one hears them. I just want to tell them not to dare give up.” (Author's punctuation, style and spelling preserved - ed.)

A friend of Sergei Zverev showed a photo from the clinic. Lama lies on a hospital bed after surgery. Having survived the hardest test, the performer is trying to hold on, but, according to Safonova, she has been to hell.


"January 17. Alive. I am sending the first news. Return from hell. Chapter 1: open your eyes. Now I know that hell exists. I am so exhausted by inhuman pain that I even breathe every other time (hereinafter, the author's style, spelling and punctuation are preserved . – Approx. ed.)”, – admitted the singer.

Lama thanked all those who are not indifferent for their support and financial assistance. “Thank you for the love. This is what keeps me going. The Shield of Heaven is with me. The next stage is no less difficult and cruel. Thanks to those who didn’t quit,” Safonova wrote on Instagram and gave her bank card details. “Any amount is important. HELP IS RELEVANT ALWAYS...."

The resilient pop star added positive hashtags, from which it becomes clear that LAMA will not surrender to a terrible disease without a fight. "#Deathmatch #LamaSafonovaWill #LamaSafonovaLive #3rdStageNon-Sentence #Thank youForLove #I'll show CancerWhereCrayfishHibernate #NotAtTuAttacked #I'll be backWhateverIt's Not Worth," the artist promised.

Lama had to urgently go to the surgeon. "The operation is URGENT, difficult, several organs will be cut out. In MOSCOW. The complexity of the outcome is added by my intolerance to a wide range of drugs (anesthesia, anesthesia, antibiotics, etc.), which happened after the attack on me in 2012 and all previous troubles. To say what I feel now - it’s not to say anything. I can’t cope alone. It’s bad with money. It’s honest. The hardest thing is to admit it. You will need a lot of them ... I really need help. Any, "the singer sounds the alarm.

Safonova could not even imagine that this would happen to her. “How many times in my life I performed and held Charity events, tried to help people - with severe diagnoses - even an order was awarded for this in the Kremlin Manege ... - and I could never have imagined that I myself would find myself in this “war,” the discouraged Lama admitted. "Hospitalization on January 9. Until 09.01.2017. I will still be in touch. Then.... Then, most likely, my administrator will be here. HELP IS ALWAYS RELEVANT. Recovery will be painful. Probably sometimes it is better to decide in time to voice the trouble and have a chance for life, than to get posthumously rating broadcasts under the headings "how is it so late...."....."

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