What gives silicon in water. The use of silicon water for medical and preventive purposes. The importance of silicon for the human body

Connoisseurs of traditional medicine know firsthand what silicon water is. Its healing properties are legendary. But is it really so, what is the balance of benefit and harm from this remedy, if you rely on modern science and common sense?

The effect of silicon on the human body

The normal intake of silicon in the body is considered to be from 5 to 20 mg. This amount is enough so that a person does not experience the negative consequences associated with a lack of an element.

Silicon performs the following functions in the human body:

  • supports immunity;
  • allows you to keep youth;
  • maintains skin elasticity;
  • improves the absorption of iron and fluorine;
  • protects blood vessels;
  • helps to strengthen bone and connective tissues.

The symptoms of silicon deficiency are:

  • frequent colds;
  • persistent feeling of chronic fatigue;
  • problems with bones and joints;
  • disorders in the work of the intestines and stomach;
  • hair problems (increased fragility, dryness and excessive loss);
  • dry skin;
  • vascular disorders, including the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

First meeting

For the first time, people heard about silicon water at the end of the 70s from the folk healer A.D. Malyarchikov. His attention was attracted by Lake Svetloe, located not far from St. Petersburg.

There were no fish and other representatives of the animal world in the lake, but the locals were confident in the miraculous properties of the water. Any abrasions on the body healed much faster if you bathe in Svetly. People who drank water from the lake for food noted that their hair began to grow faster, mimic wrinkles disappeared, and their health improved.

Having studied the composition of the water, Malyarchikov came to the conclusion that Lake Svetloye owes its miraculous properties to the high content of silicon. A little later, scientists confirmed that silicon is indeed the most powerful water activator.

This is how the history of activated silicon (silicon) water (AKW) began.

What are the benefits of silicon water?

Silicon water is called "a remedy for 100 diseases." Can be used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent:

  • in the fight against excess weight;
  • for blood purification;
  • in the process of restoring the patency and flexibility of blood vessels;
  • to strengthen muscle, bone and connective tissues;
  • at elevated pressure;
  • to restore the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

AKV is used in cosmetology. To get rid of mimic wrinkles, to give the skin a healthy and radiant look, it is recommended to wash your face with silicon water every morning. Are you suffering from dandruff or hair loss? Make it a rule to wash your hair with AKV.

Silicon water is used in the household, for example, for watering flowers on the windowsill. Plants grow faster and get sick less often.

Possible harm and contraindications

Silicon water has contraindications. ACV therapy may not be right for you if:

  • you have benign neoplasms;
  • in your family there is a predisposition to cancer;
  • you have been diagnosed with a serious heart disease;
  • there is an individual intolerance.

How to prepare silicon water and where to get stones?

To prepare a healing liquid you will need:

  • silicon - 30 g;
  • unboiled water - 3 liters.

Silicon for water activation can be purchased at special homeopathic pharmacies or ordered via the Internet. At the same time, be careful, because when buying stones from your hands or in an unverified store, you run the risk of coming across a fake.

The service life of silicon stones is on average 2-3 years, after which they must be replaced.

How to prepare AKV:

  1. Pour clean drinking water into a three-liter jar and dip silicon into it.
  2. Close the jar with gauze or another clean, breathable cloth and place in a dark, cool place.
  3. After three days, carefully drain the water into a clean jar, leaving only the bottom layer (about 3 cm) that covered the stones.

You can store such water in a closed jar in a cool and dark place. Medicinal properties remain for several months.

Foods high in silicon

In addition to AKV, to meet the body's needs for silicon, you can use:

What affects the healing effect?

To get noticeable results from taking silicon water, you need to know a few rules that should be followed during the course of treatment:

Never boil silicon water. Some healers claim that it can be used to make soups, but it is recommended not to risk it.

Do not use stones that are too dark in color to activate water - they contain a high percentage of radioactive elements. Choose stones in gray or light gray shades.

When taking ACV, no adverse reactions have been identified, however, experts do not advise taking more than 2 glasses per day.

Silicon water will help to fill the deficiency of silicon in the body, the benefits and harms of which are still being debated by scientists. But it is already clear that with regular use, the drink will quickly restore strength, strengthen the immune system, and relieve the accompanying symptoms of mineral deficiency.

Source http://www.poleznenko.ru/kremnievaja-voda.html

Flint (silicium) is a substance of organic origin. Externally, it is a stone from light brown to almost black. Silicon water has recently gained great popularity in the treatment and prevention of many diseases. In addition, some scientists believe that aging is largely due to the increasing deficiency of silicon in the body. Therefore, some people call silicon water "the elixir of youth."

Benefits of silicon water

Silicon is an essential trace element found in the human body. It has been established that to maintain the level of silicon, a daily intake of 10-20 mg of this element is necessary. But a person consumes no more than 5 mg of silicon per day. And without this trace element, the absorption of most other minerals is difficult. Gradually, the lack of silicon increases, which ultimately leads to aging of the body and the development of various diseases. Therefore, the silicon stone water activator is able to slow down aging.
Especially noticeable deficiency of this element affects the condition of blood vessels and skin. Elastic and collagen fibers, which provide smoothness, firmness and elasticity of the skin, cannot be synthesized without the presence of silicon. As a result, the amount of these fibers in the skin decreases, and it ages, wrinkles appear.
Similar processes take place in the vessels, because their walls also contain elastic fibers. The silicon in them is replaced by calcium, the vessels cease to be elastic, which leads to atherosclerosis, hypertension, angina pectoris, etc. This substance is a catalyst for many biochemical reactions, so the lack of silicon affects all organs. One of the ways to replenish silicon in the body is the use of silicon water.
Silicon has an amazing property - it "activates" ordinary water, purifies it of microbes and gives it a special freshness. In water infused with silicon, harmful impurities (for example, salts of heavy metals) precipitate, even radioactive substances are rendered harmless. In ancient times, it was customary to pour silicon stones at the bottom of the well. This is probably why the water in such wells had a "spring" freshness.

Thus, silicon water benefits the body due to the following healing properties:

  • rejuvenates the skin and the whole body;
  • improves metabolism;
  • normalizes intestinal microflora;
  • restores the elasticity of the vascular wall, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis and hypertension;
  • accelerates the healing of wounds, bedsores, improves the regeneration of all tissues;
  • improves hair and nail growth;
  • helps get rid of acne;
  • reduces the content of bad cholesterol;
  • improves the outflow of bile;
  • prevents stone formation in the kidneys, dissolves existing stones in the kidneys and gallbladder;
  • increases overall working capacity, tones, relieves fatigue;
  • with prolonged use, it reduces the amount of sugar in the blood in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Pros and cons of silicon water treatment

Not all specialists have the same attitude towards treatment with water infused with silicon. Drinking silicon water has its pros and cons. The beneficial effects of silicon on the body are listed above. But there is an opinion that long-term use increases the risk of cancer.
In addition, silicon adsorbs radioactive substances on itself. On the one hand, this is good, because the water is purified from radionuclides. But on the other hand, previously contaminated stone can make water dangerous. If it is not possible to check the stone for radioactivity, then it is better to use light-colored silicon.


If someone is interested in the beneficial properties of silicon, then they will surely be interested in learning how to make silicon water on their own.
To prepare activated water, you need to put 25 g of silicium in a 3-liter jar and fill it with ordinary water (both raw and boiled). For prevention, water on silicon must be insisted for 3 days, for treatment - 6-7.
The infused water should be carefully drained into a clean container, and the bottom layer (about 3-4 cm from the bottom) should be discarded. The pebbles should be thoroughly washed under running water and kept in the sun for a couple of hours. Now you can infuse new water.
Ready silicon water can be stored in a closed container at normal room temperature. You can't boil water with silicon in it, but when you remove the stone, you can boil it. Also, you can not cool the finished water to a temperature of less than 4 degrees.

Silicon-activated water can retain its qualities for several months.

According to this simple recipe, you can independently obtain silicon water: its preparation does not require any significant costs. Silicon stones can be purchased at a pharmacy or ordered online. The fact is that a pebble can last about 6 months, only then you have to buy a new one, because harmful substances can accumulate on the used one.

How to use silicon water?

There is no exact dosage for drinking silicon-mineralized water. Some claim that it can be drunk in unlimited quantities instead of regular liquids and even cooked with it. Others do not recommend drinking more than 2 glasses a day. In any case, when treating with silicon water, the measure must be observed.
It is useful to drink this remedy for atherosclerosis, thyroid diseases, liver diseases. Silicon has a good effect on bone metabolism, so this element will also help with osteoporosis, osteomalacia, and fractures.

Tip: it is best to consult a doctor before drinking silica water. Perhaps you have some contraindications.

Silicon water can be used not only inside, but also externally. It is very useful to wash your face with it, wash wounds and burns, bedsores, trophic ulcers. Thanks to its antimicrobial and regenerating qualities, this medicine accelerates healing and cleans wounds, relieves acne. You can also make lotions for various dermatitis, eczema, boils, allergic diathesis. To make your hair beautiful and healthy, it is recommended to rinse it after washing in silicon water.

Contraindications for use

Silicon water has contraindications, the main of which are a predisposition to cancer and silicosis of the lungs.

Important: if your close relatives had cancer, or you had some kind of tumor before, you should refuse the internal use of silicon water.

Are you one of those millions of women who struggle with being overweight?

Have all your attempts to lose weight failed? And have you already thought about drastic measures? It is understandable, because a slender figure is an indicator of health and a reason for pride. In addition, this is at least the longevity of a person. And the fact that a person who loses “extra pounds” looks younger is an axiom that does not require proof. Therefore, we recommend reading the story of a woman who managed to lose weight quickly, effectively and without expensive procedures. Read article >>

Source http://priroda-znaet.ru/kremnievaya-voda/

Water plays an important role in human life. Without it, existence is impossible, it must be present in the daily diet. Minerals contained in the water bring undoubted benefits to the body. Recently, silicon water is gaining popularity. It has a lot of useful and medicinal properties, and is often used as a preventive measure for various diseases.

The benefits of silicon for the human body

Silicon is a chemical element that is part of the stone flint and other minerals, as well as silica. Flint is widely distributed in nature. It has a color from black, dark gray to light and belongs to the family of quartz and chalcedony, to which also belong: jasper, opal, carnelian, agate, amethyst, rock crystal.

Since ancient times, people have known about the benefits of silicon for the body, studied its medicinal properties and applied the knowledge gained in practice. They knew how to properly prepare a remedy with it.

Powder made from flint was sprinkled on wounds to avoid blood poisoning. The walls and bottom of the wells were trimmed with this stone to obtain clean, healing water.

Silicon plays an indispensable role in the human body. It is observed in the composition of hair, nails, bones, cartilage and blood vessels. It is found in the tissues of the thyroid gland, lymph nodes and pituitary gland. Participates in metabolism, the formation of hormones, enzymes. Thanks to him, the body is able to absorb more than seventy different vitamins, and silicon is involved in the immune system and helps fight viruses.

The lack of silicon in the body can lead to the following disorders:

  • softening of the bones;
  • wear of cartilage in the joints;
  • diseases of the eyes, skin, hair, nails and teeth;
  • the appearance of kidney stones;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • erysipelas.

It is also impossible to exclude in view of the lack of silicon and the development of diabetes, hepatitis, tuberculosis, cardiovascular, oncological and a number of other diseases. The body needs at least 10mg of silicon per day to function properly, but unfortunately most people don't get half that, given that the loss of such an important element is about 9mg daily.

Silicon water and its healing qualities

When interacting with water, silicon is able to change its properties, purify and saturate it with useful qualities. At the same time, the taste of water also changes, it becomes much more pleasant. Silicon water promotes the production of hormones and enzymes, and also increases blood clotting.

Also, water containing silicon can bring the following benefits:

  • increase immunity;
  • strengthen and restore the vascular wall, as well as its functions;
  • restore intestinal microflora;
  • dissolve stones and rid them of the kidneys, gallbladder and bladder;
  • heal bruises, cuts and burns;
  • lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • improve kidney function;
  • relieve inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract and gastritis;
  • normalize metabolism.

And this is not a complete list of useful properties that water containing silicon and other minerals can bring to the body. In addition to drinking the liquid inside, it can also be used externally, which contributes to the following positive processes:

  • strengthens the gums, treats a runny nose and sore throat (when gargling, mouth and washing the nose);
  • reduces the risk of stomatitis and gingivitis;
  • eliminates or reduces various inflammatory processes on the skin: diathesis, allergies, dermatitis, etc.
  • helps with conjunctivitis;
  • used for cosmetic purposes: eliminates wrinkles, acne, acne, tones the skin;
  • strengthens hair, improves its quality, promotes growth (when rinsing).

In everyday life, silicon water is no less useful. For example, it is used to water plants and flowers and prolong their flowering period. Increases the yield of trees and vegetable crops, and seeds soaked in silicon water germinate better. To protect plants from rot, mold and fungus that are harmful, they should be sprayed with such water. If flint is placed in an aquarium, it will prevent the water from blooming.

In addition to useful properties, silicon water also has contraindications. For example, people prone to cancer should stop drinking such a liquid, it can be harmful. In general, the properties of this water have not yet been fully studied, and therefore, you should not be zealous with taking it inside without the recommendations of your doctor. But externally, as well as for economic purposes, it can be used as much as you like.

Cooking method

The recipe for making such water is quite simple, it does not take much effort. The first step is to find a glass or enamel container and pour water into it. Then stones should be placed inside (purchased at a pharmacy or on the Internet), cover the container with gauze and put in a bright place, but not under direct sunlight.

It is necessary to insist such water for two or three days, after which it can be used for drinking or cooking. If the preparation of water takes more than five days, then it will become not only purified, but also acquire medicinal properties. Ready water should be poured into another container and tightly closed with a lid. The liquid remaining at the bottom in the vessel with stones must be drained, since all the heavy metals purified with flint accumulate there.

Water with silicon can be stored for several months. From time to time, the stones should be washed in cold water and dried for two hours. You don't need to boil them.

Silicon water is a useful product that is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Despite all the advantages, you should not use it for drinking without the advice of a doctor. But for cosmetic and economic purposes, such water will bring undoubted benefits. You can buy flint at a pharmacy or order it in an online store, focusing on reviews. And to prepare such water is simple and not expensive in terms of strength and time.

Source http://kuhniclub.ru/uhod/kremnievaya-voda.html

Talk about the dangers and benefits of silicon water arose after the influence of a chemical element on the human body was established. Some people argue that a liquid enriched with this substance allows not only replenishing its reserves in tissues, but also has healing properties. Others are trying to prove that simple manipulations cannot lead to the fact that silicon ions will end up in water. Despite this, the popularity of silicon water is gradually growing. Feedback from people who have tried the approach is mostly positive.

The benefits of silicon and the consequences of its deficiency

The Earth's crust is about 27-29% silicon, which can take the form of a wide variety of chemical compounds. For an ordinary person, it is associated with sand, shungite, quartz and some stones used in jewelry.

In addition, the substance is found in large quantities in a number of food products:

In its pure form, silicon is necessary for the human body to carry out important chemical processes. It is part of the hair, nails and teeth, adrenal glands and thyroid gland. Takes part in the formation of bones, joints and cartilage.

Product deficiency is characterized by the following consequences:

  • About 70 types of vitamins and microorganisms are no longer absorbed by the body. This leads to the development of pathogenic processes, failure of organs and systems.

Tip: Silicon deficiency takes on a special form in young children. They literally start eating the earth. When such a symptom appears, you do not need to try to wean the baby from the new “habit”. It is better to review his diet by including more foods rich in the element.

  • There may be signs of osteoporosis, beriberi, dysbacteriosis and atherosclerosis.
  • Hair begins to fall out, teeth are destroyed, cartilage and joints wear out at an accelerated pace.
  • Sand is formed in the kidneys, stones are formed.
  • Violation of the process of silicon metabolism in the body is fraught with conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, cataracts, tuberculosis, and cancer.

For the normal functioning of organs and systems, a person must receive at least 10 mg of silicon daily. Studies have shown that the diet of ordinary people does not even cover this need by half. It turns out that most of them gradually develop a deficiency of a chemical element. To overcome the problem, you need to use all available means. One of them is the use of silicon water.

The harm of silicon water

The use of silicon water allows to some extent to fill the needs of the human body in silicon. In addition, the natural and specific drink has several other useful properties:

  • The mineral is known for its antibacterial action, the ability to inhibit the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • It takes part in the synthesis of hormones and enzymes.
  • Regular use of silicon water removes excess sugar and cholesterol from the blood, strengthens the immune system, increases the elasticity of blood vessels.
  • By reacting with water, silicon improves its quality. It eliminates pathogens, neutralizes chlorine, and precipitates heavy metals.
  • Without silicon, the synthesis of collagen, which is responsible for youth and beauty, is impossible.
  • The chemical element in the composition of water allows you to normalize weight, which can be used in an integrated approach to combating obesity.
  • External application of the liquid relieves acne and pustules on the skin. Rinsing the head with a slightly warm composition eliminates dandruff and helps strengthen hair.
  • Silicon water can be used to gargle if you need to get rid of inflammation and gum disease.
  • Lotions with the composition alleviate the condition with ulcers, bedsores, manifestations of dermatitis.

Housewives use the product in the household. Flowers are placed in the activated liquid, seeds are soaked in it, house plants are watered. The liquid is consumed in its pure form, with its help they cook food. Chemical research

Method for preparing silicon water

To prepare silicon water at home, you need to purchase silicon at the pharmacy and take clean drinking water. Do not search for the main ingredient on your own. Stones collected in dubious conditions will not bring anything but harm.

The procedure itself will look like this:

  1. For every liter of water we take 5-10 g of silicon. It is better to buy it in a pharmacy or a special store of "health products".
  2. Before using silicon for its intended purpose, it can be soaked for half an hour in a very weak solution of vinegar or citric acid (no more than 0.5 teaspoon of the composition per 0.5 l of water). The same manipulation is used in the future, if a white coating begins to form on the pebbles.
  3. Rinse the soaked mineral, put it in a jar or bottle, fill it with water.
  4. The workpiece must be insisted in a place inaccessible to direct sunlight. After 3 days, the liquid will be ready for use.
  5. The finished product is poured into another container and dried in natural conditions. Stones can be used up to 6 months, after which they should be replaced.

Recipes for making silicon water can be different. You should try a few and decide on the best. The first positive results will appear only after a few days or even weeks after the start of therapy. According to doctors, if the chemical composition of such a drink does not give a therapeutic effect, then at least the positive consequences of self-hypnosis will appear.

There are no contraindications to the use of silicon water, but the increased biological activity of the composition should be taken into account. Doctors advise taking the product with caution in case of thrombosis, a history of oncology, during an exacerbation of vascular diseases. In chronic diseases, before starting therapy, you should consult your doctor.

Source http://polzateevo.ru/napitki/kremnievaya-voda.html

Flint (silicium) is a substance of organic origin. Externally, it is a stone from light brown to almost black. Silicon water has recently gained great popularity in the treatment and prevention of many diseases. In addition, some scientists believe that aging is largely due to the increasing deficiency of silicon in the body. Therefore, some people call silicon water "the elixir of youth."

Benefits of silicon water

Silicon is an essential trace element found in the human body. It has been established that to maintain the level of silicon, a daily intake of 10-20 mg of this element is necessary. But a person consumes no more than 5 mg of silicon per day. And without this trace element, the absorption of most other minerals is difficult. Gradually, the lack of silicon increases, which ultimately leads to aging of the body and the development of various diseases. Therefore, the silicon stone water activator is able to slow down aging.
Especially noticeable deficiency of this element affects the condition of blood vessels and skin. Elastic and collagen fibers, which provide smoothness, firmness and elasticity of the skin, cannot be synthesized without the presence of silicon. As a result, the amount of these fibers in the skin decreases, and it ages, wrinkles appear.
Similar processes take place in the vessels, because their walls also contain elastic fibers. The silicon in them is replaced by calcium, the vessels cease to be elastic, which leads to atherosclerosis, hypertension, angina pectoris, etc. This substance is a catalyst for many biochemical reactions, so the lack of silicon affects all organs. One of the ways to replenish silicon in the body is the use of silicon water.
Silicon has an amazing property - it "activates" ordinary water, purifies it of microbes and gives it a special freshness. In water infused with silicon, harmful impurities (for example, salts of heavy metals) precipitate, even radioactive substances are rendered harmless. In ancient times, it was customary to pour silicon stones at the bottom of the well. This is probably why the water in such wells had a "spring" freshness.

Thus, silicon water benefits the body due to the following healing properties:

  • rejuvenates the skin and the whole body;
  • improves metabolism;
  • normalizes intestinal microflora;
  • restores the elasticity of the vascular wall, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis and hypertension;
  • accelerates the healing of wounds, bedsores, improves the regeneration of all tissues;
  • improves hair and nail growth;
  • helps get rid of acne;
  • reduces the content of bad cholesterol;
  • improves the outflow of bile;
  • prevents stone formation in the kidneys, dissolves existing stones in the kidneys and gallbladder;
  • increases overall working capacity, tones, relieves fatigue;
  • with prolonged use, it reduces the amount of sugar in the blood in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Pros and cons of silicon water treatment

Not all specialists have the same attitude towards treatment with water infused with silicon. Drinking silicon water has its pros and cons. The beneficial effects of silicon on the body are listed above. But there is an opinion that long-term use increases the risk of cancer.
In addition, silicon adsorbs radioactive substances on itself. On the one hand, this is good, because the water is purified from radionuclides. But on the other hand, previously contaminated stone can make water dangerous. If it is not possible to check the stone for radioactivity, then it is better to use light-colored silicon.


If someone is interested in the beneficial properties of silicon, then they will surely be interested in learning how to make silicon water on their own.
To prepare activated water, you need to put 25 g of silicium in a 3-liter jar and fill it with ordinary water (both raw and boiled). For prevention, water on silicon must be insisted for 3 days, for treatment - 6-7.
The infused water should be carefully drained into a clean container, and the bottom layer (about 3-4 cm from the bottom) should be discarded. The pebbles should be thoroughly washed under running water and kept in the sun for a couple of hours. Now you can infuse new water.
Ready silicon water can be stored in a closed container at normal room temperature. You can't boil water with silicon in it, but when you remove the stone, you can boil it. Also, you can not cool the finished water to a temperature of less than 4 degrees.

Silicon-activated water can retain its qualities for several months.

According to this simple recipe, you can independently obtain silicon water: its preparation does not require any significant costs. Silicon stones can be purchased at a pharmacy or ordered online. The fact is that a pebble can last about 6 months, only then you have to buy a new one, because harmful substances can accumulate on the used one.

How to use silicon water?

There is no exact dosage for drinking silicon-mineralized water. Some claim that it can be drunk in unlimited quantities instead of regular liquids and even cooked with it. Others do not recommend drinking more than 2 glasses a day. In any case, when treating with silicon water, the measure must be observed.
It is useful to drink this remedy for atherosclerosis, thyroid diseases, liver diseases. Silicon has a good effect on bone metabolism, so this element will also help with osteoporosis, osteomalacia, and fractures.

Tip: it is best to consult a doctor before drinking silica water. Perhaps you have some contraindications.

Silicon water can be used not only inside, but also externally. It is very useful to wash your face with it, wash wounds and burns, bedsores, trophic ulcers. Thanks to its antimicrobial and regenerating qualities, this medicine accelerates healing and cleans wounds, relieves acne. You can also make lotions for various dermatitis, eczema, boils, allergic diathesis. To make your hair beautiful and healthy, it is recommended to rinse it after washing in silicon water.

Contraindications for use

Silicon water has contraindications, the main of which are a predisposition to cancer and silicosis of the lungs.

Important: if your close relatives had cancer, or you had some kind of tumor before, you should refuse the internal use of silicon water.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Silicon water refers to waters formed as a result of the interaction of ordinary fresh water with other substances. In this case, silicon.

Silicon is in many ways a symbolic mineral for our civilization. In fact, he laid the foundation for its development. From silicon, people made their first tools and first weapons. With its help, primitive people made fire. In the process of interacting with this mineral, a person discovered that, in addition to everything, he also has a number of healing properties. People have empirically determined that silicon has antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Silicon powder was used as a powder for disinfecting wounds, and silicon itself was used to disinfect and purify water in wells. It was believed that bread baked from flour ground on flint millstones was especially healthy and had a unique taste...

Silicon is an extremely important substance for the human body. In more detail about the importance of silicon for our organisms, we recommend that you study with the help of special literature compiled by qualified specialists in this field. We will only give a brief summary.

The value of silicon for the human body:

  • Silicon affects the elasticity of the connective tissues of our joints, tendons, blood vessel walls…;
  • Almost all diseases of nails, hair, skin are associated with a lack of silicon ...;
  • The lack of silicon in the human body significantly increases the risk of diseases such as heart attack, hepatitis, rheumatism, dysbacteriosis ...;
  • Silicon increases the overall tone of the body;
  • Reduces cholesterol levels;
  • Silicon is an immunostimulant;
  • Silicon is used to prevent atherosclerosis.

Making Silicon Water at Home

For cooking silicon water cool clean fresh water and "clean" flint are needed. In most cases, a mineral of a pronounced brown color is recommended. The proportion is 8-10 grams of the mineral per 1 liter of water. Flint is poured with water and infused for 3-4 days, in a bright place, inaccessible to direct sunlight. The vessel must be closed with gauze. After the water is infused, it must be poured into another vessel, leaving a layer 3-4 centimeters thick at the bottom, and the flint itself, after the procedure, should be cleaned with a brush.

To obtain a more saturated substance with a greater therapeutic effect, it is necessary to infuse Silicon water for 7-10 days, after which the vessel should be hermetically sealed. In this case, according to the researchers, the water can retain its medicinal properties for several months.

Useful properties of Silicon water:

  • It is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Treatment and prevention of blood diseases;
  • With diseases of the digestive system;
  • For joint problems;
  • With diseases of the bones, teeth;
  • In the treatment of skin diseases;
  • With hair loss;
  • As an immunostimulant in case of loss of vitality;
  • …and many other health problems.

Some literature states that there are no contraindications for Silicon water as such, while other authors write about the following threats.

silicon water, contraindications:

  • Any neoplasms;
  • Tendency to thrombosis;
  • Exacerbation of chronic cardiovascular diseases;

Silicon water is also actively used in cosmetology.

External use of Silicon water:

  • Lotions, compresses, rinsing, washing;
  • Washing - improves skin firmness and elasticity;
  • Washing hair - strengthens and promotes growth.

Silicon is useful not only for humans, but also for other living organisms. For example, Silicon water is useful for watering plants.

This material has been prepared for informational purposes. Before using Silicon Water, we strongly recommend that you deeply study this issue with the help of specialized literature and consult a qualified doctor.

All information used in this material is taken from open sources.

Silicon is the most common mineral in nature; in the biosphere, its content reaches almost 30%. This element is also present in the human body, it is responsible for most metabolic processes, the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, the condition of the skin, nails and hair. To compensate for the deficiency of this substance, silicon water is used - a liquid infused on a brown or black stone containing the specified mineral in high concentration. It is believed that in terms of biochemical parameters and molecular structure, it is close to plasma.

The benefits and harms of silicon water

Silicon is an activator of water molecules, since this mineral structures them, displacing foreign microorganisms, pathogenic fungi, protozoa. As a result, the resulting liquid acquires many useful properties:

  • restoration of the functions of the vascular walls;
  • warning ;
  • improved metabolism;
  • prevention of heart attacks, strokes;
  • slowing down the progression of arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • normalization of intestinal microflora and digestive processes;
  • blood purification;
  • stimulation of the immune system;
  • prevention of development, urinary and gallstone diseases;
  • healing of wounds and ulcers, including damage to the mucous membranes;
  • improving the condition of the skin, hair, nails.

It is important to remember that there have been no large-scale and official studies of flint-infused water. Therefore, when using it, you must be especially careful and first discuss the feasibility of such therapy with your doctor.

What is dangerous silicon water and its contraindications

Scientists note that the silicon rocks used to activate water often contain an impressive amount of uranium minerals, which means they have some radioactivity. This is especially true for dark brown and black stones. Their use can be hazardous to health.

The main contraindications to the intake of silicon water is the presence of oncological pathologies in the body and exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases. In case of malignant tumors, it cannot be used at all. It is also not recommended to use this remedy for people prone to thrombosis.

How to prepare silicon water at home?

To get an activated healing liquid, you need to purchase special stones at the pharmacy.

remedy recipe



Put the stones on the bottom of an enameled or glass container, pour water. Cover the dish with gauze and leave for 3-4 days. The vessel should be in a bright place, but far from the direct radiation of the Sun. After the allotted time, the water must be carefully, without shaking, drained into another container, leaving the bottom layer of liquid (4-5 cm), since it contains sediment with unnecessary components. Pour out this water, wash the stones with a clean brush.

Today, many leading experts say that the path to your health should begin with the water that we use every day. It is on how clean it will be that our well-being will largely depend on you. On the pages of our site, we have already written about existing filters for water purification and their disadvantages and advantages - read about it, and also mentioned available ones. Continuing the theme of the importance of clean water for the human body, today we want to tell you about silicon water. About what its benefits are, how it can be prepared at home and about those situations when, nevertheless, it is worth refusing to use such water. Let's look for answers to these questions with us ...

Features of silicon water

Silicon water is called water, which is formed as a result of complex processes of the interaction of ordinary fresh water with a substance called silicon. And, if literally every schoolchild is familiar with the composition of water, then the properties of silicon, which he subsequently transfers to water, attract the attention of specialists. So, silicon itself is a mineral that has been familiar to human civilization for a long time. You can even take the liberty and say that it was he who participated in the process of its development, because it was from silicon that the first people made their tools and weapons. With the help of silicon, the first man made fire ... In the process of the comprehensive interaction of this mineral with a person, the latter discovered that silicon, in addition to everything else, has a number of useful and healing properties. In particular, it is able to disinfect wound surfaces and has antibacterial properties.

In ancient times, folk healers used silicon powder to disinfect the surface of purulent wounds, and the silicon itself was thrown into wells to purify water.

There was even a belief that if bread is baked from flour ground on silicon millstones, then it will have not only a special taste, but also useful properties ...

But, all this is history ... In any case, some skeptics may say so. How is it with more modern research on the properties of this mineral? What role does it play in the human body?

The importance of silicon for the human body

Today, experts are ready to support their predecessors regarding the benefits of this mineral. Still, silicon itself is a super-important substance for us. This topic is quite deep and it will take a lot of time to study it in detail, we will only say the most important thing.

Silicon affects the elasticity of the connective tissues of the joints, the walls of blood vessels and tendons. A lack of silicon provokes the development of diseases in the body associated with brittle nails, hair loss and skin problems, it also increases the risk of suffering from rheumatism, hepatitis and heart attack.

The use of silicon helps to increase the overall tone of the human body and contributes, therefore, it is actively used in the complex treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis. It is also a powerful natural immunostimulant that literally awakens our immune system with you (learn other ways) and makes the human body fight and resist various ailments on its own.

What contains silicon

Well, from the above it becomes clear that silicon is really important for the human body. And, if you and I want to be healthy, we should take care to use it. But where and what does it contain?

Silicon compounds can be found in soil, in clay, sand, by the way,

it is silicon that endows the soil with the properties of fertility, and if there is little silica in it, then it accumulates solar energy poorly and is considered barren.

Among plants, the leaders in silicon content are barley, oats, horsetail, and, as well as cereals and comfrey. However, given the modern technologies for processing grains and fruits, which are aimed at clearing the latter of shells and peels, these plants also lose silicon along with them. That's why, one of the most effective remedies that can help us make up for the deficiency of this vital mineral can be exactly ... silicon water, which is infused with natural black silicon.

By placing flint in water and preparing silicon water, we get a liquid that contains more than 60 amino acid residues, which are unique biocatalysts for redox reactions that occur in the liquid medium of our body. Silicon itself takes part in the structuring of water molecules, and as a result of this process, they acquire special properties to displace simple organisms, microorganisms, fungi, foreign chemical elements and toxins from previously formed liquid crystal lattices. In the process of preparing silicon water, all this precipitates, which is contained in the lower layer of water. Such water has a special taste and freshness, and its useful properties can compete with melt water and silver water. And, in terms of its pH, as well as other biochemical indicators, it is akin to human blood plasma and intercellular fluid.

Surely, you are thinking about where to buy such water? Well, World Without Harm has good news for you - you can cook it yourself at home. And how to do it - our next paragraph will tell you.

How to make silicon water at home

To prepare silicon water, you need settled water from any source (if you take tap water, it is better to pass it through a filter first or at least stand) and pieces of silicon - they can be purchased at a pharmacy. For infusion, it is better to use a glass or enamel dish with a lid. Water should be infused in a dark place, in a room where room temperature. The infusion process takes 3-4 days. After that, the water is completely purified and becomes suitable for cooking, drinking, canning, washing. It can also be used to prepare cleansing enemas.

If you want to prepare silicon water with pronounced healing properties, then it costs longer to infuse it - for 7-10 days. Ready silicon water will need to be carefully poured into another container, trying not to touch the bottom layer, with a sediment of 3-4 centimeters - it accumulates all that harmful that you purified the water from. Such water can be stored even for several weeks.

After the water is drained, the silicon pieces themselves are cleaned with a soft brush and freed from mucus and deposits. After that, they can be reused to prepare the next portion of silicon water.

To prepare 1 liter of silicon water, you need to take a mineral weighing 8-10 grams and 1 liter of water.

Please note that the water in which the silicon stones are located cannot be boiled. This can be done only after you have taken out silicon from it.

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