Where is the epiphysis located and what are its functions. Such a mysterious pineal gland. What it is

pineal gland represents multifunctional body endocrine system, main function which is the conversion of nerve signals about ambient light coming from the retina into a hormonal response. Most pronounced action gland hormones exert on the hypothalamus-pituitary-genitals system. Violation of the production of biologically active substances affects the cyclical nature of organic processes in the human body and sexual development in children. Since the pineal gland is located deep in the brain, certain difficulties arise in the treatment of pathologies of this organ.

The structure of the gland

The epiphysis is a small unpaired endocrine gland, which is located in the geometric center of the brain between its two hemispheres. This organ was studied in detail in medicine relatively recently - only in the second half of the 20th century, largely due to the fact that anatomists considered it a rudimentary, unnecessary appendage. Outwardly, the pineal gland looks like a small pea, similar to pine cone grayish-red color with a bumpy surface, for which he received his second name - the pineal gland (or pineal body, corpus pineale). The dimensions of the gland do not exceed 10x6x3 mm.

In ancient times, esotericists and philosophers gave iron a very great importance, considering it as the receptacle of the soul, the "eye of wisdom" and the "third eye". It has to do with evolutionary morphology pineal gland- in some modern reptiles, amphibians and fish, it is still preserved in the form of a third unpaired parietal eye located on outer surface heads. It serves for the correct orientation of animals in space. In lower vertebrates, the gland located under parietal bones, still contains cells that are sensitive to light. In most mammals and humans, the "third eye" is greatly reduced and is hidden deep under the skull.

Location of the epiphysis

The epiphysis is connected to the diencephalon by means of two stem-shaped plates and is closely connected with the third ventricle. Its interaction with the rest of the brain structures and cerebrospinal fluid has not yet been sufficiently studied. Biologically active substances produced by the pineal gland first enter the blood capillaries, and then into the spinal cord. When translucent in x-rays, the epiphysis often looks like a calcified formation, since with age, phosphates and carbonates of calcium and phosphorus accumulate in this organ.

Appearance of the cut gland

The main tissue of the pineal gland consists of pinealocytes, large light cells that produce the main secretion of the pineal gland, and glial cells that play a supporting role. Each of the pinealocytes is tightly linked to blood capillary and adjacent to nerve endings. The macroscopic structure of the epiphyseal tissue has a lobed appearance. Outside he is surrounded choroid brain. Over time, the septum of the gland grows from connective tissue and it gets tighter. Despite the fact that the location of the pineal gland is the center of the human nervous system, it does not have nerve fibers that directly connect it to other parts of the brain. The interaction of this gland is carried out only through its liquid structures.

Until the age of 4-5 years, the progressive development of the pineal gland occurs in children, and after 8 years the reverse process begins and its calcification (deposition of the so-called "brain sand"). The purpose of these calcified inclusions is still unknown to science.

The pineal gland is part of the diffuse endocrine system, which is characterized by the location endocrine cells in various organs. With age, the functioning of the pineal gland deteriorates, and accordingly, the production of hormones is disrupted. Since they are contained in all organs, the whole body ages.

Organ functions

The pineal gland plays the following role in the human body:

  • production of the hormone melatonin (not to be confused with melanin);
  • regulation of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium metabolism;
  • synthesis of serotonin, which is an intermediate product of melatonin;
  • regulation of water-salt metabolism;
  • the formation of peptides that have several types of effects: suppression of the production of sex hormones by the pituitary gland, inhibition of the synthesis of thyroid hormones;
  • the production of adrenoglomerulotropin - a hormone that is formed as a result of the biotransformation of melatonin. The target organ is the adrenal glands, which regulate blood pressure.

Pineal gland - "biological clock" of a person

The hormone melatonin is produced at night, making a person feel sleepy. To interrupt this process, a short light pulse is sufficient, which is why it is so important to observe the day and night regimen. During daylight hours, serotonin accumulates in the tissues of the gland. The pineal gland receives information about external illumination from photoreceptors on the surface of the retina. Nerve impulses are transmitted to β-adrenergic receptors of pinealocyte membranes, which are activated by the neurotransmitter norepinephrine. This hormone is also actively produced in the dark by the endings of sympathetic nerves.

Scheme of the influence of the pineal gland on human behavior

Melatonin is a hormone healthy sleep, youth and longevity


The peak of melatonin secretion occurs during puberty. Its amount gradually decreases with age, causing unexplained insomnia in older people. The highest level of melatonin in the blood of women is recorded during menstruation, and the lowest - during the period of ovulation.

Melatonin performs the following functions:

  • circadian rhythm support biological clock» in the human body, regulating various physiological processes, cycles of sleep and wakefulness, daily, monthly, seasonal and annual rhythms of phenomena also associated with the rotation of the Earth;
  • blocking the production of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones in the pituitary gland, which contribute to proper development and functioning of the ovaries in women and the testes in men, affect the frequency menstrual cycle;
  • activation immune system;
  • skin lightening by acting on melanin;
  • decreased sexual activity;
  • regulation of the thyroid gland;
  • antioxidant effect, neutralization of free radicals and weakening of certain diseases (damage to the central retina, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, arterial hypertension, diabetes);
  • inhibition of the production of adrenal hormones (insulin and others), prostaglandins, growth hormone;
  • calming effect, weakening stress reactions, reducing anxiety;
  • slowing down the metabolic process and aging, increasing life expectancy (proven in laboratory studies on the introduction of melatonin in animals).

The most striking example of the effect of melatonin on rhythm physiological processes is a seasonal change sexual behavior animals. main role in revitalization sexual functions elongation plays in the spring-summer period daylight hours. There is also an inverse relationship between the epiphysis and the organs of vision. The retina of the eye is in 2nd place in terms of melatonin content after the pineal gland. When the hormone acts on the photoreceptors located in the retina, their sensitivity to light increases. AT winter time when there is not enough sun, in the epiphysis for a long time necessary nerve impulses. Therefore, a person is in a sleepy, relaxed state for a long time, and in the spring it becomes more vigorous and active. However, an excess of melatonin is just as harmful as its deficiency, as it slows down growth and sexual development.

Latest medical research show that melatonin has an effect on cardiovascular system helping to prevent atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension. A relationship has also been established between a pathologically small volume of the pineal gland and increased risk development of schizophrenia and other mental disorders. Reduced secretion of the pineal gland is one of the factors of malignant transformation of cells, which allows the use of drugs containing melatonin in complex treatment cancer. One of these drugs is Epithalamin - a purified extract from the pineal gland of a large cattle which slows down the growth of malignant tumors.

Melatonin and cancer


Serotonin, produced by the pineal gland, is responsible for following processes in the human body:

  • mood regulation;
  • analgesic effect in various pathologies;
  • stimulation of the synthesis of the hormone prolactin, necessary for lactation in nursing mothers;
  • participation in the processes of blood coagulation, in inflammatory and allergic reactions;
  • stimulation of digestion;
  • effect on egg maturation in women.

Diseases of the pineal gland

Diseases and their symptoms of damage to the pineal gland are directly related to the endocrine functions of this gland. With reduced hormone production in children, early puberty, and with hypersecretion - hypogenitalism and obesity. Among other diseases, cysts and tumors, syphilitic and tuberculous nodes are most common. Their appearance is characterized by the following common signs:

  • memory impairment;
  • headache;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • deterioration of vision and hearing, atrophy of the optic nerves;
  • noise in the head;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle in women;
  • depression;
  • diabetes insipidus;
  • premature puberty in children.

The manifestation of certain symptoms is due to the degree of violation of hormonal secretion by the pineal gland and the size of the tumor that compresses the surrounding areas of the brain. With a cyst Clinical signs most often absent, and it is found in most patients by chance during a brain examination for another reason. If this formation rapidly increases in size or its volume exceeds 1 cm, then the above symptoms appear.

There are several types of pineal tumors:

  • Germinoma (most common) - malignancy detected in the epiphysis, third ventricle, thalamus and basal ganglia. Most often, children and adolescents are ill.
  • Pineocytoma (about 20% of all cases) is a slowly growing tumor, which is characterized by calcification.
  • Pineoblastoma (25%) is a malignant formation that occurs during the degeneration of germ cells.

These tumors can grow into the brain stem. Diagnosis is made using CT and MRI. In children, damage to the pineal gland, combined with its hypofunction, is accompanied by the symptoms indicated below.

At the initial stage:

  • lethargy and drowsiness;
  • increased sexual excitability;
  • low rise, short limbs and developed muscles;
  • enlargement of the penis and testicles in boys;
  • premature appearance of secondary sexual characteristics;
  • early onset of menstruation in girls.

Subsequently, neurological and other symptoms join:

  • promotion intracranial pressure;
  • headache in the frontal or occipital region;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • increased appetite;
  • large urine output;
  • omission of the eyelids, impaired pupillary reactions;
  • hearing loss;
  • violation of gait and coordination of movements;
  • mental retardation.

Treatment and prevention

Asymptomatic pineal cysts that do not increase in size do not require treatment, but once a year it is necessary to undergo an examination and consultation with a neurosurgeon. With the appearance of persistent headache and other disorders, it is carried out surgical intervention. The same tactics of treatment is carried out in relation to tumors of the epiphysis. As symptomatic therapy make sick lumbar puncture spinal cord(fence cerebrospinal fluid to reduce intracranial pressure), injections of a solution of magnesium sulfate are administered.

Since during an operation to remove a cyst or tumor, access to the pineal gland is very difficult and surgical intervention is accompanied by large quantity complications, the prognosis of treatment is unfavorable. Survival of adult patients in the next 5 years is 50% of patients. In children, the combination of a tumor of the pineal gland with signs of hypertension leads to high mortality within 2 years after the onset of symptoms of the disease. In the presence of inoperable tumors, patients are prescribed radiation therapy.

To prevent hormonal disorders of the pineal gland, the following recommendations should be observed:

  • sleep in the dark, without nightlights turned on for at least 7 hours a day to restore melatonin reserves;
  • visit more often during the day outdoors with natural sunlight, especially for children and adolescents during puberty;
  • sessions during the winter ultraviolet irradiation(after consultation with a therapist)

Constant lighting contributes to the development of the following processes:

  • deterioration in the production of melatonin;
  • stimulation of tumor processes in the female genital organs and mammary glands;
  • violation of the ovulatory cycle;
  • increased oxidative processes in the body, leading to premature aging;
  • stimulation of atherosclerosis;
  • metabolic disease.

Pineal gland, or pineal body (pineal gland). So in medicine they call the department diencephalon a person shaped like a pine cone. The pineal body is located in the region of the midbrain and has a grayish-red color (Fig. 1). Being very small in size (8–15 mm in length), it is also divided into small lobules by trabeculae (septa). The pineal gland acquires its final size at the age of 10 years.

Histology of the epiphysis

This pineal gland (another name for the organ) consists of polygonal parenchymal cells (pinealocytes) and astrocytes (glial cells).

Rice. 1. The structure of the brain

Pinealocytes have the form of processes, they cover about 90% of the parenchyma cells (photo, Fig. 2). Pinealocytes are divided into dark and light, differing in size and density of the cytoplasm. Glial cells take on the function of support.

Rice. 2. 1 - pinealocytes; 2 - deposits of silicon compounds and calcium salts

Pineal body and its functions

To date, it has not been fully clarified why exactly a person needs the pineal body, but the influence of the pineal gland on the endocrine system, which it regulates, is known. At night, the pineal gland is activated, releasing a significant amount of hormones. First of all, it produces melatonin, which is responsible for the frequency of sleep and slows down the aging process, as well as adrenoglomerulotropin, which stimulates the synthesis of aldosterone (the hormone of the adrenal cortex). In addition, the influence of the pineal gland on the pituitary and hypothalamus has been established: the pineal gland suspends their activity, and is also responsible for reducing nervous excitement and providing hypnotic effect, strengthens the immune system, prevents the appearance and development of tumors. In addition, the influence of the pineal gland on the sexual functions of a person is also known: it inhibits them.

During the day, the pineal gland produces serotonin. Due to excessive illumination at night, serotonin cannot be converted into melatonin, which causes insomnia and various nervous diseases in a person.

Pineal body: diseases and treatments

The modern way of life is far from the regime laid down by nature: we often work at night, sleeping during the day. Such a schedule helps to reduce the level of melatonin production by the human pineal gland, which can provoke the development of diseases of the pineal gland. According to some experts, the pineal gland, when its functionality is impaired, causes diseases such as obesity, diabetes mellitus (type 2), hypertonic disease as well as insomnia and depression.

A decrease in the activity of the pineal gland is associated with several reasons:

With the appearance of large neoplasms (more than 3 cm in length), patients suffer from constant severe headaches, accompanied by visual impairment. The tumor is removed surgically. If, according to the results of the diagnosis, it turns out to be malignant, the patient is prescribed chemotherapy (or radiation therapy).

The cause of hemorrhage in the pineal gland can be congenital anatomical features, but most often it is associated with atherosclerosis. Diagnosis is carried out by the method of tomography of the brain. Help in this case provided by neurologists and other specialists.

In case of functional disorders, the patient is invited to follow the daily regimen and contact specialists for treatment. concomitant diseases. First of all, you need a long sleep (namely at night) and a balanced diet.

Congenital malformations of the pineal gland a rare event. Hypoplasia of the epiphysis (underdevelopment) can cause complaints in children or adults or be completely asymptomatic.

Prevention of diseases of the pineal gland

To prevent in the body functional impairment epiphysis must be kept active image life with an emphasis on healthy eating and be sure to get enough sleep. To reduce the risk congenital pathologies structures this body, the expectant mother needs to protect herself from viral diseases, harmful industrial enterprises, and also exclude alcohol and smoking.

With regard to malignant benign tumors brain, the reasons for their formation have not yet been fully studied. As a prevention of neoplasms of the epiphysis, experts recommend excluding the influence x-rays on the head and neck area.

Features of the pineal gland

The pineal gland actively grows at the beginning of a person's life, forming from the 5th week. prenatal development, but around the time of puberty, the pineal gland grows more and more slowly. And over time, the involution of the gland occurs.

The mystical purpose of the pineal gland

The pineal gland, in comparison with other structures of the brain, was discovered relatively recently, and its secluded place gave rise to scientists and philosophers to talk about the super-mission of the pineal gland. He was endowed with the functions of the "third eye", responsible for psychic abilities. Rene Descartes, a French philosopher, considered the pineal gland to be the home of the human soul.

The pineal gland, also called the pineal gland, is responsible for the connection between the earthly world and other realities. The pineal gland is the portal of divine consciousness. An organ that is responsible for the connection between the creative side of a person, the mind and the Divine Mind. The pineal gland has a complex, multi-level structure, and acts as a filter between your intention and its implementation. The pineal gland is the "bio-stargate", the thread that connects the physical and the non-physical, duality and the higher dimension.

Very few have any idea of ​​the purpose of such important body a person like pineal gland or epiphysis. Even in traditional medicine, it is still little studied. Meanwhile, exactly pineal gland responsible for essential function connection with the divine consciousness and for the ability to open spiritual vision.

pineal gland also called the “third eye”, “eye of Horus”, in biology the pineal gland is called the “parietal eye”, it is present in all vertebrate reptiles and is responsible for light perception. She is the portal of divine consciousness and creation. This was known to those initiated in ancient egypt. The pharaohs were well aware of its sacred purpose and used it for direct communication with the Gods.

In the human body, this formation resembles a pine cone in shape, from which it got its name (Greek epiphysis - bump, growth). The shape of the epiphysis resembles an egg, has a mass (in an adult) of about 0.2 g, a length of 8-15 mm, a width of 6-10 mm.

The great Leonardo da Vinci guessed about the functions of this mysterious organ. He was convinced that in the human head there is a special spherical zone in which the Soul is located - the very organ that, as is commonly believed, is responsible for communicating with God.

Scientists Ancient Greece and Indian yogis believe that this small organ is an organ of clairvoyance, mental balance, designed to reflect on previous incarnations of the soul, "the center of the human soul."

Functions of the pineal gland

According to its structure the pineal gland is very similar to the shape of the eye. This is how the ancient Egyptians depicted her on papyri and pyramids. Why are there so many disputes and mystical conjectures about the place called the third eye, the receptacle of the Soul, the thread between the individual personality, the brain and the Higher powers?

The pineal gland is a gland internal secretion. Due to the unusual location of the pineal gland in the brain, scientists began to perceive this organ as a mystical gland that carries the most important role in the human body.

Health impact

pineal gland produces melatonin- a hormone responsible for the regulation of circadian rhythms of the body.

Scientists, conducting numerous studies, came to the conclusion that melatonin and epithalamin stimulate the cells of the body's immune system:
slow down aging immune system,
- normalize a number of age-related disorders of fat-carbohydrate metabolism,
- inhibit free-radical processes in the body.

Thus, being present in optimal quantities, melatonin may serve as protection against cataracts, heart disease, headaches, neurological disorder and also prevent the development of cancer.

Practical and Spiritual Application

Since now is the time of awareness and spiritual development, for many people in the process of spiritual work, as awareness grows, spontaneous activation of the pineal gland occurs. Many do not suspect this, and those who know cannot put into practice all the possibilities of an activated pineal gland.

pineal gland opens the gift of clairvoyance in people, people who have discovered this gift in themselves can receive spiritual messages and guidance through their Higher Self. With a proper increase in the number of spiritual people in the future, we will all be healthy and young, we will have the gift of clairvoyance, we will be able to receive Higher powers, constantly be in direct contact with the Higher Self.


An activated pineal gland can increase the momentum, the signal level of our thought frequencies, so that we can bring any thought to any part of our body and heal it.

How it works in practice: by the power of thought, we send a request to pineal gland for a cure, the request should express the seriousness of our intention. With an active pineal gland, thought activates a healthy cell in our body, and receives a decision to recreate even new ones. healthy cells for the diseased organ.

The pineal gland is the portal to the spiritual knowledge within each of us, which is given to us from birth. But due to various circumstances, we simply forgot about it. It transmits this knowledge to all the cells of our body, and contributes to all positive changes in our biosystem.

Pineal Gland Activation

When we are going to activate the pineal gland, we are preparing our mental body not only to slow down aging, but also to rebirth in 4 and 5 dimensional spaces.

Activation of the pineal gland best performed on a new moon, as the pineal gland is more subject to lunar activity than solar influences. A significant plus in this procedure, carried out on a new moon, is the fact that during this period the pineal gland produces a relatively large amount of melatonin. It renews the forces in our body structures, delivering purifying discharges to all corners of our consciousness, calming our mind.

What affects the activation of the pineal gland

If we develop spiritually, increase our awareness, observe the purity of emotions and the body, experience feelings of joy, happiness, harmony, it will be quite comfortable for us to activate the pineal gland, as we are already setting ourselves up for communication with the Higher Self samoraskrytie.ru

If our thoughts are impure, turned to the outside world, the mind is excited, and the emotions are disharmonious, then melatonin will simply evaporate without fulfilling its function in our body, including consciousness and mind. Without the activation of the pineal gland, we are further from the realization of our dreams, we cannot influence the connection with the Higher forces. And we can no longer reproduce the anti-aging and immune-stimulating effect that the pineal gland has on our body.

Ways to activate the pineal gland

  • Activation of the pineal gland through Prana breathing;
  • Activation procedure according to the method of Steve Rother and the Group;
  • Activation from the message of Archangel Metatron;
  • Raising the sacred Kundalini Fire through the 7 centers of our body;
  • The author's method of activation by light breathing from Victoria Yasnaya.

And here is how activation is described pineal gland in "Metatronic Keys" Archangel Metatron:

“Iron, which had been dozing before, if not deep asleep, receiving additional energy, begins to come to life. Considering that the pineal gland is a multi-dimensional and multi-level structure, and that it works in many dimensions, what is happening on the physical plane only launches it into work. If a person does not do any further exercises, it safely returns to its previous state. Therefore, it is so important not to forget about her, because from lack of attention she begins to fall into a lethargic state.

There is no perfection without spiritual work on oneself

For a comfortable spiritual life, you need to work on yourself, on your consciousness.. And for this we must learn to turn on our power given Higher Powers that finds peace in the hidden centers of our body.

According to ancient sources, pineal gland- a single eye that cannot be opened until the spiritual fire is raised through the 7 main centers. That is, freedom from negative emotions, clearing the mind and using sexual energy for creativity and creation, will help in activating the pineal gland.

The pineal gland is a part of the diencephalon, which is part of the nervous and endocrine systems. This gland has a small volume and weight. The shape of the pineal gland resembles a pine cone, because of this, another name for the organ is the "pineal gland". The anatomical location of the pineal gland in the brain connects it with the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, third ventricle.

The formation of the epiphysis begins from the 5th week of intrauterine development. The hormonal activity of the cells of the pineal gland of the fetus is demonstrated already in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy.

Pineal gland: functions

The pineal gland regulates the activity of the endocrine system. Its cells are connected with the perceiving part of the organ of vision. The pineal gland responds to light environment. The onset of darkness causes the activation of its work.

In the evening and at night, the blood supply to the pineal gland increases dramatically. Hormonally active cells of the gland during this period secrete and secrete a large amount of biologically active substances. Hormone production peaks between midnight and early morning.

Functions of pineal hormones:

  • inhibition of the activity of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus at night;
  • harmonization of the daily rhythm of sleep and wakefulness;
  • decrease in nervous excitement;
  • hypnotic effect;
  • normalization of vascular tone;
  • physiological suppression of the reproductive system in childhood.

Basic biologically active substance pineal gland - hormone melatonin. In addition, pineal cells secrete arginine-vasotocin, adrenoglomerulotropin, neurophysins, and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. The pineal gland also produces neurotransmitters such as serotonin.

secretion of melatonin

The function of melatonin in the pineal gland is extremely important for human health. This substance is formed by a complex chemical transformation of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Indirectly, the concentration of secretion in the blood affects the level of melatonin. However, this dependence is observed only in dark time days.

During the day, much less melatonin is produced in the brain. If a total hormone per day is considered as 100%, then only 25% is produced during daylight hours.

It is known that the nights are longer in winter, so in the natural environment, the level of melatonin in the cold season is higher.

But modern man lives in conditions far from natural. The presence of artificial lighting allows you to relax and work at night. Of course, by extending daylight hours, a person exposes his health to a certain risk.

Daily duty, wakefulness after midnight, late rise contribute to the suppression of melatonin secretion in the pineal gland of the brain.

Ultimately, these changes can lead to the development of diseases associated with the function of the pineal gland.

It is believed that insomnia, depression, hypertension, obesity, type 2 diabetes and others serious pathologies may be the result of disorders of the pineal gland.

Pineal gland: diseases and their treatment

A decrease in the secretion of pineal hormones can be caused by:

  • functional disorders;
  • congenital malformations;
  • serious brain disease.

Functional disorders are relatively easily overcome with the help of adherence to the daily regimen and the treatment of concomitant diseases. An important condition normalization of the production of melatonin and other hormones of the pineal gland is sufficient night sleep and balanced nutrition.

Congenital malformations of the epiphysis are quite rare. Underdevelopment (hypoplasia) of the epiphysis may be asymptomatic, and may cause complaints in children and their parents. One of the signs of a lack of pineal hormones in childhood is premature sexual development.

Serious diseases affecting the pineal gland at any age:

Volumetric neoplasms have clinical picture with a size of more than 3 cm. Patients are worried about a strong constant headache, decreased vision. Doctors make a diagnosis of a tumor after a CT scan or magnetic resonance imaging. Large neoplasms require surgical treatment. After removal pathological tissue spend it histological examination. If oncology is confirmed, then the patient's treatment continues. Experts recommend radiation or chemotherapy.

Bleeding into the pineal tissue can occur at any age. The most common cause of this vascular catastrophe is atherosclerosis. In addition, stroke can be caused by anatomical congenital features(aneurysms). The diagnosis of hemorrhage is established by tomography of the brain. Treatment is carried out by neurologists and other specialists. The volume of therapy depends on what other parts of the central nervous system have suffered from a stroke.

Prevention of diseases of the pineal gland

The development of some diseases of the pineal gland can be prevented.

Functional disorders of the pineal gland often occur in adulthood. To eliminate risk similar diseases needed healthy lifestyle life and adequate sleep. AT diet it is necessary to include foods rich in the amino acid precursor of melatonin (tryptophan).

To reduce risk congenital anomaly the structure of the pineal gland of the expectant mother should be avoided harmful production impacts, viral diseases, alcohol and nicotine during pregnancy.

The causes of oncological and benign tumor processes in the brain are not fully understood. Prevention of neoplasms of the epiphysis can be considered the exclusion of x-ray exposure to the head and neck.

Helps reduce the risk of ischemic stroke and bleeding into the pineal gland tissue modern treatment atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Epiphysis - (pineal, or pineal, gland), a small formation located in vertebrates under the scalp or deep in the brain; functions either as a light-receiving organ or as an endocrine gland, the activity of which depends on the illumination. In some vertebrate species, both functions are combined. In humans, this formation resembles a pine cone in shape, from which it got its name (Greek epiphysis - bump, growth). The epiphysis is given a pineal shape by the impulse growth and vascularization of the capillary network, which grows into the epiphyseal segments as this endocrine formation grows. The epiphysis protrudes caudally into the region of the midbrain and is located in the groove between the superior colliculus of the roof of the midbrain. The shape of the epiphysis is often ovoid, less often spherical or conical. The mass of the epiphysis in an adult is about 0.2 g, length 8-15 mm, width 6-10 mm (Fig. 33, Fig. 38, Fig. 39, Fig. 42, Fig. 43, Fig. 75).

By structure and function, the pineal gland belongs to the endocrine glands. The endocrine role of the pineal gland is that its cells secrete substances that inhibit the activity of the pituitary gland until puberty, and also participate in the fine regulation of almost all types of metabolism. Epiphyseal insufficiency in childhood entails rapid skeletal growth with premature and exaggerated development of the gonads and premature and exaggerated development of secondary sexual characteristics.

The pineal gland is also a regulator of circadian rhythms, since it is indirectly connected with the visual system. Under the influence sunlight in daytime the pineal gland produces serotonin, and at night, melatonin. Both hormones are linked because serotonin is the precursor to melatonin.

The epiphysis is located in the groove between the superior colliculi of the quadrigemina and is attached by leashes to both visual mounds. The epiphysis is round in shape, its mass in an adult does not exceed 0.2 g. The epiphysis is covered on the outside with a connective tissue capsule, from which connective tissue trabeculae extend into the gland, dividing it into lobules consisting of cells of two types: glandular pinealocytes and glial. The function of pinealocytes has a clear daily rhythm: melatonin is synthesized at night, and serotonin is synthesized during the day. This rhythm is associated with illumination, while light causes inhibition of melatonin synthesis. The impact is carried out with the participation of the hypothalamus. Currently, it is believed that the pineal gland regulates the function of the gonads, primarily puberty, and also acts as a "biological clock" that regulates circadian rhythms.

The pineal gland produces the hormone melatonin, which regulates the body's pigment metabolism and has an antigonadotropic effect. It is possible that other hormonal compounds can also be synthesized and accumulated in the pineal gland. The function of this gland is still not well understood.

The pineal gland develops in embryogenesis from the fornix (epithalamus) of the posterior part (diencephalon) forebrain. In lower vertebrates, such as lampreys, two similar structures can develop. One located with right side brain, is called the pineal, and the second, on the left, the parapineal gland. The pineal gland is present in all vertebrates, with the exception of crocodiles and some mammals, such as anteaters and armadillos. The parapineal gland in the form of a mature structure is present only in individual groups vertebrates such as lampreys, lizards and frogs.

Function. Where the pineal and parapineal glands function as a light-receiving organ or "third eye", they can only distinguish varying degrees illumination, not visual images. In this capacity, they can determine some forms of behavior, for example, the vertical migration of deep-sea fish depending on the change of day and night.

In amphibians, the pineal gland performs secretory function: it produces the hormone melatonin, which brightens the skin of these animals by reducing the area occupied by the pigment in melanophores (pigment cells). Melatonin has also been found in birds and mammals; it is believed that in them it usually has an inhibitory effect, in particular, reduces the secretion of pituitary hormones.

In birds and mammals, the pineal gland plays the role of a neuroendocrine transducer that responds to nerve impulses by producing hormones. Thus, the light entering the eye stimulates the retina, the impulses from which optic nerves enter the sympathetic nervous system and pineal gland; these nerve signals cause inhibition of the activity of the epiphyseal enzyme necessary for the synthesis of melatonin; as a result, the production of the latter ceases. On the contrary, in the dark, melatonin begins to be produced again.

Thus, cycles of light and dark, or day and night, affect the secretion of melatonin. The resulting rhythmic changes in its level - high at night and low during the day - determine the daily, or circadian, biological rhythm in animals, including the frequency of sleep and fluctuations in body temperature. In addition, by responding to changes in night length by changing the amount of melatonin secreted, the pineal gland likely influences seasonal responses such as hibernation, migration, molting, and reproduction.

In humans, the activity of the pineal gland is associated with such phenomena as a violation of the daily rhythm of the body in connection with the flight through several time zones, sleep disorders and, probably, "winter depressions".

Outside, the pineal body is covered with a soft connective tissue membrane of the brain, which contains many anastomosing (connecting to each other) blood vessels. Cellular elements parenchyma are specialized glandular cells - pineocytes and glial cells - gliocytes.

The pineal gland primarily produces serotonin and melatonin, as well as norepinephrine, histamine. Peptide hormones and biogenic amines were found in the epiphysis. The main function of the pineal gland is the regulation of circadian (daily) biological rhythms, endocrine functions, metabolism (metabolism) and adaptation of the body to changing light conditions.

Melatonin determines the rhythm of gonadotropic effects, including the duration of the menstrual cycle in women. This hormone was originally isolated from the pineal bodies of cattle, and, as it turned out, it has an inhibitory effect on the function of the gonads, more precisely, it restrains growth hormone secreted by another gland (pituitary gland). After the removal of the pineal gland, chickens experience precocious puberty (the same effect occurs as a result of a tumor of the pineal gland). In mammals, removal of the pineal gland causes an increase in body weight, in males - hypertrophy (enlargement) of the testes and increased spermatogenesis, and in females - lengthening of the life span corpus luteum ovary and uterine enlargement.

Excess light inhibits the conversion of serotonin to melatonin. In the dark, on the contrary, the synthesis of melatonin is enhanced. This process is under the influence of enzymes, the activity of which also depends on the illumination. This explains the increase in the sexual activity of animals and birds in spring and summer, when, as a result of an increase in the length of the day, the secretion of the pineal gland is suppressed. Given that the pineal gland regulates a number of important reactions of the body, and due to the change in illumination, this regulation is cyclical, it can be considered a regulator of the "biological clock" in the body.

Pineal hormones inhibit the bioelectrical activity of the brain and neuropsychic activity, providing a hypnotic and sedative effect.

The functions of this gland remained incomprehensible for many, many years. Some regarded the gland as a rudimentary eye, previously intended to enable a person to protect himself from above. But structural analogue eyes such a gland - the epiphysis can be recognized only in lampreys, in reptiles, and not in us. In mystical literature, there was periodically a statement about the contact of this particular gland with a mysterious non-material thread that connects the head with the ethereal body hovering above each.

A description of this organ, supposedly capable of restoring images and experience, migrated from essay to essay. past life, regulate the flow of thought and balance the intellect, carry out telepathic communication. The French philosopher R. Descartes (XVII century) believed that iron performs intermediary functions between spirits, that is, impressions coming from paired organs - eyes, ears, hands. Here, in the pineal gland, under the influence of "blood vapors" anger, joy, fear, sadness are formed. The fantasy of the great Frenchman endowed the piece of iron with the ability not only to move, but also to direct "animal spirits" through the pores of the brain along the nerves to the muscles. It was later found out that the pineal gland was not able to move.

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